You can pickle cucumbers with. The recipe for pickled cucumbers in jars for the winter for storage in an apartment

12.09.2019 Meat Dishes

In today's issue, we continue the theme of winter preparations. Earlier, we looked at. It turned out to be crispy cucumbers!

We decided to continue the topic and show you the simplest recipes for pickling cucumbers. And for those who find it difficult, we have prepared step-by-step photos and descriptions. We are sure you can handle it!

How to salt cucumbers for the winter in 1 liter jars of vinegar?

For pickling cucumbers according to this recipe, you need to take:

  • Cucumbers - 600 g
  • Pepper peas - 5 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp l.
  • Water - 1 l
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Dill, currant leaves, cloves

We start by preparing all the ingredients, laying them out. Soak cucumbers in cold water for 2 hours.

Now we are preparing the spices. We clean the garlic, wash the greens, and then put it all on the bottom of the jar.

Now we take the cucumbers and put them tightly in the jar. Now we boil water and pour cucumbers with it. We keep them in boiling water for 10 minutes, drain the water, boil again, fill in and keep it in the same way for 10 minutes.

After that, pour the water into a saucepan, add salt, sugar and boil. As soon as the brine boils, pour it into the jars. Add vinegar and roll up the jars with lids. After that, turn them upside down, cover with a towel and set to cool.

As soon as the cans are cool, we put them away for storage.

Salt cucumbers in a cold way

Cold pickling of cucumbers is good, first of all, for those who take up such a business for the first time. Here you can not roll up the cans, but close them with plastic lids.

  • cucumbers - 2 kg
  • garlic - 6 cloves
  • cold water - 1.5 liters
  • salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • horseradish leaves - 2 pcs.
  • dill

We start by soaking the cucumbers in cold water for two hours. At this time, we prepare the brine. Put salt and sugar in the water, boil and set to cool.

My greens, we cut them coarsely. We clean the garlic and put it all on the bottom of the jar.

Now we put cucumbers in jars and fill with cold brine.

We close the jars with lids and put them in the refrigerator. After 12 hours, the cucumbers will become lightly salted, and then salted.

Pickling cucumbers with citric acid in a 3 liter jar

for a 3-liter jar we need:

  • cucumbers - 2 kg
  • horseradish leaf - 1 piece
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs
  • Dill

brine for 1.5 liters of water:

  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • citric acid - 1.5 tsp.

Wash the cucumbers well and cut off the ends on both sides. Put herbs, garlic, spices in a jar and put cucumbers tightly. Fill with bottled water and leave for 15 minutes. Then we drain.

Prepare the marinade: add all the necessary ingredients to the water and boil. Then pour the hot brine into the jar and roll up the lid. Turn the cans over and leave to cool. After everything has cooled down, we put it away for storage.

Salt cucumbers in our own juice

Cucumbers for my pickling, dry, peel the garlic. We select large cucumbers and three of them on a grater.

We take the jar and put the spices on the bottom. Dill, garlic, add a tablespoon of salt and add some grated cucumbers.

Add another layer of cucumbers, then grated again, again a layer of cucumbers and grated again - and so on to the very top.

Put grated cucumbers, a spoonful of salt, a clove of garlic on the very top and cover with a horseradish leaf.

We close the jar with a plastic lid and put it in the refrigerator.

How to salt cucumbers with a simple salting (common recipe)

This is a simple pickling recipe for beginners.

Let's take the following ingredients:

  • Cucumbers - 1.5 Kilograms
  • Pepper peas - 4 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Horseradish leaves - 2-3 pcs.
  • Dill
  • Salt - 150 Grams

We prepare everything you need for salting. Wash the cucumbers and cut off the ends on both sides.

We take a three-liter jar and put horseradish leaves on the bottom, you can also put currants. Next, put the dill, garlic and put the cucumbers tightly.

Pour a glass of salt on top and fill it with cold water. Close with a plastic lid and leave for a couple of days.

After this time, pour the brine into a saucepan, boil and pour back hot. We roll up the lid and remove to cool.

Everything, our pickles are ready.

More recipes:

The end of July - August is considered the best time for pickling cucumbers for the winter. It is advisable to collect greens in the morning, in sunny, dry weather. The best pickles are obtained from small, even cucumbers, and it is with pimples (smooth ones are more suitable for making salads). It is equally important to observe the proportions: the taste and duration of storage will depend on how much salt, spices and seasonings you put in. This is where the “salt” is all about - how much salt you need to put per liter of water ... A lot - tasteless, little - will turn sour. And we decided to conduct our own mini-research: do all recipes for pickles contain the same amount of salt? We share the results on the pages of the "Babushkina Dacha" blog 😉

  1. Recipe for lightly salted cucumbers for food in the summer.
  2. How to salt cucumbers in tubs according to an old Russian recipe.
  3. Salt cucumbers for the winter in jars.
  4. Conclusions: how much salt to put in a liter of water?
  5. A very original way of pickling cucumbers, which destroys all norms and stereotypes!

Lightly salted cucumbers for summer consumption

(proven recipe)

Experienced housewives have their own secrets of getting delicious pickles and proven recipes. They already know exactly how much salt to put in when salting. For example, our grandmother Tanya loves to cook lightly salted cucumbers... In the morning (everything is according to the rules), she picks fresh cucumbers, washes well and immediately proceeds to salting:

  • Put cucumbers in an enamel pan, close to each other. At the same time, she lays layers with leaves of black currant and dill, adds cloves of garlic, black peppercorns. And (most importantly) pours cold brine prepared in the proportion:

2 tablespoons of salt (without a slide) per 1 liter of water (by weight, this is 50-60 grams of salt).

Such cucumbers can be eaten in 1-2 days. You can salt not only in enameled dishes, but also in glass jars - as it is more convenient for anyone.

And if you can't wait, you can speed up the process:

  • Cut off the tips of the cucumbers and pour over with hot brine (the proportions of salt are the same). Such lightly salted cucumbers can be served after 12 hours.

Attention! For salting, they usually take coarsely ground table salt, without iodine and other additives.

Pickled cucumbers in tubs

(the most authentic traditional Russian recipe)

In Baba Tanya's kitchen, a battered, well-worn book with the laconic title "Culinary Recipes" is kept in the closet. A book was published in 1960, when in villages cucumbers were still salted in wooden barrels and tubs:

Nowadays, in city apartments, this method of cooking pickles is hardly possible. The proportions themselves are interesting:

  • For a bucket of water - 600 g of salt, 50 g dill, 5 g tarragon, half a pod of red pepper, 1 head of garlic, half a horseradish root.

In terms of 1 liter of water, you need to put 60 grams of salt. 1 tablespoon holds 30 grams of salt. Means: put 2 tablespoons of salt in 1 liter of water.

And here is the recipe itself, if everyone has a desire to pickle cucumbers in a tub (probably it's damn tasty, mmm):

Pickled cucumbers in jars

(for the winter, for long-term storage)

The author of the book from the "Encyclopedia of Country Life" series offers several recipes for making pickled cucumbers: both in jars and in tubs.
One of the common and simple ways of salting is in cans without pasteurization ... The recipe will be of interest to those who plan to salt a small amount of cucumbers. It is noteworthy that the amount of salt is the same here:

  • 50 g of salt per 1 liter of water.

And here is the recipe itself:

  • 400-500 g per 10 liters of water.

And again the same proportions! There is consistency, isn't it? 😉

Barrel salted recipe:

If there is a cellar, cucumbers can be stored there for a long time, periodically checking for mold. Can i roll cucumbers salted in barrels into jars and store at room temperature:

1. Cooking pickles in a barrel.
2. Twisting cans with sterilization.

At the first stage, cucumbers, placed in brine, successfully go through all the processes of fermentation and fermentation. Then lightly salted cucumbers can be eaten or rolled up in jars to feast on in winter. The author believes that this method of salting significantly reduces the likelihood that the banks will "explode" or become cloudy in winter.

So, salt for pickling cucumbers per liter of water

According to traditional recipes, it is put in the amount of:

  • 50 - 60 grams!

Considering that 30 grams of salt is placed in 1 tablespoon, then 2 tablespoons of salt should be put in 1 liter of water. And for more accuracy, it's better to use a measuring cup!

How much salt is needed for a 3-liter jar of cucumbers?

We know from our own experience:

  • A 3-liter jar filled with cucumbers holds an average of 1.5 liters of brine... That is, for salting 1 three-liter jar of cucumbers, you will need 75-90 grams of salt per 1.5 liters of water.

The original proven recipe for pickling cucumbers that breaks all stereotypes!

Until now, there was unity in the question: how many grams of salt to put in 1 liter of water when salting cucumbers:

  • an average of 50 g per 1 liter.

By the way, while preparing this article in a video on youtube, I also came across a similar recipe. At the end of the article I will give a link for viewing 😉

So the recipe:

According to the recipe, a very cool, highly concentrated brine is prepared. In it, cucumbers quickly, within 3 days, are salted. And then the cucumbers in the jar are simply poured with boiling water. It is not necessary to roll it up - it is enough to close it with plastic covers. But it is also better to store such cucumbers in a cool place - in a cellar or refrigerator. Suitable, again, for pickling a small amount of cucumbers. Before cooking, we recommend sterilizing three-liter jars for 20-30 minutes.

The recipe says to put 1 cup of salt. We take 200 grams of salt per 1.5 liters of water:

Typically, 1.5 liters of brine is enough to fill one three-liter jar filled with cucumbers.

Put cloves of garlic, a leaf of black currant, a sprig of dill on the bottom.

After pouring, we also cover the jar of cucumbers with fragrant leaves:

The same recipe is in the video:


As a result of our voluminous, pedantic and impartial research, it was revealed that salt when pickling cucumbers should be put as much as written in the recipe.As a rule, this is 50-60 g per 1 liter of water... But there are exceptions (see the last recipe). In our opinion, in the process of research, we found some really excellent salting recipes. We would definitely recommend trying them. And we will be glad if you share your experience. Write about it in the comments, we will be happy 😉

Harvesting cucumbers for the winter is a very delicate topic. Any recipe and recommendation on this matter will immediately find their opponents and defenders. On the other hand, this is good: from a variety of tips and recipes, you can choose the most suitable one, and enjoy cucumbers all winter, delighting your family and guests. Well, we will now voice the basic postulates of the correct harvesting of cucumbers.

The right cucumbers

Someone else will probably remember the shelves of Soviet stores lined with three-liter jars of pickles. The cucumbers in them were so large that they were salted in pieces. But today we all know perfectly well that salting should not be the yellowed giants of half a meter in length, but only tender, small cucumbers. The variety is also important: smooth salad cucumbers tolerate salting worse, so give preference to their pimply, slightly prickly brothers.

For blanks, cucumbers no more than 15 cm long, just picked from the garden, are ideal. If you bought cucumbers on the market, soak them in a saucepan with cold water: they will acquire the elasticity that was lost, and at the same time get rid of excess nitrates (you do not know in what conditions these cucumbers grew). And pick cucumbers of approximately the same size for pickling. Such cucumbers will be salted evenly, and will look much nicer in the jar.

Cucumbers for harvesting must be beautiful. All crooked, yellowed for the time being, with defects in the skin of cucumbers, discard without regret. And be sure to make sure that the cucumbers are not bitter, otherwise big disappointments await you.

Correct pickle

When salting, a lot depends on the brine. It is worth making it a little more concentrated, and the cucumbers will become too salty. If you save on salt, the jar can explode, and the cucumbers will turn sour.

Take only coarse rock salt for pickling cucumbers. Neither iodized nor finely ground "Extra" salt is suitable for salting. For cucumbers that are supposed to be stored in a cold cellar, the pickle recipe is slightly different from the pickle recipe, which is poured into cucumbers intended for storage in an apartment.

Many people believe that the more garlic, pepper, dill, horseradish, cherry leaves and oak bark are put in the brine, the better. To be honest, this is far from the case. All additives increase the risk of fermented pickles and, as a result, rotten cucumbers and exploded cans. Garlic should be added especially carefully. Put it in minimal quantities, if you really can't imagine a pickle without garlic. And be sure to thoroughly wash both the cucumbers and whatever you plan to put in the jars along with them.


So, cucumbers, dill, horseradish and other ingredients are well washed, jars, lids and a rolling machine are prepared, there is a small saucepan for sterilizing the lids and rubber bands for them, and a large saucepan for brine, as well as a kettle with boiling water (or microwave) for sterilizing cans. A few aspirin tablets will not hurt - only Russian, not flavored and effervescent, but the simplest. For those intimidated by the horror stories of canned aspirin being converted to "phenolic compounds", it will be interesting to know that aspirin itself is a phenolic compound. And, nevertheless, it is widely used for the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis, atherosclerosis and as an effective antipyretic agent. But if you have a bias against aspirin, an allergy to acetylsalicylic acid, gastritis, an ulcer, or problems with the pancreas, then you can safely replace it with vinegar.

Cucumbers are laid out in sterilized jars along with horseradish leaves, cherries, black currants, several peppercorns, dill umbrellas and (if any) a piece of oak bark. Garlic is added if desired, but in very moderation. Do not stuff the cucumbers too tightly: the brine should wash them from all sides. Aspirin is added to the jar: 1 tablet per liter jar, 2 tablets per 2 liter jar, etc., and everything is poured with boiling brine. The brine for this method of salting is not very concentrated: take a spoonful of salt per liter of water without a slide. Lids with rubber bands are boiled for about ten minutes, after which they are taken out with tweezers, the cans are "rolled up" and wrapped in a blanket. In a blanket, turned upside down, the banks should stand until the next morning. If nothing has leaked, and the cucumbers look smart-green - everything is in order, you can take the jars to the cellar. This method is the simplest: cucumbers are poured only once, they stand perfectly in a cold cellar all winter and are crispy and very tasty.

If there is no cellar, and the cucumbers are supposed to be stored at home, the brine is made more concentrated: 1.5-2 tablespoons of salt per liter of water. At the same time, simple steep boiling water is poured into jars filled with cucumbers and other ingredients for 15 minutes, and only after that the brine is added. Sugar (2 tablespoons per liter) and vinegar (on a three-liter jar already filled with brine - a teaspoon of essence) should be added to such a brine. But this already turns out to be rather not a brine, but a marinade. In addition, the taste of cucumbers in vinegar is completely different, and many do not like it too much.

Each housewife has her own method of harvesting cucumbers, and the reference recipe for crispy pickles has not yet been registered. Perhaps you know him? Then share!

The ancient Romans knew how to cook pickled cucumbers, but the Russian inquisitive mind went further, and the people of Nizhny Novgorod, for example, invented pickling cucumbers in a pumpkin. How do you like this option? Pickled cucumbers have long become a primordially Russian product, in the preparation of which there is no doubt that there is no equal to us, and the accompanying brine is also our Russian drink, the surest remedy for a well-known ailment to all.

In order for pickled cucumbers to turn out to be successful, you need to know a few simple rules:

  • You need to choose the right pickles for pickling: they must be small to fit in a jar. Inside, the selected cucumbers should not have voids; choose strong, hard fruits with pimpled skin. Before the cooking process, be sure to soak the cucumbers in cold water for 2-3 hours, maybe a little more. For better salting, cut the tails of the cucumbers and pierce them with a fork;
  • The quality of the water for pickling cucumbers is also incredibly important. It is good if you have the opportunity to use clean water from the well, and if not, filter the water from the tap, you can also use purchased bottled water. In any case, the cleaner the water is, the better the result will be.
  • The dishes used for pickling cucumbers must be perfectly clean. Wash glass jars thoroughly in soda or soapy water, rinse thoroughly, pour over boiling water and dry. You can also ignite the cans, for example, in the oven, at a temperature of 100-110 ° C. Be sure to boil the metal lids, wipe them dry from the formed scale, and wash the plastic lids thoroughly and pour over boiling water before closing the jars.
  • Pickled cucumbers are called pickled cucumbers because salt plays the most important role in their preparation. In order to prepare pickles for the winter, use regular rock salt, which is ideal for pickling cucumbers. Neither fine, nor heaven forbid, sea salt is not suitable for our purposes - the cucumbers will become soft. How much salt is needed per liter of water for making brine, you will be prompted by the selected recipes. Typically, the amount of salt varies from 40 to 60 grams.
  • And, finally, about all sorts of herbs, condiments. Someone likes black or allspice, someone - mustard seeds or cloves. The usual classic set of spices looks like this: peppercorns, dill umbrellas, horseradish and currant leaves. But you can go further and add, for example, basil, cumin, horseradish root, garlic, mustard, oak leaves and cherry leaves. Place the spices on the bottom of the jars and between the cucumbers, and cover them on top with horseradish or currant leaves. A piece of oak bark added to all the other spices will make the fruit crispier.

There are two ways to prepare pickles for the winter: cold and hot.
The cold salting method is very simple. Put spices and cucumbers in prepared jars. Then stir the required amount of salt in cold water and pour this brine over the cucumbers. Cover the jars with nylon lids heated in hot water. In a month, you will receive wonderful pickles, which must be stored either in the refrigerator or in the cellar. In no case leave cucumbers prepared in this way for storage in a warm room, spoil the product - cucumbers can simply explode.

Hot pickled cucumbers are prepared as follows: dissolve salt in boiling water, add dill, horseradish, a couple of currant leaves and cherries, let it boil for a few minutes and pour the cucumbers with this brine. Leave the jars just covered with gauze for the number of days indicated in the recipe. After that, add brine and roll up the jars with lids. By the way, to prevent the jars from exploding, add a few grains of mustard to the brine, and a few thin slices of horseradish, placed under the lid, will help protect the cucumbers from mold.

Well, in general, that's all. The theory, you know, is a good thing. Let's move on to practice, because for any housewife, the ability to salt cucumbers is an indicator of her culinary skills.

Cold salting method. Recipe number 1

currant, cherry and plum leaves,
dill umbrellas,
cloves of garlic
salt (1 tbsp. with a slide for each can), water.

Soak the cucumbers in cold water for 2 hours. Then put 2-3 cloves of garlic, dill leaves and umbrellas in a clean 3 liter jar. Place the cucumbers tightly on top of the spices. Pour 1 tablespoon into each jar. top salt, pour cold boiled water and close with tight plastic lids. Turn the cucumber jars over several times to disperse the salt and place in a cool place. The brine will be cloudy at first, but then it will start to brighten. Cucumbers prepared in this way will be ready to eat in 2-3 weeks, and they can be stored for almost a year. A little liquid may flow out from under a lid, but you cannot open cans and add brine. Just eat the cucumbers from this jar first.

Cold salting method. Recipe number 2

2 kg of cucumbers,
2 umbrellas of dill,
5 black currant leaves,
5 cherry leaves,
1 clove of garlic
20 g horseradish root or leaves,
8 black peppercorns,
¼ stack. salt,
2 tbsp vodka,
1.5 liters of water.

Pour boiling water over the cucumbers and immediately dip in ice water. Place tightly in a 3L jar, shifting with washed leaves, dill, garlic and pepper. Pour the prepared cold saline solution, add vodka and close the jar tightly with a plastic lid. Place the cooked pickles in a cold place immediately. The cucumbers are strong and green.

Hot salting method

Bay leaf,
lemon acid,

Select cucumbers by size, soak in cold water for 2 hours, then place sterilized jars tightly in 3 liters. Boil water, gently pour over the cucumbers, cover and leave for 15 minutes. When the time is up, drain the water. Boil another water, pour it over the cucumbers again and leave for the same time. Then drain the water into a saucepan, add sugar and salt at the rate of 2 tablespoons. salt and 3-4 tbsp. sugar for 1 can. Do not let the amount of sugar confuse you, it makes the cucumbers crispy, but does not add sweetness to the brine. Boil the brine. Pour ½ tsp into each jar. citric acid, cover with boiling brine and roll up with sterilized metal lids. Then you can wrap the cucumbers for a day, or you can just leave them to cool without wrapping, placing them in a dark place.

Pickled cucumbers with oak bark

currant leaves,
black peppercorns,
cherry leaves,
leaves and horseradish root,
oak bark (sold in a pharmacy),

Place horseradish leaves, horseradish root peeled and cut into pieces, black peppercorns, currant and cherry leaves, dill and chopped garlic cloves and 1 tsp each at the bottom of 3 liter jars. oak bark in each jar. Place the cucumbers tightly, put a horseradish leaf on top. To prepare brine, dissolve salt in boiled cold water at the rate of 1 tbsp. top salt per 1 liter of water. Pour cold brine over the cucumbers and cover with plastic lids, dipping them in boiling water for a few minutes before closing. Store your cucumbers in a cool place.

Pickled cucumbers "Fragrant"

Ingredients (for a 3L jar):
2 kg of cucumbers,
3-4 umbrellas of dill,
2-3 bay leaves,
2-3 cloves of garlic
1 horseradish root,
2 horseradish leaves,
2 cherry leaves,
3 sprigs of celery, parsley and tarragon,
5 black peppercorns,
1 liter of water
80 g of salt.

Sort the cucumbers by size, wash and soak in clean cold water for 6-8 hours, then rinse them with clean water. Lay spices and cucumbers at the bottom of the jar, lay the dill on top. Prepare the brine by dissolving the salt in cold water. Pour the pickles over the brine to the very edge of the jar, cover with gauze and leave at room temperature for 2-3 days. After the white foam appears on the surface, drain the brine, boil well and pour the cucumbers over again. Cover immediately with the prepared metal lid and roll up. Turn the jar upside down, wrap it up thoroughly and leave to cool completely.

Rustic pickles

horseradish leaf,
coarse salt.

Soak the cucumbers for 4-6 hours. Wash the jars well, put horseradish, dill, garlic and cucumbers in them. Pour the filtered water over the cucumber jars. Place a sheet of horseradish on top of the jars so that it covers the neck of the jar. Put 3 tablespoons in cheesecloth. salt with a slide and tie a knot. The number of such nodules should match the number of cucumber jars. Place the knots on the horseradish leaves. The main thing is to make sure that the water touches the knots, otherwise the salt will not dissolve. Place the jars on the plates, as liquid will flow out during the fermentation process, and leave in this form for 3 days. After three days, remove the nodules, rinse well the dill and horseradish leaves that were on top, drain the brine and boil it, adding water, because some of it has leaked out. Pour cucumbers with ready-made brine and close with tight nylon lids. Initially, the brine will be cloudy, but do not worry, after a while it will become transparent, and a precipitate will form at the bottom, which also do not bother you. Store pickles in a cool, dark place.

Pickled cucumbers in Russian

3 kg of cucumbers,
2 tbsp salt (per 1 liter of water),
5 cloves of garlic (for 1 can),
spices, fragrant leaves - to your taste.

Sort the cucumbers by size, wash them and place them in sterilized jars, layering with garlic, dill, cherry leaves, oak, horseradish, currant, etc. Then pour the cucumbers in the jars with cooled salt and water brine. Cover the jars with saucers or plates and leave for 3-4 days. Then drain the brine from the jars. Boil a new brine, adding 1 liter of water and 2 tbsp. l. salt. Pour boiling brine and immediately roll up the jars with sterilized lids. The brine will not be transparent, as it should be.

Pickled cucumbers with vodka

Ingredients (for a 3L jar):
1.5 l of water,
150 ml of vodka,
3 tbsp Sahara,
2 tbsp salt,
2 cloves of garlic
3 bay leaves,
dill stalk,
horseradish leaves.

Wash the cucumbers thoroughly, cut off the ends. Place the spices and garlic on the bottom of the prepared jars and place the cucumbers tightly. Dissolve salt and sugar in cold water, pour cucumbers with this solution, then pour in vodka. Cover the jars with gauze and set for 3-4 days at room temperature. Do not forget to regularly skim off the resulting foam. On the 4th day, drain the brine, boil it for 5 minutes, pour it back into the jars and roll them up with sterilized lids.

Pickled cucumbers with mustard

horseradish leaves,
dill umbrellas,
cherry leaves,
black currant leaves,
mustard (powder).

Wash the cucumbers well. Put the prepared greens in a saucepan, place the cucumbers tightly and fill everything with brine (for 1 liter of boiled water, 2 tablespoons of salt). Place a wooden circle or a large plate on top of the cucumbers, set the oppression and leave for 3 days. Remember to keep an eye on the cucumbers and skim off the lather. After three days, drain the brine, and put the cucumbers and herbs in sterilized jars. Strain the brine, boil over by adding 1 liter of boiling water and 2 tbsp. salt. Fill the jars with brine, wait 10 minutes, drain again, boil over, add 1-2 tbsp. dry mustard. Pour the brine over the cucumbers one last time and roll up the lids. Turn over and leave to cool without wrapping.

Pickled cucumbers with hot pepper

5 kg of cucumbers,
5 stalks of dill with umbrellas,
10 cloves of garlic
8 horseradish leaves,
20 currant leaves,
8 bay leaves,
black peppercorns,
red hot pepper,

Select cucumbers of the same size for pickling, cut off the ends and place in a saucepan, put dill, garlic, currant leaves in the same place and fill with brine prepared at the rate of 2 tablespoons. salt per liter of water. Set the oppression and leave the cucumbers for two days. Then remove the spices, strain the brine, rinse the cucumbers and put them in sterilized jars along with fresh spices, adding bay leaves, horseradish leaves and red hot pepper (3-4 rings will be enough for 1 liter jar). Boil the brine, pour the contents of the jars with boiling brine and roll them up with prepared sterilized lids.

Pickled cucumbers in tomato juice

Ingredients (for a 3L jar):
1.5 kg of cucumbers,
1.5 liters of fresh tomato juice,
3 tbsp salt,
50 g dill
10 g tarragon
6-8 cloves of garlic.

Prepare cucumbers, jars, herbs, and garlic. Place peeled and chopped garlic cloves, dill and tarragon on the bottom of the jars. Place the cucumbers vertically on top. Squeeze the juice out of the tomatoes (about 1.5 liters of tomato juice goes for a 3 liter jar). Bring the juice to a boil, dissolve the salt in it and refrigerate. Pour cucumber jars with chilled juice, cover with plastic lids, having previously held them in hot water, and put them in a dark, cool place.

Happy blanks!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Maria Soboleva

How to salt cucumbers? Delicious recipes

Almost every experienced housewife knows how to pickle cucumbers. But they all have their own little secrets and proprietary recipes. What gives the cucumbers their special taste, piquancy and crunch?

Cucumber secrets

It is best to salt small young cucumbers. But if the vegetables are different in size, then first we put the larger ones in the jar, you can vertically, and on top those that are smaller.

We put cucumbers tightly to each other, we usually fall asleep spices on the bottom, many housewives like to put them between layers of cucumbers.

Cover the brine in a jar with horseradish and currant leaves.

What spices are better for taking? The classics of the genre are currant leaves, horseradish, peppercorns and dill umbrellas.

And you can add all sorts of things at your discretion: oak leaves, cherries, mustard seeds, cloves, horseradish root, currant or grape berries, garlic, caraway seeds, coriander, mint, basil, parsley, celery.

But it is better to heed the advice of experienced housewives: too many of any seasonings and spices are not always beneficial. This can ferment the brine and explode the jars.

For pickling, there is nothing better than coarse rock salt, from iodized and fine (extra) cucumbers become soft, and cans can explode.

Traditionally, for 1 liter of water, you need to take 50 (60) g of salt - this is approximately 2-2.5 tablespoons.

You can pickle cucumbers in hot and cold brine.

It is important what kind of water you take - spring, well or bottled water will noticeably improve the taste of your home preservation.

Before pickling cucumbers, they need to be soaked, usually for 4-6 hours. At the same time, do not forget to change the water every hour.

Vegetables that have absorbed fresh cool water will be firm, and after salting they will be crispy.

In addition, cucumbers that have stood in the liquid will not absorb the brine too much, which will allow them to be stored longer.

Do I need to trim cucumber tails? Not necessarily, it just will speed up the salting process.

A small pinch of mustard seeds will help keep the jars from exploding. For the same purpose, add 1 tablespoon of vodka or alcohol, an aspirin tablet to the brine.

And so that mold does not form in the jar, put 2-3 thin slices of horseradish root under the lid.

Before salting the cucumbers, prepare the jars: soak them in a soda solution, wash them with hot water and soap, rinse and sprinkle with boiling water.

Then we dry it, it’s a good idea to sterilize it by calcining it in an oven preheated to 110 degrees.

How to salt cucumbers - delicious recipes

Recipe number 1. Cucumbers with barrel flavor

We will need:

2 kg of cucumbers;
6 cloves of garlic;
8 peppercorns;
2 horseradish leaves;
5 leaves of cherry and black currant;
3 umbrellas of dill and some greenery;
3 tablespoons of salt.


  • place the washed cucumbers in a container and fill them with cold water for several hours;
  • prepare greens - coarsely chop the dill and leaves of cherries, currants and horseradish;
  • add to them the cloves of garlic, cut in half, mix;
  • pour a third of the seasonings on the bottom of the jar;
  • lay the cucumbers vertically, then horizontally;
  • pour the remaining spices and herbs in the middle of the jar and on top;
  • dissolve salt in 1 liter of 300 ml of chilled water;
  • pour the saline solution into a jar, cover with gauze and leave for 2 days at room temperature;
  • drain the brine, boil it, cool it and pour it back into the cucumbers;
  • close the jar with a hot nylon lid and store in a cool place.

Recipe number 2. "Long-lasting" cucumbers in cold brine

For pickling in a 3-liter jar, take about 2 kg of cucumbers.

Spices and condiments:

salt - 3 tablespoons;
bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
black peppercorns - 5 pcs.;
currant leaves - 3 pcs.;
garlic - 5 cloves;
horseradish - 1/3 of the sheet;
dill - 2 stems and 2 umbrellas.

Soak the cucumbers for 4-5 hours before salting.

Put spices in a jar, then stack cucumbers in rows.

To determine the exact amount of brine, pour cold water up to the rim of the jar, drain it and stir the salt in it.

Gently pour the brine over the cucumbers to prevent salt sediment from entering.

Hold the nylon lid in boiling water for 15 seconds and cover the jar with it.

Place the pickles to ferment in a cool dark place.

The cucumbers will be ready in 2 months, if you want to try lightly salted cucumbers, 4-5 days will be enough.

The brine may become cloudy, do not worry - this will not spoil the taste of the cucumbers.

If you do not have a basement or cellar, store the canned food in the refrigerator, in which case it is more convenient to salt cucumbers in liter jars.

The main thing is, when preparing pickles, observe the proportions: take 1 tablespoon of salt for a liter jar, 2 tablespoons for a 2-liter container.

Cucumbers can be salted in the most unusual ways, sometimes in very original ways.

Recipe number 3. Frozen pickles

Let's take:

1 kg of cucumbers;

3 heads of onions;
1 piece of bell pepper (green);
3 tablespoons of salt;
1 cup of sugar;
1 cup wine vinegar (white)
1 tablespoon of celery seeds.

How we cook:

We wash cucumbers, cut into slices, put in a plastic conveyor;

Add thinly chopped onion, chopped Bulgarian pepper and 2 tablespoons of salt there;

  • pour crushed ice into a container, mix, put in the refrigerator for 8 hours;
  • we wash the vegetables with running water and dry;
  • prepare the filling: mix the rest of the salt (1 tablespoon), sugar, vinegar, celery seeds;
  • Bring the mixture to a boil, cook for 1 minute;
  • pour vegetables, cool, close the container with a lid and put in the freezer;
  • cucumbers will be ready in a month and a half, before serving they need to be defrosted for at least 3 hours at room temperature.

Recipe number 4. Quick pickles

To prepare them, you need only 8 hours, the taste will be slightly salty, the crunch is like fresh cucumbers. We select small vegetables and start salting.

Ingredients per liter jar:

500 g of cucumbers;
330 ml of sparkling mineral water;
1 tablespoon salt
1 bunch of fresh dill;
5 cloves of garlic;
5 currant leaves.

Cooking steps:

We wash the cucumbers with running water, cut off the tails;

Put garlic, dill and currant leaves (whole) at the bottom of the jar;

Put the cucumbers tightly, add salt;

Pour mineral water into a jar and leave for 8 hours at room temperature.

Store in the refrigerator.

Although it is unlikely that such a yummy will stay with you for a long time.

You can salt cucumbers in different ways, using the traditional advice of our grandmothers, adding something of your own, or even experimenting with unusual recipes.

The main thing is to do it with heart and pleasure, in order to please loved ones with crispy yummy.

Take it for yourself, tell your friends!

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