Cow tongue cooking. How to cook the tongue correctly

15.08.2019 Meat Dishes

Many do not know how to cook beef tongue properly, so I decided to show you how I do it. The main question is the question of how long it takes to cook the tongue. If the beef tongue has a weight of about 1 kg, then 2 hours of cooking will be enough for it to be ready, and if the weight of the tongue is more than 1 kg, then it will take 3 hours of cooking to make the tongue soft. In this case, the light should be as small as possible so that the broth is transparent, the cloudy broth looks ugly and unpleasant. It is also important to keep in mind that the digestion of the tongue is unacceptable, this will negatively affect its quality, the tongue will turn out to be too soft and will fall apart. Many housewives use broth after boiling the tongue for making various soups, personally I don't use this broth anywhere. Boiled tongue is an excellent appetizer, you can cook delicious salads with it, make gorgeous sandwiches.

* I would like to point out that photographing the tongue boiling process is not very photogenic, so please take this factor into account.


To prepare boiled beef tongue you will need:

beef tongue - 1.3 kg;

carrots - 1 pc.;

onion - 1 pc .;

bay leaf - 1 pc .;

water - 3-4 fingers above the language level;

salt, black peppercorns - to taste.

Cooking steps

Cook beef tongue for 3 hours.

Cool the peeled tongue and then cut into thin slices and serve. As an excellent seasoning for boiled beef tongue, grated horseradish with sour cream is perfect.

Bon Appetit!

Spicy beef tongue, when cooked correctly, is a very tasty and juicy dish. The list of useful qualities includes such properties as low calorie content, low fat content, the presence of vitamins of various groups, as well as well absorbed iron and zinc. It is well absorbed by people with digestive problems, diabetes, anemia. Due to the large amount of nutrients and delicate consistency, boiled tongue can be prepared even for young children or people following certain diets. Some chefs have their own proven recipes and tricks used in order to cook beef tongue deliciously and inexpensively.


In order to cook beef tongue, you will need the following components:

  • in fact, the language itself;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • spices (bay leaf, allspice and black peppercorns, ground celery, cilantro or parsley).

Each housewife adds other products to the list of main ingredients according to her favorite recipe. These may include vegetables such as carrots, leeks or onions, garlic, white root, root or leaf celery.

On a note! An important nuance of preparing an appetizing and healthy dish from beef tongue is its freshness. You need to choose this by-product in appearance, do not hesitate to ask the seller to show his tongue from all sides. It should be a pleasant pink or purple color, free of foreign stains, sticky deposits and dried out areas. In this case, after cooking, the beef tongue will retain its positive qualities and will not have foreign tastes or odors.

How much to cook beef tongue?

The cooking time of this product depends on its weight, as well as on the age of the animal from which it was removed. The greater the mass of the tongue itself, the longer it takes to weld it.

On average, it can take 1.5 to 4 hours to get a boiled tongue. If, after boiling it, further heat treatment is needed, then you can bring the tongue to half-readiness.

On a note! You can check the readiness of the boiled beef tongue by making a small puncture with a knife. A light and transparent juice is released from the cooked product, and a reddish one from the raw one.

Boil this offal all the time over low heat, avoiding boiling in a saucepan. The broth obtained after boiling the beef tongue can be used to prepare first courses, sauces, or pour it into ice cube trays and freeze.

How to cook beef tongue?

Before you put the beef tongue to boil, you need to pre-process it. It helps to remove all unnecessary substances from the tissues and the outer surface of the tongue. In order to avoid mistakes when cooking this product, a step-by-step recipe was created with the photo below.

  1. Before you put your tongue to boil, you must first wash it thoroughly under running water. If necessary, excess pieces of fat and tissue of the salivary glands are cut from it. You do not need to peel raw beef tongue from the shell covering it before cooking. In this case, the finished dish will lose a large amount of nutrients and become less tasty and juicy.

  1. After rinsing, the raw beef tongue should be soaked in a saucepan of cold water to get rid of mucus, blood, or an unpleasant taste. The duration of this stage is usually from 30 minutes to 1 hour. You can soak the beef tongue in plain or slightly salted water, which is then drained.

  1. Then the beef tongue is poured with fresh, cold water. So that the broth in which it will be cooked has a rich spicy taste and mouth-watering aroma, the selected spices (pepper, herbs, bay leaf) are added to the pan. After which it is put on fire. During boiling, it is imperative to remove the emerging foam with a spoon or slotted spoon. You can salt the beef tongue from the very beginning or after boiling, depending on personal preference. You need to cook beef tongue in this way until it is ready. Many housewives add carrots, celery, onions, garlic or bell peppers to the tongue about an hour before. Their use is optional, because everyone cooks the way they like. If necessary, you can add water to the cooking container. To prevent the broth from cloudy, it must be hot.

  1. After checking for the readiness of the tongue, it is removed from the stove, pulled out of the pan and immersed in cold water for about 5 minutes. A longer residence time of the beef tongue in it is undesirable, as it can make it difficult to separate the surface tissue.

  1. Proper cooling facilitates further cleansing of this offal from the shell covering it, which must be removed before eating the cooked product or further preparing dishes from it. You can clean the boiled tongue with a knife, but many cooks do it more conveniently with their hands.

  1. The peeled beef tongue can be put back into the vegetable and seasoning broth and allowed to brew for a better taste. Eat boiled tongue warm or cold, and also use it for salads, aspic, sandwiches or snacks.

  1. Cut the beef tongue into slices across the muscle fibers so as not to lose its softness. In the case of using it in salads, cutting into strips is more often used. The finished tongue can be served with boiled carrots, green peas, lettuce and herbs. In Russian culture, serving boiled beef tongue should be accompanied by horseradish sauce. It can be of varying degrees of pungency, contain beet juice, cream, or other components selected to taste.

This recipe is designed for any person, regardless of his culinary skills. With its help, any cook can cook and properly serve beef tongue, even without prior experience with offal.

Video recipes for cooking boiled beef tongue

And if you watch a video with the process of preparing beef tongue, then the decision to create this culinary masterpiece next weekend will be made finally.

Most of the by-products are prepared in a simple process, resulting in delicious delicacies. For example, to understand how to cook beef tongue, you need to learn just a few rules and take into account a couple of nuances.

The scheme according to which the pork tongue will be boiled is somewhat different, but there is nothing complicated in it either. The main thing is to properly prepare the components, choose the best option for exposure and suitable additional components. Keeping the processing time of the product plays an important role as well. Beef offal will cook in about 2.5-4 hours, pork offal in 1.5-2 hours.

How to prepare a by-product for cooking?

The meat will turn out tender, juicy and aromatic only if it is properly pretreated. Regardless of whether it is planned to boil pork tongue or beef tongue, you need to take into account the following points:

  • If you clean a component before cooking, you run the risk of ruining it hopelessly. First, it will take a very long time to clean. the skin will be reluctant to come off. Secondly, along with it, a significant amount of the edible part will be removed. Finally, this protective film traps moisture, making the dish juicy.
  • But all excess meat and fat should be cut off. Their presence increases the calorie content of the broth, especially if it is a pork tongue. Because of this, the dish turns out to be too rich and even fatty.

Tip: If you want to boil a beef delicacy according to all the rules, you should not salt it. Adding salt at the beginning or in the middle of cooking will extend the cooking time. By adding it at the end, you can deprive the dish of its juicy texture. It is better to salt the finished and peeled product, using not dry salt, but a solution prepared from it.

  • Even if the offal is purchased from a good store and has apparently been pretreated, it should be washed and rubbed with a brush.
  • It is worth considering that the tongue is cooked for several hours, so you will have to add water in the process. To do this, you should stock up on boiled water; you should not use tap liquid or drinking water.

When planning to boil pork tongue, you should consider using a multicooker. In it, the offal is especially tasty. But for beef, the traditional option is better - in a saucepan.

Options and rules for cooking pork tongue

When buying pork offal for cooking, you need to take into account that as a result of heat treatment, it will approximately halve. To prepare a delicacy the right way, you can take the traditional approach.

  • In a saucepan, bring water to a boil. Its volume must be selected so that the liquid covers the tongue by 5-6 cm.
  • We lower the peeled and washed offal into the boiling composition, rid of all unnecessary parts.
  • After re-boiling the liquid, add salt, spices and seasonings, black peppercorns, bay leaf to it.
  • Cook the product until tender for 1.5-2 hours.

If you want to try to cook pork tongue in a slow cooker, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • For 3 medium-sized pork tongues, take a carrot, an onion, a couple of bay leaves, a few black peppercorns, a tablespoon of chopped parsley root and salt to taste.
  • Put the prepared tongue in a bowl and fill it with cold water, it should exceed the meat level by 2 cm. We also send peeled and chopped carrots and onions there.
  • We set the “Extinguishing” mode on the device, set the timer to a period of 1 hour. After the specified time, add all the other components to the broth and cook the product on the same mode for another 30 minutes.

Immediately after cooking, place the component in cold water and peel it. The faster the dish is sliced ​​and served with the sauce, the better. You can also use such a blank as a component for a salad.

How to cook beef tongue properly?

As for the beef tongue, the procedure here is slightly different from the one described above. If you want to get a truly tasty and healthy dish, you should proceed according to the following scheme:

  • Put the washed and peeled component in a saucepan and fill it with water, covering it by 5-6 cm.Wait for the composition to boil and reduce the heat to medium.
  • After 15 minutes of boiling, the water must be drained and replaced with fresh, cold water. Bring the composition to a boil again and reduce the heat, this time to a minimum.
  • Cover the pan with a lid and cook the mixture for 2 hours, adding hot boiled water if necessary.
  • Peel the onions and carrots, cut them into 4 pieces and dip them into the broth. Add black peppercorns, bay leaf and parsley root there.
  • Cook the mixture for another half hour under a closed lid, then drain the broth, and cool the product in a colander under running cold water.
  • We clean the workpiece from the skin, cut into pieces half a centimeter thick. Sprinkle or grease with saline and serve while still warm.
  • If during the cleaning process it turns out that the product is not yet ready, it must be placed in cold water again, brought to a boil and boiled for another 20 minutes. If necessary, the processing time is further increased. Already cut into pieces, the undercooked tongue is best fried in a little oil.

To check the readiness of the product, you need to try to pierce it with a fork or toothpick. The tool must enter easily, otherwise the processing must be continued. You can also try to remove the skin from the meat part. If it comes off easily, the component is ready and can be removed from the broth.

When going to the store or the market, arm yourself with our advice and then you will not be disappointed in your purchase. The product must have an even color, not have dark spots (it is necessary to distinguish between spots of stale goods and spots of natural color) and also a windy crust. It should also be remembered that the larger the tongue, the older the animal was, such a product will take longer to cook. Yes, and there are much more nutrients in the tongue in a young animal.

Step two - preliminary preparation

Half an hour before cooking, soak the offal in a large amount of cold water, this process will help us in the future to easily wash off all the dirt. Then, if necessary, scrape off any dirt, blood with a knife and rinse again with water.

Step three - how to boil your tongue

There are several cooking methods. If you are preparing a delicacy for slicing, then use the following recipe.

Put the prepared offal in a saucepan, pour hot water and put on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes. Remove intermittent foam. Then drain the water, pour in another portion of hot water and cook the tongue until tender. Why did we drain the water? Because at the beginning of cooking all unpleasant odors leave the meat, we drain this broth.

How much to cook beef tongue

It all depends on the age of the animal, the younger it was, the shorter the cooking time will be. So in order to cook the tongues of a young animal until cooked, you will need from 1 to 1.5 hours. In other cases, longer.

Half an hour before the end of cooking, you can add various roots to the broth (onions, carrots, parsley, etc.), you can also use fresh herbs, but do not rush to chop it, use petioles that can be tied with a thread. Do not forget about spices (bay leaf, peppercorns, cloves, etc.), thereby you will add even more aroma, taste and benefit to the delicious meat.

Let's say the following about salt, it must be added shortly before the end of the cooking process.

For salads or aspic, some housewives use the following method. The offal prepared in advance is laid out in boiling water and cooked for 15 minutes. After it is extracted and cleaned. Then it is transferred to new water and cooked until tender.

The method is not fundamentally different from the first. The thing is that in a purified form, the tongue absorbs more of the aroma of herbs, roots, spices and salt, i.e. becomes more aromatic. But take note, boiling in a purified form, it will lose more vitamins and nutrients.

How to cook your tongue in a multicooker or pressure cooker

You can also cook beef tongue in a slow cooker. To do this, put the prepared product in a bowl and pour it over with cold water, select the "Stew" cooking program and set the time to 2.5 - 3 hours, depending on the size of the main ingredient. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, add a fragrant set of spices, herbs, salt.

For owners of a multicooker - pressure cooker, the cooking time is reduced significantly, the tongue in such a unit will be ready in 40-50 minutes. But there is a small nuance here, tk. in the process, you will not be able to open the lid due to the built-up pressure, then all the ingredients are added at the beginning of cooking.

Step four - how to clean your tongue

Few people know that while the tongue is hot, it cleans very well. The only disadvantage is that it is hot.

If you have difficulties with this, transfer the finished tongue to cold water for 5 to 8 minutes. This will help you to easily remove the skin from it without spoiling its appearance.

So, here are some simple ways to prepare a beef or veal delicacy. And how to serve or use boiled tongue in the future - your imagination will tell you.

I would like to add that ready-made languages ​​can be stored wrapped in cling film for no more than four days in the refrigerator.

Bon appetit and good recipes!

P. S. If you have anything to add, we invite you to the discussion in the comments. And we will be grateful for the like, tweet, etc.

Beef tongue... An extremely delicate gourmet product that needs a special touch. By the way, beef tongue is much healthier than pork tongue, which is why many hostesses try to stop their choice on it!

Beef tongue is rich in protein, which is extremely important for the full functioning of muscle tissue, and the iron contained in it can significantly improve the composition of the blood. This product is recommended for use in case of anemia, in the postoperative period, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. There are also B vitamins in beef tongue, which help to normalize the nervous system and metabolism. It also contains a lot of zinc, useful for treating various skin ailments and helping to lower cholesterol.

The most important thing is to get a truly high-quality product: a good tongue should have a natural meaty smell, a slightly purple, lilac or pink color, and its texture should be soft enough, but at the same time pliable (when pressed, the tongue should quickly take original form). If there is too much meat juice in the package, then it is better not to purchase such a language. It is also important to ensure that the language has a stamp confirming its quality and freshness.

Before starting to cook the beef tongue, it is thoroughly washed without removing the film from it, and then the tongue is soaked for at least an hour in cold water. Next, the offal is boiled, changing the water during cooking twice, and about half an hour before the end of cooking, you should add various roots, bay leaves, spices and onions. And in no case do you need to salt your tongue at the very beginning of cooking! And when it is cooked, it is poured with cold water - in this case, the skin will go away much quickly, and it will not be difficult to remove it.

Since the tongue is a muscle, it will take a long time to boil it (up to four hours, and sometimes more). First, the beef tongue is poured with hot water and brought to a boil, and then the water is drained, the tongue is poured with new water and boiled until cooked, adding liquid as it boils away. You can also boil the beef tongue in a slow cooker - in this case, it will not only cook faster, but it will also turn out to be much softer and juicier. Boiled tongue can be added to various dishes (including salads), or you can not stop only at boiling it and then stew or bake this delicate product in the oven. It will be especially tasty if stewed or baked together with various vegetables, cheese or mushrooms. And the tongue is served with sweet and sour or with spicy sauces.