Which mayonnaise is less harmful. The benefits of mayonnaise: treatment of the body

18.05.2019 Meat Dishes

Mayonnaise is a nutritious and delicious product that each of us could surely taste. This sauce is characterized by a delicate taste that will allow you to add a "zest" to any dish. However, when serving Olivier salad on the table, no one thinks about the benefits and harms of mayonnaise, so not everyone should use this delicacy.

Mayonnaise can be described as a cold sauce, which is created by grinding the yolks of eggs, along with vegetable oil, vinegar or lemon juice, sugar, salt and other flavors and seasonings.

Mayonnaise made according to all the rules has a silky soft structure and a unique delicate taste, which is largely influenced by the amount of egg yolks. The more there are, the tastier the sauce. It should be noted that due to such ingredients, mayonnaise simply cannot be stored for a long time, therefore it can only be prepared at home and in small quantities, and not sold in a store with a shelf life of more than six months.

The progenitor of the sauce now known to us as mayonnaise was the Spanish alioli, which can be translated as oil and garlic. As part of such an additive to the dishes, there was a cocktail of eggs, olive oil and a small amount of garlic.

Some time later, during the siege of Mahon, the chef of the Duke de Richelieu himself came up with real mayonnaise. The reason was the food crisis of the French army. All they could afford was turkey eggs and olive oil. Omelettes, boiled eggs and fried eggs quickly bored the soldiers, and the chief cook had to come up with a new dish. The cook diligently ground the yolks and salt, added a little lemon juice, carefully poured in olive oil and eventually served the soldiers a new dish that had a divine taste and an airy white mass. Even a piece of black bread became tastier with this sauce. The dish did not retain the name of its creator, however, it began to be named after the city, confidently withstanding the siege.

The famous Olivier also used mayonnaise in his dishes and improved it a little. Provencal, beloved by many, is the brainchild of a famous Frenchman, to which he added mustard, which prolongs the shelf life of the product, and some seasonings, about which nothing is known at the moment.

Speaking about the beneficial properties of mayonnaise, it should be mentioned that we are talking only about homemade mayonnaise. Mayonnaise screaming from store shelves has nothing useful, on the contrary, it can only harm the body.

  • High nutritional value. Due to the presence of egg yolks, which contain a huge number of fatty acids necessary for the cardiovascular system, human mental activity and the digestive system, we can confidently say that mayonnaise helps to normalize the activity of the whole organism. This is not surprising since eggs include a rich assortment of amino acids.
  • Strengthening the immune system. Due to the presence of vitamin C in lemon juice, it becomes possible to strengthen the immune system and get rid of depression.
  • Beauty, health and youth. When preparing mayonnaise, vegetable oil is used, which rapidly evens out the activity of the lungs and heart, normalizes blood circulation, returns shine and strength to the hair, and youthfulness and elasticity to the skin.
  • The presence of vitamins. Nails and hair will become strong due to the presence of phosphorus, calcium, potassium in mayonnaise.

The harm of mayonnaise

Can such a tasty and healthy product really harm? Of course, if we use the preservation in the diet, which we are offered to purchase in the store. The sauce offered in bags and cans is predominantly composed of synthetic thickeners, chemical additives and flavor enhancers. Regular use of such a product can become one of the main causes of disruption of the cardiovascular system, cause a heart attack, blockage of blood vessels, and the formation of blood clots. Since the human digestive system is not focused on the processing of such harmful products used in the preparation of mayonnaise in an industrial way, the body will be destroyed from the inside gradually, due to the accumulation of harmful substances.

When using homemade mayonnaise, you should know when to stop and understand that even the most useful and tasty product can harm in large quantities. Mayonnaise is a very high-calorie dish containing 680 calories per 100 grams. This factor should be taken into account primarily by people suffering from obesity and seeking to reduce their weight. Mayonnaise is a very fatty food, the use of which has an unsatisfactory effect on the figure, because even in a small amount mayonnaise will increase the calorie content of any dish. In addition, food becomes tastier with the sauce, which means that you yourself may not notice how you gobble up a large portion of salad, soup or other food. To rid yourself of cholesterol plaques and extra pounds, you should take the food supplement in moderation, or maybe even delight yourself with mayonnaise only on the festive table.

In order not to be unfounded, we will tell you in more detail why the advertised mayonnaise is harmful, namely, we will focus on its composition. You can make sure that we are not the time yourself, having familiarized yourself in detail with the composition indicated on the package.

  • Fat. At home, they use natural vegetable oil rich in vitamin E, which is so beneficial for human health. On an industrial scale, modified forms of oils are used instead of oil, which are called trans fats. There are no molecules of such fats in nature, therefore the human body is not programmed to digest them. In addition, the constant intake of such fats leads to diseases associated with metabolic disorders and coronary heart disease. Even if high-quality fats are used in the mayonnaise, this will not be beneficial.
  • Emulsifiers. They allow you to preserve the homogeneous structure of mayonnaise for a long time, that is, exactly the same as when preparing a newly created dish. Soy lecithin can be used as an emulsifier, the effect of which on the human body has not yet been fully studied.
  • Taste enhancers. Produced by various chemical methods. As a result, such a product can lead to an upset of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as cause a person to quickly become addicted to the product.
  • Preservatives. Due to them, the product is stored for a long time and bacteria and fungi do not form in it. Part of the preservatives dissolves under the influence of gastric juice, and the other part is absorbed by the cells of the body and harms a person.

The benefits of mayonnaise: treatment of the body

Homemade mayonnaise contains healthy foods, including eggs, vegetable oil and mustard. In view of this, mayonnaise is widely used in folk medicine and prophylactic purposes.

For example, women should know that mayonnaise can restore masculine strength. To do this, add to natural homemade mayonnaise (100 grams), one celery root, two carrots and two tablespoons of horseradish. Having prepared a homogeneous mass with a blender, you should lightly salt and pepper the mix. This energy cocktail should be consumed by men every day.

When treating head lice at home, you can also use mayonnaise. To do this, grease the surface of the head with mayonnaise, wrap the head with cling film and go to bed. In the morning, you should comb your head with a fine comb and rinse your hair with shampoo.

And again, for beauty and youth, we will use homemade mayonnaise, because we note that natural vegetable oils have long been used by women for cosmetic purposes. We draw your attention to the fact that it is the oils that can turn nondescript dull hair into luxurious curls, and give flaccid gray skin a healthy natural look. As we said earlier, eggs contain amino acids that are widely used in cosmetology. Lemon juice will of course give a whitening effect, which will get rid of age spots and other imperfections.

Here are some simple recipes for homemade hair and body masks.

  • Hair mask No. 1. Prepare natural homemade mayonnaise (we will tell you how to do this a little later). Apply the composition to your head and wrap your hair with cling film for several hours. Then rinse your hair with water. After a few of these procedures, you will notice that the hair has become bouncy and shiny.
  • Hair mask No. 2... Add one teaspoon of coconut oil and one tablespoon of milk to two tablespoons of mayonnaise. Apply the composition for several hours, wrapping the head in a foil. Rinse your hair with warm water.
  • Mask for inflamed skin. Add a drop of essential sandalwood oil to a small amount of homemade sauce. Apply the composition to the inflamed or dry areas of the face. After ten minutes, wash your face with chamomile broth.
  • Mask for the face. Mix two tablespoons of calendula flowers and leaves with the same amount of mayonnaise. Let the mask sit in a warm place for a couple of hours. Cleanse your skin with a lotion that you can also prepare. Apply the mask for ten minutes. Rinse off the mask with chamomile broth.
  • Mask for the skin of hands and feet. To soften the skin, lubricate the problem area with homemade mayonnaise. For more effect, wear special gloves or cotton socks at night. Rinse your skin with warm water in the morning.

How to make healthy mayonnaise at home?

Even if you do not have a chef's skill, you will not find anything difficult in making homemade mayonnaise. The main criterion for a successfully created sauce is the freshness and naturalness of the products, a blender or a whisk that allows you to create a homogeneous mass.

So, to prepare a delicious food supplement you will need:

  • One egg yolk
  • Half a teaspoon of mustard
  • One pinch of sea salt
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • Pinch of sugar
  • Half a teaspoon of lemon.

Having prepared all the ingredients in advance, take the egg yolk and all products except for the oil. Mix the ingredients in a blender, gradually pour in the olive oil. The mass will gradually begin to thicken and reach a uniform consistency. When this happens, the mayonnaise is ready. Gradually, you can add other additives such as paprika, nuts, herbs. Keep in mind that a natural product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

So let's summarize. The benefits of mayonnaise are obvious if the mayonnaise is prepared at home, and you have no contraindications to its use and, of course, will not abuse it. Industrial mayonnaise can cause harm, which is also not recommended for cosmetic purposes. Don't be lazy to make the sauce with your own hands. Then there will be no need to worry about your health and the health of your loved ones.

Why mayonnaise is harmful, experts will help to answer. This sauce is present in the diet of many men. It improves the taste of the dish. The product is readily available. It can be purchased at any store. But you need to know that industrial production is carried out according to certain technical standards. The documentation allows you to slightly change the composition at your discretion. This has a negative impact on human health.

Traditional product

Mayonnaise was originally created from certain ingredients. Chicken yolks, natural mustard, virgin olive oil and salt were used for its preparation. All these components were thoroughly mixed. It turned out to be a delicious and healthy sauce. Its benefit lies in its composition.

Olive oil contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. The main beneficial effect is provided by omega-3 fatty acid. It is part of many drugs aimed at curing pathologies of the vascular system. When ingested, the acid enhances the function of the vascular tissue. It is embedded in the walls of the veins and enhances their elasticity. Also, this acid helps to quickly and effectively eliminate atherosclerotic changes in small capillaries. Under its influence, the accumulated plaques gradually dissolve. But only olive oil has this quality.

Mustard contains ingredients that irritate cellular tissue. It enhances the formation of new cells. This quality is widely used in modern cosmetology. Also, natural mustard stimulates the intestines and normalizes the function of the nervous system. For men, this product helps to increase the production of testosterone. Gomon is directly involved in the emergence of sexual arousal.

Chicken yolk is a valuable source of micronutrients. They speed up the work of the brain, have a positive effect on the function of nerve endings.
All these qualities significantly improve the functioning of the body as a whole. But these phenomena are observed only when using natural mayonnaise.

Industrial sauce

The product offered by modern industry is significantly different from the usual mayonnaise. Many supplements affect a variety of negative changes in the body. Food additives and stabilizers are essential to extend the shelf life of the mayonnaise and to make it easy to make. Replacing the components helps to significantly reduce the cost of the product, without changing the taste.

Many manufacturers use dry egg powder to make mayonnaise. It is a synthetic analogue of chicken yolk. But this substance is very harmful to male sexual health. The powder is not completely absorbed by the body. Some of the constituents accumulate in the circulatory system and cause the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques.

The plaque can occur anywhere. If it is localized in the inguinal vein or plexus lobe, there are various problems with the erectile function of a man. Problems with fertility may also arise.

Many industrialists substitute olive oil for vegetable oil. It is more available in our country. But the oil is used refined. It does not even possess the properties that are present in an unrefined product. With additional heat treatment, such oil loses the main content of nutrients. In such a product there is no tocopherol and retinol necessary for the body.

Also, the main component is various emulsifiers. They also entail the main harm of the sauce for the male body. An emulsifier such as soy lecithin is often found in mayonnaise. It should not be confused with regular lecithin, which is beneficial to the body. Soy substance has a negative effect on the cardiovascular system in general. When the emulsifier enters the body, intestinal absorption increases. Lecithin enters the bloodstream. It gradually accumulates on the inside of the vessels. They stop working properly. This substance reduces the elasticity and flexibility of blood vessels. Long-term accumulation of lecithin in the heart muscle causes a violation of its contractility. The myocardium ceases to function normally. The risk of heart attack increases.

Why sauce is dangerous for men's health

The sexual function of a man depends on the precise work of several systems. An erection occurs under the influence of vascular tissue. When arousal appears, blood circulation in the vessels increases. The walls of the veins are stretched. Blood enters the cavernous cavity of the penis. But there are several pathologies that disrupt this process.

When the structural composition of the vascular tissue changes, the filling of the organ changes. The patient has such changes as:

  • Erectile dysfunction;
  • Weak erection;
  • Lack of sexual arousal.

Violation of the filling of cavities causes an erection pathology. Such men often complain of inadequate arousal. In this case, the qualified assistance of a specialist is required. If a patient comes with such problems for no apparent reason, it is necessary to clarify his food preferences. The overuse of industrial mayonnaise can be a potential negative factor.

Sometimes such an unpleasant problem as impotence of unknown etiology is revealed. The man does not show any pathological changes in the body. In this case, it is required to study the structural composition of the vascular walls. The probable cause is the presence of plaque in the plexus plexus. It is responsible for the blood supply to the gonads and the vas deferens. The diagnosis of this disease is problematic. To correctly determine the cause, several types of complex studies are required.

Mayonnaise is also bad for the cardiovascular system. Negative changes are observed both in the myocardium and in small vessels. With prolonged use of mayonnaise, there is an accumulation of emulsifiers in the veins. This process is accompanied by a decrease in the contractility of the heart muscle. This phenomenon can cause a heart attack.

Mayonnaise lovers can also suffer a stroke. This disease is accompanied by the appearance of one or more plaques in the vessels of the brain. When one vessel is blocked, neurons die. With a stroke, a person may be disabled. In some cases, death occurs.

The harm of the sauce is also detected in the gastrointestinal tract. The constant use of mayonnaise to improve the taste of a dish causes a decrease in the absorption function of the stomach. This affects the incomplete dissolution of food entering the body. The intestines are gradually filled with solid food debris. Constipation occurs. Constipation also has a negative effect on the functioning of the prostate gland.

Mayonnaise prepared according to the original recipe is absolutely safe for the body. This property is possessed by a sauce made in an industrial environment.

The world has become afraid of mayonnaise! Recently, everyone around began to insist that mayonnaise is evil, eating it is catastrophically harmful to the figure and the body as a whole.
On the Internet, you can find many articles where it is said that the use of even one tablespoon of mayonnaise will nullify all efforts and efforts to lose weight. Can a tablespoon of any product lead to an increase in weight by several kilograms? To this question, we will receive a statement about the high calorie content and fat content of this product. Actually, the authors of such articles most often suggest replacing high-calorie mayonnaise dressings with ordinary ones made from olive oil.

If these authors looked at the table of calorie content of foods, they would not be so careless in their recommendations. It turns out that the calorie content of 100 g of mayonnaise is 627 kcal. And the calorie content of olive oil is 824 kl, and sunflower oil is 900 kcal. Which is better to add to the salad - 2 tablespoons of olive oil or 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise - anyone can decide for themselves.

They write and say that mayonnaise is also harmful because of its high calorie content, but people, figuratively speaking, just eat tons of very fatty, high-calorie foods, without thinking about the fact that sausages, wieners, sausages, butter, lard, margarine, which is contained in bakery and confectionery products, in the cream of cakes and pastries, pork meat (and beef, by the way, to a lesser extent, but also), eggs and much more, also contain large amounts of fat. Moreover, solid fats, very harmful to humans, which accumulate in the liver and blood vessels, lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, obesity, etc.

Therefore, you should not make a "horror story" from mayonnaise.

Having looked into the refrigerator and read the composition of the mayonnaise, I describe the composition and "harmfulness" of this "terrible" sauce. The composition of my mayonnaise is as follows: olive oil, water, egg powder, milk powder, salt, sugar, lemon juice. Let's comment on the properties of the main components of mayonnaise.

Lemon juice. The chemical composition of lemon juice is extremely rich; it contains organic acids, pectin substances, phytoncides, vitamins A, B1, B2, C (up to 85%), P, flavonoids and other useful substances.

There is a lot of potassium in lemon juice, the largest amount (of all fruits) is citrine, which, in combination with ascorbic acid, strengthens and makes the walls of small blood vessels elastic, actively participates in redox processes.
Lemon juice lowers high fever, removes toxins from the body, relieves cramps and spasms of the brain, lowers blood sugar in diabetic patients, strengthens the immune system, tones up, reduces fatigue and increases efficiency.
Lemon juice is used for fever: it is diluted with water and this sour solution is used to wipe the body several times a day. The juice is useful for coughing, it helps to heal even the most chronic cough. Lemon juice has the ability to dissolve kidney and bladder stones.

Egg powder is high in calcium, providing about 13 percent of your daily value. Calcium plays an important role in the formation and proper development of teeth and bones.
Egg powder is a low-calorie food, one serving (two eggs) contains no more than 357 calories, therefore, including egg powder in the diet would be a good option for people looking to lose weight.

Egg powder contains a high percentage of protein, about 21.07 grams per serving. According to scientific studies, everyone should, on average, consume 50 to 65 grams of protein per day.
Egg powder contains 286 mg of potassium and 481 mg of sodium. Sodium ensures the normal functioning of muscle nerves, and potassium takes part in the work of neurons. The recommended intake of sodium is no more than 2,300 mg, and potassium is no more than 4,700 mg.

Olive oil is the leading food source in terms of monounsaturated fat content. Olive oil is the only oil that can be consumed in its pure form. Surprisingly, olive oil retains the beneficial properties, taste and vitamins of olives.
The benefits of olive oil are that olives strengthen bone tissue in the human body. After all, it is the calcium contained in olives that supports bone tissue. Olive oil has been shown to fight breast cancer.

When adding olive oil to food, the risk of malignant tumor formation is reduced by about 45%. Olive oil is extremely beneficial for the skin. Since ancient times, people have rubbed olive oil into the skin to make the skin silky, tender and soft. In addition, olive oil is able to fight skin aging due to its vitamin E content.
Olive oil, due to its fatty acid content, acts against the formation of tumors in the intestinal tract. In addition, IMC can cure the back, its use with molten wax (externally) relieves back pain that occurs as a result of pinching of the nerve roots.
It is worth paying attention to the fact that almost all remedies that help with lowering pressure are made on the basis of olive leaves. After all, it is olive oil that can lower blood pressure. Olive oil is good for men as it can increase male potency. And besides that, olive oil helps with conception, thanks to the wonderful properties of olives.
The chlorine contained in olive oil has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys, and it is thanks to this that it simplifies the cleaning of organisms from toxins.

Powdered milk is not inferior in nutritional quality to pasteurized natural milk, but it contains less cholesterol and allergens. This leads to its use in the manufacture of formulas for baby food, which undergo increased safety control. It contains essential micronutrients such as calcium, which contributes to the growth and strengthening of bones, and potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Vitamin "A" in large quantities contained in such milk improves visual acuity and stimulates regenerative processes in the skin, and vitamin "D" has an antirachitic effect.

Of course, on store shelves, there are a lot of different mayonnaises, the composition of which may include flavor enhancers, preservatives and other evil spirits. Therefore, we should carefully study the composition of the mayonnaise that we are going to buy.
Choose a quality mayonnaise and it will only benefit you!

Mayonnaise is a common sauce that is used not only in domestic cooking, but in all cuisines of the world for preparing various salads, from classic Olivier to Japanese delicacies with rice and seaweed. Most people cannot give an intelligible answer to the question of what mayonnaise is harmful, and continue to use it quite often. What is the threat of such an addiction?

Doubtful reputation or popularity - which wins?

Many housewives cannot imagine the dishes of the festive table without the famous French sauce. Despite the fact that the harm of mayonnaise often becomes a topic for speeches by nutritionists and gastroenterologists, the demand for this product in stores remains quite high. If the information about what mayonnaise is harmful to health were taken into account by buyers, the situation would change significantly, because the harm of mayonnaise to the human body is very significant.

Good health and mayonnaise consumption are incompatible

When purchasing mayonnaise in a store, you most often buy a surrogate product, because the recipe - vegetable oil, eggs and vinegar or citric acid - is often not followed by modern manufacturers. Additives whose name begins with an "E" may be:

  • carcinogenic (crustacean);
  • causing stomach and bowel disorders;
  • provoking skin diseases;
  • increasing the level of cholesterol in the blood, as a result of which hypertension occurs.

Flavors and colorants, without which a pronounced appetizing smell and uniform color of store mayonnaise are impossible, are:

  • strong allergens;
  • substances that disrupt the functioning of the nervous system.

Preservatives (salts of sorbic and benzoic acids) are very aggressive towards the mucous membrane of the digestive system, nerve cells and tooth enamel. Therefore, lovers of mayonnaise should not be surprised when:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas);
  • dysbiosis;
  • migraine;
  • caries.

Used as a stabilizer, xanthine gum causes:

  • flatulence;
  • bloating of the intestines.

A thickener and emulsifier such as genetically modified starch and soy lecithin are potentially hazardous ingredients. Their effect on human DNA cells has not yet been studied - the result of the use of these substances can only be judged after several decades. Flavor enhancers created through chemical manipulation can cause:

  • weakening of memory, attention, mental operations;
  • deterioration of vision;
  • reducing the sensitivity of taste buds;
  • psychological and physical dependence.

Consuming quality mayonnaise is the way out?

Even if mayonnaise does not contain synthetic additives, it is still a high-calorie product, because its composition contains not only vegetable, but also animal fats. Such saturation:

  • negatively affects the condition of the liver;
  • leads to excess body weight;
  • clogs blood vessels;
  • leads to an exacerbation of diabetes.

Acetic acid also:

  • has a carcinogenic effect;
  • disrupts the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • destroys teeth.

To avoid obesity, many are looking for a "light" sauce on the shelves. Knowing why the so-called low-calorie mayonnaise is harmful, weight-watchers would say goodbye to this habit. Animal fats in such a product are replaced with trans fats, which:

  • not absorbed and form fatty deposits;
  • cause significant harm to the digestive system, primarily affect the liver;
  • violate metabolism;
  • cause atherosclerosis.

Why is mayonnaise harmful to women's health?

Representatives of the fair half of humanity should be especially wary of the frequent consumption of French sauce. The harm of mayonnaise to the health and appearance of women has been proven, because lovers of this flavoring seasoning:

  • lose their beautiful skin and harmony;
  • lose their white-toothed smile;
  • due to cardiovascular pathologies and hypertension, they suffer from poor blood circulation, which is fraught with loss of fertility;
  • become extremely irritable and intolerant, since the nervous system of women is less resistant to the effects of chemicals.

If it is too difficult to completely abandon your favorite sauce, you can minimize the harmful effects of mayonnaise on the body in such ways.

  1. Do not use a product with a large amount of chemical additives, non-uniform structure and too thick consistency, as well as if the shelf life is more than 2 months.
  2. For salad dressing, mix the sauce with low-fat yogurt or sour cream in a 1: 1 ratio.
  3. Prepare mayonnaise yourself using diet foods: quail egg yolks, olive oil, natural lemon juice, mustard powder, a little salt and sugar.

By choosing the third method, you will very noticeably reduce the harm of mayonnaise. It's not hard to find a video to help you make homemade mayonnaise correctly.

Due to its rich taste and the ability to correct even not particularly refined food, turning it into an acceptable dish, mayonnaise has firmly established itself in the kitchens of a strong half of the inhabitants of our country. Is mayonnaise harmful to men, and why?

Women who are always preoccupied with their figure avoid using this "French" sauce, knowing about its high calorie content and preferring yogurt or sour cream to mayonnaise as a salad dressing. Men, especially lonely ones, wanting to have a tasty and inexpensive dinner, invariably buy a package of food additives in the form of mayonnaise or sauces based on it for their favorite semi-finished products. Meanwhile, it is white sauces that pose a rather great danger to the most important and vulnerable function of the male body.

What do they buy under the guise of mayonnaise?

The sauce prepared according to the classic recipe contains only olive oil, yolks, vinegar and salt. Mustard acts as a natural emulsifier that allows the mayonnaise to remain homogeneous. The name of the product, according to some versions, comes from the old French word "moyeu" ("yolk"), reflecting the presence of this main component in it.

Industrial mayonnaise is produced in accordance with a variety of specifications, which allow you to add or remove any of the components from the product.

Replacement of the part of fats and natural egg powder that were part of the Soviet-era Provencal prepared according to GOST for starch, soy lecithin, flavoring additives is motivated by concern for the health of citizens. Let's try to take a closer look at what most of the contents of the bright packages with the inscription "mayonnaise" consist of.

The composition of modern "light" white sauces includes:

  1. Refined vegetable oil, trans fats (depending on the quality of the product).
  2. Water.
  3. Emulsifiers (soy lecithin).
  4. Flavoring additives (natural and artificial).
  5. Vinegar.
  6. Preservatives and antioxidants.

Strictly speaking, such sauces cannot even be called mayonnaise, because they lack the main ingredient - the yolk. The rest of the components have their own specific characteristics.

Properties of some ingredients

Purified vegetable oil is a biologically defective product. The refining process involves the separation of the original product into components, while the particles of plant seeds, which contain most of the vitamins A and E, proteins and trace elements, are removed from the oil. Almost pure vegetable fat remains, in which the content of trans fatty acids increases by 2 times. Such fat is not assimilated by the body due to the lack of enzymes in it that would be able to break down the "wrong" chemical compounds.

Instead of providing the body with energy, molecules of unbroken fatty acids circulate throughout the body, polluting the blood vessels from within. Over time, this leads to heart attacks, strokes and other severe vascular diseases.

In order to mix vegetable oil and water into a creamy substance, a natural emulsifier is used - lecithin (E 322). In traditional mayonnaise, lecithin is found in egg yolk. The "light" products use a substitute made from soybean oil. Lecithin itself is not harmful, in the body it serves as a building material for the cell membrane and transmission of nerve impulses, reserves energy.

A substance isolated from the beans of genetically modified soybeans can be harmful to the body.

Flavors in mayonnaise can vary. If these are natural oils with a pleasant smell (olive, mustard, etc.), natural olives and spices, then there is no harm from them. Their inclusion in the sauce only leads to higher production costs and is disadvantageous, first of all, to the manufacturer. Therefore, the cost of the product is reduced by the addition of synthetic flavors, which are complex chemicals. With prolonged use of products containing them, liver dysfunction may occur.

The sweetener aspartame, which is used instead of sugar to make the sauce less sour, decomposes into phenylalanine and the poisonous alcohol methanol when heated. Therefore, it is not recommended to use mayonnaise for marinating kebabs, roasting meat or adding it to hot dishes.

Vinegar and other preservatives. Vinegar gives the mayonnaise a spicy and slightly sour taste and serves as a natural preservative in the traditional French sauce. To increase the shelf life of industrial white sauces, manufacturers add chemicals to them.

The most common additive for mayonnaise sauces is sodium benzoate (E 211). With constant use, it can cause cirrhosis of the liver, neurodegenerative diseases, and when it interacts with vitamin C, it forms the carcinogen benzene.

Why is mayonnaise dangerous for men's health?

The diseases that can be caused by the additives in white sauces are not limited to men. Lesions of the stomach and liver, the effect on the body of methanol and other harmful substances are common for both sexes. Why is mayonnaise harmful for men?

Everyone knows what an erection is. To reach it, blood must fill 2 corpus cavernosum and 1 corpus spongiosum of the penis. At the same time, blood circulation in the penis increases 26 times until the bodies filled with blood begin to squeeze the veins through which blood flows out. After that, the erection lasts for some time. The narrowing and clogging of the thin blood vessels through which blood flows leads to a weak filling of the cavernous bodies and an equally weak erection.

The signal to start this process is supplied from the spinal cord and brain. In case of disturbances in the nerves conducting signals, impotence occurs.

Thus, in order to be a man and maintain the ability to erect for many years, a man first of all needs perfect work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Now let's see if mayonnaise is bad for men's health:

  1. Traditional mayonnaise is high in fat and can contribute to excess weight when consumed excessively and continuously. Obesity is recognized by doctors as one of the causes of atherosclerosis, that is, clogging of blood vessels with cholesterol deposits.
  2. Commercial "light" sauces contain less fat, but this fat can contain a large amount of trans-acid isomers, which clog blood vessels, leading to the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques.
  3. Sodium benzoate has a negative effect on the nervous system, causing nervous diseases associated with a decrease in the conduction of nerve fibers.
  4. When heated, aspartame forms methanol - a poison that affects the nervous and cardiovascular systems and has a cumulative effect, that is, its toxic properties can manifest themselves even with constant use of small doses.

All these substances are contained in beautiful packages of your favorite product. And most of all, the male part of the body of the stronger sex suffers from them. Take care of yourself and be healthy!