How to correctly ask and tell the time in English. How to correctly ask and say the time in English 15 minutes 6

05.11.2019 Meat Dishes

The most important meal of the day is often the most monotonous - few people have enough energy in the morning for something more than oatmeal, scrambled eggs or warmed up yesterday's dinner. Heroine has prepared several recipes for simple, quick and original breakfasts. There are finds here for those with a sweet tooth, for those who like to eat heavily, and those who are limited to a light snack.

1. Banana cookies

This breakfast brings together the best: a love of sweets, a couple of nutritious ingredients and ease of preparation.


  • banana;
  • oatmeal;
  • raisins, chocolate, nuts or cinnamon to your taste.

Mash the bananas with a fork until smooth. Add oatmeal at the rate of one glass to two bananas. Mix well and add something to your liking - cinnamon, chocolate, raisins.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease a baking sheet, shape the dough into small cakes and lay out. Bake for 15 minutes and a sweet hearty breakfast is ready.

2. Panini with chicken

For this quick Italian breakfast, you'll need to boil a chicken fillet in advance or buy a smoked fillet from the store.


  • panini bun;
  • boiled or smoked chicken fillet;
  • tomatoes;
  • ketchup;
  • mayonnaise;
  • lemon juice;
  • greens to taste.

Mix a tablespoon of mayonnaise, ketchup, juice of half a lemon and add finely chopped greens to them. Spread the sauce on the bottom of the panini bun.

Then put finely chopped fillet, tomato rings, sprinkle with grated cheese on a bun. Cover with the top of the bun.

Fry in a skillet on one side for about 5 minutes, pressing down on top with a lid. A crust should form on the bottom of the panini.

3. Pancakes with fruit filling

We suggest making fruits fried in dough instead of the usual pancakes. The recipe is just as simple, and the effect is quite original.


  • 200 gr. flour;
  • 250 ml. milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 40 gr. Sahara;
  • 40 gr. vegetable oil;
  • 20 gr. baking powder.
  • fresh apples, pears or canned pineapple rings.

Mix all the ingredients for the dough until smooth. The beauty of this recipe is that the dough does not need to be infused, you can cook it right away. Peel the fruit, remove the core and cut the fruit into rings. Dip the rings into the dough and fry in a preheated pan until golden brown. You will get a tender pancake with a juicy fruit inside.

4. Vegetable frittata

Another Italian dish on our list is an oven baked omelet with vegetables.


  • 6 eggs;
  • 3 bell peppers;
  • 200 g green beans;
  • 200 g broccoli;
  • 1/4 lemon;
  • 50 ml olive oil;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 red onion;
  • 50 g butter;
  • salt, black pepper, spices.

Beat eggs with salt and seasoning. Cut the onion into half rings and fry in a pan. Add broccoli to it, after another minute, cut into rings of pepper and beans. Fry everything together for another minute. Chop the garlic, mix it with lemon juice, olive oil and add to the vegetables. Fry everything together for another half a minute, and then pour the eggs into it. When the eggs begin to harden, send the frittata to the oven at 180 degrees. Bake for about seven minutes.

5. French bread sticks

The French breakfast, like all other meals, is an aesthetic and gastronomic pleasure without much work and expense.


  • toast bread;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 1/2 cup milk or cream
  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • 1 tablespoon vanillin
  • sugar, cinnamon to taste.

Cut the bread into oblong cubes. Whip eggs with milk or cream, add vanillin, sugar and cinnamon to them. Soak the bread in the egg mixture, it should soak well. Melt the butter in a pan and fry the bread. Serve with honey or jam and fresh berries.

6. Quick margarita

I don't want to disappoint, but I'm not talking about a cocktail, but about pizza, because we're talking about breakfast. Traditional dough may well be replaced by a thin bread cake.


  • wheat cake;
  • a tomato;
  • Mozzarella;
  • basil;
  • garlic;
  • olive oil;
  • balsamic vinegar.

Crush the garlic, mix with butter and brush over the cake. Place the cake in the oven for 5 minutes. After that, put on the baked bread thinly sliced ​​mozzarella, salt and pepper. Put thinly chopped tomatoes on top, also salt and pepper them. Put in the oven for a few more minutes. Add balsamic vinegar to the remaining garlic oil and sprinkle the finished margarita with this mixture.

What do you prefer to eat for breakfast?

He is sweet and attentive, caring and courteous. But is it only with you? How many more such beloved, acquaintances, and girlfriends are in his arsenal? It's very easy to fall for the bait of a womanizer.... After all, they are very sensitive to female psychology, and skillfully manipulate it. And all because such ladies' men have more than enough experience in matters of the heart. If you do not want to become "another temporary", and do not tolerate when a man, walking next to you, will break his neck, looking at others, immediately dismiss such an acquaintance. And we will tell you how to recognize a womanizer in a man from the first minutes of meeting him.

6 signs of an avid womanizer

1. Constantly looks at you "just below the eyes"

If during the first acquaintance, a man every now and then tries to discern all your charms, and clearly misses all the important information about you on deaf ears - most likely, he is a womanizer. An exception may be too revealing neckline on your blouse. Then the eyes of any man every now and then will forcibly sink to the level "just below your eyes."

2. Communicating with you, manages to look at others

If so, such a man is not worth your attention. Imagine if he behaves in this way only at the beginning of your acquaintance, then what will happen then when the passion for you goes out?

3. Hanging tongue and an abundance of compliments

He knows exactly how to "take" a girl. He even has a dozen phrases in stock for this. Sprinkling compliments, at the first meeting, he may try to hug you around the waist, pat you on the back, in any case, somehow touch you.

4. Prolonged loneliness

Be wary if a guy hasn't dated girls for years and says he doesn't need a serious relationship.

5. Tries to sell itself more expensive

At the first acquaintance, he certainly boasts an expensive phone, car, or connections. It doesn't matter how much money he actually has. Sometimes experienced alpha males are found with fake gold watches and phones. And all this is only in order to make an indelible impression on all the women around.

6. Immediately almost invites down the aisle

Womanizers are still manipulators. First, such a guy will find out what kind of men you like, what you want from life. Having analyzed everything quickly, it will begin to act. Someone will take pity, telling about unhappy love, someone will tell that he is also fond of sports / dancing / languages, and someone will even assure that he has long wanted a wife and children. Oh, yes, and that today he has for the first time in his life - love at first sight.

If you yourself are not averse to an easy temporary relationship, babnik can be a good option for you. After all, many of them are excellent lovers with tremendous experience.

Time is what we face every day. For example, when I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is look at my watch.

How often during the day do you ask the question: "What time is it?" How many times do you answer? I think more than once.

Therefore, it is very important to be able and know how to ask the time correctly and say in English: "What time is it?"

  • What do am and pm mean in English time and how to understand them?

How to ask the time correctly in English?

There are a few basic phrases that you can use to ask what time it is in English. The simplest and most common:

What time is it?
How much time?

What time is it now?
What time is it?

What is the time?
What time?

It is worth noting that you can ask such questions to friends, family members, colleagues and other acquaintances. When addressing strangers, you shouldn't forget about polite forms. "Excuse me ..."(sorry) - this is how you should start your question and / or add at the end please(please).

Excuse me, what time is it?
Excuse me, what time is it?

What "s the time, please?
Could you tell me what time it is, please?

Excuse me, what time is it now, please?
Excuse me, please tell me what time is it now?

These were the most common options for asking the time in English, so feel free to use them in your life. There are several more ways.

Could you tell me the time, please?
Could you tell me the time please?

Do you know what time it is now?
Do you know what time it is now?

Could you tell me the right time, please?
Could you tell me the exact time, please?

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How to tell the time correctly in English?

But how do you say what time it is in English? You have to be careful here. After all, in English, time is spoken in a completely different way than in Russian.

The answer to the question about time is constructed as follows:

What time is it?
It is two o'clock.
Two hours.

What time is it?
It is seven o'clock.
Seven o'clock.

What time is it?
It is four o'clock.
Four o'clock.

But how do you know what time of day you mean? For this we can use these words:

In the morning- in the morning;
In the afternoon- during the day;
In the evening- in the evening;
At night- at night.

It is eight o'clock in the evening.
Eight o'clock in the evening.

It is three o'clock in the afternoon.
Three PM.

It is one o'clock at night.
Hour of the night.

To indicate the time of day in English, the following notation is most often used: AM and PM... Note that in official written speech we use only these designations.

What do AM and PM mean in English time and how to understand them?

We are used to the fact that there are 24 hours in a day. "Now is 22:00", - we can answer in Russian, meaning that it is now ten o'clock in the evening. In the United States, the United Kingdom, and many other countries, the time format is 12 hours. According to him, the day is divided into two halves, 12 hours each: before noon (AM) and afternoon (PM).

This is not entirely familiar to us, so most people have difficulties here. Now let's put everything on the shelves so that you understand.

What does A stand forM?

AM(from Latin ante meridiem - until noon) - this interval starts at 12 am (midnight) and ends at 12 noon (noon). That is, it lasts from 00:00 to 12:00.

This is how we say time using AM:

It's two AM.
Two o'clock in the morning. (2:00)

It's ten AM.
Ten in the morning. (10:00)

It’s five AM.
Five in the morning. (5:00)

Please note that at the end of the offer we already do not put o "clock... You don't need to use it with AM and PM.

What does PM stand for?

PM(from Latin post meridiem - afternoon) - this interval starts at 12 noon (noon) and ends at 12 noon (midnight). That is, it lasts from 12:00 to 00:00.

This is how we tell the time using PM:

It "s two PM
Two o'clock in the afternoon. (14:00)

It's ten PM
Ten in the evening. (22:00)

It’s five PM
Five in the evening. (17:00)

How do you say minutes in English?

And what about the time in English with minutes? After all, we almost always speak both hours and minutes. There are two ways here:

1. We speak numbers.

This is the easiest and most intuitive way. In this case, we name only 2 digits. The first number represents hours and the second number represents minutes.

It's eight twenty two.
Eight hours twenty two minutes. (8:22)

It's one forty.
Hour forty. (13:40)

It "s two sixteen.
Two hours sixteen minutes. (2:16)

2. We use the prepositions to and past.

In this case, we indicate the hour and minutes. Since this method is more common, let's take a closer look at it.

Eating past

Past(after) is used to show how much minutes PASSED after any hour... For example, after 13:00, 19:00, 23:00, etc.

We use this preposition only when the minute the hand is in the right half of the clock, that is, it shows minutes from 1 to 30.

Look at the examples, and everything will become clear immediately. Pay attention to the translation!

It's thirteen minutes past seven. (7:13)
Thirteen minutes eighth.

It's twenty five minutes past one. (1:25)
Twenty five minutes second.

It's ten minutes past nine. (9:10)
Ten minutes tenth.

How do we translate into Russian?

Russian logic is slightly different from English, and this is worth paying attention to when translating. Let's take an example.

Using to

To(before) used to show how many minutes are left before a certain hour. For example, until 13:00, 19:00, 23:00, etc.

We use this preposition if the minute hand is in the left half, that is from 31 to 59 minutes.

For example, if on the clock we see 5:53, then we say that there are 7 minutes left until 6 hours.

It "s twelve to five . (4:48)
It's twelve minutes to five.

It's five minutes to nine . (8:55)
Five minutes to nine.

It's ten minutes to three. (2:50)
Ten minutes to three.

And this is how it is translated into Russian. Let's look at the Russian / English analogy.

How to say half of such and such an hour (30 minutes)?

In Russian, we often say not Thirty minutes first, and floor first. We can say so in English using the word half (half)... This word we can use only with the preposition past... By the way, pay attention to the translation! The British have a very simple logic - they just look at what the clock is now showing and call this particular hour.

It’s half past five . (5:30)
Half past five. (Literally: half after five.)

It’s half past two . (2:30)
Half past two. (Literally: half after two .)

It’s half past six . (6:30)
Half past six. (Literally: half after six .)

Why do we use past? Because "to", that is, "before", we start from 31 minutes, and 30 minutes enters the past zone. The British believe that 30 minutes is nevertheless closer to the hour that is running. But from the 31st minute everything changes ...

How do you say a quarter of an hour (15 minutes)?

In English (as well as in Russian) we use the word quarter - quarter (15 minutes)... Quarter we can use both with to and with past.

If we are talking about the beginning of the hour(on the clock 15 minutes), then we use past... That is, we show that 15 minutes have passed after an hour.

It’s quarter past three. (3:15)
A quarter past three. (Literally: a quarter after three .)

It’s quarter past seven. (7:15)
Quarter past seven. (Literally: a quarter after seven .)

It’s quarter past eleven . (11:15)
A quarter past eleven. (Literally: a quarter after eleven .)

If we are talking about end of the hour(on the clock 45 minutes), then we use to.

In this case, we show that there are 15 minutes left until an hour. That is, 45 minutes have already passed.

It’s quarter to three. (2:45)
A quarter to three. (Literally: a quarter up to three.)

It’s quarter to seven. (6:45)
A quarter to seven. (Literally: a quarter to seven.)

It’s quarter to two. (1:45)
A quarter to two. (Literally: a quarter up to two.)

What to do now? To easily name and say time, you need to develop a skill, that is, bring it to automatism. Now, when you see the clock, always think (or rather pronounce it) how it will be in English. Start with the tasks below.

Assignment task

In the meantime, let's practice, translate into English:

What time is it?

Excuse me, what time is it now?

It is now 5 minutes past six (Now it is 5 minutes after 6).

It's now 15 minutes past one.

It is now ten minutes to eight in the morning.

It is now 20 minutes five in the afternoon.

It's now half past three.

Write your answers in the comments, and in 3 days I will post the correct options, and you can check yourself.

It is a mistake to think that making pies is a very long and complicated process. Today, many recipes are known that will make the basis for them in less than half an hour. How to prepare a quick dough for pies in 15 minutes is described below.

This recipe can be called universal. The resulting quick yeast dough for pies will go perfectly with any fillings. Of the products used: an egg, a standard bag of quick yeast, half a small spoonful of salt, a small spoonful of granulated sugar, 1 tbsp. low-fat milk, 4 tbsp. sifted white flour, a large spoonful of unscented oil.

Important! The quality of the finished products depends on the quality processing of the dough.

  1. The milk heats up a little, after which the yeast dissolves in it. The temperature of the liquid should be such that it does not burn your fingers.
  2. Flour sifted with salt is poured into a separate bowl, after which it is poured with a milk-yeast mixture.
  3. The dough is left at a heat source for 17-20 minutes. It is very important that there are no drafts in the room. It is they who often prevent the dough from rising.
  4. Eggs are beaten in a separate cup, mixed with sugar and butter, and then poured into the bulk.
  5. It remains to knead the dough and start forming the baked goods.

The mass is very soft and pliable. It is convenient to use it for sculpting any workpieces.

Dough with dry yeast in milk

This version of the dough is well suited even for baked goods. The recipe includes: 470 g of high-quality flour, a large spoonful of quick dry yeast, 60 g of granulated sugar, small. a spoonful of unscented oil, 8 g of fine salt, 320 ml of low-fat milk.

  1. Three large spoons of flour are poured into the warmed milk. Sand and yeast are also sent there. The mixture will be suitable for 15-17 minutes near a heat source. If the kitchen temperature is comfortable, you can just leave the container on the table.
  2. The finished dough is salted, non-aromatic sunflower oil is poured into it. It is permissible to replace it with an olive component.
  3. It remains to add oxygen-saturated flour to the mass in small portions, knead the dough and leave it warm again for the same time. During this period, it will approximately double.

With dry yeast in water

If the milk in the house has run out, but you really want to please your homemade delicious pies, you can use ordinary drinking water as the basis for the dough. It will take about 480 ml. In addition, you need to take: 6 tbsp. i / s flour, 15 g of fast dry yeast, 1.5 small. tablespoons of fine salt, 3 large tablespoons of salt, 120 ml of non-aromatic oil.

  1. The flour is sieved into a deep bowl from a high distance. This is necessary so that the product is thoroughly saturated with oxygen in the process.
  2. Non-aromatic sunflower oil is poured into the heated water, and salt and sand are also added.
  3. When the sugar and salt grains are completely dissolved, yeast and flour can be added to the mixture. You can easily check this, as if taking the mixture with two fingers. If the sugar grains are on your fingertips, continue kneading.
  4. After thorough mixing, the mass is left for 5-7 minutes.

You can start forming pies immediately after the specified time.

Kefir dough recipe

It should be noted that when using kefir, the dough turns out to be especially airy and truly "downy". At the same time, it also does not need to spend a lot of time on it. From the ingredients, the hostess needs to prepare: half a liter of medium-fat kefir, 1 selected chicken egg, a pinch of coarse salt and granulated sugar, a large spoonful of dry fast yeast, 320 g of white wheat flour.

  1. It is very important to use not too fatty kefir for the test under discussion. A product of 2.5% fat is best suited, but you can take it from 1%. The dairy product is slightly warmed up in a water bath or in the microwave, after which fast yeast is diluted in it.
  2. In addition, a chicken egg, sand and coarse salt are immediately sent to the warm liquid. All components are whisked well. If sugar and salt take too long to dissolve by hand, you can use a mixer or a special blender attachment.
  3. Flour is poured into the dough through a sieve. If you do not sift it in advance, then it will not be possible to make the dough airy.
  4. First, the masses are kneaded with a spoon, and when it becomes too thick, by hand.
  5. The dough is kneaded until elastic, then covered with a paper towel and left in a warm room without drafts for 45 minutes. During this period, the mass will have time to rise repeatedly.

The finished dough can be used to form pies or any other mouth-watering baked goods.

Sour cream dough in 15 minutes

If, when preparing the dough, you do not need to save on food, then you should take fresh homemade sour cream as its basis. A convenience store is also fine. This quick dough recipe is perfect for pies with both sweet and savory fillings. It includes the following ingredients: 210 g fat sour cream, selected egg, 4 large spoons of unscented butter, 10 g baking powder for dough, 1.5 large spoons of sugar (for sweet baked goods, the amount of sand can be safely increased by 2 times), ½ small. tablespoons of salt, 2 tbsp. white flour.

Important! Flour containing a lot of gluten is especially appreciated. It absorbs more moisture, which contributes to the increase in baked goods.

  1. Sour cream is laid out in a spacious bowl. The fatter it turns out, the tastier the baked goods will be.
  2. A chicken egg is added to the sour cream, the mixture is salted and sweetened.
  3. It remains to pour non-aromatic sunflower oil into the mass and add baking powder.
  4. All products are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  5. Only after that you need to start adding flour in small portions. The exact amount to be used is difficult to determine in advance. If using sour cream, a little more flour may be required.
  6. When the mass thickens enough, you can transfer it to the table and continue kneading.
  7. The dough should stop sticking to your fingers.
  8. It remains only to form the pies.

If the hostess has a little time left, then it is worth wrapping the finished dough in a bag and putting it in the cold for half an hour.

Five-minute dough on kefir

There are a lot of recipes for a quick dough on kefir. The fastest of them is published here. The culinary specialist will also be pleased with the minimum list of products required for its preparation: 2 selected eggs, 1 standard glass of sifted flour and medium-fat kefir, small each. spoon of baking soda and salt. How a quick dough on kefir is prepared, all those interested will find out further.

  1. Kefir is slightly warmed up, after which sifted flour, soda, salt are poured into it.
  2. Eggs are beaten in a separate bowl with a fork until light foam appears.
  3. The egg mixture is poured into the rest of the food.
  4. After mixing the components, you get a thin dough, similar to homemade sour cream.
  5. It is important to choose an exceptionally dry filling for pies and pies from it, in which there is no excess moisture.

The finished dough is suitable both for baking in the oven and for frying in a pan.

No similar materials

Very simple exercises give fast and 100% perfect results!

Many people suffer from knee pain. It is the second most common chronic pain in the world. Each of us wants to get rid of this pain and prevent its occurrence.

Today we offer you several exercises that will relieve you of pain in your knees, legs and hips, making your life so much better.

Raise your heel

Grasp the back of a chair or chair. Bend one leg at the knee as shown in the picture. Slowly rise on your toes, then slowly lower yourself. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times on each leg. This exercise will strengthen the muscles and ankles of the knee, and if done regularly, relieve knee pain.

Walk on your toes

This is a very simple exercise that can be done anywhere. Just get up and start walking.

You will strengthen your knees, toes, and feet. This exercise is recommended for 15 minutes, and when you start to feel tired, you should stop and rest, and then continue.

Circular movements of the ankle

Raise your leg and make circular motions with your foot in the air. Make 10 circles in one direction and 10 circles in the opposite direction. Repeat 2-3 times with each leg.

Rubber stretching

Secure the elastic to the leg of the sofa or chair. Sit down and place one leg under the other as shown in the picture.

Now pull your foot towards you. Then slowly release it, returning to the starting position.

Repeat the movement 15 times on each leg. This strength exercise will strengthen your calves and outer thigh muscles.

Finger gymnastics

Stand upright, turn your fingers to the floor and try to grab the floor.

To make this easier, place small balls or a pencil on the floor and pick it up with your fingers.

Ball rolling

Place the tennis ball on the floor. Then sit on a chair and place your foot on the ball.

Press down on the ball and roll over the entire area of ​​the foot. Give this massage to each leg for 5-10 minutes.

Foot massage and acupressure can be very helpful if you have joint pain in your hip or knee. If your feet are sore and need rest, massage them with a little oil.

Do this for 15 minutes. Your legs, but also the whole body, will relax and you will not have any pain.