Lamb kharcho. Lamb kharcho - aromatic meat soup with rice

05.11.2019 Meat Dishes

Many people will like this spicy soup, because its aromas are difficult to resist. Today we will consider several options for cooking classic kharcho with lamb and rice.

  1. To make old lamb cook faster, soak it in vodka before cooking.
  2. It is accepted that this soup should be spicy, but everything in moderation. After all, the line is very thin and it is easy to oversalt the soup, so treat this stage very carefully. The main task of spices is to give a dish an interesting flavor.
  3. Many people prefer to add cilantro to the soup, especially in large quantities. But this green has a specific aroma and not everyone may like it. Therefore, we advise you to place the cilantro directly on the plates.
  4. Garlic does not need to be cooked for a long time so that it does not lose its smell.
  5. Tkemali sauce can be replaced with pomegranate juice.
  6. Rice should not be too much, even if you love it very much. After all, then the soup runs the risk of turning into an ordinary porridge. And don't overcook the rice.
  7. If you cut the onion into beautiful rings, then you can put it not in a saucepan, but directly in a plate. Beforehand, it must be soaked in boiling water for a few minutes.
  8. Be sure to allow time for the soup to steep so that each ingredient reveals its own flavor.

The classic recipe for lamb and rice kharcho soup


  • Lamb - 0.5 kg;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece;
  • Rice - 0.1 kg;
  • Tkemali (sauce) - 60-70 g;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Cilantro - 1 small bunch;
  • Onions - 2-3 pieces;
  • Tomato paste - 60-70 g;
  • Walnuts - 0.1 kg;
  • Ground red pepper, salt, parsley and suneli hops to taste.

Cooking steps step by step:

  1. Cook the meat. Rinse the lamb thoroughly and dry. Cut off excess fat, veins and films from it. Fat does not need to be thrown away, because it will come in handy for cooking vegetables.
  2. Cut the meat into pieces.
  3. Take a large saucepan and place all the lamb in it. Cover the meat with water and place it on the stove.
  4. Wait for the lamb to boil. Skim off the foam. Reduce heat and leave to simmer. Cooking time depends on the age of the ram. For example, if it is young, it will cook in an hour. And if the old one - much longer. Therefore, independently check the readiness of the meat with a fork, if it easily pierces the meat - the lamb is ready.
  5. While the meat is cooking, handle the rest of the soup. Peel the carrots and grate with a large grater.
  6. Remove the shell from the onion and chop the crayon into pieces.
  7. Bell peppers must be washed well, seeds removed and finely chopped.
  8. Place the trimmed fat in the skillet. Melt it and pour the carrots and onions over the hot fat. Add a little salt to the vegetables, stirring occasionally, and bring them to readiness.
  9. Add bell peppers to the roast.
  10. Pour the tomato paste into the skillet. Mix everything thoroughly.
  11. Add tkemali sauce to the roast. Combine all ingredients and remove from heat.
  12. Walnuts must be peeled and chopped. This can be done with a blender, mortar, or rolling pin. The pieces should be very small.
  13. Rinse and chop a bunch of cilantro.
  14. When the lamb is done, remove it from the pan.
  15. The water in which the meat was cooked must be filtered with gauze or a sieve so that the broth is clean.
  16. Pour the refined broth back into the pan, add the meat and washed rice to it.
  17. After 5-10 minutes, you can add the ready-made fry to the soup.
  18. After 5 minutes, add cilantro, walnuts, salt and seasonings to the soup.
  19. Let the soup simmer over medium heat for about 10 minutes.
  20. Our dish is ready. Serve the soup warm.

If you do not like the smell of lamb, then at the end of cooking you should add a little lemon juice. After adding the juice, you need to boil the kharcho again to remove the lemon flavor. Then turn off the soup.

With the addition of prunes


  • Lamb (brisket) - 0.5 kg;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Prunes - 0.2 kg;
  • Rice - 0.1 kg;
  • Tomato paste - 0.1 kg;
  • Onion - 2 heads;
  • Tkemali, salt, cilantro, spices (adjika, khmeli-suneli) - to taste.


  1. The meat must be washed, cut off all films and excess fat, cut into pieces.
  2. Put all the meat in a saucepan, pour the lamb with cold water. Put the soup on low heat for 1 hour. Skim off the foam while cooking. You can cook the soup for longer, then the meat will become softer and it will be easy to separate from the bone.
  3. Rinse the prunes and chop them. Add it to the meat (after it's boiled for half an hour).
  4. When the meat is done, add the rice to it (it should be clean, so rinse it before adding it to the soup). Adjust the amount of rice yourself, as some like thick soup, while others like thinner.
  5. Peel the onion and chop finely. Add it to your soup.
  6. Heat the tomato paste in a frying pan and add to the soup. You can reheat it in a dry skillet, or in oil. Also, for this process, you can use the remaining fat, then it should be melted, and only then put the tomato paste in the pan.
  7. At the end of cooking, put the garlic (you must first pass it through a press, or chop it finely) and tkemali sauce (but you can do without it). Add your favorite spices and herbs to the soup. Mix everything thoroughly.
  8. Our dish is ready. Let it brew and you can put it on the plates.

This soup should be eaten on the same day, otherwise an unpleasant ram smell may appear. But the taste - the specific smell will not affect at all.

Cooking recipe with tomatoes


  • Lamb (preferably on the bone) - 1 kg;
  • Tomatoes (always fresh) - 5-6 pieces;
  • Rice - 0.1 kg;
  • Cilantro - 1 bunch;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • Garlic - 1 head (medium size);
  • Onions - 1-2 pieces;
  • Ghee, salt, red and black pepper, coriander seeds to taste.


  1. Rinse the meat, remove excess moisture and cut into pieces. Try to make them the same size.
  2. Peel the onions. Cut it into rings, try to make them as thin as possible.
  3. Rinse the cilantro and chop only half of the leaves.
  4. It is better to take pepper in the form of peas and chop it yourself. Then the spice will be more fragrant. For this, you can use a coffee grinder or mortar. It is better if you mix all the spices and grind them together, for example, in a mortar. Place in the middle two peppers (half a teaspoon each), coriander seeds (1-2 teaspoons) and salt. Grind all of these ingredients finely.
  5. Take a thick-walled saucepan and heat the oil on it (2 tablespoons will suffice).
  6. Place the meat in a preheated saucepan. Fry it on each side until golden brown (about 10 minutes).
  7. Drizzle the vinegar over the lamb.
  8. Put the onion and all the spices on the meat (they were previously pounded in a mortar or were crushed using a coffee grinder).
  9. Toss the lamb with the onions and spices. Keep the mixture on fire for a couple of minutes.
  10. Chop the skinless tomatoes. There are two ways to do this: Wash the tomatoes and make a plus cut in each. Dip all tomatoes in boiling water for a few seconds. Wait until everything cools down, remove the skin from cold tomatoes. Put the tomatoes in a colander and remember them until puree; Rinse the tomatoes and grate them. During this process, the tomato puree will form and the skin will separate itself.
  11. Place the tomato puree in a saucepan. Add chopped cilantro to the vegetables. Mix everything thoroughly and bring this mass to a boil.
  12. Pour 2 liters of water over the lamb. Put on a low heat, the soup should cook under a closed lid for about an hour.
  13. Rinse the rice very thoroughly (at least 5 times) and add it to the soup 10 minutes before cooking.
  14. At the end of cooking, add the cilantro that remains and the garlic. Peel it and put it through a press. Or finely chop with a knife.
  15. Lamb kharcho is ready. Leave the soup to steep for about 10-15 and can be spread on bowls.
  • Lamb - 0.5 kg;
  • Rice - 0.1 kg;
  • Onion - 2 heads;
  • Oil - for frying;
  • Black and red peppers, suneli hops, salt, basil, herbs (parsley / cilantro) - to taste.
  • Preparation:

    1. The meat must be washed, cleaned and cut into equal pieces.
    2. Put the prepared meat in a saucepan, fill everything with cold water. It will need about 2 liters.
    3. Cook the meat. Collect the foam periodically during cooking.
    4. Let's start making tkemali sauce:
    5. Take a saucepan and put the washed plums into it; they need about 150-200 grams. Fill the plums with water and put them on gas for half an hour. During this time, they should become soft, only then you can work with them further.
    6. Remove the skin and seeds from each plum.
    7. Grind the plums using a sieve. Put all the pulp in the pan.
    8. Peel the garlic and pass through a press.
    9. Add garlic and two types of chopped peppers to the pan, to the plums (you can chop it yourself in a mortar, or you can buy it ready-made).
    10. Cook the sauce until thick.
    11. Peel the onion and chop finely.
    12. Preheat a frying pan, pour oil into it. Pour the onions into a hot skillet. Fry it and add flour. Mix everything. Cook the mixture until golden brown.
    13. Pull the cooked lamb out of the saucepan and strain the broth.
    14. Pour the pure broth back into the pot and add the cooked meat. When the water boils, add the washed rice (rinse the cereals until the water is clear).
    15. After 5 minutes, add to the soup - onions, spices and sauce. Let the soup simmer over low heat for another 10-15 minutes.
    16. Finally, toss in fresh chopped herbs and let the soup simmer for a few minutes.
    17. Lamb kharcho in Georgian is ready. Bon Appetit.


    Lamb kharcho- this is the most typical dish of the Georgian cuisine. It is a kind of visiting card of the country.

    It is a spicy lamb kharcho soup. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is prepared on the basis of a very unusual dressing, which consists of a certain type of plums (Tkemali and Tklapi). In the absence of such a dressing, you can use pomegranate juice. Although our hostesses successfully cook tomato-based kharcho.

    The cooking process of this Georgian dish is not so complicated, but it still has its own characteristics and some secrets. Only knowing them can you make a really real Kharcho soup!

    In general, join this simple step-by-step photo recipe and then you will not have any problems with making delicious Georgian soup Kharcho!


    • (700 g)

    • (3 tablespoons)

    • (2 pcs.)

    • (1 tbsp.)

    • (3 tablespoons)

    • Canned tomatoes
      (455 g)

    • (1/4 cup)

    • (3 cloves)

    • (1/4 cup)

    • (1/2 tsp)

    • (1/4 tsp)

    • (1/3 tsp)

    • (3/4 tsp)

    • (1/4 tsp)

    • (3/4 tsp)

    • (1/4 tsp)

    • (3/4 tsp)

    • (taste)

    • (3 tablespoons)

    • (1/4 tsp)

    Cooking steps

      First of all, let's get down to cooking mutton. Before starting cooking, the meat must be washed in water. Then it must be cut into approximately five identical pieces and send them to fry in a deep frying pan. Fry the lamb over high heat until a brown crust forms. After that, the meat should be covered with water (approximately eight cups) and simmer for at least an hour and a half.

      While the meat is being cooked on the stove, you can start cooking other components of the kharcho soup. So, cut the onion into cubes and fry it in a frying pan until a golden crust forms. Then add a little broth to the onion and simmer it for a while.

      To sautéed onions, add tomato paste and the tomatoes themselves, as well as all the necessary spices. All this should be stewed a little more, and then sent to a saucepan with ready-made broth. After that, the preparation for kharcho will need to be brought to a boil.

      Now let's move on to the rice. It must first be rinsed well, and only then sent to a saucepan with boiling kharcho. It must be cooked for ten minutes.

      At this stage, you should deal with the processing of meat. It, as you understand, must be pulled out of the broth, disassembled from the bones and cut into small pieces. After that, the lamb must be sent to a saucepan with kharcho.

      Crush walnuts with garlic and a little salt, turning it all into a more or less homogeneous mass... Then add to the pot as well.

      Now our lamb kharcho only needs to be salted and pepper, add lemon juice and leave on the stove for another fifteen minutes so that the rice is well boiled.

      Sprinkle the prepared soup with herbs and leave it to infuse (it takes about ten minutes in time). Now our Georgian kharcho soup with lamb is ready!

      Bon Appetit!!!

    Lamb kharcho soup

    Fragrant, spicy and rich lamb kharcho soup firmly wins the hearts of eaters, and you do not need to go to Georgia for a recipe, since it is quite simple to prepare it and it does not require any extraordinary talents from culinary specialists.

    Ingredients for making lamb kharcho:

    • Lamb 500 gr.
    • Rice 4 tablespoons
    • Onions 2-3 onions
    • Garlic 2-3 cloves
    • Tomatoes (or tomato paste) 400 gr.
    • Salt to taste
    • Black peppercorns to taste
    • Greens (parsley and dill are required, basil, cilantro to taste) to taste
    • Bay leaf to taste
    • Vegetable oil to taste

    Cooking lamb kharcho:

    1: Cooking the broth.

    The first step is to rinse and cut the meat. Therefore, we take the lamb and carefully cut it across the fibers into small pieces. We put it in a saucepan with a capacity of two liters and fill it with water, put it on the fire to cook the broth. lamb We follow the broth: as soon as the water boils, it is necessary to remove the foam. Then we reduce the heat so that the water in the saucepan gurgles slightly. We leave the lamb broth to cook for an hour and a half. Do not close the pan with a lid. And for half an hour before the end of cooking the broth, you can put a little parsley in the pan and salt the broth to taste.

    2: Cooking frying.

    While the lamb broth is boiling, we peel and finely chop the onions. We put the pan on the fire to warm up, after pouring vegetable oil into it. As soon as the pan is hot, put the onion in it and fry it until golden brown. Then add a couple of tablespoons of broth to the onion and leave the onion to simmer over low heat. At this time, prepare the tomatoes. The choice between tomato and tomato paste depends on the season. But, if there is an opportunity to use fresh tomatoes, be sure to use it. simmer So, wash the tomatoes, put them in a bowl and pour boiling water so that the water covers the vegetables. This way we can remove the skin from the tomato. Then cut them into cubes and put them in a pan with the onion and broth. We continue to simmer under the lid for another 10 minutes.

    3: Cook lamb kharcho.

    At this time, our meat should be almost cooked. We take our ready-made roast and add it to the future soup. As soon as the broth boils again, immediately put the rice in it. After it boils again, reduce the heat on the stove to medium. After five minutes, we begin to spread the spices into the broth. Add sweet peas, bay leaves, basil.

    4: Serving mutton kharcho.


    If for some reason you missed the right moment, and the foam settled to the bottom of the saucepan, add a glass of cold water there and turn the heat high. When the colder water boils again, the foam rises to the surface again and you can easily collect it.

    You can add meat after cooking to fried onions and stew it. So stewing meat with onions gives kharcho soup a unique aroma and taste.

    You can use round rice, you can use long-grain, but in no case crushed cereals.

    Cilantro has a very specific taste, which is unpleasant to many, and if you have not tried this herb before, then it is better not to put it in the broth, but simply sprinkle the kharcho soup before serving.

    Initially, kharcho soup was made from lamb, but nowadays it is increasingly made from beef. Note that speaking about Georgian cuisine, one cannot mean strict recipes for main dishes, which all residents of the country strictly adhere to. The cuisine of Eastern Georgia differs from the cuisine of Western Georgia, in each region of the country they can boast of their own version of the preparation of the main dish. But the main recipe for lamb kharcho remains unchanged in any region of Georgia.

    How to cook lamb kharcho soup

    Kharcho soup is a traditional Georgian meat dish. You can add almost any meat to it (although if we talk about traditions, they use beef there), but we will consider recipes on how to make lamb kharcho soup. This cooking option is no less tasty and nutritious.

    Lamb kharcho soup with tkemali sauce

    Of course, kharcho soup is one of the best Georgian dishes. In consistency, it turns out to be thick, similar to a stew. The dish is very tasty, all family members will definitely like it.

    Required Ingredients:

    • 150 grams of lamb (brisket);
    • one liter of water;
    • 85 grams of rice;
    • 30 grams of onions;
    • 25 grams of vegetable oil;
    • 12 grams of tkemali sauce;
    • 10 grams of tomato puree;
    • 3 grams of garlic;
    • 0.4 grams of hop-suneli seasoning;
    • one teaspoon of cilantro, parsley, dill;
    • two bay leaves;
    • salt, black pepper - to taste.

    Let's prepare rice for kharcho. We wash it in several waters and soak it in cold water, let it stand so while the meat is being cooked. Now we wash the meat, chop it into pieces (along with the cartilage).

    We will cook kharcho in a cauldron (this is the best dish for preparing this dish). We put the meat in a cauldron, fill it with cold water.

    We put it on fire and bring it to a boil. We remove all the foam, then cover with a lid, reduce the heat and cook it for about fifty minutes.

    Now you should peel and finely chop the onion. Take a frying pan and fry it in vegetable oil for three minutes over medium heat.

    Peel the garlic and squeeze it through the garlic or crush it in a mortar. Rinse and cut the prepared herbs.

    Usually, many different greens are added to kharcho, but you can limit yourself to your preferences.

    After the meat has cooked, put the rice, fried onion in the cauldron and bring the soup to readiness. This will take about twenty minutes. Then add tkemali sauce and tomato puree to the cauldron. Stir.

    The soup is ready. It remains to pour it into plates and serve it to the table. Bon Appetit!

    Lamb kharcho soup cooked in a slow cooker

    You can also cook this Georgian dish in a multicooker without any problems. The use of technology in this case will facilitate the work of the hostess, and the soup itself will be cooked by languishing (like in a stove).

    Required Ingredients:

    • 700 grams of lamb;
    • half a glass of rice;
    • three onions;
    • one tablespoon of flour;
    • one bunch of parsley;
    • one bunch of cilantro;
    • one leaf of lavrushka;
    • ten peppercorns;
    • half a glass of walnuts;
    • half a glass of pomegranate juice without sugar;
    • one chili pepper;
    • one teaspoon of hops-suneli;
    • five cloves of garlic;
    • one tablespoon of tomato paste;
    • two tablespoons of sunflower oil.

    Let's prepare the meat. It needs to be rinsed well and cut into small pieces.

    For soups, it is better to use the lamb brisket or shoulder.

    Now combine the walnuts and peppercorns, place them in a mortar or blender, and grind.

    Peel the onions, rinse and cut into cubes. Wash the cilantro and parsley and chop finely. Chili peppers should also be washed and cut into thin rings. Peel the garlic and squeeze it out or finely chop it.

    Now let's start cooking. Turn on the multicooker to the “Fry” mode. Pour some oil into a bowl and fry the onions in it for seven minutes.

    Then add the meat there and cook for ten minutes. Stir.

    We dilute the flour with a tablespoon of cold boiled water and add it to the meat and onions. We cook for another minute. Add tomato paste.

    After that, pour two liters of water into the multicooker bowl, as well as pomegranate juice. We spread the washed rice. Add chopped walnuts, suneli hops, bay leaves, salt.

    All ingredients are in place, turn on the “Soup” mode, cook the dish for 1.5 hours.

    When the cooking time is up, add chopped garlic, chopped herbs to the kharcho and let stand for about five minutes.

    The kharcho soup is ready. Pour in portions into plates and serve. Bon Appetit!

    Lamb kharcho soup with plums

    An original recipe for making kharcho soup with plums. Try to cook, you will surely like the unusual taste.

    Required Ingredients:

    • 500 grams of lamb;
    • two onions;
    • three cloves of garlic;
    • 100 grams of tomato;
    • half a glass of rice;
    • half a glass of plums (sour);
    • salt to taste;
    • black peppercorns - to taste;
    • greens (cilantro, parsley, dill) - to taste.

    Let's start cooking the soup with meat. It needs to be rinsed, cut into medium pieces and put in a saucepan. Fill it with cold water and place it on the stove. Wait until it boils, remembering to skim off the foam. After the meat has boiled, and all the foam is removed, we cook it for two hours, over low heat.

    In the meantime, we will prepare other products. Peel and finely chop the onions. You should also peel and squeeze the garlic.

    Rinse the rice well in cold water. Cut the tomatoes into cubes and fry a little in vegetable oil.

    After the meat is cooked, chopped onions, garlic, plums, rice should be added to the pot with the future soup. Everything needs to be salted to taste, add peppercorns. Then cook for another thirty minutes.

    The fried tomatoes should be added to the pot ten minutes before the end of cooking.

    The soup is ready. Pour it into bowls. Chop the herbs and add to each plate. Serve hot. Bon Appetit!

    Lamb kharcho soup with mung beans

    It is not necessary to use rice to make kharcho soup. It can be easily replaced with mung beans. It will turn out pretty tasty.

    Required Ingredients:

    • 500 grams of lamb on the bones;
    • one large carrot;
    • one small eggplant;
    • three large tomatoes;
    • one glass of mung beans;
    • two large potatoes;
    • half a head of garlic;
    • greens (dill, cilantro) - to taste;
    • zira - to taste;
    • dried coriander (or spices for kharcho) - to taste;
    • salt to taste.

    Let's start cooking the dish with meat. It must be rinsed and cut into small pieces.

    Then you should take a cauldron and fry the lamb in vegetable oil for about fifteen minutes. But do not forget to monitor the evaporation of water from the meat.

    In the meantime, you need to peel the onions, carrots. The onion should be finely chopped and the carrots should be coarsely grated. Then you need to peel the garlic (2/3 of the total) and crush it. Rinse the eggplant and cut into cubes.

    If the water has evaporated from the cauldron, add onions and carrots to the meat. After a while, add more garlic with eggplant. Fry all for ten minutes, not forgetting to stir.

    In the meantime, prepare the tomatoes. They should be washed and grated (discard the skin). The result should be tomato puree. It should be added to the cauldron when the onions and eggplants are soft. Mix everything well. After that, cook over low heat for another ten minutes.

    Then vegetables with meat need to be salt and add the right amount of spices. Mix everything.

    Peel the potatoes and chop them finely. Rinse the mung bean with cold water. Now add the remaining ingredients to the cauldron and fill everything with boiling water, about two liters. You can take into account the consistency yourself if you want a thicker or more rare soup.

    Set the heat to medium and open the lid. So cook for about fifty minutes. Once the soup is ready, add the remaining minced garlic and chopped herbs to the soup.

    It remains to pour into plates. Bon Appetit!

    Boil the broth. To do this, it is good to rinse the lamb, put in a saucepan, cover with cold water and put on low heat. The meat for the broth should always be brought to a boil over low heat, then all the juices will slowly go into the broth, and it will be very fragrant.

    After boiling, remove the foam and put in the peeled and washed vegetables - one onion, one carrot and a celery stalk. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for an hour and a half over such low heat that it barely maintains a boil.

    And also wonderful lamb broths are obtained in a slow cooker. Incredibly rich and aromatic. If I cook the broth in this way, then I immediately put meat and vegetables in the bowl, set the Soup mode for 2 hours.

    Put pepper, paprika, coriander in a mortar and crush well.

    Peel the onion and garlic and chop very finely. In the second saucepan (in the first we boil broth) heat the olive oil and fry the onions and garlic.

    Peel and grate the carrots. Add carrots, spices, tomato sauce to a saucepan, stir and cook for 5 minutes.

    Blanch the tomatoes. To do this, make a cross-shaped incision on each from the bottom, put it in a bowl and pour boiling water over, after one minute drain the boiling water and pour in very cold water. After this procedure, it will not be difficult to remove the skin. Cut the tomato pulp into small pieces and add to the rest of the vegetables. Cook for 5 minutes.

    Rinse the rice well.

    Add rice to a saucepan with vegetables, mix well, cover and leave on fire for 5 minutes. During this time, the rice will absorb the aroma of the spices.

    Place a sieve on a saucepan and strain the broth through it. Increase heat, bring to a boil and cook until rice and vegetables are ready, about 10-15 minutes. 2 minutes before the end of cooking, pour the tkemali sauce into the kharcho. Salt to taste.

    Remove the bones from the meat, cut into small pieces and return to the soup.

    Serve lamb kharcho sprinkled with chopped cilantro. Those who don't like its flavor can substitute parsley for cilantro.

    From mutton left the borders of Central Asia long ago. This dish is prepared in all the republics of the former Soviet Union, and is also loved in Europe and even in America. This soup is a truly tasty and satisfying dish that can be quite worthy even for a festive menu. Cooking lamb kharcho is not easy, but if you wish, you can learn everything.

    Choosing products

    The lamb kharcho recipe requires careful selection of ingredients. And this applies not only to young tender lamb, but also spices, herbs, seasonings. abounds in flavors and aromas, so for our kharcho we will definitely take a bunch of fresh herbs and a pinch of a variety of oriental spices. We will be just as strict about vegetables - only the freshest, ripe, delicious!

    Ingredients for with lamb:

    1. Lamb - half a kilogram piece on the bone.

    2. Rice - about a quarter of a glass.

    3. Bulb onions - 2-3 medium dense bulbs.

    4. Garlic - 2-3 larger cloves.

    5. Tomatoes - about a pound.

    7. Pepper-peas.

    8. Fresh herbs (parsley, basil, dill, cilantro).

    9. Bay leaf.

    10. Vegetable oil for frying.

    Lamb kharcho. Step by step recipe

    Step 1. Preparation of the bouillon base

    First you need to wash and chop the lamb meat. To do this, carefully cut the lamb into small pieces across the fibers. We spread it in a two-liter saucepan, fill it with water, put it to stew on a small fire. This lamb kharcho recipe requires compliance with one very important rule: all pop-up foam must be removed immediately. Otherwise, it will dissolve in the broth, which will negatively affect both the taste and appearance of the finished dish.

    Step 2. Cooking frying

    While the broth is cooking, peel and chop the onion. Chop the carrots into cubes. Heat a frying pan over the fire or pour oil into it beforehand. As soon as it heats up, put the vegetables in it. You need to fry for a long time, until golden brown. After frying, the onions and carrots should be stewed a little with a couple of tablespoons of broth. At this time, we will wash the tomatoes, scald them with boiling water. Remove the skin, cut the pulp. We send to the onion with broth. Simmer for at least another 10 minutes under the lid.

    Step 3. Cook lamb kharcho

    We load the finished frying into the boiling broth. As soon as it boils again, immediately pour the washed rice into it. We turn off the gas, set it to stew.

    Step 4. Spices and herbs

    Finely chop the herbs, prepare the spices: barberry, saffron, cardamom, crushed garlic, paprika, peppers. Almost any spicy and hot spice will perfectly complement this recipe. Lamb kharcho should be slightly infused under the lid before serving.

    Serving food on the table

    Before getting on the table, kharcho soup should be infused under the lid for at least an hour. It is customary to serve it with lavash or shoti, but other types of bread, for example, whole grain and flour, are also excellent for it. In some regions of Georgia, crushed or finely chopped walnuts are added to kharcho. And besides lamb, you can use veal, chicken or turkey meat.