If the broth is cloudy. How to make the broth transparent if it has become cloudy

09.10.2020 Meat Dishes

In cooking, there are several recipes for dishes, especially soups and aspic, where a clean, literally transparent broth is needed.

What to do if the broth becomes cloudy during cooking? Is it possible to return it to its golden, amber color so that it looks delicious? There are many ways to help you achieve the desired result. Some must be used when cooking, others when the soup has cooled down.

How to make the broth transparent

Let's try to give detailed instructions with step-by-step recommendations. So how do you make the broth clear?

  1. First of all, it is necessary to remove it from the heat at the very moment, as soon as you noticed that the broth has become cloudy. Let the soup cool.
  2. While the broth is cooling, cook the raw chicken protein. To do this, you need to carefully break the egg into two parts, transfer the yolk to another dish, and place the protein in a small bowl.
  3. Use a fork to beat the egg white as if you would like to make an omelet. Beat until foam forms.
  4. Now pour the protein into the cloudy, slightly chilled broth, and begin to stir it slightly.
  5. Next, put the pan on the fire again and wait for the broth to boil, but do not stop stirring.
  6. As soon as the consomme begins to boil, remove it from the heat and leave it again for five minutes, no more. Cool down - again on the stove. And this is how we act two or three times.
  7. When the broth has cooled down for the last time, remove the large portions of the protein from the saucepan. A slotted spoon or a large spoon will help with this.
  8. After the steps taken, pour all the contents into a clean pan, you can strain through a fine sieve. It is advisable to cover it with gauze folded four to five times.

How to make chicken broth clear

How to make chicken broth clear? In order to achieve excellent results in preparing a broth from chicken, you will need to rinse the meat in advance under running water, and then boil it over low heat. It turns out that the first broth will simply have to be poured out. He will help to collect the ichor from the bird and other unnecessary garbage. Rinse the carcass thoroughly afterwards.

While the broth is on fire, try not to interfere with it, but remove the foam that forms on the surface regularly.

For beauty, it is necessary to add grated carrots, small noodles, onions to the finished product for beauty, they will help make the consommé richer, more tasty and aromatic.

Golden Chicken Broth Recipe

How to make chicken broth clear and golden? In order to prepare a delicious broth from chicken fillet, you need to rinse it thoroughly, boil it beforehand and wash it again.

Fry finely chopped onions and carrots in a skillet until golden brown. It will help give the soup a lovely color.

And in order to make the broth even lighter, strain it through cheesecloth folded at least twice.

Such is the simple recipe. It is the chicken fillet that will add tenderness and unique taste to the broth.

Making the broth clear, especially if it becomes cloudy

Let's share a couple of secrets that need to be adopted by those who are thinking about the question of how to make the broth transparent if it has become cloudy?

  • The meat must be thrown in a whole piece, so that it gives off its juice gradually, and not immediately. Be sure to remove the skin from the chicken, otherwise the soup will be too greasy. Never pour meat with too cold water, but it should not be thrown into boiling water either. The surface of the water will be covered with a film and the broth will not look attractive.
  • In the case of a cloudy broth, you will have to use a thick cloth through which you need to filter the soup.
  • Skim off the resulting foam immediately, otherwise it will spoil the appearance of the broth.
  • Cook food only over low heat, do not let the broth boil too much.
  • Avoid frozen meat.
  • You can throw a raw onion or potatoes cut into several pieces into a cloudy broth.
  • Pork and beef need to be cooked from one hour to two, but chicken is cooked up to an hour.
  • A simple protein, as already mentioned, will help to make the cloudy broth transparent.
  • Strain the broth through a fine strainer, then the consommé will become more transparent and tasty.

Secrets of competent lightening

So how do you make the broth clear and golden? There are some tips:

  1. The water temperature should not exceed 70 degrees.
  2. Cooking a broth extract from protein, eggshell.
  3. The draft should be cold and introduced into the broth in parts, and not poured out immediately.
  4. It is advisable to put the shell in cheesecloth, it is also advisable to put raw minced meat there.
  5. The time it takes for the pull to clarify the broth is 10 minutes.
  6. We are preparing an additional dressing for the soup (carrots, onions, herbs), it will help to hide its turbidity and opacity.

Broth for delicious jellied meat

For such a delicate dish, the hostess will only need a transparent meat broth.

Aspic is a dish traditionally prepared in Ancient Russia. This is a great snack for strong drinks, as well as an incredibly tasty and healthy product. The dish contains gelatin, which is formed thanks to natural ingredients and helps to strengthen bones and make tendons elastic.

If the broth turns dark during cooking, do not worry, you can still lighten it. To do this, pour the broth into another pan in order to rid it of the formed sediment, then strain and bring to a boil again.

In a bowl, you can beat the onion with ice and add in cheesecloth in the consomme, and then let it cool. Drain off sediment if necessary.

How to make chicken broth golden

How to make the broth clear and golden? In order to give the rich broth the color of amber, you will have to try, but it is not at all so difficult as it might seem at first glance.

It is advisable to fry carrots and onions in olive oil, turmeric will not hurt, it will help make the broth golden.

By the way, large carrots can be thrown whole in the soup, they will give a pleasant orange color.

Remember that consommé from domestic chickens is always lighter, more rich, tastier and more transparent, and the color will be pale yellow, appetizing.

Now you know several ways to make the broth transparent. And finally: do not forget to decorate it with finely chopped greens. Bon Appetit!

Even the most experienced housewives sometimes face a situation when a dish, for some reason, does not turn out the way it should have come out. Today we will deal with a common question encountered on culinary forums - "why is chicken broth cloudy?" and find out what can be done in a similar case. Do not rush to pour out the cloudy or whitened broth, because it turns out that it can even be saved - and our useful tips will help you with this.

Why does chicken broth turn cloudy or turn white: a step-by-step analysis

Of course, chicken broth cannot just become cloudy. It is usually the fault of all - not observing certain rules for its preparation. But which ones, we'll figure it out now.

Choosing the right chicken parts for your chicken broth

First, pay attention to the parts of the bird you are using for the broth. Very often, the reason for the clouding of the broth is cooking it from an uncut chicken carcass.

The skin, bones, and viscera (eg liver) or their remnants can give the broth its characteristic white or grayish color. To prevent this from happening, carefully inspect the bird that you are going to cook.

They add turbidity and fatty parts of the chicken, therefore, when boiling broth from them, it is better to drain the first water after boiling, and make the broth secondary.

When cooking chicken broth, watch the fire

Secondly, cloudy chicken broth can come out when you cook it over high heat. It is not for nothing that each recipe states that the fire should be large only until the water boils, and after that it must be necessarily reduced, and preferably to the minimum.

It is better to boil the poultry for longer, but get a clear broth than to shorten the cooking time, sacrificing the appearance of the broth.

Do not use a pot lid when cooking

The third reason why the chicken broth is white or cloudy may be the lid. Yes, it turns out that transparency can only be achieved if you do not cover the pan with a lid. When it is covered, the same ugly gray foam, which we usually remove after boiling, does not rise to the top, but settles to the bottom, which gives the broth an ugly cloudy color.

Wrong timing for adding salt

Another important nuance is at what time we salt the broth. If we add vegetables during cooking, then we need to salt the broth before they are placed in the pan, and not after - then the salt will disperse in the broth and will not allow the vegetables to affect its color.

Chicken broth is white or cloudy due to carrots

And also pay attention to carrots - it is she who can make the chicken broth cloudy. This does not mean that you don’t need to add this vegetable at all - you just don’t need to grate it or chop it finely, as many do by mistake.

Better to put peeled carrots whole, or by cutting them in half lengthwise.

The broth does not cloud when cooking chicken if you pour cold water

If you want your broth to remain transparent and beautiful, in no case fill the meat with warm or hot water - it must be cold.

Remove the foam from the meat

Well, do not forget about simple rules: remove the gray foam that appears during cooking, as well as filter the broth after it is ready, so that all the "scraps" are successfully removed from our future soup. If you do not do this, do not be surprised that the broth turned out to be white or cloudy.

How to lighten cloudy chicken broth yourself

If you have broken any of the above rules, and the broth came out aesthetically ugly, do not rush to pour it out. Try to restore its transparency with a simple absorbent - regular egg white.

Before clarifying the broth, be sure to strain it through a fine sieve or several layers of cheesecloth. And then we do the following.

  1. Beat the egg white with a whisk or fork until frothy and pour it in a thin stream into the slightly cooled chicken broth, stirring constantly until it is evenly distributed throughout the pan.
  2. Then put the broth with absorbent on a small fire and let it boil.
  3. We boil for five minutes, turn off the heat, let the broth stand for a quarter of an hour, after which we take out the protein curled at the bottom with a slotted spoon, or filter the broth again. If the beautiful golden color did not work out, we repeat the procedure again.

To clarify two liters of cloudy chicken broth, just one protein will be enough. If you have cooked more broth, take the appropriate amount of proteins.

You can also add a little crushed eggshell to the broth - it also has the ability to absorb all the "turbidity". The main thing - do not forget to strain the broth later!

Now that you know why chicken broth is cloudy, you can prevent the ugly color from appearing during the cooking process. And if for some reason this did not work out, then use a proven means of lightening it!

How to make the broth clear if it is cloudy? After all, any soup looks more appetizing if it is cooked in a beautiful transparent broth. But the muddy broth does not add to the appetizing of the dish at all. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to cook the broth correctly. But there is a way to help fix the situation. You can return transparency to the broth with the help of chicken egg white.

How to make the broth transparent if it has become cloudy, a recipe with step by step photos


1. The broth, which needs to return to transparency, remove from heat after boiling and leave it for five minutes to cool slightly.

2. While the broth is cooling, you need to prepare the protein. To do this, carefully divide the egg into two halves and drain the protein from the egg into a small deep plate, remove the yolk, it is not required.

3. Using a fork, beat the protein vigorously, as for an omelette, for a few minutes until it turns into a foam.

4. Now pour the whipped protein into a slightly chilled broth and stir it a little.

5. Next, place the stockpot on the stove and bring it to a boil. While doing this, keep stirring.

6. As soon as the broth starts to boil, remove it from the stove and let it sit for five minutes. Then bring it to a boil again and remove from the stove. In total, this operation must be repeated two or three times.

7. After removing the broth from the stove for the last time, let it cool slightly and remove large parts of the protein mass from its surface with a spoon or slotted spoon.

8. Take another clean saucepan and place a fine sieve on top of it. Cover the sieve with clean gauze folded 4-5 times.

9. Now strain the broth through a sieve with cheesecloth.

Raw egg white in this case acts as a binder. Once in the hot broth, it begins to curl up and combine all the unwanted particles left in the broth after boiling the meat. When filtering, the protein with these particles remains in the gauze, and the broth is cleaned and acquires a beautiful transparency. Then you can use it to make soup or other dish. Remember this simple secret of how to make the broth transparent if it has become cloudy, and your soups will always look attractive and appetizing.

How to make the broth transparent if it has become cloudy at home, simple, quick and tasty!

Rainy, gray autumn days are conducive to a cup of tea and a good book in a cozy home environment. Especially if the spicy aromas of hot, hearty soup or homemade broth are heard from the kitchen. The latter will be discussed today. Welcome to the diverse world of broths.

Chicken bouillon. Probably the most common of all types. It is better to cook it from "experienced" chicken, the so-called soup chicken. Chicken breasts or legs from the supermarket are not very suitable for this, the broth from them turns out to be watery. An excellent broth is obtained from the frames and legs of the bird, you can also add giblets, excluding the liver, from which the final product will taste bitter. If you want a rich chicken broth, then it is better to skip adding vegetables, but with them the taste of the broth will be more complex. In Chinese cuisine, double or triple broth is popular, it is cooked in 2-3 doses, the broth from the first dose is used instead of water for the second cooking with fresh ingredients, etc. The result is an extremely rich, strong broth. For an oriental flavor in the broth, add chunks of ginger, garlic, and lemongrass (lemongrass or lemongrass) while cooking. For a golden broth color, a washed onion with husk is sometimes added. Cook chicken broth, like all broths, with a minimum boil of 2-4 hours.

Beef or veal broth has many variations. French cuisine is divided into two categories: white and brown broths (fond blanc, fond brun). For the former, the use of bones and pulp with vegetables is characteristic, for the latter, preliminary caramelization of meat and marrow bones is required: they are fried in the oven until golden brown. This procedure gives the broth a dark caramel color and a very rich flavor. Brown broth can be made exclusively from bones with a small amount of meat and no vegetables. This broth is minimally salted, boiled to a strong concentration and used as a base for many sauces (demi-glace). Classic recipes for boiling this broth indicate up to 8 hours of boiling.

Meat broths cook from other types of meat and poultry: lamb, pork, turkey, game, etc. It is also possible to combine different types of meat, such as veal and chicken.

When boiling the broth, it is important to remove the "foam" - coagulated proteins, if in the end a clear broth is important. For a perfectly clear broth, consomme, you need to lighten it at the end of cooking with the help of the so-called guy. This can be done by adding to the ready-made, strained broth a mixture of minced meat, chopped onions, celery, carrots and tomatoes, whipped with several egg whites. When this mass hardens and floats up - the consommé is ready, it remains only to carefully pour it with a ladle, without disturbing the clarifying minced meat, otherwise all the work will be smoked. You can also strain the consommé through several layers of gauze, after removing the protein clot.

Vegetable broths prepared as standard from leeks, carrots, celery (root or petiole) and other vegetables with a bouquet of garni (a bunch of spices, mainly parsley, thyme and bay leaf). It is also good to add herbal stems. It is not recommended to use cabbage in broths because of the specific smell and beets because of their color. Vegetable broth is cooked quite quickly, 30-40 minutes. For vegetable broth, it is quite acceptable to use less "beautiful" parts of vegetables, for example, the dark green part of leeks, peels or carrot trimmings, of course, provided that they are well washed and not affected by rot. It is in these otherwise unsuitable pieces of vegetables that there are many vitamins and nutrients. Japanese kombu dashi, seaweed broth is a more exotic type of vegetable broth.

Fish broth prepared from finely chopped vegetables (leeks, carrots, celery, onions) and small fish or fish carcasses, the broth will be too watery from the fish pulp alone. It is better not to add fish with a pronounced taste to the broth: herring, sardines, mackerel. The broth should be boiled for no more than 30-50 minutes. You can also add raw shrimp, lobster, crayfish and crab shells.

Chicken broth (court-bouillon)- flavored liquid for pooping, slow cooking at low temperatures, such as fish or meat. The easiest option: water, white wine, a bouquet of garni, finely chopped carrots, onions and celery, lemon juice and black pepper. This broth is never used in the final dish, it is used exclusively for cooking.

Almost all broths can be cooked for good: the cooled broth is easy to freeze in portions. You can save space in the freezer by boiling the broth, so you get a concentrate that can be diluted with water already during use.

And finally, a wonderful example of consommé: a recipe for a complex clarified broth and a side dish to it from Sarah nuf_nuf

To prepare the broth, we need:

Beef bones - 1.5-2 kg. (If you want a clear broth, do not use the bones of the spine when boiling. Or soak them in salt water for a couple of hours before boiling. The solution will draw out residues and blood clots that make the broth cloudy.)
Frame (spine, legs and bones of a chicken or duck) - 1 kg.
Celery root, parsley and parsnip.
Smoked beef - 200 gr. (solely for flavoring)
For a guy:
2 eggs (whites only)
Finely chopped (not minced meat, but chopped pieces) chicken, beef or veal - 200-250 gr.

Wash the beef bones thoroughly, dry, put on a baking sheet lined with parchment and bake in the oven at 200 g for about 15-20 minutes. They should be baked and brownish-golden in color. If you like the smell of boiled onions, add the husk to the onion. If you do not like this smell, then it is better to peel the onion, divide it in half across and bake in a dry frying pan until black specks. The sugar contained in the onion caramelizes, the bitterness of the onion will go away and the smell will be softer and less aggressive. The same should be done with carrots.

Pour 3 liters of water over the bones and put on fire. Bring to a boil, but do not boil, carefully remove the skins, add the prepared vegetables, put on a minimum heat and cook for about 3 hours. The broth should not boil. Then it will turn out to be perfectly transparent.

In the meantime, let's prepare the poultry skeletons. In principle, you can put chicken breasts, but it is not recommended to cook them for a long time. They become dry from long cooking. And if you cook them for a short time, then they will not have time to add flavor to the broth. Therefore, we take the frames, wash them thoroughly, fill them with cold water and bring them to a boil. Then we will salt the water in which the frames were cooked, we will no longer need it. Add the frames to the meat broth and cook for another 1.5 hours. In total, the broth should be cooked for about 5 hours.

Add smoked meats an hour before readiness. It can be smoked ribs, pieces of smoked poultry or, like mine, smoked beef. In principle, you can refrain from this step.

Then the broth must be filtered and cooled. I leave the broth in the refrigerator overnight. Grease that is on the surface is easiest to remove when it hardens.

Now the fun begins, the delay.
For a quickdraw, you need to take finely chopped pieces of poultry or meat.
They must be soaked in a strongly salted solution of cold water for 1.5-2 hours.
Then squeeze and mix with lightly beaten egg whites.
The resulting mass must be added to the cold (!) Broth and cook on the lowest heat for about an hour. As soon as the mass emerges, it is a sign that our suffering is coming to an end.
Then it is necessary to carefully remove the floating pieces with a slotted spoon and carefully strain the broth through a triple layer of gauze. Salt to taste.
You will get a very rich golden broth.

Side dish for 4 portions
2 duck breasts (fillet only) - approx. 375-400 gr.
Apple - green, unsweetened - 1 pc.
Leeks - only the white part (for lack of availability, it was replaced with the white part of green onions)
Green peas (frozen) - 1 glass.
Carrots - 1 pc. (3-4 figuratively cut into slices per serving)
Butter (for frying vegetables) - 2 tablespoons
Vegetable oil (for frying duck breast) - 1.5 tbsp.

1. Wash the duck breast thoroughly and pat dry with a paper towel. Make cuts in the skin in the form of a grid. Season with salt and pepper.
2. Fry the breasts in a hot skillet with a little oil until golden brown.
3. Cut the apple and onion into strips. Cut the carrots into slices.
4. Simmer the prepared vegetables and the apple separately in a little butter for 2-3 minutes.

Put vegetables in a preheated plate, duck breast cut into slices in the center. Serve the broth in a jug. The broth is added to the plate already at the table.

A good broth is the head of everything! A beautiful transparent broth with golden droplets of fat and an amazing aroma is already a complete first course. If the broth is cloudy, with foams, gray and ugly, then it will not make a soup, but a real gruel. You don't have to let this happen. There are tons of ways to brighten homemade broths, color them nicely, and turn a humble soup into a terrific homemade meal.

How to make broths transparent - general principles

Do not use pieces of meat or poultry with pieces of ichor or dried blood for clear broths. If lumps of fat or lard are hanging, then they also need to be removed. Next, the main product must be thoroughly rinsed with cold water, squeezed out. Bones and large pieces of pork, beef should be soaked for half an hour in cold water. To prevent the broth from becoming cloudy, you need to skim off the foam. This is done not only when boiling, but also during the cooking process.

Basic cooking principles:

1. Do not allow the broth to actively boil and boil, so it will never turn out transparent.

2. There is no need to salt the broth during cooking, this is done at the very end or at least half an hour before.

3. After straining, the broth must be returned to a clean pot, be sure to rinse the bowl.

4. Carrots, onions, parsley root give broths not only taste, but also a pleasant color. You need to add them entirely.

Broth clarification is the removal of turbidity, that is, small particles. This cannot be done by ordinary filtering. In cooking, a pull is used, most often based on egg white. Below is a detailed recipe. The essence of the method is in the absorption of suspended particles from the liquid. They are then removed along with the protein. Other foods can be added to the egg, such as vegetables, minced meat, and crushed bones.

How to clarify broth with an egg

One of the simplest and most well-known ways to clarify broth is to draw a stretch. The recipe based on egg whites is suitable for any chicken and meat broths, it is found in chef's technology books.


3-4 liters of ready-made broth;


1. Thoroughly wash the eggshells with soap, rinse with cold water. We break the eggs, take out the yolks. They can be used for other dishes, they will not be useful to us.

2. Beat the whites into a good dense foam. Crumble the eggshells with your hands.

3. Cool the cooked broth to about 70-75 degrees, add proteins, stir.

4. We send the pot with broth to the stove, turn on the strongest heat, quickly bring to a boil. Turn off, leave for ten minutes.

5. Repeat boiling the broth with eggs two more times, but turn off each time and let the broth stand for a while.

6. Now we take the cheesecloth, put it in a colander, filter the broth. Or we use a fine mesh sieve for this.

7. Now we must bring the broth to a boil again, use it for our needs.

How to make the broth transparent (minced meat pull)

Another easy way to make meat broth clear. For a quickdraw, in addition to egg white, you will also need a little minced meat. It is important for him to use meat without fat.


1 carrot;

1 onion;

500-800 g of beef;

2.5-3 liters of water;

250 g minced meat;


1. Fill the washed beef with bones or only bones with cold water, send it to the stove.

2. When boiling, carefully remove the foam. Cook the broth covered with a barely noticeable boil for about an hour.

3. Remove the top husk from the onion or just rinse it well from the ground, put it in a saucepan. We immediately throw in the peeled, but not chopped carrots. We cook the broth for another hour. When boiling vegetables, the foam must also be removed.

4. Twist the lean piece of meat. Beat the egg white until frothy. Combine with minced meat, stir.

5. Add minced meat to a saucepan with boiling broth. Stir so that large lumps do not grab. Slowly bring to a boil.

6. Cook the broth on low heat for about half an hour.

7. Wet cotton cloth or gauze rolled in several layers. We filter the broth.

Clear chicken broth for noodles and soups

Simple clear chicken broth recipe. It can be simply served with herbs and croutons, or used to make homemade noodles, light soups. It is better to use homemade chicken, any part will do except the breast.


Chicken 1-1.5 kg;

1 carrot;

1 onion;

1 parsley root;

4-5 peppercorns, salt.


1. We wash the chicken carcass with cold water, remove damage or feathers from the surface.

2. Transfer to a saucepan, fill the bird with water.

3. We put on maximum heat, quickly bring to a boil. We collect all the foams from the surface with a large spoon. We reduce the heat, boil for about fifteen minutes, do not let it boil actively.

4. Add parsley root and onion. Carrots, all whole, do not need to cut anything. We add heat, bring it to a boil again, remove the foam again and remove the fire.

5. Cover the pan and cook the broth for about an hour. If the chicken is homemade or farmed, then about 1.5 hours.

6. About 15 minutes before the end of cooking, remove the vegetables from the broth, add laurel, pepper, salt.

How to clarify broth with lemon juice

This method is useful if the broth turns out to be gray or brownish after boiling. Soup from such a base will not be very cute.


2 liters of broth;

Husk of 1 onion;

1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.


1. For a golden color, throw a little onion husk into the cloudy and dark broth, boil for a couple of minutes.

2. Strain through a cloth or strainer, return to the pot.

3. Put on the stove again, add lemon juice, stir. A little dry acid can be added.

How to make the broth transparent (for jellied meat, aspic)

One of the most difficult questions is how to clarify the broth for jellies, aspic, jellied meat. The broth is cooked for a long time, very rich, it just does not turn out transparent and golden, the dishes are not very cute, but this is easy to fix!


2.5 liters of broth;

2 yolks;




1. First, the broth must be well cooled, chilled for several hours. A layer of fat forms on the surface. We take a spoon, remove it. It can be used for different dishes, prepare stir fry for soups. Do not throw it away, put it in the refrigerator.

2. Now heat the broth on the stove.

3. Cut the onion into small cubes, rub the carrots, pour everything into a bowl.

4. Beat whites, mix with vegetables.

5. Put the brace into the boiling broth, stir and immediately turn off the stove, but do not stop stirring, we do it for about five minutes more

6. Turn on the stove and bring the broth to a boil again, turn it off, cover.

7. After fifteen minutes, the broth for the jellied meat must be filtered.

8. Assessing transparency. If there are particles or light turbidity left, then you can add the whipped protein again, now without vegetables, warm up and strain. The procedure is repeated until the desired result is obtained.

Transparent Chicken Broth With Pitted Draw

To prepare such a pull and get a clear chicken broth, you will need crushed bones. By the way, they can be prepared in advance, dried and stored in a jar on the kitchen shelf.


2.5-3 liters of broth;

25 g seeds.


1. Cook fragrant chicken broth from any parts of a carcass or whole poultry. We take out the meat before clarification.

2. Beat the egg whites with a fork or whisk until they are fluffy.

3. Add the chopped bones to the protein, stir. If there is more broth, then we double the amount of products.

4. Put the protein with seeds in the broth, stir quickly, turn on the stove.

5. Boil on low heat for about ten minutes. You do not need to let the broth boil, just simmer and warm it up. Stir.

6. Turn off the stove, let it stand for a while to let the heat go away.

7. Strain the broth from the draft ingredients through a cotton cloth.

How to clarify broth with carrots and protein

Another option for a guy. It is suitable for all fish and meat broths. Carrots not only help to remove cloudy particles, but also give the broth a beautiful color.


2.5-3 liters of broth;

Large carrot;

Two squirrels.


1. Wash the carrots with a brush, you don't need to peel them. We take a fine grater, grind. You can use a harvester.

2. Beat the egg whites into a cool foam. Combine with carrots, mix gently.

3. Add the carrot extract to the hot broth and bring to a boil. Stir quickly, turn off. Cover the pan and leave for ten minutes.

4. Bring to a boil again, stir to collect all suspended particles, turn off.

5. Insist for about 10-15 minutes, then filter the finished broth through a damp, lint-free cloth.

Clear Chicken Broth - Useful Tips and Tricks

Is there any boiled broth left? Feel free to freeze it! Better to pour into silicone molds. There will always be a fragrant addition for sauces, any first and second courses in the freezer.

If the broth is prepared with rice, the cereal must be boiled separately almost until cooked, only then added to the total mass. Transparent broth will never work with it.

Onions with husks and carrots give the broth a beautiful golden hue. Chicken broths and soups look especially appetizing with them.

Is the broth color ugly and gray? You can add carrots and onions to it, as mentioned above, but turmeric, curry seasoning will help to quickly correct the look, they perfectly color the first courses, give a golden hue and quite a pleasant taste.

The foam sank to the bottom, and did not have time to remove it? It is necessary to pour a glass of cold water into a saucepan, bring the liquid to a boil again.