Than breakfast in different countries of the world. National breakfasts from around the world (20 photos)

23.08.2019 Meat Dishes

Each country has its own traditions, this also applies to culinary preferences, including food for breakfast. What kind of dishes do residents of different countries start their day with? Let's find out.


Traditional breakfast - rice, miso soup (it is prepared on the basis of fish broth, as well as soy or rice miso paste), nori seaweed. The second course in breakfast is usually fish, but it can also be rice with seafood.


Cakes made from lentil or rice flour and always spices. The inhabitants of this country add them to all dishes. And not just for breakfast.


In this country, they prefer rice and noodles for breakfast with various additives: meat, chicken or vegetables and soy sauce. And also traditional rice flour pies can be used as breakfast.


Here the morning usually starts with simple products: grain bread, boiled eggs, goat cheese, olives, tomatoes, olives. And the main element of a Turkish breakfast is honey. And although they love coffee in Turkey, residents still start the day with tea, and it is not just boiled here, but brewed in order to be strong.


The main ingredients of breakfast in this country are dairy products, as well as coffee, rolls, fruits and vegetables.


In Morocco, they prefer to start the day with baked goods, honey, and cheese. And also various mixtures of legumes. Drink it with juices, coffee or green tea.


The main meal here is in the afternoon. Therefore, breakfast in Italy is coffee and a bun, sometimes a piece of cheese or sausage

United Kingdom

An English traditional breakfast daily is the famous oatmeal, hard-boiled eggs. As well as bacon, beans and mushrooms. And as a drink - juice, coffee or tea.

The high pace of life in this country affects breakfast too. When there is very little time in the morning, breakfast is coffee on the way to work, along with some donut. If there is still time, then the Americans have breakfast with scrambled eggs, pancakes, muesli with milk.


Here, just as in Italy, it is not customary to eat a hearty meal in the morning. The French prefer coffee with a croissant for breakfast.

What woman has not said to herself: "That's it, since Monday I'm going on a diet!" Indeed, all day long cucumbers and a couple of green apples are added to the mouth. In the best case, you are enough for a couple of days, but most often the diet ends at eight in the evening, when you open the refrigerator, and there is a delicious sausage, Olivier and a piece of fried meat.

Okay, I'll confess to you. My diet has been going on for 5 days. But for some reason, today, my thoughts are only about food. This is probably why I decided to collect information for you about how it is customary to have breakfast in different countries of the world. Chances are, after I finish writing this article, I will go downstairs to the Cooking Class and buy a spread or a slice of pizza. My five-day agony will come to an end. In the meantime, I'll tell you about how people eat in different countries of the world.


What is it, porridge or what? - Oatmeal, sir. (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles).
It is oatmeal that is strongly associated with an English breakfast. But I dare to assure you that modern Englishmen have somewhat changed their centuries-old habits. A friend of mine often visits England, where she lives with ordinary English families. According to her, our English contemporaries have replaced traditional porridge with ordinary cornflakes. Eggs are also served for breakfast, preferably soft-boiled, bacon, mushrooms and toast with jam,

Perhaps the only thing the British have remained faithful to is tea and toast.


Traditionally, Vietnamese breakfast is considered to be pho soup. This is how this nation stood out among the world's eggs, cereals, bacon and baked goods.

Pho soup is a rich broth with rice noodles, pieces of meat or fish.
However, Vietnamese do not always have Pho breakfast. It can also be just boiled rice or some kind of rice porridge flavored with herbs.


I probably should have been born in Greece. It is the Greek breakfast that fully corresponds to my ideas about a delicious breakfast. Fresh pastries, cheese, yoghurt, shortbread (kulurakya or mustokulura), honey, olives. Also, Greeks eat seasonal fruits for breakfast, often eat vegetables. They are happy to cook sweet wheat porridge in milk, adding cinnamon to it. Eggs in the form of omelets are also a frequent guest on the breakfast table of the Greek.

Coffee, herbal tea or orange juice are preferred drinks.


Many Egyptians are vegetarians and honor the traditions of their ancestors. Perhaps this is one of the countries where modern breakfast is not much different from what the Egyptians ate during the time of the pharaohs. Of course, you will not find these dishes in hotel restaurants, because an unprepared European is unlikely to like them.

So, the traditional breakfast of an Egyptian is ful (or full medames) and felafiles. Ful is a dish of beans flavored with olive oil, parsley, onions, garlic and lemon juice. Felafile is a kind of meatballs made from legumes. These dishes are eaten with freshly baked bread.


It seemed to me that the Indian breakfast is very poor. Crispy flat bread dosa made from rice batter served with traditional chutney sauce. This sauce can be tomato, apple, plum, in general, it is prepared from vegetables or fruits, with the addition of vinegar and spices. He always accompanies meals in India.

Also, Hindus eat idli for breakfast - these are steamed pies made of rice flour and lentils. They can be spicy, spicy or sweet, and are also used with chutney sauce.


The Chinese, in principle, devote a special place to the meal, but especially to breakfast. However, the Chinese breakfast doesn't look very appetizing. For example, the mothers of the family are very fond of cooking a semblance of rice porridge in the morning, just do not think that it will be with milk and butter. It's just rice slurry in water without salt, sugar and other spices. This dish is served with spicy pickled vegetables, due to which it acquires at least some taste.

Also, the Chinese, oddly enough, eat dumplings for breakfast. In general, the Chinese believe that dumplings are a traditional Chinese dish, not Russian. In general, the Chinese make no worse than us and use dumplings with various fillings. They are usually steamed. Tortillas with all kinds of fillings, steamed pies, rice dumplings, noodles are also part of the Chinese breakfast.


My friend is married to a Mexican. Mexicans eat salsa, tortillas and hot peppers 24/7, she said. And this is not a myth.

So, for breakfast, they prefer the following derivatives of these three foods:
1) Uebo al chile. Eggs are poured into a frying pan, mixed, then salsa is added there (this is a sauce made from tomato, hot pepper, onion and cilantro). It can also be cooked with beans.

2) Chilkiles. Dried tartar cake (called tortilla in Spain) is fried in oil, then poured with green tomato salsa. Served with cheese and sour cream.

3) Keso al chile. Cheese is fried in a skillet and poured with salsa.

The first and third courses are eaten with corn tortilla.

To be honest, I really love Mexican cuisine, I cook a lot of various dishes according to my friend's recipes, but the breakfasts somehow did not impress me very much.


In the States, everything is simple. They even have special restaurants there that only work in the morning. Usually they serve scrambled eggs or omelet with toasted bacon, pancake (pancake) waffle or thick pancake. There is always maple syrup on the table to make the sweet pancake even sweeter.

At home, Americans prefer a variety of muesli and breakfast cereals, and this is not a myth. They also eat toast with jam, and on the way to work they often buy donuts sprinkled with powdered sugar.


Thai cuisine is very popular among Europeans, however, it remains one of the most exotic cuisines in the world. A typical Thai breakfast is so specific for a European that many will not even dare to try it, especially in the morning.

For example, Thais respect Khao Loa Mid Mu very much. This is a soup with pork entrails with the addition of pork blood tofu.

It can also be rice porridge with ginger, pieces of pork, green onions and an egg. Or hot sweet soy milk with jelly.


Abundance, color brightness, variety - this is the basis of a Turkish breakfast. Fresh pastries of several types are the basis of breakfast. Also, a Turkish breakfast will not do without eggs, butter, cheese, honey, jam, tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, Turkish sausages, fruits. Do you have the feeling that I am describing a typical hotel Turkish breakfast? Nevertheless, the locals are so used to having breakfast.

In general, that's all. My diet has come to an end. I'm going to eat a couple of cakes. And tomorrow I'll have breakfast in Turkish.

Englishwoman Victoria Philpott decided to find out what dishes are preferred as a morning meal in different countries of the world. Friends from different countries sent her photos and recipes for their breakfasts, from which Victoria made a kind of gastronomic map of the world. This is how the project "50 best breakfasts in the world" came about. Now we have the opportunity to make a culinary journey to different parts of our planet.

English breakfast... The full version includes eggs, bacon, sausages, beans, mushrooms, hash brown potato and toast. And, of course, you can't do without a cup of coffee or black tea.

Israeli breakfast... The meal is supposed to start with a portion of salad, followed by a variety of snacks: soft milk cheeses, olives and olives, baked eggplant, hummus and tahini, pickled peppers, canned tuna salad. Breakfast is served with toast, whole grain bread. Typically, an Israeli breakfast contains no meat dishes. Eggs are served instead.

Breakfast in the Netherlands... Usually the Dutch breakfast consists of several types of bread with cheese, ham, jam, honey, chocolate or fruit crumbs. Often - pancakes with all kinds of fillings.

Breakfast in Turkey... On the table, you will definitely see several varieties of cheese, butter, olives, eggs, chopped tomatoes and cucumbers, jam and honey, bread and spiced meat. Sometimes there may be toasted sausages, scrambled eggs or menemen (scrambled eggs with tomatoes or vegetables).

Breakfast in France. Croissants, croissants and more croissants. Well, then - a full flight of imagination. A filling of crushed almonds, chocolate or cream - you can't spoil a good croissant.

Breakfast in the Philippines. Local fruits such as mangoes as well as rice and small sausages. Fried with salt and cloves of garlic, they are called synangag. They are then mixed with eggs, meat and beans.

German breakfast... Sausages, local cheeses and freshly baked bread. All this is washed down with strong coffee.

Breakfast in Uganda... A favorite dish is called katogo - stewed green bananas with beef or vegetable gravy. Sauces made from more exotic products are also possible, such as cow entrails (as in the picture above).

Mexican breakfast. Beef, chilequiles and other foods. Nachos, cheese and beans are part of the breakfast, which is always rich in spices.

Malaysian breakfast... A cup of hot llama mi (noodle soup with vegetables, meat, scrambled eggs and spices) or Nasi Lemak is the country's national dish, the main ingredient of which is rice cooked in coconut milk. The dish is served with chili sambal pasta, anchovies, boiled eggs, fried peanuts and cucumber slices. All this splendor is wrapped in a banana leaf.

Korean breakfast... In this country, the concept of breakfast, as such, does not exist at all. Morning food is no different from what is served at other times of the day. The basis of the morning meal is still usually a mixture of pickled vegetables, kimchi, as well as rice, scrambled eggs.

Breakfast in Canada... Unleavened dumplings stuffed with mashed potatoes, sauerkraut, minced meat, cheese or fruit. They are usually boiled, baked, or fried. Additionally, sausages, toasts and butter are served to the table.

Hawaiian breakfast... It's hard to imagine Hawaiians eating anything other than fruit. Of course, breakfast includes a bun, but Hawaiians need not be afraid of extra calories - they will disappear in just a couple of minutes of surfing.

Breakfast in Australia... A typical Australian breakfast is very similar to what is prepared in Western countries. This can be toast, sandwiches with fruits or juices. At the same time, the table invariably contains the Vegemite pasta - the country's national dish, which is prepared on the basis of yeast extract.

Breakfast in Thailand. Spicy fish with mint, sweet and spicy pork and rice. You will find this dish in cafes all over the country.

American breakfast... There are probably many options here, but one of those that are most often found in the United States is thick pancakes (pancake) with syrup and berries, which are certainly accompanied by a couple of pieces of bacon and scrambled eggs.

Scottish breakfast... The composition is similar to an English or Irish breakfast. Features - blood sausage, square sausage "Lorna", mutton tripe (haggis).

Breakfast in Italy... Most often, Italians eat a breakfast on the run called cappuccino e cornetto or cappuccino with a croissant.

Breakfast in Bolivia... This country has its own special breakfast dish! Saltena is a cross between empanada and Cornish patty. They are usually stuffed with meats and vegetables with added sugar for a more savory flavor.

Icelandic breakfast... Oatmeal with brown sugar, raisins, nuts.

Breakfast in Alaska... Venison and scrambled eggs on a weighty pancake.

Breakfast in Costa Rica... A favorite of Costa Ricans is a dish called Gallo Pinto. It is a mixture of rice, black beans, salsa and corn tortilla. Optionally add a slice of avocado, ripe fried banana, and meat.

Breakfast in Mongolia... The most dense and thorough food in Mongolia is prepared for breakfast and lunch, usually boiled lamb with a lot of fat and flour, as well as dairy products or rice.

Breakfast in Poland... A traditional Polish breakfast consists of scrambled eggs topped with sausage slices and two potato pancakes.

Welsh breakfast... It's pretty simple - hot toast baked with cheese.

Spanish breakfast... A quick Spanish breakfast - pan a la catalana, just a slice of bread with fresh garlic and lots of ripe tomatoes drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with salt. In addition, they can serve a slice of cheese, ham.

Moroccan breakfast... It usually consists of various types of bread, as well as pancakes called bagir. They are served with jam, cheese or butter. Bagir is made from wheat flour with the addition of semolina, bagir pancakes have a lush and porous structure.

Breakfast in Peru... Ceviche (the most popular dish at any time of the day, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner) is a dish of fresh fish and seafood marinated in lemon or lime juice and seasoned with chili.

Breakfast in Venezuela... Empanadas is a pie made with wheat flour and beef fat, with fresh cheese, minced meat, or any combination of vegetables and beans.

Brazilian breakfast... A variety of meat and cheese cuts with fresh crunchy bread. All this is complemented to taste with butter or jam. And, of course, a cup of coffee.

Irish breakfast... After tasting the English and Scottish breakfasts, it's time to grab some Irish food. Pudding and unleavened dough bread and soda await you, among other things.

Portuguese breakfast... For breakfast in Portugal, they usually eat toast, sandwiches, pastries and wash it all down with coffee.

Chinese breakfast. A traditional Chinese breakfast is similar to both lunch and dinner. Includes noodles, rice with stewed chicken and vegetables.

Breakfast in Vietnam... Very often Vietnamese eat the national pho soup for breakfast. It is prepared with rice noodles, into which beef or chicken is added when serving, sometimes pieces of fried fish or fish balls. The soup is poured into a bowl and seasoned to taste with herbs, onions, pepper and lemon juice.

Estonian breakfast... It is a freshly baked roll topped with baked cheese.

Breakfast in Ghana... Cassava breaded with spices and rusks. Ghanaians mostly eat little meat, their breakfast is full of hot spices and seasonings, and bread is an important part of the Ghanaian breakfast.

Hungarian breakfast... The traditional element is the pogacha bun. It is a small round bread, sometimes a flatbread, usually salted, although there are also sweet pogachi. Popular pogachi options are potato, cracklings, cottage cheese, and cabbage.

Breakfast in Belize... A mixture of Spanish, African and local Indian cuisines. One of the main dishes in Belize is Fryjack. These are pieces of dough fried in a large amount of butter. They are served with the first and second courses, and they are also treated with honey and jam.

Breakfast in Denmark... Most Danes eat smorrebrod for breakfast. This is bread with butter and slices of meat, fish or cheese. But the Danes don't mix dishes on the plate and eat them in a strict order, with a knife and fork. Danish breakfast (or morgen-complet) consists of coffee or tea, rye bread, muesli, jam and cheese, often also sliced ​​meat.

Bahamian breakfast... It is not complete without the traditional porridge on the islands from a mixture of oatmeal and corn flour. It is served with shrimp and meat.

Breakfast in India... Indian cuisine is very different from state to state and from north to south and west to east. In some parts of India, it is customary to start the day with fried potatoes with curry and beans, in others with unleavened tortillas with onion or cheese filling. The photo above is Indian tofu, lentils, vegetable sausages, banana toast with pepper and rosemary chips.

Egyptian breakfast... Egyptians generally choose a dish called Foul Mudammas for breakfast. It consists of green beans, chickpeas, garlic and lemon. Often the dish is dressed with olive oil, cayenne pepper and tahini sauce, and a boiled egg and vegetables, cut into slices, are laid out on top.

Colombia... Colombia has a variety of breakfast options to keep you energized and energized for the day. One of the most popular is a dish called changua. It is made with milk, shallots and cheese.

Breakfast in Iran... This is some kind of Indian bread "Naan" with butter and jam. If a light breakfast isn't enough, Iranians eat halim. Halim is a mixture of wheat, cinnamon, butter and sugar cooked with minced meat in large pots. It can be eaten both cold and hot. An Iranian version of the omelet can also be seen here.

Breakfast in the Dominican Republic... Includes traditional banana puree - manga. This dish is prepared from bananas, with the addition of butter and salami, cheese and eggs. Served with hot chocolate.

Breakfast in Japan... A typical Japanese breakfast consists of green tea, a cup of rice, tofu soup, small nori seaweed leaves, and a piece of smoked salmon or tuna.

Swedish breakfast... Swedish pancakes, known as pannkakor, which are similar to regular pancakes, but with a sweet fruit filling.

Breakfast in Jordan. There are many options, but most often on the table of a Jordanian you can see hummus (an appetizer of chickpea puree, which usually includes olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, paprika, sesame paste), falafel (deep-fried balls of crushed chickpea, seasoned with spices) and salted yogurt.

Breakfast in Pakistan... Paratha is served for breakfast. This is a fresh flaky tortilla, the size of a medium or large skillet. It is eaten with ghee, vegetables, hot sauce.

Breakfast in Russia. Wheat flour pancakes, usually served with jam, honey, sour cream, or fresh fruit.

Bon Appetit!

Representatives of different countries look at food through the prism of their distinctive culture, so each nation has its own attitude towards it. Accordingly, the national dishes that are prepared for breakfast in different parts of the world differ from each other.


In the morning, the British love to eat hearty food, and often their breakfast consists of several dishes at once. Typically, these are fried eggs, bacon, sausages, beans, toasted vegetables and mushrooms. This assortment is simply called an English breakfast and is served with crispy toast and milk tea.

In the US, many people eat on the go or prepare quick breakfasts such as peanut butter toast or milk cereal. But if we talk about a traditional American breakfast, then it is pancakes with maple syrup and fried eggs with a couple of slices of bacon.


Swedes prefer a sweet and light breakfast like butter and jam pancakes. And if there is no time to prepare them, then they eat oat muesli with milk, fruits, nuts and honey.


In Germany, cheese and ham are a must for breakfast. Often the Germans eat soft-boiled eggs for breakfast and eat them with buns and butter. Another option for a German breakfast is sausages with bread and black coffee.


In the morning, Italians love to eat fresh pastries, so the café serves breakfast croissants, toasts with nutella, jam or honey. In Sicily, for example, it is customary to have breakfast with pastries and ice cream. And, of course, food in Italy is washed down with cappuccino or freshly squeezed juice.


In France, as in Italy, they like to serve croissants and coffee for breakfast. In addition, the French make sweet toasts with jam and fruits, which are dipped in milk with eggs and fried in butter. Also in the morning, some cook Kish-Lauren - open pie, the base of which consists of shortcrust pastry stuffed with cream (some replace it with sour cream), eggs, milk and cheese with various additives. In the classic version, smoked fish or bacon is added to it.


The Spaniards have several options for a traditional breakfast: potato tortilla, churros (fried pastry made from choux pastry) or toast with tomatoes. Tortilla is the most satisfying of the three courses, since in the understanding of the Spaniards it is a cross between baked goods and an omelet. Toast with tomatoes and jamon is ideal for those who do not want to overeat in the morning, and churros with chocolate is usually offered to children.


For the Greeks, breakfast is the main meal, hence a large selection of dishes. For example, the famous Greek milk pie galatopita, which is made from semolina. Also, the Greeks love to eat their signature Greek yogurt with honey and nuts in the morning. In addition, representatives of this culture always have a plate of olives on the table.


In Armenia, they like to have a hearty breakfast. The most popular morning dishes in Yerevan and other parts of the country are scrambled eggs with basturma or tomatoes. Sometimes for breakfast they bake zhengyalov hats - a bread cake stuffed with finely chopped greens of various plants (usually from 7 to 15 species). There is always cheese, herbs and lavash on the table in an Armenian house. They drink either tea or sweet oriental coffee at breakfast.


In Mexico, chilakiles, a traditional local breakfast, is prepared in the morning. It includes pieces of corn tortilla, scrambled eggs, chicken or pork offal, avocado, toasted beans, and all topped with chili salsa.

A Cuban breakfast usually consists of toasted sweet toast with butter and coffee with milk. Sometimes a fruit plate is served with this set.


In Brazil, lunch is considered the main meal, so something very light is eaten for breakfast. For example, bread, cheese, thin slices of ham, yogurt, or fruit. Moreover, the Brazilians' morning diet may be limited to black coffee only. They love him very much and drink at least two or three times a day.

The Chinese usually make baozi - steamed meat or vegetable pies. Other Chinese breakfast options are salty rice porridge with vegetables or mushrooms and fried pancakes with onions. As for drinks, the Chinese prefer tea or hot soy milk in the morning.


The Japanese start their day with miso soup, boiled rice with pickled vegetables, natto soybeans and tofu with soy sauce. Green tea is traditionally used to complement breakfast in Japan.

There are a lot of breakfast options in India. One of the most popular and fastest is considered semolina with vegetables entitled upma, and the healthiest dish is steamed cakes made of black mung bean and rice flour, served with various sauces.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is he who makes us healthy and strong. The morning of every person who wants to be healthy begins with breakfast. However, the foods you eat for breakfast vary greatly from country to country and region to region. Some people prefer scrambled eggs, others drink coffee with a sandwich, and some cannot do without oatmeal. In European countries such as Spain, France and Italy, the first meal of the day is a piece of bread or biscuit and strong coffee. Meanwhile, in Korea, breakfast is quite hearty and looks more like lunch. Below we look at photos of classic breakfast options around the world.


What is eaten for breakfast in China varies by region, but fried breadsticks and warm soy milk are loved by millions. Hot soups are also popular. They can serve their favorite rice or noodles with various additives. It can be chicken, meat, or at least vegetables. I must say that such a breakfast is very satisfying, and it differs little from subsequent meals. Homemade breakfasts are more varied on Sundays. To them are added pies, pancakes and buns, which are usually deep-fried.


The inhabitants of this country love vegemite so much that they are ready to use it every day. They also eat a lot of fruit and sometimes indulge in a hearty English breakfast. Since most parts of Australia have warm weather, many people prefer light breakfasts. This is probably why the hearty breakfast, which the British love so much, never became a tradition in this country.


Strong coffee and milk go well with ham, cheese and bread. A thick soup with meat and black beans is also served in the morning.


Breakfast in this country revolves around arepas. It is a dense, lightly sweetened corn pie that can be served with butter, eggs, meat, or jam.


The usual Cuban breakfast is tostada. This is grilled bread and butter. It is dipped in coffee with milk.


A typical English hearty breakfast includes eggs, sausages, bacon, beans, mushrooms, and cooked tomatoes. However, the British allow themselves such heavy food no more than once a week. Many people choose the famous oatmeal or hard-boiled eggs. Drinks include tea, coffee or juice.


In this country, a hearty breakfast is not accepted. Traditional French breakfast - coffee with baguette or croissant. Like Cubans, the French often dip bread and butter in coffee.


For breakfast, Germans prefer an assortment of fresh breads, different types of meats, locally produced cheeses, jams and butter. In addition, breakfast cereals are gaining more and more popularity. However, they are different. Someone prefers pates or cheeses, while others prefer fruits.


In India, breakfasts also differ depending on the region. But many Indians prefer chutneys, sauces, breads such as dosa, roti or idni.


For many Italians, the start of the day is cappuccino and buns with jam or chocolate. Sometimes a piece of cheese or sausage is added to such a modest breakfast. The modest appetites of Italians at breakfast are easy to explain. Since it is customary in this country to have a hearty dinner, many people wake up hunger only by lunch the next day.


The first meal in this country is also important. Mexicans start off with dishes like chilaquiles and juevos rancheros. This is a very popular choice. Rolls and coffee are a lighter option.


Traditionally breakfast includes cape soup, steamed white rice, pickled vegetables, protein-rich foods such as fish or Japanese omelet - tamagoyaki.


Russians have a huge selection of pancakes for breakfast. It can be cheese cakes, kefir pancakes or pancakes.


The traditional breakfast consists of bread, cheese, butter, olives, eggs, tomatoes, cucumbers, jam, honey and kaymak. Breakfast can also include spicy Turkish sausage and tea. As you can see, these are quite simple, but at the same time useful products. In addition, such a breakfast is noticeably different from what is usually served to tourists in hotels.


A popular salty breakfast in Spain is toast with grated tomato. In addition, many restaurants and cafes sell churros. These are choux pastry sticks sprinkled with sugar. Churros is usually eaten with hot chocolate.

South Africa

The common first course here is corn porridge called potu-pap.


Breakfast is strikingly similar to dinner in this country. These are rice, soup, the ubiquitous kimchi, some types of fish or beef, and other leftovers from yesterday's dinner. Recently, however, Koreans are increasingly switching to a European breakfast.


Asuke is a type of fruit that looks like scrambled eggs when cooked. It is the favorite breakfast in Jamaica. It can be supplemented with fried bananas, salted fish and fresh fruit.


A typical breakfast is an open sandwich with fish or sausage, cheese, mayonnaise, and vegetables such as cucumbers and tomatoes.


Foods that are commonly eaten in America for breakfast can vary greatly from state to state. However, eggs, fries, bacon, and sausages are everyone's favorites. Given the high pace of life, many Americans eat breakfast at fast foods. A healthier breakfast includes cornflakes with milk or muesli and peanut butter toast. And, of course, coffee, the favorite of all Americans.