Lush yeast pancakes. Useful video about yeast pancakes

04.08.2019 Meat Dishes

With the onset of cold weather, more and more often you want something solid, satisfying. For example, pancakes. You can make thin, lacy ones, but if you show patience, you can make real thick and fluffy pancakes with yeast - fragrant, incredibly appetizing. They are also called sour. Delicious pancakes can be prepared with any ingredients, but the main ones, of course, are flour and yeast. So, let's begin.

Thick pancakes with yeast - a recipe for milk, or a recipe for sponge cooking

Thick and fluffy pancakes are obtained when the dough has passed all stages of fermentation, filled with air, became porous and light. Just letting the pancakes stand well, discard, and there is the main secret of successful pancakes. In addition, yeast pancakes with milk are well obtained from a fairly thick dough. Therefore, do not worry that the recipe below will end up with a thick mass.

The calculation is made for a large portion of pancakes, but if you need fewer pancakes, just cut the amount of food in half.

Let's prepare:

  • 0.6 kg of flour (ordinary flour is good, but excellent products are also obtained from buckwheat);
  • a couple of eggs;
  • 40 g granulated sugar;
  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 50 g ghee or melted butter;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • yeast (if dry, then you need 15 g, if fresh pressed, 40 g).


  1. Dissolve the yeast - to do this, take a glass of milk (from a general measure), heat it to a slightly warm state, add the yeast and leave it to swell for ten minutes.
  2. Warm the rest of the milk a little too, literally a little warmer than body temperature. Add granulated sugar and salt, stir and add the yeast dissolved in milk.
  3. Beat in the eggs and stir in the flour gently.
  4. The final touch is to pour oil into the dough. Stir.
  5. Leave everything to rise. Like any yeast dough, it needs to be raised three times in order to be saturated with carbon dioxide. Therefore, periodically the dough needs to be kneaded when it begins to rise. Usually, in a warm place, the entire climb takes about three hours or a little more.
  6. Pancakes are baked in a frying pan well heated and greased with vegetable oil on both sides.

Important: don't overdo it with yeast! With an increase in their rate, the dough will rise faster, but the pancakes will acquire an excessively yeasty taste and smell. Better to wait for a natural rise. If you want filled yeast pancakes, bake thinner from the dough recipe above. If you want thick and fluffy pancakes, then slightly increase the amount of flour.

Yeast pancakes on water

It happens that there is no milk in the house. This means that you need to make pancakes with yeast and water. By the way, some people do not like to bake yeast pancakes in milk, they deliberately do not add it to the dough. On the water, the dish under discussion turns out to be a little "rubbery", does not break well, and this has its own taste and charm.

For such a recipe you need to prepare:

  • a couple of eggs;
  • a glass of flour (two hundred grams);
  • 10 g of compressed yeast;
  • half a liter of water and oil for frying;
  • add sugar and salt to taste.


  1. Beat eggs until smooth.
  2. Dissolve the yeast in a little warm water.
  3. Add eggs and yeast to the rest of the liquid.
  4. Add salt and sugar.
  5. Sift flour and stir thoroughly so that the dough does not have lumps.
  6. Cover the saucepan with a lid or towel and leave to rise for an hour.
  7. As the dough begins to rise, knead, pour in a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, mix.
  8. Wait for the rise again. After that, you can bake thick and porous pancakes in the water.

Lean recipe without adding eggs

This recipe is good because it does not contain animal products, which means it can be used on fast days. The pancakes are thick, porous, and quite tasty. True, there are them, like most products, you need right away.


  1. we take a minimum of products - a couple of glasses of flour, 40 ml of water, salt and sugar to taste, yeast 20 grams;
  2. we prepare the dough, for which we pour a glass from the total volume of water, heat it up a little and dilute the yeast in it, a little sugar (about a tablespoon) and a little flour;
  3. leave the resulting dough for fifteen minutes until air bubbles appear on the surface of the dough. Soon the surface will be covered with a cap of bubbles. This means that live yeast is running, you can continue to cook lean dough;
  4. heat the rest of the water a little, add the dough there, then a couple of tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt, stir;
  5. add a couple of tbsp into the dough. tablespoons of vegetable oil and leave in a saucepan under a towel to rise. If the room is warm after an hour, the dough should rise repeatedly. Each time we knead it to saturate it with oxygen and continue fermentation;
  6. Finally, take the dough with a ladle and carefully pour it into a hot and oiled frying pan. Bake pancakes on both sides, avoiding overdrying.

Grease the finished lean pancakes with aromatic vegetable oil or jam. Delicious pancakes on water and without eggs are ready!

Lush pancakes with sour milk or yogurt

Pancakes are baked from the same yeast dough as always, the difference is in the presence of a fermented milk product. It can be sour cream, fermented milk, and ordinary curdled milk. Thanks to them, pancakes are more porous and airy.

To get exactly this kind of treat, prepare:

  • a pound of flour;
  • granulated sugar 70 g;
  • 700 g of sour milk or yogurt;
  • 30 g of compressed yeast;
  • three medium sized eggs;
  • salt to taste;
  • clarified sunflower oil to fry, and 50 g butter - in the dough.

We do this:

  1. Add yeast diluted in a little water to the warmed milk. Wait until frothing appears on the milk.
  2. Beat the egg with sugar, but not hard.
  3. Add the diluted yeast mixture to the eggs, salt and mix well.
  4. Pour in the flour according to the recipe, mix until the dough is smooth.
  5. Let it rise well, crushing the dough a couple of times.
  6. Bake pancakes in a frying pan greased with any fat.

Fold the finished pancakes in a stack, having previously greased each with melted butter or ghee.

Quick recipe for kefir and dry yeast

Yeast pancakes on kefir are prepared quickly and quite simply. In principle, this is a variation of the previous recipe, but kefir is taken instead of sour milk.


  1. A couple of eggs are stirred in a container with kefir.
  2. Salt is added to the mixture to taste, a couple of teaspoons of sugar, a couple of tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar.
  3. Dry yeast (1 teaspoon), water (about two-thirds of a glass) and vegetable oil are poured there.
  4. Next, it remains to add flour - it will take a little more than a glass to make the dough of medium density.
  5. Leave it to rise for forty or an hour.
  6. After the dough has stood, you can start baking the pancakes.

Yeast pancakes with semolina

Pancakes come out very beautiful, hearty, interesting. How do we cook? It's very simple - like ordinary yeast, only with the addition of semolina.

We take:

  • a glass of flour;
  • one and a half glasses of semolina;
  • 150 g of water and 500 g of milk;
  • a couple of fresh eggs;
  • three tbsp. tablespoons of sugar;
  • vegetable oil in the dough will require 3 tbsp. spoons, in addition, prepare a little for baking pancakes;
  • salt a small spoon and the same amount of dry yeast.

From this calculation of products, a pretty decent stack of pancakes comes out, which can be fed to a large company. If you need less volume, reduce proportionally.

  1. Sift flour and mix with semolina.
  2. We prepare a dough from a small amount of milk, sugar and yeast.
  3. As soon as the dough foams, we drive eggs into it, mix with a fork or whisk.
  4. Add vegetable oil to the liquid, then add salt and flour. At the last moment, add warmed milk or water and mix well again.
  5. Let it come up, knead and immediately bake from ready-made yeast dough.

Yeast on a bottle

This is not a recipe, but rather an original form of dough handling. Any dough from the above methods is suitable for him. Choose any recipe - kefir or sour cream. The bottom line is that the dough is prepared in a plastic bottle and poured from it. This is convenient for baking.

A bottle with a capacity of one and a half or better two liters is required. First, dry components of pancakes (flour, dry yeast, salt and sugar) are gradually introduced into it, and then liquid components are added - eggs, milk, kefir or water. For convenience, it is better to use a funnel with a wide mouth. After adding the liquid, shake the bottle thoroughly and for quite a long time to obtain maximum homogeneity. Having prepared the dough, the bottle is opened and kept in this form until the approach. Next, proceed to the baking process, pouring the desired portion into a hot oiled frying pan. This method is convenient because you can store the rest of the dough in the bottle for some time.

1. First, we need to prepare a dough. To do this, pour well warm (but not hot!) Water into a bowl, add 1/2 tablespoon of sugar and mix thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved in the water.
Pour a bag of yeast there and mix thoroughly until they are completely dissolved. Pour flour sifted through a sieve (1 cup) and mix well so that there are no lumps.
Cover the bowl with a napkin and put it in a warm place (I put it directly on the floor, to the radiator).

2. While our dough is suitable, you need to melt the butter (I do this in a water bath) and cool it for about 20-25 minutes. The oil should not be hot so as not to burn the yeast.
Separate the whites of the eggs from the yolks. Put the whites in the refrigerator for now, and grind the yolks thoroughly with sugar.
I put the bag of milk on the battery in order to warm it up a little.

3. After about 1 hour the dough will be ready (visually it looks like this: the foam cap should rise, and then fall off).
I knead the pancake dough in a large saucepan (just in case, so as not to catch it all over the floor later)), which I preheat a little on the burner.
Put the dough, yolks with sugar, salt and butter into a saucepan, mix well.

4. Then in this mixture you need to add a little and alternately sifted flour and milk: half a glass of milk, and then half a glass of flour and properly, very carefully each time you add flour, knead it with a fork so that there are no lumps. Thus, you need to add all the remaining flour (2 cups) and all the milk (3 cups). Cover the pot with a lid (towel), wrap the pot with a towel and put it in a warm place.

5. When the dough rises (it took me about an hour and a half), stir it and put it back up again. When the dough rises a second time, you need to add whites whipped into a lush foam with salt and put it to rise again. After that, the dough does not need to be mixed, but pancakes must be baked immediately.

6. To bake pancakes, we need: a bowl with vegetable oil, a bowl with melted (or well-softened) butter (about 50-75 grams), a half of a peeled small potato, a culinary brush, a fork, a spatula, a plate to fold ready-made pancakes, ladle for dough).
I bake in two thick-bottomed pans, well heated over medium heat (during frying, the temperature must be adjusted so that our pancakes are well fried and not burn!).

7. Chop the potatoes on a fork, dip in vegetable oil and grease a preheated frying pan. Scoop the dough with a ladle from the bottom up, lifting it from the bottom of the pan, pour it into the pan and twist so that the dough is evenly distributed (about half of a standard soup ladle takes me in a pan with a diameter of 24 cm).
When the pancake is well browned, turn it over and brown as well. Transfer the finished pancake to a plate and immediately grease it generously with butter using a culinary brush, especially carefully smearing the edges, since they can dry out a little and crumble during the frying process.

8. Pancakes, of course, are especially good hot and therefore I keep the plate in which I put the pancakes in the oven, preheated to the lowest temperature (so that the pancakes do not dry out). Put a piece of butter on top of the last pancake and serve. From the specified amount of dough, approximately 22-25 pancakes are obtained.
Bon Appetit!

Yeast pancakes are a lush and mouth-watering dish. It is this ingredient that makes them special, even though they take longer to cook.

Pancakes mixed with yeast and milk are chosen by hostesses when they want to prepare a special dish to surprise their households and guests. There are several options: with water, with milk, with kefir, openwork with holes, where sour milk or sourdough is used, with eggs, etc.

Making a good yeast dough for pancakes is not difficult at all. To make it airy, the flour must be sifted using a sieve. Even if you use baking powder or baking soda, yeast pancakes will not turn out so voluminous and tender without sifted flour.

Eggs should be beaten cold, this will allow them to combine with other ingredients faster.

First, you need to mix the liquid components, and then add salt, flour, baking powder. If baking soda is used, it lays down with the liquid ingredients.

Lush pancakes with yeast and water can be prepared with mineral water, and not with ordinary water, so they will be more tender. Pancakes with sour milk and yeast can be made using sour milk instead of kefir.

The dough needs to be upset twice, just crushing with a spoon, and not stirring. Withstand at least three hours.

It is more convenient to bake pancakes in a special frying pan with low sides. It needs to be warmed up well. It should also be remembered that the pan must be warmed up before each oiling.

Pour openwork pancakes with yeast with a scoop on one side of the pan, then you need to spread the dough, for this it is tilted in different directions.

When the edges of the pancake begin to come off easily and are slightly browned, turn it over to the other side with a spatula. On each side, you need to fry for 1-2 minutes.

Possible problems with the test:

  • If delicious yeast-made pancakes burn at the edges, then there is too much sugar in them.
  • Brittleness speaks about the lack of eggs.
  • If, on the other hand, there are a lot of eggs, the pancake will break.
  • An unpleasant taste appears if there is a lot of soda.
  • With a lack of flour, the dough will not bake well and tear.

You can solve these problems by diluting the dough or adding missing components to it.

Classic recipe

Yeast pancakes with milk according to the classic recipe will be tender, soft and porous. Red or black caviar, fish, jam or cottage cheese can be used as a filling, because the baked goods are unsweetened.

The dough includes few ingredients. It is necessary to mix 3 cups of flour with 30 g of yeast. Heat 1 liter of milk, combine with flour and put in a warm place for an hour, covering the container with a towel.

Beat 2 chicken eggs, then add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of oil, a pinch of salt. Using a whisk or mixer, beat.

Combine the mixture and the dough, put it back in the heat for half an hour to rise.

Bake in a preheated pan on both sides until golden brown. If it has a non-stick coating, you do not need to lubricate the surface.

With milk

Pancakes made with dry yeast and milk are considered a variation of the classic recipe. Half a liter of milk needs to be slightly warmed up to keep it warm, add 1 teaspoon of dry yeast, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar. Mix everything, leave to stand for 10 minutes. Pour in a little flour, leave for another half hour.

Mix 2 beaten chicken eggs and 60 g butter, which must be melted beforehand. Add 200-250 g flour, mix again. Introduce into the dough, stirring gradually. Let stand for an hour.

Bake on both sides.

With water

Pancakes on water and yeast are the simplest recipe for cooking a dish that even novice hostesses can make. You will need 650 ml of water, which needs to be heated, dilute half a bag of fast-acting yeast in it. Add 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of salt, 500 g of flour, 2.5 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, 1 egg.

Stir the mixture with a whisk until the consistency is homogeneous. You will need another 100 ml of warm water, which must be poured into the dough, mix again. Put in a warm place for an hour, covering with a towel on top.

Bake pancakes without milk with yeast according to this recipe on one side and the other in a preheated pan.

With kefir

A simple recipe for pancakes with yeast with the addition of kefir. To prepare a delicious dish, you need ¼ tbsp. wheat flour, 2 teaspoons of sugar, a pinch of salt, 1 teaspoon of dry yeast. This mixture is poured with warmed kefir. It must be mixed with a whisk and placed in a warm place for about half an hour.

Beat 2 chicken eggs well, add to the dough, mix, add 1 glass of flour.

Gradually pour 2/3 cup of hot water into the mass, stirring constantly with a whisk so that no lumps form. Then put it in a warm place for 20 minutes. Add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil.

Bake pancakes on kefir with yeast on one side, and then on the other, until they become golden brown.


Yeast pancakes with holes have a simple recipe, and the dish turns out to be very beautiful.

To prepare it, you need to mix 25 g of yeast, 1 glass of warm milk, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, a pinch of salt, 2/3 cup flour. Stir until smooth, cover with a towel, send for 40 minutes in a warm water bath.

Dough for pancakes with yeast with holes should apparently rise, then you should add 2 egg yolks, 100 g butter (melt), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil. Mix the mass, then add flour (1 and 1/3 cup), mix again.

Put the dough in a warm place to rise. Add 2 whites, whipped into a foam, mix. Warm again for 15 minutes. The fact that the dough according to the recipe for lace pancakes with yeast is ready for baking is indicated by a large number of bubbles.

Thick and tender

According to this recipe, the pancakes will turn out to be incredibly tender and airy.

Thick yeast pancakes can be made using the following recipe. Warm up 1.5 cups of milk first, because yeast (15 g) needs to be dissolved in warm liquid. Add 1.5 cups flour and mix until smooth.

Mix four yolks with 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and a bag of vanilla sugar. Pre-soften forty g of butter, combine with the yolks. Stir the whole mass until smooth.

Beat two egg whites with a mixer, adding a pinch of salt to make a strong foam. Introduce the proteins into the dough, stirring gently. Place in a warm place for about 15 minutes, covered with a towel.

An increase in volume indicates readiness for baking. Now you need to stir it again and you can begin to fry thick country yeast pancakes.

No eggs

There are no eggs or dairy products in this recipe. Yeast pancakes without eggs are cooked in water.

First you need to prepare a dough, for which take 1 glass of warm water, 20 g of yeast, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, a little flour.

Mix in a separate container 2 cups flour, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of salt, add 1 glass of warm water, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of oil. Stir until the consistency is uniform.

Combine with dough, stir again. The dough should stand for about, these are the fastest yeast pancakes. A visible increase in volume will indicate readiness for baking. Bake on both sides until golden brown.

With semolina

These pancakes are not only delicious, but also satisfying. Having prepared them, it is even possible to quietly feed a child who does not like semolina too much.

First, you need to slightly warm up 450 ml of milk. Take 150 ml of them, pour 50 g of semolina, set aside to brew.

To prepare the dough, mix 0.5 cups of milk, 0.5 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and 20 g of yeast. Leave in warm for 20 minutes.

Beat well 2 eggs with 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, add dough, vanilla sugar, 2 glasses of flour, semolina, milk that remains. Stir thoroughly until smooth. Warm again for 2 hours.

Bake on one side and then on the other until golden brown.

Yeast pancakes will be incredibly tasty and beautiful, no matter which of the proposed recipes you choose. It is better to serve them hot with sour cream or butter. The following filling options are also used: red caviar, salmon, an egg with onions, as well as jam or honey if you want something sweet.

Useful video about yeast pancakes


If you love soft, fluffy pancakes, then this recipe is for you.

Despite the fact that the kneading process is quite lengthy, frying these pancakes is a pleasure!

Because, most likely, you will not have to scrape off the first failed pancake from the pan, because these pancakes are perfectly baked, they do not burn at all and do not stick to the pan. Of course, if you do everything as described in the recipe with step by step photos.


  • milk - 2.5 tbsp.;
  • flour - 2.5 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l .;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • sunflower oil - 100 g.

Cooking method

1. Pour a little more than a glass of milk warmed to 30-35 ° into a large bowl or saucepan. Add dry yeast and wait for it to dissolve.

2. Add salt, some sugar and half of the flour.

3. Stir well with a whisk until the lumps disappear.

4. Cover the bowl with a lid or towel and place in a warm place for half an hour to rise.

5. Place the egg yolks and remaining sugar in a bowl.

6. Rub them with a spoon until smooth.

7. The dough has already risen.

8. Put the yolks in it and add the rest of the flour.

9. Knead the dough thoroughly with a whisk until smooth. As you can see, it turned out to be quite thick.

10. Heat the remaining milk and stir it into the dough.

11. The dough will be of medium thickness and will drain from the ladle in a thick stream.

12. Add oil and stir.

13. Place the dough again in a warm place for 15 minutes.

14. Beat the egg whites with a mixer until firm foam and place in a bowl with dough.

15. Stir gently from top to bottom, leave the dough alone for 15 minutes. During this time, it will rise a little more.

16. Start baking pancakes. Heat a frying pan, grease it with oil and pour in a half-bowl of dough. Bake over medium heat. As soon as the underside is browned, and holes form on the dried upper side, gently pry the pancake with a knife with a rounded end or a spatula, turn it over to the other side and bring it to readiness.