Protein icing for Easter cake. Ideal icing for egg-free Easter cakes

14.10.2019 Meat Dishes

Confectioners use icing to make any baked goods beautiful. Even the most unsightly Easter cake looks pretty attractive with fondant. In addition to white, watering of a different color is also used. There is nothing complicated in its preparation.

Easter cake frosting: a simple recipe

You don't need to be a top-notch pastry chef to be able to make this cake fondant. In addition to Easter cake, it is used for almost any baking.

Beat the egg white gently with a mixer (use low speed). While whipping, add the icing sugar slowly. Whisk until the fudge is very thick.

Protein icing for Easter cake

A bit painstaking, but very tasty fondant for Easter cake.

Would need:

  • 250 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 1 protein;
  • Any dye.

The whole process: 60 minutes.

Caloric content: 100 grams of fondant - 340 kcal.


    1. Sift the icing sugar through a fine sieve;

    1. Add egg white to powdered sugar;
    2. Beat the sugar-protein mixture thoroughly with a mixer until thick;

  1. Add your color to the fondant bowl and mix thoroughly.

Berry frosting for Easter cake

The berry version of the Easter cake fondant is not only very beautiful, but also has a bright taste. You can take any berries as a basis.


  • 200 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of water;
  • 100 grams of strawberries.

Time: 25 minutes.

Caloric content: 100 grams of fondant - 173 kcal.


  1. Remove the stems from the strawberries. Rinse the berries. Leave them in a sieve for a while to allow excess water to glass;
  2. Beat the berries with a blender until mushy.
  3. Strain the berries through a sieve;
  4. Sift the icing sugar with a sieve;
  5. Pour 1.5 tablespoons of boiling water into the powder;
  6. Gradually add the berry gruel to the sugar syrup (whisking continuously with a whisk or mixer). You should get a viscous, with a glossy shine, molasses.

Chocolate icing for cake

Everyone loves chocolate-topped cakes. But no one can even imagine that she can decorate Easter cakes. We advise you to try a similar experiment.

  • 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • 4 tablespoons of milk;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 55 grams of butter.

Time: 25 minutes.

Caloric content: 445 kcal.


  1. Melt sugar, cocoa and milk over low heat. Stir the mixture continuously;
  2. After complete dissolution of sugar in milk, add butter;
  3. Cook for a couple of minutes (the chocolate fudge should be smooth).

Lemon icing for Easter cake

Here's another interesting fondant recipe for you.

  • A glass of powdered sugar;
  • 1 protein;
  • Lemon zest;
  • A few drops of lemon juice;
  • Yellow dye.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Calorie content of fondant: 100 grams - 153 kcal.


  1. Sift the powder well through a fine sieve;
  2. Add the egg white to it and beat until a very thick, glossy foam;
  3. Add lemon juice and zest. Beat our fondant thoroughly with a mixer;
  4. Finally, add a yellow dye to the fondant.
  5. Mix well.

- read the secrets of this incredibly healthy dish, which you should definitely include in your diet.

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Try making chicken breast cutlets in Kiev. This one will definitely become your favorite.

Protein-free Easter cake icing

It doesn't matter if there are no eggs in the house. It's worth resorting to this simple Easter fondant recipe.

You will need:

  • A glass of sugar;
  • 4 tbsp. l. milk.

Time required: 15 minutes.

Caloric content: 172 kcal.


  1. Heat milk in a saucepan;
  2. Grind sugar in a coffee grinder and add it to milk;
  3. Simmer on slow gas until thick.

How to properly apply icing to Easter cake

Even the most beautiful Easter cake requires decor. For these purposes, fondant is best suited. There are some rules for applying it to a confectionery product. We will try to tell you many of them:

  • Chocolate pouring is applied to the surface of the cake in portions. You need to distribute it with a wide kitchen knife;
  • The hot fondant is applied directly while hot;
  • A simple protein glaze is the least hassle and looks very beautiful. Just dip your cooled cake in it;
  • Before dipping your Easter cake in a protein glaze, apply a little bit of any jam on its cap. This manipulation will allow the glaze to better gain a foothold on the cake;
  • It is advisable to apply white sugar fudge with a silicone brush;
  • Watering is applied to the surface of an already cooled confectionery;
  • It must be applied immediately after preparation. Then, after drying, it will not become very dry.

Aside from all of the tips above, don't forget to add embellishments on top of your watering. Look great:

  • Dried fruits;
  • Grated chocolate;
  • Special Easter powders;
  • Candied fruit;
  • Multi-colored marmalade;
  • Nuts;
  • Various figures.

Also use a piping syringe or bag to apply the fondant. When the Easter cake itself does not require additional decor, just draw a beautiful pattern with fondant.

In addition to the rules for applying glaze to the Easter cake, there are many nuances in its preparation. We will help you find out almost all the secrets of the perfect fondant:

  • In order for the watering you have prepared to lay down perfectly and anchor on the confectionery masterpiece, watch its consistency. Beat until thick sour cream;
  • Too thick fondant can be diluted with water or milk, and liquid fondant - with powdered sugar;
  • Use not just sugar crystals in your recipe, but powder from it. An ordinary coffee grinder will perfectly help in this matter;
  • Using egg white in the recipe, you get a unique glaze. It is he who will give her a unique taste and the correct consistency;
  • Under no circumstances use porous chocolate bars for chocolate pouring. As a result, you will end up with a heterogeneous mass with lumps. Powdered cocoa is a great option. Your watering will turn out to be a very rich brown;
  • If you decide to tint your fondant, then use only natural dyes;
  • The best option for applying liquid glaze is a silicone brush;
  • Juice of berries and vegetables is perfect as a dye.

By adhering to these rules, you will be delighted with the result obtained. We hope that we helped you a little by telling you about some of the intricacies of making Easter watering. If you follow them, you can make the perfect fondant.

Special efforts in such a matter are not required. Experiment with colors in recipes and décor. A perfectly baked Easter cake doesn't even need to be glazed. It is enough just to draw a beautiful pattern or inscription with the help of a pastry bag.

Hello everybody! So very soon on our doorstep will be the most important Orthodox holiday this year. We will give it to friends and, of course, the post will finally end.

We will arrange a feast for which we will cook from different products and ingredients. But, let's not forget about the most important dish, this is about and about handsome Easter cakes.

Of course, making such delicious delicacies can be difficult, but I think you have already decided on the best recipe for yourself, but you also need to present his dining table in an elegant and superbly fashionable way.

How to do it? Of course, with the help of decorating such sweets with special glaze, or as it is also called fondant. It can be prepared with a variety of ingredients. But, everyone wants it to be not only attractive in appearance, but also so that it does not crumble and crumble when we divide the muffin into portions and bite, am-am.

Let's figure it out together, and I hope the outcome will not keep you waiting. Choose your favorite glaze recipes and create in your kitchen.

How to prepare icing for cake so that it does not sprinkle and crumble?

Any hostess has made such a cream at least once in her life, and would like the result to be snow-white and so that everyone would be pleased.

I've always had to make protein glaze before, but one day I tried another option, and it hit me on the spot. Because the result was stunning, she did not stick almost to the knife and hands, and most importantly, there were no crumbs when you bite off or cut with a knife. That's the number))). Cool isn't it? You probably already guessed, we are talking about such a cool fondant that is made without eggs, but based on gelatin.

And besides, you need only three simple ingredients for such watering, which you can easily buy in any grocery supermarket.

We need:

  • gelatin - 0.5 tsp
  • sugar - 100 g
  • water - 3 tablespoons

Cooking method:

1. Pour half a teaspoon of gelatin into a clean glass container and immediately fill it with water (1 tbsp).

Important! Pour in hot, but not boiling liquid.

Stir with a spatula until it becomes transparent and uniform in consistency. Let it swell, do not forget to read the instructions on the packaging and check the expiration date, otherwise this component may not let you down.

2. In another metal container, you can take a ladle, put sugar and pour two tablespoons of ordinary running water. Put on fire and cook until the granulated sugar melts, be sure to stir so that the sugar does not burn.

3. As soon as you see that the sugar has dissolved, add immediately the swollen gelatin and mix thoroughly on the stove.

Then remove from the stove and cool slightly, let it cool a little. And then take an electric mixer, of course you will not get such an effect with an ordinary hand whisk.

4. You will get a white and thick fondant icing, which you will definitely get. And for a little sourness, you can add citric acid or a couple of drops of lemon juice here on the tip of a knife.

5. It should be used on Easter cakes immediately so that it does not have time to dry out.

Interesting! If you have a thin layer of fondant, it will dry in 7 minutes, but if you apply a thick layer, it will dry in a few hours, so keep that in mind.

Now test it in practice, take a knife and cut it. So how? Delightful, it's true))).

Homemade icing with powdered sugar and lemon juice

Probably you were a little surprised, well, what I decided to demonstrate to you for a change a new option, which is really simple and suitable for decorating any baked goods. Especially if you're making muffins and the like.

By the way, the most interesting thing is that this can be done without a mixer, it's like a lifesaver for young and young hostesses who have not yet had time to purchase equipment for the house.

We need:

  • icing sugar - 150 g
  • lemon juice - 2-3 tbsp
  • hot water - 1-2 tablespoons

Cooking method:

1. The first thing you need to do is squeeze the juice out of a fresh lemon. It's easy to do, use a juicer or a special grater for this. Or you can cut them into pieces and put them in the microwave for 15 seconds, and then you can quickly squeeze the juice out of them.

2. According to the plan, you need to add two tablespoons of lemon juice to powdered sugar, by the way, you can experiment with taking orange juice, what will come out? Who will try to do it?

3. Stir the mass with a spoon, and then add water, pour in as much as you want, add it a little at a time so that it does not turn out to be very liquid. Adjust the density yourself.

Easter cake custard

Well, now, I want to propose to you so that you watch this video, I personally really love this one, probably one of my favorites, but it is important to catch the right and right moment in it. Learn, together with the hostess, and then, you, too, will certainly succeed, for sure.

Sugar glaze with gelatin - recipe without eggs

For those who do not like protein glaze, I personally do not mind it, but when there are children in the family, it is better to use an alternative option so as not to catch an infection. Do you understand what I mean? After all, protein is made exclusively from their raw proteins, but in this one they are not.

But, at the same time, such a delight has an awesome taste, it also looks attractive and beautiful, and besides, it does not crumble or break at all, which is definitely important for everyone.

Previously, it was a secret recipe, now almost everyone knows it, the secret is revealed.

We need:

  • gelatin - 1 tablespoon
  • water - 6 tbsp. l
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife

Cooking method:

1. Put gelatin into an empty cup and pour it over with two tablespoons of cold water at once, stir and let it swell for 10 minutes.

3. Stir the mixture and place on the stove, stir and make sure that the sugar does not burn or caramelize.

Important! Simmer and stir very often.

4. As soon as the sugar dissolves, add a lump of swollen gelatin, stir. Take a mixer and start whisking until the mixture is crisp white and creamy.

5. Thus, you need to beat for about two to three minutes. Then move it aside and let it cool down, otherwise it will float on ready-made cakes.

6. Once the frosting is warm, cover the surface of the sweet baked goods with it and decorate with whatever you want. What a beauty, just creepy).

Important! Do not leave the glaze alone for a long time, if it cools completely, it will harden, because the gelatin will thicken a lot. So don't miss this moment.

If this happens, you can put it in the microwave for 10 seconds, and it will regain the desired liquid consistency.

A thick white fudge made from sugar and proteins

Now let's dwell on protein, before it was everywhere and always decorated with such goodies. It is based on proteins, it turns out delicious and perfect.

There are several rules for you to get such a cream, but what you will learn if you watch this video.

Special glaze recipe if no mixer is available

I also decided to show you the version on sour cream, perhaps someone will want to do just that. Although, of course, it is most suitable for biscuits or cakes.

We need:

  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • sour cream 25% - 1 tbsp.
  • vanillin - to taste

Cooking method:

1. Cover any strainer or colander with a gauze cloth, do like this as shown in this photo. Place a cup under the sieve. Fold the fabric in several layers. Put the fatty sour cream here.

2. Cover the sour cream with gauze and put any press on it, for example a jar of jam.

3. Leave in this position under a press for 2 hours. Remove the load and unwind the fabric, it looks like cheese on the outside).

4. Place the sour cream in a bowl and add sugar and vanillin to taste and stir with a spoon.

5. You get a thick and sweet coating for any baked goods with a little sour note.

Chocolate icing with cocoa powder

But with such a masterpiece, which you can make on the basis of milk, such a video from the YouTube channel will help you figure it out. Take note, the recipe is really good, and most importantly, it can then be used everywhere.

We need:

  • milk - 200 ml
  • what powder - 100 g
  • sugar - 100 g
  • butter - 50 g

Fast-setting glaze with starch to prevent sticking

Well, I also came across such an option, which is made with starch, someone might be interested in creating one. There is nothing difficult either, any beginner can handle it.

We need:

  • egg white - 1 pc.
  • lemon juice - to taste
  • corn starch - 0.5 tsp
  • icing sugar - 230 g

Cooking method:

1. First sift the icing sugar and starch through a strainer, and then add the protein of one egg to it.

Important! Take only a fresh chicken egg, the yolk is not needed in this case.

2. Rub these two ingredients with a spatula, not quickly, about 10-15 minutes.

3. You can speed up the process and beat with a mixer.

4. Thus, this is what happened, if you wish, for a little acid, you can add lime or lemon juice.

Video on how to beautifully decorate Easter cake with icing 2019

It's not a secret for anyone that we all want the holiday to be not only tasty, but also beautiful, so we will definitely try to decorate our delicacies with something special, namely, we will write something interesting and irresistibly magical in order to amaze everyone. To do this, I suggest watching this video and choosing a suitable option for yourself, taking an idea for decors.

Remember that this business has its own subtleties and secrets, read these tips before you start in order to cope with this business perfectly.

  • Apply the fondant to the top of the baked product while it is warm.
  • Use a silicone brush for work, it is easiest for it to work on the surface. You can just dip it even into the glaze, but it's good if it's proteinaceous.
  • The consistency should be uniform and not liquid, but rather thick, so that the glaze easily lies on the surface of the baking. If it is too thick, then it can be diluted with water, and if it is liquid, add powder.
  • It is best to take powdered sugar, if you are using sugar, then it is worth chopping it in a blender or coffee grinder.
  • Use natural dyes to present your culinary masterpieces in an original way.

On this, as always, I have everything. I hope you liked the article and you will share it on social networks and join me in a group in contact. Have a nice and positive day everyone! Good luck! Bye!

Perhaps many will say that the preparation of icing for Easter cakes is already a minor detail. Of course, but you must agree that this is a very important point.

After all, the first glance decides everything, and the glaze can, how to decorate and refresh the product - to make the baked goods elegant, and to greatly spoil the appearance and overall impression.

In this article, you will find several ways to make your Easter cake frosting, as well as some ideas and tips for decorating the frosting.

How to properly prepare icing for Easter cake? This question is asked by many culinary experts on the eve of Easter. The hostesses would like her not to stick, not to sprinkle, and most importantly, to be truly beautiful.

There are many solutions to this issue, but I am still a supporter of white glaze. It is she, in my opinion, that gives solemnity and beauty to baked goods, a festive mood and freshness.

Therefore, we will consider the most successful recipes for snow icing for Easter cakes.

Classic recipe for cake icing

Very often, our mothers and grandmothers make icing according to the classic recipe, but it does not always turn out the way we expect to see it on Easter cakes.

It is very important to use powdered sugar in preparation, its amount is also strictly observed. For whiteness, it is better to add more powder, but not less.

It is difficult to achieve a good effect with a whisk, a mixer will solve this problem. It is with the help of it that the splendor and the necessary density of the glaze is achieved. Decorate Easter cakes with pleasure!

You will need:

  • 1 protein
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • 180 g icing sugar (not sugar!)

Cooking method:

Add lemon juice to the protein

Gently mix the whites and powder with a whisk

Add in parts all the powder according to the recipe, each time mixing it with the main mixture

The mixer will help to make the glaze more snow-white and thicker

Immediately apply the glaze with a pastry brush on the cakes until it hardens

The glaze turns out to be very beautiful, dense and elastic

Besides, it is shiny, it turns out to be enough for decoration.

Bon Appetit!

Recipe for icing for Easter cakes on a water bath

I bring to your attention a very successful recipe - icing for cakes in a water bath. It turns out to be glossy, snow-white and very beautiful.

In addition, such glaze meets all the requirements of housewives, and has decent properties that can truly decorate baked goods.

You will need:

  • 125 g granulated sugar
  • 2 pcs. protein

Cooking method:

Mix proteins and sugar in a metal bowl using a whisk

We constantly try with our finger the degree of heating of proteins, not allowing them to cook

If the mixture is very hot, then we lift the dishes from the bath, continuing to work with a whisk

The protein mass should increase in volume, become white and stringy

After 5-6 minutes in a water bath, remove the glaze from it and continue to beat it intensively

The glaze should smoothly stretch from the rim, lie down in small waves

So, our icing is ready - snowy, beautiful and glossy, we immediately decorate our Easter cakes

You can dip the cake directly into the icing by twisting it in it, and then make drips with a spoon.

You can also put the icing in a pastry bag, and use it to generously decorate baked goods with icing.

Sprinkle with pastry sprinkles, let the cakes stand until the icing is completely frozen

Bon Appetit!

Snow-white icing on gelatin for cakes

The recipe for frosting on gelatin is one of the most successful options for making frosting. It does not break or crumble, retains color and shape. In a word, all the desires of the housewives are fulfilled at the same time.

You will need:

  • 0.5 tsp instant gelatin
  • 100 g granulated sugar
  • 3 tbsp. l. water

Cooking method:

Pour gelatin with 1 tablespoon of hot water at 45-50 degrees (not boiling water)

We actively mix it with hot water so that it dissolves in it

Put sugar and 2 tablespoons of water in a saucepan on the fire

When the sugar is completely dissolved, add the diluted gelatin, mix and remove the saucepan from the heat

The gelatin mixture should not boil!

Pour the mixture into a convenient bowl and let it cool for 5-7 minutes

Here is what a beautiful and thick glaze we got.

Immediately apply it to the cakes with a spatula or pastry brush

And without delay, decorate with confectionery sprinkles or zest

The glaze turned out to be snowy and elastic, it does not crumble or break, it will retain its appearance and shape

So that the icing on the gelatin does not quickly freeze, place the bowl with the ready-made icing on a pot of boiling water and calmly decorate the cakes!

Bon Appetit!

Video recipe. Custard icing for cake

7 DIY Easter Glaze Decorating Ideas

Before preparing the icing, you need to decide on the decorations for the cakes and prepare the details. The glaze quickly hardens, and therefore do not hesitate to decorate it. The surface, at your request, is decorated with crosses and symbols "ХВ", meaning the resurrection of Christ.

It is very difficult to imagine all the variety of confectionery dressings offered to customers in stores - various forms are reflected in all the colors of the rainbow

This is the easiest way to decorate Easter cakes, and you just have to choose the texture, color and size.

Agree that bright candied fruits will look very worthy on snow-white glaze

Nuts and dried fruits to help you! It is so natural and simple, but it looks very elegant and impressive.

We celebrate Easter in spring, which means that the theme of decorations in the form of flowers and green leaves is very relevant.

In stores, you can easily find a lot of ready-made flowers of different shapes and sizes for every taste.

Another very unusual way to decorate glaze is by applying glaze patterns on its surface.

You can add dye to it or make it contrastingly snowy, put it in a pastry bag and create

Beautiful stains and strokes are made with a toothpick and tinted glaze on a fresh surface that has not yet hardened, stains and patterns are also applied with chocolate and boiled condensed milk

Probably one of the most difficult surface decorations for already frozen glaze is the artistic drawing, which the masters turned into real art.

Drawings are made with special food paints, diluted in the desired concentration

I hope that these ideas helped you decide on the choice of jewelry, you wanted to create and try yourself in something new, new interesting ventures have appeared. I wish you creative success - bring everything you have conceived to life!

This option for creating a sweet decoration is suitable for those who do not use raw eggs for cooking. The glaze can be used to decorate rolls, Easter baked goods, profiteroles and gingerbread. This is an excellent alternative to the purchased glaze, which contains preservatives and harmful substances in its composition. You only need a few minutes of free time and commonplace ingredients that can be found in every kitchen. And you can already decorate any everyday or holiday baked goods with a sweet mass.

For cakes, lemon icing is also suitable. The sweet and sour mass will give the cake or roll a pleasant taste and delicate lemon aroma that your guests will like. For a more sophisticated glaze, replace the yellow fruit with natural lime, orange, or kumquat juice.

To make the Easter cake even more interesting and bright, add a pinch of food coloring (of any shade) to the blank. If you are using only healthy and natural ingredients to create your food, add a spoonful of beetroot juice, red cabbage, or a pinch of turmeric to the preparation. By “playing” with spices, you can get various shades of glaze.

Taste Info Syrup and cream


  • icing sugar - 100 g;
  • food coloring - optional;
  • lime or lemon juice - 3 tsp

How to make icing sugar and lemon juice for lemon icing

We use sweet powder and natural juice to make the paint. We can take a store-bought sweet powder or create it ourselves (from granulated sugar using a coffee grinder or blender). We measure out the recommended amount of powder.

Pour sour and aromatic citrus juice into a container. It is better to pre-squeeze it and strain it from white pulp and seeds. It is thanks to the lemon juice that the sugar mixture will have a snow-white color.

We start to combine products for cooking. We can use a spatula, mixer or hand whisk at will.

By mixing the ingredients, we try to make the workpiece uniform and shiny. By adding sweet powder or squeezed juice to the container, we can independently adjust the density and density of the mass.

Pour a few pinches of coloring powder into a container with a sweet mixture. Or we use natural juice - green from spinach, pink from cranberries, orange from carrots, and purple from blueberries. We mix the ingredients, independently adjusting the desired shade and color of the glaze.

We cover cakes, gingerbread or rolls with a sweet and colorful mass. We prepare not only healthy, but also colorful homemade dishes for our family. The icing of lemon juice and icing sugar is perfect for cakes. It has an appetizing appearance, sweet taste. It is also easy to prepare at home and evenly applied to fresh baked goods.

Cooking tips

  • Use this recipe to sugar-coat homemade cookies, shortbreads, muffins, or biscuits.
  • Use brushes of different sizes and diameters to decorate baked goods with a colorful or icing pattern. You can also use a piping bag with a thin hole.

Very soon we will delight our families and friends with our magnificent Easter cakes. You can see recipes for making special festive dough or

But what does all this holiday baking have in common? Of course, the beautiful snow-white icing that covers our rich sweet culinary creations.

But here's the bad luck, some types of this sweet coating at first look just amazing, but after a few hours they begin to crumble, break or crumble strongly when cutting "beads" into pieces.

But it doesn't matter either! After all, you can always prepare a magnificent, snow-white, homogeneous and smooth glaze according to special recipes that will not allow the "snow-white cap" to crumble and upset us.

The secret of non-crumbling glaze is that it should be thick, viscous and at the same time homogeneous in structure. It looks like thick sour cream.

Very often, experienced housewives, for better fixing of the "white glaze" and giving it maximum elasticity, send the coated pastries additionally to an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 5 minutes.

Only here it is very important to seize the moment so that due to the heat the delicate and fragile coating does not darken and dry out. Otherwise, these manipulations with the oven will lead to the opposite result and everything will crack and crumble even more.

But the biggest trick of experienced chefs is using gelatin as one of the main ingredients! It is he who gives the coating elasticity, does not allow it to spread during application to the surface. It also prevents it from crumbling as the blade slides through the dried sweet white beauty on baked goods.

We need:

  • Granulated sugar - 1 glass.
  • Water - ½ cup + 2 tbsp. l.
  • Edible gelatin - 1 tsp.


1. Pour gelatin into a mug or small deep plate and pour two tablespoons of warm water over it. Stir it well and let it brew for about 30 minutes, so that it has time to bloom and swell well.

2. In order not to waste time, five minutes before the gelatin is ready, pour granulated sugar into a clean saucepan and pour half a glass of water over it. Put on a low heat and, with constant stirring, achieve complete dissolution of sugar, so that a sweet transparent syrup is obtained, somewhat reminiscent of very thin honey.

As soon as this worked out, remove the pan from the heat and let it cool down to at least 50-60 degrees.

3. Gently, so as not to burn yourself, introduce the swollen gelatin into the sugar substance, and then, using a mixer, beat at medium speed for 3-5 minutes so that the mixture mixes well and begins to whiten and thicken right before our eyes.

As soon as you get a nice smooth creamy mixture, you can stop beating.

If you want to add color, you can add any food coloring while whisking. The same can be said for your favorite flavor.

4. To prevent the glaze from spreading over the cake, it is necessary to slightly cool it and only then dip the pastries into it, or use culinary brushes or spatulas.

How to make icing with powdered sugar

Many people do not eat eggs due to their beliefs, being vegetarians. Many have an allergic reaction to them. And someone simply does not consume the raw product, fearing to get sick with salmonellosis.

Therefore, there is always an opportunity for them to prepare a traditional decoration based on only 2 generally available components. And only then you can turn on your imagination and use taste preferences, adding at least chemical culinary dyes and flavors, at least natural spices in the form of vanillin, ground cinnamon or citrus peel.

This recipe is without eggs, and therefore it can be safely adopted by everyone who does not eat them due to certain circumstances.

We need:

  • Powdered sugar - 1 glass.
  • Water - ½ glass.


1. To give the product maximum homogeneity and airiness, it is necessary that the icing sugar be absorbed by oxygen. To do this, it is advisable to immediately sift it through a sieve into a bowl, in which it is further planned to prepare the desired snow-white consistency for coating.

2. The water must be heated to 40-degree temperature, so that when it is combined with the powder, no lumps form and the sweetness dissolves quickly and evenly.

3. Pour warm water into a bowl with powder in a thin stream with constant stirring.

Instead of water, you can use milk, juice, fruit drink or dissolved cocoa drink.

4. To thicken the mass a little, it is best to beat it additionally with a whisk for a couple of minutes.

5. Now the baked goods can be dipped in the resulting snow-white mixture and allowed to dry.

The thicker the finish, the longer it will take to dry.

The recipe for decorating cakes with gelatin and without eggs, like marshmallows

Recently I found a recipe for a frosting that turns out almost like a sweet, thin marshmallow.

Having experimented a bit with reducing the crystallization rate of sugar by adding citric acid, I was able to achieve a slightly stringy crystallized sugar coating on the cakes.

We need:

  • Granulated sugar - 1 glass.
  • Water - 2 tbsp. l. + 4 tbsp. l. + 0.5 tsp
  • Edible gelatin - 1 tsp.
  • Citric acid - 1/4 tsp
  • Vanillin, food paint, flavorings - to taste.


1. In a deep cup or glass, soak gelatin crystals in 2 tbsp. l. warm water. Let it swell for 15-30 minutes (depending on the quality and recommendations of the manufacturer).

2. Mix ½ tsp hot water with ¼ tsp. citric acid to completely dissolve the crystals and cool to room temperature.

The resulting lemon mixture will help control how fast the frosting will set.

In this case, the finished coating will be quite elastic and tender for only half an hour, and then it will harden, so it will be necessary to act very quickly when coating. The more lemon mixture, the more time you will have in stock to work with the finished product.

3. Pour granulated sugar into a saucepan and pour 4 tbsp. l. warm water and mix well.

4. Put the saucepan with the contents on low heat and, with constant stirring, bring until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. Depending on the quality of the sugar, you may just need to heat it to 50-70 degrees, or bring the syrup to a boil.

Remember that the syrup should not boil because it will quickly crystallize into one solid candy.

If you add 1-2 tablespoons more water, then you can get a marshmallow glaze.

5. Add the lemon mixture to the sugar syrup and mix well.

6. Introduce the swollen gelatin into the hot transparent lemon-sugar mixture and immediately beat everything with a mixer until a creamy state with steep stable peaks. Cool to 40-50 degrees, otherwise the mixture may flow a little.

7. While whisking, add a little vanillin or any other flavoring and coloring additive of your choice.

8. Dip baking into the ready-made viscous mixture or apply it on the cakes with a culinary spatula. It is advisable to immediately sprinkle with colored sprinkling. Then the coating will dry out and the sprinkling will no longer stick.

9. Set aside the finished culinary masterpiece and let it cool so that the glaze crystallizes and stabilizes into a beautiful "hat".

Glaze with gelatin, which does not crumble or crumble

We need:

  • Gelatin - ½ tsp.
  • Water - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Granulated sugar - 100 gr.


1. Heat water to 70 degrees and dilute gelatin in a cup with one tablespoon. It is necessary to stir it vigorously so that the gelatinous crystals dissolve and become a homogeneous transparent jelly-like mass.

2. Pour sugar into a small saucepan or iron bowl and add the remaining 2 tbsp. l. water. Stir well and put on low heat so that the sugar dissolves and sugar syrup turns out.

3. As soon as the sugar is dissolved, immediately mix it with steamed gelatin jelly, remove from heat and let cool slightly while stirring constantly.

4. Using a mixer or a special attachment in the form of a whisk on a blender, beat the sweet mass until a beautiful white airy foam.

5. Immediately apply this beautiful foam to the Easter cakes, sprinkle on top of it and let the coating cool completely. It will take less than ten minutes until the thin-layer "cap" hardens completely.

If the glaze is applied in a thick "fat" layer on a couple of large Easter cakes, it may take up to an hour and a half. But after that, this coating will not only not stick to your hands, but it will not crumble during cutting.

Video on how to make egg-free gelatin frosting

And as a bonus, in a video recipe specially shot for the article, I would like to show you how you can make a very tasty icing for Easter cakes, which was mentioned above. You will be able to see that it will not be difficult to prepare it. Everything is fast, simple and tasty!

The coating turns out to be snow-white and dries quickly.

It really does not crumble, even after a few days - it was checked with my own hand just the other day !!! It also adheres perfectly and does not crumble when cut.

Special recipe for decorating Easter cakes made from proteins

Perhaps the most classic is the protein glaze. Usually they don't bother much with it - they poured everything into one cup, whipped and smeared it. But with this approach, after a few hours, it will begin to crumble, crack and crumble.

If you carefully follow the sequence of actions and add a little salt, you get an excellent coating, which is in no way inferior in its properties to gelatinous.

We need:

  • Powdered sugar - 1 glass.
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • Salt is a small pinch.


1. Carefully break the egg and separate the white from the yolk. We do not need the yolk - you can use it at your discretion in other dishes. We only need protein.

A small secret of high-quality glaze is that you need to use an egg not at room temperature, but chilled immediately from the refrigerator.

2. Add a pinch of salt to the egg whites in a cup and beat for a few minutes until a thick foam appears. When the cup is turned on its side, such an egg air mass should not crawl out of it, but remain firmly inside.

It is the salt that makes the protein foam very elastic.

3. The icing sugar must be sieved through a sieve to make the mixture more homogeneous and smoother.

4. Pour the sweet powder into the whipped egg white in small portions with constant stirring.

5. As soon as the powder combines with the protein and does not "dust" over the cup, start whipping the mixture with a mixer. While whipping, pour in lemon juice in a few drops.

It is lemon juice that makes the glaze firm and firm. But not only lemon can be used for these purposes - freshly squeezed pomegranate juice is well suited, which at the same time will also color the resulting mixture. Orange, pineapple and even kiwi can be good substitutes for lemon.

6. As soon as our mixture turns into a mushy consistency, it can be immediately coated with baked goods.

Let it dry and enjoy the taste.

These are our recipes today. I think that everyone can find a recipe for themselves to their liking. It's so great when there is more than one recipe, and there is a choice. Everyone has different tastes and preferences, and therefore there should be a lot of recipes. And when you can find it suitable for yourself, you can leave it for a long time in your family piggy bank of recipes.

Bon appetit and beautiful snow-white non-crumbling icing on your Easter cakes!