Sassi water for weight loss - recipe. Sassi water: a "magic" drink for weight loss

26.09.2019 Dishes for children

Not for all

It is believed that water is one of the most important facets for maintaining the health of the body and the slimness of the body. Recently, Sassi water has appeared on the market, which helps to get rid of excess weight without any problems.
Preparing a drink is extremely simple. I took 8 glasses of clean cold water, cut a lemon into slices, to it a cucumber, also pre-cut and peeled, a spoonful of ginger and a few mint leaves. The water should be infused.
Quite tasty drink, and chilled in general is amazing. You need to drink it 2 liters a day, until 4 pm. I prepared the mixture in the evening and drank the next day.
The first two days ended up on the weekend, in principle there was not any discomfort, only I often wanted to go to the toilet. I work in the office, I also coped with this.
Somewhere on the fourth day of drinking Sassi water, I was so twisted. Severe stomach pain, heartburn and nausea developed. I was hospitalized with an exacerbation of gastritis. It turns out that lemon strongly increases the level of acidity in the stomach and has an irritating effect. I lay there for 10 days, everything worked out, but I swore not to carry out experiments anymore.

Sassi water is not conducive to weight loss

I have heard a lot of positive reviews about sassi water. Since it is very simple, I decided to prepare such water at home. I cooked right away for the whole day: I added a little mint, lemon and ginger to a three-liter jar of clean water. It turned out to be a rather tasty cocktail, for the summer heat - just the right thing. I always keep the jar in the fridge, cold water perfectly refreshes.
But besides the fact that it is delicious, I have not noticed any more positive effects. Sassi water has absolutely no effect on weight loss. I can confidently say that it is not possible to lose weight with it, because I drank it for 6 weeks, and the weight decreased by only half a kilogram. I can't even count it as a result.
Yes, many supposedly manage to lose weight on sassi water, but I don't believe it. This is where the placebo effect is most likely at work. The "drink and lose weight" motto doesn't really work at all. And the components of sassi water (except for ginger) are not among those that can drastically affect weight.
If your goal, like mine, is to lose weight, it is better to go in for sports and adjust your diet (which, in fact, I did), and not hope for dubious water.

Delicious water

It is very pleasant to start the day with a glass of this water. Only you need to cook it fresh, lemon peels begin to give off their bitterness if the water is standing for more than 12 hours. Therefore, in the morning I cut lemons early, and if I knew that I needed some water until the evening, then I must cut off the zest, which gives bitterness. In terms of quantity, I always took everything by sight. Less ginger and cucumber, more mint and lemon or limes. It tastes better this way. Maybe someone likes more tastes, then more ginger can be added.
If you are not lazy and prepare a fresh drink every day, it turns out delicious. Such a drink drives water perfectly, by the morning there is not a trace of edema either on the face or on the body. If you drink the prescribed 8 glasses of sassi water a day, then you can forget about the lack of fluid. It seems to me that against the background of drinking water, my digestion has improved, the feeling of heaviness after eating has disappeared. But this is where all the pluses end. I could not lose weight very noticeably, it’s good if it took a couple of kilos, but not thanks to water, but proper nutrition, which I master in half with grief. It doesn't really work as a way to lose weight.

Regular refreshing

The vaunted Sassi water, which supposedly should deal with the excesses of the figure in no time, is in fact a banal soft drink that quenches thirst well, but that's all. Periodically stumbling across the Internet on an advertisement for a miraculous drink, which even a primary school student can make, I was tempted by the simplicity of the recipe and the promised effect. Fortunately, any housewife has all the ingredients: cucumber, ginger, cucumber, lemon and mint leaves. And there is plenty of water in the tap. I mixed the ingredients, let it brew and started a water diet.
I drank two weeks for two liters a day, as prescribed. At the same time, again according to the instructions, I ate fractionally, in small portions, but often. What can I say - the drink is peculiar, the taste is specific, spicy and sour, it quenches thirst well, especially if stored in the refrigerator. But this, alas, is all the pluses. Rather, Sassi water does not fundamentally differ from ordinary drinking water in terms of its effect on the body with fractional nutrition. Which is also recommended to drink in the amount of two liters. And which also helps to remove excess lipids from the body while losing weight. Unless the first two or three days acted on me as a diuretic, and then, apparently, the body got used to it.

Good remedy

Sassi water is very easy to prepare, for me personally. I took 2 liters of water (I took bottled water) into it, cut 1 lemon, 1 cucumber into pieces, grated ginger root on a fine grater to make 1 teaspoon and add mint. I noticed that if you add more ginger, then the water turned out to be too bitter and I don't like that. And I put these ready-made 2 liters in a dark place overnight so that my cocktail would infuse. It takes about 12 hours.
In the morning I strained and drank those 2 liters throughout the day. The taste is, of course, nuclear, but what can't you do to fit into your favorite dress. I can note that after taking such a cocktail, I feel less hungry and I began to feel more vigorous than before. However, at first it was hard for me to drink 2 liters of such water a day. Such an amount of liquid did not go straight into me. Then it became easier. Also my chair has improved. And before I had constipation. And the skin on the face became clearer, acne disappeared. It's hard to drink, but the effect is good. Plus, I also limited myself to food and eventually got rid of 5 extra pounds. Now I make such a cocktail 2 times a week to consolidate the result. You need to get used to the taste and then this cocktail will even seem delicious.

The result is almost zero

I heard rave reviews about "Sassi water", I also wanted to try it. The recipe for cooking is simple, does not require a lot of money and time, and the very principle, when you drink water and lose weight, seems tempting. As always, what seems simple doesn't help.
So, all you need is 8 glasses of water, a teaspoon of grated ginger, cucumber and lemon, cut into thin slices and a few mint leaves. An extremely affordable recipe. All this is mixed in a container, covered with a lid and placed in the refrigerator overnight.
The next day, the resulting mixture should be gradually drunk, and in the evening a new one should be prepared. And so for 4 days.
There are no food restrictions. I think the whole effect is that when you drink a lot of water with a tonic effect, your appetite dulls. During these four days I really ate less than usual. Feels strange. In the reviews, they write a lot about the refreshing effect, about the extraordinary lightness and other joys, but I did not feel any changes in well-being, neither negative nor positive.
The water is not very tasty, I must say, and I don't like ginger, I overpowered myself. After four days of torment, she weighed herself. Before the start of the water "diet" was 60 kg. After that I became 59.5 kg. If this is the very promised weight loss, then it is not worth it. On the third day, severe redness began on the legs and arms, they did not go away for several days, in addition, they became larger.
I assumed that I was allergic to ginger, although I am not allergic in life.
I immediately stopped drinking Sassi water, the redness disappeared in just a couple of days.
During the week that I drank Sassi water, I had absolutely no changes in weight: I did not lose even 100 grams, the volumes remained the same.
For me, this water turned out to be a completely useless method, and even one that provoked an allergy. It's better to drink just a lot of pure water, the effect will obviously be better.

When it comes to Sassi water, the first thing people ask is: "Is this water really that effective for losing weight?" Meanwhile, Sassi water is, first of all, an excellent drink, and only in the second, it has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. First of all, it refreshes, quenches thirst, and only secondarily removes excess fluid. In the first - a light vitamin cocktail, in which there are no artificial sweeteners (sugar, honey, etc.), and in the second - it speeds up metabolism. As for weight loss, Sassi water is not a "magic sip", but just a cute element of any diet.

I'll start with a recipe for making Sassi water at home, and then I'll tell you what this story about losing weight is and whether it is possible to use the drink for dietary purposes.

Cooking time: 5 minutes plus infusion time.
Yield: 4 servings


To prepare Sassi water you will need:

  • 1 liter of filtered chilled water
  • 1 small cucumber or half a large
  • 1 small root of fresh ginger
  • 0.5 lemon
  • a few mint leaves if desired (I don't have)

Additional ice can be prepared to keep the drink cold.

How to prepare Sassi water

The beverage preparation process is simple and quick. First, cut a well-washed lemon into thin slices.
Then cut the cucumber into very thin slices. If you are using a large cucumber, it is better to peel it off.
Next, rub the peeled ginger root until you have about a teaspoon of pulp.
Place all these ingredients in a decanter and fill them with water. Stir the drink and send it to the refrigerator for infusion. That's the whole Sassi recipe.

Before serving, pour the refreshing Sassi water into glasses and add ice, and to make the drink more pleasing to the eye, add a few slices of lemon and cucumber to each glass.


Sassi water is best prepared the day before - for example, in the evening, so that it is well infused, and all the ingredients that make up it give it their full aromas. So, a fresh cucumber will make the drink light, fresh, the lemon will share its aroma and sourness, and ginger will give spice, and with it cheerfulness and energy.

You can diversify the drink by replacing lemon with lime or orange, and also adding a sprig of mint, lemon balm, basil or rosemary.

If you don't have time to infuse Sassi water, you will still get an excellent vitamin cocktail, it's just that its aromas will be lighter, and the taste will be softer.

Prepare fresh Sassi water every day, no more than 4 liters. Store it in the refrigerator.

Slimming Sassi Water

Strictly speaking, Sassi water is the commercial focus of an enterprising American woman named Sass (hence the name). The composition of the drink is really a lot of wholesome and healthy. Indeed: cucumber, ginger, lime, mint are wonderful ingredients, valuable both in and of themselves. They speed up the metabolism and help regulate the amount of fluid in the body, promote the elimination of toxins and have a sedative effect. Everything is so, and there is nothing unexpected here.

The drink was declared miraculous because of the "correct" ratio of the components and the "correct" use. And announced without any scientific evidence. Like a medicine man's remedy.

It is well known that EASY IN ACHIEVING WISHED - and here it is wasp waist and flat belly is a great hook for the gullible. If you organize a PR campaign "correctly" and correctly set up a person's motivation, you can work wonders with him! Yes, such a consumer of Sassi water can even lose weight! The placebo effect, have you heard?

Meanwhile, it is also true that there is nothing but benefit in the Sassi water. The drink does not work miracles, but together with a diet (and not INSTEAD of a diet) it can be useful.

Drink at least 2 liters of water per day and no more than 4 liters, do not drink too much at night.
- Do not overuse simple carbohydrates (sugar)
- Eat small meals every 2-3 hours

Switch to separate meals (meaning separate intake and the correct combination of carbohydrates, fats and proteins).
- Eat the first 2 weeks no more than 1400 kcal, and the next 4 months no more than 1600.

If there is controversy about separate nutrition (many nutritionists deny the value of separate nutrition for health and weight loss), then the recommendation around specific calories is amazing. A competent expert on healthy eating will explain to you that calories are a purely individual matter, and you need to calculate based on your own goals and indicators, and not taking numbers from the ceiling.

In general, drink Sassi water, it is pleasant water in all respects. And to the myth about the next magic remedy for a flat stomach and a slim waist, just smile, or better - find the right place for it in your tasty and healthy diet.

The role of water for human health cannot be overestimated, therefore any diet involves its use in large quantities. This is necessary so that the water balance in the body is not disturbed.

American Cynthia Sass invented a recipe for weight loss on water, which speeds up metabolic processes, promotes better digestion of food, detoxifies the body and helps burn fat. Unsurprisingly, the recipe for Sassi water, as it was named after the inventor, quickly became popular for weight loss among women in all countries.

Sassi water for weight loss - recipe

Sassi water is prepared from:

  • Clean drinking water - 2 liters;
  • Ginger root, chopped on a grater - 1 tsp;
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • Fresh mint - 10 -12 leaves;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.

These ingredients are crushed, mixed and left in the refrigerator overnight, and in the morning they drink one glass on an empty stomach, the rest is drunk in several steps per day. You cannot put the drink in a warm place, it must be in the refrigerator all the time. Even if you do not have time to drink all the water in a day, the next day you need to prepare fresh.

The maximum amount of Sassi water that can be drunk in 1 day is 4 liters, no more. The combination of ginger with mint and lemon can be overwhelming for the heart and stomach.

A more invigorating effect can be obtained by adding tangerine or orange, as well as sage leaves to the Sassi drink. Sassi Slimming Water is good for preparing for any diet: if you drink it for 4 days before the diet, the metabolic rate will increase, and this is a great start to the process of losing weight. During the period of the diet, it also needs to be consumed, it will not allow the metabolism to slow down, which will have a good effect on weight loss.

It is advisable to drink Sassi water during sports: in addition to accelerating metabolism, it will stimulate the production of energy in the body. You can drink this water without dieting or sports, just for refreshment.

Important rules for preparing and drinking Sassi water for weight loss

To achieve a positive result from any means for losing weight, you must follow a certain list of rules. Regarding the Sassi water, they are as follows:

  • The drink should be prepared only from fresh, high-quality products;
  • Fresh ginger root and cucumber should be peeled;
  • The drink should not remain in direct sunlight;
  • Store water preferably in an opaque container;
  • Drinking a day is allowed no more than 4 liters of Sassi water;
  • Only one glass of drink should be taken at one reception, water should be taken every 3-4 hours;
  • It is advisable to drink water for the last time 1.5 hours before going to bed, not later;
  • For the cocktail to work best, diet and exercise are desirable.

Compliance with these rules will help you to make the most of the wonderful properties of Sassi water for weight loss.

The secret of the effectiveness of Sassi water for weight loss

The drink is effective for weight loss because its ingredients have remarkable properties. Each of the ingredients plays a specific role in our body, complementing and strengthening the "neighbors", so it is better to use them together.

Ginger included in the list of the most effective plants for weight loss. It accelerates the flow of lymph, which carries nutrients throughout the body, and also takes part in cleansing the body of toxins.

Ginger also has a positive effect on the stomach and intestines, thanks to it, the digestive process improves.

Ginger, like turmeric, actively burns even those fatty deposits that are difficult to burn with the help of intense physical activity: these are fat layers on the inner thighs, arms, face, lower back, etc.

You can read more about the benefits and use of ginger.

Cucumber serves as the basis for the cucumber diet - one of the most effective mono-diets, since it has a low calorie content, promotes the removal of heavy metal salts. Cucumber acts as a mild diuretic, helping to eliminate toxins.

The composition of the cucumber is rich in potassium, sodium, phosphorus and other essential elements, vitamins of groups B, C. Cucumber is very easily absorbed by the body, since 90% of the vegetable is water.

Lemon is one of the ten best fat burners, it is also known as a storehouse of vitamins and acids. Many of them are very necessary for losing weight, but are not produced by the body on its own. For example, acids prevent fast carbohydrates from being stored in fats, which is extremely conducive to weight loss.

Mint- excellent soothing, in addition, it suppresses the feeling of hunger, promotes the elimination of toxins.

Thus, all the components of the drink help in weight loss. All four products are low in calories, which gives Sassi Slimming Water a dietary character.

When you can not drink water for weight loss Sassi

Sassi water is extremely easy to prepare and inexpensive. However, not everyone can accept it. It is contraindicated for the following problems:

  • Allergy to water components;
  • Severe kidney problems, acute cystitis;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;

Modern girls are always in search of a means that will bring them closer to the ideal of harmony, health and beauty. And in the struggle for an ideal appearance, all known means are sometimes used. Today on the agenda is Sassi water - a miracle cocktail for health and weight loss. What is it and why is it so popular? If you have never heard of this water, then for sure now you imagine an expensive remedy, the secret of the preparation of which is hidden under seven locks. But in fact, you can simply prepare Sassi water for weight loss using elementary technology. Interesting? Then read on!

Some girls strongly believe in the persistent myth that weight loss is expensive today. This opinion is supported by the prices of fitness clubs and nutritionist services. But belief in yourself, willpower, motivation and efforts to lose weight are much more important: and these indispensable components are equally free for everyone. We have one more good news for you: there are affordable and at the same time effective means, Sassi water is from the category of such. And if you are looking for a safe weight loss method, then it is time to learn about this wonderful water.

Pure water experiment

We can be grateful for the development of an effective water recipe to American nutritionist Cynthia Sassi. She probably did not even know what a sensation in the world of weight loss her discovery would make. Although, if Cynthia knew about the results of using her drink, she suspected how many girls would make her simple recipe happy.

The famous cocktail was pure experiment. Its purpose was to combine the most effective dietary products in one recipe. Cynthia decided that pure drinking water should be a mandatory basis for her signature drink, which is an integral part of a healthy diet and easy weight loss. Invented - done.

The nutritionist began to offer her recipe to clients, and they were delighted with the effect, which did not take long to appear. Fortunately, not only those who were personally acquainted with Cynthia Sassi achieved an excellent figure. Soon, her recipe was published and became the basis of the famous brand "Sassy Water". The slogan of the advertising campaign was "Drink and lose weight", and this simplicity won over thousands of women. Usually, when they offer rapid weight loss without unnecessary effort, we are looking for some kind of catch. But the Sassi drink is the perfect exception to this stereotype. This is confirmed by numerous reviews of girls.

A diet that includes miracle water is categorized as a low-calorie weight loss method. At the same time, the main mission of the product is to launch the mechanism of fat burning. Without exhausting dietary restrictions and other painful sacrifices, the use of Sassi water saves 2 to 4 kg. in Week. But that's not all!

This is the benefit

The reality of many modern weight loss products is such that they can help get rid of unwanted pounds, but at the same time you have to put up with a detrimental effect on the body. Finding today the cherished way to lose weight that has a positive effect on health is almost like digging out a needle in a haystack.

Sassi water is a completely different matter, and the benefits of a miraculous drink are not limited to the rapid loss of excess weight. Its use promises healing of the whole organism, which is good news. Here are the most notable features of the product:

  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • reduction of gassing;
  • increased vitality;
  • acceleration of fat breakdown;
  • faster excretion of metabolic products;
  • cleansing from harmful toxins and toxins;
  • providing the body with vital vitamins;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • fighting depression and improving mood;
  • stimulating the formation of female sex hormones;
  • charge of vivacity and energy.

A pleasant bonus to all of the above properties of Sassi tea is its pleasant taste. You can imagine that you are drinking a delicious exotic cocktail - this will make the process of losing weight even more enjoyable.

Treasured recipes

We want to offer you a classic recipe for making Sassi water for weight loss, which is time-tested, as well as thousands of girls around the world. However, this cooking technology is not the only one. Sassi iced tea has several recipes for weight loss. Cooking variations suggest that you will definitely find the one that suits you.

Classic recipe with lemon

We will need :

  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 medium peeled cucumber;
  • 1 tbsp. l. chopped ginger;
  • 10-15 peppermint leaves.

Cooking technology:

  1. Grind the cucumber to a gruel state.
  2. Peel the ginger root and lemon, cut the lemon into nice thin slices, grind the ginger into a pulp.
  3. Tear the mint into small pieces.
  4. Place all prepared beverage components in a glass container and fill with water.
  5. Send Sassi tea to the refrigerator for 10-12 hours (or better overnight). This time is optimal in order to fill the product with the necessary microelements and vitamins.

Now you know how to prepare that very Sassi water for weight loss and recovery. But the matter is not limited to one recipe. You can make another common variant - Sassi with your favorite citrus, which is in no way inferior in effectiveness.

Citrus Recipe

We will need :

  • 2 liters of bottled or spring water;
  • 10 mint leaves;
  • lemon verbena in the same amount as mint;
  • 2 sage leaves;
  • citrus to taste.

Cooking technology:

  1. Throw in the finely chopped citrus fruit you love into the water.
  2. Send mint leaves, sage and verbena to them.
  3. Just as in the first recipe, leave the water in the refrigerator overnight to infuse.

Recipe without added mint

Another variation of the Sassi drink does not have a pronounced mint flavor. This technology often saves in winter, when it is not easy to find a fresh plant. If you just don't like the menthol flavor, this is also the perfect solution.

We will need :

  • 2 liters of bottled or spring water;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • 1 ginger root.

Cooking technology:

  1. Slice the lemon and cucumber thinly.
  2. Grate the ginger root, in the end you should get 1 tbsp. l. with a slide.
  3. All ingredients must be placed on the bottom of a glass container and filled with clean cold water.
  4. And this cocktail requires steeping in the refrigerator overnight.

In the event that you value a spicy aroma in drinks, you can choose brewing instead of the infusion method. Then the volume of boiling water will be limited to 1.5 liters. The ratio of ingredients in this recipe will be the same as in the others, but the cucumber is excluded here. You can drink water immediately after cooling down.

As you can see, any recipe for a drink is based on traditional ingredients. Add cinnamon and honey as an experiment. These ingredients also enhance the fat burning process.

Cynthia Sass's video recipe

Golden rules for drinking Sassi water

Water will bring maximum effectiveness for weight loss in combination with a simple diet. But the drink itself requires knowledge. How to drink Sassi correctly? Some cooking tricks are also important.

  • The effectiveness of the Sassi drink obliges that it contains only high-quality and fresh ingredients: you definitely cannot save on health and beauty.
  • Direct rays of the sun will quickly take away all its beneficial properties from the product. To prevent this from happening, store the water in a refrigerator or any other cool place out of direct sunlight.
  • Glassware is preferred for storing the drink. Plastic will not work because the acid can react with it.
  • Whatever results the magic water gives, its use should be limited to the norm - 4 liters per day.
  • It is recommended to drink 1 glass of Sassi water at a time.
  • To avoid an unpleasant surprise in the form of edema in the morning, the last water intake should take place 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.

When to choose a different weight loss method

It is important to know that the Sassi drink has contraindications to use. Among them, nutritionists distinguish:

  • allergy to any ingredient in the drink;
  • a stomach ulcer or gastritis;
  • any chronic disease in the stage of its exacerbation;
  • kidney disease;
  • hypertension.

Today there is a wide selection of miracle remedies and recipes for weight loss. The main task in this abundance is to find a really worthy method that will not harm your health. The slogan "Water Sassi - drink and lose weight!" appeared relatively recently, but has already gained popularity among those thirsty to lose weight, because this vitamin drink helps not only to reduce weight, but also to improve well-being.

What is "Sassi water"

Sassi Water is an aqueous infusion of lemon, cucumber, ginger and mint leaves.

The combination of ingredients in water gives a unique palette of taste and benefit

The name "Sassi" originated from the name of the American doctor Santia Sass - a woman who was looking for an effective way to cleanse the body and eliminate fat deposits around the waist. Several years later, Santia managed to independently create an original recipe, which consists in the optimal combination of natural products infused with water.

Useful properties of ingredients

All nutritionists unanimously say that you should drink about 2 liters of pure water every day. It improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract and activates the process of losing weight. It is often advised to replace ordinary water during a diet with Sassi water, which has more miraculous properties:

  • ginger, which is part of the cocktail, increases the metabolic rate in the body and promotes fat burning;
  • fresh cucumber in combination with water has an excellent diuretic effect, which removes excess fluid in the body, relieves swelling and leaves a feeling of fullness;
  • lemon saturates the body with vitamins and organic acids, which help to remove unpleasant sensations in the stomach, and also burn toxic substances and toxins;
  • mint leaves eliminate bloating, improve stomach activity and calm the nervous system.

Sassi water accelerates the breakdown of fatty deposits

In addition, as a result of the normalization of the water-salt balance in the body, the general condition of the skin, nails and hair improves.

In the summer season, a cooling cocktail is very refreshing and quenches thirst.

Sassi water was originally invented as part of the "flat tummy" diet, but many other pleasant side effects have emerged as it has been consumed.

Cooking recipes

Even a child can easily prepare a drink at home. We present to you the classic (basic) recipe for Sassi water and a refreshing citrus, which can also diversify your dietary routine.

Classic Sassi Water Recipe


  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 medium-sized cucumber;
  • 28 g fresh root or 1 tsp. dry powder of ginger;
  • 10 pieces. fresh peppermint leaves or 1 tsp. dry grass.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the lemon and cucumber into thin slices.
  2. Peel and grate the ginger root.
  3. Tear the mint leaves into small pieces with your hands.
  4. Place all products in a jar, add water at room temperature, cover with a napkin and send the liquid to the refrigerator.

Citrus based


  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 whole lemon or freshly squeezed juice;
  • 1 orange or freshly squeezed juice;
  • 2 tangerines or their freshly squeezed juice;
  • 5 pieces. fresh leaves of peppermint or 0.5 tsp. dry grass;
  • 5 pieces. fresh sage leaves or 0.5 tsp. dry grass.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop all fruits.
  2. Detail the mint and sage leaves with your hands.
  3. Fold the food into a container, fill it with drinking water, cover with a napkin and place in the refrigerator.

It is recommended to infuse these wellness cocktails for at least 10 hours. The best option is to make water in the evening and leave it overnight. During this time, the water will be saturated with vitamins and minerals useful for the human body.

This mineral cocktail is easy to make

There is also a faster way to prepare Sassi water, in which the required ingredients are ground in a blender with a glass of water to a mushy consistency. Then 2 liters of water are added to the resulting mixture and the drink is sent to the refrigerator for 1 hour. After the lapse of time, you can enjoy a light refreshing taste.

The subtleties of cooking

When preparing Sassi water, you should take into account the following nuances:

  1. It is best to use spring water, but you can also take mineral water without gas or filtered.
  2. It is recommended to add fruits whole, along with the peel - it contains most of the essential oils that are beneficial to the body.
  3. On the contrary, it is better to peel the cucumber before slicing. Otherwise, she will add bitterness to the drink, which cannot be interrupted (unlike citruses).
  4. It is advisable to take fresh mint and sage. The beneficial properties of dried herbs are greatly reduced.
  5. Ginger should also be added fresh. Dry powder may not give the desired effect.
  6. All products should be washed thoroughly before use. Keep in mind that they may contain harmful pesticides, nitrates or sulfur, which is often treated with fruits and vegetables to preserve their appearance.

Video: How to make a drink

All 2 liters of the infusion made must be drunk within one day. Therefore, in order to include a drink on your diet menu, you will need to prepare it as needed. Below are the most popular techniques for using Sassi.

Method number 1

Drink a vitamin cocktail 1-2 times a week.

On the day allocated for the diet, divide 2 liters of water into 8 doses:

  • 1 glass - on an empty stomach after waking up;
  • 2 glass - half an hour before breakfast;
  • 3 glass - an hour after breakfast;
  • 4 glasses - half an hour before lunch;
  • 5 glass - an hour after lunch;
  • 6 glass - half an hour before dinner;
  • 7 glass - an hour after dinner;
  • 8 glass - 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.

This method of drinking water cleanses the body of harmful substances and helps to lose about 7 kg per month if salt, sugar, flour products and caffeinated drinks are almost completely absent in the diet.

Method number 2

Drinking begins with a 4-day phase, which provides a quick start for weight loss. During these days, they drink water using the above method (8 glasses each), observing food restrictions so that the calorie content does not exceed 1400 kcal per day.

After they move on to the 4-week stage, which involves increasing the calorie content of food to 1600 kcal. There should be 4 meals a day, 400 kcal each. Sassi water continues to be consumed at the rate of 2 liters per day.

From the menu, everything fried, salty, sweet, flour, canned is reduced to a minimum. Alcoholic drinks, coffee, fruits and vegetables with coarse fiber are completely excluded.

The diet must contain foods that are sources of unsaturated fatty acids - nuts, dried fruits, fish, seafood, vegetable oils. In small quantities, the use of kefir and cottage cheese is allowed.

By following this diet program, you will notice weight loss and waist reduction after the first stage.

After the first stage, the waist is reduced by 5-7 centimeters

Please note that after a diet, the lost pounds can return. Therefore, observe the measure in food constantly, periodically pampering the body with water.

Important rules of use

Despite the fact that this water is considered useful, when using it, it is still worth adhering to some recommendations.

  1. Do not drink more than 4 liters of infusion per day. By increasing the amount of fluid you drink, you will give additional stress to the heart and kidneys, as well as stretch the folds of the stomach, which are very difficult to return to shape.
  2. Do not consume more than 1 glass of water at a time.
  3. Do not leave the drink in direct sunlight or warmth. Tainted water can be harmful to the stomach.
  4. It is advisable to store sassi in an opaque container on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  5. Strain the cocktail before drinking. There are floating vegetables, herbs and citrus fruits that are optional.

This light drink can be drunk outside of diet programs.


Sassi water is contraindicated for people who have:

  • high blood pressure;
  • severe renal failure;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer);
  • individual intolerance to the components that make up the cocktail.

In case of an atypical reaction of the body (malaise, acute abdominal pain, allergies, etc.), you must stop drinking the drink and immediately consult a doctor.

Before using Sassi water for weight loss, doctors need advice from people suffering from any chronic diseases of internal organs.

Is it possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Women wishing to lose weight using this method during pregnancy and breastfeeding should also consult a doctor. Ginger in combination with water has high tonic properties that can harm the health of the baby and mother.