Lean oatmeal cutlets. Hercules cutlets and bouillon cube

13.10.2019 Dishes for children


Hercules cutlets can be cooked both on an open fire and in the oven. The step-by-step recipe with photos, which is attached below, will clearly and easily tell you how you can cook this treat with your own hands with bouillon cubes.

This dish is very quick and easy to prepare at home, even for a novice housewife. Low-calorie herculean cutlets can be included in your diet not only in fasting, but literally every day, for example, for breakfast. Ready-made oat cutlets are very tender and satisfying. For those who prefer to follow a healthy food culture or observe a fast, this dish will be just a godsend or a pleasant discovery. In any case, to be sure of this, you need to cook cutlets according to this recipe at least once.

Many people know that oatmeal is a very healthy cereal. It contains a rich vitamin composition, as well as a large number of macro- and microelements. Since ancient times, the medicinal properties of cereals have been known, including oats. In those distant times, patients with gastritis, ulcers, colitis and other diseases were prescribed to drink decoctions of oats.

If a person includes oatmeal in their diet on a daily basis, it will lead to noticeable changes in health and great well-being. Anyone who eats oatmeal porridge every morning can forget about stomach discomfort. Alas, not everyone likes to eat oatmeal or cereal, especially small children. In this case, in order not to consume the "unloved" product prepared in the traditional way, you can use our original recipe. The finished dish can be supplemented with any side dish or vegetable salad. Give it a try, rate it and we are sure that you will be satisfied. Having prepared hercules cutlets for the first time quickly and easily, you will certainly want to please your loved ones with this dish more than once.


  • (1 tbsp.)

  • (1/2 tbsp.)

  • (1 PC.)

  • (1 PC.)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

  • (3 tbsp. L.)

Cooking steps

    Before starting the process, you must prepare all the ingredients. You can boil the kettle, as the hot water is useful for steaming the oatmeal. You also need to peel the onion.

    While the flakes are steaming, you can proceed to the preparation of the remaining ingredients. Cut the onions into small cubes.

    The chopped onion should be sent to fry in a preheated pan, after adding vegetable oil. It is necessary to fry the vegetable until golden brown.

    In the meantime, pour the required amount of Hercules oatmeal into a suitable container.

    After the flakes have cooled down and you can take them with your hands, you need to add fried onions to the oatmeal. Following it, the base for cutlets must be salted and spices added to it to taste. You can also drive in one egg, but this is not necessary.

    Minced oatmeal should be allowed to brew a little and swell. After that, it is necessary to form small cutlets by rolling them on 2 sides in flour.

    Next, you need to fry the patties over low heat in a preheated frying container from 2 sides until fully cooked. In order not to burn your hands with boiling oil, you can apply oatmeal with a tablespoon... It is necessary to fry the oatmeal cutlets until a golden crust appears.

    We put the finished dish into portioned plates and serve hot. Delicious oatmeal cutlets are ready.

    Bon Appetit!

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

If you are looking for a delicious and satisfying recipe for the whole family, prepare cutlets from rolled oats and bouillon cubes, which taste like meat ones. Don't believe me? You just need to go to the nearest supermarket and stock up on the ingredients you need. The recipe contains the simplest and most inexpensive products. Hercules patties can be served immediately after frying with a suitable sauce, for example, as a stand-alone dish or as an addition to lunch or dinner.

- oatmeal - 2 cups (160 g),
- bouillon cube - 1 pc.,
- boiling water - 250-350 ml,
- onion - 1 pc.,
- sunflower oil - 2-3 tablespoons,
- dill - 3 branches,
- ground black pepper,
- salt.

Recipe with photo step by step:

For cooking, you need a bouillon cube. Boil water in a kettle and dissolve the cube in boiling water. The amount of boiling water can vary within certain limits, since the oatmeal is of different manufacturers and quality. Pour the flakes into a deep bowl. Pour boiling water with diluted bouillon cube. Stir. Leave at room temperature for 10-15 minutes to swell the rolled oats.

In the meantime, let's prepare the onion. It needs to be cleaned, rinsed and dried with a paper towel. Cut into small pieces. Add vegetable oil to the pan, let it heat up well. Fry the chopped onion until browned.

Add a golden onion to the swollen oatmeal. Stir until the onion slices are evenly distributed throughout the oatmeal.

Not only dill can be used from greens. Parsley, celery leaves, cilantro will do. Rinse the greens thoroughly and pat dry with a towel. Remove the thick stems and chop the small leaves and add to the rest of the ingredients. Season with ground black pepper. Be careful with salt, because the cube is already quite salty. You can experiment with spices. Stir all the ingredients together. It turns out a rather sticky mass that lends itself well to molding.

Prepare a bowl of water to wet your hands. With wet hands, pick up a serving of minced oatmeal and form an oval or round piece. From this number of products, 9 blanks were obtained.

Pour a small amount of oil into the skillet. Heat it up well. Place the oatmeal in hot oil. Fry over medium heat until golden brown on one side and the other.

Prepare a flat plate of napkins in advance. Place the fried oatmeal and bouillon cutlets on a napkin. Let sit for a few minutes and serve with your favorite sauce.

Bon Appetit!
We also advise you to pay attention to the recipe for delicious

There were times when my mother and I cooked such oatmeal cutlets almost every week. Then at the peak of popularity were bouillon cubes, so we poured oatmeal with a cube diluted in water. Now this craze for various kinds of substitutes is fading into oblivion, everyone is trying to eat right and avoid surrogates if they have analogues.

Therefore, I still suggest pouring broth over the oatmeal, because the broth is prepared incredibly quickly and easily. For vegetable broth, you will need a carrot, an onion, a celery stalk (you can take a small piece of the root), parsley root and spices of your choice and taste. Pour all this with water (1.5 liters), let it boil and cook for about half an hour. That's all, the broth is ready. For these cutlets, we need only 450 ml, the rest can either be frozen or used to make soup. But if you are sorry for the precious time to prepare the broth, then simply replace it with the same amount of water.

So, cover the oatmeal with hot broth or water (if you are using it). Cover the bowl with a lid and let stand for half an hour. Let the flakes absorb all the liquid and swell and reach the condition we need.

Meanwhile, wash and peel the potatoes. You can use either a blender or a fine grater to chop the potatoes.
You can also add onions or carrots to the potatoes. You can replace the potatoes with the same amount of cauliflower, which also needs to be chopped in a blender - the patties will be lighter.

Wipe the mushrooms with a damp cloth, chop finely and lightly simmer in a skillet, adding a drop of vegetable oil and a little water.

Add potatoes, mushrooms and finely chopped dill to the rolled oats, salt. Add spices and mix everything thoroughly.
Just make sure that the flakes are completely cool, otherwise you risk getting burned.
To make the cutlets better formed, remove the bowl of minced meat for 15 minutes in the refrigerator.
This is more of a precautionary measure, rather than a guide to action. My cutlets were perfectly molded without it.

During fasting, the question of the diversity of one's diet is often raised, but even fasting is not the only thing that makes us want to. If it suddenly happens that your wallet is on the verge, and you just want to serve something tasty to the table, here is one of the options - cutlets from rolled oats and a bouillon cube, you get such cutlets as meat, and cooking them is very simple and quick. Not everyone will immediately guess what these cutlets are made of, so you can certainly surprise your family. You can serve such cutlets with ketchup, sour cream, pickles, vegetables. Be sure to try these too.

- rolled oats - 1 glass,
- bouillon cube - 1 pc.,
- water - 0.75 cups,
- onion - 1 pc.,
- vegetable oil - for frying,
- salt, pepper, dry garlic - to taste,
- bread crumbs.

How to cook from a photo step by step

Prepare all ingredients. Boil clean water on the stove, pour it into a bowl, add one meat / chicken cube. Dissolve the cube completely in boiling water.

Pour rolled oats into a bowl, mix well and cover with a plate, leave alone for 7-10 minutes to swell a little.

Meanwhile, peel the large onion, rinse and dry. Cut the onion into small cubes. Fry the onions in vegetable oil.

After the indicated time, add the onion fry to the rolled oats. Stir well and add salt, pepper, dry garlic.

Form small balls from the herculean mince, roll them well in breadcrumbs.

Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, shape the breaded balls into cutlets, send them to the frying pan. I also described an excellent one for you

A huge number of residents of our country observe fasting, purifying their body and soul. At this time, when drawing up a diet, you need to adhere to many restrictions, but at the same time, the menu should be made as diverse, correct and nutritious as possible so that the body receives a sufficient amount of useful things. Of course, during the fast you have to give up the consumption of meat, but there are many other food products that can replace it in health and taste. So the oatmeal oatmeal familiar to all of us can become an excellent ingredient for delicious and nutritious cutlets.

Classic recipe

To prepare cutlets from oatmeal flakes, you need one glass of oatmeal directly, a medium head of onions, a large chive of garlic, medium-sized potatoes, some bread crumbs, and seasonings to taste (salt, pepper, etc.).

First of all, take oatmeal and steam them in a bowl with one hundred milliliters of hot, just boiled water. Cover the container with a lid and set aside for half an hour to infuse. After peeling the onion, chop it with a medium-sized grater and combine with the swollen oatmeal. Crush the garlic in a garlic and add it to the mixture as well. Rinse and peel the potato, grate it on a fine grater and combine with the rest of the ingredients. Knead all the ingredients and knead them well to get a mass similar in consistency to a monotonous puree. Use the resulting minced oatmeat to form cutlets, which are then recommended to be rolled in breadcrumbs. Preheat the skillet well, pouring some vegetable oil on it, and fry the oatmeal patties until golden brown on each side.
Bring the dish until cooked under a covered lid over low heat.

Serve the oatmeal cutlets shortly after cooking - they are best eaten hot.

Lean oat cutlets with vegetables

To prepare such a dish, you will need a glass of rolled oats, half a glass of water or vegetable broth, half a medium-sized carrot, a medium-sized onion, and a chive. Also prepare two hundred grams of frozen cauliflower, a tablespoon of soy sauce, any spice mix, such as Minced Meat. In addition, for cooking cutlets, you will need flour or bread crumbs and some vegetable oil.

Boil vegetable broth or water, then boil oatmeal with such a liquid along with soy sauce and spices. Leave the rolled oats under the infusion lid. Next, grate the onion, garlic and carrot on a small grater. Defrost the cauliflower and turn it in a blender. Combine prepared vegetables with swollen oatmeal, add a little salt if desired. In the event that the cooked mass looks a little thin, stir in some flour into it.

Form cutlets from such minced meat, roll them in flour or bread crumbs and fry them well in a preheated pan.

Oatmeal cutlets with mushrooms

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare one medium potato, a medium-sized onion, a glass of oatmeal, half a teaspoon of salt and three hundred grams of fresh champignon mushrooms. You will also need half a bunch of flavored cilantro, some vegetable oil, a chive and black pepper to taste.

Boil the oatmeal only with boiled water in a 1: 1 ratio and leave to infuse for half an hour. Peel the onions, potatoes, and garlic, then grate these components on a medium or fine grater. Rinse and finely chop the herbs and mushrooms. Combine all prepared ingredients in a sufficiently deep bowl and stir well. Do not forget to pepper and salt such minced meat. Form cutlets from the resulting mass and roll them in flour. Fry them in a preheated skillet for four to five minutes on each side until they are golden brown.

Zucchini and oatmeal herculean cutlets

To prepare such a dish, you will need half a kilogram of zucchini, one medium carrot, a medium-sized onion, a medium potato, four tablespoons of oatmeal, a couple of tablespoons of cottage cheese. Also prepare a small bunch of dill, a little salt and ground black pepper, four tablespoons of vegetable oil, and three tablespoons of bread crumbs.

Wash and peel the zucchini and carrots, grate them on a sufficiently coarse grater, salt and pepper. Put the vegetable mass in a colander and let the excess liquid drain. Finely grate the potato and combine with the zucchini and carrots. Pour dry oatmeal into a container and leave to infuse for ten minutes under a lid. Finely chop or grate the onions, stir them together with the cottage cheese into the vegetables. Also add chopped dill to these ingredients. Form cutlets from the resulting blank, roll them in flour and fry in hot vegetable oil.

Hercules cutlets are a great find for vegetarians, vegans, and fasting people. They are low in calories, but nutritious and tasty.