Smoked venison at home. How to cook venison, dishes, recipes Cold smoked venison

03.05.2020 Dishes for children

Venison is a truly unique food product. Firstly, it is worth noting its absolute ecological purity. Reindeer do not get sick due to the peculiarities of the distribution area and feeding conditions, therefore they are never injected with antibiotics and vaccines. Secondly, the nutritional value of the meat of these animals is higher than that of the best varieties of beef in terms of protein, vitamins and microelements, and the absence of unhealthy fats. It is not for nothing that the products of Russian reindeer husbandry have been bought up by foreigners practically at the root until recently. Venison went to Germany, the Scandinavian countries, Canada, the share of the domestic market remained an insignificant volume of supplies.

But now deer meat is no longer a scarce raw material. Producers are turning towards the Russian consumer. First of all, due to the growing consumer demand. This type of meat is also interesting for processors, due to its relatively low wholesale price, and original, expensive delicacies that can be prepared from it.

For the production of venison products, carcasses and half-carcasses of animals that meet the requirements of standards, chilled or frozen, are used. Cutting and deboning is carried out in the same way as the primary processing of beef carcasses.

Recipe for cooking smoked-baked reindeer ham of the highest grade (TU 49 RSFSR 362)

Raw materials: the hip part of the 1st category reindeer carcasses. Separate the leg at the hock, leave the sacral part with the caudal vertebrae, remove the fat and pelvic bone.

Ambassador: the brine is injected into the muscle tissue of the ham under a pressure of 3-5 * 10 5 Pa, the amount of liquid is 8-10% of the initial mass of raw materials. Then put the meat in containers, press it, pour with brine (amount 40-50% of the mass of raw materials) and stand for 5-7 days at a temperature of 2-4 0 C.

  • Table salt - 13, 60
  • Sugar - sand - 1, 0
  • Sodium nitrite - 0.075

The density of the brine is 1.0923 g / cm 3 (determined by a hydrometer).

Preparation for smoking: Soak salted hams for 2-3 hours in water (temperature not higher than 20 0 C), rinse (water temperature 30-40 0 C) and put on racks in one row for water to drain for 3-4 hours. Next, wrap the ham in a cellophane film (other casing materials can also be used), tie it with twine and braid.

Heat treatment: the semi-finished product is smoked and baked in the "Izhitsa GK" smokehouse at a temperature of 85-95 0 С for 11-12 hours, and then cooled in chambers to a temperature in the thickness of the meat of 0-8 0 С

Shelf life: It is permissible to store smoked-baked reindeer hams at 0-8 0 C and a relative air humidity of 70-80% for 5 days after the end of the manufacturing process, including at the enterprise for no more than 24 hours.

Smoked-baked reindeer fillet of the highest grade (TU 49 RSFSR 362)

Raw materials: Lumbar and dorsal muscles from category 1 deer carcasses, cut into pieces 20-30 cm long.

Ambassador: put the raw materials in containers, press and fill with brine (amount 40-50% of the mass of meat). The composition of the brine is the same as in the manufacture of smoked-baked reindeer ham. At a temperature of 2-4 0 C, the duration of the salting is 3-4 days.

Preparation for smoking: Soak the salted raw materials in water with a temperature not higher than 20 0 С for 30-40 minutes, then rinse (water temperature 30-40 0 С) and put on racks in one row for water to drain for 1 hour. After that, rub the raw materials with garlic and black pepper in the amount of 2.5 and 0.2 kg per 100 kg of raw materials, respectively. Wrap the sirloin in cellophane (or other casing), tie with twine and braid.

Smoking: the semi-finished product should be smoked and baked at 85-95 0 С for 4-5 hours, then pressed at 10-12 0 С for 7-8 hours and cooled to a temperature of 0-8 0 С

Storage: the same conditions and terms as for smoked-baked reindeer ham.

Recipe for cooking reindeer tongue in boiled-smoked bacon of the highest grade (TU 49 RSFSR 388)

Raw materials: deer tongues weighing at least 300 g, processed, frozen or chilled. Pork fat side without skin salted and unsalted, chilled or frozen.

Raw material preparation: clean the tongues of dirt, rinse with water, cleanse of adipose tissue, mucus and blood, hyoid meat, lymph nodes, laryngeal cartilage, hyoid bone. After stripping, rinse again with cold water, and send to the ambassador. The temperature in the thickness of the tongues should be 8-10 0 С. Send unsalted bacon to the ambassador.

Ambassador: fold the tongues in containers and pour brine (density 1.0923 g / cm 3, temperature 4 ° C) in the amount of 40-50% of the mass of raw materials and keep for 5-7 days at 6 ° C.

Brine composition (weight of ingredients in kg per 100 l of water):

  • Table salt - 14, 60
  • Granulated sugar - 0, 10
  • Sodium nitrite - 0.075

Thoroughly rub unsalted bacon with table salt (total consumption of table salt, taking into account the addition of 12% of the fat mass) and keep for 5-7 days at 2-4 0 C.

Cooking and cooling tongues: cook salted tongues in cauldrons (ratio of tongues and water 45:55) at 100 0 С for 45-60 minutes. Cool the cooked tongues in the chamber at 0-4 0 С until the temperature in the thickness of the tongues reaches 10-12 0 С.

Plating fat: Clean salted bacon from table salt by immersing for 1-2 seconds in boiling water and layering on plates, the thickness of which should be no more than 2 mm, width 15-18 cm and length 18-20 cm.

Forming: put the tongues and bacon in narrow beef or lamb bush. Raw material ratio (kg per 100 kg)

  • Boiled salty deer tongues - 80.0
  • Salted side pork fat, cut into plates - 20.0

Wrap the chilled tongues with plates of bacon in one layer, put in the dead ends of the blue so that the dead end of the shell is put on the slime of the tongue. Tie the products with twine on both sides longitudinally and with two dressings transversely, making a loop.

Heat treatment: Cook the formed reindeer tongues in bacon at 80-85 0 С for 50-60 minutes in water boilers or 80-90 minutes in steam boilers. Cool the cooked tongues in the chamber at 0-4 0 С until the temperature reaches 12-15 0 С in the thickness of the product and send for smoking.

Smoke in the "Izhitsa 1200M" smokehouse for 1-1, 5 hours at a temperature of 18-22 0 С. (for conventional devices, smoking time is 5-6 hours)

Storage: in a suspended state at 0-8 0 С and relative humidity of 75-80% no more than 5 days after the end of the technological process of manufacturing the product, including at the enterprise no more than 2 days.

Raw smoked deer tongue, premium grade (TU 49 RSFSR 387)

Raw materials: Reindeer tongues weighing at least 300 g, processed, frozen or chilled.

Preparation and Ambassador: are carried out in the same way as for boiled-smoked reindeer tongues in bacon.

Preparation for smoking: Soak tongues in water (temperature not higher than 20 0 С), rinse (water temperature 30-40 0 С) and spread out on racks for water to drain for 1-1.5 hours. Tie the products with twine, making a loop at the root of the tongue for hanging in the smokehouse.

Smoking: smoke tongues at 18-22 0 С in the Izhitsa 1200M smokehouse for 1.5-2 hours (in ordinary smokehouses the process lasts 18-24 hours)

Dry in dryers for 2-3 days at 10-12 0 С and relative humidity 75-80%

Storage: no more than 15 days from the end of the technological process, including at the manufacturer's plant no more than 2 days.

Smoked venison


10 kg venison (brisket, ribs), 250 ml lemon juice, 50 g crushed juniper berries, 2-3 bay leaves, 10 g sugar, 2 g cinnamon, 2 g ginger, 2 cloves buds, 350 g salt, 10 g black ground pepper.

Cooking method

Grate prepared venison with a mixture of lemon juice and crushed juniper berries, leave warm for 4-5 hours. Prepare a mixture of salt, sugar, chopped bay leaves and spices.

Place the pieces of venison in an enamel bowl, pouring generously over each layer with the prepared mixture. Leave for 1.5-2 weeks in a cool dry place. The venison can then be cold smoked for 3-4 weeks.

From the book Forest is the breadwinner the author Dubrovin Ivan

VENIN "DIANA" Cook venison as follows. Pre-clean it from films and tendons, rinse thoroughly and cut into pieces. In a kettle, fry the chopped onions and celery with ground red pepper in lard, then add the venison. Meat

From the book Smoking, drying, salting, baking the author Olga Babkova

Dried venison Ingredients: 5 kg venison, 5 cloves buds, 10 allspice peas, 2 bay leaves, 5 g cumin seeds, 3 cloves of garlic, 200 g salt. Rinse venison, remove large tendons, cut into strips 3 cm thick. Peel the garlic , wash. For

From the book Excellent fishing and hunting cuisine the author Petrov (culinary specialist) Vladimir Nikolaevich

Braised venison Cooking time: 3 h Servings: 6 Ingredients: 1 kg venison (rear pulp), 110 g butter, 110 g flour, 2 onions, 220 g mushrooms, 110 g diced bacon, 275 ml red wine, 1 / 4 tsp cinnamon, 1/4 tsp nutmeg

From the book Home-style meat delicacies the author Vasil'va Yaroslava Vasilievna

Venison - roast 1.5-2 kg venison (one piece, back), 100 g bacon, 1 teaspoon allspice (Jamaican) pepper, 0.5 teaspoon ground cloves, 2-3 teaspoons ground juniper berries , 2 teaspoons of salt. Wash the meat, peel from films, slightly beat off, grate with a mixture of ground

From the book Hunter's Cookbook the author Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

Marinated venison Ingredients: 10 kg of venison (fillet), 100 g of carrots, 100 g of celery roots, 50 g of garlic, 4 sprigs of fresh cumin, 5 sprigs of parsley, 2 chopped bay leaves, 80 g of onions, 600 ml of water, 150 ml of table vinegar, 100 g butter, pepper, salt.

From the book Blanks, Pickles, Dried. Hunting recipes the author Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

Dried venison Ingredients: 5 kg of venison, 13 g of garlic. For brine: 1.5 l of water, 5 g of cloves, 10 peas of allspice, 2 bay leaves, 5 g of caraway seeds, 250 g of salt. Method of preparation: Rinse venison, peel from large tendons, cut into strips 3–3.5 cm thick. Garlic

From the book Spicy Basturma and Ham the author Lukyanenko Inna Vladimirovna

Smoked venison Ingredients: 10 kg venison (brisket, ribs), 250 ml lemon juice, 50 g crushed juniper berries, 2-3 bay leaves, 10 g sugar, 2 g cinnamon, 2 g ginger, 2 cloves, 350 g salt, 10 g ground black pepper Method of preparation: Grate prepared venison

From the author's book

Braised venison Ingredients: 1 kg venison (back pulp), 110 g butter, 110 g flour, 2 onions, 220 g mushrooms (any), 110 g diced bacon, 275 ml red wine, 1/2 tsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. nutmeg, pepper, salt Method of preparation: Chop the venison

From the author's book

Marinated venison Ingredients 10 kg venison (fillet), 100 g carrots, 100 g celery roots, 50 g garlic, 4 sprigs of fresh cumin, 5 sprigs of parsley, 2 bay leaves (chopped), 80 g onions, 600 ml of water, 150 ml of table vinegar, 100 g butter, pepper, salt.

From the author's book

Dried venison Ingredients 5 kg venison, 13 g garlic. For brine: 1 1/2 l water, 5 g cloves, 10 allspice peas, 2 bay leaves, 5 g caraway seeds, 250 g salt. Cooking method Wash venison, remove large tendons , cut into strips 3–3.5 cm thick. Garlic

From the author's book

Smoked venison Ingredients 10 kg venison (brisket, ribs), 250 ml lemon juice, 50 g juniper berries (crushed), 2-3 bay leaves, 10 g sugar, 2 g cinnamon, 2 g ginger, 2 cloves, 350 g salt, 10 g ground black pepper Cooking Method Grate the prepared venison

From the author's book

Swedish Venison Ingredients 1 kg venison (pulp), 50 g butter, 10 g salt, 3 g freshly ground white pepper For broth: 1 1/2 l water, 500 g deer saddle bones, 50 g butter, 100 g carrots, 100 g of celery roots, 20 g of garlic, 2 g of ground cumin, 1 bay leaf,

From the author's book

Venison with lingonberry sauce Ingredients 1 kg of venison (pulp), 300 g of lingonberries, 150 ml of strong broth, 60 g of sugar, 60 ml of vegetable oil, 100 g of parsley, 5 allspice peas, 5 g of black ground pepper, salt. Method of preparation Meat rinse, chop

From the author's book

Dried venison Ingredients: 5 kg of venison, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 bay leaves, 5 cloves, 5 g of caraway seeds, 10 peas of allspice, 200 g of salt Wash venison, remove large tendons, cut into strips 3 cm thick. Peel the garlic, wash. For

From the author's book

Piquant venison Ingredients: 10 kg venison, 10 g horseradish root, 20 g ginger root, 5 black currant leaves, 2 bay leaves, 2 cinnamon sticks, 400 g salt Wash venison, remove large tendons and films, cut into strips 5 see black currant leaves

From the author's book

Venison, dried in pieces Ingredients: 1 kg of venison, 10 g of ground black pepper, 5 g of ground red hot pepper, 60 g of salt Wash venison, dry, freeze slightly. Then cut across the fibers into 5? 5 cm. Grind the salt with red and black pepper. Meat

Smoked venison has an unusual and peculiar taste, is a delicacy and is considered a lean, dietary meat that has properties beneficial to the body. A marinade made from a mixture of sauces and spices during the smoking process will make the meat even more tasty and aromatic.

Hobbi - ingredients

Venison meat - 1 kg.

Soy sauce - 1 tbsp

Brown sugar - 1 tbsp

Worcester sauce - ½ tbsp

Sweet chili sauce - ¼ tbsp.

Chopped garlic - 1 tablespoon

Fresh ginger - 1 tablespoon

Ground black pepper - 1 tsp

½ cup Worcestershire sauce

Hobbi - instruction

Step # 1.

Cut venison meat prepared in advance across the fibers so that we get long thin strips. We put it in a convenient container in which it would be convenient to leave the meat for a long time.

Step # 2

We mix all the spices. Cover the meat with this mixture so that it is processed from all sides. We cover the container with a lid and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 8 hours.

Step # 3

Place the pieces of meat on the skewers, place the skewers on the smoking skewer between the rods.

Step # 4

We smoke venison meat in a cold way at a temperature of 30 ° C for 4-6 hours.

Step # 5

After the time indicated above, we listen to the meat from the smokehouse, dry it in a special dryer or oven until it is completely dry. Meat can be served at the table.

Bon Appetit!

The northern peoples have hunted deer since ancient times. Nowadays, these animals are tamed and successfully bred by reindeer herders. Hunting for them is a rare phenomenon, many species of deer are listed in the Red Book. Suppliers of meat products offer mainly meat of two types of reindeer - northern and noble.
Venison is deer meat that tastes a bit like beef.
Reindeer is a cloven-hoofed mammal of the deer family. The body length of males is up to 220 cm, the height at the withers is up to 140 cm, weighs up to 220 kg; females are smaller.
Red deer is a species of deer that includes many subspecies and is widespread in Europe, Asia and North America. A male deer can reach a height at the withers of up to 1.4 m.
Reindeer products are considered real delicacies among gourmets in many European countries.

Why venison is good for you
The product is rich in vitamins A, B, C and nicanine, does not contain cholesterol. Venison contains 2.7-7.6% more protein than the best beef varieties. The fat content is quite low, so the meat has a high consumer value. The amount of fatty acids (stearic, palmitic, oleic) in venison is about the same as in beef, but there are much less unsaturated fatty acids. On average, 100g of venison contains:
Selenium - 25mg
Calcium - 9mg
Iron - 5mg
Magnesium - 28mg
Potassium - 360mg
Zinc - 4mg
Copper - 350mg
Protein - 23mg
Fat - 4 mg.
Venison helps to improve the functioning of the heart and blood circulation, stimulates sexual functions, reduces the formation of harmful fats, eliminates obesity, effectively prevents harmful effects from heavy metals and toxic substances, because contains a lot of selenium.
In addition, it was found that eating mosses and lichens contributes to the formation of linoleic acids in animals, which protect the human body from carcinogens and atherosclerosis. Thus, venison, due to its exceptional nutritional characteristics, belongs to a lean, healthy food, and the softness, fineness and genuine taste of game make venison an exotic, unique and world-famous delicacy.
Unfortunately, due to the limited natural conditions of the number of reindeer, venison does not belong to the number of products of mass consumption. Despite this, the demand for venison almost always exceeds the supply. The reindeer meat produced is annually delivered to the best restaurants and large supermarkets.
Venison delicacies are ecologically pure products, because the pastures where deer graze are located far from large enterprises and cities. In winter, on pastures, reindeer feed on lichens, branches of trees and shrubs, while in summer, leaves, shoots of young plants, fruits and berries are eaten. Reindeer graze only in natural conditions, without eating artificial feed. Deer are not susceptible to diseases that have caused damage to livestock and poultry in recent years. Scientists have proved that due to certain conditions of keeping and feeding, reindeer are practically not susceptible to diseases dangerous for human infection.

Venison products
Today, not only fresh frozen venison is supplied to the market, but also ready-made products - dried, smoked and uncooked smoked reindeer. You should be very careful when choosing a supplier - it is necessary that all sanitary and hygienic standards are observed during the processing of reindeer and the transportation of the finished product. This is the only way to guarantee high product quality and safety.
The cut carcasses of deer, after thorough veterinary checks, are sent to the shock freezing chamber, where they are cooled to the required temperature in a short time. Fresh frozen venison can be transported over various distances without risk of spoilage. At the same time, the meat retains all its beneficial properties and vitamins.
Please note that the low fat content makes venison a little more difficult to prepare.
Fresh frozen venison is perfect for preparing a wide variety of dishes that will be appreciated. The delicate taste of venison will satisfy any gourmet; it goes well with mushrooms, cream and sour berries.
Dried venison has long been one of the most popular dishes in Siberia. Cured meat can be stored for a long time without any special conditions, it is light and very satisfying. Venison is different from other more common meats because it is low in fat. Accordingly, the meat dries quickly, while retaining its useful properties.
Dried venison is an excellent appetizer and is also suitable for making various soups. The broth is saturated with the aroma of venison and has a truly divine scent.
Smoked venison has an unusual, unusual flavor. This appetizer will be appreciated by the most sophisticated gourmets.
For the inhabitants of the European part of Russia, venison may seem somewhat peculiar due to the unusual taste of this meat, because the reindeer, from which reindeer is mainly produced, eat quite differently. Plus, venison is much leaner than pork and even beef. Accordingly, you need to know how to cook it so that the meat is not dry and tough.
An excellent option is ready-made smoked venison in vacuum packages. Such smoked venison can be stored for a long time, retaining its flavor and aroma.
Smoked venison can be used to prepare various dishes such as soup. It is best to add peas or beans to smoked venison soup. In addition, smoked venison lends a distinctive flavor to familiar salads.
Raw smoked venison has amazing taste. Delicate, thin, almost transparent slices of venison have a slightly smoky feel and have a unique taste and aroma. At the same time, raw smoked venison is not at all fatty, since this meat does not differ in fat content at all. Raw smoked venison is an excellent cold appetizer.

Features of cooking venison

On average, the carcass of an adult animal weighs from 150 to 300 kilograms, and it is cut mainly like beef.
The most valuable part is the tenderloin.
Before cooking, venison is marinated with wine, herbs and spices. This meat is more suitable for stewing, as it is very easy to dry it out. The fact is that venison is low in fat - therefore, when frying on the grill, it must be constantly poured with oil.
Reindeer tongue and bone marrow have a delicate taste: the tongue is boiled in boiling water with spices for several hours, put in cold water for about five minutes, the skin is quickly peeled off and cut, and the bone marrow, sprinkled with salt, serves as a spicy seasoning for boiled venison. Yakut "Vilmulimul" is made from the stomach: stuffed with boiled internal organs of a deer, berries and herbs, frozen for the whole winter, and eaten in spring.
Venison is used to prepare a wide variety of dishes. The carcass of an adult animal reaches three hundred kilograms, and it is cut in about the same way as beef.
The meat of young deer has a fine-fiber structure and belongs to the 1st category, the dishes from reindeer have a delicate taste. The most valuable part for making venison delicacies is the tenderloin. Before cooking, northern cooks keep the venison in a special marinade made from wine, herbs and spices. In this case, the meat remains juicy not only when stewing, but even when frying. The thing is that venison contains a small amount of fat, so when grilling, the meat must be well marinated and occasionally poured with oil.
Real venison delicacies are made from the tongue and bone marrow, cooked with spices in brine, then cut into thin slices and served as a snack. The Yakut venison stomach or vilmulimul, famous among gourmets, is prepared according to old recipes with the addition of berries and herbs. There are a wide variety of recipes for making venison, and the right combination of spices enhances the natural taste and adds sophistication to any dish.

Popular venison dishes

Stroganin venison is an old recipe for young reindeer meat. The peoples of Siberia have been preparing reindeer stroganin for a long time, today, like many years ago, this delicacy has not lost its popularity.
The recipe for making venison sliced ​​meat is quite simple. To prepare reindeer slices, you need fresh or frozen young reindeer meat. The meat must be separated from the bones and rinsed well under running water. The secret of the delicious preparation of sliced ​​bread lies in the correct cutting of the meat - the meat should be cut into strips 2 mm thick, 30 mm wide and 100 mm long.
Spices add spice to the dish - onion and garlic, which should be finely chopped. You should not crush or grate garlic, as the taste of the dish will change. Chopped meat should be salted, pepper, roll in onion with garlic and rolled into rolls, secured with thread.
The finished rolls should be put in a wide dish in one layer and covered with 5-6% vinegar solution. Vinegar can be added to taste, as long as all the rolls are covered. Put the dish in a cool place or in the refrigerator. After 5-6 hours, the rolls can be removed from the brine; it is recommended to squeeze them out a little before use.

Scalopini venison is made from pulp. The meat is washed under running water and cut into portions 1.5 cm thick. The meat should be carefully beaten off, mixed with flour, salt and pepper. Mix the egg and cream separately. Next, you need to mix the crackers with Parmesan cheese and finely chopped parsley.
During the preparation of venison scalopini, the meat is first dipped in a mixture with flour, then in a mixture with an egg, and only then in a mixture with breadcrumbs. In a skillet, bring the butter and garlic until golden brown and brown the venison on both sides. Lightly roasted venison should be placed on a square baking sheet, covered with wine, covered and placed in an oven preheated to 180 ° C. Cook for 45-60 minutes, or until the meat is tender.

Roast venison- the most common recipe for this type of meat. The recipe for roast venison is very simple, the most important thing is to properly prepare the sauce for the meat. It is the sauce that gives the fried meat a special taste.
To prepare the sauce, mix water, beer, bouillon cube, sugar and thyme in a small bowl. Stir the sauce thoroughly.
The meat should be separated from the bones and washed under running water, cut into small pieces. In order for the meat to become soft, it is necessary to remove all fat and film.
It is necessary to fry the meat in a preheated pan with the addition of sunflower oil over high heat. After the meat is covered with a crust, pour it with a pre-prepared sauce. Once the sauce has boiled, you can add the bay leaf, reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid. Cook over low heat for 1 - 1.5 hours, stirring occasionally. During this time, the meat will be cooked through and cooked completely. It is recommended to add finely chopped carrots 20 minutes before cooking. Before serving the dish, remove the bay leaf.

Venison kebab- this is a real meat delicacy, the recipes for which there are quite a few, mainly they differ in the preparation of the marinade.
According to traditional recipes, venison barbecue is tender and low-fat, the meat literally melts in your mouth. One has only to try venison barbecue once, and you will forever remember its unique taste.
It is best to use flesh or meat on a small bone for making venison kebab. Before cooking, the meat must be washed, separated from the films and cut into flat pieces of 30-40 grams. Chopped pieces of meat should be placed in an enamel bowl and covered with marinade. For the preparation of the marinade, onions are used, cut into rings, finely chopped peppers, parsley, salt and brandy. Stir the marinated meat thoroughly. The meat should be kept in the marinade for at least 10-12 hours.
Well-marinated meat is strung on a skewer or laid out on the grill, and then fried on ready-made coals on the grill. The northerners serve venison barbecue with tomato sauce. For its preparation, tomato juice is seasoned with crushed garlic, black pepper, dill, parsley, green onions and salt.

For cooking braised venison fresh or frozen pulp with a small bone is best. The meat should be washed, separated from the films and chopped into small pieces. The meat, ready for stewing, is placed in a clay pot greased with fat or vegetable oil. It is necessary to stew venison in the oven in its own juice until half cooked. Then, potatoes cut into large slices, finely chopped onions are added to the pot, and after 10-12 minutes, grated lingonberries or cranberries and spices to taste. It is necessary to stew a pot of meat until fully cooked. The finished dish is taken out of the oven and allowed to brew a little.

The main thing in cooking venison steak, and indeed venison dishes - to properly prepare the meat. Then it will not be dry and hard. In order to delight everyone with a venison steak, it is best to use fresh frozen venison. When cooking freshly frozen venison, the meat does not lose its taste and smell, and also retains vitamins and nutrients useful for the body. Such venison can be stored for a long time.
A steak can be prepared from either minced or minced meat, or from a whole piece. In the first case, it makes sense to add a little lard to the venison, this will add extra juiciness to the steak. If the steak is prepared from a whole piece of venison, then you only need to cut it across the fibers, and beat it well before frying. Then the venison will not be tough.
Pre-prepared steaks should be greased with oil, salt (it is better to use sea salt), pepper and grated juniper berries and fry in a well-heated pan. Depending on the cooking time, you can get bloody meat or a well-done venison steak. If you decide to buy venison from us, then you don't have to be afraid for the quality of the meat. Our venison passes all due diligence checks and is safe for health, even undercooked (with blood).
From the same juniper berries, a sauce is prepared in parallel, for which 1 tsp is mixed. berries, 200 ml of red wine, chicken or beef broth, as well as spices. The sauce is cooked over low heat until it becomes a thick syrup. To decorate the finished venison steak, you can use sprigs of red berries: cranberries or red currants.

Venison soup is a very special dish. Even in ancient times, a thick and aromatic soup, cooked over a fire, gave strength to shepherds and hunters. Properly cooked venison becomes soft and tender, so it can be used not only as an element of soup, but also as a separate, completely independent dish.
Of all the types of meat we are used to, venison most of all resembles beef, but it differs from it in a peculiar smell and taste. As for the venison soup, it is completely different from the beef soup. Venison gives the soup a dark color. In addition, the soup itself is very thick and rich, despite the fact that venison is lean meat.
Brisket is the best choice for making venison soup. It is this part of the deer that will give the best and most flavorful broth - the basis for the success of the soup. Fresh frozen venison is a great option in this case. Reindeer brisket is perfect for your meal. To prepare the broth, it must first be washed and cut into pieces. Simultaneously with the brisket, onions and carrots are placed in the water. Venison is cooked for 1.5-2 hours, after which everything is removed from the broth: onions, carrots, and venison. After 45-60 minutes, the broth needs to be salted. It is better not to overuse spices. A little marjoram, black pepper and garlic if desired will be enough.
A dressing of finely chopped onions and carrots fried in vegetable oil is added to the finished broth. After boiling the broth with a fry, put potatoes and deer brisket in it, cut into portions. The venison soup is cooked until the potatoes are tender. You can add fresh herbs to the finished soup to taste.
This rich and hearty venison soup will delight even the most sophisticated gourmets. The main thing is that the venison is of high quality.

For cooking jellied deer tongue, you need to boil fresh deer tongue for 3 hours with the addition of onions and carrots. Of the spices, it is enough to use peppercorns and bay leaves. Then the tongue is cut into pieces and poured with broth with the addition of gelatin. Some people use beef broth because venison broth is usually too dark.
When preparing dishes from reindeer tongue, it is important to pre-soak it in cold water for several hours. Then the broth will be lighter, and there will be no flakes in it.
Reindeer tongue will be a great addition to venison dishes. The tongue is boiled in the same way as for the preparation of aspic, and the venison is soaked for several hours and then fried. Pieces of tongue can be wrapped in pieces of venison or held together with a skewer. The taste of venison is perfectly emphasized by northern berries: cranberries or cloudberries.

For cooking stewed deer liver you will need deer liver, sour cream, onions and spices. The liver is washed, cleaned of films and vessels and cut into small cubes, sprinkled with salt and pepper. The onion is finely chopped and fried in vegetable oil until golden brown. Then the liver is added to it and is also fried. In the end, everything is poured with cream or sour cream and stewed for 20-25 minutes. An excellent side dish for this delicious venison dish will be rice or potatoes.