How to make cookies with jam and grated dough on top. Grated French cookies - sweet tooth for tea

28.08.2019 Dishes for children

The second name for this pastry is Viennese biscuits. We all know it from the distant Soviet times, when money was tight, and therefore mothers and grandmothers had to cook from the most affordable products.

After all, margarine, jam and flour with an egg have always been in the arsenal. Times have passed, but these cookies are still wildly popular. The recipe was slightly "refined", instead of margarine, they began to put butter, jam and, in some cases, quail eggs.

Usually, a whole cake is baked on a large baking sheet, and then simply cut into portions. Jam, jam, jam, you can use absolutely any, from what is in the basement or deli.

Simple grated dough cookies

In some sources, these cookies are called grated, and this is explained very simply: on top of a layer of rolled dough, smeared with jam, the frozen flour mass rubs.

We remove the margarine from the refrigerator, leave it to lie down. We crush the flour on a flat, clean surface, add soda, add eggs, sugar and chop the softened margarine.

We knead a tight elastic dough that does not stick to the surface and hands.

Separate a small piece and immerse it in a food bag. We put it to cool for twenty minutes. Set the oven temperature regulator to 185 ° C.

Put the dough on a baking sheet and level it evenly with the palm of your hand, slightly lifting it on the sides to form a layer. Put jam (any) in the center and distribute it with a spoon.

We remove the frozen dough, three on the largest grater on top of the pie. If there are gaps, carefully, without pressing, mask them.

We bake for half an hour. Remove, while the baking is hot, cut into cookies and transfer with a spatula to the prepared dish.

Curly cookies with apricot jam

Cookies prepared according to this recipe always work out, and it is simply impossible to spoil it. Therefore, even the smallest novice hostess can bake it.


  • Kefir - 0.5 l.;
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • Vegetable oil - 200 ml;
  • Lard - 5 tbsp. l .;
  • Sugar - 150 g;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Apricot jam - 400 ml;
  • Powder - packaging;
  • Flour - 600 g.

Cooking time: one and a half hours.

Caloric content: 380 Kcal / 100 g.

Add soda to kefir and leave for ten minutes, until carbon dioxide bubbles begin to form on the surface. Pour in odorless vegetable oil, add sugar, crushed flour and eggs.

Knead the dough, adding softened pork fat in the process. When the mass becomes homogeneous, not sticking to the palms, cut off a small lump with a knife, wrap it with foil and put it in the freezer.

Roll out the remaining dough with a rolling pin three centimeters thick and put it on a sheet, tamping tightly around the perimeter. Open a jar of not too thin pitted apricot jam and transfer to the center of the dough.

Spread over the entire surface with a kitchen spatula or spoon. If, nevertheless, the jam is not thick, you can add one or two tablespoons of flour to it.

On top of three curls from ice cream dough and gently pull on the cake. We bake forty five - fifty minutes. We take out, immediately cut randomly into diamonds and sprinkle with lightly powdered sugar. We transfer it to a flat dish, otherwise it will be difficult to remove it later.

, which goes well with different side dishes. Read on how to make such a salad correctly.

Cod in sour cream baked in the oven will perfectly fit into the diet menu. Fish is very healthy and if cooked properly it will become your favorite dish. ...

In the summer season, you should definitely make dumplings with cherries, but in winter you can prepare this summer dish from frozen cherries. this recipe.

  1. It is recommended to refrigerate all products before combining all ingredients;
  2. If you include one spoonful of potato starch in the dough, it will turn out to be even more crumbly and soft;
  3. After rolling out the dough, immediately immerse it in the bake so that it does not start to wind and float;
  4. The dough can be prepared in advance and sent to the freezer, and just defrost before cooking, but not completely;
  5. If the dough rolls out poorly and returns to its original position, it means that it was hammered with flour. Add more oil and try rolling again.

Bake cookies in a good mood and they will definitely turn out great!

Bon Appetit!

Girls, I don't know the original name. This recipe was written down in my old notebook for a long time. I use it a lot. In our city, many of my friends and acquaintances bake, but here I didn’t seem to find it. I share :) Simple, delicious.

Ingredients for Jam Biscuits:

Cookies with jam recipe:

Beat eggs with sugar, add softened margarine (softened, not melted!)
This is the main difference between melted and softened butter in all recipes! Listen to this! Otherwise, the dough will be different and the baking will turn out, of course, but it will be completely different!

Add starch and flour. If there is no starch, you can take the whole flour (in this moment it is not critical, it is just softer with starch). But with one flour is also allowed. Add vinegar slaked soda. Add at the end and stir quickly. If we add soda at once and then knead for a long time, then carbon dioxide may evaporate and the dough may not "fluff" :) It was my common mistake in my youth when I started cooking :) Then I found out about it. Knead the dough.

Divide the dough into two parts. Roll one half into a layer of about 5 mm. Lubricate generously with any jam. And candied as well :)

The other half is three on a coarse grater on top.
I suspect that the dough should be kept in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes, but I have not written it down. Then it will be easier to rub.

We bake for about 20 minutes at 180-200 degrees. I also did not have this written down, apparently I was in a hurry when I wrote :) But whoever cooks already knows their ovens and I think that they can easily cope with the time and temperature :)
Oh, and like any jam loves to burn, mine also ran out a little and fried. Not scary. It's just a little bit of fried jam on the edge. The cookie was not damaged :)


We take two eggs and beat them with sugar. We heat the oil and cool to room temperature. Add it to the eggs. Pour soda into sour cream, stir and wait for the soda to go out. We spread the sour cream with soda in the mixture to the eggs, salt and gradually stir in the flour so that there are no lumps. Divide the batch into two even lumps, wrap it with foil or put each part in a plastic bag. At the end of this procedure, we put everything in the freezer so that cookies with jam and grated dough on top (recipe with photo) are excellent. The ball of dough, from which the sprinkling will turn out, should be removed for an hour, and the second layer for the base of the cookies for half an hour.

We turn on the oven 180 degrees and wait for it to heat up. Take a baking sheet, cover with parchment paper and grease with oil. Roll out the dough evenly or distribute it with your hands along the entire perimeter of the baking sheet. Spread a layer of jam on the base and leave the semi-finished product to soak. We take out the second piece of dough from the freezer and chop it onto the base with our hands. Next, we put the product to bake for about forty minutes. When the pastry turns golden, it means that it is baked. We cut it into cubes, rectangles or squares. We serve to guests on the table with fragrant tea. This cookie recipe can be varied by the fact that the base of the cookie is covered with the first layer of boiled condensed milk and then a layer of jam is applied.

The recipe can be slightly modified by doubling the amount of ingredients. We divide the dough not into two parts, but into three parts. Two parts of the dough should be frozen for half an hour (this is the base of the cookie), and the third layer of dough for about one hour (used for sprinkling). The general principle for making cookies remains the same. A mass is laid out on a lined and oiled baking sheet, on which jam is applied in a layer. Next, the cookies are closed with the next layer of dough. Put it in the oven and when it grabs a little, pull it out. Spread a thin layer of jam or condensed milk on top, then sprinkle with crumbs. After doing all the manipulations, put the bake back in the oven for the remaining time.


Butter should not be added hot to the egg mixture. Heat can curdle eggs. Dough sheets that need to be frozen are best sent flattened to the freezer. So they freeze faster.

Divide the cookie dough into two uneven pieces. A smaller portion can be used as crumb, and a larger portion will be used as a base for baked goods.

After removing the dough from the freezer, break it into pieces, then it does not melt from the heat of your hands and it is easier to grate it.

Cookies with jam and grated dough on top (recipe with photo) on orange nectar

To do this, you need the following ingredients:

130 ml. orange nectar
500 gr. flour,
100 g butter or margarine,
130 g Sahara,
any jam
vanillin and cinnamon to taste.


Pour the flour into a container and add softened butter and sugar to it. Stir well, pour in orange nectar and knead the dough. We divide it into two unequal parts, send the smaller one to the freezer, and leave the larger one in the refrigerator for about one hour.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease a baking sheet or cover it with baking paper. We take out the dough from the refrigerator and roll it out to the width of the baking sheet. Put the jam on the dough with a layer of three millimeters.

We take out the next layer from the freezer, rub it on a coarse grater or break it with small crumbs and sprinkle the whole cake. Place the pie pan in a hot oven and bake for about half an hour. When the crumb acquires a beautiful even color, remove the product from the oven and cool it. Cut with jam and grated dough on top (recipe with photo) into small squares and serve.

Oatmeal cookies with jam and dough crumbs

The original recipe for classic biscuits with dough sprinkles will appeal to all family members, even those who don't like oatmeal.

To make cookies you need:

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250 g Sahara,
one and a half glasses of oatmeal,
one and a half glasses of flour,
150 g butter,
half a teaspoon of baking powder
5 gr. salt,
strawberry or raspberry jam,


This hearty and tasty cookie with jam and grated dough on top (recipe with photo) will take its rightful place at any tea party. Prepare a baking sheet in advance by greasing it with butter. We turn on the oven at 200 degrees.

Beat butter and sugar in a separate bowl. In another container, mix the flakes, baking powder, salt and add flour at the end. Pour the contents with flour into a container with butter. Mix well. We divide the resulting dough into two parts, the largest of which we straighten with our hands on the baking sheet, and the smaller one we press down and send to the freezer for fifteen minutes.

Cover the baking sheet with cling film while waiting for the second part to freeze, which will go to the crumb. After the expiration of time, we remove the layer from the freezer. On top of the dough, spread on a baking sheet, lay out the jam and chop the second piece on it. We put the cookies in the oven and bake for about twenty minutes. We take out the finished baked goods and cut into neat rhombuses.


The dough does not need to be frozen. By adding oatmeal, it crumbles easily without freezing. If you have frozen raspberries or strawberries, you can decorate the cooled cookies with them.
The proposed recipes are quick to prepare and also quickly eaten because they turn out to be very tasty.

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Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: 45 minutes

Cookies with jam and grated dough on top are very tasty. The recipe with a photo by which you can easily and simply prepare a classic dessert for tea is described below. Ready-made baked goods can be sliced ​​in portions or served as a whole shortbread cake. Cookies can be stored at room temperature in an airtight box for about a week. You can also cook this.
Jam can be anything, try it with orange or lemon, it's incredibly delicious!
It will take 45 minutes to cook, from the indicated ingredients you will get 10 servings.


- wheat flour - 330 gr.;
- baking powder - 3 gr.;
- butter - 200 gr.;
- granulated sugar - 200 gr.;
- chicken egg - 1 pc .;
- lemon jam - 150 gr.;
- ground cinnamon - 5 gr.;
- salt.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We measure the flour, sift it, mix it with baking powder and a small pinch of fine table salt.

Add cold butter cut into large cubes to a bowl of flour. For a budget recipe, you can use margarine instead of butter, it will also turn out delicious.

Then we break one large chicken egg or two small ones into a bowl.

We spread the flour, butter and egg on the board, first chop the mass with a wide knife.

Then add fine granulated sugar, mix the products with your hands, quickly knead the dough.

We roll the sausage out of the dough, divide it into two parts. The part intended for the top layer should be slightly larger, we put it in the freezer. Put the second piece in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Lubricate the parchment with refined vegetable oil. Roll out a piece of dough from the refrigerator compartment into a rectangular layer 0.7-1 cm thick.

Spread a thin layer of lemon jam over the dough.

We rub part of the dough from the freezer on a coarse grater.

Put the paper with the pie on a baking sheet, sprinkle with grated dough on top.

Powder with ground cinnamon, send the baking sheet to the middle level of the oven, preheated to 170 degrees Celsius. I'm sure you will like this too.
Bake for 20 minutes, cool on a wire rack.

Cut the cooled cake into squares, rhombuses or rectangles. We store in a hermetically sealed box.
Bon Appetit!

Cookies with jam and grated dough on top are a favorite dessert of my childhood. I'm sure not only mine. Everyone who was lucky enough to grow up in the USSR remembers them with a smile. Butter - according to coupons, milk - in glass "bubbles", but shortbread cookies with grated dough were never transferred over a cup of tea. At the behest of a magic wand, they are with us today. I am pleased to treat the readers of our site and fellow home cooks.

For making cookies, products are taken from the list. Butter can be substituted with baking margarine. This is exactly what our mothers and grandmothers did.

So, to your tea party - a lightweight recipe for cookies with jam and grated dough on top, adapted to modern kitchen technology.

Remove the butter or margarine from the refrigerator and chop into pieces in a bowl. Then the oil is brought to the state of soft plasticine. For convenience, we will use a microwave oven. Previously, when microwaves did not exist, oil was heated in a steam bath.

Using a mixer, butter and sugar are whipped into a homogeneous mass.

Chicken eggs join in the process.

Baking soda slaked with apple cider vinegar.

Beating is not interrupted until the mass turns into butter cream. Our mothers and grandmothers used a spatula or hand whisk for whipping.

Flour completes the process of making a shortcrust pastry for jam biscuits.

Gradually sift into a bowl of buttercream. At this point, be careful when using the mixer so that the flour does not fly to the sides. If your bowl is deep enough, then everything will be fine. In any case, start kneading the shortcrust pastry at low speeds.

When the mixer blades stop spinning easily in the sticky mass, the dough is almost ready! Remove it from the mixer and roll it into a ball on a floured surface.

That's why I love shortbread dough, because it is chic, loose and at the same time tender base. Divide the ball into two parts at once. Chill one part, and hold the other for 10 minutes in the freezer.

Send the chilled dough onto a parchment sheet. Press lightly with your hand and dust with flour. Place the parchment on a baking sheet.

Using a short rolling pin or by hand, start rolling the dough piece into a layer.

Shortcrust pastry is unusually pliable in work, so it should not be too difficult to roll out. It does not work with a rolling pin - spread the dough on the baking sheet with your palms.

A thin layer of shortcrust pastry is smeared with jam. I use plum jam because it has a nice thick base. Black or red currant jam is also great. Please note that you do not need to grease the edges of the dough with jam. Why do we smell burnt sugar on a baking sheet?

Next, remove the second piece of dough from the freezer and grate it directly onto the jam. This is done by weight. It's okay if the dough becomes soft in your hands. Either way, you will be able to rub it completely. Preparation is everything! We go to the oven. Preheat it well, and then put the future cookies on the middle shelf for 15 minutes.

Do not be surprised, cookies with jam and grated dough are baked on top with a pie. After that, the cake must be well cooled and cut into rectangles, triangles or rhombuses.

Here! So it turns out to be pretty. The aroma and taste remain behind the scenes, but I am sure that they will definitely be liked.

Cookies are stored in natural room conditions. It practically does not get stale even after a week.

Enjoy your tea!