How to cover a cake with chocolate ganache. Ganache recipe for dark chocolate cake coating

01.11.2019 Dishes for children

for one cake

25-30 minutes

543-549 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

When preparing cakes, the final cream coating plays a very important role, because it can not only decorate and give an appetizing look to the dessert, but also mask the unfortunate areas of baking. I offer you simple family recipes for making one of these creams - chocolate ganache.

Dark Chocolate Ganache Recipe for Cake Topping

Kitchen utensils: wooden long spoon, measuring bowl and kitchen scale, wooden cutting board, deep-bottomed saucepan or saucepan, kitchen ceramic knife, mixer or blender, tall glass bowl, whisk, cling film, pastry bag.


Step by step cooking

Chocolate ganache recipe video for cake coating

After watching the video below, you will learn how to make ganache from any kind of chocolate, perfect for even coating the cake.

  • Choose high cocoa dark chocolate, not less than 65%. Such an ingredient will melt well, the cream will turn out to be more shiny and harden faster.
  • You can use a coarse-toothed grater to grind the chocolate bar. This will save time and grind the product better than using a knife.
  • You can mix different types of chocolate to make ganache, however, it is necessary to always adhere to certain proportions. For example, when using white and dark chocolate, you need to take 190-210 ml of cream, 90-110 g of dark or milk chocolate and 190-210 g of white chocolate.
  • Some cooks add a teaspoon of cocoa powder to the melted chocolate - it makes the taste and color of the cream richer.

  • Best to prepare chocolate cream in the evening and leave it in the refrigerator overnight. Thus, the mass will thicken well, which will reduce the possibility of stratification of the chocolate cream.
  • Chocolate cream can delaminate for several reasons.: if you overheated the cream, used low-quality chocolate or did not allow enough time to thicken. If the ganache is still stratified, then heat the mass to 40-50 degrees, and then beat with a hand blender.
  • If you are going to use ganache for a layer of cakes, then whisk the infused chocolate mass with a mixer, gradually add soft butter to it. it will allow the cream to acquire a delicate structure, it will be easy to apply to the cakes. However, remember that the amount of butter should not exceed 10% of the total weight of cream and chocolate.

Cooking time: 25-35 minutes.
Caloric content (per 100 g): 323-328 kcal.
Servings: for one cake.
Kitchen utensils: a saucepan or saucepan with a thick bottom, a fine sieve, a measuring bowl and kitchen scale, several containers of different depths and capacities, a grater with large teeth, a wooden spatula.


Step by step cooking

  1. In a small bowl, dissolve 3 g of gelatin in water. See the amount of water on the gelatin manufacturer's packaging.
  2. Grind 390-410 g of white chocolate using a coarse-toothed grater or finely chop the ingredient with a regular knife.
  3. We put the prepared chocolate in a bowl and melt it in a water bath, while constantly and intensively stir it so that it does not burn.
  4. Set aside the melted chocolate, allowing it to cool slightly.
  5. Pour 140-150 ml of heavy cream into a saucepan and put them on medium heat. In no case do we bring the cream to a boil, only heat it to about 50 degrees, constantly stirring with a wooden spatula.
  6. Put the swollen gelatin into the hot creamy mass and mix a little.
  7. Add 5-8 g of vanilla paste there and stir again.
  8. The resulting mixture is passed through a fine sieve in order to get rid of undissolved grains of gelatin.
  9. Pour the prepared cream into the chocolate mass in three steps. Each time after adding cream, stir the mixture thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  10. Cover the ganache with cling film so that there is no air between the surface of the cream and the film.
  11. We send the cream to the refrigerator for 4-6 hours, or better for a day. Remove the thickened ganache from the refrigerator and beat with a mixer at high speed for about 1-2 minutes. You can also use the cream straight away without beating.

Check out the video below and making vanilla ganache from white chocolate will never be a problem for you again.

Cooking time: 25-35 minutes.
Caloric content (per 100 g): 471-476 kcal.
Servings: for one cake.
Kitchen utensils: a whisk, several containers of different depths and capacity, a grater with large teeth or a ceramic knife, a measuring bowl and kitchen scales, cling film, a microwave oven of any manufacturer.

Cream option


Step by step cooking

Ganache is a chocolate buttercream. Although it seems, due to its name, very exquisite, but it is simple and quick to prepare it, it tastes wonderful. White and milk chocolate ganache - very tasty as a cream between cake layers, whipped. Dark chocolate ganache - for lovers of dark chocolate creams, such as "truffle". But most often I use it as a base for mastic. In addition, ganache is indispensable for covering the cake - that is, making such a beautiful filling with chocolate on top so that the droplets flow down the sides and then you can decorate the cake with fruit, for example. In general, fashionable design. In the photo - red ganache)

Usually, for ganache, take one part of chocolate to one part of cream. For white chocolate, you can take two parts of chocolate to 1 part of cream, for milk - one and a half to one. Although 1 to 1 all these creams work well, then you just need to cool them properly. After cooling, this cream must be whipped and used as a filling for cakes.

And for leveling the cakes - under the mastic - you can use the usual one, but if it's some kind of complex shape, then it is better to prepare a double ganache, that is, two parts of dark chocolate to one part of cream. I prepare ganache for mastic, so I make just such a cream in this master class.

But still, in my experience, it is not ganache that holds the shape of the cakes best, but. Therefore, I use delicious ganache for simple cakes, and cream for leveling more complex or multi-tiered ones. He never failed.


100 grams of cream 20-35%

200 grams of dark chocolate

Ganache: recipe. How to make chocolate cream

1. Cut the chocolate into small pieces.

2. Add chocolate to cream.

3. Melt in the microwave or in a water bath (I'm in the microwave). At the same time, take out and stir every 15 seconds. Stir at the beginning in the center, until in the very center the chocolate combines with the cream, that is, an emulsion is obtained. When it turns out to be in the center, then stir the whole cream, it will also quickly become homogeneous.

4. The chocolate is stirred and the cream is smooth.

5. Now put the cream in the refrigerator for a few hours. Then beat with a mixer and it will gradually soften. If you are in a hurry, then you can put it in the refrigerator for a while, the cream will become thicker, and you can already level the cake. And the cake can be put in the freezer for a short time, if you need the cream to harden. Alternatively, cover immediately with mastic.


Ganache cream is a thick mixture based on chocolate, cream and butter. Ganache is often decorated and impregnated with confectionery. This chocolate cream was first made in a French confectionery called Cyrodena in 1849. Depending on the components of the product, the temperature at which it should be served on the table changes.

Most often, ganache is used to make huge and chic cakes to soak, align or decorate with a pattern. It doesn't take a lot of money to make chocolate ganache. The main thing is that the chocolate is natural, otherwise it will curl up, combining with the cream.

There are three types of ganache: based on milk, black and white chocolate. Also, the cream can have a different aroma, for example, it can be mint, lemon, etc. To do this, it is enough to add a little mint or zest to the cream. An unusual taste is obtained by adding all kinds of fruit purees.

You can learn more about how to make ganache from white and dark chocolate from a further step-by-step recipe with a photo.


  • (100 g (cocoa content not less than 70%))

  • (150 ml)

  • (30 g)

  • (50 g)

  • (200 g)

Cooking steps

    First, let's make a white chocolate cream.

    Break the white chocolate bar into small pieces. We turn on the stove to melt the chocolate with a water bath.

    Add hot cream to the chocolate.

    Remove the chocolate from heat every 20 seconds and mix thoroughly. The main thing is that it does not overheat, otherwise it will curl up.

    Stir the white chocolate mass until smooth and let cool. After it has cooled slightly, add the butter and mix all the ingredients again.

    Pour the resulting cream into a pastry bag.

    We tie the bag with an elastic band and put it in the refrigerator for 5 hours (better, of course, at night). Before using the cream, we take it out in one hour so that it becomes room temperature.

    Let's start making dark chocolate ganache. It will be a little more difficult here, because you need to add strawberry puree to the cream.

    Wash the strawberries and remove the stalks from the berries. Put it in a blender.

    Make strawberry puree with a blender.

    Just as in the previous version, mix and heat the mixture.

    Cool the mass and add oil. Strain the strawberry puree through a sieve.

    Add puree to the cream and mix all the ingredients.

    Pour dark chocolate ganache into a bag and place in refrigerator.

    Now you can start filling or decorating pastries.

    Bon Appetit!

To bake a delicious, aesthetically pleasing cake, you need to prepare ganache cream for it. It is perfect for mastic. What is ganache, and why does it attract housewives so much. The main quality of the cream is the minimum amount of products used. It is suitable for all types of baked goods and has an exquisite taste. To prepare ganache properly, you need to have a knack. She comes with experience, but you must definitely try your hand.

What is ganache

Creamy chocolate cream for the cake now surprises no one, but it was not always so. This emulsion was invented by accident, but its delicate taste was quickly appreciated. The classic version of chocolate ganache is made on the basis of cream. But the pastry chefs have gone further and offer a butter cream option. It can also consist of these two components. A prerequisite for the cream is the presence of chocolate.

The history of the cream

The recipe for chocolate ganache appeared thanks to an accident, and has been entrenched in cooking for a long time. His invention again involved French chefs. For a long time they have been considered as tasters.

The young chef inadvertently spilled cream into the melted chocolate. For this offense, the boss scolded him very much. He called the careless pastry chef "ganache", which is French for a fool. Subsequently, the milk chocolate ganache was tasted and was amazed by its delicate taste, but the unpresentable name stuck to it forever.

There are several types of this French delicacy. Chocolate buttercream is prepared with cream, butter, or both. The main thing in cooking is the proportions and quality of the ingredients. Use chocolate ganache for cakes, muffins, and pastries.

Features of the composition

A ganache recipe can include different types of chocolate. This is the main component, the quality of which determines how successful the cream will be.

Any chocolate can be used for ganache. It is necessary to observe the correct proportions in order to achieve the required fat content and consistency.

  1. Classic ganache involves the use of dark chocolate. The components in this case are taken by weight in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Milk chocolate ganache is less fatty. For him, the proportion changes to 2: 1.
  3. White chocolate needs a lot of cream. Their proportion to sweetness is 4: 1.
  4. Ganache on dark bitter chocolate is also made at the rate of 1: 1, but it has a specific taste. Children most likely will not appreciate it.

The proportions of the cream depend on how much cocoa butter is in the chocolate. The less it is, the greater the need to replace the fat content. In white chocolate, cocoa butter is practically absent, so the ratio looks like 4: 1.

The easiest to prepare is ganache with cream. It also has fewer calories and is easier on the stomach. A delicious cream can be created using cream and butter. It is the most difficult to prepare. The oil composition is easy to prepare. It turns out to be fatty and heavy on the stomach.

Traditional recipe

The traditional recipe for ganache cake covered by French chefs looks like a well-proportioned cream, in which every gram must be taken into account. At home, you can experiment and look for the most acceptable options. Covering the cake with ganache allows you to correct the roughness of the cakes and give the dessert a respectable look. The cream is very tasty. It is rich and very chocolatey.

Products composition

In order for the ganache to turn out to be correct, it is necessary to observe the proportions and adhere to the classic set of products. For the cream you will need:

  • 250 g heavy cream;
  • 250 grams of dark chocolate.

Ganache with butter cannot be called classic, but this product is a substitute for cream. For the cream to be of high quality, the ingredients must only be selected. Dark chocolate ganache has a rich flavor. The fat content of the products is very high, and this is one of the features of the product. Chocolate ganache cream has a viscous consistency and is used hot.


Having chosen the best products, you need to start the cooking process. To properly make chocolate ganache according to the classic recipe, you need:

  1. The tile must be broken into slices. The chocolate is placed in a saucepan. Do not grind too much, the product will still melt at temperature.
  2. The cream is heated in a separate bowl. They must be brought to the appearance of bubbles at the edges, but not boiled.
  3. Warmed cream is poured into a saucepan with pieces of chocolate. You cannot do the opposite so that the product does not burn.
  4. Then you only need to stir with a spatula so that the chocolate is completely dispersed.

Ganache in butter also turns out smooth and uniform. Its quality depends only on the selected products. Knowing how to make ganache can quickly decorate muffins and cakes. The cream can be stored in the refrigerator under cling film for 2 days, so it is sometimes prepared in advance. It does not require heating, at room temperature it takes on the required consistency.

Chocolate ganache for covering the cake with honey

Delicious chocolate cream with cream has a lot of variations. You can cook ganache with milk or sour cream, add condensed milk and butter to it. The option with honey is also popular. The recipe for chocolate ganache for cake smudges has a subtle flavor and aroma.


  • 100 g cream;
  • 150 g of dark chocolate;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 50 g of honey.

This ganache is used to cover the cake. It is better to use dark chocolate in it, since with white the cream will be very sweet. For coating, chocolate ganache is used under mastic or to coat the sides, make drips, add color variety, layer the cakes. This cream can be called universal. Ganache for a cake with honey is prepared in the same way as the classic one.

  1. It is necessary to warm up the cream, melt the chocolate in it.
  2. Heat the honey slightly and mix with the creamy mass.
  3. Finally, add oil and mix until smooth.

Ganache cream for the cake turns out to be soft and aromatic. It can be kept in the refrigerator. Ganache with honey, milk and white chocolate will be very sweet, it is advisable to choose black.

Video of making chocolate ganache

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Cream ganache recipe with chocolate

Delicious and aromatic chocolate cream with cream can decorate the cake. When purchasing products, you need to pay attention to their composition. If you plan to use chocolate cream cake cream, then bitter bar will not work. Especially when children are the main eaters. In this case, it is better to choose a recipe for ganache made from milk chocolate. It is less tart and sweeter.

White and dairy products contain less cocoa butter. Its fat content is significantly reduced. In order for the ganache to be of the desired consistency, it is necessary to balance the content of chocolate and cream, and add butter.


  • 500 g white or milk chocolate;
  • cream in the amount of 350 g;
  • butter - 50 g.

In a pastry shop, ganache cream for decorating a cake is prepared in compliance with all proportions. Professionals have extensive experience in this matter. When making ganache at home, you can adjust the amount of a product to achieve the optimal consistency and taste. As a result, the cream should be smooth and uniform.

In order to make a ganache for a cake correctly, you must:

  1. The cream is heated over a fire until bubbles appear.
  2. They are poured into pre-prepared chocolate and mixed until smooth.
  3. At the final stage, softened butter is introduced, which should melt from the temperature. This requires constant stirring.

Butterless cream and chocolate cake cream may turn out to be less concentrated. The main task is to achieve uniformity by constant stirring. Knowing how to make ganache from milk and white chocolate, you don't have to worry about the quality of your baked goods.

Ganache for mastic

To create a culinary masterpiece with smooth surfaces, the method and technology for preparing ganache are important. The mastic is spread only on ideally "disguised" cakes. For decorating and leveling the cake, use chocolate ganache.


  • 100 g of dark chocolate;
  • 100 g butter.

In order to prepare chocolate ganache for mastic, you need:

  1. We cook only on a steam bath. All accessories and products must be prepared in advance.
  2. A thick-bottomed saucepan holds chocolate and softened butter. It is necessary to warm up the mass until the main component is completely dissolved and with constant stirring.
  3. After the cream becomes homogeneous, it is removed from the steam bath and sent to cool for 30 minutes.

To properly pour ganache on the cake, you need to cool it a little so that the cream thickens. Water carefully and level with a knife. The ganache cake becomes smooth and ready for mastic.

Glaze ganache

The chocolate ganache for covering the cake can be thicker or thinner. Then it will become a good layer for cake layers. Can ganache cream in milk be applied to the top layer of the dessert? Of course, you just need to cool it a little and water it in dosage so that it does not spread. For glaze you need:

  • 350 ml of milk;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 400 g of chocolate.

Cooking ganache with milk is similar to the classic recipe. As in other cases, the quality of the products and the observance of proportions are the basis.

  1. Milk is heated to 90 degrees over high heat.
  2. Sugar is poured into it and mixed until completely dissolved.
  3. Finally, add the milk mixture to the chocolate and melt it. Stirring regularly will ensure uniformity.
  4. The soft part of the saucepan is whipped with a mixer at high speed. Ganache turns out to be light and airy.

The cream can be used warm and cooled. Ganache is suitable for covering a cake with drips or just for pancakes and pancakes.

Cream for filling cakes

You can decorate not only cake with chocolate ganache, but also small cupcakes or cakes. It is used as a cream and does a great job with this function. You need to know a few secrets to make it light and airy. Not only the chocolate cake, but also the cake will get a special taste with butter cream.


  • 150 g of chocolate;
  • 100 g cream;
  • 50 g butter.

If dark chocolate is chosen for the cream, then you can add granulated sugar to taste. A recipe for ganache cream is being prepared according to the classical principle. The cream is warmed up, the chocolate is melted in it and butter is added at the end. Then cool the ganache a little in the refrigerator. Before use, beat it with a mixer for 3 minutes to give it airiness. It turns out ganache for cakes - the best cream for decoration.

Ganache with sour cream

If there is absolutely no time, and the cake requires decoration, then the technology of making ganache on sour cream will conquer with its simplicity. You don't even need to buy chocolate for cream. The question arises as to how much such ganache can be stored or kept in the refrigerator. The cream can stand for 2 days. Chocolate ganache has a simple and affordable recipe. It will require:

  • 8 tablespoons of sour cream;
  • 6 small spoons of cocoa;
  • 6 teaspoons of sugar.

All components must be placed in a saucepan. Put it on fire and cook, stirring constantly, until it thickens. Sugar is used in the cream to give it more sweetness, as the sour cream is acidic. Dark chocolate whipped ganache becomes fluffier. It needs to be cooled a little in the refrigerator. Beat the ganache for 3 minutes at high speed. If the cream contains cream and chocolate, then it is perfect for cakes, pastries and other pastries. Also, ganache can be used to decorate cakes and cupcakes.

Ganache with condensed milk

Custom ganache made from chocolate, butter and condensed milk is prepared without cream. It can be used to fill a cake as a cream. This recipe is based on condensed milk.


  • chocolate - 250g;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 150 g of condensed milk.

Ganache for the layer and for the filling of the cake turns out to be softer, but very tasty. In order to make ganache correctly and achieve the desired consistency, you must:

  • melt chocolate and butter in separate containers on a steam bath;
  • bring condensed milk to room temperature;
  • mix it with melted butter and beat lightly;
  • add the resulting mixture to chocolate;
  • stir until smooth.

With this mass, you must immediately grease the chocolate cake or start baking. It can be stored in the refrigerator but hardens quickly.

Cream with white chocolate

One of the most difficult cream options is considered to be ganache for covering a white chocolate cake. It is required that it spread, and not lie in one unpresentable cake on the top cake.

We need

The softest and lightest chocolate ganache contains the following ingredients:

  • cream - 50 ml;
  • 100 g of white chocolate;
  • 25 g butter.

Milk ganache is perfect for chilled cakes. Warm cream can be used to decorate the top of the dessert.

Cooking step by step

It is not difficult to prepare chocolate ganache as a cake decoration, you just need to strictly observe the proportions so as not to disturb the consistency.

  1. The cream is heated to 90 degrees.
  2. They must be poured into a bowl with prepared chocolate.
  3. The whole mass is mixed until smooth. The chocolate should be dispersed.
  4. Finally, oil is added to the cream and mixed.
  5. To decorate a cake or baking filling, the mass is cooled and whipped.

The cream can be used on cakes, meringues or straws. For all desserts except the cake, the chocolate ganache needs to be whipped for 3 minutes.

Rum ganache

A cake covered with ganache with rum is perfect for an adult company. It has a delicate aroma and piquant taste. The dish has a variety of recipes, but ganache with expensive alcohol remains the privilege of adults. It has a distinct taste of cognac or rum. This ganache is needed for a cake or small pastries. It does not freeze much and turns out to be soft.


The recipe for a chocolate ganache topping a rum flavored cake includes the following ingredients:

  • chocolate - 250 g;
  • cream - 250 ml;
  • a spoonful of expensive alcohol.

A small list of products puts the cream in the category of the most affordable and in demand.

How to cook

To make a colored ganache for drips or a classic black ganache with the addition of rum, you need:

  1. On the stove, you need to heat the cream very much, but do not bring it to a boil.
  2. Pour the hot liquid into the chocolate previously broken into pieces.
  3. It is recommended to stir the mass until it acquires a homogeneous consistency.
  4. Finally, add another spoonful of brandy or rum and mix again.
  5. For cakes, you can make whipped ganache. Before this, the cream is cooled. Then it is whipped for 3 minutes.

It is required to use ganache immediately so that it does not lose volume. A very simple cream always decorates baked goods favorably.

Each dessert requires a different approach. In order to cook ganache at home, you must follow a few simple rules.

  1. In order for the ganache to turn out correctly, it is recommended to adhere to the ratio and proportions of chocolate and cream.
  2. Products should only be of high quality.
  3. Cream cream is used from 33 percent fat and above.
  4. Any chocolate can be part of the products, but the proportions of the entire cream depend on the amount of oil in it.
  5. Dark chocolate ganache turns out to be richer. Products are taken in the same proportions.
  6. To make ganache, you can take bitter dark chocolate, but it is designed for the amateur. Powdered sugar can make it sweeter.
  7. Dessert ganache should have a uniform consistency. If you can't mix it, then the quality of the products is failing or the heating was done incorrectly.
  8. Plain chocolate ganache can be served with milk or condensed milk, honey or cream. The main thing is to keep the proportions.

Every housewife should know how ganache is made for a cake. They can decorate any other dessert, grease the cakes or arrange cupcakes. Knowing how to decorate a cake with ganache, you should not be afraid for the taste and appearance of your pastries.

Different creams are needed, different creams are important ... One is for biscuits, the other is for cakes, and also for custards ... I bring to your attention 7 delicious universal creams. Let's start with one of the very popular and long-lasting creams.
  1. Ganache
Ganache is a cream based on chocolate, black, milk or white. A cream in which melted chocolate is made more liquid by adding liquid to it. Cream, milk, tea, water, milk, berry and fruit purees can be used as a liquid. The most important thing in this cream is technology and the right ratio. Basic ratio of liquid to chocolate: 1: 1 (for example, 100g of chocolate per 100g of cream). The more liquid, the more liquid the cream will be, choose the ratio according to what you need the ganache for. If you want to make the ganache fruit or berry, prepare a smooth, lump-free puree at room temperature. The ratio is better to use this - for 100 g of chocolate - 80 grams of cream and 20-30 grams of fruit puree. Manufacturing technology: Chop the chocolate very finely, set aside. Heat the cream, no need to boil! Pour the hot cream over the chocolate and start stirring vigorously. Do not stop until the mixture is smooth. For smoothness and shine, add a lump of butter to the mixture while it is still warm and whisk everything with an immersion blender without lifting the chocolate blender. The cream will be liquid. Put it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours, but check the consistency periodically. As it cools, the ganache will begin to thicken. When you see the consistency you need, take the cream out of the refrigerator. You can beat with a mixer for fluffiness. If you want to pour ganache over the cake (as in the photo below), use the cream in a liquid state, letting it cool slightly. If you will be making truffles, then you do not need to whip the cream with a mixer after cooling. Ganache is great for all types of dough. It is very durable and is suitable for embellishment and creams.
Next there will be recipes:
  1. Swiss meringue
  2. Custard
  3. Oil
  4. Muslin cream
  5. Creamy
What creams do you like?