Guangdong Hong Cha has medicinal properties. Chinese red tea dian hong

09.02.2021 Dishes for children

Tea connoisseurs appreciate the Chinese red tea Jin Hao, which is a variety of high-quality Dian Hong, worth its weight in gold. According to the European classification, it is black tea. The zest of this variety is considered to be "sunny flavor" - if brewed correctly, it seems as if a drop of flower honey has been added to the drink.

Yunnan Province has given the world two legendary teas - and the revitalizing Dian Hong Red Tea. Connoisseurs of strong teas have christened the Jin Hao variety with the name - "Golden fluff" or "Golden villi", since its collection includes young tips, covered with fluff, with a golden hue. It is noteworthy that sometimes the same raw materials are used for the manufacture of Dian Hong as for the Yunnan pu-erh.

It also happens that Jin Hao Dian Hong is referred to as the Golden Monkey tea. But these are two different varieties. "Golden Monkey" is a rarer variety and in dry form is twisted tea leaves with golden inserts of tips. Differs in the strength of the infusion with a refined aroma and harmonious taste with fruity and spicy notes.

How is Golden Fluff collected and processed?

The Chinese collect raw materials for Jin Hao in the highlands of Dian. The subtropical climate provides three to four harvests per year. However, the autumn harvest is considered the most valuable, since the leaves absorb many floral aromas, and also ripen ideally under the rays of the gentle sun.

  • Features of the collection. Dian Hong tea plantations are located almost a kilometer above sea level, due to which the plants ripen quickly. "Golden fluff" is a tea of ​​youth, since only young leaves and buds are collected.
  • Processing secrets. After careful collection, Jin Hao Dian Hong undergoes multi-stage and rather laborious processing. The more carefully the raw materials are processed, the more refined the final taste of the drink is. The procedure includes four stages: withering (moisture reduction), curling (shaping), fermentation (oxidation) and drying.

The result of careful processing is a high-quality tea collection that is impressive with a deep and, at the same time, mild taste. Jin Hao is believed to be solar energy embodied. Therefore, they love to drink this variety in winter to warm up and be filled with optimism. The aroma of meadow flowers and a subtle taste of honey contribute to the popularity of the drink not only in the Middle Kingdom, but throughout the world.


Dian Hong's classification depends on the quality of the tea leaves and the amount of buds present in it.

  • Broken (Dian Hong Sui Cha) is an inexpensive variety due to the small presence of golden buds in it, it is used in mixtures. The finished drink is red-brown in color, bitter with a tart aroma.
  • Golden (Dian Hong Gongfu Cha) - consists mainly of golden buds, with a small amount of tea leaves.
  • Yunnan "Pure Gold" (Yun Nan Dian Hong - Golden Tip) - the highest grade, consisting exclusively of golden buds. The drink is bright red in color with a sweetish taste and smell.

Some of the brightest representatives of the Dianhongs are Jin Hao and Yunnan Red Fuzzy Peaks (Dian Hong Maofeng). Dian Hong Maofeng tea is a valuable species, the buds in it give the infusion an amazing aroma, and the tea leaves have a rich and pleasant taste. It is a high quality selected tea, which is ensured by the unique method of harvesting the tea leaves "maofeng". Famous varieties harvested according to the "maofeng" method - and Keemun.

The art of cooking

All Dian Hong teas delight with their pronounced taste and fairly strong infusion. Tea, which the Chinese and Europeans consider "red", for the inhabitants of the CIS is not much different from the usual "black". However, it would be a big mistake to brew Golden Fluff like regular supermarket teas. A noble drink requires a special attitude.

Want to enjoy the exquisite taste of Jin Hao Dian Hong? Master the art of preparing the imperial gathering.

Brewing "Golden Fluff" correctly

Porcelain or earthenware allows you to fully unleash the potential of all varieties of Dian Hong. Before cooking, you need to pour boiling water over a teapot or a cup. Place the tea leaves in a prepared warm container and pour water with a temperature of 95-100 degrees.

The strength of the drink is regulated by the duration of brewing and the amount of tea in the containers. On average, for the full disclosure of the tea taste, you need no more than 4-5 grams of tea leaves (1 tsp) for 120-150 ml of hot water. It takes about 1 minute to brew the Golden Fluff. Re-opening of taste is acceptable (5-6 infusions). In this case, the preparation of the infusion will take 10-15 seconds more each time.

Over the course of brewing, you can and even need to experiment. This is the only way to find your own taste, the main thing to consider is that if tea (especially of inexpensive varieties) grows old, it will become bitter and astringent.

Honey-fruity tea aroma

Tea "Golden Fluff" has a rather refined, aristocratic taste. Not surprisingly, the Queen of England adores him. Correct brewing will release a floral aroma, light fruity notes and a subtle honey flavor.

The infusion has an intense red color and a rather tart but mild taste. The softness of the tea is due to the extremely gentle processing and collection of only young shoots of Dian Hao. One sip is enough to capture the full potential of this noble drink.

Sun in every sip or beneficial properties

The value of Golden Fluff red tea is not limited to its taste. Scientific studies have confirmed that the drink is medicinal and allows you to quickly relieve a person of many physiological problems.

All varieties of the Dian Hong variety are referred to as "winter teas", since the drinks have a pronounced warming and anti-inflammatory effect.

  • Warming effect. It is enough to drink a cup of red Jin Hao to keep warm in case of severe hypothermia. At the same time, the drink has a dual effect and perfectly quenches thirst in the summer.
  • Natural anti-inflammatory. The leaves of the "Golden Fluff" contain "lethal" amino acids that can suppress the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Good cheerfulness. Jin Hao infusion is good for returning vigor in the morning or recuperating after a hard day's work. The drink has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, and also stimulates the brain. Tea improves blood circulation and speeds up metabolism, therefore it is useful for diets.
  • Refreshing and cleansing. Due to its composition, Jin Hao helps to eliminate toxins from the body, as well as to quickly quench thirst. Therefore, the drink is recommended to drink for people with kidney problems (you should first get the advice of your doctor).
  • Strengthening the body. Regular consumption of Jin Hao Dian Hong increases immunity and has a general tonic effect.

Jin Hao tea of ​​the Dian Hong family is a real elixir of life! Each tea leaf fills the drink with solar energy when brewed. Do you want to stay youthful and physically active longer? Indulge in the delicious taste of red long tea often.


Nov 21, 2017

The Chinese province of Yunnan has given the world many different teas. For the first time, wild camellia tea was discovered in local forests.

Here, but already with human participation, such unique varieties as pu-erh, which is considered a national treasure, were born, and no less famous and also worthy of admiration, Dian Hong.

The latter, according to experts, has a "sunny" taste - if it is brewed correctly, it seems as if a little flower honey has been added to it.

You can familiarize yourself with other types and varieties of Chinese tea.

Description of Dian Hong red tea

The variety got its name from the place of birth - the word "dian" is an abbreviated name for the province of Yunnan, and the translation into Russian of the word "hong" - "red tea" (although for Europeans it is more customary to call such tea "black"). You can read about the benefits and dangers of black tea at the link.

A feature of this drink is that, along with the leaves, the tea leaves include tips - buds that were collected without allowing them to open.

The tips are covered with light fluff and are cast in gold, therefore fans of this tea began to call it "Golden Fluff"... The brew can also include rose petals and pieces of exotic fruits - lychee and longan.

Tea has many varieties for people of different incomes: the cheapest give a rather bitter, dark brown drink. Expensive varieties have a different palette - golden-orange, taste - sweetish.

The birth of the variety took place in an atmosphere of intense competition - by the end of the 19th century, the Chinese tea market began to give way to the Indian and Ceylon ones.

Japan also intervened: in 1938, its troops occupied the territories on which the main Chinese tea plantations were located, so tea growers from the Middle Kingdom had to move to the southwest, to Yunnan province and begin to revive the well-established production for centuries almost from scratch.

Several areas were studied before it was possible to find unique large-leaved trees, which provided the necessary high-quality raw materials.

It was suitable for both the already firmly established machine and high-quality manual collection and, in fact, had no time limits for collection - the kidneys ripened all year round.

The tastings were also pleasing - the drink turned out to be extremely aromatic. When the new tea was sent to Hong Kong for peer review, it earned a rave rating there.

Already in 1939, the market received more than 17 tons of Dian Hong, and 10 years later, this product, like pu-erh, was called the “national treasure” of the country. Read about the beneficial properties and contraindications of pu-erh tea in the material.

It began to be actively exported all over the world, and Indian producers had to part with their reputation as a monopolist in the tea industry.

Dian Hong grown on plantations located at an altitude of 1-2 kilometers above sea level. Leaves are harvested for 8 months, managing to take 3-4 crops per year.

The buds and leaves, collected in summer and autumn, give no less interesting, but richer in taste and thicker shades of tea. It imposes its own characteristics on the raw tea and the area where it was collected.

Connoisseurs will always distinguish by the light orange color of Dian Hong, which grew in the western part of Yunnan, but if the homeland of tea is the south of the province, its color is brighter than other teas, shines with precious gold.

Raw material processing - multistage:

  • withering (at a temperature of 20-24 degrees) helps to reduce the amount of moisture;
  • curling provides the leaves with the required shape;
  • fermentation saturates with aromas;
  • drying completes all started processes, after this stage the product is ready for sale.

Sometimes weather conditions require the raw material to be dried in special chambers, but tea growers prefer to do it outdoors, in the sun, so that the leaves acquire a more refined aroma.

To understand the secrets of the beneficial properties of tea, scientists disassembled it literally by molecules. His chemical composition presented:

Red tea is rich in vitamins and microelements, including calcium, manganese, magnesium, potassium, iron.

Traditional medicine of the Celestial Empire uses Dian Hong for:

  • improving metabolism (thanks to this property, tea is recommended in various diets);
  • restoration of the immune system;
  • strengthening the nervous system and brain;
  • increasing the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • relieving symptoms of fatigue, giving vigor;
  • to fight inflammation (as an antiviral agent);
  • release from toxins.

In the cold season, this tea is indispensable, it helps the body to cope with colds, has an excellent warming effect.

Interesting that in the summer, in the heat, the Dian Hong effect is diametrically opposite- the drink helps to quench thirst and it is easier to endure stuffiness and heat.

Not so long ago, American doctors conducted a number of studies on the effects of Golden Fluff on the skeletal system of the body.

"Pooh" proved to be extremely strong - in people who, as part of the experiment, drank the drink regularly, the bones turned out to be much stronger than those who did not drink this tea.

The most common classification by Dian Hong is based on whether the infusion contains a large number of buds. According to this characteristic, the variety can be:

There is a classification of the Dian Huns based on the shape of the leaf:

  • strips of strong leaves with villi - Gongfu Cha variety;
  • long, strongly twisted, with a shiny surface - E Cha;
  • fan-shaped leaves - Pian Cha;
  • medium sized, shredded - Shui Cha;
  • leaves, crushed to a crumb state - Mo Cha (lowest quality variety).

There are a huge number of varieties on the Dian Hun market. Here is some of them:

Taste and aroma

Careful processing of tea raw materials allows him to fully reveal the rich potential inherent in nature - the energy of the sun, the smells of herbs and flowers growing nearby.

It is not surprising that both the aroma of the brew and the taste of the drink evoke a variety of, sometimes unexpected associations in people.

This is what Dian Hong recalls most often: honey, caramel, cinnamon, chocolate, freshly roasted coffee, biscuit, pepper, almonds, nutmeg.

Its taste is spoken of as soft, velvety, balanced, combining the sweetness of fruit, salinity and pungency of spices. Smoky shades are sometimes noted. Smoked tea lovers are advised to read our article on another Chinese tea Lapsang Souchong at the link.

For brewing Dian Hong porcelain or earthenware is recommended... One teaspoon of tea leaves (4-5 g) is enough for 120-150 ml of purified water.

The temperature is selected depending on the requirements of a particular variety, but it is never brought to 100 degrees.

Depending on the variety, you can make a different number of brews, on average - from 5 to 6. At the same time, the taste not only does not deteriorate, it becomes more and more interesting from time to time.

True, it should be infused with repeated brewing by 10-15 seconds longer.

When using inexpensive varieties, it is important to keep in mind that the drink will taste better if it has just been brewed, the overstated begins to taste bitter.

  • leaves of tea leaves can be rinsed with running water before use so that no tea dust remains;
  • drink Dian Hong, preferably without sugar and honey, in order to better evaluate the quality of the drink;
  • This tea is good both for a hearty breakfast and for a dinner that includes meat dishes and chocolate-based desserts.

How to brew red tea Dian Hong will tell you the following video:

Storage rules

The tea leaves are stored in a dark, cool place, protected from moisture, usually in an opaque tin or ceramic jar with a well-screwed lid.

If these rules are followed, then after a year, or even longer, the tea leaves will remain the same fragrant.


In addition to individual intolerance, this tea has practically no contraindications. However, there are small recommendations: in order not to harm the stomach, Dian Hong should not be drunk on an empty stomach, and in the summer heat - you can not abuse this drink.

The fact is that it perfectly quenches thirst, but at the same time is a warming agent (it is not for nothing that Dian Hong is recommended for hypothermia, the threat of colds).

Excessive drinking in hot weather can provoke thermal shock.

How much does dian hong tea cost (average price for 1 package)?

Currently, there are hundreds of various drinks in the world. The leader among them in popularity is, of course, tea. Many countries are engaged in its manufacture. Most of them are located in Asia. Since ancient times, Chinese tea has been valued all over the world. One of its most prominent representatives is dian hun.

The drink is also known under a different name - Yunnan red tea (many call it black). The production and sale of the drink has only been going on for several decades. Tea contains "golden buds", which indicates its high quality. Like pu-erh tea, tea is collected and processed exclusively in Yunnan province. Only young buds (tips) and leaves are used in production.

Dian Hong tea has a fragrant aroma. It has a "smoky" shade and notes of dried fruit. The autumn harvest of tea is rightly considered the best. It contains the largest amount of nutrients. The tea making process is kept in the strictest confidence. It is only known that it is very laborious, which makes the dian hong one of the most expensive representatives in its class.

Tea brewing procedure

The Chinese argue that more depends on the correct method of brewing tea than on its quality. It is difficult to disagree with this. Dian Hong tea is recommended to be brewed for 2-3 minutes. At the same time, the water temperature can vary from 85 to 95 ° C. For 100 g of water, it is enough to take 2 g of tea. It can be spilled up to 6-8 times, increasing the brewing time by 10-20 seconds. For the procedure, porcelain dishes are best suited. It is also permissible to use teapots made of Issin clay. Dian Hong tea goes well with other ingredients. For example, you can add milk to it.

Useful properties of dian hong tea

The drink has a diuretic, invigorating and refreshing effect. Add to that the anti-inflammatory properties. The amino acids contained in it are responsible for the destruction of disease-causing bacteria. Thus, dian hong tea has a beneficial effect on human immunity, increasing its viability and effectiveness. Regular consumption of the drink effectively affects human bone tissue, and also improves the functioning of the circulatory and nervous system.

Calorie content of tea dian hun kcal

Energy value of dian hong tea (the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju).

The history of China's tea traditions goes back several millennia, there are very "young" types of the well-known drink, and Dian Hong tea is one of them. The story of the appearance of black red tea is interesting, as well as the decoding of its mysterious name.

Dian Hong red tea originated in the Yunnan province, famous for its pu-erh tea. At the beginning of the last century, the tea master dried the buds of tea leaves on an open fire and sent the resulting tea to the famous exhibition in Wuhan. The documents confirming the dispatch of the drink to the exhibition became the first mention of a kind of drink.

How Dian Hong tea is made

The technology for collecting and processing red Chinese tea is very laborious - workers collect newly opened tea leaves and buds, after which they wither the collected leaves for several hours. This is followed by a twisting procedure, during which juice is squeezed out of each leaf and the necessary shape is given. The final stage in the production of Chinese red tea is heating over an open fire, thanks to which the drink acquires an exquisite taste and recognizable aroma.

Types of Dian Hong tea

In contrast to the European classification of tea, which has five types of noble drink, the Chinese divide tea into six categories. Dian Hong, according to the European classification, belongs to black varieties, and according to the Chinese classification, to red varieties, so its name looks so unusual.

Chinese tea Dian Hong, depending on the quality of the raw materials used and the shape that the manufacturer gives to the leaves, can be divided into several types.

The highest grade of red tea is Gongfu Cha. The finished tea of ​​this variety looks like even elastic leaves wrapped in strips, but it does not consist of leaves, but of buds, which gives the infusion a transparent red color and a bright recognizable aroma.

Next on the list is Dian Hong Ye Cha with long, shiny and curled leaves.

The dense, even leaves, shaped like a fan, distinguish Dian Hong Pian Cha.

If medium-sized leaves with and without villi were crushed, we are talking about Dian Hong Shui Cha. It is important to remember that the presence of small crumbs in any Dian Hong variety is simply unacceptable. The relatively low cost of this variety is due to the small number of buds. The infusion is slightly bitter, which is interestingly combined with the notes of honey and fruit present in it.

The lowest grade of Dian Hong tea looks like a large crumb of leaves.

Two varieties of Chinese red tea with romantic names - Piley Peaks - Dian Hong Mao Feng, and the Golden Monkey from Dian Xi - Jin Hao Dian Hong - are especially popular all over the world.

In the first one you can feel the mild aroma of unblown buds, a light hint of vanilla and honey, as well as dried apricots. For the production of this tea, young leaves covered with villi are used.

For the manufacture of the second with a light fruity taste and honey shades, buds and very young fleecy leaves are used.

Why Dian Hong is useful

In cold cloudy weather, Dian Hong will allow you to feel like a warm sunny evening. The brewed drink has the color of the setting sun, the sweet taste with fruity and caramel notes will remind you of summer, and the smell of honey will immerse you in an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

Due to its composition, Dian Hong tea has a number of medicinal qualities - it contains less caffeine than Ceylon or Indian black tea, but at the same time it contains amino acids that provide anti-inflammatory effect. Drinking this tea allows you to fight colds and viruses, which, in combination with the warming effect of the drink, make it indispensable in the cold season.

Drinking Dian Hong tea for colds and coughs helps to remove phlegm and relieve sore throat. The warming effect of red tea helps to sweat, which can help fight infection.

Those who want to lose weight will appreciate the help of this tea in stimulating metabolism and its diuretic effect. It helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, it removes excess fluid from the body, which allows you to lose weight.

This tea has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels, and the regular use of the infusion is an excellent prevention of colds and SARS, metabolic and circulatory disorders, caries and hypotension.

Dian Hong tea will become a worthy alternative to morning coffee - it will help you wake up quickly and give you a boost of vivacity. When used consistently, it improves memory. This tea will be beneficial for low blood pressure and uneven heart rate.

Brewing rules

In order to brew Dian Hong correctly, you need to purchase the appropriate dishes, ideally it should be earthenware.

Before pouring tea leaves into the kettle, it should be doused with boiling water, and the cups should be warmed up. Warm dishes will allow the taste and aroma of the tea to fully unfold. For a small teapot, two to three grams of dry tea are enough. Putting the tea leaves in a warm teapot, you need to cover it with a lid and after a few seconds open it, bringing it to your face, inhale its aroma, you should not neglect the opportunity to feel it in full.

The first tea leaves must be discarded. Traditionally, Dian Hong is first washed with boiling water to cleanse, and only then brewed for consumption.

During the second and subsequent infusions, the tea is poured with boiling water for 15-20 seconds, after which it is poured into cups. For each brew after the second, you need to increase the brewing time of the drink.

To enjoy the taste of Dian Hong tea and feel its beneficial properties, you should not consume it on an empty stomach or before bed.

Dian Hong tea is one of the most famous in the world. It is also known as Yunnan Red to many tea aficionados. It was first produced in the late 60s of the 20th century and for more than 50 years it has been pleasing people all over the planet with an incredibly rich and unique taste.

Where do they collect

In this article, you will learn:

Tea bushes are grown in the south of the Chinese province of Yunnan. The main production facilities for its production are also concentrated here. Depending on the amount of "golden buds" in the drink, its final quality also depends. However, the cost of the drink will also be higher.

Dian Hong is collected exclusively within the Chinese province of Yunnan. As for the name of the drink, its origins go back 2 thousand years, when the region was ruled by the ancient kingdom of Dian.

It is customary to produce Dian Hong using young leaves and buds. As for the aroma of the drink, it clearly shows a pleasant aftertaste, pronounced notes of dry, as well as a "smoky" shade characteristic of all teas of this region. The highest quality harvest is harvested in autumn, despite the fact that the harvest is harvested all year round. A twisted "tea-leaf" is formed from a large-sized leaf, which acquires a small size. Experts state that the process is quite laborious and that is why it is considered one of the highest quality tea varieties in China.