What can be prepared from purchased wafer cakes. Waffle crust snack cake with canned food

11.05.2019 Dishes for children

I'll show you how to make a great snack with affordable, inexpensive foods. The appearance of the cake is festive, and the taste is delicious! So, I am sharing a recipe for a snack cake made from waffle cakes.


4 wafer cakes.
1 can of saury
1 large carrot
3 eggs
70 g walnuts
100 g hard cheese
200 g mayonnaise
Greens (green onions, parsley, dill)
A little salt

Tip: for making such a snack cake, other canned fish are also suitable: mackerel, pink salmon, etc.

The process of making a snack cake from wafer cakes:

We will prepare all the necessary products. Boil carrots and eggs in advance until tender. Cool and clean. Grind the canned saury with a fork along with the juice.

Rub the carrots on a coarse grater. Add finely chopped nuts and a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise to it. Salt lightly and stir.
Let's start assembling the cake. Put the waffle cake on a flat plate. Lubricate it with mayonnaise using a silicone brush.
Put mashed canned fish on a waffle.
Cover the fish layer with the following waffle cake. Lubricate it with mayonnaise. Next - carrots with walnuts.
And again the waffle cake, greased with mayonnaise. The next layer is eggs grated on a coarse grater.
Then, the last, fourth waffle cake, greased with mayonnaise. The final layer will be cheese, grated on a fine grater.

Decorate the finished snack cake with chopped herbs and put it in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.
Before serving, cut the waffle cake appetizer into portioned pieces.

I would like to offer you a delicious snack cake made from waffle cakes. For this cake, you can use both square and round wafer cakes. You can come up with any filling, the main thing is to choose the ingredients so that there is a delicious combination. I decided to take canned fish, processed cheese, eggs and carrots for my cake. According to experience, it is better to eat such a cake the next day, since it may initially seem that it will soak quickly enough. But it turned out, on the contrary, when the cake stands, it dries up a little, it will be better to cut, and all the layers will be visible in it.

To prepare a snack cake from wafer cakes, prepare all the necessary products from the list. Boil eggs and carrots.

Transfer saury to a plate and knead with a fork - this will be the first layer of the cake.

Collect the cake on a flat surface. A cutting board is perfect. Lay out the first crust and brush it with a thin layer of melted cheese. Divide the fish filling into 2 parts. Spread one part evenly over the cake. Chop green onions and sprinkle fish in half.

For the second filling, grate boiled eggs, add melted cheese - about 150 g, chopped parsley, salt, pepper and seaweed caviar. Caviar, by the way, looks very original in cross-section and tastes great with fish. The resulting filling should also be divided into 2 parts.

Cover the first crust with the second and grease with the cheese and egg filling.

Then put the third cake layer, brush it a little with melted cheese. Grate boiled carrots, put half on the cake and distribute evenly.

Cut the waffle cake snack into portions.

I cut part of the cake right away, as you can see from the photo, it became soft, and the layers after cutting are poorly visible.

This photo shows the cake the next day.

Bon Appetit!

To please loved ones with homemade sweetness, you do not have to brew or knead the dough and then bake it for a long time. It's much easier to make a waffle cake. In this article, we will explain in detail, how to make a cake from waffle cakes at home.

Waffles came to us from the distant past. Scientists are convinced that this delicacy was prepared in Ancient Greece, although there is no documentary evidence of this. Another version of the origin of waffles is most likely - German. Translated from this language, the word "waffles" means honeycomb. This is probably why outwardly waffles are so similar to bee cells.

  • At first, this delicacy was served on the tables of people of noble blood only. Cooking recipes were kept secret from the common people. They were able to taste waffles only in the 18th century, when this confection began to be sold right on the streets at a low price.
  • This trend has continued today too. In any supermarket, you can buy wafer cakes in any quantity to use them for making either a dessert or a snack.
  • It is more common for people to cook sweet cakes from waffles. We would like to present you some original and very tasty recipes for cakes and waffle cakes with photos, who will be happy to eat all the sweet tooth - both children and adults.

Waffle cake with condensed milk

You can cook delicious homemade waffle cake in just 40 minutes.

To make the waffles soft, aromatic and tasty, they must be prepared according to this recipe (using an electric waffle iron or an ordinary cast-iron pan, but then the waffles will not have a pattern specific to them):

  1. Turn on the waffle iron to heat up to 180 ° C while you cook the waffle dough. Separate 5 whites from the yolks. You only need proteins. It is imperative to cool them.
  2. When the proteins have cooled down (this takes literally 10 minutes), they need to be mixed with chopped marzipan and 100 g of sifted flour using a mixer or blender. In structure, you should get a liquid mass, similar to the dough, which is usually prepared for frying pancakes.
  3. A bag of powdered sugar, 100 ml of warm milk and a small pinch of vanilla are added to this protein mass (in this case, you can use a dessert spoon).
  4. The dough is collected with an ordinary ladle and poured into an electric waffle iron or a frying pan. Fry each waffle until golden brown for a maximum of 7 minutes.

  1. While all the wafer cakes are dry and cool, you can prepare a cream based on one can of boiled condensed milk (the usual one is also suitable) and 200 g of butter. These two ingredients are mixed together with a mixer or whisk.
  2. Each cake is well coated with a thick layer of cream. The finished cake is left for several hours so that the waffles are soaked in the creamy condensed cream.
  3. As a decoration, you can use any nuts that can be easily turned into shavings with a blender.

Waffle cake with sour cream

To prepare such a cake, you can again independently prepare wafer cakes according to the same recipe that we described above, or use purchased ones. The main thing here is to properly prepare sour cream.

What you need to do to make it work:

  • 100 ml of high-fat sour cream (homemade can also be used) must first be mixed with a mixer with vanilla sugar and regular sugar.
  • If you want the cream to have a pleasant fruity flavor, add any confiture, jam or fresh fruit, such as apricots or peaches, to it at the stage of mixing the cream.

Saturate each crust well with cream. Apply cream on top, too, with a thick layer and decorate everything with chocolate chips or fruits that were used to prepare the sour cream impregnation.

Waffle cake with fruit

A great dessert option for the summer. This will waffle cake made from ready-made cakes although you can bake the waffles yourself. The main thing is to prepare a delicate fruit cream. We suggest using a refreshing citrus - lemon or orange.

To prepare such a cream, you need:

  • Make a creamy sugar mass (take 100 g of butter and 175 g of sugar).
  • Add orange or lemon zest, juice of the same fruit, and 6 egg yolks to the preparation for the cream.
  • Beat the cream with a mixer and set it to simmer for 10 minutes in a water bath.

Each cake should be greased with cream. Optionally, you can put slices of citrus fruits between the cakes and decorate the top of the waffle cake with them.

Banana waffle cake

The waffle cake will turn out to be very tasty if its impregnation is made from condensed milk, chocolate ganache and banana pieces.

  • To make ganache, you need to melt chocolate (any that you like, but we recommend using black, because in the future the ganache will be mixed with condensed milk) in warmed up cream.
  • At the end, butter is added.

  • Ganache is mixed with condensed milk or applied to wafer cakes in a checkerboard pattern - a layer with ganache, a layer with condensed milk.
  • Pieces of banana are laid out on each cake (on the top one too).

Wafer cake snack cakes

For dinner or even breakfast, you can prepare such an original dish as a waffle snack cake. Any meat, vegetables and sauces can be used as a filling for it. We have described several recipes for their preparation in this article.

Herring cake on wafer cakes

  1. We clean the fillet of one herring from bones and skin.
  2. Grind this fillet with a knife. You should have large pieces of herring meat.
  3. Preparing the "white filling" for the cake. To do this, you need to boil 6 eggs, grate only the proteins, add some herring, a little creamy meat and spices to your taste (you can even greens).
  4. Preparing the "yellow filling". Here, the cooking process is the same, only yolks are used instead of proteins.

Each cake is greased in a checkerboard pattern with different fillings. Finally, grease the whole cake with mayonnaise and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Waffle crust snack cake with canned food

  1. Boil 4 carrots and 6 chicken eggs, and grind these foods
  2. Chop 2 onions and any herbs (parsley and dill work well)
  3. Finely grate 100 g of hard cheese
  4. Drain the oil from mackerel or any other canned fish
  5. Mix all the ingredients together and add mayonnaise to the resulting mass

Brush 7 waffle cakes with snack cream. The decoration can be anything (it all depends on the flight of your imagination).

Waffle cake with minced meat

  1. Make minced meat from the meat your family prefers. Season to taste.
  2. Lay the minced meat in layers on the wafer cakes (you need about three cakes).
  3. Cut the resulting raw cake into several parts, roll each in an egg mass and fry in a pan with sunflower oil.

This cake is served cut in the form of superimposed pieces, decorated with herbs and sprinkled with cheese.

Waffle cake with mushrooms

  1. Take 700 g of any mushrooms, chop them and fry with onions in a pan
  2. Add spices and sauce to the mushrooms
  3. Brush 8 waffle cakes with the resulting snack cream
  4. Cover the whole cake with mayonnaise and garnish with mushrooms

The list of recipes for waffle cake cakes can be long enumerated. You can come up with different fillings yourself and delight your family with a delicious and hearty dish as a dessert or snack.

Video: "Recipe for a cake made from wafer cakes"

Making a snack cake from waffle cakes will not be difficult and will take a minimum of time in a festive mess. One condition: you need to cook 2 hours before serving, so that the cake cakes are soaked and flavor aromas are combined.
This is a variant of a delicious salad, laid out on wafer cakes, which adds richness and variety to the taste. We use the ingredients for the salad in an economical price category, but the taste of the cake does not differ from gourmet salads. The use of canned mackerel in salads is a culinary classic, we use this fish for our cake as well. Shredded carrots with walnuts add sophistication, while boiled egg and shredded cheese complement the flavor. Prepare such a snack and your guests will be satisfied.

Taste Info Snack cakes


  • canned mackerel - 1 can (you can take saury or sardine),
  • carrots - 1 pc.,
  • egg - 3 pcs.,
  • walnut-50 gr.,
  • hard cheese-70 gr.,
  • mayonnaise or yogurt - 200 gr.,
  • dill greens - 1 bunch,
  • salt.

How to make a canned waffle cake snack

Prepare all the ingredients for layering on the cake. Eggs need to be boiled and cooled. Peel the carrots, grate. Chop the walnut kernels and add to the carrots, salt, pour over with mayonnaise and mix.

Put a waffle sheet on the dish on which the cake will be served. Take the dish a little larger than the size of the sheet, so that the salad does not fall through.

Make a mesh of mayonnaise and lay out the mackerel, pre-mashed with a fork. This will be the first layer of the cake.

Cover with the next waffle crust. The second layer is to lay out the carrots with walnuts.
Lubricate the third layer, as well as the first, with mayonnaise, rub the egg and lay evenly on the cake.

Rinse greens, chop finely and put on an egg, salt a little.

The fourth final layer will be a layer of waffle crust with mayonnaise and grated cheese, cheese will also serve as a cake decoration.

A snack cake made from waffle cakes with canned food is ready. The mayonnaise in this recipe can be replaced with plain yogurt by mixing it with mustard or by making your own homemade mayonnaise. You can also add a clove of garlic to carrots with walnuts. For spicy lovers, a piquancy will be added to the taste of the whole cake.
After cooking, send the snack cake to the refrigerator for 2 hours, we recommend serving it in small pieces, because this dish is high-calorie and satisfying.

Advice: do not overdo it in greasing the cakes with mayonnaise, it may seem to you that there is not enough mayonnaise, and after impregnation you will realize that it is too saturated with mayonnaise.