At what temperature does the loaf bake. DIY wedding loaf, traditions and tips

It is difficult to meet a wedding that did without a traditional loaf. It can be purchased ready-made, ordered at the bakery or baked at home. Most preferable is the independent production of a wedding cake, as during the whole process you can fill it with positive energy and program it for further prosperity. So, how to make a beautiful wedding loaf with your own hands?

The sacred meaning of this baking

From time immemorial, the loaf was perceived not as ordinary food, but as something mystical, containing a sacred meaning. It was used in some ceremonies and festivities. For this, the loaf was made in the shape of the sun, from wheat flour and decorated with certain figures and symbols that carried a certain meaning.

Loaf occupies an important place in the wedding ceremony. He served as a talisman for a young family, protecting them from possible troubles and misfortunes. In addition, he was presented to the young as a symbol of fertility, good luck and future family well-being. Fortunately, the tradition of giving the newlyweds a wedding loaf has survived to this day.

The traditions of making a wedding cake

In order for the cake baked for the wedding ceremony to bring prosperity and prosperity to the house, the following conditions must be observed during its manufacture:

Essential Dough Ingredients

To prepare the dough for the loaf, the following ingredients are needed:

  • premium wheat flour - 1.5 kg;
  • fresh chicken eggs - 10 pcs;
  • white sugar - 1 cup;
  • dry yeast - 20 g;
  • cow or goat milk - 0.5 cups;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • salt - 2 tsp;
  • ground cinnamon (to taste).

All ingredients must be fresh and of high quality. The recipe for dough is quite simple and does not require special skills. The process of kneading the dough takes about 30-40 minutes.

Step by step recipe

Today there are many different loaf recipes. They mainly differ in their ingredients and their quantity. Below is the most popular and affordable recipe that you can use at home.

Step-by-step instructions for preparing dough and baking loaf:

Decoration Features

The left part of the dough must be rolled thinly and cut out of it decoration. To do this, you can use an ordinary kitchen knife or special molds.

Dough decorations have the following meanings:

For the manufacture of complex and massive jewelry, it is recommended to look at any special master class that can be found on culinary sites on the Internet.

However, not having certain skills or abilities, one should not be too sophisticated with the decor. In this case, you can make small and light decorations that will give the wedding cake a beautiful appearance.

Decoration from the test "Leaflets" - video

To bake a loaf for a wedding so that it turns out to be tasty, airy and beautiful is quite possible. To obtain a similar result, it is recommended to use the following tips:

The tradition of serving it to the newlyweds has not changed over the past few hundred years. The wedding cake is placed on a special towel, and a salt shaker is placed in the middle or salt is poured into a special depression made in advance in the dough.

   Most often, the bride embroiders a cake towel on her own, decorating it with special symbols of all that she wants to see in her family life.

Serve the cake after the wedding ceremony or registration in the registry office. The mother of the groom usually hands it to him. Before this, parents wish the newlyweds a happy family life and well-being.

The bride and groom thank for a rich treat and congratulations, kiss the loaf three times and bite off a piece of it. It is generally accepted that one who has bitten off a larger bite will be the head of the family.

The remnants of the wedding cake are handed out to guests. It is believed that if someone did not try this treat, then he was not at the wedding at all. As a rule, a two-kilogram pie is enough to feed about 60 invited guests.

One piece of the wedding loaf is left, dried and hidden in the house. It is a charm that protects the family from various misfortunes and unexpected troubles. It is stored throughout life in a place inaccessible to other people, children and animals.

To bake a loaf at home, it may take a lot of time and patience. We remind you that its manufacture should be trusted exclusively to married women who have a successful marriage and have children. They will fill the wedding cake with the energy of family happiness and prosperity, as well as attract success and prosperity to the newlyweds' house.

A wedding is a special celebration. The festival is accompanied by many unique symbolic rules and rites. Wedding loaf is one of the main differences of the ceremony.

Traditionally, newlyweds are greeted with a wedding loaf of salt. This has a deep meaning. At all times, bread was a symbol of wealth, and with the help of salt our ancestors defended themselves against spirits. The custom of meeting the young with a wedding loaf is now an indispensable part of the holiday. By rule, the wedding loaf is held by the mother of the groom, and the salt shaker is held by the mother of the bride. So parents symbolically admonish their children before starting an independent life, wishing them a strong and happy family.

Essential Ingredients:

  • baking flour - 1.5 kg;
  • yeast - 20 g;
  • chicken eggs - 10 pcs.;
  • milk - ½ tbsp .;
  • butter or vegetable oil - 100 g;
  • salt - 2 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp .;
  • spices to taste - vanilla, cinnamon, poppy seeds, etc.

Cooking Instructions:

  1. Lightly warm the milk, dissolve the yeast in it. Add spices to taste.
  2. Take 9 eggs, separate the yolks from the proteins. Mix the yolks with sugar until a homogeneous mixture is obtained and combine with dissolved yeast. Beat whites.
  3. Sift flour, add salt. Поместить Place the parts of the sifted flour in a deep bowl, make a wide deepening in the middle. Slowly pour the solution from yolks and yeast, add butter (preferably) or vegetable oil, a mixture of proteins.
  4. Knead for 20-30 minutes. To make the dough smooth, you can add the previously set aside part of the sifted flour during the kneading process. Place the finished dough in a clean, high shape, cover with a handkerchief, leave warm for 1.5-2 hours. When the dough comes up, you need to knead it again and let it come up again.
  5. Ready dough for a wedding loaf is divided into 3 parts. From one part to mold a ball. Divide the second part and roll it into three thin bundles, of which weave a pigtail and wrap the ball around the lower edge, securing the ends. The third part will be needed for decoration. Usually a wedding loaf is decorated with clusters of viburnum, ears of wheat, petals, flowers, figures of swans. There are two ways to bake. The first is to place the decorations on the loaf immediately or attach them 20 minutes before being ready. In the second case, the contours will be sharper. In the middle of the loaf make a recess for the salt shaker.
  6. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Place the loaf on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, beat the egg, grease the mixture obtained with the top, except for decorations. Then they will stand out against the ruddy background of the celebratory bread. Put in the oven.
  7. After the loaf is browned (after about 20 minutes), reduce the temperature to 180 ° C. Bake for 60 minutes or a little more. It is not recommended to open the oven during baking. When the loaf is ready, it must be cooled by opening the oven. After 20 minutes, remove the loaf, put on a round festive plate, cover with paper napkins and leave overnight.

The classic recipe is very simple and bake a loaf for a wedding at home quite easy.

Tip: if you use a gas oven for baking, place dishes with water on the lower wire rack to prevent the dough from drying out.

From rye sourdough

Wedding loaf can be baked from yeast-free dough with rye sourdough.

This will require:

  • rye filling - 300 g;
  • wheat flour 2 grades - 100 g;
  • peeled rye flour - 600 g;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • fermented rye malt - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • honey to taste - 80 g.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Pour malt with hot water, mix. Add fermentation, sugar, salt, honey to the cooled mixture, mix thoroughly again.
  2. Add 100 g of rye and 100 g of wheat flour, mix until smooth, knead for 15 minutes using a mixer. Slowly add 500 g of rye flour, knead manually for another 20 minutes. Interesting fact: wheat flour is added so that the dough is not sticky and heavy.
  3. Ready dough is placed on the proofing in a warm place for 5 hours.
  4. Further cooking, decorating the wedding loaf and pastries do not differ from the cooking process according to the classic recipe from wheat flour.

A wedding loaf of rye sourdough will certainly be remembered by the newlyweds and guests of the holiday. After all, in addition to a special taste, rye dough contains a record amount of vitamins.   It is the exceptional health benefits of rye loaf that compares favorably with wheat.

Do it yourself with salt dough

In addition to the traditional, edible loaf, you can also make a fake of this festive dish from salt dough.

Required Products:

  • flour - 2 tbsp .;
  • salt - 1 tbsp .;
  • water - 125 ml;
  • starch - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • pVA glue - 2 tbsp. l

The cooking process does not take much time:

  1. Mix the ingredients. Divide the dough into 3 parts - for the loaf, pigtails and decorations.
  2. Take a round bowl, turn it over, and cover it with finished dough on top, not more than 1 cm thick. Tip: so that the dough does not sag when separated from the bowl, the structure can be preliminarily placed in the oven overnight, heating to 70-80 ° C.
  3. Decorate the loaf with a pigtail, leaves, flowers, build a salt shaker from a strip of dough on top.
  4. Bake for 1.5-2 hours at low temperature until browned.
  5. The finished loaf can be painted with watercolors.

A self-made loaf of salt dough is used as a table decoration and later it can be left as a keepsake of the event.

Decorations for the festive bread

To make the pastry look festive, it is often decorated with beautiful details. A wedding loaf is no exception.

The most common simple dough decors:

  1. Pigtails. They are braided from 2-3 thin plates.
  2. Bunches of viburnum - roll up balls, cut in half, form a thin branch from the dough, stick halves to it, imitating a bunch.
  3. Flowers Most often, a wedding loaf is decorated with roses. To do this, roll out 3 thin circles. Roll the first one into a roll, wrap the other two on top, slightly rounding the edges.
  4. Leaves. Roll out the dough of the desired shape, make cuts "herringbone" at the edges, veins depict small strips of dough.
  5. Spikelets of wheat. To decorate the loaf with ears, it is necessary to form a thin strip with cuts on both sides. Separately fashion the stem.

Each decoration has a special meaning. So, pigtails mean well-being, viburnum and roses - love and beauty, leaves - youth and health, wheat - wealth and fertility.

Swans are a symbol of fidelity and devotion. Therefore, this decoration can often be seen on a festive loaf.

To portray a pair of swans:

  • Take a strip of dough 7 cm in size, roll it into an oval.
  • Leave one part for the body, depict feathers in small incisions, and form wings and tail from a separate piece of dough.
  • Bend the other part of the strip, simulating a thin neck and form a head with a beak.

Decorations are an important part of making any holiday bread. To keep them better on the test, it is recommended to lubricate the loaf with water.

As before, a wedding loaf must be baked to celebrate the day when the young are married. It is believed that if the loaf is baked in accordance with all the rules, the newlyweds expect great happiness in family life. By tradition, only a married woman with children can knead the dough and bake the loaf. Then her happiness will pass successfully to the bride and groom.

Carefully clean the room in which you will bake the loaf, put on a clean dress and only with bright thoughts and an open soul proceed with baking the wedding loaf!

We prepare the main dough for the loaf:

First we wake up the yeast. Crush the yeast into milk (100ml.), Add 2 tablespoons. sugar and 3-4 tbsp. stir the flour and place in a warm place. When the yeast foams, breathes and rises with a hat, you can knead the dough.

In warm milk (200ml.), Sprinkle the eggs, add salt, the remaining sugar and melted butter, pour in the yeast, mix. Remember to add vanilla.

The flour must be sifted 2 times and then gradually added to the milk-egg mixture, stirring with a whisk. When you add the whole basic rate of flour, your dough will be lumpy, sticky and very soft. Now the most laborious, but extremely important, kneading the dough. Sprinkle with a layer of 50g flour on a clean table, spread the dough and start kneading it. Kneading should be so. Grab the dough from the bottom and pull it towards you, fold it in half; grab the dough again, but turn it 90 degrees to you, pull it in the same way, fold in half and continue to knead it in this way. As you knead, the dough will become more uniform, smooth and less sticky. If necessary, sprinkle the table with flour, but do not add too much. Knead the dough for at least 30 minutes. You will say for a long time, for a long time, say it is difficult, but not easy, you can say it in the combine, I can answer, but not for the loaf. You need to give a piece of your heart to the loaf, because for the children we are preparing to make them happy and share your loaf on difficult days.

Knead the dough, it became very elastic, smooth and practically not sticky, transfer the bun to a large pot, wrap it with a blanket and leave it to come in a warm place.

While the dough is coming up, you need to do some decoration for the festive bread.

Knead the dough from proteins and flour to make it uniform and smooth.

Let him rest for 10 minutes and start making jewelry.

It can be roses, cornflowers, daisies, spikelets, leaflets, swans and all that your soul desires.

The dough for decorations dries very quickly, so keep it in a bag or under a bowl, cutting off small pieces of dough for work. Arrange the decorations made on the board, covering with a damp towel.

While you are preparing decorations, you need to knead the main dough once and after raising it again, dusting the table with flour, collect the dough into a bun.

Separate one third of the dough from the kolobok on the edge of the loaf, and roll a flat kolobok from most of the dough, lay it on a baking sheet, first covering it with baking paper in two layers and greasing it with vegetable oil.

Now we do everything quickly, confidently and with a creative approach. From the dough that we separated into a braid, we roll out two or three flagella, weave a braid or rope, and put it around the bun. If you don’t get an even braid the first time, you can divide the dough into identical pieces weighing 30g. and roll into balls. Lay them around the bun and put the future loaf in a slightly warm oven to approach. In order for the loaf to burst when baking, use a culinary brush to moisten its surface with water, preventing the crust from forming.

When the loaf increases in size three times, grease its surface with a mixture of yolk and 1 tbsp. water. You spread decorations on the entire surface of the loaf; they adhere very well to the yolk. Then all jewelry must be greased with protein. Where you want to make a more rosy shade, grease with a yolk mixture. Decorations that are voluminous, like roses, fasten with toothpicks, otherwise they will slip and fall when baking.

Preheat the oven to 190g, place a container of water below and only then send the loaf to bake. To prevent a break in the dough, irrigate the walls of the oven with water, close it immediately, so that the steam remains inside. It is advisable to repeat humidification a couple of times at the beginning of the baking process, and when the loaf appears blush, reduce the baking temperature to 160g. If the top of the loaf begins to bake heavily, cover it with foil and continue baking until a beautiful, bright tan.

Loaf is baked from 1-1.5 hours. Focus on your oven.

Transfer the finished loaf to the grate or towel, cover with a towel and cool.

It remains to wait for a happy day when your children get married and give them a loaf, with a piece of your soul and warmth from your heart.


7.5 ~ 8.5 cups flour, 20 g dry yeast, 100 g vegetable or melted butter, 0.5 cup milk or water or a mixture of milk and water, 10 eggs, 6 ~ 7 tablespoons sugar, 2 tsp salt, desire - grated zest of 1 lemon and cinnamon

Dilute the yeast in a 0.5 glass of warm water (or milk or a mixture of milk with water) with 1 teaspoon of sugar dissolved.
   Grind sugar with yolks (leave 1 yolk for smzka).
   Pour in yeast water, stir.
   Pour 7.5 cups of flour into a large pan and make a deepening.
   Pour the resulting mass, oil, whipped whites into the flour and add salt to the flour. Mix everything.
   Pour 0.5 cups of flour onto the table, put the dough out of the pan and knead it, adding flour, until the dough is smooth and stops sticking to your hands (20 ~ 30 min).
   The test should turn out ~ 2.2kg.
   If wet yeast was used in the batch, cover the finished dough with a plastic wrap (so that it does not dry) and leave for a while.
   When the dough rises, it needs to be kneaded and allowed to come up again, after which it is possible to start forming the product.
   If you use dry moment "moment", then the molding can begin immediately after kneading.
   From the dough cut 600g. To form a ball from the rest and put on a baking sheet covered with parchment.

Grease the ball with water (preferably with a pastry brush).
   From the cut dough, mold decorations (flowers, braids, trellises, leaves) and place them on the loaf.

Since the surface of the loaf is smeared with water, the decorations will immediately stick. When the surface dries, you need to moisten it periodically.
   The decorations on top also immediately moisten, otherwise a crust will form on them.
   Leave the finished loaf until it increases by 3 times (in a warm room and with good yeast, the loaf will grow by the end of its decoration).

Grease the surface of the finished loaf with yolk mixed with a spoon of water.
   Heat the oven to t \u003d 200 ° C.
   Place the baking sheet with the loaf in the oven to the lower level.
   When the top of the loaf is lightly browned, carefully open the oven, cover the loaf with foil, reduce the temperature to t \u003d 180 ° C and bake until cooked (1 hour ~ 1 hour 20min).
   During baking, the loaf should not be disturbed - shake, open the oven, otherwise the loaf will fall off.
   Turn off the oven, open the door slightly and cool the loaf slightly (~ 15 min) without removing it from the oven.
Remove the loaf, transfer to a dish covered with paper napkins (otherwise the bottom will get wet), grease with butter or sweetened water. Put paper napkins on top and cover with a towel. Leave the loaf to "rest" for the night.

When preparing a wedding loaf, you need to follow some rules (the whole ceremony of baking a loaf is very complicated and almost forgotten).

Kneading dough and loaf decoration is done only by a married woman. Moreover, it is important that she be happy in marriage and have good children - it is believed that this woman shares her family happiness with the newlyweds.
   Before preparing the dough, she should wash, wash her hands, tie her head with a scarf and put on a pectoral cross.
   When mixing the dough, you must read the prayers (for example, "Our Father" and "Theotokos").
   A married man should put the loaf in the oven, while he or others should also pray.
   Serve the loaf after painting and wedding, before sitting at the tables.
   Parents of the groom (mother holds a loaf on an embroidered towel) congratulate the bride and groom.
   Young thanks parents and take a loaf.
   Now it has become customary to bite off or break off pieces from the loaf - whoever has the bigger piece will become the master in the house.
   The remaining loaf is cut (and the child is supposed to cut the wedding loaf according to the rite) and the guests are surrounded by them or put on the table.

prayer "OUR FATHER"
   "Our Father in heaven!
   Hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come;
   Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;
   give us our daily bread today
   and forgive us our debts
   as we forgive our debtors;
   and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
   For Thine is the Kingdom, and power, and glory,
   The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit now and ever and ever and ever. "

prayer "Hail Mary"
   "Virgin Mary, rejoice;
   blessed Mary, the Lord be with you!
   Blessed are you between wives
   and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
   like the Savior has given birth, eat our souls. "

An important element in preparing for the wedding celebration is the choice of wedding rings, because new spouses plan to wear these rings all their lives, therefore, you need to approach this choice with all responsibility and thoroughness. You will find a good selection of beautiful, original and inexpensive wedding rings on the website of our sponsor - Jewelry Company Almaz -

Loaf is a traditional wedding baking, which is a symbol of not only family happiness, but also fertility, as well as the transition from a bachelor carefree existence to a life full of obligations. Only experienced women who were happy in marriage baked it. In this case, in no case were childless, divorced, as well as widows allowed. It was believed that their fate could affect the future life of young people. Not everyone knows how to bake a loaf. After all, tradition gradually goes into oblivion. However, the recipes are still preserved.

A bit about traditions

May differ from each other. However, the baking method and associated ceremonies remain unchanged. The most suitable day for preparing a wedding loaf is Saturday. Everything necessary for baking is brought into the house, where preparations for the celebration will take place.

Cooking a wedding loaf should be accompanied by all the necessary ceremonies. Otherwise, he will not possess the magical power that is attributed to him. Now weddings are held at the end of the week. Therefore, in most cases, they order in a candy store. It is not right. Relatives of the newlyweds should bake the loaf.

It is worth noting that the size of the muffin also matters. There is a sign: the larger the loaf, the happier and stronger the marriage will be. Therefore, if desired, the amount of components that make up the muffin can be increased. In the old days, so large loaves were baked that it was simply impossible to lift them to one person.

How to bake a wedding loaf at home

To bake a loaf for the newlyweds, you must prepare all the products in advance. To make muffin you will need:

  1. From 7 to 9 glasses of wheat flour.
  2. 20 g dry yeast.
  3. 100 g of oil on a vegetable or cream basis.
  4. ½ cup milk. If necessary, can be replaced with water.
  5. 10 chicken eggs.
  6. 2 teaspoons of salt.
  7. 6 to 8 tablespoons of sugar.
  8. Spices for flavor. In this case, it is better to use vanilla sugar, lemon zest or cinnamon.
  9. Fillers for taste - raisins, marmalade, nuts and so on.

Dough preparation

So, how to bake a loaf for the newlyweds? First of all, you need to prepare yourself. Baking muffin in a bad mood is not recommended. After all, a loaf gives rise to a new marriage. Therefore, bake it should only be in a good mood. All recipes for loaves begin with the preparation of the dough. This is the most crucial moment. Since not everyone can bake a loaf at home, it is worth observing the sequence and doing everything carefully.

For starters, it is recommended to slightly warm the milk or water. The fluid should be warm, but not hot. Milk should be poured into a deep container. Dry yeast should be added here and mix everything carefully. Pour sugar into the liquid. One spoonful will be enough. It should be dissolved in milk.

After that, a small amount of wheat flour should be added to the dough. It must be sieved through a sieve. The result should be a dough, like a pancake. Sprinkle the finished dough with flour, and then cover with a towel or napkin. In this form, the mixture should stand for 1-1.5 hours. It will be possible to get the dough when it increases as much as possible. If this is not done in time, then cracks may form.

If desired, you can speed up the process. To do this, a container with a jar should be placed in a dish filled with warm water. It should be noted that with this method it is necessary to regularly change the water. This is necessary to maintain a certain temperature.

Kneading dough

How to bake for newlyweds? This process requires careful preparation, as well as compliance with all the rules. When the dough is ready, you can begin to knead the dough. How to do it?

First you need to separate the proteins from the yolks. This can be done with an empty plastic bottle. One of the yolks should be left to lubricate the workpiece before baking. What to do with the rest? The remaining yolks should be gently rubbed with sugar. The resulting mass should be introduced into a pair. Wheat flour should be poured into a deep container, separating a small amount to form jewelry. This will require approximately one glass.

In a separate container, beat the whites. Now you need to prepare the vegetable-based oil or melt the cream in a water bath. In flour, it is worth making a small depression, and then pour the yolks with dough and whipped whites into it. Salt and oil should be added to the mass. After this, you need to knead the dough well on the loaf. As a result, the mass should stop sticking to the hands. This process can last 30 minutes. The dough should turn out to be smooth and elastic.

When the mass is ready, it should be transferred to the dishes and placed in a warm place for two hours. After this, the dough should be kneaded and left for some more time. It must rise.

We form baking

So, how to bake a loaf beautiful and ruddy? After the dough is ready, you can begin to form a loaf. How to do it?

First you need to separate from the total mass from 500 to 600 grams of dough. This amount will be enough to form jewelry. From the remaining test it is necessary to form a ball. The baking sheet should be covered with parchment paper. Put a ball of dough on it. It is recommended to moisten the workpiece with water. This must be done very carefully.

Now you can start making jewelry. Billets and the loaf itself in the manufacturing process should be regularly moistened with water. So that all this does not dry out and does not crack. While the jewelry will be made, the loaf may increase in size.

Decoration Methods

Decoration loaf - this is another crucial moment. This process should be given special attention. After all, every element of the decor has a certain meaning. There are several ways to decorate muffins. In the first case, the elements are still attached to the raw loaf. This method is only suitable for experienced housewives. After all, there is a risk that jewelry will become blurry and lose their appeal.

The second way - this decoration loaf 15 minutes before readiness. This method is suitable for those who decorate muffin for the first time. In this case, the elements will have time to brown without losing their shape.

Jewelry and their meaning

It is customary to decorate a wedding loaf with elements that carry a hidden meaning. What to choose for muffin decor? Most often used for decoration:

How to sculpt jewelry

Making jewelry for the loaf is not an easy task, which requires accuracy and certain knowledge. So, here are some ways to create items from a test:

  1. To make a bunch of viburnum, you need to roll enough thick balls. After that, each blank must be cut into two parts. The result should be hemispheres. They should be fixed on the surface of the loaf, thus forming a branch of viburnum.
  2. To make a pigtail, it is necessary to twist three plaits from the test. Their length should be 2.5 times the circumference of the loaf. One edge of the workpieces must be carefully secured, and then braid from them. In conclusion, the element should be fixed with a skewer.
  3. To make a wheat ear, you should roll a tourniquet. One end should be narrow, and the second wide. After this, the workpiece must be transferred to the loaf. The wide edge should be slightly cut with scissors so that something like ears is formed.
  4. To make roses, you need to roll 3-4 thin circles. One of the blanks should be rolled up, and the next should be wrapped around it, slightly bending the edges. The result should be a neat and magnificent decoration.
  5. To form leaves, it is necessary to cut a rhombus from the rolled dough, and then cut its edges. The result should be teeth. Streaks on the leaves can be done with a knife.

Should I make a recess for salt

As a rule, a small indentation is made in the center of the wedding loaf. After baking, a small container of salt is placed in it. The notch on the pastry also needs to be decorated. To do this, you can use elements such as a pigtail, ears of corn or leaves.

When the newlyweds are presented with a loaf, they will have to break off a piece of muffin for themselves and, after dipping it in salt, eat it. This is an obligatory ritual, which symbolizes a pood of salt eaten together, and also portends a married couple a happy life.

How to bake a loaf

While preparing decorations for baking, it is necessary to turn on the oven and heat it to 200 ° C. When all the blanks are ready, it is necessary to decorate them with a ball of dough. At the end, the loaf should be covered with a solution prepared from yolk and a tablespoon of water. Thanks will be ruddy and mouth-watering.

So, how to bake a delicious loaf for a wedding celebration. The dish with the workpiece should be placed in a preheated oven. During the baking process, it is not recommended to open the door and check the readiness of the muffin. Otherwise, the loaf will settle and lose its splendor.

When the baking surface becomes rosy, it is necessary to cover the dish with foil, and then lower the temperature in the oven to 180 ° C. When the loaf is ready, it is necessary to cool it for 20 minutes. To do this, turn off the oven and open its door. Lightly cooled product should be put on a dish or tray, previously covered with napkins.

Final stage

The surface of the loaf must be lubricated with butter. Also for these purposes, you can use water with sugar. Top baking should be covered with paper towels, and then a towel. Baking in this form should "rest" during the night. It is worth noting that you can present such a loaf for a birthday.

Making wedding muffin is an event that requires accuracy and full dedication. The hostess must invest a piece of her soul in her creation. It is necessary to bake a loaf with love, as well as with prayers.