The most delicious choux pastry for dumplings. Choux pastry for dumplings

10.03.2020 Meat Dishes

Ideal dough - the base of dumplings must meet a whole list of requirements. Namely: to be tasty, thin, not torn during cooking, perfectly stored in the freezer, etc. Choux pastry for dumplings corresponds to all of them. Its best options are presented below.

Such a dough can be safely made the basis of not only dumplings, but also dumplings. Ingredients: table egg, 360-380 g flour, 1 tbsp. filtered water, 3 large spoons of refined oil, a pinch of table salt.

  1. First, wheat flour is sifted into a spacious bowl (2/3 of the total amount). It is worth repeating the procedure a couple of times.
  2. A depression is formed in the middle of the resulting pile. Not fragrant slightly warmed oil is poured into it. Next, kneading begins: first with a fork, and then with your hands.
  3. Freshly boiled water with salt is poured into the mixed components. It is the steep boiling water that ensures the rapid swelling of the gluten.
  4. As a result, choux pastry for dumplings and dumplings turns out to be surprisingly elastic and docile.
  5. When the brewed mass has cooled slightly, an egg is poured into it. The ingredients are mixed thoroughly again.
  6. The remaining flour is added and the firm dough is kneaded.

Before forming the dumplings, the mass should "rest" under the film for about an hour.

No added eggs

This is the simplest recipe and doesn't include any unnecessary ingredients. There are not even chicken eggs in it. And only: 390-410 g of flour, a pinch of fine salt, 60 ml of refined oil, 1 tbsp. boiling water.

  1. Boiling water is immediately poured into the stewpan. It is salted, combined with butter and half of the flour. In this case, the mass is constantly stirred with a wide spoon.
  2. When all the ingredients have cooled slightly, you can add the rest of the wheat flour to them. The dough is kneaded by hand.
  3. The kneading process continues until the mass acquires a homogeneous texture without lumps.

The dough should rest in the cold for 15-20 minutes.

Mineral water

Even carbonated mineral water can be an excellent basis for the dough under discussion. A full glass is taken. The rest of the ingredients: 4 cups light flour, a tablespoon egg, 4 large tablespoons of refined oil, a pinch of sugar and salt each. A detailed recipe for choux soda dough is described below.

  1. Mineral water is used with gases. It is poured first into a deep bowl. An egg is already driven into the mineral water. The mass is salted and sugared.
  2. After adding oil and light mixing, you can start pouring flour. Of course, it is advisable to pre-sift the product 1-2 times.
  3. When the dough begins to collect into the product, it is laid out on the table and mixed with your hands.
  4. As soon as the product stops sticking to your fingers, you can immediately roll it out and cut out blanks for dumplings.

This type of dough is ideal for curd filling.

How to cook in a bread maker?

This dough is versatile too. It can even be used for homemade noodles. Ingredients: 375 g of light wheat flour, 180 ml of boiling water, a pinch of fine salt, 3 large spoons of refined oil.

  1. The oil is measured out with a regular tablespoon and immediately poured into the container of the device.
  2. Flour with fine salt is also sifted into the bucket. Freshly boiled water is immediately poured from above. You need to use boiling water.
  3. The program of the device for kneading yeast-free dough will be used. It lasts 15 minutes. Then the device will do everything on its own.
  4. The resulting dough at the end of the program is laid out in a regular bag and left for 20-25 minutes. You can put it in the refrigerator.


The most delicious version of the dough under discussion is prepared on the basis of fatty milk. It's great if you can use your homework. The liquid is taken 250 ml. The rest of the ingredients: 60 g of high-quality butter, 2.5 tbsp. high-grade flour, 2 tablespoons eggs, a pinch of salt.

  1. Not cold milk combines with melted butter. The ingredients are well mixed, salted and brought to a boil over medium heat.
  2. The mass is removed from the fire, half of the flour from the recipe is mixed into it. When the food has cooled slightly, raw eggs are mixed in one by one.
  3. The rest of the flour is added. First you need to do this with a spoon, and then with your hands.
  4. As a result, you will get a plastic, loose dough.

Before further work, the mass should stand for half an hour under a towel.

Perfect dough for dumplings

To make the treat really perfect, you can choose a base for it, depending on the filling. The most popular are dumplings with potatoes, cherry and cottage cheese.

With potato

Ingredients: 810 g of high-grade flour, 260 ml of filtered water, 60 ml of quality olive oil, 2 g of rock salt.

  1. Half the flour is sifted into a bowl several times.
  2. Hot boiled water with salt is poured into a container with prepared products. You need to add it in a thin stream.
  3. Next, the rest of the flour and butter are added.

Many people love dumplings and dumplings. Of course, you can buy them at any store. But if you know how to make choux pastry for dumplings and dumplings, then you can easily make a delicious and satisfying treat yourself. Today we will talk about how you can do this.

Universal dough

It is considered to be universal choux pastry for dumplings. And this is not so strange - even khinkali can be easily cooked with it. Choux pastry for dumplings, the recipe for which we will now reveal, is prepared quickly and easily. You don't need any special ingredients or products for it - you can find everything in any store or supermarket. However, be patient and get down to work in a good mood. Otherwise, you won't be able to make a universal choux pastry for dumplings. So what do you need to cook?

What do you need

As already mentioned, you do not need anything special and unusual to make delicious dough for dumplings and dumplings. However, you should make sure that you have eggs in the refrigerator. At least one thing.

The taste of the dough largely depends on its main component - flour. For a multi-portion serving, you will need 3 cups of premium flour.

It is best to sift it. Then the dough will become even more tasty and without lumps. Also, keep salt and vegetable oil in your arsenal.

Since choux pastry for dumplings is not complete without water, you will need one glass of boiling water for a pinch of salt and 3 glasses of flour. It is best not to add too much liquid - then you will need more flour. This will break the proportion and will not fully provide the taste that should come out at the very end.

How to cook

So, now that you have a full range of necessary products in your arsenal, you can talk about how to make choux pastry for dumplings. The recipe is pretty simple. Take an egg and break it into a deep bowl. Add a pinch of salt and beat well with a fork. Now slowly add flour (3 cups) and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, stirring constantly. Do not do everything very quickly, there is no rush. In the preparation of the dough, haste only interferes.

Now slowly add a glass of boiling water and mix well the resulting mass. It is best to do it with your hands. The choux pastry for dumplings should be smooth and not sticky to your hands. If the preparation for future dishes is too sticky, add a little liquid (not warm or cold water, this is very important). Let the dough sit for a while - about 5-10 minutes. Then you can use it. Choux dumplings are light, tasty and satisfying.

Potato dumplings

Of course, when you know how to make a delicious choux pastry for dumplings, you can mold the main course as well. A fairly common option is dumplings with potatoes. They are quite satisfying and tasty. In addition, potatoes go well with onions, meat or mushrooms, which makes the dish even more interesting.

So, what does it take to make delicious dumplings with potatoes? Of course, our choux pastry! It must be fresh. Next, you will need a lump of butter, a pinch of salt, sour cream (or rich milk) and any "addition" to the potatoes. This, as already mentioned, can be meat, onions or mushrooms.

Boil the potatoes. When it's ready, take a crush and mash the vegetable. After that, add a little salt, butter and sour cream and mix the resulting mass. You should have a thick mashed potato. Refrigerate it slightly. Make sure that the cooked puree does not dry out.

While the potatoes are boiling, you can take care of the "additions". If you decide to cook dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms, then wash the second component, boil, finely chop and fry. It is enough to simply wash and fry the champignons. The meat is usually boiled or fried as well. The onion too, having previously chopped it as finely as possible. Fry until golden brown.

When the toppings and puree are done, stir together. After that, roll out the dough and cut it into circles. Now sculpt the dumplings, putting the mashed potatoes in the middle with a spoon. Sprinkle the prepared dumplings with flour on top and send to the refrigerator. Take it out in about five minutes. You can boil the blanks.

Sweet dumplings

Choux pastry is also great for sweet dishes. This way, you can easily make sweet dumplings. For example, with cherries or cottage cheese. The dish will turn out to be tasty, satisfying and sweet at the same time.

For great cherry dumplings, use the fresh choux pastry made according to the recipe above. Also, you will need a delicious cherry jam or preserves. In general, if you know a good brand that produces these products, you can choose jam / jam / jam of absolutely any taste. Even raspberry.

Now let's start making sweet dumplings with jam. Take the choux pastry and roll it out. Using a special tool or a regular glass, cut the dough into circles. Place about 1-1.5 teaspoons of jam in the center of each. Now all that remains is to "close" the workpiece and sprinkle it with flour. Place in the refrigerator for a while. It is best if the dumplings are slightly "frozen".

But the option with cottage cheese is even easier to prepare. Cut the custard dough for dumplings into circles, mash the low-fat (and best of all, low-fat) cottage cheese with a fork with a pinch of sugar, then put a little on the mugs and "close" them. Freeze in the freezer as usual.


So, today we have learned how to make an excellent universal dough and dumplings from it. As you can see, the process is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. True, as already mentioned, it is necessary to start cooking in a good mood - otherwise the dough will not work. This is a guarantee that your dumplings will fail! Do not be afraid to experiment with fillings - choose the one that suits your taste. Bon Appetit!

People are used to considering this aromatic and tasty treat as semi-finished products and do not refer to it as gourmet food. However, in many countries there are recipes that offer special technologies on how to prepare this dish. You can make your own choux pastry on dumplings or dumplings.

How to make choux pastry for dumplings

In different countries, the treat has its own names, for example, in Italy they are called ravioli. If you make choux pastry for dumplings at home, then the treat will turn out to be even tastier and more appetizing. As a rule, it consists of water, eggs and flour with salt, but the option under consideration has additional ingredients. Choux dumplings are very tender and delicious. A recipe always leaves some room for experimentation with spices and ingredients.

Choux pastry recipe for dumplings

Some people cook only according to the classic or universal recipe. It turns out choux dumplings dough, which is also suitable for making homemade dumplings. If you want something unusual, then you should try to add new components to the already known ones. You can choose and try any recipe for choux pastry for dumplings from the ones discussed below.

Boiled water dumplings dough with egg

Cooking time: 45 minutes.

Servings Per Container: 5-6.

Purpose: Dinner / Lunch.

Cuisine: Russian.

The dough for dumplings on boiling water with an egg will have a denser mass, it will stick better. You will end up with a very flexible base that will simplify and speed up the sculpting. Boiling water dumplings are prepared in 45 minutes and even a novice cook can handle the recipe. Below is a step-by-step recipe with photos that will help you prepare an excellent dinner.


  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • wheat flour - 3 tbsp.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • boiling water - 1 tbsp.;
  • salt - ½ tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. In a clean bowl, beat the egg and salt with a fork.
  2. Next, you need to add flour, vegetable oil. Stir the food thoroughly.
  3. Little by little, add boiling water to the mixture, first knead the mass with a spoon, then knead it with your hands. Look at the state, you may need to add flour.
  4. You should have a smooth bun. Leave it to swell for a while.
  5. Roll the base into a thin layer and you can start cutting out circles for future dumplings with a glass.
  6. The plasticity of the base allows you to use a lot of filling (will not tear). You should have juicy, tasty dumplings.

Choux pastry for dumplings without eggs

Cooking time: 30 min.

Servings Per Container: 2-3.

Calorie content: 215 kcal / 100 g.

Purpose: Dinner / Lunch.

Cuisine: Russian.

Complexity of preparation: easy.

Dough for dumplings with boiling water is easy to prepare without eggs. The process of creating a base is very simple, most of the time will be spent on sculpting. Choux pastry for dumplings without eggs is elastic, tasty and does not require many ingredients. The versatility of this recipe lies in the fact that it can be used for dumplings or pasties. Here's a step-by-step way to create a homemade, tender dumpling base.


  • sunflower oil - 3 s. l .;
  • flour - 3 cups;
  • boiling water - 1.5 cups.

Cooking method:

  1. In a clean bowl, combine butter, flour and salt in the proportions shown above. Next, you need to pour boiling water in a slow stream.
  2. Stir the ingredients thoroughly so that no lumps form.
  3. Cover the table with flour, put the base on it and start kneading.
  4. The finished result will be similar to plasticine, the dumplings will not tear when you start to cook them. You can roll out one large layer or several smaller ones if you have a shape.

Choux dough on milk for dumplings

Cooking time: up to 1 hour.

Servings Per Container: 5-6.

Calorie content of the dish: 240 kcal / 100 g.

Purpose: Dinner / Lunch.

Cuisine: Russian.

Complexity of preparation: easy.

Choux dough on milk for dumplings will be tender, light, soft and tasty. The cooking method is not entirely familiar, but there is nothing complicated about it. The ingredients below are designed for a large number of dumplings that can be put in the freezer and stored there. If you are a lover of other flour treats, then according to this recipe it will be possible to make pasties or dumplings.


  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • flour - 1 kg;
  • milk - ½ l;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine milk, salt, eggs in a saucepan.
  2. Next, you need to add enough flour so that the mass looks like the option for pancakes.
  3. Light the stove and place the ingredients on low heat. The mass will begin to swell and thicken.
  4. It is imperative to stir the base so that it remains homogeneous, does not burn, and is free of lumps.
  5. Remove the pan from the heat when the contents have thickened. You cannot bring to a boil, otherwise the protein from the eggs will curdle.
  6. Place the blank on the floured foil.
  7. Knead the workpiece well, adding the required amount of flour. The final product should not stick to your hands, you get an elastic, dense mass.
  8. After half an hour, the base should cool down and then you can start cutting it.

Choux pastry for dumplings in a bread maker

Cooking time: 35 min.


Calorie content: 215 kcal / 100 g.

Purpose: Dinner / Lunch.

Cuisine: Russian.

Complexity of preparation: easy.

If you wish, you can make choux pastry for dumplings in a bread maker. Modern household appliances greatly simplify the work in the kitchen. To brew the base, you just need to prepare the ingredients and set the required mode. You can use any filling you like: chicken, pork, or ground beef. Below is a step-by-step recipe for a great dumpling dough.


  • steep boiling water - 180 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • flour - 400 g;
  • salt - ½ tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare your oil and salt.
  2. Next, sift the flour.
  3. Put salt, flour, vegetable oil in the bowl of the bread machine and add boiling water.
  4. Select the yeast-free mode of the appliance for 15 minutes.
  5. Remove the finished result from the bread machine, put it in a bag for 20 minutes.
  6. When the base has cooled down, you can start preparing the dish.
  7. This is one of the quickest ways to make choux pastry for dumplings.

Choux dough dough - cooking secrets

The experience of cooking this dish is huge, many chefs have noted some features that simplify the process or help to achieve a better result. You can remember the following secrets of making custard dough dough:

  1. The quality of flour is very important, you should always take only sifted flour, the base should be kneaded around the circumference, in any direction convenient for you.
  2. After the end of mixing, cover with a damp cloth or towel on top, let the mass stand for about 30 minutes. During this time, the gluten will swell, the mass will become more elastic, which will make it easier to sculpt dumplings.
  3. It is recommended to mix the base with your hands, this is the only way you will be able to achieve the required consistency. For this reason, homemade dumplings are always tastier than store dumplings, where this process is performed by a machine.

Video: Dough for dumplings

This yeast-free, lean dough is perfect for making dumplings and other dishes.
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Lean choux pastry recipe:
vegetable oil.
Dough recipe for dumplings on the website
As well as:
Lean Mousse Cake
Lenten Pies
Lean dumplings with potatoes and pumpkin

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# lean dough # dough monkeys # brew dough # irinacooking #irinacooking

This is not a dough, but just a song! Delicate, elastic, pliable, pleasant to work with and very tasty! That dumplings, that dumplings or pasties always turn out with him just amazing. And you can also make delicious manti, poses, pies and flaky cakes from it. But what to tell, here is a review of one of the girls who tried it: "Super dough! There was not one person who would have tried my dishes from this dough and would not have asked for a recipe! And I keep quiet about my husband - I just have time to make the dough, and he gives me a list of orders from one portion of dough: dumplings, crumpets , pasties with cheese! With such appetites you will have to do it right away on a bucket of boiling water! "

1 egg
3 cups flour
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 cup boiling water

Add salt to the egg and beat with a fork.

Then add 3 cups flour and 1 spoonful of vegetable oil.

Mix well and add 1 cup boiling water (do not be afraid, there will be no glue)

Knead with a spoon

And then knead with your hands (if necessary, add a little flour)

Recipe author: Sweetness, photos: oldeg.