Custard for honey cake. Classic Honey Cream Custard

10.03.2020 Salads

Good day, dear readers of our culinary blog. Today I write my recipe specifically for the sweet tooth because it will be about delicious, literally melting in your mouth, honey delight. I present to you the recipe for a classic honey cake with custard at home.

You know, I'm just crazy about honey cakes because the cakes themselves are very tasty, with a honey aroma rich in golden brown. And these beautiful cakes are amazingly combined with various creams: sour cream, cheese-curd, custard, cream with condensed, including boiled, milk and butter. While the biscuits themselves are faceless and have a fairly pronounced smell of eggs. So, today I will describe one of the many options for making honey cake.


For the test:

1. Flour - 560 gr.

2. Butter - 90 gr.

3. Honey - 3 tbsp.

4. Sugar - 150 gr.

5. Eggs - 2 pcs.

6. Salt pinch

7. Soda - 1 tsp.

For cream:

1. Milk - 700 ml.

2. Sugar - 170 gr.

3. Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp.

4. Corn starch - 3 tbsp.

5. Eggs - 3 pcs.

6. Walnuts - 80-100 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Put a piece of butter, honey and sugar in a heat-resistant bowl. Put the bowl in a water bath and let it dissolve.

2. While the mixture is heated in a “bath”, beat with a whisk two eggs with a pinch of salt.

3. When the oil has dissolved, add a teaspoon of soda and mix.

4. Continuing stirring, pour the egg mixture into the bowl.

5. Periodically whisking the mass with a whisk, keep it in a water bath until this mixture turns white, porous and doubles.

6. After that, remove the mass from the stove, sift 500 grams of flour and add it to the bowl. Mix everything, you get a uniform sticky dough.

7. When it cools, sift the remaining flour, put the dough on it and knead it a little. All flour should not be mixed in, the dough should remain a little sticky, and the remaining flour will be enough to cut and prepare the cake.

8. Divide the finished dough into eight approximately equal parts.

Getting to baking cakes:

9. Now each piece needs to be rolled out very thinly, into a circle with a diameter of about 21 centimeters. For the cake we need cakes with a diameter of 20 cm, the trimmings will be sprinkled.

Pierce the cakes with a fork and send to the oven preheated to 200 ° C. They will be baked very quickly - up to 5 minutes, so do not overdo it, as the honey dough quickly burns out.

10. Cut the finished cakes, making them the same, you can use a plate or lid of the appropriate size.

11. So, now we will prepare the cream. To do this, pour milk into the pan, add 50 gr. sugar, as well as vanilla sugar and bring to a boil, periodically whipping it with a whisk. Remove from heat and leave for 30 minutes.

12. Meanwhile, mix the starch with the remaining sugar.

13. Then add to it one by one all the eggs, after each carefully mixing the mixture with a whisk so that no lumps form.

14. Dilute the egg-starch mixture 1/3 of the prepared milk, mix, and then, stirring, add the remaining milk.

15. Pour everything back into the pan and put on a small fire, cook, stirring, until thickened.

16. Ready cream, cool at room temperature for at least two hours. Since the cream will need to cool for so long, it is more advisable to cook it first, and then do the dough and cakes.

17. Wash and dry the walnuts, chop them with a knife, leaving a few whole halves for decoration.

18. Dry the remaining scraps from the cake in the oven and grind it into crumbs.

Getting to the assembly:

19. Now collect the cake. For each cake, approximately 3 tablespoons are required. with a slice of cream and some chopped nuts.

20. So collect all eight tiers. Apply cream to the sides and top of the cake. Now sprinkle everything with crumbs.

21. Decorate the sprinkled cake on top with the remaining chopped nuts, as well as the halves of the kernels, if desired. Now put the cake in the refrigerator for soaking, at least for the night. Bon Appetit!

Delicious honey cake is baked in many countries of the world. Its most popular option is a thick honey cake, which is traditionally prepared for the Jewish New Year. Foreign honey plants are rarely made from a large number of cakes, and very rarely they prepare cream for them. A huge number of variations of creams for honey cake is the merit of our inventive hosts.

Almost every family has its own recipe for soaking crispy crusts on honey. Each cream makes honey cake special. Sour cream, thanks to the slight acidity, invariably present in store sour cream, emphasizes and enhances the delicate honey taste of the cake.Fatter versions of it allow preserving crust of crusts, while liquid ones perfectly permeate the dough, making the cake soft and moist.

Custard with butter is in perfect harmony with the honey cake, adds butteriness and creamy aroma. Cream with condensed milk enhances sweetness and makes the taste unusually bright and saturated.

Depending on the amount of sugar, the fat content of the constituents, the lengths of cooking or whipping, the creams, and with them the cakes, are surprisingly varied. First, let's talk about sour cream, the preparation of which is light and taste is tender.

Sour cream

You must immediately stipulate that for the preparation of sour cream, only high-quality and as fresh as possible “today's” sour cream is required. These creams are not subjected to heat treatment, which means that the result and safety will depend on the quality of the main component. The easiest option for sour cream is to mix sour cream with sugar or powdered sugar with a mixer, blender or whisk.

  • 500 ml sour cream
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 300 g sour cream
  • 1 cup icing sugar
  • 2 cups sour cream
  • 1 cup of sugar

It all depends on how sweet honey cakes are made according to your recipe, and what sweetness you want to achieve in the end.

Another sour cream

Another recipe for sour cream, as a result of which creams are obtained a little more saturated, greasy and upright based on preliminary "weighing" of sour cream.

The proportions may be as follows:

  • 400 ml sour cream
  • 150 g of powdered sugar
  • vanillin on the tip of tsp
  1. A few hours before making the cake (3-4 hours, or even a whole night!) Strain sour cream through gauze or a thin clean towel. To do this, put gauze folded in several layers in a colander, spread sour cream on it. So that the product does not deteriorate, it is better to put this design in the refrigerator. If you hang gauze with sour cream over the sink, the process will go faster.
  2. From sour cream, serum is released, which flows through cheesecloth. Sour cream becomes more thick, dense, creamy.
  3. You can take sour cream of any fat content, but remember that there will be more whey from 15% sour cream. Consequently, less product will be left to prepare the cream.
  4. Then sugar is added to the sour cream and beat at high speed for about 15-20 minutes. The mass will increase in volume, gain density and airiness.
  5. This version of the cream is ideal for incomplete impregnation of honey cake and for effective decoration of cakes.

A few drops of lemon juice will add spice to the sour cream, walnuts or almonds - refinement (and calorie content!).

Custard - a harmonious component of honey cake

Custards are great for honey cake. Depending on the amount of butter or cream, they are more or less greasy, which, of course, affects the taste and degree of impregnation of honey cakes.

There are several points to consider when preparing custard.

  • When cooking cream, to avoid sticking it to the bottom of the pan, you need to use dishes with a thick bottom and stir constantly.
  • You will have to stir while cooling the cream, otherwise a dense film will form on its surface.
  • Cool custards to 10 degrees (first in air, then in the refrigerator)

1 custard recipe that goes well with the delicate taste of honey cakes


  • 1 cup milk (cream can be used)
  • 1 egg
  • 5 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 tsp flour or starch.

Sift flour through a sieve, beat in an egg and stir until lumps dissolve. Add ¼ of milk, mix again.

Stir with sugar and boil the rest of the milk. Brew an egg-flour mass with sweet boiling milk. Pour milk in a thin stream and stir constantly. The resulting mixture must be put on low heat, hold until the mass thickens (do not boil!) To avoid burning constantly stir.

After cooling the cream, it can be whipped with butter.

2 recipe. Custard without flour, characterized by special tenderness

The recipe is quite simple.

  • 2 cups of milk
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 300 g butter

Boil and cool the milk. Beat eggs with sugar, add milk. Mix gently. Boil the mixture for 2 minutes. Allow to cool. Butter must be removed from the refrigerator in advance. Beat the butter with a mixer or blender, gradually adding the egg and milk mass. Before lubricating the cakes, the sweet mass must be cooled.

Favorite Condensed Milk Cream

Delicious, rich, tender cream with condensed milk goes well with honey biscuit or cakes. According to the method of preparation, it looks like a custard.


  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Condensed milk - 200g. With boiled condensed milk is also very tasty!)
  • Vanilla.

Sift flour into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add sugar, milk and mix. Simmer the mixture until thick, stirring continuously.

Cool the resulting mass. Prepare softened butter. Now we proceed to the most crucial stage - combining the components and whipping the cream. Combine the cooked mass with condensed milk, and beat with softened butter. (The sweet mixture must be added to the oil in small portions)

Add vanilla flavor if desired.

Amazing semolina cream

A delicious recipe for semolina is useful to mothers of babies and gourmet wives.

You will need:

  • 1 liter milk
  • 4 tbsp. l semolina
  • 600 g of softened butter
  • 2 cups of sugar.
  • A pinch of salt

Lightly salt and boil milk, add semolina and cook for 15 minutes. To avoid foam, sprinkle with a little sugar. Cool. Beat butter thoroughly with sugar, adding 1 tablespoon of cooled semolina to the oil mixture. The lemon zest in the cream will perfectly complement the taste of honey cake.

Tasty cake "Honey" in most of us is associated with a children's holiday. It was prepared from honey cakes with a layer of cream made from sour cream. However, in recent years, a significant number of variations in the preparation of cake began to appear, in particular, sour cream was replaced by custard. Custard cream has many variations: from the classic version on a milk basis, to chocolate, vanilla, with condensed milk and so on.

In this article, we will consider several options for preparing a cream that will diversify your favorite cake and delight relatives and friends.

Cooking nuances

Before you start the process directly, you need to consider the main subtleties of its preparation:
  - if during the preparation of the cream after we combined the eggs with the flour, a very dense mass is obtained, then it is necessary to add a little milk;
  - when mixing eggs with milk, it must be remembered that in no case can you use hot milk, but only slightly warmed up, because when it comes in contact with hot liquid, the egg mass is curled;
  - when cooking the cream, it is necessary to constantly stir the mass and not be distracted until ready, since a few seconds of inattention can cause the cream to burn;
  - it is better to use a water bath for cooking, which will eliminate burning, but will require more time for cooking;
- after the cream is cooked, it needs to be cooled as soon as possible. It is better to store it in refrigerators, covered with cling film.

So, let's see how to properly prepare a delicious custard for the Honey cake.

Honey cake custard recipes

We will pick up several recipes in the hostess's piggy bank that will allow you to prepare a delicious custard for a layer of your favorite dessert. And first of all we will present you a recipe for a classic custard for your favorite honey-flavored cake.

Classic custard for honey cake

This classic recipe is the basis of the basics, but if desired, the hostess can cook it in various variations, experimenting with additional ingredients.

To do this, take 700 milliliters of milk, boil and cool.

Then it is slightly warmed up, it should be remembered that it should not be hot, but only slightly warm. To do this, it is enough to hold it on minimum heat for three minutes. After this, 230 grams of sugar is added, and cook until completely dissolved by constantly stirring with a spoon.

In a separate bowl, 3 chicken eggs are beaten with a mixer.

If there is no mixer, then you can always distract a man from watching football and offer to participate in the preparation by handing him a whisk. But the first option is faster and less troublesome. So, whipping the eggs, we gradually combine them with flour. It is necessary to do this little by little constantly stirring to exclude the formation of lumps, add 70 grams of flour. You should also make sure that the mass is not too thick.

At the next stage, the egg mass is combined with the preparing cream.

At the same time adding it, it is again necessary to stir the cream with the spoon all the time. Next, the cream mixture is cooked until it thickens. As soon as there are signs that it is boiling, you need to stir more intensively to exclude the possibility of burning.

After the mass has thickened, it is removed from the stove, given time to cool down a little, and then forty grams of butter is added. Then we wait until it cools to room temperature, and we can say that the classic custard is ready.

It's important to know!

According to the Ministry of Health, diets, exercise, pills and liposuction are the main methods today. weight losshowever, judging by the fact that the number of overweight people continues to grow, not one of them is truly massive and effective. Everything changed when Bee Slim, a drop for burning fat, appeared.

Says a doctor of the highest medical category, nutritionist, Sauta Leonid Aleksandrovich ..

Honey Vanilla Custard Recipe

This original recipe will allow you to cook a completely new cream, and thereby diversify your festive table, giving your favorite dessert a new taste.

For cooking, take three egg yolks and 5 grams of sugar.

All this is carefully rubbed until foam. Subsequently, 15 grams of starch and 1 tablespoon of flour are added.

In parallel, 320 milliliters of milk is taken and half the vanilla pod is dropped into it. All this is heated and brought to a boil. After heating, we remove the milk from the stove and allow it to cool to room temperature. The vanilla bean is removed and egg yolks with sugar are gradually added. At the same time, do not forget that the upcoming cream must be constantly stirred to avoid burning.

Then the mass is placed on the stove.

The custard should be cooked until it thickens. After which it is necessary to allow it to cool, and it is ready for the layer of cake.

Chocolate and Coffee Custard Recipe

  Coffee and chocolate will give the dessert an unforgettable taste and surprise guests.

To prepare it, we need to build a water bath and melt 180 grams of dark chocolate on it.

In parallel, 100 grams of starch is combined with the same amount of sugar, two chicken eggs are added to it, as well as 4 yolks previously separated from the protein. And all this is whipped for two minutes until the air mass.

In total, one glass of sugar is required, so the remaining part is combined with 1 liter of warmed milk (it should be warm, not hot), 1 teaspoon of instant coffee and a pinch of salt are added. All this is brought to a boil, and the mass cools for a minute.

After this, the egg and milk masses are combined, whipped to a level of uniformity. We put the resulting mixture on fire and let it thicken. Then add the melted chocolate, a drop of vanilla essence and 120 grams of butter, whisk and let cool. And please, the custard is ready and you can start assembling the honey cake.

Cream cheese recipe for honey cake

So, the main trend in modern society is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. A significant role in this belongs to the curd. Therefore, consider the possibility of its use in the preparation of your favorite dessert.

This recipe is initially prepared, like a classic custard.

After we remove from the heat and the mass cools down a little, 230 grams of cottage cheese is added. All this is thoroughly whipped until smooth.

Honey cake condensed custard recipe

  Nor and how can you forget the delicious custard recipe with condensed milk and butter. It can also be considered a classic.
  Take 2 tablespoons of flour, sifted. Then 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 cup of milk are added to it. All this is thoroughly mixed. The mixture is cooked on low heat until thickened. It is worth recalling that during cooking it is necessary to stir all the time. We give time to cool.

Then the resulting mixture is combined with condensed milk in an amount of 200 grams. In this case, the mass with the condensed milk already added must be mixed thoroughly and add 100 grams of butter. It should also be remembered that the oil is added in small portions. To the taste of the pastry chef you can add a little vanilla. And now, custard with condensed milk is ready.

Thus, the possibilities to prepare a custard are great. It all depends on the imagination of the confectioner. Experiment, and only after trying different options, you can choose the only delicious one that will become your favorite.

I advise everyone to cook a large honey cake with custard at home. Honey cake is a delicious juicy dessert, which they say "it melts in your mouth."

A honey cake is being prepared according to various recipes. For example, there is a cake recipe that needs to be prepared in advance or another dessert for tea drinking, which should be prepared 1.5 hours before it can be consumed.

The recipe varies depending on the complexity of the preparation. But the most important thing the cook needs to know is that honey cake must be handled very carefully.

General cooking principles

Custard honey cake is made on honey. The surfaces of the cakes should be abundantly smeared with homemade custard.

The recipe can be anything, read the article and choose one of them to create the perfect layer of homemade baking.

Honey can be used, both thick and liquid. It is important that you know that the mass of thick honey will be less than that of liquid honey.

And therefore 30 gr. thick honey fit in 1 tbsp. The liquid will be in 1 tbsp. 5 gr. more. In the event that the recipe indicates that the dough is brewed in a water bath, it should be borne in mind that it is not worth extinguishing soda.

If the dough does not warm up during the batch, the soda must be extinguished. When preparing a tender cake, a homemade honey cake with custard in a water bath, you need to consider that you need to extinguish soda with lemon juice.

A batch of cakes is baked in the oven. It needs to be warmed up to 190 gr. As the basis for the cream mass, you need to take milk.

There is also a recipe where milk needs to be replaced with water. In this case, the layer will be light. Cream should generously lubricate the top of the cakes, then the pastries will turn out to be incredible in taste!

All loose components that need to be taken for kneading should be altered immediately with milk or heated in a certain sequence over a fire to get a thick mass.

The cream will need to be put in the cold in order to subsequently smear the cake cakes. The composition of custards can be supplemented with various additional components that will give the honey cake an even more pronounced taste.

Custard for the honey cake does an excellent job of this task, but still I advise you to add nuts and fruits into it, you can add cocoa powder.

In general, the cook at home really has a place to turn around. As a result, the same large and beautiful cream cake as on this photo appears on the table.

Although a large dessert with cream is simple enough to prepare, it still does not say that it is not tasty and is not suitable for festive feasts. So, I suggest starting.

Classic custard in condensed milk

Classic honey cake mixes well with different creams. Especially popular is the impregnation based on condensed milk and sl. oils.

These products allow you to make a delicious impregnation in a couple of minutes, which perfectly complements the cake layers.

An impregnated tender dessert will not leave indifferent any sweet tooth. A custard cream composition is incredibly simple to prepare!

Plus, many housewives like the recipe, since the list of components is minimal. You need to choose high-quality condensed milk in a can in the store.

If condensed milk is made on the basis of powdered milk, it is better to refuse it.

Components: 1 Pack next oils; 1 can of condensed milk.

Step-by-step cooking algorithm with attached photo:

  1. I get the words in advance. oil from the refrigerator. It is necessary to give the mass a little soften.
  2. I put in a bowl butter, condensed milk. I interrupt well with a mixer.
  3. Leave 10 minutes for thawing. I take cakes and cover them with cream. That's it, the cake is ready!

Delicate cream has a high calorie content, and therefore it is worth knowing the measure in portions of eating your favorite cake. I advise you to cool the cakes during the assembly of treats, so that the oil did not start to melt on them.

Delicate cream with boiled condensed milk

As a layer, you can take boiled condensed milk. In this case, the impregnation will be very sweet and thick.

Since just condensed milk does not saturate the layer of cakes, it is worth using an addition to it - cl. oil. Boil homemade condensed milk in a water bath.

Components: 200 gr. next butter and 1 can of condensed milk (need to boil).

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I cook condensed milk in a water bath. You need to put it in a saucepan with water right in the bank and cook for 2 hours.
  2. Then I mix the softened sl. butter with condensed milk together. I interrupt the mass with a mixer so that the base is uniform in composition.
  3. It is necessary to let the cakes soak so that the cake is tender and soft.

It is worth noting that the cream is not able to soak dry cakes, and therefore if you want the cake to be tasty, you should choose another impregnation - fatter.

In order for the honey dessert to be soaked, it is worth putting it in the refrigerator for a while. Cooking should not be difficult even for those who first encountered this task.

Interlayer for cake without cl. oils

As a creamy mass for cake layers, you can use different products. This time I propose a cream mass recipe without cl. oils for honey.

Components: 0.5 tbsp. Sahara; 200 ml cream; 1 PC. chickens. egg; 2 tsp starch.


  1. Chickens. I interrupt the egg with starch.
  2. I introduce 1/3 of the cream into the mass, mix to get a homogeneous mixture.
  3. Pour the cream that remained, pour into the stewpan and send to a slow fire. I introduce sugar, mix, then pour in a stream from the hens. eggs, constantly interfering.
  4. I put the stewpan on a small fire on the tile, mix to make the mass thick. It is certainly not necessary to bring the cream to a boil. Since it is fraught with the fact that the taste goes bad at all.

I grease the cakes with cream. I leave for 1 hour to insist. That's all, the cake is soaked and ready, now you can serve it to the table! Make delicious tea.

Cream for Honey cake on sour cream

One of the best recipes for sour cream. To make the composition thick, saturated and oily, you can use this option for the preparation of the layer.

Components: 225 gr. sah. powder 600 ml of sour cream (high fat content); the van. sugar.


  1. Sour cream is poured into a deep-walled bowl.
  2. Then sugar, vanillin is added. The mass is thoroughly mixed with a mixer for 20 minutes.

The resulting composition will be tender, tasty and airy. Sour cream can be low-calorie, then you need to add a thickener to the product list.

In this case, the cream will become thick and perfectly cover the honey cake.

A simple custard recipe

Some housewives do not want to prepare a portion of cream for cakes, because they believe that it is difficult to do.

They resort to the use of other products so as not to associate their time with the custard composition.

It should be noted that everything is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. I propose to start!

Components: 250 gr. next butter and sugar; 70 gr. flour; 1 liter of milk; vanillin; 3 pcs. chickens. eggs.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. Sugar, vanillin, flour, chickens. eggs - mixed in a bowl with deep walls and interrupted with a mixer.
  2. Only then milk is introduced, but at the same time you need to constantly interrupt the mass. A mixture with custard cream composition should have a uniform structure.
  3. Pour the custard mixture into the stewpan over a small fire and cook to make the mass thick. Constantly disturbing her.
  4. I take it off the fire, let the mixture cool, put it on. oil and interrupt with a mixer.
  5. Custard perfectly soaks the honey cake. Cakes will become soft. And so that the pastries have a mouth-watering aroma, I advise you to introduce vanilla sugar into it.

As you can see, even the most difficult way to prepare cream for a honey cake, as many housewives believe, should not really cause problems for beginner cooks.

Do not be afraid of the task, never once encountering it in the kitchen!

  • It is important to use exclusively fresh, high-quality products for cooking. You need to take a good word. oil that will soften perfectly.
  • Words oil 1 hour before cooking should be put on the table and put in a bowl. At room temperature, the product should become softer.
  • Beat the words butter is better in a bowl by dipping it in a saucepan with cold water or filling it with ice. This is necessary so that the cream mass does not lose its shape and is thicker.
  • The quality of the creamy brewed mass will depend on the amount of flour or starch introduced into it. The more of them, the thicker the mass.
  • Lumps need to be removed from the composition of the layer, and therefore gradually introduce flour in small portions.
  • The mass of the creamy layer will be soft, light, lush and pleasant to taste. You can take it not only for honey treats, but also for impregnation of biscuit cakes, based on shortcrust pastry.
  • The cream layer will be thick if you take sour cream from 30% fat. It is imperative that the product must be properly chilled in the refrigerator before being interrupted by a mixer. You can add cream to the mixture, then the impregnation will become even more resistant.

Cook with pleasure, and be sure that no sweet lover will surely refuse portions of honey treats! Especially if there will be a fresh honey cake on the table!

My video recipe

And in this company I add another classic honey cake with custard - tender, soaked, large and very tasty. It really melts in the mouth, so the cakes are soft and well-soaked. To make you have the same magnificent cake, I'll show you how to bake honey cake for cake and cook custard for honey cake. Well, with the decoration, I think you can handle it without my prompts. Usually I don’t have the time or energy to decorate, so this time it’s more than just that: crumbs from pieces of cake and frozen berries.

I got eight crusts with a diameter of 22 cm. I did not roll the dough to the thickness of tissue paper, because thin crusts get sour, and I get a single sweet mass. The optimum thickness is 0.5 cm. During rolling and 1-1.5 cm. After baking.

I can say that a classic honey recipe with custard in cooking is even easier than most holiday desserts. Cakes are baked for five minutes, the cream is ready in half an hour. A couple more hours for soaking and you can put the cake on the table.


The recipe for a honey cake with custard includes these products:

For shortcakes:

  • butter - 60 g (or a third of a pack);
  • granulated sugar - 200 g;
  • thick honey - 2 tbsp. l;
  • large eggs - 2 pcs;
  • soda - 1 tsp. with a slide (do not extinguish);
  • salt - a pinch;
  • flour - 2.5 cups in the dough + 120 g. for rolling out the cakes and topping the baking sheet.

For cream:

  • milk 2.5-3.5% fat - 1 liter;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • wheat flour - 4 tbsp. l with a small hill;
  • eggs - 4 pcs;
  • sugar - 1 cup (180 g).

How to make honey cake with custard. Recipe

I cook dough for a honey cake in a water bath. This is such a design of two pots of different diameters, water is poured into one of them (lower, which is larger), and products are laid out in the other, upper. I take pans of such a size that one tightly fits into the other, does not hang from wall to wall, otherwise it will be inconvenient to mix. And another important point - you need to pour enough water so that it does not reach the bottom when the boil begins.

For the test I use good butter. In the honey cake recipe with custard, neither spreads nor margarine are suitable, it is not worth saving in this case.

I add thick natural honey to the melted butter. Again, I repeat - do not save, buy high-quality, proven products.

Having mixed honey with oil, I bring the mixture to a homogeneous consistency. I pour in sugar. I leave it in a water bath until the grains almost dissolve. It will take about 10-12 minutes. Do not forget to stir so that sugar is not collected by lumps.

I break eggs into a bowl, add a pinch of salt for better whipping.

Whisk with a whisk until a light foam appears. It is necessary to achieve the connection of yolk and protein so that when it enters the hot mixture, the protein does not curl into flakes.

I pour beaten eggs into a thawed sugar in a thin stream. All this time I stir vigorously with a spoon, preventing the eggs from brewing.

I continue heating for another five minutes, now I need to bring the mixture to homogeneity, dissolve all sugar crystals.

A well-heated mixture will lighten a little, a light-colored cap will appear on top, and the color will be darker below. Add soda. You do not need to extinguish it! Soda is quenched with honey; in the finished cake, its taste is completely not felt.

After adding soda, the mass will become light, very lush and will begin to foam. At this stage, it can burn, so I stir almost continuously.

In about ten minutes the first golden stains will appear, the foam will become even greater. Pay special attention to the walls and bottom, where the sweet mass adheres and quickly changes color due to strong heating of the metal.

Tip.  If the water has boiled, add only boiling water so that the process of brewing the dough is not interrupted by a change in temperature.

To what color to cook is up to you. For my honey experts I make an intense golden dough. It takes 20 to 30 minutes from the start of cooking. If you want the cakes to be light, cook until the first darkish stains appear.

Remove the dough from the water bath, let it cool for a few minutes. Measure out 250 grams of flour, sift. For the first addition I take about a third, pour it through a sieve into a pan with a hot mixture.

Quickly mix with a spoon, rub all the lumps. When adding flour, the dough will begin to thicken, so it is better to introduce it in parts, so that it is more convenient to mix.

Pour the next batch, also mix quickly. In general, the dough for the honey cake is made very quickly, you need to introduce all the flour while the mixture is warm and hot.

After the second serving, you will get a thick, very viscous and sticky mass. The spoon is already stirring it with difficulty.

Add the rest of the flour. While possible, mix with a spoon. The dough will become more dense, but will remain sticky.

Sift a little flour on the table. I spread the dough and mix it with my hands, bring it to such a density that it can be assembled into a soft ball.

Having run the ball in flour, I form a wide flat sausage or bar.

The dough is very plastic, soft - this is how it should be, otherwise you will not be able to roll it. Dipping a knife into flour, cut the dough into pieces of the same size. I got eight blanks.

It should be noted that when cooling, the dough partially loses its plasticity. For ease of forming, I make round billets from each piece.

I will show how one cake is rolled out, the rest are done exactly the same. First, I knead with my hands in a cake about 3-4 cm thick. I sprinkle flour on the board or table. I spread the workpiece on flour, I also sprinkle it on top, otherwise it will stick to the rolling pin.

I roll it out with a rolling pin, turning over and sprinkling flour every time. When it is thinned to 0.5 cm, I transfer it to a baking sheet sprinkled with a layer of flour. Often prick with a fork over the entire surface.

I send the pan to the oven with a temperature of 200 degrees to an average level. I bake honey cake cakes on two baking sheets. While one is baking, the second is rolling out. Five minutes later, or as soon as the color turns golden, I take it out and send the next one to the oven.

Pruning should be done while the cakes are hot. Immediately cover with a shape or plate of a suitable diameter. I cut with a knife in a circle. I put the scraps in a bowl, I transfer the cake to a flat surface. So I bake all the cakes - in fact, the process is very fast, like a conveyor belt - rolled out, baked, and so on in a circle.

While the cakes are cooling, I cook custard for honey cake. I break eggs in a saucepan, pour sugar. You can put a little less sugar and then add if the cream does not seem sweet enough.

Whisk well with a whisk, a homogeneous, viscous mass should be obtained.

Sifting flour through a sieve. The proportions are as follows: for one egg, a spoonful of flour with a small hill.

Again, beat with a whisk, rubbing all the lumps properly. The result should be a smooth, silky mass absolutely homogeneous. If you leave the lumps, then when brewing, they will not disperse, but will become dense and the cream will turn out to be heterogeneous.

Pour in cold milk, mixing with egg and flour mass. Stir until all the components are connected.

I put on a low fire, I heat it. When heated, the cream will begin to thicken quickly, it must be stirred with a whisk from the moment it was put on fire. I cook 12-15 minutes before thickening. All this time I constantly stir, a sweet thick mass has the ability to burn - do not forget about it!

I cool the finished cream to such a temperature that the oil does not melt, but softens and interferes with the cream.

After adding the butter, the custard will become silky, very tender. You can look at a consistency on a photo.

Getting to the assembly of the cake. It should be noted that it is impregnated very quickly. After an hour, a maximum of two cake can be put on the table. Calculate the serving time so that the cake does not spend the night in the refrigerator, it will settle and become excessively soft. I put one cake on a flat plate, coat with cream.

I cover with the next and so until the cakes end. For the top I choose the most even, without damage. I squeeze a little, squeeze out the excess cream. Then I take a brush and coat with cream the sides of the cake, filling the voids. Lubricate the top.

How and with what to decorate a honey cake with custard is a matter of taste and opportunity. But in general, it’s not worth it especially wise, you can simply crush the trimming of the cakes or pass through a meat grinder and sprinkle on all sides. Or make the cake more charged using fresh, frozen berries, fruits, cocktail cherries, candied fruits or nuts.

Well, honey cake with custard is ready, the recipe with step-by-step photos turned out to be very voluminous and I hope it will be useful to you. Finally, the tip - honey cake with custard is very tender, juicy, so pick it up immediately on a serving platter or large flat plate so as not to shift. Good luck with your pastries, friends, and enjoy your tea! Your Plyushkin.

One version of the honey cake with custard recipe in video format