Apple and pear compote recipe. Recipes for compote from fresh apples and pears for the winter, how to cook and store blanks

The proportions of apple and pear compote
Water - 1 liter
Sugar - 1 glass
Apples - 3 pieces
Pears - 3 pieces

Food preparation
Rinse apples and pears, dry, remove seed pods and stalks, cut into slices.

How to cook apple and pear compote in a saucepan
1. Pour water into a saucepan, put on fire, add sugar to hot water and stir it.
2. Boil the syrup for 10 minutes after boiling over low heat.
3. Put apples and pears in a saucepan and cook for 5 minutes.

How to cook apple and pear compote in a slow cooker
1. Pour water into a multicooker saucepan, add sugar.
2. Set the multicooker to the "Baking" mode, boil the syrup after boiling for 10 minutes.
3. Put apples and pears, continue cooking in the same mode for another 10 minutes.

Harvesting apple and pear compote for the winter
1. Arrange apples and pears in sterilized jars with a slotted spoon.
2. Bring the syrup to a boil again and pour over it carefully, in a thin stream.
3. Seal the jars with compote hermetically, cool and store.

When properly prepared, apple and pear compote will be stored for up to 1 year.


The taste of apple and pear compote directly depends on the type of fruit: if the apples are too sour, you should dilute the acid with sweet varieties of pear. And if the pears and apples are sour, more sugar should be added.

Compote from apples and pears, as a rule, has a pale yellow color, sometimes slightly cloudy. To make the compote brighter, add a few plums, raspberries, blackberries or currants.

To get a transparent compote, it is necessary to cook whole apples and pears - then the pulp will not boil down.

Now, during a feast, you will not surprise anyone with a store-bought juice or a bottle of soda water. Homemade aromatic compote is another matter. Experienced housewives have been trying to stock up on conservation for the winter since summer. Cooked “vitamins in a can” are much healthier and safer than drinks from supermarkets. Having rolled up a few liter jars, you can enjoy the vitamin compote throughout the year.

Nutritious and tasty compotes are also obtained from dried fruits. Uzvar made from dried fruits and berries perfectly quenches thirst in summer and strengthens the immune system in cold weather. Despite the fact that there are numerous fruits on store shelves all year round, it is safest to dry the fruits from your own garden and then brew an aromatic drink later. Several cups of homemade compote add strength, cheer up and enrich the body with useful substances and vitamins.

If the season of fresh fruits has come, then a delicious compote will be obtained from the freshly harvested fruits. Simple photo and video recipes for making classic apple, pear, grape, currant and other drinks can be found on the Internet. One of the most popular recipes that mothers and grandmothers discuss is apple and pear compote.

Housewives ride, sterilize jars of fruit and share culinary tips on the World Wide Web. Apple-pear compote has a very easy and quick way of cooking. In addition, it can be added to the diet of infants after six months. The kid will appreciate the sweet pleasant taste and will drink it with pleasure.


Servings: - + 15

  • apples ½ kg
  • pears ½ kg
  • sugar 1 st
  • water 3 l

Per serving

Calories: 104 kcal

Proteins: 0.3 g

Fats: 0 g

Carbohydrates: 25.7 g

30 minutes. Video Recipe Print

    Rinse the fruit thoroughly, peel off the tails, pits and cores, cutting in half. Throw away the spoiled and rotten ones. Divide the halves into two more parts.

    Mix the fruit mixture and place in a saucepan. To fill with water. Put on the stove.

    When it boils, turn the gas quieter and add sugar. Cook for 20 minutes over low heat.

    Turn off and leave the compote to infuse. After half an hour, strain and leave to cool completely.

    The drink can be served at the table.

    Advice: a multicooker will help save time. Load all the ingredients into it and set the right time. She will do the rest herself.

    Apple, pear and banana compote

    If you are bored with the classic recipe for sweet compote, you can try experimenting and prepare an exotic drink from three ingredients: apples, pears and bananas. This dessert will be appreciated by your child. The drink has a special taste and delicate fruity aroma. Don't worry about bananas, they are hypoallergenic. They can diversify the menu even for babies.

    The cooking process is no different from the traditional one. However, one condition must be considered. In order to prevent bananas from turning into a thick gruel during cooking, they must be added last and cook for no more than 3-5 minutes. After the compote is infused, strain it and serve chilled. The original and unexpected taste of the drink will pleasantly surprise your household and bring a lot of benefits. Vitamins and minerals found in fruits will help strengthen the immune system and feel more invigorated.

    A dessert drink made from fruit is a great addition to any lunch or dinner. The taste of homemade natural compote is familiar to everyone from childhood. During the cooking process, fruits do not lose much "vitamin" reserves, therefore compote is rightfully considered a treasure of useful substances.

This drink will not only delight you with its taste, but also with its benefits, as you will know for sure that there are no colorants, flavorings, flavor enhancers and preservatives in your compote. The drink is prepared only from fresh, ripe and natural products.

So, today we will cook compotes from apples and pears, so we want to remind you a few simple rules, following which you will get the most delicious compotes.

Apple compotes

  • For such compotes, it is best to choose apples of sweet and sour varieties that are almost fully ripe, but not yet overripe, since if the apples are unripe and hard, then they will be tasteless in the compote and you will not get any aroma from them, and overripe apples will quickly fall apart and lose their shape.
  • Select apples without visible damage, rather large in size. Apples should be sorted by grade so that each jar contains apples of the same grade.
  • Wash the apples thoroughly; you can also remove the skins and cores from them. Cut the apples into wedges.
  • If your apples are small, then they can be preserved whole. And from apples of delicate varieties, the skin can not be cut off.
  • Put the peeled and chopped apples in cold, slightly salted or acidified water. Do not keep apples in water for more than half an hour, as they will leave all vitamins and nutrients in the water.
  • Before putting the apples in jars, it is advisable to blanch the apples for 6-7 minutes, after which they will not darken and will not lose volume. After blanching, the apples must be cooled immediately in cold or ice water. The water in which the apples are blanched is usually used to make syrup.
  • All cans for compote must be thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water, as well as dried. You can also sterilize them in boiled water or in the oven.
  • It is necessary to fill the jars with apples up to the "shoulders" and pour hot 25-30% syrup (for 1 liter of water - 250-300 g of sugar).
  • Cover with lids and put on pasteurization: 0.5-liter - 15-20 minutes, 1-liter - 20-25 minutes, 2- and 3-liter - 30-35 minutes.
  • You can do without sterilization: pour apples in jars with hot syrup, stand for 3-5 minutes, drain, boil the syrup and pour apples again. Repeat this procedure one more time and roll up with sterilized lids.
  • When preparing assorted compotes, remember that compotes with the addition of stone fruits (cherries, plums, apricots, etc.) cannot be stored for more than a year, as in this case there is a risk of poisoning. If you are preparing compote for long-term storage, try to remove all the seeds.

Pear compotes

  • For such a compote, unripe pears should be selected, with dense pulp, without flaws and bruises.
  • Small pears can be preserved whole. Large ones are best cut into 2 or 4 pieces and core removed. If the skin of the fruit is dense, tough, it needs to be peeled.
  • To prevent peeled pears from darkening, they must be poured with acidified citric acid in cold water. Do not keep pears in water for a long time, otherwise a lot of vitamins from the fruits will go into it. Prepare compote syrup, focusing on the taste of pears - the sweeter they are, the less sugar is needed for the syrup, but at the same time you need to add a little citric acid to it.
  • Remember also that the compote made from some pears will be tasty, but it looks pale, so to improve its appearance, you can add a handful of bright berries to a jar of pears, for example, viburnum, mountain ash, raspberries, currants, etc.
  • The most beautiful are assorted compotes.
  • Especially for you, we have selected the most delicious recipes for making compotes.

Apple compote with vanilla


  • 1 kg of apples
  • 1 liter of water
  • 300-400 g sugar
  • vanilla on the tip of a knife

Cooking method

Sort out and wash the apples thoroughly. They should be moderately juicy, not overripe, without spots or damage. Cut off the stalks. Prick each apple in several places with a sharp toothpick or a thick needle - so the skin will not burst on them. Boil sugar and water syrup, strain, add vanilla and bring to a boil again. Place the apples in prepared jars up to the shoulders, fill with hot syrup and put to sterilize or pasteurize. Roll up, turn over.

Apple compote without sterilization


  • 1 kg of apples
  • 1 liter of water
  • 250-300 g sugar

Cooking method

Fill the jars with prepared apples to the shoulders and pour boiling syrup of water and sugar to the edge of the neck. After 3 minutes, drain, bring to a boil and pour back into the jars. Soak for another 3 minutes, drain, bring the syrup to a boil and pour over the apples so that the syrup spills over the edge of the jar. Roll up, turn over.

Sterilized apple compote


  • 1 kg of apples
  • 1 liter of water
  • 250-300 g sugar

Cooking method

Place prepared apples in jars and cover with hot syrup. Leave for 6-8 hours, then add syrup to the edge of the neck and put to pasteurize at 85 ° C: 1-liter - 15 minutes, 2-liter - 20 minutes, 3-liter - 30 minutes. Roll up.

Summer apple and black currant compote


  • 1 kg of apples
  • 400 g black currant
  • 1 liter of water
  • 600-700 g sugar

Cooking method

Put the prepared apples and currant berries in jars up to the shoulders and pour cold syrup from water and sugar and leave for 6-8 hours. Then add syrup to the top and put on sterilization: 1-liter - 5 minutes, 2-liter - 8 minutes, 3-liter - 12 minutes (or pasteurize at 85 ° C, respectively, 15, 25 and 30 minutes).

Assorted compote of apples, pears and plums


  • 1 kg of apples
  • 400 g plums
  • 200 g pears
  • 1 liter of water
  • 200-400 g sugar

Cooking method

Prepare the apples as usual, peel and cut the pears in half, leave the plums whole if the compote will not be stored for more than a year, or cut in half and remove the seeds. Place the fruits in jars up to their hangers, fill with hot syrup and put to pasteurize at a temperature of 85 ° C: 1-liter - 15 minutes, 2-liter - 25 minutes, 3-liter - 30 minutes (or sterilize in boiling water, respectively, 5, 8 and 12 minutes).

Pear compote without sterilization

Ingredients for a 3 liter can:

  • 1 kg 300 g pears
  • 110 g sugar
  • 3 l of water
  • citric acid to taste

Cooking method

Wash the pears and place in a saucepan. Pour in water, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes over medium heat. Place the pears in a sterilized jar. Add sugar and citric acid to the pear broth, stir until completely dissolved. Bring the syrup to a boil and pour over the pears in the jar. Roll up, turn over.

All ingenious is in simplicity. This is definitely said about this recipe for the winter. Delicious homemade compote that combines all the virtues of pears and apples. Individually, these are fairly simple fruits that are familiar to all of us.

But in a duet, they reproduce a simply magnificent drink, pleasantly quenching thirst. The drink turns out to be very rich, fruity, aromatic. It can easily replace factory juices, sweet waters. Guests will be pleasantly surprised, because everyone loves homemade delicious drinks. You can prepare such a vitamin compote quickly and without much effort, and a recipe with a photo will help with this. Follow the instructions step by step and you will succeed.


  • apples - 500 g;
  • pears - 200 g;
  • water - 2200 ml.;
  • sugar - 350 g.

How to make apple and pear compote

We select ripe, juicy and sweet fruits. If there are damages on the fruits, then we cut them off. We wash the apples and pears, cut each fruit into several pieces. Do not forget to cut out the middle with seeds and remove the tails.

We clean glass containers with baking soda, wash them under water and disinfect them over steam / in an oven / microwave oven. After sterilization, dry the jars, if necessary, and put chopped fruits in them. Each bank must be half full.

Now pour the fruit with boiling water for a third of an hour and cover it with a seaming lid on top.

When the water has cooled slightly, pour it into a container and cook from it a sweet filling for compote. To do this, add sugar (350 g +/-), boil to dissolve the crystals.

Fill the fruit jars with hot sweet syrup.

It remains only to roll up the compote with lids, using a special preservation key. We leave the blanks on a flat surface "upside down" and cover them with a thick blanket.

When the compote has cooled down, we can store it in a suitable place.

Step 1: Prepare the fruit.

We wash apples and pears very thoroughly with running water. If you want to prepare the most useful compote, then you do not need to peel the fruit from the skin, but you need to thoroughly rinse them, helping yourself with a soft brush or sponge. Dry the fruit with disposable paper towels after washing.
Cut apples and pears into slices, simultaneously cleaning out the cores with seeds from them, as well as cutting out the twigs and antennae.
Attention: for compote, ripe strong fruits are best suited, without traces of rot or disease, as well as those who did not have time to over-ripe.

Step 2: Pour boiling water over the fruit.

Put the peeled and chopped pears and apples in a jar (or in jars, as you prefer) in a 1: 1 ratio (that is, the number of pear slices should be equal to the number of apple slices). Pour boiling water over the slices of fruit, filling only half the jar, but all the pieces of apples and pears should be in the water. Leave everything like this to soak for 1 hour.

Step 3: Bring the apple and pear compote until cooked.

After 1 hour, pour the water from the cans into the pan, adding a little more water to it, so that next time you have enough to fill the container to the very neck. Pour in the granulated sugar, add a little citric acid and, stirring all the time, bring the syrup to a boil, making sure that everything added to it dissolves without residue.
Pour over the pears and apples with hot sugar syrup just removed from the stove. Fill the jar completely, and then immediately close it tightly with a boiled lid, this will ensure the best preservation of your compote.
Turn the jars with the blanks upside down and place them on the lids to cool.
After the apple and pear compote has cooled to room temperature, the jar with it can be turned back with the lid up and the workpiece can be removed to a dark, cool place, along with your other pickles and jams.

Step 4: Serve the apple and pear compote.

Apple and pear compote is a very healthy and natural drink that perfectly replaces all these purchased fizzy drinks from the store and children like it no less. The pleasant color, aroma and taste of this compote will remind you of a distant sunny summer. The main thing is to hide the jars with the blank away so as not to accidentally drink them even before the onset of winter, because this fruit drink is so good that you will not even notice how it disappears, leaving empty jars behind.
Bon Appetit!

For taste, you can add a sprig of mint or cinnamon to the compote, for example.

Citric acid can be substituted with fresh lemon or orange.