Marshmallow: benefits and harms, composition of airy sweetness. What sweets can you eat while losing weight

14.08.2019 Healthy eating

The sweetness of sweetness is different, and if cakes or cookies are strictly prohibited during a diet, then a white, pink or creamy airy delicacy may well become a wonderful dessert, because marshmallows are not only tasty, but also low-calorie product.

It was invented in Russia in the 14th century, although many argue that the origin of the dessert is the merit of the French. This sweet, airy delicacy will not leave anyone indifferent, especially if only natural products are used for cooking.

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Marshmallow is a type of marshmallow. To make marshmallows, egg yolk and sugar are the main ingredients. This dessert was first created in Asia, but the original recipe bears little resemblance to what is now sold in stores.

Marshmallow is a confectionery product belonging to the genus sugary. This kind of marshmallow has an ancient origin. Historians claim that it appeared in the Middle East, Western Asia, and Southern Europe. In the preparation, egg white and granulated sugar were used as the main components.

The ancient oriental sweetness is different from today's. A modern type of marshmallow with balanced BJU performance was invented by Ambrose Pavlovich Prokhorov. Delicious airy sand-amber colored bars can be bought in the town of Belev in the Tula region.

Types of diets

A dietitian doctor is able to advise and choose the right regimen for a particular case. People have taste preferences, physical indicators. People are interested in how much to limit food intake in order to achieve weight loss.

Recently, the following list of unloadings is gaining popularity:

  • protein;
  • mono;
  • separate;
  • vegetable;
  • by blood group;
  • from celebrities;
  • date;
  • pumpkin.

According to the Dukan diet, filled with proteins, sweets are forbidden to man. Pamper the body even with food restrictions. Otherwise, there is a chance to break loose, not to withstand the restrictions.

In the evening, you are allowed to make yourself a cream soufflé from eggs, bran, vanillin, milk, sugar substitute. The cream soufflé will provide the body with the necessary proteins, and the brain with the hormones of joy. A person will be able to adhere to the correct diet, a result will be achieved, and the weight will decrease.

Reviews exist for separate meals. Observing such a meal, a person consumes all products. They choose healthy food. Pies, pies do not have any nutritional value, you should not use flour. Dessert dishes made from berries and fruits are welcome.

Vitamins will prevent vitamin deficiency. Collagen, which contains gelatin, will provide toned, healthy skin. When losing weight, stretch marks often appear on the skin, adding collagen to the diet will prevent striae.

What sweet foods are allowed to eat losing weight

Zephyr using agar-agar

For cooking you will need:

  • apples - 300 grams;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • agar agar - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • the whites of two eggs.

The preparation is as follows:

  1. The apples, peeled from the peel, are baked in the oven.
  2. Turn cooked fruits into puree with a blender.
  3. Add sugar and protein from one egg.
  4. Beat thoroughly with a mixer.
  5. In an enamel saucepan, mix water (80 ml), one spoonful of agar-agar, boil for five minutes.
  6. Add the remaining protein to the apple mixture and beat gently, gradually pouring in warm syrup.
  7. When a fluffy mass is formed that does not fall off the spoon, it is necessary to squeeze it onto edible paper using a culinary syringe.

In this form, the airy goodies should be at least 24 hours for solidification.

Recipes for making dietary sweets at home

You can also cook marshmallows yourself. Such a product will be completely natural and will definitely not contain harmful additives and low-quality components.

Vanilla Marshmallow is made as follows:

  1. The components are prepared: 3 glasses of sugar, a glass of water, 20 grams of gelatin (it is better to use instant gelatin), a teaspoon of soda and citric acid, a glass of powdered sugar, vanillin.
  2. Water is poured into the gelatin, it is infused and periodically stirred until it is completely dissolved.
  3. The remaining water is poured into a saucepan, sugar is added, brought to a boil until a syrup is formed. The resulting syrup is poured into gelatin, whipped with a mixer.
  4. Add citric acid, beat, then add soda and vanillin, beat for about five minutes more.
  5. With the help of a culinary syringe, the mass is laid out in even pieces on a baking sheet, sprinkled with powder.

Cooking apple marshmallows is as follows:

  1. You will need half a kilogram of sugar, 150 grams of water, about 10 grams of agar-agar, a glass of powder for syrup and 4 apples, a quarter of a kilo of sugar, a bag of vanillin, the protein of one egg.
  2. Agar-agar is poured with water until soaked, apples are cut in half and baked in the microwave, after which they are peeled and pitted, rubbed through a sieve in mashed potatoes. The resulting mass is mixed with sugar and cooled.
  3. Agar-arag is heated on the stove until dissolved, sugar is added, and cooked for five minutes.
  4. Protein is added to the puree and whipped until foamy, agar-agar is poured into the mixture in a thin stream. The resulting mixture is whipped during the mixing period.
  5. The resulting product is transferred to a pastry bag and squeezed out in small portions onto a baking sheet.

The mixture costs a day until it solidifies completely. After readiness, you can roll it in powder.

For cooking you will need:

  • 2 large bananas;
  • a glass of fructose;
  • vanilla on the tip of a knife;
  • 10 g agar agar;
  • 1 egg white.


  1. Soak agar agar in 150 ml water and let it swell.
  2. Peel the bananas and beat until smooth in a mixer.
  3. Then add the egg white to the puree and continue beating until a bulky mass is formed.
  4. 15 minutes after soaking the agar-agar, it is poured into a saucepan and fructose is added. Put on the stove and bring to a boil.
  5. Then keep the syrup over low heat for 7 minutes, stirring constantly so that the mass remains homogeneous. The finished syrup should have a light bloom of white foam and flow off the spoon with a thin, continuous thread.
  6. The prepared syrup is poured into the puree in a thin stream while the mixer is running. This allows the hot syrup to spread evenly over the finished mass and not curdle the protein at the same time.
  7. The finished confectionery mass should cool down to 40 ° C. It is transferred to a pastry bag and finished products are formed.

In order for the cooled marshmallow to be removed well, it is recommended to spread it on parchment. When the treat has cooled down, you can eat it. You can modify this recipe by replacing bananas with strawberries, raspberries, plums. The total weight of the berries should be 400 g.

Whether it is possible to eat marshmallows prepared in this way depends on the individual taste preferences of a person. The product may seem tasteless, denser, but this dessert is healthier for a losing weight girl because it contains useful ingredients.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of fresh quince;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar;
  • two glasses of water.
  • Cut the quince into small pieces, add water and simmer until soft;
  • rub through a sieve;
  • add sugar, cook until the mass becomes thick;
  • spread evenly on a baking sheet in a layer of 2 cm, set and cut into pieces;
  • you can use any fruits and berries. But immediately cook the berries with sugar.

Today you can eat marshmallows while losing weight and even drying. These are products where stevia and inulin are used as sweeteners. Almost all brands of healthy food have these types of marshmallows. Something similar can be prepared at home.

The most anticipated post has finally seen the light of day! Despite the fact that, in general, marshmallow mania has subsided somewhat (maybe you remember how a couple of years ago on Instagram everyone was frantically preparing marshmallows, then pasta with “meat”, now here are eclairs), nevertheless, the issue of making marshmallows does not lose its relevance.

Honestly, I love marshmallows, but I haven't cooked it for a long time. Yes, he was in my plans, but from the "someday" series. However, while studying at Chefshows, I met Katya, who cooked it just amazingly and infected all of us with it. And she helped me in preparing this post, for which a special thanks to her! We will never tire of thanking Irina Chadeeva for the marshmallow recipe.

In this post, I will try to make out as much as possible all the key points and answer questions that may arise during the cooking process. And judging by the comments on the post in mine, there are a lot of questions!

Let's start in order!

To make marshmallows, you will need a planetary mixer and a thermometer... Of course, you can, if you wish, cope without them, but be prepared for the fact that you will get a slightly different result. A whisk from a blender with a marshmallow mass will not cope at all.

Protein can be used both fresh and pasteurized. It is better if it is at room temperature, so it will be easier to beat. You can use dry protein (albumin), however, I do not know how to use it correctly in the case of marshmallow, and I myself have never used it for this purpose. Do not be afraid that you are cooking with raw protein: protein pasteurization occurs at a temperature of 60C, and we pour the syrup above 80C for a few minutes, so in the end we get a safe product. Also note that the recipe contains C0 protein! Not C1 or C2, but C0. Therefore, be sure to take this moment into account when preparing marshmallows. Smaller squirrels may also not give you the results you expect.

Puree for marshmallows, this is a separate topic. It is believed that the best marshmallow puree from sour apples, for example, Antonovka. But in fact, sour black currants or cranberries are also great for marshmallows, since sour fruits and berries are the largest pectin content... In order to increase the content of pectin in products, where it is initially lower, it is recommended to boil the puree well: it should become thick, and if it is carried out with a spatula, then the puree should slowly and lazily flow back. You can also add pectin in powder form, but I won't give you the exact numbers. It all depends on what and how you use: do it in half with applesauce or on your own, because each berry / fruit is different. The main thing is not to forget how to correctly introduce pectin: mix it with a small amount of sugar and pour it into the hot mixture with “rain”, stirring it, then boil for a minute or a half after boiling. But from my experience I will say - boiling the puree itself will also be enough! As for the different flavors, you can use pure mashed potatoes, well boiled, or make it together with apple cider, but again boiled well. I often cook with the addition of apple cider, as a rule I put it no more than 50% of the total mass of puree. I know that there are a lot of difficulties involved with banana marshmallows, but the banana itself is a rather fatty and moist fruit, so the marshmallow with it will always turn out to be more moist and tender.

Agar agar the ingredient without which there would be no marshmallow. In this recipe, it cannot be replaced with either gelatin or pectin. These will be different cooking technologies, as well as a completely different texture of the finished dessert. Many have written to me and asked about the strength of agar, about the manufacturers. I am using German agar. As such, there is no concept of the strength of agar (as, for example, there is gelatin of different strength and this is indicated on the manufacturer's packaging in blooms). Therefore, if you change agar, then, unfortunately, you need to get used to the new product through experimentation. Agar activates its properties at 40C, so you need to work with the finished marshmallow mass quickly. It is better to prepare the attachments and bags for shedding marshmallows in advance.

Syrup we cook in essence in two stages! First, we bring to a boil (but do not boil) the water and agar so that it dissolves. You can soak the agar in advance, although I don't know what exactly the agar soaking affects, since it will dissolve anyway only when heated. Nevertheless, everyone advises to soak it. When the agar water begins to boil, it is important to stir it well so that it does not stick to the day, and then add all the sugar at once and prepare the syrup. It will turn white, will foam very actively and will increase in volume at times. Therefore, make sure that he does not run away. It is very important to observe the temperature regime, a thermometer will help with this. Without it, you can orient and catch the moment when the syrup will drain from a fork, for example. And also in time on medium heat, cooking the syrup will take you about 5 minutes. But it's best to stick to precise temperatures. There are several subtleties with syrup! If you do not cook the syrup to the desired temperature, the marshmallow mass will not be dense enough, if digested, the marshmallow will crystallize very quickly, and the sugar will crunch on the teeth, the marshmallow will have a dense crust. It is also important to pour in the syrup very slowly.- this will allow it to dissolve as much as possible in the marshmallow mass and will give a stable result. And a quick infusion of syrup, on the contrary, will make the marshmallow very soft, it will be difficult to pick it up.

Whipping marshmallows: since our marshmallow rises due to whipping the protein, then here we adhere to the same principle as in whipping meringue: we start at low speeds, gradually moving to medium-high. Below in the description of cooking, I will indicate which speeds I turn on at what stage on my mixer (I have a kitchen aid artisan). You can adapt this to your mixer: start at a low speed to break up the protein and combine with mashed potatoes, then at medium speed your marshmallows will become fluffy, but at the same time soft, then you turn on medium-high speed and slowly the thinnest possible pour the syrup in a trickle. It is quite difficult, you have to change your hands, and whip at the same time with the same speed and force, so it will be extremely difficult to repeat this trick with a hand mixer. If you kill the marshmallow mass before pouring in the syrup, then the air bubbles in the protein will burst and the mass will fall off, become liquid. And if you do not beat the protein, and enough air bubbles are not formed in it, then after adding the syrup, the mass will remain liquid. If you interrupt the protein with syrup, then the mass can also fall off, as well as the protein can stratify and liquid appear. How well you whipped the protein mass will affect how well and neatly you can plant it, whether it keeps its shape or spreads, and how well your marshmallow solidifies and stabilizes.

To stabilize marshmallows need some time. According to the classics, this is 24 hours, but as practice shows, 8-12 hours is enough. I do not have exact data, but according to observations, the temperature and humidity in the room can also affect the speed of drying of marshmallows.

To assemble the marshmallows, you need powdered sugar. Sprinkle powdered marshmallows directly on the tray, then remove and glue them. You need to store marshmallows in a tightly closed container, preferably in the refrigerator. This way it no longer crystallizes and dries up.

Also, be prepared for the fact that when adding syrup, as well as during the drying process, the color of the puree will become paler. In this case, of course, you can tint it a little, but I urge you to do it in moderation so that the color remains natural. The dye can be added directly to the protein, or at the last stage, when the syrup is poured in, and you decide whether to finish coloring the marshmallow or not, add a little dye to the mass.

Bags and nozzles:

In order to quickly deposit all the marshmallows, I advise you to prepare two large pastry bags at once. I use one-pointed ones so I don't wash them after use, but throw them away right away. The ideal size is 40-45 cm. The attachment can be used as an open star or a closed one. Which drawing do you like better) But the larger the attachment, the more your marshmallow will turn out. In my opinion, 10-12 mm is the optimal size. For convenience, you can make a stencil according to which you will plant marshmallows of the same size. But as practice shows, with experience this is not at all necessary.

As for marshmallow sweets - perhaps this is one of the most important questions! How to make marshmallows less luscious. in this recipe, which I published below, there is already a little less sugar than was originally in Irina's recipe, but 600 g is still needed for a full batch. Can sugar be reduced? I think so, but not significantly. My plan is to experiment with that, so I might add more on this later. But nevertheless, I would advise you not to forget that in the process of whipping proteins, sugar is a kind of stabilizer, and the more of it, the more stable and denser your whipped protein. And also sugar is a preservative that allows you to store marshmallows for a week, or even longer, if part of the sugar is replaced with glucose syrup.

If at this stage I have not yet had time to scare you with marshmallows, then here is a cheat sheet with the main points and we move on to the recipe itself!

  • the puree should be thick! Well boiled or with the addition of pectin, a matter of experience and your taste preferences.
  • It is important not to overbeat the fruit and protein mass (before adding the syrup). It should be lush, lightened, increase in size, the corolla leaves a soft mark on it (like “soft peaks”).
  • Sugar should be added to well heated agar with water, but not boiling (otherwise it will start to burn to the bottom of the saucepan).
  • You need to introduce the finished syrup very slowly in a thin stream. It will take a long time, the hand will get tired, but this is a very important stage! (It is because of this stage that I am not sure that any hand mixer will be able to make marshmallows, the mass is very tight, there is a lot of it, the temperature will rise due to the syrup, and everything must be done at the same time).

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  • 250 g boiled puree from berries and / or fruits ( that is, before the mashed potatoes are boiled, its weight will be greater!)
  • 200 g sugar
  • 1 egg white (CO)

For syrup

  • 400 gr sugar
  • 150 g of water
  • 8 g agar agar


  1. Boil the puree until thick, add sugar and let it dissolve. Let the puree cool and add the protein. Soak agar in water.
  2. Beat the puree with protein at a low speed (in Kitchen Aid - then KA is 2) and in parallel prepare the syrup: heat the soaked agar until it dissolves, add sugar and cook the syrup to 110C (the syrup will drain with a thin thread). During the cooking process, the syrup will foam and will greatly increase in volume! Consider this when choosing a saucepan.

  1. When the syrup heats up to 110C, remove it from the heat, and at the same time increase the whipping speed (on a spacecraft it is 4). The mass will increase in volume and keep the shape of a “soft peak”.
  2. When the syrup cools down to 83-84C (not lower than 80!), We increase the mixer speed to medium-high (CA is 6-7) and pour in the syrup. The syrup should be poured in a very thin stream, it will take a long time. This is one of the key points in making marshmallows!
  3. When all the syrup is poured in, beat for some more time: in the process, the mass will increase several times, the whisk will leave a clear mark, the mass will be slightly warm.

  1. It is important to quickly transfer the marshmallow mass into a bag and begin to deposit. I place the marshmallows on the baking paper spread out on the trays. I use a large diameter closed star attachment.

  1. Allow the marshmallow to stabilize (dry out), after which it can be collected in halves using powdered sugar.

Is it possible to eat marshmallows while losing weight, when you need to limit yourself in food and want something sweet? This food is good for your health, but it contains a lot of sugar, and this greatly increases its calorie content. Regular consumption of marshmallows in large quantities will lead to excess energy reserves, and this will lead to weight gain.

A woman on a diet can eat whatever she wants. The only condition that nutritionists set is not to exceed the total number of calories, which is strictly limited.

Marshmallow for weight loss should not contain sugar, and then it will only benefit the body.

Store-bought marshmallows are a confection that contains a lot of refined sugar. It is made from fruit and berry puree, which is whipped into a fluffy mass along with egg white and granulated sugar. With an increase in volume by 2-3 times, a form-forming filler is introduced into the mass, which helps to solidify the finished product in a certain shape. The finished mass is divided into portions using a pastry bag, laying them out on a prepared baking sheet.

Gelatin is often used as a gelling agent. It will be more useful for the body of a losing weight woman to eat marshmallows made on pectin or agar-agar. In the dietary section of the grocery store, you can buy marshmallows to which a sweetener has been added, but the calorie content of such a product will not always be less. The disadvantage of a store product is also that dyes and preservatives are added to it, which increase the shelf life of the product.

You can eat marshmallows with a diet sometimes, 1-2 pieces for breakfast. You should always remember that in order to lose weight, the total amount of energy stored in foods should not exceed 1000-1200 kcal. Only then will the body replenish its daily needs, and the additional energy required for an active lifestyle will be taken from fat reserves.

In 100 g of marshmallows sold in the store, more than 300 kcal. This is ¼ part of the daily ration. It happened that the girls ate marshmallows for breakfast, washed it down with hot tea without sugar and successfully lost weight at the same time. But weight loss does not come from eaten foods, but from muscle activity. An active lifestyle allows you to eat sweets in the morning, and homemade marshmallows can be an alternative, the recipe for which is simple.

If you want something sweet

When you crave something sweet, it means your brain, which is eating fast carbohydrates, is running out of energy. You want sweets with a lack of vitamins C and A, glucose, chromium, phosphorus or tryptophan.

All of these micronutrients are found in foods that contain natural sugars, such as dairy products, honey, fruits and berries. The preparation of marshmallows is based on such products, and it can be used as a treat for a diet.

Marshmallow is very useful for young people when restricting diet. It helps to enhance mental activity, and the dietary fiber found in plant materials helps to improve digestion.

At home, you can make a dietary marshmallow yourself. This can be done if you have an oven, microwave, and mixer.

There are many recipes for marshmallows, which housewives cook at home and which they treat when they really want something sweet. A losing weight lady needs to learn how to cook marshmallows at home without adding sugar. There is a recipe made from an apple:

  1. 5 g of gelatin is poured with cold boiled water and wait until it swells.
  2. Then it is heated so that the grains are completely dissolved, but not boiled.
  3. Remove the core from a large apple and bake it in the oven at 180 ° C until it turns brown. You can also do this in the microwave by putting it on for 5 minutes.
  4. While the apple is cooking, beat with a mixer 2 egg whites and 20 g of honey until a stable mass is formed.
  5. Beat the baked apple with a whisk.
  6. All ingredients are mixed together in a mixer.
  7. The resulting mass is poured into molds and placed in the refrigerator

The calorie content of such a dessert is 73 kcal per 100 g of product.

The apple can be replaced with seasonal berries or bananas, then they should not be baked, but should be turned into a smooth puree with a blender. You can replace honey with fructose.

Banana Marshmallow Recipe

For cooking you will need:

  • 2 large bananas;
  • a glass of fructose;
  • vanilla on the tip of a knife;
  • 10 g agar agar;
  • 1 egg white.


  1. Soak agar agar in 150 ml water and let it swell.
  2. Peel the bananas and beat until smooth in a mixer.
  3. Then add the egg white to the puree and continue beating until a bulky mass is formed.
  4. 15 minutes after soaking the agar-agar, it is poured into a saucepan and fructose is added. Put on the stove and bring to a boil.
  5. Then keep the syrup over low heat for 7 minutes, stirring constantly so that the mass remains homogeneous. The finished syrup should have a light bloom of white foam and flow off the spoon with a thin, continuous thread.
  6. The prepared syrup is poured into the puree in a thin stream while the mixer is running. This allows the hot syrup to spread evenly over the finished mass and not curdle the protein at the same time.
  7. The finished confectionery mass should cool down to 40 ° C. It is transferred to a pastry bag and finished products are formed.

In order for the cooled marshmallow to be removed well, it is recommended to spread it on parchment. When the treat has cooled down, you can eat it. You can modify this recipe by replacing bananas with strawberries, raspberries, plums. The total weight of the berries should be 400 g.

Whether it is possible to eat marshmallows prepared in this way depends on the individual taste preferences of a person. The product may seem tasteless, denser, but this dessert is healthier for a losing weight girl because it contains useful ingredients.

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

Sweets, cakes and cookies are wonderful things to enjoy, improve your mood, and relieve hunger. Unfortunately, their use is not good for the figure, and for health in general. Therefore, people who are lovers of sweets have to limit themselves or look for a replacement for their favorite confectionery among safer foods, for example. Alas, there is no full substitute for sweet yet. Therefore, so that it does not cause much harm, only the “safest” options should be chosen from the huge number of different sweets. These include marshmallows.

Composition and calorie content

Chocolate contains up to 500-580 kilocalories per 100 grams, which is a lot. Only vegetable oil and lard have a more significant energy value. If we take into account that a woman leading a sedentary lifestyle "is supposed" to consume only about 2000 kcal per day, then her daily diet, hypothetically, should consist of only three chocolate bars, roughly speaking, of three Snickers bars, which can be sated on the whole day is impossible.

Marshmallow has much fewer calories - only 300-330 kcal, if we talk about a "clean" product without sprinkling and chocolate, that is, about the same as in bread. This is also a lot, but, in comparison with most other sweets, marshmallows are less caloric, so it can be conditionally considered a dietary delicacy.

As for the composition of the product, it is quite simple. In the most "ordinary" versions, marshmallows are made from sugar, soda, citric acid, gelatin and water, if desired, vanillin is used as a harmless flavoring agent. Sometimes eggs and fruit puree are also added to it. The great advantage is that marshmallows do not contain cooking fats; this leads to its relatively low calorie content and a small danger to weight.

Is marshmallow good for you?

Quite often, you can hear that marshmallow is a useful sweetness, contains components valuable for health, and so on. But, in fact, claims about its exceptional benefits are untenable, because the vitamins of fruit puree, if used in its manufacture, are destroyed during the production process. Let's just say that in general, marshmallows are not useful for the body; it is useless. Sugar, soda, citric acid - what is the use here? But these confectionery products have a pleasant taste, supply glucose to the body, create a relatively small carbohydrate load and bring joy to those with a sweet tooth, so nutritionists are quite tolerant of them.

Someone says that the main value of marshmallow is the gelling substances it contains - gelatin, or pectin. Well, they really do have a certain "interest" for health. Pectin and agar improve digestion, prolong the feeling of fullness after eating, and gelatin is involved in the construction of cartilage tissue in the joints. However, if a person eats properly and, as expected, eats no more than 2-3 pieces of marshmallow per day, this does not have a noticeable positive effect on his health, since the amount of gelling substance in such a volume of sweets is very small.

Marshmallow harm

If marshmallows are consumed in moderation (2-3 pieces per day) and without additives (dyes, artificial flavors, etc.), it does not harm your health at all. Otherwise, negative consequences are still possible.

They say that marshmallow is such a good product that it can even be given to children without fear - supposedly, under its influence, they will not damage the enamel of their teeth and develop caries. It is not true; sugar is contained in marshmallows in almost pure form, so in any case it will have a bad effect on the condition of the teeth: both in children and in adults.

Another myth is that marshmallows don't make you fat. Also not true - they still get fat if you do not observe any restrictions on its use. If you eat a lot of marshmallows, it can even contribute to the appearance of disorders of carbohydrate metabolism: impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus.

How to make marshmallows?

The marshmallow sold in stores often does not suit the supporters of a healthy lifestyle in many ways. In particular, the presence of all kinds of additives in it "strains". Of course, if you look closely, you can find a regular white marshmallow without fillings, additives and sprinkles. But, if you want a truly dietary product, you can prepare it yourself.
To do this, you will need 300 ml of water, a kilogram of sugar, a teaspoon of baking soda, a bag of citric acid and 30 grams of gelatin.

Soak gelatin in half the volume of water for 1 hour. At this time, pour a kilogram of sugar into a saucepan, add the remaining water and put on low heat. Stir the mixture until the sugar dissolves and it starts to boil. Cool the syrup a little, add soda, gelatin and citric acid there, take a mixer and beat it until the mass turns into a dense foam. Arrange in paper tins, let the marshmallow thicken even more for 2-3 hours, and that's it - you can eat it.

So, if we talk about the benefits and harms of marshmallows, then there can be no unambiguous conclusion. However, if you cannot live without sweets and are looking for the best dessert for yourself, marshmallow is one of the best options you can think of.

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Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Marshmallow is an oriental delicacy known since ancient times, which consists of egg whites whipped into a strong foam, powdered sugar and mashed baked apples. Currently, marshmallows are made from various fruits, adding agar-agar or other gelling components for density. Classic marshmallow has a white or slightly yellowish color, an elastic consistency of medium softness, and a smooth surface. The taste and aroma of marshmallows are sweet-sour, delicate and pleasant. Zephyr traditionally consists of two hemispheres connected by flat sides. The relief on the surface of the marshmallow is achieved by using various devices for depositing the marshmallow mass into a mold. Various dyes and flavors, berry and fruit juices, coffee extract are added to the marshmallow, the product is covered with chocolate glaze.

The calorie content of marshmallow is from 298 to 304 kcal per 100 grams of product, depending on the ingredients and the method of preparation.

The composition and useful properties of marshmallows

Marshmallow has a short shelf life because it dries outdoors. You need to store marshmallows in a cool, dark place, after opening the package, the product should be transferred to a vacuum container or glass container with a ground lid. The product retains its organoleptic properties for 45 days from the date of production.

Marshmallow in cooking

Marshmallows are usually consumed as an independent dessert, complementing it with a cup or. There are several recipes for cakes, pastries and even salads, which include marshmallows. The sweetness of the treat can be set off with citrus fruits, fresh berries, for example.

To learn more about marshmallow, about its benefits or dangers, the video clip “Zephyr. Eastern sweetness in Russian ”of the TV program“ Living is Healthy ”.

Specially for
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