Time of boiling dumplings after boiling. How to cook dumplings in a saucepan: simple tips from experienced housewives

05.09.2019 Healthy eating

Pelmeni is a favorite Russian dish. In many families, there is still a tradition - all together to sculpt a large number of dumplings before the holidays, especially before the New Year.

But often, even properly cooked, after cooking they fall apart, unstuck, or, conversely, are not completely finished. How long does it take for this dish to reach the desired condition? The indicated calorie content may fluctuate in one direction or another, depending on the meat used in the minced meat.

For cooking you will need:

  1. Dumplings - 1 kg (homemade or purchased);
  2. Water - 4 l;
  3. Salt - 1 tablespoon (no slide);
  4. Bay leaf - 2-3 pieces (depending on size);
  5. Black peppercorns - 4 pieces;
  6. Fresh herbs - 1 bunch.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Put a pot of water on high heat, add salt, pepper and bay leaf. Wait for the water to boil. Frozen dumplings do not require defrosting, so you can safely put them in a saucepan.

But if it turns out that the product is stuck together, you will have to work hard to separate them. Throw the whole kilogram into boiling water, and stir immediately so that they do not stick together or stick to the sides and bottom of the pan. While they are boiling, you need to stir them periodically.

How much to cook frozen dumplings in a saucepan? You have to wait for everyone to come up; it will take about 7-10 minutes, depending on the size of the dumplings themselves. After that, make the fire quieter and wait another 5-6 minutes.

The dumplings are ready to make sure you can taste the dough, it should be soft and not stick to your teeth. Serve with sour cream, ketchup and your other favorite toppings, sprinkled with fresh chopped herbs.

Homemade dumplings are molded - what's next, how long to cook them?

Now we will find out the time for making homemade dumplings after boiling water. Homemade dumplings are not only tasty, but also a healthy product, because the hostess herself is responsible for the quality of all the ingredients.

Cooking, although a rather long process, will delight the result. So, the dumplings are ready and waiting for their turn, the process of cooking them is not very different from the method for a purchased frozen product, but there are some small nuances. It is almost impossible to determine by eye the weight of homemade preparations, so they are counted by the piece.

You will need 1 serving:

Caloric content: approximately 275 kcal per 100 g.

Put the pot of water on high heat, add salt, bay leaf. Wait until the water boils and put the dumplings into it one by one. Add vegetable oil to the pan, so the products will definitely not stick together, and do not reduce the heat.

Stir the contents periodically. After about 7 minutes, they will float, then turn the fire down. Well, here's the answer to the question of how long it takes to cook homemade dumplings after boiling water, about 7-10 minutes.

If the dumplings were taken out of the freezer, then the time after floating increases to 12 minutes. Remove them from the pan with a slotted spoon and you can start your meal.

How much to cook dumplings after surfacing in a slow cooker

The multicooker is the undoubted assistant of the modern housewife. In it, dumplings can be cooked according to a not entirely traditional recipe, but they will turn out to be insanely tasty.


  1. Dumplings - 450 gr.;
  2. Water - 1 liter;
  3. Sour cream - 250 gr.;
  4. Salt - 2 tsp;
  5. Peppercorns - 23-3 pcs.;
  6. Cheese - 100 gr.

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Caloric content: approximately 275 kcal per 100 g.

Put frozen or homemade products raw on the bottom of the multicooker bowl. Mix sour cream and water, pour the product with the resulting mixture. Add spices, bay leaf. If the multicooker has a "Pelmeni" mode, then use it accordingly. If there is none, set the "Baking" mode.

The cooking time will be about 20 minutes, depending on the power of your appliance. 10 minutes after switching on, lift the lid and stir the dumplings.

Then leave to cook for another 10 minutes. Then you can put it on a plate and sprinkle with grated cheese.

The remaining broth, by the way, is very tasty and rich, the dumplings can be served with it.

Quick and easy - dumplings in the microwave

The microwave can serve not only for defrosting and heating food. The dumplings in this gadget are no worse.


  1. Dumplings - 200-250 gr.;
  2. Hot water - 1 glass;
  3. Salt - 1 tsp;
  4. Peppercorns - 2-3 pcs.;
  5. Bay leaf - 1 pc.

Cooking time: 10 minutes.

Caloric content: approximately 275 kcal per 100 g.

Only frozen food can be used. Put the dumplings in a deep dish, pour hot, boiled water and add spices.

Put a leaf of lavrushka on top. Cover with a plate and microwave. So how many minutes do you need to cook dumplings in the microwave?

The timer is set for 10 minutes. But remember to stir every 3 minutes. In such a short time, the dish will be ready, and the broth will turn out to be very rich.

Healthy and nutritious - steamed dumplings

Cooking dumplings in a double boiler is not only very easy and simple. The minced meat juice does not go into the broth, besides, everyone knows that cooking in this way is very useful.


  1. Dumplings - 250 gr.;
  2. Water - 1-1.5 liters (depending on the steamer bowl);
  3. Butter - 50-100 gr.;
  4. A pinch of salt and pepper;
  5. Bay leaf - 2 pcs.

How much dumplings should be cooked in a double boiler - about 40 minutes.

Caloric content: approximately 250 kcal per 100 g.

Fill the steamer bowl with water. Add bay leaves or other favorite spices to the water, if there is a special spice bag, use it. Grease the top sieve with butter so that the dumplings do not stick.

Put the food in one layer and put in a double boiler for 30 minutes. If they were frozen, then the time increases to 35 minutes. After cooking, remove the dumplings from the sieve, even if they are going to be eaten later.

Salt and pepper them already on the plate. It is worth noting that if there are two bowls for cooking, then at the top they will cook even longer, about 40 minutes.

  1. Put dumplings in the pan in small batches. The water will not have time to cool down too much, and the product will not turn into one big dumpling;
  2. For homemade preparations, it is better to add an egg to the dough, so they boil less;
  3. If you plan to serve a dish with broth, then it is worth replacing the peppercorns with ground pepper;
  4. To make the finished dumplings even juicier, add a small piece of butter after placing them on a plate.

Even homemade dumplings made from the finest meat and good dough can be spoiled if not cooked properly.

Therefore, you should clearly follow the time instructions for different household appliances and then you can surprise your guests with this simple dish.

And another option for cooking dumplings is in the next video.

Dumplings are quick and tasty food, which is why they often appear on the tables.

But how many, you need to cook them so that they do not get overcooked and do not fall apart, or vice versa, so that they do not remain raw.
Cooking time depends on where they are going to be cooked, what kind of meat they are made from and whether they are frozen or freshly cooked. Of course, it is better that the dumplings are at least slightly frozen, otherwise they will stick together, so after you finish the sculpting process, put them in the freezer for a while, and then cook.

Cooking frozen dumplings

Put frozen dumplings only in boiling water in proportions: 500 gr. For two liters of water. dumplings. The water must first be salted, add spices along with the dumplings, and cook until they come up, this is about 10-15 minutes. And then cook for another 5 minutes.
We have figured out how and how much to cook dumplings in a regular saucepan, but you can also cook dumplings in a microwave, pressure cooker, multicooker, double boiler. Let's take a look at each option.

How much to cook dumplings in the microwave?

Cooking dumplings in the microwave takes about 10 - 15 minutes. You need frozen dumplings, but not more than 200 grams, put in a deep plate, pour a glass of water, add salt, pepper and bay leaf. Then put a plate of dumplings in the microwave for 10 minutes, then take out and see if they are ready, if not, then you can take another 5 minutes, but not more, otherwise the dumplings dough will simply fall apart.

Cooking dumplings in a slow cooker

In a pressure cooker and a multicooker, dumplings are cooked in the same time for about 20 minutes. The cooking process practically does not differ. Put dumplings on the bottom of a multicooker or pressure cooker, pour everything with sauce made from sour cream and water in a ratio of 1: 3. In the multicooker set the baking program and cook for 20 minutes, and in the pressure cooker just put it on gas and cook the same amount in time. Before serving, rub hard cheese on top of the dumplings and sprinkle with herbs.
In a double boiler, the cooking process is very simple, and in time it takes half an hour. You need to pour water into a double boiler and put it on gas, in the meantime, put the dumplings on circles greased with sunflower oil, and after the water boils, place them on top of the double boiler, and that's it. In half an hour, the dumplings will be ready.

And now we will tell you some interesting facts about dumplings.

During the cooking of dumplings, spices such as bay leaves, herbs, peppercorns or ground are used.

Dumplings are an excellent appetizer for vodka, but they must be served with sour cream and sprinkled with herbs, preferably dill.

Ready-made dumplings can be bought in the store, or you can cook it yourself, then you will save a lot on money, but you will have to spend a little time. True, such dumplings will be even tastier and more natural.

To speed up the process of making dumplings, you can first boil water in an electric kettle, then pour into a saucepan and cook further.

Cooked dumplings can be stored in the refrigerator for several days, only you must first drain the broth from them, otherwise they will turn sour. And before you put the dumplings in the refrigerator, you need to cool them.

The amount of water should be three times the amount of dumplings.

After reading this article and following all the tips, you will have great dumplings. Thanks to this article, even those who do not know how to cook will be able to cook dumplings, the main thing is to do everything correctly and step by step, as described.

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With the development of technological progress, a person has received a huge variety of ways to quickly prepare his own dinner using only semi-finished products.

Despite the simplicity of their preparation, many novice cooks still have problems with cooking, so today we will tell you how to cook dumplings in a saucepan correctly. In addition, we will tell you about another unusual recipe using these semi-finished products, which will diversify an already annoying dish.

How to cook dumplings in a saucepan: a step by step recipe


  • Frozen dumplings- 1 kg + -
  • - 3 l + -
  • - 1 tsp + -
  • - 4-5 pcs. + -
  • - 2-3 leaves + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -

How to properly cook dumplings in a saucepan

  • The first thing to do is prepare a suitable pot. Whoever has cooked dumplings at least once knows that during cooking they have the peculiarity of going upstairs, which is why the boiling broth pours over the edges and burns at the bottom of the vessel. Therefore, we take a saucepan with a volume of more than 4 liters.
  • We pour water. How tasty your dumplings turn out to be depends largely on the proportions of the water. Ideal proportions are believed to be 3 parts water to 1 part frozen dumplings. But no one forbids pouring a little more or a little less, the dish will obviously not suffer from this.
  • We pour vegetable oil into our water, add salt, pepper, bay leaf. Cover with a lid and set on maximum heat. The water under the lid will quickly boil, and therefore you should not leave the stove for a long time.
  • Remove the cap as soon as you notice signs of bubbling. At the same time, it is not necessary to reduce the fire, the water should be "in full swing".
  • We take out the dumplings from the freezer. You should not defrost them - they stick together, and as a result you will not get beautiful dumplings, but meat filling floating separately from the dough.

How do you get dumplings out of the water? That's right - with a slotted spoon, it is with this kitchen utensils that we load our handsome men into the seething abyss so as not to burn our hands. If you have enough knack or just don't have a slotted spoon at hand - fall asleep directly from the pack, just beware of hot splashes!

  • With the same slotted spoon (or spoon), stir the dumplings for 2-3 minutes - this is necessary so that our beefy meat does not stick to the bottom of the vessel, thereby complicating the process of its future washing.
  • Now you need to wait for the moment when the water boils again - frozen dumplings greatly reduce the temperature inside the pan, and therefore it takes time to warm up again.

By the way, this is why dumplings cannot be cooked in a small volume of liquid - it will cool down immediately, which will cause the products to creep later.

  • Reduce the heat to medium or slightly less - the water should boil, but not very much. Once again we mix everything and watch our brew: as soon as all the dumplings have surfaced, it means it's time to detect 5-7 minutes.
  • After the specified time, we catch the dumplings with a slotted spoon and put them on a dish. If you don't have a slotted spoon, you can pour the contents of the pot into a colander.
  • If your kitchen does not have a colander or a slotted spoon, then simply remove the pan from the stove, cover with a lid so that it lies slightly skewed, leaving a gap less than the diameter of the dumplings.

  • Fold the towel several times, grab the handles with opposite edges, and press the lid against the pan with the central part and gently drain the water.

We spread the hot dumplings on a dish, let stand for a minute or two and serve with sour cream, mayonnaise, ketchup, any sauce, or just grease the dumplings with butter. You can also sprinkle this quick treat with fresh chopped herbs on top.

If you are fed up with dumplings, and you don’t have time for some culinary delights, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following recipe, which will not only allow you to boil these semi-finished products in an original way, but also provide you with a pan of delicious rich soup. Preparing this dish is so simple that you don't even need to look for video instructions to understand how to prepare it.


  • Purified water - 2 l;
  • Frozen dumplings - 0.5 kg;
  • Potatoes - 3 medium tubers;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons;
  • Salt and pepper to taste;
  • Spices to taste;
  • Garlic - 1 clove.

  1. We wash the vegetables under running water, peel them. Cut potatoes and onions into small cubes, three carrots on a grater.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, set on maximum heat. Pour potatoes here and cover with a lid.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into the pan, turn on the burner and heat it. When the oil is hot enough, pour the onions and carrots into it. Fry over medium heat until golden brown. Sprinkle with spices, pass the garlic through a press and fry for another minute.
  4. At this point, the water in the pot should already be boiling. We open the lid, reduce the heat to medium and add our roast here. Salt the broth and pepper it.
  5. We are waiting for our vegetables to cook properly, usually it takes no more than 15-20 minutes. You can check their readiness by trying to split a piece of potatoes in half with a spoon, if it turned out to be easy, then it's time to start our dumplings.
  6. We take them out of the freezer and carefully lower them into boiling water - we first increase the fire to the maximum. If you are wondering again: how many minutes to cook meat beauties, then we advise you to use the scheme from the previous recipe.
  7. As soon as we saw that the dumplings surfaced, reduce the heat to medium and wait 5-7 minutes.

8. After this period of time, turn off our pan, cover with a lid and leave the soup to brew for 5 minutes.

After that, pour the aromatic soup into plates, sprinkle with freshly chopped herbs and serve with a spoonful of fat sour cream.

People who often eat frozen convenience foods undoubtedly know no recipe for how to cook dumplings in a saucepan. This seemingly simple dish is not as commonplace as it is commonly believed. A little imagination and creativity - and now you have a full-fledged soup, which in satiety can be compared to the classic borscht.

The final taste of the dumplings depends not only on the meat you choose and the dough you wrap it with. A properly selected recipe is only half the battle, the remaining half is the ability to cook dumplings well without turning them into a mealy porridge with meat. Of course, the final result also depends on what kind of dough the dumplings were made of: dense, especially cooked with the addition of eggs, cooks a little longer and keeps its shape better. Read more about how to cook dumplings below.

Pierogi has many supporters. This is especially popular. It's not too difficult and it only takes a few minutes. It is very important to put the dumplings in boiling, lightly salted water. When thrown into the pot, stir everything gently. After 2-3 minutes from the pyoro to the top, they can be pulled out with a spoonful of a tablespoon. Frozen dumplings are boiled a little longer - about 5-7 minutes.

Poultry, pork, beef or fish - it's important to be cooked or fried. Meat pasta can be additionally enriched with vegetables, cereals, rice or potatoes. Vegetables are more popular, especially with spinach or zucchini. Dumplings can also be made with tomatoes, eggplant, and many other vegetables. Fruity - this option reigns on our tables in the summer. Dumplings with blueberries, strawberries, cherries and raspberries taste delicious with cream and powdered sugar.

  • It was cooked with boiled potatoes and white cheese.
  • It can generally be seasoned with fried onions or bacon.
  • Meat - Are you wondering which meat to choose for your dumplings?
  • There is complete freedom here.
Dumplings soup is loved by both the smallest and the smallest.

How much to cook homemade dumplings?

Let's start with an analysis of the recipe for homemade, freshly made dumplings. If you decide to cook dumplings immediately after molding, then keep in mind that they will cook much faster than frozen ones.

Place a large saucepan on the fire and fill it halfway with water. The volume of the pan depends on how many dumplings you decide to cook at a time: the more dumplings, the more, respectively, and the volume of the dishes. The amount of water is also important, usually standard size dumplings in the amount of 15-20 pieces are boiled in half a liter of water. So that the dumplings do not stick together, mix freely, and the water does not boil away, pour in more water.

Light, light golden in color, dumpling soup is perfect, especially if you have chicken. Although the cooking time can be extended because the meat of the yard is getting louder and more tender, the taste is unique and a thousand times better. The meat is washed well and boiled. If you want to make a yolk soup that has been patiently armed, it may take a little longer to boil the meat, but the result will certainly be excellent. You can also remove skin that is too thick.

Check the boiling stage from time to time and remove the foam formed above. Once you've saved all the foam, you can even change the water. When the meat is being cooked, you have two options: either skip it entirely, remove it from the soup and use it in vegetable pilaf, for example, or leave it in a pot, or add it to peeled, washed and tender cubes in cubes.

If you plan to serve dumplings with broth, then put a leaf of laurel and peppercorns in the broth, so it will come out more fragrant. After the aromatic additions, add salt and wait for the liquid to boil again. Put fresh dumplings in water and let boil again. After surfacing, cook the dumplings for another 2-3 minutes.

How much to cook frozen dumplings?

While the vegetables are cooking, switch to dumplings. So, prepare two bowls. In one, you put the whites in the second yolk. The yolks mix well with a little salt. After homogenizing, let them rest until you finish white. The latter should be foamed, as for a meringue. You go back to the yolks, which you noticed have changed a little color, they are more reddish. In this add oil and stir. Brush the yolks with butter over white and mix thoroughly with gentle movements until smooth.

Now it is the moment of the meal that will flow into the bowl in the form of rain. The composition is mixed with the same soft movements. When you're done, your composition should look like a thick cream, not too thick to run out of a spoon, but not too thin to drain. Leave the dumplings aside for about 5 minutes. This will allow you to swell. This will allow you to put too much or too little of the pot.

Frozen dumplings do not require preliminary defrosting, this applies to both a home product prepared for future use and a semi-finished product. The cooking procedure is the same. Pour water into a deep saucepan, throw in the spices, if desired, and bring everything to a boil. After adding salt, you can lay the dumplings themselves. When they come up, and this will happen in 4-6 minutes, depending on the size, wait until it boils again. How much to cook dumplings after boiling is also determined by their size, on average it is from 3 to 5 minutes.

Test the vegetables with a fork. It is recommended not to boil them too much, so as not to lose all the properties of vegetables. Reduce the flame under the soup. Banks should not be thrown into water boiling in large onions, or they will break. The next step is to put the dumplings in the soup. Arrange two spoons or spoons, depending on how large you want the dumplings to come out and a cup of cold water. With one of the broken spoons of the composition, the second helps you turn it over into the pot. After each dumpling, dip the spoons into the mug with cold water.

This avoids sticking the dumplings. When finished, pour a mug of cold water over it. The role of cold water is to slow down the boiling process to allow enough time for the dumplings to boil and grill to a boil. Cover the pot with a lid and simmer for about 10 minutes on low heat.

How to steam frozen dumplings?

If you are cooking large dumplings and are afraid of overcooking, then steam them. Fill the steamer bowl with water up to the mark and add aromatic additions such as laurel and peppercorns. Grease the steaming basket and place the dumplings in it. Close the lid of the device and leave everything to simmer for half an hour. If you use a pressure cooker for cooking, then cooking in it follows the same principle, although it will take less time - about 20 minutes.

Parsley, finely chopped, is placed in the dumplings soup only after you turn off the stove. Sprinkle on it and close the pot again within 5 minutes. Did you know that soup soup can be breastfed for 8 months? In order for the dumplings to have a beautiful color, you can add fine grains to their composition. In order not to boil too quickly and have time to swell, do you need to add a cup of cold water to boiling water? Did you know that during the boil, dumplings increase their volume three times?

Specific soup for cooking: Romanian. Type of dumplings: Meat soup. Dumplings Calories: Low in calories. Difficulty making dumplings: Medium. Seasonal Soup: A recipe for the whole year. Everything we publish. Vine leaves wear off, and if they are not prepared for preservation, they sit in water for 1-2 minutes. Remove the ribs, slice the rectangles and let them run out.

Cooking dumplings in a slow cooker

To cook in a multicooker, place the dumplings on the bottom of the bowl. Mix water with sour cream so that the amount of liquid is twice the amount of the sauce. Do not forget about salt, add flavoring additions if desired. Then turn on the "Baking" option and leave everything to simmer for 20 minutes. If desired, dumplings can be sprinkled with grated cheese and left on the "Podogrev", waiting for it to melt. Serve immediately with the sour cream broth in which the dumplings were boiled.

The meat is seasoned with salt and pepper. Add finely chopped onion and rice, hot for 1-2 minutes in hot oil. Add a small spoonful of chopped greens, 50 ml of red juice and 100 ml of water, then stir until the whole composition is homogenized.

Fill the vine leaves with the meat composition, then run and place in an oiled pan of oil, with 2-3 vine leaves at the bottom. Add some dill, borscht, 100 ml tomato juice and water to coat the sarmale. Boil over low heat, 70 - 75 minutes.

It is better not to cook more than 200 grams of dumplings at a time in the microwave, they should be located freely in the dishes, in order to avoid sticking and to ensure uniform cooking. Pour a glass of water over the dumplings and cover with a plate. Leave everything to simmer for 10 minutes at 800 watts. If necessary, add more liquid and increase the time by a couple of minutes if you plan to cook large dumplings, like.

When cooked well, combine the flour and cream, then dilute with 1-2 tablespoons of cold water and stir in the sauce in a saucepan. Season it to taste and pour over the salsa. Add slice lemon and boil again until sauce. The dumplings are dipped for 8 to 12 minutes, depending on the size of the dumplings. When they come to the surface, the fire should be slightly reduced so that the water does not bubble as much, which is also one of the reasons the cookies are crumbling. Today you can be salty, you have to put fights there.

When the dumplings appear on the surface, they should be cooked for another 3-4 minutes. When riding dumplings, you must carefully throw them with a large spoon or a can of straw from a pot of water, put in a bowl or saucepan, let it drain the rest of the water, remove it, then put it on the dishes and add butter, sour cream.

Boiled dough products with various kinds of meat filling are considered the most popular dish of traditional Russian cuisine. It's easy to cook such goodies, but the cooking technology has its own characteristics, and the first of them is how to cook dumplings correctly? It is to this issue that we will give priority attention, since the final result of the entire cooking process depends on the correct cooking.

Apparently there weren't enough wizards. And when they are absent, they have to get settled. Many peoples are afraid that dumplings are their invented dish: both Lithuanians and Russians with dumplings and dumplings, and Italians with Tortellini and ravioli, only the Chinese have a ton of tons.

Who was the first is unknown, but it is not so important. And to keep them simple, this is what a child could do. Let's see how this process looks closer. The hardest part of the process, especially if it is not suitable for household appliances, is to lay out the dough. We mix flour with salt, pour water and eggs. Long and tiring until joint pain or until the dough is smooth and touches hands and dishes. If you don't understand, the inside of some cheesecakes is unclear, you can still add a little water, but don't overdo it - the dough should be strong and firm.

It's no secret that the most delicious dumplings are of our own production. The taste of hot homemade pies, as the housewives sometimes jokingly call them, is much better than the store ones. But in order for the taste qualities of dumplings at home to really turn out to be unforgettable, you need to cook them correctly.

Rules for cooking dumplings

  1. Pour cold water into a saucepan (the volume of the dishes depends on the number of dough products). The water should fill no more than ½ part of the pot. Again, the amount of water depends on the total amount of dumplings being prepared for cooking.
  2. Put the pot of water on high heat and bring it to a boil.
  3. We shift the required amount of dumplings into boiled water.
  4. Salt the water to taste, add any seasoning to it and thoroughly mix the broth with the dumplings.
  5. Reduce the high heat by 2 times and cook the dumplings on it for 7-10 minutes.
  6. Every 3 minutes, be sure to stir the "pies" so that they do not stick to the bottom of the pan.
  7. As soon as foam appears on the surface of the water, and the dumplings themselves float to the top of the pan, it means that they are ready.
  8. Boil them over low heat for another 1-2 minutes, no more, then put them on a plate.
  9. We serve boiled dumplings seasoned to the table.

True, an American cup is 237 milliliters. The dough is enough for which two plates of dumplings, let's see how much it will be later. Meanwhile, we can cook meat for filling. Requires equal parts of beef and pork, onion, salt, pepper to taste.

We cut the onions, we put the meat together and mix everything in our hands. Then the main ingredient is mayr. The smell and taste is somewhat similar to oregano, but perhaps slightly weaker and more mint. So, we take all these branches, we cut the leaves, chop finely and into meat.

Then we make the pancake dough, sprinkle the flour with a horizontal surface, collect very well and start hum. Cook until the dough is 2-3 mm thick. The rest of the paper says the thickness is similar to the back of the knife at the back. The main thing is not too subtle, and without holes that would have been.

As a dressing, you can use:

  • sour cream;
  • butter;
  • ketchup;
  • mayonnaise;
  • adjika;
  • greens (cilantro, dill, parsley, etc.);
  • ground pepper or any other hot (and not only) seasonings.

In fact, the technology for cooking dumplings of factory and home production is the same. Store-bought dough products are cooked for the same time as ordinary homemade ones, and using the same technology. However, despite this, the product from the supermarket has its own cooking characteristics:

Then take a round object with sharp edges, place it on the dough and press firmly. Do you remember that the pressure has to be strong? We take one throw, as we would express it, if we could shrink, we put it in the palm of our hand, and in the middle, about a teaspoon of the filling.

Then twist halfway, push down on the edges, and wrap around the edge in light, circular motions. We understand that we cannot freely pose with dumplings in hand and give them to those who pay. We had another piece at home that makes making dumplings easier. Apparently, get used to it more. We feed the roller and meat to our teeth, then fold it in half and squeeze it to lie down.

  1. frozen dough products must be separated from each other before cooking and be sure to mix them in a saucepan;
  2. in factory dumplings, minced meat is always more salty, so you don't need to put a lot of salt in the water;
  3. it is likely that store-bought dumplings will cook faster than homemade dumplings. And although the total cooking time for both is the same - 7-10 minutes, still factory molding can cook and unstick faster.

Maybe this is easier. But I'm probably old-fashioned. In the end, when we finish the dumplings, we get about two big dishes, this. We pour out a large pot of salt water to make it hot. Meanwhile, we cut the droplets weak at medium temperature to melt and add finely chopped onions, about the same number of droplets.

When the onion is hammered, we put a couple of tablespoons of cream in a saucepan and mix well. When water is properly applied to the middle of the bark, the filling does not extinguish inside its own juice. For this, it is important that the meat is not too dry, or you can add a little milk or kefir to it. If the dumplings swell like a frog, all this should be, here the steam is squeezed out from the inside. If the dough is firm enough, it shouldn't break. The rule that dumplings are ready when exposed to the surface is not valid here.

Seasonings for water

Without a good broth, dumplings cannot be cooked deliciously. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the seasonings in which they will be cooked. As a rule, how to season the water - each housewife decides for herself, taking into account the taste preferences of her family members.

But if you cannot decide in any way: what to use as a seasoning for water, then we offer you a possible list of suitable ingredients:

The easiest way is to look a little, and when it seems, pull it out and try it. We put on a saucepan, put it in the sauce, weed it on the branches of the mayruna. For some, this drink is kefir. There are other options for filling. This kind of mushroom sauce that sells cans, or just sour cream, are still good for the sauce.

Curd cheese, mix with egg yolk and mint. First of all, hand dough. While tasty filling is especially important for pods, in addition to a flawlessly made dough, they simply cannot be prepared. According to a food expert, the most important rule for making dumplings is to knead for a long time so that it softens and doesn't cling to your hands.

  • Bay leaf;
  • bouillon cubes;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • vegetable oil;
  • seasonings for soups, meat dishes, etc.

Calorie content of dumplings with different types of fillings

All housewives are well aware that dough products can have completely different fillings. Homemade and store dumplings are filled not only with tender beef, fish or boiled chicken, but also with more fatty meats, for example, pork and even lard.

More often than not, these different meats are linked together (for example, lean beef and fatty pork).

Sometimes, dumplings are made from vegetables, mushrooms, with the addition of hard cheese. In a word, there are many options for fantasy. However, the flight of culinary imagination can cost your figure dearly. Dough products stuffed with minced meat, especially from fatty meats, are very high in calories.

If you diligently monitor your calorie intake, then you just need to know what the calorie content of dumplings boiled in a pan is. In order to make it easier for you to calculate the daily calories eaten, we bring to your attention a ready-made table of calorie content of boiled dumplings with different fillings.

Dumplings with different types of minced meat Calories (kcal) per 100 grams. product
With pork 280
With beef 275
With Chiken 210
With cheese and chicken 250
With mushrooms 100
With pork and beef 260
With fish 252
With lamb 281

Our article is intended not only for novice housewives and inexperienced bachelors in cooking, who only learn the secrets of making dumplings. The information will be useful for skilled chefs as well. After all, how to cook dumplings, in what water and how long it takes to cook are simple questions, the correct answers to which help you easily and quickly prepare a delicious treat.

Master class: we cook the most delicious dumplings, step-by-step instructions for cooking in various ways with photos and videos.

What do dumplings and Homer have in common?

The history of "bread ears" - and this is how, according to one version, the word "dumpling" should be translated - is rooted in such impenetrable depths of centuries that it is not possible to trace its beginning. If only 11 Greek cities argued for the right to be called the homeland of Homer, then entire nations could compete for the honor of being the inventors of dumplings! And there would be much more of them. Their national dish, consisting of pieces of thinly rolled dough with juicy meat filling inside, is in Japan, Italy, Germany, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Israel ... True connoisseurs find descriptions of mouth-watering "dough bags" even in ancient Greek treatises and Roman writers!

However, according to the most widespread version, the Chinese were the pioneers of this dish. And they also laid the foundation for the victorious march of their creation around the world, sharing the idea of ​​an appetizing and easy-to-store dish with neighboring peoples. Soon dumplings were tucked into both cheeks in Siberia, then in the western part of Russia, in Europe ...

They say that the dashing ataman Ermak Timofeevich loved to feast on dumplings

True, not everyone agrees with this version. There are culinary historians who have traced the path of meat delicacies to Russia from the Komi people, Don Cossacks, Tatars, Great Bukharia and even Scythian vagabonds. However, is it so important who made the first dumplings? The main thing is that today nothing prevents us from going to the kitchen (or to the store), taking a pack of frozen pieces of dough dullly tapping each other and turning them into a breathtaking treat, the smell of which will quickly reach all the household. Let's try?

A few words about the filling

Let's take a couple more minutes to talk about which filling is considered the most successful for dumplings. True, it will not be easy to do this - the choice is very rich.

In Russia, for example, this dish has long been molded with different types of meat. Moreover, not only traditional for us beef, pork, lamb or chicken with turkey were used, but also elk, bear meat, as well as meat of other wild forest animals. Of course, modern housewives can have quite understandable problems with bear meat. But the idea of ​​making a juicy mix of beef and pork will be more than successful: pork will add juiciness to dry and tough beef, and that, in turn, will make pork less fatty. Well, if you are not afraid of calories, mix the minced mutton with a piece of fat tail fat: both the aroma and the taste will come from the “lick your fingers” series. They add to the meat filling and fried onions, and slices of vegetables, and herbs.

Onions and garlic will make the filling taste rich and spicy.

Don't like meat? Take an example from Siberians and Chinese, who often stuff dumplings with fish. Or from the Japanese, whose menu contains original fried dumplings stuffed with shrimps.

Are you a staunch vegetarian? Don't worry and there will be a treat for you. Try, for example, dumplings with potatoes, sauerkraut, mushrooms, spinach or curd cheese mixed with tomato slices. Unusual? But how delicious!

How to cook and how much - 5 ways to make perfect dumplings

Usually cookbooks say: Bring water to a boil, toss dumplings in it and cook until tender. It's a pity, an inexperienced hostess, armed with such instructions, can easily end up with either firmly stuck together or boiled lumps of dough, the filling of which will float freely in the saucepan. And besides, what does it mean - until ready? And when will it be more correct to salt the water - at the beginning or at the end of cooking? And why should we limit ourselves to a stove and a bulky vessel, if technological progress has presented us with so many convenient new products?


If you decide not to bother yourself with modeling and just brought your favorite pack of dumplings from the nearest supermarket, you can immediately start cooking. A separate charm of this dish is that it does not need to be defrosted: you do not have to drown out the hungry rumbling in the stomach, waiting for the semi-finished products to thaw.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of dumplings;
  • 3-4 liters of water;
  • butter - 1-2 tbsp. l .;
  • black pepper, bay leaf and any other spices;
  • salt.


  • Pour water into a deep saucepan. On average, it should be 3-4 times more than the dumplings that you are going to cook.

  • A kilo of dumplings will require at least 3 liters of water

  • Salt the water. And if you want to add flavor to the finished dish, throw a few black peppercorns, bay leaves and other spices you like after the salt.

  • If there is salt in the filling, skip this step.

  • Let the water boil.

  • The fire should be neither large nor small - medium

  • One at a time, but as quickly as possible, send the dumplings to the pan. If you delay this process too long, the ones that got into the water first will cook before the last ones are ready. And if you knock over the whole pack at once, you will have to wait until the cooled water heats up again and the dumplings have time to turn sour.

  • Finished dumplings begin to float to the surface

  • Let the water boil again, stirring occasionally with a spoon or slotted spoon to prevent them from sticking to the bottom of the pot or to each other. And then all that remains is to wait another 3-5 minutes (depending on the size of the semi-finished products and the thickness of the dough) so that the dumplings begin to float to the surface. Catch them with a slotted spoon, put them on a dish, pour over sour cream, melted butter or tomato sauce and serve.

  • Bon Appetit!


Homemade dumplings are cooked in the same way as store-bought dumplings, but with some nuances.

  • Since the dough made with one's own hand is usually denser, and not every housewife knows how to roll it out in a factory way, the cooking time of frozen dumplings should be increased to 8-10 minutes after boiling.
  • But if you did not begin to freeze your semi-finished products, but decided to cook them immediately after molding, the cooking time will be reduced to 2-3 minutes.
  • Homemade dumplings are usually stored sprinkled with flour. If you do this too, try to gently shake it off before boiling; this will make the dough less sticky.

Keep in mind: if you are making dumplings for future use, it is better not to salt the filling and not add pungent-smelling spices to it. The more time passes, the more your "semi-finished products" will lose their presentation, darken and acquire an unpleasant smell.

In the microwave

If you don't have the time and inclination to mess around with a saucepan and boiling water, use a microwave. It is much more convenient. And don't forget to stock up on a few chives, you'll need them!

You will need:

  • 200 g of dumplings;
  • 1-2 glasses of water;
  • green onions;
  • sour cream or butter - to taste;
  • salt, spices.


  • Place the dumplings evenly on the bottom of a suitable plate.

  • It is better to use special utensils for the microwave

  • Pour boiling water into a plate. The dumplings should be about 2/3 immersed in it. However, there are cooks who vigilantly make sure that the future food is completely covered with water - they say, so it will not have a chance to turn out to be harsh. In short, it's a matter of taste.

  • A lot of water is not scary, the main thing is that not a little

  • Cover the dish with a glass lid or saucer and put it in the microwave. Set the timer first for 5 minutes at maximum power (at least 750 watts).

  • If you do not have a special saucepan, cover the container with a saucer.

  • Chop the green onion.

  • Dill, parsley and other herbs can be added to the onion

  • Wait until the microwave signal sounds, take out a bowl of dumplings, stir them with a spoon, add salt and spices and sprinkle with herbs.

  • And additional flavors and vitamins

  • Put the covered dish back in the microwave and start the timer again at the same time.

  • For small dumplings, 3 minutes is enough

  • Transfer the prepared dumplings to a plate, pour over with butter and serve with sour cream or any sauce.

Please note that in the microwave, dumplings can only be cooked in small portions: such as to lay them on the bottom of the plate in one layer. The second, and even more so the third will stick together tightly.

In a multicooker

Another convenient way to enjoy your favorite dish without extra effort.

You will need:

  • dumplings - 400 g;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • sour cream - 100 ml;
  • hard cheese - 60 g;
  • butter;
  • salt, spices.


  • Place the dumplings in the bottom of the multicooker bowl.

  • It is better if the dumplings are frozen

  • Mix 1 part sour cream with 2 parts water, season with salt, pepper and pour over prepared dumplings.

  • Spices can be anything, but be careful with salt - especially if your cheese is salty

  • Set the "Steam" mode and start the multicooker.

  • Some housewives prefer the "Baking" mode

  • Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

  • The amount of cheese can be increased or decreased to taste

  • After 10–20 minutes (depending on the multicooker model), open the lid and remove the dumplings from the water using a slotted spoon. Add butter to the finished dish, sprinkle with grated cheese and start eating.

  • On hot dumplings, the cheese will have time to melt slightly

In a double boiler

If you want your dumplings to keep their perfect shape and not boil over, use a double boiler. True, it is not suitable for those who like the most tender, soft food - steam, unlike water, can give you a dry treat.

You will need:

  • dumplings - 400 g;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • salt, spices.
  • Pour water into the steamer.

  • The beginning is quite standard

  • Lubricate the bottom of the bowl with oil.

  • The oil will prevent the dumplings from sticking

  • Spread the dumplings along the bottom, being careful not to touch the sides, put the bowl with all the contents in place and turn on the steamer.

  • If you have a "multi-storey" steamer, remember: on the first level, dumplings will cook faster

  • Wait 25-30 minutes if using freshly made dumplings, and 40-45 if using frozen ones.

  • Time depends not only on the condition of the dumplings, but also on their size

  • Put the finished meal on a plate immediately (in a cooled double boiler, the dumplings will dry quickly), pour with oil, salt and pepper. Serve with any sauce.

  • Such dumplings are salted already in the plate

How to prevent dumplings from sticking together

It is terribly unpleasant when, instead of a slide of even, shiny, like one-to-one matched dumplings, you get something stuck together and lumpy. And even if the shape of the finished product does not affect the taste, it will no longer deliver the expected pleasure. How can you avoid this?

  • Add 1–2 tsp into the cooking water. vegetable oil.
  • If you are cooking for a large number of eaters, cook the dumplings in portions. The tighter it is in the pot, the more likely it will stick together.
  • Do not try to put dumplings in cold water and only then put them on fire. So you definitely won't get the perfect treat. Take your time, wait until it boils.
  • Most often, dumplings stick to the bottom immediately after being submerged in water. Take preventive action by gently stirring with a spoon.
  • Each time, pour melted butter over the food that is ready and laid out on the dish. Or simply place a piece of butter on a hot, steaming slide - it will melt by itself.

What to cook with?

When cooking dumplings, most housewives make do with a “minimal cook's set” - black pepper and bay leaves, and sometimes even just salt. But this is not our method. To make yourself known as the best culinary specialist in the world, take on board a couple of new fillers for the saucepan with the future delicacy. Believe me, it will greatly benefit from this.

It turns out that cooking and serving dumplings is an extremely exciting experience!

Dumplings can be made even tastier if:

  • instead of water, boil them in beef or chicken broth;
  • add a whole onion or roast carrots and onions to the pan;
  • pour over the finished dish with oil mixed with garlic passed through a press, and sprinkle with chopped dill.

There are also very simple methods. Try to find bags of ready-made dumplings seasoning in the store, which you just need to add to the pan a few minutes before the end of cooking. Or compose your own flavoring bouquet to suit your tastes.

What to serve with?

Ketchup and sour cream are considered traditional spices for dumplings. But if you are a creative person, you will not stop there. Moreover, there are many other interesting options for filing "ears of bread".

  • If you boiled dumplings in broth, put them on the table with it. A portion of fragrant pieces of dough, 1-2 scoops of rich broth, a little greens - and the result will surpass all expectations.
  • Some people eat dumplings with ... salad! Chop cucumber and cabbage thinly, add chopped green onions, dill, sprinkle with salt and spices. A little mayonnaise or sour cream, and the original appetizer is ready.
  • Fans of spicy food will like dumplings with adjika, mustard or vinegar, in which black pepper was previously poured.
  • Even butter can be made spicy by seasoning it with grated horseradish and herbs.
  • And of course, do not forget about soy sauce - the easiest way to diversify the taste of a familiar dish.

Photo gallery: methods of filing

Soy sauce is loved by many

An old recipe advises stuffing dumplings with duck and serving with cranberries.

Fragrant broth will make dumplings even juicier and tastier

Almost everyone will like the classic

This is really a really original way of serving

The choice of sauce is entirely up to you.

An interesting option is to serve dumplings on lettuce leaves

Dumplings with vegetables ?! Try it!

Tasty bonus: fried Japanese gyoza

To surprise your family with this extremely interesting and tasty dish, you will need:

  • flour - 300 g;
  • boiling water - 250 ml;
  • pork or ground beef (or a mixture of both of these types of meat) - 200 g;
  • young carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • green onions - a small bunch;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • chili pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • cilantro - a bunch;
  • fresh ginger - 1 tsp;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • soy sauce - optional.


  • Sift flour into a bowl and add boiling water to it. Do this slowly, in portions, so as not to overdo it with water.

  • Watch the consistency of the dough, it should not turn out to be too liquid

  • Knead the dough, first in a bowl and then on a floured table.

  • You won't have to mess around for a long time: 5-10 minutes, and you're done

  • Transfer the finished dough to a cutting board, cover with a tea towel and let rest for 30-40 minutes.

  • Chop all other vegetables and herbs - cilantro, green onions, garlic, ginger and hot peppers as you please.

  • Vegetable mix may be different

  • Combine all prepared ingredients with minced meat and knead well. If you don't plan on using soy sauce, which itself is quite salty, you can add salt at this stage.

  • Knead the minced meat until smooth

  • Place a piece of minced meat on each circle of dough and mold the dumplings as you usually do.

  • Make sure that the filling does not fall out over the edges!

  • Pour oil into a skillet and heat it up.

  • A Japanese wok is an ideal choice.

  • Fry the dumplings until golden brown - on average, 2-3 minutes on each side - and then pour 100-150 ml of water into the pan. Cover with a lid and keep on medium heat until the water evaporates completely.

  • If the gyoza is lightly rolled in flour, the crust will be more pronounced.

  • Serve hot gyoza, sprinkled with chopped herbs. The ideal companion for oriental dumplings is, of course, soy sauce.

  • Serve gyoza with soy sauce

Video: dumplings baked in a pot

Have you already seen that making dumplings really tasty is not as easy as it seems? And the fact that this dish can be both varied and original? Great, it means that another recipe has fallen into your piggy bank of culinary ideas. What are you going to cook first - fried dumplings, boiled dumplings, cooked with cheese? But it doesn't matter! We are sure that whatever it is, you will cope with the task with a bang.