Apricot juice for the winter. Apricot juice: benefits and harms

03.08.2019 Healthy eating

Has summer made you happy with the harvest of apricots? We need to prepare the juice! For a fragrant drink, you need very little: ripe fruits and a good mood. Here you can see a suitable recipe for apricot juice for the winter.

Apricot juice for the winter - general principles of preparation

The easiest way to extract juice is with a juicer. It can be manual, electric or steam. You can also prepare a drink by rubbing the cooked fruit. The drink is often diluted with water. Sugar, citric acid, various aromatic additives can be added to it. Apricot juice is often prepared with the addition of other fruits, for example, apples, citrus fruits.

Sterility is our everything!

Since the juice is cooked, the apricots do not need to be dried after washing. But after cooking, sterility is a must. It is not allowed to get into the drink of raw water, specks and other debris. The juice is poured only into clean and dry jars.

How can containers be sterilized:

Over the steam;

In the oven;

In the microwave.

Once upon a time, grandmothers roasted cans in the sun, but today this method has lost its relevance. The drink is poured only in a boiling state. Tighten with clean, preferably sterile, lids. A special key is used. You need to cool the workpiece upside down, then the cans are returned to their natural position.

Apricot juice for the winter with pulp

An ancient recipe for apricot juice for the winter, which is prepared without special devices. All you need is an enamel saucepan, colander or sieve. The amount of fruit is arbitrary. Add sugar to the drink as desired.




1. We wash the apricots, disassemble into halves. You don't need to dry the fruit. Throw away the bones immediately.

2. We put the halves in a large enamel pot. If you cook the workpiece in an aluminum pot, then it will have an ugly shade.

3. Now fill in the water. It needs so much so that the liquid is equal to the fruit, that is, it reaches their level.

4. Turn on the stove and start cooking. You can make a big fire right away.

5. As soon as the foam begins to appear, remove it immediately. It is useless in juice.

6. Boil the fruit until soft. As soon as the apricots begin to decay, remove from heat. Cool the brew.

7. Drain the compote through a colander, set aside the broth for a while.

8. Rub boiled fruits through a fine colander, but better through a sieve. We get rid of the skins.

9. Gentle puree, which came out when wiped, combine with the broth, stir and put on the stove again.

10. Now add sugar to taste.

11. Let the juice boil for about five minutes, remove the foam. We pour the drink into sterile jars, seal and remove the blank.

Apricot juice for the winter at home through a juicer

The easiest way to prepare apricot juice for the winter at home. All you need is a suitable juicer, which will separate the veins, skins from the liquid. The brand and device do not matter.


5 kg of apricots;

300 grams of sugar.


1. We wash the apricots, free them from the seeds.

2. Pass the fruit halves through a juicer.

3. We evaluate waste. Apricots in this regard are capricious and cake can be a lot. If this is really the case, a lot of waste came out and they are wet, then we pass them through the juicer again.

4. We combine everything that has turned out to be extracted from the fruit. Pour into a saucepan.

5. Add sugar and place on the stove.

6. As soon as the future drink starts to boil, remove the foam.

7. Let the juice boil for three minutes, but more can be done if a thicker product is needed at the exit.

8. Pour, seal and the sunny drink is ready!

Apricot juice for the winter with lemon

A variant of a very aromatic apricot juice for the winter at home. For 3 liters of squeezed drink, you only need 1 lemon.


3 liters of fresh juice;

500 ml of water;

150-300 grams of sugar.


1. We wash the apricots and squeeze the juice in any way. The easiest way is to use an electric juicer.

2. Add sugar to the water. The sweeter the apricots, the less you need. We put the syrup to cook on the stove.

3. Dip the washed lemon in boiling water, then remove the zest with a knife. It is a thin yellow citrus rind. Put the zest in sugar and water.

4. After boiling, let the syrup boil for about five minutes, so that the zest gives the aroma to the water. We filter.

5. Cut the peeled lemon and squeeze all the juice out of it, also filter it.

6. Now combine lemon juice, aromatic syrup and prescription apricot juice. It should be 3 liters.

7. We put all this on the stove and cook the drink for a few minutes after boiling. If foam suddenly appears, then do not forget to remove it.

8. The juice is ready! Pour, seal tightly, cool upside down.

Spicy apricot juice for the winter at home

The recipe for an incredibly aromatic apricot juice, which is prepared with the addition of spices. If you don't like an ingredient, then we simply exclude it. You can also add your favorite flavor as long as it doesn't conflict with the flavor of the apricot.


4 liters of juice;

4 carnation stars;

1 vanilla pod;

0.5 lemon;

300 grams of sugar;

1 cinnamon stick;

4 mint leaves.


1. Take 700 ml of water, pour it into a saucepan, add sugar and cook.

2. Add all the spices to the saucepan; you don't need to grind anything.

3. Squeeze the lemon juice, immediately pour it into the apricot drink. All that is left, that is, a half with a crust, is tossed into boiling syrup. Cook it for at least ten minutes.

4. Strain the aromatic mixture, pour it over the juice. Stir.

5. We put the pot with the drink on the stove, let it boil. Catch the foam from the surface.

6. We taste the drink. Add sugar or acid if needed.

7. Boil for about five minutes, pour it into a sterile dish, seal with treated lids and you can send the juice to the basement.

Apricot juice for the winter with apples

A variation on perhaps one of the most popular flavors of apricot juice. With apples, the drink turns out to be very pleasant, sour and unusually aromatic. We extract the juice in any of the available ways, it is better to use an electric device.


5 kg of apples;

5 kg of apricots;

700 grams of sugar;

500 ml of water.


1. Water can be immediately poured into a large saucepan and over low heat.

2. Sugar is also immediately poured into water, let it dissolve.

3. The washed and pitted apricots are passed through a juicer, the juice is immediately added in portions to the water with sugar, let the drink be heated, we will not waste too much time.

4. We also wash the apples, cut them into pieces, bypassing the stubs with seeds. We extract juice from them, we also use a juicer.

5. Pour the apple juice into the apricot drink.

6. That's it! It remains to boil the drink for about five minutes after boiling. Remember the foam that needs to be removed.

Apricot juice for the winter at home using a blender

A method of making apricot juice for the winter at home for those who have nothing to squeeze out a drink. You will need a blender, preferably a submersible one. You can use a combine, but it will take longer.


3 kg of apricots;

900 ml of water;

200 grams of sugar;

0.5 tsp citric acid.


1. Rinse the apricots with water. No need to remove the bones. The fruits must remain intact.

2. We take a large saucepan to fit a colander. Pour in 2/3 water. We put on fire, let it boil.

3. Next we put a saucepan or a bucket with cold ode, it is possible with an ice liquid.

4. Put the whole apricots in a colander and put it in a saucepan with boiling water for 20 seconds.

5. Then take it out and immerse it in ice water.

6. After a minute, take out the apricots and remove the skin in one motion, immediately discard the pit. Put the peeled pulp in a bowl.

7. Take a blender and puree the fruit until smooth.

8. Add water to them, add sugar and throw in citric acid. You can squeeze fresh citrus juice.

9. Cook the juice for a few minutes. If desired, the drink can be made even thinner by diluting with water. But in this case, do not forget to add sugar and acid to maintain a pleasant taste. We pour, put away for storage.

Apricot juice for the winter through a juicer

Juice cooker is a special device for extracting juice. It is a three-story structure with a tube.



5-7 tablespoons of sugar.


1. Pour water into the lower compartment of the juicer. Usually it goes from two to three liters, but it is better to look at the instructions.

2. Divide the washed apricots into halves, put them in the trellised (uppermost) part of the juicer.

3. Sprinkle the apricots with sugar on top to enhance the release of juice.

4. Turn on the fire. We cook the juice.

5. After about 45 minutes, you can remove the clamp from the tube and drain the juice into a sterile container. We seal up.

Do not throw away apricot cake from a juicer. It will make a wonderful puree that can be put into pie filling or marshmallow.

Apricots go well with different fruits. You can make juices with the addition of pears, peaches, various berries. But do not add blackberries, otherwise the drink will turn out blue.

Any juice will become more aromatic and tasty if you add a little vanilla and cinnamon to it. Better to use natural pods and sticks. The composition of the spice bags leaves much to be desired.

To seal juices, you can use not only jars, but also glass bottles with screw caps.

Wash the apricots under cool water and dry.

Then we peel all the fruits. We throw away the seeds, revise the pulp - it happens that the outside of the apricot has an ideal appearance, but there are darkening inside - this option does not suit us.

We put our selected apricot slices in a saucepan, steam for a short time on minimal heat until softened.

Add a portion of granulated sugar and citric acid. We suggest that you do not increase the amount of sugar, so that the drink is not sugary sweet.

Now we need a hand blender - turn on the strongest power, puree the apricots for a few minutes, so that as a result we get a smooth smooth puree.

But now we will dilute our concentrate, for such an amount of apricot we will need two liters of clean bottled water - pour it into the prepared puree.

We send the future juice to the stove, bring to a boil, cook with moderate heat for 10 minutes from the moment of boiling.

We remove the juice from the stove.

We sterilize the jar in advance, fill it with hot juice, do it carefully so as not to burn our hands. We fill the jar not to the brim, but to the "shoulders".

Remember the lids - we throw them into actively boiling water, let stand for exactly three minutes, and remove. We tightly close the cans, check the seaming accuracy: put the can on its side - air and liquid do not leak out - everything is fine, rolled up well.

Now the juice in the jars must be turned upside down, wrapped in a blanket, and left to cool for 24 hours. That's all, our homemade apricot juice with pulp is ready for the winter. We rearrange it on the shelf of a cool room, store it until winter.

Enjoy your meal!

Homemade apricot juice for the winter is an invaluable preparation. One glass of this sunny drink contains not only an amazing taste, but also the maximum supply of nutrients that can preserve youth, improve well-being and tone the body for a long time. The recipes below will help to prepare it.

How to make apricot juice at home?

Apricot juice for the winter is the most popular preparation. It is healthy, tasty and easy to prepare. Apricots are pitted, cut and boiled in a minimum amount of water until softened. After, they are filtered in a convenient way. Sugar is added to fresh juice, boiled for a couple of minutes, poured into jars and sterilized.

  1. Making apricot juice will turn into a favorite pastime with a few tips.
  2. The quality of the juice directly depends on the raw material, so it is better to choose fresh, ripe and juicy apricots.
  3. The sterilization process of juices directly depends on the methods of obtaining them. So, the drinks obtained from the juicer are immediately poured into cans and rolled up. Juices squeezed out with a meat grinder or juicer are filtered, boiled for a couple of minutes, poured into sterile dishes and rolled up.
  4. After rolling, it is better to place the juice cans in a dark place for a couple of weeks: low-quality drinks will ferment and darken.

At home, it is considered the healthiest harvest due to the contained pulp, which provides a large amount of fiber, vitamins and low acidity, which distinguishes this juice from other drinks. In addition to the mass of useful reserves, the juice has a pleasant taste, wonderful aroma and moderately thick and delicate consistency.


  • apricots - 5 kg;
  • water - 1.2 l;
  • sugar - 250 g


  1. Pour the peeled apricots with 500 ml of water and cook for 15 minutes.
  2. Simultaneously boil the syrup from 250 g of sugar and 700 ml of water.
  3. Cool the boiled apricots and rub through a sieve.
  4. Pour the syrup into the mashed mass and cook for 10 minutes.
  5. Pour into jars and sterilize apricot juice for the winter at home for 15 minutes at 100 degrees.

Apricot juice at home through a juicer is a high-quality, tasty and healthy drink, because a modern assistant will simply and quickly squeeze every last drop from the fruit, separating the useful mass from the cake. The resulting mixture is thick, therefore it is diluted with water to prepare the juice of the required concentration.


  • apricots - 2.5 kg;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • water - 2 l.


  1. Pass the peeled apricots through a juicer.
  2. Dilute the mass with water, add sugar and cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour hot juice into sterile jars, roll up, turn over and wrap.

Apricot for the winter is a great way to get pasteurized workpieces. The process is simple: the pot of fruit is placed on a tray of water, covered with a lid and simmered over the fire. When the water boils, the heat treatment process begins, in which the juice flows through a hose into the desired container, automatically sterilizing itself.


  • apricots - 2.5 kg;
  • water - 1.5 liters.


  1. Remove the pits from the apricots.
  2. Pour water into the bottom pan of the juicer.
  3. Place a second pot with holes on it.
  4. Place a pot of apricots on top.
  5. Cover and put on fire.
  6. Place the juice collection hose in the middle saucepan into the jar.
  7. Cover the finished homemade apricot juice and roll up.

Apricot juice at home can be prepared not only with the help of modern household appliances, but also with a conventional meat grinder. Despite the skeptical attitude of many to this technique, it does an excellent job with juicy fruits, crushing them into a thick homogeneous mass, which is more often than others the basis of juices with pulp.


  • apricots - 5.5 kg;
  • sugar - 100 g.


  1. Scroll the pitted apricots through a meat grinder.
  2. Squeeze the resulting mass.
  3. Boil the juice with sugar for 5 minutes.
  4. Pour into jars and roll up lids.

Making apricot juice at home opens up opportunities for culinary fantasies. So, you can diversify the taste of the workpiece with the help of oranges. With them, the juice will not only acquire a piquant sourness and citrus aroma, but also double the vitamin reserve, for the preservation of which it is better to use a juicer.


  • apricots - 5 kg;
  • orange - 3 pcs.;
  • water - 500 ml.


  1. Peel apricots and oranges and pass through a juicer.
  2. Add water to the juice and boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Pour into sterile jars and roll up.

Apple-apricot juice is difficult and costly to prepare. Everything from the fact that this drink is widely used in baby food, and therefore must be of high quality, tasty and healthy. In order to preserve all the nutritional properties as much as possible, apple juice is subjected to short-term heat treatment only at the final stage.


  • apricots - 6 kg;
  • apples - 4 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • sugar - 250 g


  1. Pour peeled apricots with 800 ml of water and cook until softened.
  2. Cook syrup from 1 liter of water and 250 g of sugar.
  3. Wipe boiled apricots, add syrup and boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Pass the apples through a juicer.
  5. filter, add to apricot and heat.

Busy housewives can use a quick-cooking apricot juice recipe for the winter. To do this, the fruits are whipped with a blender and boiled with water and sugar. A couple of minutes before the end of the process, citric acid should be added, it will balance the taste and increase the shelf life of the workpiece, since it is an excellent preservative.


  • apricots - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • citric acid - 1/4 tsp;
  • water - 2.5 liters.


  1. Steam the peeled apricots for a couple of minutes.
  2. Whisk with a blender.
  3. Add sugar and water and boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Add citric acid 3 minutes before finishing.

Sugar-free apricot juice is a correct and healthy preparation, because the absence of sugar is perfectly compensated by the natural sweetness of the fruit, the pulp of which contains a lot of glucose. Such juice will delight fans of diets and those suffering from diabetes, because with a low calorie content, it has nutritional value and does not cause strong jumps in blood sugar.

Has summer made you happy with the harvest of apricots? We need to prepare the juice! For a fragrant drink, you need very little: ripe fruits and a good mood. Here you can see a suitable recipe for apricot juice for the winter.

Apricot juice for the winter - general principles of preparation

The easiest way to extract juice is with a juicer. It can be manual, electric or steam. You can also prepare a drink by rubbing the cooked fruit. The drink is often diluted with water. Sugar, citric acid, various aromatic additives can be added to it. Apricot juice is often prepared with the addition of other fruits, for example, apples, citrus fruits.

Sterility is our everything!

Since the juice is cooked, the apricots do not need to be dried after washing. But after cooking, sterility is a must. It is not allowed to get into the drink of raw water, specks and other debris. The juice is poured only into clean and dry jars.

How can containers be sterilized:

Over the steam;

In the oven;

In the microwave.

Once upon a time, grandmothers roasted cans in the sun, but today this method has lost its relevance. The drink is poured only in a boiling state. Tighten with clean, preferably sterile, lids. A special key is used. You need to cool the workpiece upside down, then the cans are returned to their natural position.

Apricot juice for the winter with pulp

An ancient recipe for apricot juice for the winter, which is prepared without special devices. All you need is an enamel saucepan, colander or sieve. The amount of fruit is arbitrary. Add sugar to the drink as desired.




1. We wash the apricots, disassemble into halves. You don't need to dry the fruit. Throw away the bones immediately.

2. We put the halves in a large enamel pot. If you cook the workpiece in an aluminum pot, then it will have an ugly shade.

3. Now fill in the water. It needs so much so that the liquid is equal to the fruit, that is, it reaches their level.

4. Turn on the stove and start cooking. You can make a big fire right away.

5. As soon as the foam begins to appear, remove it immediately. It is useless in juice.

6. Boil the fruit until soft. As soon as the apricots begin to decay, remove from heat. Cool the brew.

7. Drain the compote through a colander, set aside the broth for a while.

8. Rub boiled fruits through a fine colander, but better through a sieve. We get rid of the skins.

9. Gentle puree, which came out when wiped, combine with the broth, stir and put on the stove again.

10. Now add sugar to taste.

11. Let the juice boil for about five minutes, remove the foam. We pour the drink into sterile jars, seal and remove the blank.

Apricot juice for the winter at home through a juicer

The easiest way to prepare apricot juice for the winter at home. All you need is a suitable juicer, which will separate the veins, skins from the liquid. The brand and device do not matter.


5 kg of apricots;

300 grams of sugar.


1. We wash the apricots, free them from the seeds.

2. Pass the fruit halves through a juicer.

3. We evaluate waste. Apricots in this regard are capricious and cake can be a lot. If this is really the case, a lot of waste came out and they are wet, then we pass them through the juicer again.

4. We combine everything that has turned out to be extracted from the fruit. Pour into a saucepan.

5. Add sugar and place on the stove.

6. As soon as the future drink starts to boil, remove the foam.

7. Let the juice boil for three minutes, but more can be done if a thicker product is needed at the exit.

8. Pour, seal and the sunny drink is ready!

Apricot juice for the winter with lemon

A variant of a very aromatic apricot juice for the winter at home. For 3 liters of squeezed drink, you only need 1 lemon.


3 liters of fresh juice;

500 ml of water;

150-300 grams of sugar.


1. We wash the apricots and squeeze the juice in any way. The easiest way is to use an electric juicer.

2. Add sugar to the water. The sweeter the apricots, the less you need. We put the syrup to cook on the stove.

3. Dip the washed lemon in boiling water, then remove the zest with a knife. It is a thin yellow citrus rind. Put the zest in sugar and water.

4. After boiling, let the syrup boil for about five minutes, so that the zest gives the aroma to the water. We filter.

5. Cut the peeled lemon and squeeze all the juice out of it, also filter it.

6. Now combine lemon juice, aromatic syrup and prescription apricot juice. It should be 3 liters.

7. We put all this on the stove and cook the drink for a few minutes after boiling. If foam suddenly appears, then do not forget to remove it.

8. The juice is ready! Pour, seal tightly, cool upside down.

Spicy apricot juice for the winter at home

The recipe for an incredibly aromatic apricot juice, which is prepared with the addition of spices. If you don't like an ingredient, then we simply exclude it. You can also add your favorite flavor as long as it doesn't conflict with the flavor of the apricot.


4 liters of juice;

4 carnation stars;

1 vanilla pod;

0.5 lemon;

300 grams of sugar;

1 cinnamon stick;

4 mint leaves.


1. Take 700 ml of water, pour it into a saucepan, add sugar and cook.

2. Add all the spices to the saucepan; you don't need to grind anything.

3. Squeeze the lemon juice, immediately pour it into the apricot drink. All that is left, that is, a half with a crust, is tossed into boiling syrup. Cook it for at least ten minutes.

4. Strain the aromatic mixture, pour it over the juice. Stir.

5. We put the pot with the drink on the stove, let it boil. Catch the foam from the surface.

6. We taste the drink. Add sugar or acid if needed.

7. Boil for about five minutes, pour it into a sterile dish, seal with treated lids and you can send the juice to the basement.

Apricot juice for the winter with apples

A variation on perhaps one of the most popular flavors of apricot juice. With apples, the drink turns out to be very pleasant, sour and unusually aromatic. We extract the juice in any of the available ways, it is better to use an electric device.


5 kg of apples;

5 kg of apricots;

700 grams of sugar;

500 ml of water.


1. Water can be immediately poured into a large saucepan and over low heat.

2. Sugar is also immediately poured into water, let it dissolve.

3. The washed and pitted apricots are passed through a juicer, the juice is immediately added in portions to the water with sugar, let the drink be heated, we will not waste too much time.

4. We also wash the apples, cut them into pieces, bypassing the stubs with seeds. We extract juice from them, we also use a juicer.

5. Pour the apple juice into the apricot drink.

6. That's it! It remains to boil the drink for about five minutes after boiling. Remember the foam that needs to be removed.

Apricot juice for the winter at home using a blender

A method of making apricot juice for the winter at home for those who have nothing to squeeze out a drink. You will need a blender, preferably a submersible one. You can use a combine, but it will take longer.


3 kg of apricots;

900 ml of water;

200 grams of sugar;

0.5 tsp citric acid.


1. Rinse the apricots with water. No need to remove the bones. The fruits must remain intact.

2. We take a large saucepan to fit a colander. Pour in 2/3 water. We put on fire, let it boil.

3. Next we put a saucepan or a bucket with cold ode, it is possible with an ice liquid.

4. Put the whole apricots in a colander and put it in a saucepan with boiling water for 20 seconds.

5. Then take it out and immerse it in ice water.

6. After a minute, take out the apricots and remove the skin in one motion, immediately discard the pit. Put the peeled pulp in a bowl.

7. Take a blender and puree the fruit until smooth.

8. Add water to them, add sugar and throw in citric acid. You can squeeze fresh citrus juice.

9. Cook the juice for a few minutes. If desired, the drink can be made even thinner by diluting with water. But in this case, do not forget to add sugar and acid to maintain a pleasant taste. We pour, put away for storage.

Apricot juice for the winter through a juicer

Juice cooker is a special device for extracting juice. It is a three-story structure with a tube.



5-7 tablespoons of sugar.


1. Pour water into the lower compartment of the juicer. Usually it goes from two to three liters, but it is better to look at the instructions.

2. Divide the washed apricots into halves, put them in the trellised (uppermost) part of the juicer.

3. Sprinkle the apricots with sugar on top to enhance the release of juice.

4. Turn on the fire. We cook the juice.

5. After about 45 minutes, you can remove the clamp from the tube and drain the juice into a sterile container. We seal up.

Do not throw away apricot cake from a juicer. It will make a wonderful puree that can be put into pie filling or marshmallow.

Apricots go well with different fruits. You can make juices with the addition of pears, peaches, various berries. But do not add blackberries, otherwise the drink will turn out blue.

Any juice will become more aromatic and tasty if you add a little vanilla and cinnamon to it. Better to use natural pods and sticks. The composition of the spice bags leaves much to be desired.

To seal juices, you can use not only jars, but also glass bottles with screw caps.