The strongest beer? Alcohol degrees: definition, labeling, degree of intoxication Beer 8 degrees.

27.11.2019 Healthy eating

If we take conventional statistics, then we can say with great confidence: beer in terms of liters per unit of population in Russia takes the 3rd place of honor (1st - water and 2nd - tea). Modern manufacturing firms offer a huge number of varieties of the foamy drink, which, of course, contain different percentages of alcohol.

How many degrees in beer can be real? The task, frankly, is not for a beginner. You say, everything here depends on the method of its preparation? And any label on the bottle can tell about the main features of the content. But, first of all, you still need to be able to read it correctly. Among the most important information that it contains, 2 key positions can be noted: the strength of alcohol and the density of the liquid. It is to them that you need to turn your gaze in the choice of "foam".

And secondly, there is also draft: varieties can be similar in appearance, but in strength - differ significantly from each other.

Alcohol component

So how many degrees are there in beer? This drink is gaining great popularity almost from the very youth among the general population. However, everyone should be reminded that its composition in almost all 100% of cooking cases cannot do without ethyl. And alcohol in the foam is taken not from the fact that alcohols are added there, but because the process of making beer itself requires its own nuances. And in order to know how many degrees there are in beer, you need to understand how it is prepared.

Stages of a long journey

First, the malt (sprouted cereal grains prepared in a special way) undergoes special preparation, then it is fed into the cooking vessel, mixing with clean water. After that, brewer's yeast is added to this mass, which will make this mixture ferment. The next step is the addition of hops, which will give the drink a characteristic taste and make the foamy unique.

From the life of microorganisms

The appearance of ethyl alcohol in beer is caused by the life and activity of microorganisms (brewer's yeast). The addition of hops contributes to this. On the bottle label of this drink, manufacturing companies always indicate 2 parameters:

  • the alcohol content of the beer;
  • density.

Recall that these are 2 different characteristics. The first shows the alcohol content as a percentage, and the second indicates the saturation of the drink itself.

Simplest classification

The following brands of foam are present on the global beer market (depending on the percentage of ethyl):

  • lungs - contain no more than 2% pure alcohol by total weight;
  • classic - contain 4-5% in the composition, no more;
  • strong, in which the alcohol content can exceed 5% (and sometimes go up to 30%).

But what is most interesting: the quality of the beer does not depend on the amount of ethyl it contains. And it is influenced by the right ingredients and strict adherence to production technologies.

Dark beer: how many degrees?

Some people think it is the strongest. In fact, the strength of the beer does not depend on the color scale. The amount of ethyl (degrees, percent) is associated only with sugars, which are consumed by microorganisms participating in the fermentation of the drink. And the higher the difference between the initial and final amounts of sugars, the stronger the final result will be. Where does sugar come from? It is obtained (or "extracted" by yeast) from consumable components: malt or molasses.

But the colors of the frothy drink depend on the type of malt used for brewing. For the preparation of dark, caramel or roasted malts are used, which give the beer a traditional and familiar to everyone dark color (or shades of velvet). Some malt varieties can even darken the beverage opaque to completely black. For the production of light, unroasted malt is usually taken, therefore this drink turns out to be golden in color.

Summing up, we cannot say that dark is the strongest beer drink. On the contrary, even practice says that the percentage of ethyl is higher in light and semi-dark. And the question of how many degrees is in dark beer cannot be answered with accuracy. Each manufacturing company decides for itself.

Today you can find dark beer on the counter with a strength of 4 to 12 degrees. Light does not lag behind it: its strength starts from 3 degrees and can reach 11 (rare special varieties - and higher, but they, as a rule, are not sold in large quantities).

Beer "Garage". How many degrees?

Garage is actually a beer drink (that is, brewed with additives), but it has already managed to acquire its large army of fans. "Garage" has come to the liking of the younger generation, as well as older people. They fully appreciated the fresh citrus notes and the relatively low alcohol content. This low alcohol beer drink allows everyone to get relaxation after work or study, pleasure from excellent balanced taste. The ethyl content in the beer drink is 4.6%.

"Baltic" realities

How many degrees are there in Baltika beer, which is quite popular in our country? There are several varieties. In "Nulevka" - 0.5% - no more. In light (No. 1, No. 2, No. 3) - from 4.4 to 4.8. In the dark (No. 4) - 4.5%. The strongest is "9", it contains 8% ethyl.

And there is also "Zolotoe" No. 5 (light, 5.3%), "Porter" No. 6 (dark, 7%), "Export" and "Yubileinoye", "New Year" and "Wheat", some other special varieties of the favorite Baltika.

And to finish our short essay “Beer. How many degrees?" I would like to remind you that beer (even non-alcoholic, as you can see) and all beer drinks contain, if not too large, but the percentage of ethyl alcohol. Therefore, it is recommended to use them responsibly and in moderation, because this is the same alcohol!

Each of us, to one degree or another, monitors our diet. Every day we consume many dishes, but how often do we pay attention to what kind of drinks we drink, including alcoholic ones? Undoubtedly, they make up a fairly large part of our eating habits, so we shouldn't ignore them.

Features of the drink

Beer is the most popular low-alcohol beverage spread across the globe.

This drink is obtained by fermenting wort from malt in barley with special brewer's yeast with the addition of hops, which gives a special aroma. The texture and special taste are the reasons for the massive consumption of this drink.

The origin is attributed to the times of the appearance of such ancient drinks as wine or kvass. The places of the original brewing, according to modern sources, are considered to be Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Later, the recipes were adopted by Jews, Greeks and Romans.

Interesting! By the way, initially the word "beer" in Slavic languages ​​meant any drink, it acquired its modern meaning later.

Today beer is especially popular among football fans. While watching the match, they like to eat snacks along with the drink - small snacks that can satisfy the hunger a little and please the taste buds.

Usually snacks are of 2 types: salted (salted peanuts in various breadings, crackers, chips, salted fish and seafood) and fried (french fries, croutons, chicken wings). These snacks are often served with a variety of mayonnaise or ketchup based sauces.

As each housewife has her own recipe for borscht, there are many recipes for foam: traditional, time-tested, and modern recipes of local brewers. All variations differ in their taste, aroma, density, color and alcohol content in the drink.


It is impossible to give one specific answer, since if you try, you can find a large number of varieties of different recipes, and therefore with different alcohol content.

First you need to understand what a fortress is and how it is defined. Strength is the amount of alcohol contained in a unit of volume of a beverage. This value is usually measured in percent (%) or volume fraction of alcohol (vol.), However, due to the general availability, the first option is used more often, and the second is used in the industrial field.

The strength will change from variety to variety, so you need to understand the traditional types of beer that you can try when you come to any bar. Types are also called styles.

The division of beer can be carried out according to various parameters: strength, color, density, taste, ingredients included in the composition, method of production, history and geography of origin. However, most often they resort to classification by the type of fermentation. There are three main styles of drink: ale, lager, and blended.


Ale is a top-fermented product of brewer's yeast. The drink is dark, tart, with a more intense aroma, its density is high. However, in different species, these properties can change in different directions.

Making ale is one of the oldest brewing methods, with yeast on the surface at some point. The average alcohol in ale is 5-6.5%, which means that 1 liter of natural beer will contain about 50-65 grams of pure alcohol. It is worth recalling, however, that this is an estimated average.

Ale varieties and their strength:

  1. Pale Ale is a light beer with a pleasant straw-lemon color. The alcohol content is 5.9-8.5%.
  2. Bitter is an amber-orange drink with a bitter taste. The alcohol content is 3-7%.
  3. Soft ale - copper to deep brown color. The alcohol content is 2.8-4.5%.
  4. Barley wine is a dark brown to black strong ale with a bitter taste. The alcohol content is 8-12%.
  5. Porter is a dark beer. The alcohol content is 4-9.5%.
  6. Stout - caramel flavor, dark brown or black in color. The alcohol content is 4-12%.


Lager is opposed to ale: it is usually a light drink with a pleasant mild flavor. World consumption of this style of beer reaches 80%. The drink is obtained through bottom yeast fermentation and several stages of maturation and fermentation.

An honest letter from the reader! Pulled the family out of the hole!
I was on the edge. My husband started drinking almost immediately after our wedding. First, a little bit, to look into the bar after work, to go to the garage with a neighbor. I came to my senses when he began to return very drunk every day, was rude, drank his salary. I really got scared when I pushed for the first time. Me, then my daughter. The next morning he apologized. And so in a circle: lack of money, debts, abuse, tears and ... beatings. And in the mornings we apologize. We've even coded everything we've tried. Not to mention the conspiracies (we have a grandmother who seemed to pull everyone out, just not my husband). After coding, I didn't drink for six months, everything seemed to get better, they began to live like a normal family. And one day - again, stayed at work (as he said) and dragged himself in the evening on his eyebrows. I still remember my tears that evening. I realized that there was no hope. And about two or two and a half months later, I came across an alcoholic drug on the Internet. At that time, I had already completely dropped my hands, my daughter left us altogether, began to live with a friend. I read about the drug, reviews and description. And, not really hoping, I bought it - there is nothing to lose at all. And what do you think ?! I began to add drops to my husband in the morning in tea, he did not notice. Three days later I came home on time. Sober!!! A week later, I began to look more decent, my health improved. Well, then I confessed to him that I was slipping drops. He reacted adequately to a sober head. As a result, he drank a course of alcoholic toxicity, and for six months already, no-no, they raised him at work, and my daughter returned home. I'm afraid to jinx it, but life has become new! Every evening I mentally thank the day when I learned about this miracle remedy! I recommend to everyone! Save families and even lives! Read about the remedy for alcoholism.

On the Russian market, lager style beer is the main one, covering about 97% of retail sales. The average strength of the lager is 4-5% (about 40-50 grams of alcohol per liter of drink).

Lager varieties and their strength:

  1. Light lager is a light light beer with a delicate aroma of malt and hops. The alcohol content is 3.2-6%.
  2. Pilsner is the most common type of beverage with a bittersweet taste and a light color. The alcohol content is 4.2-5.4%.
  3. European amber lager - bright red or honey-amber color, rich malt flavor. The alcohol content is 4.5-5.7%.
  4. Dark lager - the color is dark, with a predominance of amber and dark brown shades, with hints of burnt caramel. The alcohol content is 4.2-6.0%.
  5. Bock, or Bock-bir, is a strong dark beer. The alcohol content is 6.3-7.2%.

Mixed fermentation

Blended beer is produced by a so-called natural yeast infection., as a result of which the drink is fermented under the influence of environmental conditions. This beer has a sour taste and a texture like an unfiltered beverage.

How much alcohol is in blended beer:

How to drink correctly

There is an aesthetics of use. In different countries, you can find a wide variety of traditions dedicated to this process. Beer is usually served on special coasters - coasters, which, due to their porous structure, can quickly absorb the spilled drink.

Foam deserves special attention. In a properly poured drink, it is homogeneous, thick, white and takes no more than a quarter of a glass.

Beer consumption can be both seasonal and non-seasonal. This drink is usually drunk with friends with various snacks.

Interesting! Is beer a low alcohol drink? Scottish brewers would shake their heads at this question, as they have brewed 67.5% ABV. They were able to achieve this degree by multiple freezing and thawing of the drink.

The whole phenomenon in the world of beer is the Oktoberfest held in Germany. These are the largest folk festivals that are based in Munich. People from all over the world come to this holiday, various tents work, where you can buy snacks for every taste: from potatoes to baked pork.

At this event, only local companies and only a certain type of beer (March beer) are bottled. There are also many amusement rides and performances organized.

Interesting video: Guinness alcohol record

A story about the strongest beer that was even included in the Guinness Book of Records.


The rich history of the drink has made it possible to achieve modern production technologies that have been worked out for centuries. A wide variety of varieties will not leave even the most fastidious gourmet unsatisfied.

Gather with friends in a pub or at home, watching a football match or outdoors - beer will surely become a pleasant entourage, and maybe even create a unique atmosphere, the aftertaste of which will definitely never upset you.

Not a single meal is complete without alcohol. Ethanol drinks vary in composition and strength. The latter is the total volume (mass) of undiluted ethyl alcohol.

The units of measurement may vary depending on the country of manufacture. Before use, you should familiarize yourself with the composition. The life and health of the consumer depends on how many percent of alcohol is contained.

Calculation methods

In the Russian Federation, degrees (°) are used to denote strength, they are calculated based on the concentration of alcohol by weight. In this case, one degree is equal to 7.44 g of anhydrous ethanol.

In European countries, percentage markings are used. It is calculated by weight (%) or by volume (% vol.). The second option is considered inaccurate, since when using it, differences in the specific gravity of alcohol and other components of the composition (fusel oils, sugar, tannins, acids) are not taken into account.

Such disagreements cause the consumer difficulties associated with the inability to understand how strong the aperitif is.

Domestic manufacturers have replaced the word “volume” with “turnover”. As a result, it turns out that these designations are equivalent. At the same time, a drink characterized by 45 ° has much more alcohol in its composition than one that contains 45% vol. or 45% vol. There is no universal formula.

Degrees and percentages began to be determined relatively recently; before that, the proportion of pure alcohol in alcohol was detected by means of ignition. If the flame destroyed about 50% of the provided liquid, then the drink was considered to be of good quality.

Thanks to this manipulation, the “proof” unit of measurement appeared (translated from English “proof”). Today it is not used, the alcohol content is determined using a hydrometer and an alcohol meter.

The main groups of alcoholic beverages

Alcohol is classified according to the underlying ingredients of the preparation process.

Alcohol is produced from:

  • Wine materials. The maximum strength in this case does not exceed 12 degrees. The most famous wines are made in Chile, Moldova, Georgia and France. Port wine, malaga, madeira, sake (a wine drink made from rice), sherry - they are distinguished by their natural composition and variety of taste characteristics.
  • Fermented wort. This group includes absinthe, vodka, brandy, rum, armagnac. They are characterized by a higher strength (from 35 to 80 degrees).
  • Vegetable raw materials. Liqueurs have an indicator not exceeding 20 degrees. Lawyer, Sheridans, Belize - The drinks on this list are considered feminine.

Beer is distinguished into a separate type (up to 15 degrees). Germany is his homeland. It is in this country that the Oktoberfest festival is celebrated annually.

The following elements are often present in alcoholic beverages: lead, N-nitrosomines, arsenic, strontium, cadmium, cesium, mercury, methyl alcohol. SanPiN regulates the production of alcoholic beverages through clear guidelines regarding acceptable standards. The content of toxic substances is in any case hazardous to health.

The largest proportion of alcohol is contained in vodka, absinthe, cognac, liqueur, tequila, whiskey and rum. Among the alcoholic beverages with average values, there are wine, grog, mead, punch, mulled wine. The aperitif includes beer, toddy (palm wine), cider, kvass and mash. They bring the least harm to the body.

The range of alcoholic beverages is quite wide. The demand is explained by the availability and popularity among the population. Excessive drinking leads to addiction.

Alcohol intoxication

Why shouldn't you exceed the measure?

Ethanol has a negative effect on the entire body. It causes neurological, mental and autonomic disorders. In small doses, alcoholic beverages can improve mood and relieve psychological stress. Unfortunately, the benefits of alcohol are much less than harm.

The degree of intoxication depends on the amount of an enzyme secreted by the liver; fullness of the stomach; human weight; psycho-emotional state.

There are three stages:

  • The first is characterized by euphoria. Discomfort disappears, concentration of attention and the ability to control oneself decrease. In the blood is determined by 0.5 - 1.5 ppm of alcohol. There is no amnesia.
  • On the second, there is aggression towards others, the person becomes lethargic, he begins to fall asleep. The next day, it can be difficult to remember the details of yesterday's feast. Heart aches, weakness, loss of appetite is observed. Intoxication of moderate severity is diagnosed when 1.5 - 2.5 ‰ of ethyl alcohol is detected.
  • Maximum severe consequences in the third stage. Vestibular disorders, speech problems occur. The appearance of a convulsive syndrome, immobility, relaxation of muscle tissue is possible. In the absence of timely measures, coma, respiratory or heart failure may develop. Alcohol intoxication is caused by alcohol intoxication. When appropriate tests are carried out, more than 3 ‰ of alcohol is detected in the blood.

Removal of ethanol from the body

Ethyl alcohol is removed over a certain period of time.

Cleansing time depends on several factors, among them:

  • Human weight.
  • The amount of alcohol consumed.
  • The percentage of alcohol content.

Important nuances include toxic substances that are in the composition of a strong drink; frequency of abuse; general health. This table provides approximate values. The reaction of each person to the effects of ethanol is individual.

Concomitant complications lower the threshold and increase the likelihood of alcohol intoxication.


Body weight, kg


Withdrawal period, h




You can use a virtual calculator to get more accurate metrics. Additional information is entered into it. The ability to determine the degree of intoxication by degrees will help prevent complications.

It can be very different. Manufacturers offer many variations of this alcohol.

The main characteristics that should be guided when choosing are strength and density drink.

Why? The fact is that both of these criteria are decisive when questions arise about the saturation of taste and the amount of ethyl alcohol.

Is there any relationship between these indicators? For example, should a strong beer have to be dense, or vice versa? And how many degrees is there really in beer?

All "novice" amateurs, as well as those who are going to start mastering brewing, are probably wondering what is "beer strength"?

The concept of "fortress" gives an idea of ​​how how much ethyl alcohol is in the drink... The strength can vary from 3 to 8%. The "gold standard" is considered to be 4-4.5%. Non-alcoholic beer also has its own strength, but the alcohol content in it is so low that it is comparable to the content of this component in kefir and kvass.

What determines the percentage of alcohol?

The main factor that determines the strength of the future drink is percentage of sugar which is contained in the initial wort.

The more sugar in the wort, the stronger the final product will turn out after fermentation is complete.

Sugar isn't the only factor, however. It is necessary to consider:

  • quantity and quality of yeast;
  • the temperature at which fermentation takes place;
  • accuracy of compliance with all the nuances of the technological process.

Any violation of the preparation standard leads to the fact that the drink will turn out to be more or less strong than planned.

The strongest beer in the world

Once the brewers of Scotland decided to set a world record. They brewed a foamy drink, which does not yet exist in terms of strength (that is, equal from all types of beer - of course, or may well surpass the value achieved by the Scots).

So, the manufacturers set a world record: Snake Venom beer has a strength of 67.5%! Of course, in terms of taste, the product does not even remotely resemble beer, but the record holders did not chase after this.

The main thing is that they have completely preserved the technology and ingredients, without adding anything superfluous to their super-strong beer. Only malt, water, yeast, hops - nothing else!

What is density?

The second important indicator for foam is density. The density will depend on how concentrated the wort was taken for fermentation, that is, how much dry matter it contained. There are concepts of "initial" and "final" density.

The initial is measured before fermentation. It should be between 5% (for non-alcoholic products) to 20% (for dark saturated varieties). In this case, a device called " hydrometer", Immersing it in the wort.

When we buy a manufactured product, we need to find the inscription on the label: "Initial gravity of beer". She will give information about the concentration of the wort.

Is there a connection between density and strength

Both indicators are closely related. The higher the density, the more alcohol will be in the purchased drink.

Since the density, in turn, depends on the volume of sugar-containing substances, it turns out that the beer will be stronger, the more sugar was originally in the raw material.

Sugar is transformed into alcohol during fermentation. Hence, a lot of sugar - the degree of the final product is high.

Determining the amount of alcohol in beer

When we buy a drink in a store, there is no difficulty in finding out how many degrees are in the beer. Just look at the label: manufacturers are required to provide this information. You should only remember about the peculiarities of the packaging of Russian and European manufacturers.

In our country, according to the law, it is impossible to prescribe a lower degree than the drink actually contains. Therefore, brewers are on the safe side and sometimes write a figure that is slightly less than the real alcohol content. As a result, you can buy a weaker beer than you would like.

“They have” - everything is exactly the opposite. In Europe, it is forbidden to indicate a higher degree. Therefore, sometimes the purchased beer will be stronger than you wanted.

If you brew foam at home, you can judge the final strength based on the density of the drink.

To do this, take measurements with a hydrometer. The higher the starting density, the better. A weak wort will not make a good beer. The starting density should be between 5-18%.

If you follow the technology, carrying out fermentation, then as a result you will get beer with a strength of 4 or 4.5%. After the end of fermentation, the final gravity is measured. She must be less than 2.5%.

If we multiply the gravity index by a factor of 2.5, then we get the strength of the finished beer. Example: the final gravity is equal to 2. Multiply by 2.5 - in the end we get 5. This will be our beer. The calculation is not 100% accurate, but it will show the approximate strength.

The final measurement should be carried out several times. If the figure remains at 2.5 and there is no tendency to decrease, and the fermentation process is complete, then some additional actions will be required from you.

We pour the beer into containers and carbonize, that is, we add substances that ensure the continuation of fermentation. What can serve as such a catalyst? Any sugar-containing foods:

  • malt extract;
  • sugar.

We'll have to show a little more patience: the drink should ferment a little more. Then we measure the density again. Less than 2.5? That's it, all the sugar has been transformed into alcohol. The beer is ready.

Density and strength are metrics that sometimes raise a lot of questions, because aspiring brewers can confuse them. Hopefully, you now have a general understanding of these main characteristics of the foam.

Perhaps you have invented your own way to determine the strength of the final drink? Or do you know how to bring the ABV back to normal without adding sugar? Write to us - we will gladly tell all our readers about it!

Beer is considered a low-alcohol drink, but each variety is characterized by its own strength. Therefore, before you buy a product, be sure to study the label, which indicates how many percent of alcohol is in the intoxicated drink. The alcohol content in beer is especially important for drivers, athletes, people with alcohol allergies, and those leading a sober lifestyle.

There are two main ways to determine how much alcohol a beer contains. At the same time, it is generally accepted that the norm indicated on the label means the lower limit of the alcohol content, that is, in reality, there may be slightly more ethanol in the intoxicated drink.

In Europe, the amount of alcohol in beer is measured in percent by volume (% vol.). In America, to find out how much alcohol is in a hoppy drink, the ethanol content is calculated in parts by weight (wt%). Therefore, when buying American products, in order to convert weight percentages into volume percentages, you need to divide them by the specific gravity of alcohol (0.78). This means that if the strength of beer is 3.5% by weight, then it is 4.5% by volume.

Since the amount of ethanol in beer in some cases is of no small importance, buyers who want to know how much ethanol a product contains should pay attention to the country of origin before buying. If the drink is produced in America, it must be borne in mind that, according to European standards, the percentage of beer content is higher than indicated on the label.

Types of intoxicated drinks

How much alcohol a beer contains depends on the way it is brewed. By strength, intoxicating drinks are usually divided into the following categories:

  • non-alcoholic variety (0.15-1.45%);
  • light beer with ethanol content up to 2%;
  • classic (from 3.5 to 7%);
  • strong (from 8 to 14%);
  • very strong (over 14%).

To prepare a hop drink, barley is boiled, after which a decoction of hops is added, which gives it bitterness. Then the mass is left to ferment, and then distilled. As a result, a drink is formed, which includes alcohol, fusel oils, phytohormones, carbon dioxide. To add flavor, increase the shelf life, the manufacturer adds various components.

Classic varieties have a strength of 3.5 to 4.7%. To reduce the amount of alcohol in the intoxicated drink, the beer is subjected to special filtration. Also, a manufacturer for the manufacture of products with a lower ethanol content can heat the liquid obtained in a traditional way, which leads to the evaporation of ethanol and other volatile substances.

To increase the strength of the intoxicated drink, sugar is added to it during production, and it is also repeatedly frozen. Thus, the higher the strength of the beer, the more calories it contains. Therefore, the knowledge of how much alcohol a hoppy drink contains is very important for those who follow their figure.

It is worth noting that the increase in body weight after drinking beer is influenced not only by sugar, but also by phytohormones. These are compounds that in structure resemble estrogens, female sex hormones. If they enter the body in uncontrolled quantities (and beer is often drunk in liters), then they negatively affect the endocrine system, which leads to weight gain.

In men, phytohormones inhibit the synthesis of male sex hormones in favor of estrogens, in women - vice versa. As a result, the male body begins to form according to the female type (the hips expand, the breasts increase), while the woman's voice coarsens, and facial hair begins to grow.

Nonalcoholic beer

Despite its name, non-alcoholic beer contains alcohol: its content ranges from 0.15 to 1.5%. The intoxicated drink retains its smell, but the taste changes slightly, which is why it is not in great demand among beer lovers.

The technology of making beer without alcohol differs little from the classical one. The only caveat: the fermentation process is stopped at the initial stage of alcohol formation. There is another method by which you can get a drink with a minimum amount of ethanol. For this, the manufacturer uses various tricks to reduce the concentration of alcohol in the beer, which was made according to the classic recipe. This drink is more expensive due to the more complex preparation technology.

Despite the low amount of alcohol, you should not get carried away with beer. Although it is very difficult to get drunk from it, the drink is capable of provoking the development of many pathological processes in the body. Moreover, we are talking not only about phytohormones, but also about other components, due to which the load on the liver, kidneys, and heart increases. To reduce the amount of foam, many drinks contain cobalt, which can provoke disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

Like any drink that contains alcohol, non-alcoholic beer should not be consumed by children, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. Doctors do not recommend the intoxicated drink for people with indigestion and other problems with the digestive system.

Strong beers

For the preparation of classic varieties, ordinary yeast is used, which retain its vitality if the strength does not exceed 5%. Therefore, special, more expensive yeast strains are used for spirits, which makes beer more expensive.

The technology for preparing a strong variety is somewhat different from the classic one. Not only sugar and some other components necessary for its production are added to the composition, but the process itself provides for repeated freezing, which allows you to remove liquid from the beer.

An example of a very strong hop drink is Samuel Adams (USA), which has a strength of 26%, and Dave at 29%. In their preparation, the same yeast is used as for champagne. A stronger drink is produced in Scotland under the name "Tactical Nuclear Penguin": it contains 32% alcohol. For its preparation, the resulting product, after deep freezing, is infused for some time in whiskey barrels.

But this variety is not the strongest beer either. This is considered the intoxicating drink "Armageddon" released by the Scots, whose strength is 65%, and the 0.33 liter bottle itself at the time of release in 2012 cost a little more than $ 100 (80 pounds). The drink is characterized by a viscous consistency and tastes like tightly brewed loose leaf tea. Beer lovers argue: despite how many degrees it is in it, the drink retained its hoppy taste (very bitter with a sweet aftertaste), but it itself does not even have a hint of the harshness that whiskey or tequila has.

The danger of beer alcoholism

Whatever the strength of the beer, you should not get carried away with the intoxicating drink. Beer alcoholism ranks first in the world, leaving far behind the dependence on vodka. This is due to the fact that many people do not consider the intoxicating drink, due to its low ethanol content, as hazardous to health, and therefore drink it in bottles. It often happens that starting with a low-alcohol variety, people gradually switch to stronger intoxicated drinks.

Few people know that one and a half liters of classic beer contains the same amount of ethanol as fifty grams of vodka. Moreover, thanks to the carbon dioxide included in the composition, the intoxicating drink enters the bloodstream much faster than stronger alcohol.

At the same time, the body does not care what kind of drink the ethanol entered the body in and how much water it was diluted. If ten grams of pure alcohol has entered the bloodstream, it will react accordingly. And the harm to the internal organs will be no less, and in the case of beer, even more due to the various components included in its composition (flavors, preservatives) that can harm health.

The danger of the intoxicated drink is that, unlike the same vodka, the use of which is usually tried to be limited, many people safely drink beer every day, especially in the summer. Because of this, after a while a person becomes addicted to alcohol, when a person cannot live a day without beer, and after a while an alcohol addict is able to switch to vodka.