Georgian preparations for the winter. Georgian cucumber salad for the winter: the recipe with a photo is the simplest

02.05.2020 Healthy eating

Appetizing and incredibly bright, spicy, spicy, with a subtle sweetish note - we are cooking Georgian cucumber salad for the winter... This type of preparation is very, very successful, we strongly recommend that you join. Salads prepared for future use will diversify your winter diet, make it very interesting and tasty.

And besides, it is unlikely that Georgian-style cucumbers will stay on the shelves of your bins for a long time. If fresh cucumbers are still freely available, we stock up on them and proceed. We also need a number of spices, which we will add to our liking.


cucumbers - 2.5 kg

bell pepper - 300 g

tomatoes - 1100 g

vegetable oil - ? part of glass

sugar - ? part of glass

salt - 35 g

vinegar - 125 ml

garlic - 150 g

hot pepper - to taste

coriander, ground paprika, black ground pepper, suneli hops - to taste.

Note: from the specified amount of products, three liters come out and the bottom is a half-liter jar of Georgian cucumbers.

Georgian cucumber salad for the winter: the cooking process

First of all, we are preparing a dressing for cucumbers in Georgian. We choose sweet-sour tomatoes, in our version it is the Black Prince tomato variety. Wash the measured amount of tomatoes in cool water, dry, cut into 2 or 4 parts. We clean the sweet pepper from the seed box, cut out the inner soft partitions, rinse the pepper in cool water, cut into small pieces. Peel all the garlic.

Now we transfer the prepared vegetables to the blender bowl, grind until smooth for a few minutes. Add any amount of hot pepper as you wish.

We shift the tomato mixture into a thick-bottomed saucepan or saucepan, pour in a portion of vegetable oil. We send the stewpan to the stove, prepare the tomato base for 15 minutes, the fire should be medium, the tomato should not boil too much.

In the meantime, we prepare the cucumbers, make sure for a start that they are not bitter, and then, if time permits, soak them in cool water for half an hour. If desired, we do this process in advance. Cut off the tips of the cucumbers on both sides, cut each cucumber into rings, about three centimeters each.

Put the cucumber rings in the hot tomato.

Add spices and herbs to your taste, add a pinch of ground or crushed coriander, suneli hops, sweet paprika, salt and sugar, and a pinch of ground black pepper.

We mix all the ingredients, put on the stove, cook the cucumbers under the lid for 7 minutes, with light bubbling. At the end of cooking, pour in a serving of vinegar.

Be sure to prepare the jars, wash with soda, sterilize over steam.

There are a lot of cucumber salads for the winter. Today I want to offer one of these salads, and it is called a Georgian salad with cucumbers for the winter. This salad has such a name because of the spicy mixture of spices hops-suneli. Georgian cuisine is famous for its mild flavors and vibrant spices. This is exactly what the blank will turn out to be.
All prepackaged salads, like Georgian cucumbers for the winter, are not difficult to prepare by themselves, most of the time is taken by the preparation of vegetables and their cutting. To save time, you can use a home processor or a thin slicer grater for slicing. In any case, your snack will be awesomely delicious!

Ingredients for 1.5 liters of ready-made salad:

  • ripe and fleshy tomatoes - 700 g;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • hot peppers - to taste;
  • cucumbers - 750 g;
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 tbsp. l .;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • vegetable oil - 70 ml;
  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml;
  • spice hops-suneli - 1.5-2 tbsp. l .;
  • coriander to taste.


Take tomatoes for the salad very ripe and red, preferably from meaty varieties, then the sauce will turn out thick. Prepare the tomatoes for peeling. To do this, cut crosswise with a knife on top of the skin of each tomato. Boil water in a kettle.

In the meantime, chop the garlic cloves with a knife or push them through a special garlic dish. Cut hot peppers into rings, add them to the salad to your liking.

Place the tomatoes in a bowl and cover with boiling water from a kettle, let sit in it for 10 minutes. If the tomatoes have very dense skin, then it is better to blanch them for a few minutes over medium heat. Then dip the tomatoes in very cold water (you can even add ice) and remove the skin with your hands, it will be easy to peel off.

Use medium-sized cucumbers or small gherkins for this salad. Pre-soak the cucumbers in a container with cold water. For the salad, cut the cucumbers into thin slices. If gherkins are taken, make the circles thicker.

Chop the peeled tomatoes to puree with an immersion blender. You can do the same with a meat grinder or food processor.

Put tomato puree on moderate heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Send the garlic with hot pepper to the tomato puree. Now add sugar and salt, add vegetable oil and vinegar. Do not confuse with vinegar essence, it is better not to use it!

Pour the hop-suneli spice into the tomato puree, you can also add ground coriander to your liking.

Place the prepared cucumbers in the boiling tomato mixture. After a few minutes, the cucumbers will start to juice, stir the salad with a long spoon.

Simmer the salad for about 10 minutes over moderate heat, remembering to stir to cook the vegetables evenly. The color of the cucumbers is visible, it has become an olive hue, which means that a spicy cucumber salad is ready for the winter in Georgian.

While the salad was being prepared, it was necessary to sterilize the jars. This is not difficult to do - with boiling water or hot steam. Arrange the boiling Georgian salad with cucumbers in the jars and immediately close the lids tightly.

Put the salad jars on the lids and cover with a blanket, keep them in this form until they cool completely. Then store it in a cool place for the cold season.

If you want to sample these delicious cucumbers, refrigerate a small amount in the refrigerator.

I offer another delicious recipe for preparations - Georgian salad for the winter. In its composition, as in many similar blanks, bell pepper is present.

Bell pepper is very often called sweet (after all, it is really sweet), however, despite its name, there is very, very little sugar in it (only 5%). This fact is not the only reason that this vegetable is deservedly called a dietary and very healthy product.

The main thing to know about bell peppers is that they are rich in incredible amounts of vitamins. For example, it contains a huge amount of vitamin C (especially red and yellow peppers), moreover, it contains even more of it than black currant and lemon. But in terms of the content of provitamin A, bell peppers are not inferior to carrots, which promotes hair growth, and also has a beneficial effect on vision and general skin condition. Do not forget about the B vitamins (B1, B2, B6), which help to cope with depression and diabetes, insomnia and loss of energy.

In general, be sure to add this product to your diet and prepare the most delicious and healthy dishes with it, for example, Georgian salad for the winter!

To prepare a Georgian salad for the winter, we need:

garlic - 200 g
bell pepper (sweet) - 1 kg
cucumbers - 3 kg
tomatoes - 2 kg
vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
vinegar, salt - 3 tbsp each l.
granulated sugar - 0.5 tbsp.

How to prepare Georgian salad for the winter:

1. First, let's start preparing vegetables. To do this, first rinse the tomatoes, then place them in a large convenient bowl and scald with boiling water. Let them stand in this form for at least 3-5 minutes, and then carefully, using a regular knife, remove the skin from them.
2. Thoroughly rinse the remaining vegetables (bell peppers and cucumbers) under running water. Next, peel the bell pepper from the core and seeds, and then cut it into small cubes. Cut the peeled tomatoes in the same way.
3. Put chopped tomatoes and peppers in one saucepan (deep bowl), add salt and sugar, and then send it all to the fire. Cook vegetables, stirring occasionally, for about 20 minutes (under a closed lid, over moderate heat).
4. In the meantime, let's start preparing the cucumbers. From them you need to cut off the "caps", and then cut into small half-slices (for this we cut them in half lengthwise, and then cut across). We peel the garlic from the husk, rinse it, and then chop it very finely with a knife.
5. After the specified time (after 20 minutes), add chopped cucumbers to the pan with pepper and tomatoes. Mix everything, bring the vegetable mixture to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat.
6. Next, add garlic and sunflower oil to the vegetables. Again, stir everything well (until relatively homogeneous), boil for another 1-2 minutes and remove the workpiece from heat.
7. Immediately (that is, while still hot) lay out the Georgian salad in prepared sterilized jars and add 1 tsp to each of them. vinegar. Then the cans need to be sealed with lids, turned upside down and covered with a warm towel. We leave the salad in this form for at least a day. From the amount of products specified in the recipe, five jars of delicious salad, 750 grams each, were obtained.
Separately, it is worth emphasizing that the jars and lids for them must be sterilized, that is, first thoroughly wash, and then pour over with boiling water or hot steam (for a few minutes each jar).

These are all the secrets of making a really tasty and very unusual Georgian salad, which you can enjoy at any time of the year!

Bon appetit, everyone!

Georgian cuisine
45th section page

Georgian homemade preparations
Pickling, pickling, canning, drying

All kinds of homemade preparations are made in Georgia. Since ancient times, Georgians have accumulated extensive experience in the field of preserving all kinds of products, from meat, cheese, vegetables, fruits and ending with various spices and seasonings. All these riches of folk culinary wisdom are not only not outdated, but also filled with new content.

Until now, especially in the highland and inaccessible regions of Georgia, many interesting old traditions have been preserved that help preserve meat products. Preference is given here dried and smoking... At one time, the wealth of a family was determined by the amount of smoked products stored over the hearth.

In dried foods, bacteria do not multiply, and when smoked, the meat is treated with smoke containing creosote and formic acid, when absorbed, the bacteria are destroyed.

The wood species used for smoking are of particular importance. It is believed that the smoke from the shavings elm and oak gives the meat a pleasant aroma, and the smoke from conifers, on the contrary, gives the meat an unpleasant smell.

Homemade canned products include pork ham - lori- and sausage - shignite which can be stored for 3-4 years.

Most striking is the variety of pickling and pickling methods used in Georgian cuisine. The taste and aroma of these dishes are unforgettable, and it is not at all difficult to prepare them. You just need to strictly follow the technology and not spare the necessary spicy herbs.

Culinary miracles are performed by Georgian chefs with ordinary eggplant: they are fermented, fried in wine vinegar, filled with nuts, stewed onions, mixed with bell peppers and even made into jam.

Drying is another common way to prepare food. Georgians know how to dry not only herbs and spices, but also tomatoes, pumpkins, melons, various fruits and grapes.

As in ancient times, along with cultivated plants, a huge number of wild herbs, fruits and berries are used everywhere.

An example of Georgian frugality is beet... Its leaves are dried, the roots are salted, raw roots are stored in pits. In winter, dried beet tops are used in vegetable dishes and seasonings.

Forest gifts Georgian housewives do not neglect it either, which is why the Georgian menu is replete with wild berries and fruits. From forest raspberry make jam, dry leaves and berries for tea.

Very varied use forest apples and wild pear... They are dried entirely in the sun without being cut. In winter, they cook a liquid mixture from them, crush bread into it and eat it as a first course.

It is impossible not to mention also the use in food dogwood and barberry... Since ancient times, cooking has been widespread shechamadi from dogwood.
Dried dogwood is thrown into boiling water, boiled, squeezed and ground. Flour is added to the cooled broth.
To prevent the mass from thickening, put it on the fire again, add crushed nuts, garlic, salt and boil again.
I must say that cornel soup has a very pleasant taste and is used not only for food, but also for medicinal purposes.

Barberry Georgians have always considered an extremely useful plant. It is eaten raw, dried, stored in brine. It is used as a seasoning, jelly is prepared from it, used as a medicine for renal diseases.

A separate, very important place in Georgian cuisine is occupied by nuts... Walnut trees are common throughout Georgia. Their fruits are used for making sauces, filling for sweets. Nuts are stored dried or crushed with salt and, as needed, are seasoned with them.

Melt fat tail fat.
Cut fatty lamb loin, kidney or hind leg pulp into pieces, rinse thoroughly, sprinkle with salt and simmer.
While braising, add a little hot water and remove bones to prevent the meat from burning.
When the meat is stewed, add the melted fat tail fat and fry thoroughly.
Quickly place the hot fried meat tightly in an appropriate clean, well-dried dish, pour over the hot melted fat tail fat so that it covers the meat with a layer of at least 1.5 cm. Close tightly and store in a cool dry place.
Choban-kaurma can be used to prepare a variety of delicious dishes.
NOTE. Instead of fat tail fat, you can successfully use melted pork or beef fat, or a mixture of pork and beef fat.

Pass the fleshy red capsicum pepper through a meat grinder, add salt and wine vinegar (wine vinegar is used in very small quantities: it should not give the food the taste of vinegar), put everything together in small jars and seal it hermetically.
In the above way, it is recommended to cook chilli peppers in September.
It is used as a seasoning for boiled and fried meat, poultry and fish.

1 kg of tkemali
1/4 cup water
1 teaspoon coriander
4-5 cloves of garlic
ombalo (fields-grass)
salt to taste

Rinse the sorted tkemali with cold water, cut into halves, put in a saucepan, pour in a little water, put on fire and boil until the skin begins to lag.
Then rub the tkemali with a wooden spoon through a colander to remove the skin and bones.
Transfer the grated tkemali into a separate saucepan and cook again, stirring all the time, until the desired thickness is formed.
Stir with a wooden spoon and often, since the mass of tkemali sticks to the bottom very easily.
5 minutes before the end of cooking, salt and add crushed paprika, garlic, cilantro seeds and, preferably, ombalo.
Pour the finished sauce through a funnel into bottles, filling them up to the neck, pour a spoonful of vegetable oil into each bottle and seal with pre-steamed corks or tie it up with double folded cellophane.
After 24 hours, grind the bottles sealed with corks.
Store in a cool dry place.

Boil tkemali, thorns or sour plums, put on a sieve and let all the liquid drain.
Rub the remaining mass through a sieve, remove the seeds.
On a clean smooth rectangular board, previously moistened with cold water, lay out the rubbed mass and level with a thickness of 1 cm.
Place the board with cloth in the sun and dry on both sides (turning over as it dries).
Then dry the cloth by hanging it on a rope like a towel.
From the remaining liquid, you can cook quantsarahi.

Squeeze the juice from the pomegranate, pour into an appropriate bowl and let stand.
Then pour carefully into another bowl.
After a few hours, repeat this procedure and repeat until you get a clear juice without sediment.
Put the pomegranate juice prepared in this way in a saucepan over the fire and cook, stirring with a wooden spoon.
Boiling is carried out up to 1/2 of the initial volume of the broth.
Put cinnamon and cloves in a small, clean gauze bag and sew up.
30 minutes before the end of cooking, put a bag of cinnamon and cloves in a saucepan and add sugar to taste.
Boiled pomegranate juice should have a pleasant sour taste and honey consistency.
Store in a cool dry place.

Rinse the sorted tkemali with cold water, cut into halves, put in a saucepan, put on fire and boil until the skin begins to lag.
Then put it on a sieve and let the broth drain.
It is recommended to prepare tklapi (sour lavash) from the pulp of the berries remaining on the sieve.
Pour the broth (juice from tkemali) into a separate saucepan, put on fire and cook, stirring with a wooden spoon.
Boiling is carried out up to 1/3 of the initial volume of the broth.
After that, salt, cool and pour the quantsarahi into pre-prepared bottles.
Cap the bottles and fill with resin.
Store in a cool dry place.

Cut the washed, peeled eggplants into long slices 1-2 cm thick, sprinkle with salt and hold under the lid for 25-30 minutes, then wring out by hand.
Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, place the cooked eggplants and fry thoroughly over medium heat.
Stew finely chopped onions in vegetable oil, mix with fried eggplants and, adding a little vegetable oil, fry the onions and eggplants together again.
Put the finished eggplants tightly in jars, pour boiled and then cooled vegetable oil (3-4 cm layer).
Carefully wipe the edges of the jars with a dry cloth or paper towel and seal hermetically with parchment paper.

Fry the eggplants in vegetable oil in the above way.
Then put it tightly in jars (almost to the top) and pour wine vinegar.
Wipe the edges of the jars thoroughly and seal with parchment paper.
Store in a cool dry place.

1 kg eggplant
1-1.5 cups shelled walnuts
1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil
100-150 g onions
1/2 cup wine vinegar
1/2 glass of water
1-2 cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon each of coriander, Imeretian saffron, ground cinnamon and cloves
boiled vegetable oil (as required)
salt to taste

Rinse unpeeled eggplants with cold water, cut lengthwise, put in a saucepan, pour boiling water over them so that they are only half covered, and cook for about 20 minutes (make sure not to boil).
Place the cooked eggplants in a row on a clean board and press down on top with another board with a load.
Keep the eggplants under pressure for 12-15 hours so that all the water and bitterness are glass. Chop the onions very finely, sauté in vegetable oil, add water, mix and, letting it boil for 2-3 minutes, remove from heat.
Mix crushed walnuts, garlic, paprika, cilantro seeds, Imeretian saffron and salt with cooled sautéed onions, wine vinegar and ground cinnamon and cloves.
Fill the eggplants with the prepared minced meat through the incisions, place them tightly in jars along with the remaining minced meat, pour boiled and then chilled vegetable oil (2 cm layer).
Wipe the edges of the jars thoroughly and seal with parchment paper.
Store in a cool dry place.

1 kg eggplant
300 g sweet pepper
1 cup shelled walnuts
1 cup finely chopped celery, cilantro, dill
1/2 cup chopped parsley, basil, savory
300-400 g onions
50 g garlic
salt to taste

Small eggplants, washed but not peeled, cut lengthwise, put in boiling water and cook for 15-20 minutes, then put in one row on a clean board and press down on top with another board with a load, hold under pressure for 8-10 hours, then cut into pieces of medium size.
Immerse bell peppers in boiling water for 5 minutes, then squeeze and chop coarsely.
Crushed walnuts, garlic and salt, finely chopped celery, cilantro, parsley, basil, savory, dill, mix with finely chopped onions, adding wine vinegar (if desired, wine vinegar can be diluted with cold boiled water).
Add prepared eggplants and bell pepper to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly.
Put the cooked eggplants tightly in jars, pour boiled and then cooled vegetable oil on top.

Store in a cool dry place at a temperature of 18 ° C or below.

ADVICE. When storing canned food at temperatures below + 18 ° C, the formation of botulinum toxin in them is impossible.
Bombing cans should be thrown away or, in extreme cases, grind their contents, add water, bring to a boil and boil for 20 minutes - botulinum toxin completely disintegrates after 10 minutes of boiling.

1 kg eggplant
1 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup chopped parsley, savory, dill
50 g garlic
1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of salt
capsicum to taste

Rinse small long eggplants, not peeled, thoroughly with cold water and make a longitudinal incision with a length of 3-4 cm in each.
Then put the eggplants in boiling water and, letting it boil for 7-10 minutes, put it in cold water for 20-30 minutes, then put it in a colander and let the water drain.
Put celery sprigs in boiling water (4 cups) and after 3-5 minutes take them out and cool, salt and cool the boiling broth.
Finely chop the herbs (celery, parsley, savory, dill), garlic, paprika, mix all this thoroughly with salt, then fill the eggplant with this mixture through the cuts, put it tightly in a jar, pour it with cooled brine (the brine should cover the eggplant), carefully cork jar and put in a cool dry place.

1 kg eggplant
150-200 g onions
3/4 cup wine vinegar
1/2 glass of water
1 tbsp. a spoonful of allspice
1 bay leaf
1/3/4 cup vegetable oil
1 tbsp. spoon of salt

Cut the washed and peeled small eggplants into circles, sprinkle with salt, cover and leave for 3-4 hours.
Then squeeze them by hand, put in a frying pan preheated with vegetable oil, fry thoroughly and let cool.
Fry over moderate heat so that the eggplant is well fried inside.
Cut the peeled onions into thin slices.
Pour wine vinegar diluted with water into a clean saucepan, add allspice, bay leaf, salt and let it boil, then cool.
Put a layer of chopped onions, 2 rows of eggplants, again onions in a jar and thus fill the entire jar, pour over cooled marinade, pour on top with pre-boiled and then cooled vegetable oil (2 cm layer).
Wipe the edges of the cans thoroughly with a clean cloth or paper towel and seal tightly.
You can also wrap the jars with parchment paper or tape them over with cellophane.

6-8 large eggplants
1 sprig of cilantro
2 cloves of garlic
100 g fat
3 each branch of savory, cilantro basil
2 sprigs of parsley and celery
salt to taste

Wash the eggplants, cut into circles 1-1.5 cm thick, salt, cover with a clean towel and leave for 1 hour, then squeeze gently, gently squeezing with your hand so that the slices do not lose their shape.
Thoroughly crush the walnuts, salt, paprika, cilantro and garlic, then add finely chopped parsley, basil, celery and savory and mix.
Fill the eggplants with the resulting mass, place them in a hot pan with fat, cover and fry on all sides.
Put the eggplants prepared in this way tightly in jars, pour boiled and then cooled vegetable oil on top.
Seal the jars hermetically.
Store in a cool dry place.

Sort fresh greens of cilantro, tarragon, mint, celery, savory, basil and parsley, wash, shake off the water, put on a clean board and dry in the sun.
Store dried herbs in bags made of rare material.

1 kg of cabbage
150 g celery with roots
100 g dried herbs (savory, basil, tarragon, dill, mint)
50 g garlic
2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt
2 glasses of water
capsicum to taste

Select small, healthy, white, strong cabbage heads without green leaves, cut off the outer limp leaves.
On each head of cabbage, slightly scraping the stump, make a crosswise incision, or cut each head of cabbage in half or into pieces and cut off the stump.
Immerse the prepared cabbage in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, remove and cool.
Pour water (2 cups) into a separate saucepan, let it boil, add salt (1 tbsp. Spoon), put celery with roots and garlic, boil for 2-3 minutes, remove from boiling water, cool; cool and broth.
Wash the jar, dry it, put half of the prepared cabbage in it, put chilled celery with roots, garlic, paprika on it (you can add bay leaf if you wish), the rest of the cabbage, pour 2 cups of chilled broth, 2 cups of cold water, put dried on top greens (savory, basil, tarragon, mint and dill), sprinkle with salt (1 tablespoon), cover everything with a wooden circle, press down with oppression, for which you can use a large, well-washed stone, cover with a clean cloth, cork the jar and put in a dry cool room with constant temperature.
When the cabbage has settled, add more cabbage to make the jar full.
After 7-10 days, check if there is enough salt. If not enough - add.
It is necessary to ensure that during the fermentation and storage the cabbage is always covered with brine, otherwise it will quickly grow moldy or rot.
Therefore, when the brine becomes scarce, the cabbage should be periodically poured with salted cold water.
During storage, as mold appears on the surface of the brine, carefully remove it and wash and scald the stone each time.
Sauerkraut is recommended to be cooked in November.

ADVICE. When choosing a cabbage, you should examine the head of cabbage: it should be of a reasonable size, and the leaves should be tender, not lethargic or thick.
Make sure the head of cabbage is free from soft rot, shipping damage or frost damage.

1 kg of cabbage
1-1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of salt
300-400 g carrots
bay leaf to taste

Peel the dense small heads of ripe cabbage from the outer green and sluggish leaves, cut into two or four parts, remove the stalk and chop finely.
Mix the shredded cabbage with salt, cover and leave for 10-15 minutes.
Then rub the cabbage with your hands until it becomes soft.
In a clean, dry wiped jar, lay the cabbage in thin layers, layer with thinly sliced ​​carrots with capsicum and, if desired, with bay leaves.
Thoroughly tamp each layer with a wooden crush so that the juice comes out.
The dense packing makes it difficult for air to enter the jar and thus protects the cabbage from rotting. You need to lay the cabbage to the top so that the juice released during fermentation does not overflow over the edges of the dishes.
Press down the cabbage with a well-washed and scalded wooden circle with oppression (washed with a stone).
After 3-4 days, bubbles will begin to swell on the surface - a sign of the onset of fermentation, then foam, which gradually disappears.
During fermentation, the cabbage must be pierced several times with a clean stake so that the resulting gas comes out.
You need to make sure that the cabbage is covered with juice all the time.
If too little juice is released during fermentation, you should add brine (1 / 2-1 teaspoon of salt to a glass of boiled water).
The resulting white foam must be removed, and the wooden circle and stone must be washed with boiling water.

1 kg sauerkraut
1/2 cup shelled walnuts
3 cloves of garlic
1/4 cup cilantro, chopped
1 teaspoon of hops-suneli
dill to taste

Chop the sauerkraut on a board and squeeze.
Drain the juice into a separate bowl and add the nuts, garlic, suneli, cilantro and chopped cabbage passed through a meat grinder.
Mix everything thoroughly and sprinkle with chopped dill.

1 kg of cabbage
300-400 g beets
150-200 g celery with roots
100-150 g dried savory greens, basil, tarragon, dill, mint
50 g garlic
2-2.5 tbsp. tablespoons of salt
capsicum to taste

Prepare cabbage in the same way as indicated in the recipe "Sauerkraut with heads", with the only difference that each layer of cabbage in this case alternates with a layer of peeled, cut in half or into parts of intensely colored beets.

1 kg of cabbage
1.25 cups wine vinegar
2.5 cups water
1/2 cup sugar
10 allspice peas
1 bay leaf
1 tbsp. spoon of salt

Finely chop the cabbage prepared in the above way, mix with salt (1/2 tablespoon), rub it lightly with your hands, transfer to a jar, pour over chilled marinade, tie the jar with parchment paper and store in a cool dry room.
Preparation of the marinade: pour wine vinegar, water into a clean saucepan, add salt (1/2 tablespoon), sugar, allspice, bay leaf.
Let the marinade simmer and cool.

Thoroughly crush peeled walnuts, garlic and salt, squeeze out the oil and drain into a separate bowl.
Add crushed paprika and cilantro seeds, wine vinegar to the resulting nut mass and stir thoroughly.
Then add chopped tomatoes, mix everything, put tightly in jars, pour nut butter on top.
Carefully wipe and seal the edges of the jars.
Store in a cool dry place.

1 kg of tomatoes
1 tbsp. spoon of salt
500 g garlic
200 g greens (celery, dill, parsley)
50 g dried dill
capsicum to taste

Wash and cut not very large green tomatoes.
Cooking minced meat: finely chop herbs, garlic, pepper, salt and mix everything thoroughly.
Stuff the tomatoes with this mass through the cut and place in layers in a jar.
Put dried dill on top and press down with a wooden circle with a load. Pour salt into boiling water (2 cups), put celery and parsley with roots and garlic, boil for 2-3 minutes, remove from heat and cool (vegetables separately, decoction separately).
Put the cooled beets in a jar, alternating with prepared garlic, celery and parsley with roots, as well as dill, capsicum and, if desired, bay leaf.
Pour everything with cooled broth (2 cups) and cold boiled water (1-2 cups).
The beets should be covered with brine.

1 kg of beets
2.5 cups wine vinegar
2.5 cups water
1/2 teaspoon salt
10 allspice peas
5-6 carnations
2 bay leaves

Wash the beets thoroughly, without peeling or cutting off the roots, boil and cool in the broth.
Then peel, cut into slices and cover with chilled marinade.
Close the jars with parchment paper, bandage and store in a cool dry place.
Preparation of the marinade: pour vinegar, water into a saucepan, add sugar, salt, allspice, cloves, bay leaves, boil and cool.

Not sure which cucumber salad to cook for the winter? Then you are very lucky: I just have such a recipe, and it is very tasty, beautiful and quite simple. This salad is also called cucumbers in Georgian - because of the spicy filling based on tomatoes and garlic. As a result, it turns out cucumbers in adjika - it looks delicious and tastes wonderful. A big plus, in my opinion, is that this is a recipe for cucumber salad for the winter without sterilization, that is, you do not face the tedious waiting at the stove before rolling up the jars.

Everything will be fast, simple and easy: we cut the cucumbers, prepare the filling, boil a little - and that's it, you can put the cucumber salad in the jar for the winter. But, perhaps, I'd better tell you about this blank, not in a nutshell, but with all the details and step-by-step photos for clarity: it will be much clearer this way. Are we going to the kitchen?


  • 5 kg of cucumbers;
  • 2 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 glass of vegetable oil;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt (with a small slide);
  • 300 g of garlic;
  • 250 ml 9% vinegar.

From the specified amount of ingredients, about 7 liters of salad are obtained.

How to cook Georgian cucumbers for the winter:

Choose ripe tomatoes with red pulp. Cut into pieces and twist through a meat grinder (if you are cooking a small volume, you can grate the tomatoes). In a wide saucepan with a thick bottom, mix the tomatoes with salt, sugar and vegetable oil.

We put the pan on the fire, bring the tomato mass to a boil. Cook over low heat under a lid for 15-20 minutes.

We select only fresh, firm, small cucumbers (with small seeds).

Cut into thin rings, about 4-5 mm thick.

Add vinegar, cucumbers and garlic passed through a garlic press to the saucepan to the tomatoes.

Bring to a boil. Cook on the smallest heat for 5-7 minutes, until the color of the cucumbers changes.

We put the hot cucumber salad for the winter in tomato sauce in pre-sterilized jars and seal it tightly.

We turn the cans upside down and wrap them up with a blanket (the so-called “fur coat). We keep the jars in this form until they cool completely. We store such a salad in a dark place, at room temperature, but away from heat sources.