Bean cutlets in the oven. Bean and potato cutlets

02.07.2020 Healthy eating

Greetings, dear readers of my blog! Almost a month has passed since the beginning of Lent. I would like to please myself with something tasty, but at the same time, so that the dish conforms to the rules of the fast. Beans are a great substitute for meat and fish. From this amazing species of the legume family, you can easily build aromatic soups, spicy stews, tender pates, all kinds of salads, main courses, side dishes, goulash, zrazy, even pies!

An equally delicious dish is the lean bean cutlets, which will be discussed in our today's article.

During Lent, you need to feed the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals. The beans contain vitamins that are necessary and valuable for the normal functioning of the body: A, vitamins of group B, also vitamins C, E. There are: phosphorus and zinc, potassium and calcium, sodium and magnesium, and it also contains iron.

This type of legume family contains almost as much digestible proteins as fish and meat. In addition, these legumes cleanse the body and have a diuretic effect.

They are used for certain diseases of the bladder, kidney and liver diseases. Also, this leguminous plant is used in special diets for heart disease and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Lean bean cutlets - recipes

There are many different recipes for making lean bean cutlets, these include: red bean cutlets, canned beans, beans and potatoes, beans and mushrooms, no less fragrant and tasty cutlets are obtained from beans and vegetables.

How do you prepare this delicious and nutritious meal? Everything is very simple and easy! You yourself can choose the method of their preparation, it is possible both in a frying pan and in the oven.

How to make cutlets quickly? If you want to cook this dietary, but at the same time hearty dish of beans, then do not be too lazy to soak it in the evening, then in the morning it will not be difficult for you to cook cutlets.

Lean bean cutlets with potatoes

Such cutlets are not difficult to prepare, everything is quite simple and quick. This delicious hearty dish is perfect for a lean table; it will not leave anyone hungry, even without a side dish.

For cooking, we need 250 grams of white beans, 2 potatoes, 1 medium onion, flour, salt, any spices of your choice, for beauty, you can add dill with parsley.

The potatoes in this recipe are needed to hold the ingredients together, it replaces the egg for us.

The legumes need to be boiled. At the same time, put the potatoes to boil. Cut the onion and herbs into smaller pieces. Grind all this in a meat grinder.

Voila, our dish is ready! It remains only to arrange beautifully on plates and decorate with tomato sauce and parsley.

Lean bean and mushroom cutlets

Such an interesting recipe is also very simple, in addition, the dish turns out to be even more satisfying and aromatic thanks to the mushrooms. you can take any, to your taste, mushrooms, boletus, honey mushrooms and whatever you like are suitable.

So, we need 300 grams of beans, 400 grams. mushrooms, onions, flour, vegetable oil (olive or sunflower), for a pungent taste, add 1 small bell pepper, a little soy sauce.

If you take canned beans, then immediately rotate them in a meat grinder or chop them in a blender. If you have a fresh one at hand, then do not be lazy and soak it in advance, boil it over low heat, and pass it in a meat grinder or blender.

Chop, fry with the onion. Mix mushrooms with beans, soy sauce, salt to taste. Next, stir thoroughly, form our meatballs, cover with flour, fry.

Now we proceed to the "highlight" of our dish - Bulgarian pepper. We cut it, it can be smaller, it can be larger, whoever loves it. Fry the peppers and onions in a pan, you can either add salt or add a little soy sauce.

As everything is prepared, we lay out on plates. Bon appetite!

Lean bean cutlets recipes with photos

At first glance, this recipe may seem boring and uninteresting, but this is far from the case! With the addition of secret ingredients, such a dish will serve as an excellent delicious lunch during Lent. And you can find the secret ingredients in any supermarket.

Lean bean cutlets with cabbage

What is the secret, you ask? There is nothing special here! Just add tomato paste with walnuts, which will add spice to our simple dish.

To prepare this dietary lunch we need: 500 gr. beans, 400 gr. white cabbage, tomato paste, flour, salt and greens to taste, also add pre-chopped walnuts to the cutlets to add a special aroma, as much as possible, as little as you like, 200 grams is the most.

Our legumes need to be boiled, then chopped in a blender. Finely chop the cabbage, mix thoroughly with boiled beans, season with tomato paste, herbs and walnuts. We shape the meatballs beautifully, gently roll in flour, bake in the oven or fry in a pan from all sides. Our super cutlets are ready! Time to serve! Put on a plate and garnish with tomato sauce.

Lean bean and carrot cutlets

Spring is outside the window! This means that the menu should be dominated by spring notes. It is this bright orange note that carrots will serve us. An appetizing and at the same time beautiful dish is an excellent choice for fasting in the spring. For cooking, take the following ingredients: 500 gr. white or red beans, 2-3 medium potatoes, 2 small carrots, onions, some garlic, oil for frying, salt and pepper, you will also need bread crumbs for the recipe.

Cook beans, potatoes and carrots. Fry onion and garlic. We pass the boiled vegetables with beans through a meat grinder or into a blender, then salt and pepper. We add onions, garlic to our mass, make beautiful meatballs, fry. As soon as an appetizing golden brown crust has formed, put it on a plate, decorate with parsley. Bon Appetit!

Lean bean cutlets with rice

This dish is another unusual recipe for a dinner table during Lent.

We need: 400 grams of beans, rice - half a cup, onion, garlic, 150 gr. ground walnuts; red or black pepper, salt to taste, and a little flour to form cutlets.

Pour water into a container with beans, leave to soak overnight, boil, also cook rice. Peel the onion, chop the garlic. After the beans and rice are boiled, we cool them, mix them, only then add the onions and garlic to them, for the best result we grind all the ingredients in a blender. Chop the greens, mix with the bean mass, add salt and pepper, and pour in the walnuts. Mix everything thoroughly again, sculpt cutlets and fry until tender. That's all! Put on a plate and decorate with herbs!

Today, dear readers of my blog, we have sorted out lean bean cutlets "on the shelves" with the addition of a variety of ingredients, for every taste and color! Feel free to try and experiment! After all, the most important element in the preparation of any food is love. Add at least a drop of love and good mood to your dishes, then you will certainly succeed.

Prepare ingredients.

Pour the beans with cold water in the evening and leave to swell overnight.
Drain the water in the morning, rinse the beans and boil until soft, about 1 hour.
Drain the broth from the beans (you can make soup based on the broth).
Place the beans in a blender and puree.

Transfer the bean paste to a large bowl.

Place broccoli and green beans in a large pot of boiling water (there should be plenty of water).
Cook for about 5-7 minutes from the moment it boils.

Vegetables should be cooked to the state of al dente, i.e. cooked vegetables should be soft but firm.

Drain the broth from the vegetables.
Chop broccoli and beans with a knife or chop in a blender in ripple mode (no need to chop vegetables in mashed potatoes, you just need to finely chop them).

Peel the onions and carrots. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots. Fry vegetables in vegetable oil until soft.

Chop the garlic.

Chop the greens.

Add broccoli, green beans, onions with carrots, garlic and herbs to a bowl of bean paste.

Salt and pepper the vegetable mass, to taste, and mix.

1. You can add different spices to the bean puree to taste: ground coriander, paprika or ground red pepper, etc. Taste to taste and add whatever spices you want. I didn’t add anything except salt and garlic. the puree turned out to be delicious for my taste, and I did not want to interrupt its taste with other spices.

2. At this stage of cooking, we got a delicious bean pate with vegetables, which can be spread on bread or served with vegetables - whichever you prefer.

Put the ready-made vegetable "minced meat" in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours or overnight, the mass will thicken well and it will be possible to form neat cutlets from it without additional addition of flour.
If there is no time to wait until the "minced meat" is infused, add a little flour or bread crumbs to it and mix well.

Form into small patties and roll in flour or breadcrumbs.

Fry the bean cutlets on both sides until golden brown.

You need to fry the cutlets in a non-stick frying pan and turn over gently, trying to keep their shape.

Bean cutlets for a lean table. Simple preparation with great taste. Boil the beans in advance, then the cooking process will be quick. Semolina can be replaced with flour. Add spices for lean bean cutlets to your taste, experiment.

For the preparation of lean bean cutlets, we will prepare the products according to the list.

Soak the beans in water for 6-8 hours and boil until tender in salted water.

Finely dice the onions and fry in vegetable oil until tender.

Twist the beans in a meat grinder into fine mince.

Add fried onion, curry spice, salt and semolina to the minced meat - 2 tbsp. Stir until smooth.

Finely chop the parsley and add to the minced beans, mix, leave for 15 minutes to swell the semolina.

Moisten hands with water and sculpt small cutlets, roll in semolina on both sides.

Fry in vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown.

Lean bean cutlets are ready.

Serve with herbs and vegetables. Delicious hot and cold.

Bon Appetit!

Any variety of these legumes will work for vegetarian bean cutlets. White, black, green or red beans - it doesn't matter, the main thing is that the beans are easy to boil and taste good.

In addition to beans, boiled potatoes will be used in the recipe, which will replace eggs. Thick, starchy puree will help "glue" the minced meat.

A beautiful golden color, vegetarian cutlets, will give turmeric or curry spice (a mixture of spices led by saffron). Ground coriander, ginger, asafoetida and dried herbs are also perfectly combined with beans: dill, parsley, green onions.

So, to cook bean and potato cutlets, you will need:

  • 2 large potatoes
  • 1 cup of any kind of beans (250 ml glass)
  • 0.5 tsp special curry or turmeric
  • 0.5 tsp coriander
  • ground black pepper
  • 3 tbsp. l. flour for breading

Step by step recipe with photo

Soak the beans overnight in room temperature water. In the morning, drain the water, rinse the beans under running water and boil until cooked. Boil well so that you can mash in mashed potatoes.

Scroll the finished beans in a meat grinder until thick mashed potatoes. Or beat with a blender.

Rinse the potatoes, peel and boil until tender. Mash the potatoes until smooth (or roll in a meat grinder along with the legumes) and mix with the beans, coriander, curry and black pepper. Salt.

Mix mashed potatoes with beans, mix thoroughly. Blind cutlets from the resulting "minced meat" and roll in flour or other breading. Bean and potato cutlets can be laid out on foil and baked in the oven until golden brown at a temperature of 180 C. Or fry in vegetable oil in a pan.

Lean bean and potato cutlets are ready!

There are a whole host of recipes for vegan cutlets made from potatoes and different vegetables, be sure to try cooking lean or vegetable ones.

Bon Appetit!

Great dish! Light but satisfying at the same time. You can fry a whole frying pan of such cutlets and have plenty of them before going to bed - and no "bricks in your stomach", since the beans are perfectly digested. And if you cook boiled beans in advance, then you can cook such cutlets in just 15 minutes. Just a dream dinner for a day-tired hostess!

Taste Info Second courses of vegetables

Ingredients for 4 servings

  • 1 cup beans
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 2 medium onions (you can take large ones if you like onions),
  • salt pepper,
  • some greenery (optional),
  • a plate of flour for breading (if you have one, you can take bread crumbs),
  • about 50 ml of vegetable oil for frying.

How to make bean cutlets

Boil the soaked beans the way you are used to. The most convenient way is to do this in a multicooker, filling it with water from a horse and clicking on "Rice", "Buckwheat" or "Spaghetti". So the basis of our cutlets will turn out to be "correct" - that is, ready-made, but not boiled. Salting beans during cooking is not worth it, this will only prolong the cooking time.

Finely chop the onion and fry in oil - of course, this is not necessary, but you should not abandon this procedure, it will take only 5 minutes, but it will make the cutlets much tastier.

Add the onion to the beans, puree the mixture until smooth. This can be done using a meat grinder, or an immersion blender (in the latter case, it is better to mix the eggs with the beans). Don't be discouraged if it doesn't turn out too perfect - separate splashes of whole beans will make the cutlets even more interesting.

Mix the minced meat with eggs and chopped herbs. Salt, "add" the pepper.

Shape patties with wet hands (dip them in clean water after each patty). It is necessary to roll the cutlets in flour or breadcrumbs.

Fry the workpieces on both sides in oil.

Teaser network

Since, in fact, all the minced meat is already edible, it is unnecessary to fry the cutlets for a long time - only until a crust forms. It will not be very crispy, but appealingly ruddy, even if you choose white beans.

If you want to treat a child with this dish, you should not give him cutlets immediately from the pan. It is better to put the children's portion in a cast iron or a small saucepan, pour water with sour cream and simmer over a tiny fire for no longer than 10 minutes.

Serve bean cutlets with sour cream. Adults will love it if you mix sour cream with crushed garlic, or finely chopped dill and salt. Although, in principle, ketchup, familiar to many, is also suitable!