Whole grain bread with malt and cereals. Unpaired wheat bread with malt

08.08.2019 Healthy eating

The development of kitchen technology has greatly facilitated the life of modern chefs and housewives. At the same time, such devices began to appear that require a special preparation technology and a special recipe. For example, to which fermented malt is added, in a device such as a bread maker, it is cooked with a slightly altered proportion of ingredients. This is due to the fact that the cooking process takes place in automatic mode along with kneading. At the same time, ordinary dough has gluten, which allows it to quickly obtain the required consistency. But the dough, which uses fermented rye malt and peeled flour, has a completely different structure, which is very difficult to automatically knead. That is why such recipes should be finalized, adapting them to modern household appliances.

Choosing a stove

It should also be remembered that each company that manufactures kitchen appliances has its own assembly criteria and temperature parameters. Moreover, even different models of devices from the same manufacturer may differ in their characteristics. That is why you should select the recipe for each device individually. The bread described below will be baked in a Delfa DBM-938 bread maker.


For cooking you will need:

Wheat flour (second grade) - 500 grams;

Rye malt - 35 grams;

Peeled rye flour - 100 grams;

Dry yeast - 1 tsp;

Salt - 1 tsp;

Sugar - 1.5 tablespoons;

Treacle - 1 tablespoon;

Water - 300 ml;

Cumin - 3 grams;

Bookmark order

When the dough is made by hand, the order in which the ingredients are mixed does not matter much, although chefs try not to mix ingredients such as salt, yeast and rye malt. In a device such as a bread maker, you should put the products in a certain order, since this way the device will be able to properly prepare the dough in the allotted time. In this case, you do not have to control it. First, a small amount of water is poured into the container, in which the salt is dissolved. Then wheat flour is added. Sugar is poured on top, which is stirred a little. After that, put rye malt, molasses and peeled flour. Next, yeast is poured and water is poured.


After all the components are placed in the device, mode number one is set on it, intended for standard baking. They also choose a program for the crust, and the weight is set at 700 grams. Then press the "start" button.

After a certain time, the oven will beep. At this moment, it is necessary to put caraway in it. If the color of the dough is very light, you can add rye malt, but only in small quantities. Then the device is closed and waiting for the end of the process.

If the bread is taken out immediately after baking, then the crust on it will turn out to be hard and crispy. However, if you do not take it out immediately, but let it stand for at least twenty minutes, then it will turn out to be airy and soft.

1. Flour must be sieved.

2. Water should be used at room temperature.

3. Coriander can be used with caraway seeds.

You need to know how to handle malt in bread. If you just add it, for example, to wheat bread, you can be disappointed. The malt is too bright, strong in taste, and needs the same bright company as itself. For example, it feels great in rye breads. Or combined with whole grain flour and seeds, as in this suggested recipe.

Today we will bake bread from a mixture of aromatic whole grain and white wheat flour (to improve the gluten in the dough) with sourdough. I recommend using the leaven that is at hand - or wheat, it does not matter. If you are not keeping the starter culture, replace it with a mixture of 50 g of rye flour and 50 g of water.

So, the basis for the bread has been chosen. For a bright taste, we take, as already decided, malt, and instead of sugar we use honey. And be sure to add cereals to the bread - peeled sunflower seeds and flax are perfect. These two ingredients, with a buttery nutty flavor, balance the flavor and aroma of the malt.

Cooking time: about 4 hours / Yield: 3 small loaves


  • white wheat flour 225 g
  • whole grain wheat flour 180 g
  • water 200 g
  • leftover starter culture 100 g
  • vegetable oil 30 ml
  • dark fermented malt 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • honey 0.5 tbsp. spoons
  • salt 1 tsp
  • dry yeast 1 tsp
  • peeled sunflower seeds 50 g
  • flax seeds 30 g

How to cook

Prepare your seeds. Fry the sunflower seeds in a dry frying pan, stirring until golden brown, then transfer to a flat surface to cool down faster.

Pour flax seeds with 100-120 grams of boiling water. This is the so-called loaf for bread, but it is usually cooked in cold water and kept for 6-8 hours. Our method helps to speed up the process of grain swelling.

Now proceed to kneading the dough, which can be produced in any convenient way. In this case, for kneading, we used a bread machine in the “Bun dough” mode (mod. Binatone BM-2068).

Pour water and the rest of the leaven into the bowl of the bread maker. It is best to lightly stir the sourdough water before pouring into the bowl.

Then add both types of flour to the bowl.

Add malt, salt, honey and yeast to the kneading bowl.

Start kneading the dough. At first, the dough will seem dry and tight to you.

3-4 minutes after the start of kneading, when the dough has already gathered into a ball, add oil to the container and wait until the dough has completely absorbed it.

Flax, steamed with boiling water, fold into a sieve and let the viscous liquid drain. Don't try to get rid of all the liquid, but most should go away.

Add flax seeds to the dough along with toasted seeds.

Now you need to knead the dough until it completely absorbs the seeds. At first, this process will be quite difficult, but you can slightly help the dough with your hands, and you will soon notice how pleasant and beautiful it has become.

Leave the kneaded dough to ferment for 1 hour or until the volume of the bun doubles.
At the end of fermentation, knead the dough lightly and divide into 3 parts.

Slightly flatten each part with your hands and fold the right and left edges towards the center.

Then fold the top and bottom in the same way.

After that, pinch the dough with a pie.

Lay the formed bread upside down on a clean towel, generously sprinkled with flour.

Cover the bread with a bag or plastic wrap to prevent crusting on the surface.
Leave the bread to proof for 1 hour. During this time, the loaves should double in volume.

In the meantime, heat the oven to 250 degrees, and as soon as the loaves are ready to go to the oven, carefully transfer them to a baking sheet, placing them seam down. Remember to cut the loaves with a sharp knife or razor blade.

Bake the bread for the first 10 minutes with steam, then reduce the temperature to 200 degrees and bake for another 20-25 minutes until the bread is ready. Steam can be created in the oven using a spray bottle, pouring water into the bottom of the oven, throwing ice cubes, or placing a container of boiling water on the bottom.

Cool the finished bread. Bon Appetit!

Since childhood, each of us knows that bread is an important food, a head for everything, and in general a most useful food product. Some of its varieties are especially appreciated, which are made from rye flour, from bran, with the addition of malt and other components. One of the most revered and most respected varieties is malted rye bread. And today we will talk about how to cook in a bread maker, give recipes with malt, and also tell you how it can be baked in the oven. The most important thing is that it can be baked at home, and this increases its benefits several times, because only natural and healthy ingredients are used.

Why should you include such bread in your diet?

The special value of malted rye bread is hidden in its unique chemical composition. Malt is enriched with a huge amount of vitamins, useful trace elements and minerals. It is obtained by artificially sprouting barley grains. In the process of cooking malt, reactions occur in it, as a result of which diastase appears in it - an enzyme that promotes the conversion of starch-containing products into alcohol. In bakery, the addition of malt gives the finished products a special, incomparable aroma, which beckons to send a piece of fresh bread into your mouth. Thanks to this component, baked goods acquire a natural sweetish flavor. As for the dough, it becomes more elastic, "rises" well, the absorption of water increases, and its structure also improves. All this will certainly affect the finished bread.

Rye bread with the addition of malt, which we continue to talk about on this page www.site, contains a large amount of fiber, mineral salts, carbohydrates, vitamins A, E, PP, B. It contains more iron than varieties from wheat flour, and also potassium and magnesium. Regular use of such a product helps to cleanse the body of toxins, harmful toxins, lower cholesterol levels and normalize hemoglobin.

It should be remembered that this type of bread has the most useful properties only for 30 hours after preparation. Therefore, it is advisable to bake it as much as it will be eaten during this period of time. You can buy malt at any supermarket - at the grocery store or where flour and bread mixes are sold.

How to bake delicious bread at home?

Now let's talk about how easy it is to make rye malt bread for your family. To do this, you can use both a modern miracle of technology - a bakery, and an ordinary oven.

1. Rye bread with malt in a bread maker (recipe one)

We begin to prepare the dough from the following products:

First, prepare the tea leaves: mix the malt with 30 grams of rye flour, add 130 ml of boiling water, stir, wrap well with a towel and leave to cool.

Cooking the dough: for this we sift rye and wheat flour, add salt, molasses and 170 ml of warm water. Finally, stir in the malt brew. Knead the dough so that there are no delamination. We cover the base for our loaf with a towel and leave in a warm place for 3.5-4 hours. Then we grease the mold in which we will bake with vegetable oil, put the dough there, leave it for another hour. Before sending to a preheated oven, carefully sprinkle the bread with sesame seeds, caraway seeds or flax seeds. This will give it even more intense flavor. We bake for 60 minutes without opening the oven for 45 minutes. We serve cut into slices and delight loved ones with amazingly tasty and healthy homemade cakes.

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to prepare such masterpieces, but it is unrealistically difficult to resist them and not try! Bon Appetit!

Lyudmila, www.site

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The peculiarity of the dough on rye flour is that yeast is not able to provide it with large porosity, therefore, rye bread with yeast turns out to be dense and dry. The sourdough not only makes the bread porous and pleasantly moist, but also gives it a delicate sour taste thanks to the acids formed during fermentation.

Sourdough rye bread with malt and dark honey turns out to be very similar to "Borodinsky" and "Litovskiy", but softer and more porous.

How to make rye sourdough

It takes a long time to prepare bread leaven, but it is very simple. The fermentation process of rye flour takes from three to five days, and you can taste the bread no earlier than four days later. But do not be alarmed - the sourdough is prepared only once, and then a few spoons are simply left from each dough for the next time.

For starter culture, prepare a clean glass container with a volume of 1.5-2 liters (you can take a jar). Pour 100 g of flour into it and pour in 100 ml of water at room temperature or slightly lukewarm. Cover the jar with cheesecloth and place in a warm place (for example, near the stove). Never cover the starter with a tight lid, as fermentation should take place in the presence of air.

After that, the starter culture must be fed every day at about the same time, adding the same amount of flour and water (100 g and 100 ml). Depending on the temperature, fermentation can take place at different rates. The fact that the leaven is ready is indicated by a change in its smell (which is unpleasant at first) to a sour-alcoholic one, as well as a sharp increase in volume.

So, when the leaven is ready, we move on to making the bread.

Ingredients for malted bread:

  • rye sourdough - 300 g
  • rye flour - 100 g
  • wheat flour - 400 g
  • dry malt - 5 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • dark honey or molasses - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 2 tsp
  • water - 400 ml (more or less, judging by the type of test)
  • prunes - 6-8 pcs.
  • raisins - 1 tbsp l.

How to make malted sourdough rye bread (yeast-free):

1) If you don't have 300 g of fresh sourdough, but only have a starter (the sourdough left over from the dough), then take 2.5 tbsp of it. l., add 150 g of rye flour and 150 ml of water (just not hot) and leave for 8-10 hours. This will be 300 g of the starter shown in the ingredients list (remember to leave 2.5 tablespoons for the new starter).

2) Pour boiling water over the malt so that you get a thick gruel.

3) Add salt, honey, vegetable oil to the leaven prepared for the dough.

4) Pour boiling water over dried fruits for a few minutes and rinse well. Cut the prunes.

5) Add rye and wheat flour to the sourdough, part of the water, stir and add dried fruits.

6) Now add water little by little, until the dough is very thick, but sticky, as in the photo. The dough for rye bread, unlike wheat bread, should not form a bun, but should be watery.

7) Leave the dough for 20 minutes in the same container, and then transfer to greased molds. It will rise approximately twice, but calculate the volume so that the bread is low and can bake well.

8) When the dough has doubled, you can put the bread in the oven.

9) First, preheat the oven to 200 ° C and for the first 10 minutes put a plate of water in it or turn on steam, if there is such a function. Then reduce the temperature to 150 ° C and bake the bread until tender. Remove the water from the oven. It will take 40-60 minutes to bake. Check doneness by lightly pressing the center of the bread. If you feel that the crust is springy and does not collapse under pressure, the bread is ready, but leave it for another 10 minutes in the turned off oven.

Today I want to offer you a simple recipe for rye bread in a bread maker. From these products, it is obtained with a weight of about 960 grams, if this is a lot for you, make half a serving. Homemade rye bread with malt in a bread maker turns out to be much tastier than store-bought bread, so I advise you to try it. If desired, you can bake the same in the oven, but then you need to knead it with your hands and make a dough beforehand.

I also want to note that I make exactly rye wheat bread in a bread maker, since if you make it from only one type of flour, it will not be so tasty. My mom just loves this kind of bread and bakes it quite often, and she also really likes this recipe. This recipe for rye bread with malt in a bread maker, in fact, it is not difficult to buy malt, since it is sold in many grocery supermarkets.

The recipe for bread made from rye flour in a bread maker has recently become more popular, since it is less high-calorie and such bread can be used by those who follow the figure and do not eat a lot of flour. Additionally, I advise you to look, but it is baked in the oven, it turns out soft and tasty.


  • Dry yeast - 2 tsp
  • Wheat flour - 225 g
  • Rye flour - 325 g
  • Salt - 1.5 tsp
  • Refined vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Rye malt - 40 g
  • Boiling water - 80 ml
  • Honey - 2 tablespoons
  • Ground coriander - 1 tsp
  • Water - 330 ml.

The calorie content of rye bread is 208 kcal per 100 g.

How to bake rye bread in a bread maker

The recipe for rye bread for a bread machine is simple, but it is important to do everything in turn. So, first of all, I put rye malt in a bowl and pour boiling water over it, stir it and leave it to cool. Next, I pour yeast into a special bucket, always dry. It's important to keep them fresh and keep them sealed, otherwise your baked goods may not rise.

Since I make wheat rye bread in a bread maker, I sift two types of flour into a bowl and then gently pour it into a bucket on top of the yeast.

On top of the flour I put salt, refined vegetable oil, cooled malt, honey and coriander. If you wish, honey can be replaced with sugar, it's up to your taste.

Gently pour the last water on top of all the ingredients.

I put the bucket in the bread maker, choose the Rye Bread program and start. It is important that there is no flour or other products on the walls of the bucket, if it gets dirty, it must be wiped.

Then the simplest thing remains, it is baking rye bread. My rye bread mode does not offer a choice of crust and size. The total cooking time takes 3 hours 30 minutes, of which about 45-60 minutes is proofing, about 10 minutes kneading is in progress, and at this stage I manually adjusted the dough a little - I removed the unmixed bucket from the walls with a silicone spatula. At the same time, at the end of the batch, I evaluate the bun, the dough turns out to be soft, sticky, but keeps its shape. Next, according to the program, the dough is rising and then you cannot open the lid so as not to spoil the future loaf.

When the rye flour bread is baked in the bread maker, a signal will sound that it is ready. Then I press the stop button and immediately take out the bucket. Then I carefully put the bread on a wire rack to cool completely, covering it with a clean cotton or linen towel.

This is the recipe for rye bread in a bread machine. The finished bread is very aromatic and tasty, and when cooled down well, it is easily cut into slices. As you can see, it is not difficult to prepare, but you know what it is. And due to the fact that it is kneaded and baked in a bread maker, very little time is spent on it. Bon Appetit!