Sponge roll is fast and tasty. Sponge roll is a delicious and simple recipe

15.03.2020 Healthy eating

Sponge roll is a wonderful addition to tea and a great reason to indulge in a light and delicious dessert. Delicate soft dough in a roll is wonderfully combined with juicy filling, and it will not be difficult to prepare such a “sweet tooth's dream”. Want to try? Then read on!

If everything is very clear with the dough for the roll (it is a biscuit and a biscuit in Africa), then the filling can be very diverse and is limited only by your imagination. The filling can be a cream based on cream, condensed milk, cottage cheese, chocolate or caramel, fruits or berries, as well as jam, jam, jam, nuts, poppy seeds, raisins and much, much more. Such a large selection of fillings makes it possible to prepare a new version of the roll every time, changing only its filling. To make the biscuit roll juicy and slightly moist, you can soak it with syrup. It also adds an extra sweetness to the dessert. For a more spicy taste and aroma, the surface of the finished dough can be lightly sprinkled with rum or cognac.

It is prepared very simply and quickly from a simple set of ingredients, so even a novice housewife who is just mastering the art of making sweet pastries can handle it. The dough is evenly distributed on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, baked for about 15 minutes (remember that to get a fluffy biscuit, you do not need to open the oven door during baking), roll up hot with parchment paper or a towel, cool slightly, then still being warm, it unfolds, starts, rolls up again and decorates - voila, a delicate and delicious dessert is ready with a minimum of effort and cost!

Roll decoration is a separate topic. A beautifully decorated biscuit roll can become the highlight of a festive feast and can successfully replace a traditional cake. Here, berries, fruits, chocolate, powdered sugar, cocoa powder, whipped cream, coconut flakes and various glaze options are used. Well, isn't it time to put the kettle on?

Sponge roll with curd cream and canned peaches

For biscuit:
120 g flour
120 g sugar
4 eggs.
For the cream:
300 g of cottage cheese,
150 ml heavy cream (33%),
150 g canned peaches
vanillin to taste.
4 tablespoons jam
20-30 g dark chocolate.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees. In a bowl, beat the eggs and sugar with a mixer until the mixture has multiplied in volume. Add sifted flour and mix gently. Put the resulting dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and flatten. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes. Turn the finished dough on a towel, remove the paper and gently roll the dough into a roll. While the roll is cooling, prepare the cream by whipping the cream with a mixer and mixing it with the curd, whipped using a blender. Add vanillin to taste and finely chopped canned peaches, stir.
Unfold the dough, grease with jam and lay out the curd cream. Using a towel, wrap the roll. Decorate the roll with melted chocolate and refrigerate for soaking.

1 cup flour
1 cup of sugar,
4 eggs,
200 g of boiled condensed milk,
70 g butter
2 bananas
impregnation syrup.

Beat eggs until fluffy and, gradually adding sugar, continue to beat. Gradually add flour and stir. Spread the dough evenly on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Separate the finished dough from the parchment and gently roll together with the parchment while the dough is still hot.
To prepare the cream, beat the boiled condensed milk with softened butter. Cut the bananas into slices. Expand the cooled cake and soak it with syrup. Grease with cream, put bananas and roll up a roll. Put the roll in the refrigerator for a few hours, then cut into pieces and serve.

Chocolate roll with butter cream

5 eggs,
5 tablespoons of sugar
3 tablespoons of vegetable oil
2 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons cocoa
2 tablespoons milk
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 g vanillin
2 pinches of salt.
200 ml 33% cream,
2 tablespoons of sugar
30 g of chocolate.
4 tablespoons of syrup or liquor.

Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks with half the sugar using a whisk. Add vegetable oil and stir. Add sifted flour, baking powder, vanillin and a pinch of salt. Add cocoa and stir until smooth. If the dough is very thick, you can dilute it with milk.
Beat the whites with a mixer with a pinch of salt in a lush foam, then add the remaining sugar, continuing to beat. Add proteins to the dough, trying not to stir for a long time so that the dough does not lose its splendor. Place the dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for about 12-15 minutes at 180 degrees. Put the finished cake on the table, separate from the paper with a spatula, roll up with a roll with paper and let cool completely.
Meanwhile, whip the cream and sugar, stir in the chopped chocolate. Unfold the dough and soak in syrup or liquor. Grease with cream and wrap in a roll. Decorate as desired, let the roll soak slightly and serve.

Sponge roll according to GOST

90 g flour
90 g sugar
3 eggs,
5-6 tablespoons of jam
100 g butter
1/2 can of boiled condensed milk,
a pinch of salt,
berries and dark chocolate for decoration.

Preheat oven to 190 degrees. Beat eggs with a pinch of salt with a mixer. Gradually add sugar and beat until completely dissolved, at least 5 minutes. The result should be a light, fluffy mass. Gradually add the sifted flour and stir. The consistency of the dough should resemble low-fat sour cream or cream. Place the dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment and spread evenly. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes, being careful not to overbake the crust, otherwise it will become dry and brittle. While the sponge cake is still hot, it needs to be rolled up with a roll along with paper.
When the cake has cooled, unfold it, remove the parchment paper and grease with jam. Then grease the cake with a cream prepared by whipping softened butter with condensed milk. Leave a little cream to decorate the roll. Roll up the sponge cake and refrigerate for an hour. After that, decorate the roll with the remaining cream, melted chocolate and berries. Trim the edges of the roll so that the baked goods have an aesthetic look, and put the roll in the refrigerator for another hour.

Chocolate roll with cherries and butter cream

150 g flour
100 g sugar
3 eggs,
1 tablespoon honey
2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon of baking soda.
100 g butter
100 g sugar
100 ml of water
1 tablespoon flour.
1 cup pitted cherries
5 tablespoons of cherry juice.
50 g dark chocolate
5 tablespoons of milk

Beat eggs, sugar and honey using a mixer. Add cocoa powder and sifted flour mixed with baking soda. Stir with a spoon. Put the dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 10-12 minutes.
Meanwhile, prepare the cream by mixing sugar and 50 ml of water in a small saucepan. Cook over low heat until sugar dissolves. Stir the flour in the remaining water, add to the sugar mixture and cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens. Remove the pan from the stove and let cool completely. Then add softened butter and beat until smooth.
Soak the finished cake with cherry juice and let cool to room temperature. Grease with cream and spread the cherries over the entire surface. Wrap the roll, carefully separating the cake from the parchment paper. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, add milk, stir and pour over the roll with the resulting mass. Decorate the roll with cherries.

Sponge roll with nuts and custard

90 g flour
90 g sugar
3 eggs,
20 g of potato starch.
200 g butter
100 ml milk or cream of medium fat
150 g sugar
1 egg,
1/2 teaspoon vanilla sugar
1 tablespoon of condensed milk
1/3 cup boiling water.
100 g of nuts.

To make the cream, combine milk, half sugar and vanilla sugar in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil, then cool slightly. Beat the egg with the remaining sugar and gradually add to the milk mixture. Put the pan in a water bath and cook the cream for 4-5 minutes, whisking constantly until the mixture thickens. Remove the pan from the water bath and beat for another 2-3 minutes, then cool to room temperature. Beat the softened butter with a mixer and add the milk mixture to it. Beat until smooth and refrigerate.
To make a biscuit, beat the eggs and sugar until fluffy with a mixer. Add sifted flour and starch while whisking on low speed. Place the dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes. When the biscuit is ready, it must be immediately rolled into a roll in paper, wrapped in a towel and cooled slightly. After that, the biscuit should be unfolded, removed the paper, put on a clean sheet of parchment paper, soaked with condensed milk diluted in boiling water and greased with 2/3 of the cream cake. Roll the cake into a roll and brush the surface with the remaining cream. Put chopped nuts on parchment paper and roll a roll over it so that the nuts stick to the surface. Cover the roll carefully and refrigerate for several hours before serving.

Every housewife should definitely try to bake a biscuit roll, because this easy-to-prepare delicacy will bring the whole family at the table and give unforgettable moments of joy and pleasure! Bon Appetit!

In the oven, a thin crust for a biscuit roll is baked in about 15-20 minutes. Therefore, it will take no more than an hour to prepare a sweet delicacy from a biscuit dough. Yeast rolls take much longer to cook, but yeast dough is considered less capricious than biscuit. That is, it almost always turns out to be quite lush and tasty, even for those housewives who are just starting to learn how to cook homemade cakes.

A quick sponge cake. Watch the video!

Sponge dough for roll


Eggs (3 pieces)
flour (1 glass)
granulated sugar (1 glass)
a bag of vanillin

How to make biscuit dough for a roll:

    Eggs must be beaten thoroughly, mixed with sugar, it is better to use a mixer or blender for this.

    Beat for at least five minutes. When the airy creamy mass of eggs and sugar is ready, add flour sifted through a colander to it. If the flour is not sieved, the dough will not be puffy.

    Beaten eggs are mixed with flour until smooth. The finished dough is spread on a baking sheet in a thin layer. It can be leveled with a spoon to make the surface of the baked crust smoother.

    The oven must be preheated to 200 ° С, then put a baking sheet in it and lower the temperature to 180 ° С. Bake for 15-20 minutes.

Yeast dough for roll

Lovers of lush yeast baked goods will surely like this recipe. Yeast dough rolls go well with apple and poppy filling.


Flour (4 tablespoons with a slide)
fresh yeast (25 g)
milk (1 glass)
butter or margarine (50 g)
a packet of vanilla sugar
sugar (4 tablespoons)
salt (half a teaspoon)
water (50-70 ml)

How to make yeast roll dough:

    The flour must be carefully sifted through a sieve, then add salt, sugar, yeast, egg, warm milk and warm water to it.

    It is important to remember that the water and milk should not be hot, otherwise the dough will not turn out to be airy, since the protein of the egg added to the dough will curdle.

    The butter is melted in warm milk and also poured into a bowl with dough. The resulting dough must be stirred, covered with a lid or plastic wrap, and left for about 60-80 minutes.

    When the hat rises on the dough, it is ready. Roll out the dough, put the filling on it (for example, apples with cinnamon) and roll it up.

    Then the roll is laid out on a baking sheet, greased with vegetable oil. The baking time is about 30-40 minutes, the oven temperature is 180-200 ° C.

Baking a delicious biscuit roll is a simple matter. But to avoid ugly faults when folding it is a more difficult task. And as soon as inventive housewives do not get out, so that the naughty cake does not burst, and with it - all the dreams for a beautiful tea party. The most desperate pastry chefs take the biscuit out of the oven, transfer it to a damp towel, and immediately roll it up. “The main thing is to keep it cool,” they say. I don’t know, maybe this method of “taming” rolls is effective, but I imagine this picture: a proud hostess puts a beautiful dessert on the table, pours tea into cups, and leaves to treat first-degree burns and wash her favorite kitchen towel. Therefore, I suggest you a "cleaner" and painless way to make a "fluffy" biscuit roll - a proven recipe with a photo. Step by step, at home, without unnecessary fuss and haste, anyone can bake an even mouth-watering roll for tea. I offer as many as 2 options, repeatedly tested on my own experience and stomach. For the filling, you can use your favorite jam, custard or butter cream, whipped cream, fruits, berries, and even leaf marmalade.

Quick sponge roll with hot milk


For the basics:

For filling and decoration:

How to make a biscuit roll with condensed milk (very tasty and simple recipe):

I prepared the base for a roll on a baking sheet about 30 by 40 cm in size.It turned out to be an excellent cake - not thin and not thick, curled well. If you have a small baking dish, halve the entire dough or use half the amount of food. I advise you to start cooking dessert with a cream, so that it has time to grab a little in the refrigerator. The liquid filling will flow out of the hot roll. Preparing the cream is very simple. But despite this, it is insanely delicious. This is one of my favorite fillings for cakes, pastries and other pastry "ugliness". Remove the oil half an hour before cooking. It should be soft, but not runny. Then the mass will turn out to be homogeneous and solidify well. Beat the butter with a mixer until fluffy. Add boiled condensed milk in small portions while whisking. You can buy already boiled condensed milk or cook it yourself. How to do this, I wrote in detail. A homogeneous, fluffy and moderately sweet mass with a pleasant taste and caramel color will come out. Set aside a small amount for decoration.

Grind the nuts into coarse crumbs. I took cashews, but other nuts or assorted nuts will work as well. Pour them over to the condensed milk with butter (leave a handful for sprinkling on top). Put the cream in the refrigerator to freeze a little.

Prepare a biscuit base. Turn on the oven immediately so that it warms up to 190-200 degrees. Beat the eggs into a bowl. And add all the sugar at once. Add salt.

Beat with a mixer for at least 7-10 minutes. The mass will increase in volume by about 3 times, it will become lighter, more fluffy and airy.

Combine flour, baking powder, and starch. Thanks to the latter, the roll will come out "fluffy", elastic and will not crack when rolled. Sift dry ingredients. Add portions to the egg-sugar mass.

Stir the dough like a classic biscuit - gently, using a spatula from the bottom up.

Pour milk into a saucepan. Put the butter there. Put on fire. As soon as the mixture boils, remove from the stove.

Transfer a spoonful of dough into the hot milk. Stir until smooth. Transfer to a bowl with the rest of the dough. Stir gently.

Be sure to cover the baking sheet with oiled paper. Pour the biscuit base. Spread it evenly over the surface.

Bake in a preheated oven at 190-200 degrees for 7-12 minutes. Make sure that the biscuit does not dry out, because it will not be possible to roll it up into a roll. Check for readiness with a wooden stick. Turn the finished cake on a cutting board, remove the parchment paper.

Apply the filling in an even layer on top. You can additionally use an impregnation based on sugar or berry syrup with or without alcohol. I didn't add anything to the biscuit. It turned out very tasty, tender and not dry.

Roll up.

When the roll has cooled down a little, decorate it with cream and sprinkle with nuts, as in the photo. The baked goods do not crumble and are easy to cut. Store in plastic wrap or foil in the refrigerator.

Airy homemade biscuit roll with curd filling

This sponge cake can be rolled even when cold! Lovely, not dough!

For cooking, take:

For the cake:

For filler:

Method for making biscuit roll:

As with the first recipe, it's best to start by making a cream. It is very simple to prepare. Mix cottage cheese with unboiled condensed milk or with powdered sugar and sour cream. Interrupt with a blender. To make the filling tender and uniform, use a pasty cottage cheese. If the mass comes out thin, add a little soft butter. Stir. Refrigerate. He will harden a little if he spends 10-15 minutes in such conditions.

Make a biscuit roll. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. Sprinkle about 2/3 of the sugar.

Add a pinch of salt to the egg whites and begin whisking. Add sugar as the speed increases. Literally a tablespoon. Whisk the protein mixture until it is glossy, fluffy, and firm (to medium peaks).

Pour the remaining granulated sugar over the yolks.

Beat for 5-7 minutes. The mass will turn out to be light and thick, and the sugar will completely dissolve.

Add starch to flour. Add baking powder if desired, but the biscuit will be airy anyway due to separate whisking of whites and yolks. Stir and sieve.

Pour half of the flour mixture to the yolk mass.

Stir until smooth to create a "fluffy" roll.

Add 1/2 of the protein. Stir gently from bottom to top, as appropriate for biscuit dough.

Fill in the remaining flour and starch. After mixing, add the protein. Stir the dough. Distribute on a baking sheet (size - 30 x 40 cm). Cover the baking sheet with parchment to make it easier to remove the biscuit without damaging it.

Bake at 200 degrees for 7-10 minutes. Preheat the oven. Do not open the oven door during baking.

The surface of the finished biscuit cake will brown, and when pierced, the wooden stick will be dry.

Remove the biscuit from the oven and turn over. Peel off the paper. Spread with jam. I had a plum, sweet and sour. It must be warmed up in advance so that it saturates the biscuit, then the roll will not be dry. But you can use other impregnation.

Spread with curd filler.

Roll up. It is quite easy to do this even when cooled down.

You can put the kettle on and try the roll! But it will taste much better when it cools.

Enjoy your tea!

For those who love sweet pastries for tea, we offer roll recipes. The most common option is biscuit dough roll stuffed with whipped cream, but this is just one of many recipes we know. Rolls prepared from puff, shortcrust, yeast dough. For the filling, ready-made jams, confitures or preserves are used, and creams are also prepared, often creamy or custard. You can add pieces of fresh fruit or berries to the cream.

In the section "Rolls (sweet)" 211 recipes

Sponge roll with cherry jam

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Sponge roll with butter cream

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Sponge roll with hazelnut cream

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Condensed milk roll

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Save this selection in your cookbook. The recipes are great, they will definitely come in handy!

1. Sponge roll


✓ 1 tbsp. Sahara

✓ 1 tbsp. yoghurt

✓ vanillin

✓ 1 tsp soda

✓ 1.5 tbsp. flour

✓ jam for lubrication.


1. Turn on the oven, both shades, at 300 degrees, let it heat, but for now ..

2. Beat eggs with sugar and vanilla, add yogurt, stirring soda in it beforehand, then add flour, liquid dough, pouring ..

3. Cover the baking sheet with paper or greased tracing paper and pour the dough by tilting the baking sheet, distribute it over the entire baking sheet.

4. Place the baking sheet in the oven, in the middle and bake for 7-8 minutes, until it turns pink ..

5. Take out and turn the pink side onto a damp cloth .. Quickly grease with jam and roll up with a cloth .. let cool slightly ..

6. Remove the fabric. Sprinkle the roll with powder. The main thing is that it always turns out quickly :) While the guests wash their hands, it is already in the oven .. True, I have not tried other fillings, except for jam, perhaps you can try boiled condensed milk.

2. Roll in 5 minutes


✓ 1 can of condensed milk

✓ 1 cup flour

✓ 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda


1. Mix all ingredients.

2. Pour the dough onto a rectangular baking sheet lined with baking paper.

3. Bake for 5-7 minutes in a preheated oven.

Filling - any cream, jam, chocolate-nut spread.

3. Walnut-apple roll in 10 minutes


For the test:

✓ 4 tablespoons flour

✓ 4 tablespoons of sugar

✓ 0.5 teaspoon baking powder

For filling

✓ 4 apples

✓ 2 tablespoons of sugar

✓ vanillin

✓ 100 grams of nuts, any. I crumbled them with a rolling pin.


1. Grate apples on a coarse grater, add sugar, vanillin, nuts. Put on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, smooth.

2. Beat the whites with a pinch of salt until the peaks (1 minute for me). Beat the yolks for 1-2 minutes, add sugar and beat for another 1-2 minutes. Gradually stir in the flour with baking powder, Then gently beat the whites. Put the dough on a baking sheet on top of the apple-nut mass, smooth.

3. Bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

4. Then gently turn the baking sheet with the finished biscuit on a clean towel on the table, filling it up. Quickly remove the baking paper and roll it up with a towel. I rolled it without a towel. Cool down. And on a cold winter evening, enjoy with a hot fragrant what!

4. Roll in 7 minutes


✓ 5 tbsp. Sahara

✓ 5 tbsp. flour

✓ 5 tbsp. milk powder

✓ 1/3 tsp soda (quench with vinegar)

✓ a pinch of salt


1. Turn on the oven, temperature 220 degrees. Immediately place a greased baking sheet in it - it should be hot. Knead the biscuit dough.

2. Beat eggs with sugar, gradually add sifted flour, milk powder, salt and quenched soda. Pour the dough onto a baking sheet and bake for exactly 5 minutes.

3. Remove from the oven, immediately spread with any jam, jam or preserves and roll up the roll while it is hot.

4. Allow to cool completely and sprinkle with icing sugar.

5. Roll for tea in 6 minutes


✓ 55 g flour

✓ 55 g sugar

✓ a pinch of salt

✓ 2 tsp baking powder

✓ 5 tbsp. l. jam

✓ icing sugar


1. First you need to mix the first four ingredients, then add two eggs and beat everything thoroughly into a homogeneous mass.

2. Prepare a baking sheet, put baking paper on it and grease it with sunflower oil or butter. Spread the dough evenly on it and bake in the oven preheated to 180 degrees.

3. Bake for only 6 minutes, until the top of the crust is golden brown.

4. In parallel with baking the cake, put a metal saucepan on the fire, pour the jam into it and heat it slightly. By the way, there can be any jam, but strawberry jam is especially suitable. But this is a matter of taste for everyone.

5. So, remove the jam from the fire and take the cake out of the oven. Remove the paper and grease one side with warm jam, wrap it in a roll and sprinkle generously with powdered sugar.

6. Let it cool and you can brew tea!

6. Roll without baking in 5 minutes


✓ 3 packs of regular cookies like Jubilee (30 cookies),

✓ 1 pack of curd mass (if you don't want it to turn out too sweet, take the usual one, without fillers),

✓ 2 glasses of milk,

✓ 1 chocolate or homemade icing (faster with chocolate)


1. Put the first layer of cookies on a clean plastic bag. Before that, we dip the cookies in hot milk.

2. One layer is 15 cookies. Top with half the curd mass, then another layer of cookies and again curd. We take the package from both sides and turn the whole thing into a roll. The cookies will soften and should not break.

3. But even if it breaks, it's okay, pour melted chocolate on top of the roll with the addition of a small amount of milk.

4. Alternatively, you can decorate the roll with chocolate pieces. We put the roll in the refrigerator and after 3-4 hours it will be ready. I usually do it in the evening, and in the morning I spoil my home-made "pastries".

Bon Appetit!