Eggplant for the winter the best recipes with basil. Honey eggplant - treat yourself to a great snack for the winter

25.04.2019 healthy eating

1. Prepare necessary ingredients. Wash the eggplant, basil and tomatoes, peel the garlic. I peel the eggplant, but this is not at all necessary. Slice the eggplant into 1cm thick slices.
2. Bring the water to a boil, salt heavily (two full tablespoons of salt for about two liters of water) and blanch the eggplant for 3-4 minutes. Put the eggplant in a colander, let the water drain.
3. Cut the tomatoes into thick slices and put them in a saucepan.
4. Add to them blanched eggplant. Warm up for approximately 10 minutes.
Then add oil, salt, vinegar, sugar. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.
5. In the meantime, finely chop the basil, pass the garlic through a press. Add all this to the pan to the eggplant and boil everything together for another 5-10 minutes.
6. We sterilize the lids and jars, put our salad in warm jars and close the lids. Can be used well in winter this dish as a side dish, or as independent dish during the period of fasting.

Bon Appetit!

The recipe is very delicious eggplant, the aroma of which will not leave anyone indifferent. There are so many eggplant recipes that it is probably impossible to count them, because every housewife has her own secret of how to make her dish special. I will also share my secret with you, although, perhaps, for someone this will not be a secret. I add various spices to many dishes, which thanks to amazing aromas, they turn familiar dishes into exotic, unusual. My eggplants are no exception, because I add basil to them. "Blue ones" have a fairly neutral taste, so the taste of the whole dish largely depends on spices and other ingredients, and basil helped turn a fairly simple homemade into something extraordinary.

Basil is a plant that has been well known for more than one thousand years and appreciated thanks to pleasant aroma. The leaves are added to salads, pizza, cold snacks, and the seeds are used to flavor first courses and drinks. If you want the smell of basil to be weak and unobtrusive, then cook the eggplant as directed in the recipe, and if you want the aroma to be more intense, add basil at the very end. The point is that at heat treatment this spice loses its scent.

To prepare eggplant with basil for the winter, you will need:

eggplant - 1.1 kg
tomato - 0.5 kg
basil (3-4 sprigs) - 1 bunch.
vegetable oil - 0.5 tbsp.
sugar - 4 tbsp.
vinegar (9 percent) - 4 tbsp.
salt (+ 2 tablespoons for blanching eggplant) - 1 tsp.
garlic (cloves) - 4 pcs.

How to cook eggplant with basil for the winter:

1. Prepare the necessary ingredients. Wash the eggplant, basil and tomatoes, peel the garlic. I peel the eggplant, but this is not at all necessary. Slice the eggplant into 1cm thick slices.
2. Bring the water to a boil, salt heavily (two full tablespoons of salt for about two liters of water) and blanch the eggplant for 3-4 minutes. Put the eggplant in a colander, let the water drain.
3. Cut the tomatoes into thick slices and put them in a saucepan.
4. Add blanched eggplants to them. Warm up for approximately 10 minutes.
Then add oil, salt, vinegar, sugar. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.
5. In the meantime, finely chop the basil, pass the garlic through a press. Add all this to the pan to the eggplant and boil everything together for another 5-10 minutes.
6. We sterilize the lids and jars, put our salad in warm jars and close the lids. In winter, you can perfectly use this dish as a side dish, or as an independent dish during the fasting period.

From eggplant for the future you can cook the most variety of dishes, salads and appetizers. Naturally, the first thing that comes to our mind is, then (for me, for example) it stands out insanely. You can simply and do the most variety of salads and eat as a snack. Today, at a time when we only have time to be and sterilize jars for blanks, my sister Ekaterina, on the vastness of the great Internet, found a very simple, but at the same time interesting and delicious recipe cooking eggplant with basil and honey. This recipe will amaze all lovers of this "blue" vegetable. And so, we prepare for the future eggplants with basil and honey.

Would need:

  • Eggplant - 1 kg.
  • Tomatoes - 500 gr.
  • Basil - 3 sprigs
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves
  • Honey - 3 tbsp.
  • Vinegar 9% - 4 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil - 1/2 cup

How to cook eggplant with basil and honey for the winter:

Peel the eggplant, wash and cut into slices. Separately, we prepare a saline solution from 2 liters. water and 1.5 tbsp. salt. Dip eggplant slices into it and cook for 3 minutes.

Then we wash the semi-finished eggplants in cold water, sprinkle with salt and stand for 20 minutes.

Wash eggplants again from salt in cold water.

Cut the tomatoes into slices and put on the bottom of the pan. Put eggplant on top and put on fire to cook for 5 minutes. Then add honey, salt to taste, vinegar (1 tsp), vegetable oil and simmer the workpiece for 15-20 minutes over medium heat.

5 minutes before cooking, add finely chopped basil and garlic to the vegetables. We boil the eggplants for the specified time and put them in prepared sterile jars and cork with lids. Sterilization of the workpiece is not required.

Wrap hot jars in a blanket and leave to cool completely. It is best to store an eggplant with basil and honey snack in a cool cellar, but it is also great in an apartment.

Bon appetit to all and excellent blanks- wishes Svetlana and my home site!

Rolling eggplants with honey for the winter is a popular way to provide yourself with delicious and healthy snack during the cold season. "Blue ones" are so versatile that there are hundreds of recipes for blanks with them. And among these recipes, the people chose those that can be used even on holiday table. They really have spicy taste and boast an attractive appearance.

Like any preparation for the winter, eggplants with honey have their own cooking characteristics. If you know them, then you can adjust taste qualities dishes in unexpected ways.

  1. So, experts recommend using not just any honey, but linden honey.
  2. Products should not be used chilled, but those that are at room temperature.
  3. Taste is regulated and applied various techniques cooking "blue ones" - baking them, boiling, frying.
  4. Canned small vegetables.
  5. The "blue ones" should not have voids and large seeds, the flesh should be dense.
  6. If eggplant pieces are placed in acidified water, they will not darken.
  7. To get rid of bitterness, the fruits of the "blue" ones are salted.
  8. It is worth taking only those vegetables that are elastic to the touch.

If you observe these subtleties, then the appetizer will definitely turn out delicious.

Selection and preparation of main ingredients

When choosing fruits, pay attention to their ripeness. The main sign of ripeness, in addition to color, is the elasticity of the pulp. It is also important that the seeds are not large, and there are no voids.

Peppers are selected without signs of decay. And you can take any honey - fresh, although experts recommend giving preference to lime.

Ways to pickle eggplant with honey for the winter

There are many ways to pickle "blue ones" for the winter. They can be prepared with both honey and hot pepper. You can sterilize jars, or you can do without this procedure. The most popular methods are listed below.

with garlic

The eggplant recipe with honey and garlic is all-season. It is also simple and does not require a large number time.

To prepare such tasty snack take almost a kilogram (800 grams) of eggplant:

  • half a glass of vegetable oil;
  • 40 milliliters of honey;
  • 100 milliliters of vinegar;
  • 5 peas of allspice;
  • a large head of garlic;
  • salt;
  • water.

First of all, the vegetables are washed. After drying, cut off both ends and clean. The easiest way to clean is stripes. Peeled fruits are cut both in rings and in slices - depending on your own preferences. Sliced ​​eggplants are left salted for some time (about an hour) in order for the bitterness to go away. While the vegetables are salting, peel and cut the garlic.

Eggplants are washed under running water and wiped. Fry briefly on each side. The fried vegetables are put in jars, put the garlic.

For the marinade, they take water, pour it into a bowl for heating and put pepper there. Bring to a boil, pour in vinegar, and after a couple of minutes - honey and the rest. The marinade is poured into jars, and they are closed without sterilization.

with basil

By adding such popular greens as basil, they get not only tasty, but also very healthy. winter snack. It is rich in vitamins and strengthens the body.

For her, per kilogram of eggplant they take:

  • half a kilo of tomatoes;
  • 3 sprigs of basil;
  • a large head of garlic;
  • 60 milliliters of honey;
  • 80 milliliters of vinegar;
  • 100 grams of vegetable oil;
  • salt and other spices, based on preference.

First of all, the washed and dried "little blue" ones are cut into centimeter rings. After that, prepare the sauce. For him, vegetables with spices are placed in water and boiled for several minutes. As soon as they boil, they are thrown into a colander and washed with cold running water. Allow to drain for 20 minutes. After that, rinse again.

Tomatoes are also cut into rings and spread on the bottom of the pan. They have eggplant. Vegetables are cooked for no more than five minutes. Seasonings, vinegar, oil and honey are added to them. Boil twice as long.

Chopped garlic and basil are added and boiled for another five minutes. Ready meal laid out in banks and closed.

With hot pepper

Those who love bitter spicy snacks, they know well such a blank as "Spark". This recipe features hot pepper.

For snacks, they take three kilograms of "blue ones":

  • kilogram of sweet pepper;
  • three hot peppers;
  • three garlic;
  • half a glass of vinegar;
  • one hundred milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

The fruits of the main vegetable are first washed and cut into rings. Their thickness does not exceed a centimeter. They are salted and allowed to release their juice. When this happens - fry.

All types of pepper, after they are washed and peeled, are twisted together with garlic. Hot pepper seeds are not removed for spiciness. The resulting mixture is mixed with oil. Add vinegar and spices. "Blue ones" are laid out in jars in layers with sauce. They are sterilized and rolled up.

In honey sauce

Eggplant for the winter can be done in various marinade which will help achieve interesting taste. Especially popular are the “blue ones” in honey filling, which are distinguished by a spicy-sweet taste. They are not ashamed to serve on the festive table.

To prepare this recipe per kilogram of eggplant take:

  • one onion;
  • one garlic;
  • 4 chili peppers;
  • 150 milliliters of honey;
  • 80 grams of salt;
  • 100 milliliters of wine vinegar;
  • a little less than two glasses of vegetable oil;
  • 20 grams of coriander;
  • 4 cloves;
  • 4 laurels.

First, the vegetables are washed, wiped and cut into pieces, after removing the stalks. Sliced, they are placed on a greased baking sheet and sent to the oven for a quarter of an hour. The temperature is set at 200 degrees.

Finely chop the garlic and chili peppers and, taking out the vegetables, fry them together in oil. Spices are added during frying. Roasting takes no more than 5-6 minutes. The remaining oil is mixed with honey, vinegar and salt. Warm. Ready vegetables distributed in sterilized jars and add the marinade. Close with seaming lids and leave to cool.

With hot pepper

Harvesting with hot pepper and honey is very useful. It improves the work of the heart and moisture exchange in the body. To prepare it, you need 3 kilograms of “blue ones”:

  • a glass of vinegar;
  • three hot peppers;
  • 20 grams of honey;
  • garlic.

"Blue ones" are washed and cleaned. Dried, they are left to languish for 3 hours in salt. While the vegetables are cooking, wash and peel the peppers and garlic. Then they are passed through a meat grinder together. The mixture is mixed with honey and spices, placed in a saucepan and brought to a boil.

Eggplants are washed, dried and fried. As soon as they are ready, they, along with the marinade, are laid out in sterilized jars.

Covered jars are placed in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. After that, they are rolled up and left to cool for a couple of days.

Without sterilization

"Blue ones" are prepared for the winter, and without using sterilization. They will not last as long as sterilized ones, but will last most of the cold season. For this preparation, tomatoes are also used in equal proportion with eggplant.

For standard recipe take.