Recipe step by step from cottage cheese and bananas. Making delicious banana ice cream

02.11.2019 Grill menu

Banana curd cake is a great dish for those who like to eat sweet for dessert, but cannot eat all the cakes and cakes in a row due to the fact that they adhere to a healthy diet. The base of the pie is bananas and cottage cheese, so it turns out to be healthy, but very tasty.

In order to make the banana cheesecake, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 cups of flour
  • 1.5 cups sugar (you can add vanilla sugar at the end for decoration)
  • 200 grams of butter
  • 1 teaspoon of slaked soda
  • 3 bananas
  • 4 tablespoons semolina
  • 2 eggs
  • 450 grams of cottage cheese

The first step is to knead the dough. If the butter is just from the fridge, put it in the microwave for 10-20 seconds to soften. We put it in a bowl. Then we take a third of the harvested sugar (in our case, half a glass) and pour it into the same container, after which we grind the two ingredients together into a homogeneous mass.

Sift the flour through a sieve to saturate it with oxygen, and then pour it to the resulting mixture of butter and sugar. Add a teaspoon of baking soda there, after extinguishing it with lemon juice or vinegar - thanks to this, the cake will turn out to be more fluffy. All this now must be thoroughly kneaded until the dough turns into a homogeneous viscous mass. Then it must be wrapped in cling film and put into the refrigerator - when it cools down, it will be easier to form the base of the cake. While it is cooling, let's start filling.

Pour two eggs into a recessed container, add the remaining glass of sugar and cottage cheese. Mix everything until the ingredients form a homogeneous mass, then add the semolina flour and stir again. If you don't want to do all this with your hands, then you can use a blender, but then the filling will resemble porridge in consistency - someone may not like it.

Then you can add bananas. If you mixed the ingredients with a blender in the last step, you can do the same with bananas. Another option is to cut the bananas into slices and mix with the filling so that they can be clearly felt in the mouth while eating. It is advisable to mix them carefully so that they do not break. Of course, if they do break, then nothing terrible will happen, but it will not be so beautiful.

Finally, it's time to shape our pie. Take an oven dish with high sides and put the bottom layer of dough on it, form the sides. Then evenly distribute the banana curd filling there. Lay out the top layer of the remaining dough. If you have a little dough left, then you can show your imagination and your creative inclinations and form some patterns or pictures on the surface of the cake from it.

Preheat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees, put the pie in it and bake until tender - this takes about 30-40 minutes. The pie can be served chilled or straight from the oven.

Bon Appetit!

Video recipe for making cottage cheese and banana pie

It becomes an exquisite appetizer and is in no way inferior in taste to the famous expensive cheeses. He is the basis for a wonderful and beloved by everyone such morning dish as cheesecakes. Cottage cheese can be combined with any sweets. This product is especially useful with dried fruits, nuts, low-fat sour cream, fruits and berries, honey and vegetables. In addition to the fact that cottage cheese is a wonderful delicacy, it is also useful, and also does not harm the figure. In order to avoid weight gain, it is better, of course, to consume this product without sugar, because the white sweet powder is dangerous for those who are losing weight, even if it is eaten with water.

Sweet curd-banana tandem

This article focuses on one of the best combinations of this dairy product and everyone's favorite fruit. Of course, cottage cheese is most delicious to eat with a banana. This exotic fruit is sweet enough to do without sugar when preparing dishes with it. has thousands of variations. These foods can be baked together, ground to liquid in a blender, or consumed as they are. Everyone will find at least one recipe to their liking in this article.

Dessert curd-banana: classic

The very first and easiest way to combine these two products is to consume them as usual without being exposed to temperature and with a minimum amount of additional ingredients. So, to prepare such a dish, you need cottage cheese, bananas, low-fat sour cream or cream and sugar (optional). The proportions can be very different, for every taste. The fruits must be cut into small pieces, their size does not matter. Then add sour cream, chopped bananas to the cottage cheese, previously laid out in a deep bowl. Can be lightly sugar-coated. This is how tasty it turns out Quickly, elementary, but how delicious!

Dessert with chocolate

For those with a sweet tooth, as well as for lovers of good mood and endorphins, there is the following great recipe. To prepare such a dish as a cottage cheese-banana dessert with chocolate, you need the following products: cottage cheese (no more than 200 g), 20% sour cream (4 tablespoons), 80 ml of cream, 80 g of dark chocolate, a small banana, 4 hours . l. sugar and a pinch of vanillin. If all the products are in place, you can start preparing the banana curd dessert. The recipe is as follows: all these dairy products must be whipped, for this it is better to use a blender. You should not use all the cream right away, 60 ml is enough for a start, the remaining 20 will be needed later. Then a banana should be added to the resulting gruel. After this fruit, sugar and vanillin are to be sent. Now it's time for chocolate. It should be melted in a water bath, and then pour the remaining cream into it, mix everything thoroughly. The matter is small: it remains to put the curd-banana mass into the bowls first, and then pour it over with chocolate on top. For beauty, you can make stains using a toothpick.

Dessert for athletes

The banana curd dessert is often used by bodybuilders as a protein shake. The cooking method is very simple. Most often, milk (about 200 ml), medium-sized banana, honey (no more than 1 tbsp. L.), 100 g of cottage cheese are used for this. All ingredients should be thoroughly whipped in a blender until a homogeneous liquid mass is obtained. Sometimes oatmeal, eggs (completely or only protein), kefir, dried fruits are added to such cocktails.

Complex curd-banana dessert

The photo below shows us a seductive piece of cake. Who would have thought that the most important ingredient in its preparation is cottage cheese? So, in order to pamper yourself and bake such a cake on your own, you will need: 250 g of cookies (no fillings, simple, you can cracker), 110 g of butter, 2 eggs, sugar (140 g), a pinch of vanillin, a pound of cottage cheese, 200 g of sour cream and a couple of bananas.

The first step is heating the oil. The easiest way to do this is to use a microwave, but you can do it as usual - in a water bath. The liquid warm butter should then be mixed with finely chopped cookies. Now you need to let the resulting mass cool and solidify. Therefore, it is necessary to put everything in a mold and put it in the cold for several hours. This is followed by the preparation of the filling. Mix all the remaining products, namely cottage cheese, sugar, sour cream, banana, vanilla and eggs previously mashed into puree. The resulting gruel may well act as an independent dish. But it takes a little more effort to make the cake. So, the filling must be laid out on top of a base of cookies and butter. Then the form should be sent to the oven, heated to 180 degrees and left there for 40 minutes. Before using this dessert, it is advisable to cool it, leaving it in the cold overnight. Now you can safely use the original dessert and treat your household. Bon Appetit!

Homemade banana cottage cheese dessert is a great alternative to store-bought cottage cheese and thick yoghurts. If you are confident in the quality of the products from which you will prepare the dessert, then it is easier to prepare it yourself. This will take you no more than 10 minutes. It is also a good option for children who do not like to eat pure cottage cheese. And such a delicate and airy dessert with fruits or berries will suit their taste.


  • cottage cheese - 200 g
  • sour cream - 100 ml
  • granulated sugar - 4-5 tbsp. l.
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • fresh mint - sprig


1. Use a blender or chopper for dessert. Put prepared cottage cheese in a bowl. Absolutely any cottage cheese will do, both from the store and homemade. As for the percentage of fat, the fat-free cottage cheese will be drier, but nevertheless it will do no worse than cottage cheese with a high percentage of fat.

2. Add granulated sugar to a bowl of cottage cheese.

3. Pour sour cream there. The recipe used sour cream with 15% fat, but any other will do.

4. Cut half the banana into slices and add to the bowl.

5. Run the chopper for a few minutes. Or you need to beat all the ingredients well with a blender so that the mass turns out to be tender and airy.

6. It is most convenient to prepare dessert in a wide, but low glass. Spoon out some of the curd so that it fills the glass about one third.

7. Cut half of the banana you have left into cubes. Put the banana in a glass on a layer of curd mass.

8. Put the curd mass on top of the bananas again.

9. For an airy dessert to have a pleasant aroma, sprinkle it with ground chicken.

10. Before serving the curd mass to the table, decorate the dessert with fresh fragrant mint. If the ingredients for the dish were from the refrigerator, then you can immediately serve without refrigeration.

Note to the hostess

1. Many people every day eat dishes from some fermented milk products, believing that calcium is perfectly absorbed - they say, the body itself will try to take it from food and preserve it. In fact, this is a complex and not always fruitful process. To have a result, before using cottage cheese, like a dessert prepared according to the recipe given here, you need to eat something from the following list: an egg (boiled, poached, omelet - all the same); a sandwich with lightly salted salmon or chum, and if possible - with caviar; a piece of boiled halibut or cod; 40-50 grams of liver pate. The calciferols in them, as soon as they enter the small intestine, will provide adequate absorption of calcium.

2. Why is sour cream with 10% fat found in stores, but 5 or 8% is not sold anywhere? Because that doesn't exist. This means that the fighters for harmony have only one way out - to replace it with 3% fermented baked milk. It is quite thick and suitable for this recipe. Only the color of the treat will be beige, but why is that bad? It is very interesting to experiment with its shade. For example, make the layers different: the bottom one is light, and the top one is bright or dark. This will help cherry syrup, instant cocoa granules, beet juice, zest, grated chocolate.

What to cook with a banana? There are many answers to this question. You can make various casseroles, ice cream, smoothies, cakes, cookies, muffins and even salads from this fruit. We will consider only a few of the presented dishes.

Making delicious banana ice cream

Not all parents know what to cook from a banana for a child. In this regard, we propose to make delicious and healthy ice cream. To implement such a recipe, we need:

  • heavy cream - about 150 ml;
  • soft ripe bananas - 3 pcs.;
  • light sugar - add to taste (3 large spoons).

Cooking process

If you think about what to cook from a banana, then you can immediately remember the delicious and tender banana ice cream. It is not difficult to prepare it. The main thing is to have a good blender on hand.

Ripe and soft bananas are thoroughly washed and peeled. After that, we shred them with thin circles and put them in the bowl of the kitchen device. Pour heavy cream there and add granulated sugar. By the way, the last component should be added to taste.

After all the ingredients are in the blender, we begin to puree them. It is recommended to do this at the highest speed.

Having received a lush and homogeneous mass, pour it into a container with a lid and put it in the freezer.

After 4 hours, the ice cream should freeze well. It is taken with a special spoon and balls are formed. The resulting product is laid out in beautiful bowls and served with berries or fruit sauces.

Cooking a banana smoothie

What to cook with banana and kefir? The two ingredients mentioned are great for a drink like a smoothie. It can be served for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It will saturate your body well, give it a lot of strength and energy.

So, to make a smoothie we need:

  • kefir as fresh as possible 3.5% - about 300 ml;
  • soft ripe banana - 1 pc.;
  • ready-made oatmeal (completely cooled) - 2 large spoons;
  • fresh honey - apply to taste and desire.

Cooking method

What to cook from a banana in a short amount of time? Smoothies, of course. Wash a ripe and soft banana well, peel it, and then chop it small and put it in a blender. We also send ready-made and already cooled oatmeal and fresh high-fat kefir there.

Beat the resulting mixture until smooth. If there is a desire, then add a little honey to it for sweetness.

Pour the finished drink into tall glass glasses, decorate with berries and serve.

Fry bananas in caramel

What is unusual to cook from a banana? To surprise your guests with an extraordinary dessert, we recommend frying it. How exactly to carry out this process, we will tell you right now.

So, to make a caramelized banana, we need:

  • butter - about 1 dessert spoon;
  • ripe banana, but not very soft - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh honey - 2 dessert spoons;
  • chopped cinnamon - 1 pinch;
  • table salt - 1 pinch.

How to cook?

For fried bananas, use firm, but not overripe fruits. This is due to the fact that too soft a product can fall apart, and instead of a beautiful dessert, you will get an unpleasant mushy mass.

To implement the presented recipe, the fruit must be washed well, peeled, and then cut into slices 0.5-0.7 cm thick.If you wish, then bananas can be chopped into ovals, stripes and or even large cubes.

After the fruits are prepared, you should start preparing the dishes. A thick-walled skillet is best for frying bananas. It is necessary to put butter in it, and also add honey, a pinch of cinnamon and salt. By the way, chefs often use granulated sugar, vanilla or other flavors to make caramel.

As soon as the contents of the frying pan are warmed up, put slices of bananas into it and fry over medium heat until an appetizing crust forms on them. At the same time, it is recommended to turn the fruit circles with a fork all the time. This will make the dessert more ruddy and beautiful.

Having received a banana yummy, put the fruits on a plate and cool a little. After that, they are brought to the table along with a cup of tea and a dessert fork.

What to cook with banana and cottage cheese?

The banana curd casserole is a great dessert for a kid's breakfast or afternoon snack. There is nothing difficult in preparing such a delicacy, but at the end you will definitely get a tasty and healthy dish that even the most fastidious kid will not refuse.

So, to make a tender and airy banana-curd casserole, we need the following components:

  • soft ripe banana - 1 pc.;
  • semolina - at least 3 large spoons;
  • cottage cheese of a uniform structure, fatty - about 500 g;
  • high fat sour cream - about 6 large spoons;
  • light sugar - about 5 large spoons (add to taste);
  • butter - use to lubricate the mold.

Making the foundation

Now you know what to cook with banana and cottage cheese. To implement such a recipe, it is necessary to prepare a banana-curd mass.

The fermented milk product is put in a blender and beat vigorously at the highest speed. Then semolina and light sugar are immediately added to it. If the cottage cheese was too dry or fat-free, then a little fresh sour cream is added to it.

All of the listed ingredients are re-whipped, and then peeled and chopped banana is added.

Having mixed the products once again, a homogeneous cream-colored curd mass is obtained, which is immediately baked in the oven.

Heat treatment process

After the curd-banana mass is ready, it is laid out in a deep mold, lined with parchment or foil (you can just grease it with oil). In this form, the semi-finished product is sent to the oven and baked for about 40 minutes at a temperature of 190 degrees.

Over time, the product is taken out and thickly greased with fresh sour cream. After that, the casserole is again sent to the oven for about ¼ hour.

Having completely prepared the dessert, it is cooled right in the mold and removed from foil or parchment paper. The casserole is cut into portions and served with a cup of tea.

Making delicious banana pancakes

What can be made with banana and milk? From such a set of ingredients, you can make delicious and aromatic pancakes that are ideal for a hearty breakfast. For this we need the following set:

  • ripe large bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • light sugar - 2 dessert spoons;
  • iodized salt - 1/4 dessert spoon;
  • wheat flour - 1 glass;
  • large chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • dining soda - not a very big pinch;
  • whole milk - at least 300 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 3 large spoons (in the dough and for greasing the pan);
  • butter - 90-150 g (for greasing pancakes)

Cooking the dough

What to cook with banana and milk at home? We recommend making delicious and aromatic pancakes. To do this, knead a not very thick dough.

Ripe and soft bananas are peeled and then kneaded with a fork. After that, granulated sugar, chicken eggs and iodized salt are added to them. Beat the ingredients in a bowl with a blender until smooth. Then wheat flour, whole milk and a pinch of soda are added to it.

After mixing the ingredients, they are also beaten vigorously, covered with a lid and placed in a cool place for 15 minutes. To make the banana pancakes tender and soft, it is also recommended to add a little vegetable oil to the dough (about 2 large spoons).

Frying process

Now you have an idea of ​​what you can cook with banana and eggs. After the pancake dough is infused in the refrigerator, they begin to heat it. To do this, heat a thick-walled pan over high heat, and then pour in vegetable oil. Having laid out part of the dough in a bowl, the pancake is fried on both sides until lightly browned.

After all the products are ready, they are greased with fresh butter and served along with honey, fruits or berries.

Making a delicious and beautiful holiday cake

If you don’t know what can be made with banana and apple, as well as fresh strawberries, we recommend making a very beautiful holiday cake. You don't need a lot of time and expensive ingredients to bake such a product. So that you can see for yourself, we will present its detailed recipe right now. For this we need:

  • large eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sweet and sour apples - 3 medium pcs. (For filling);
  • baking powder - full dessert spoon;
  • soft bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • butter (you can take "Kremlin") - 1 pack (170 g);
  • fresh strawberries - 150 g;
  • wheat flour - 2 cups;
  • light sugar - 1 full glass.

Knead shortbread dough

We recommend using only shortcrust pastry for making the birthday cake. To knead it, whites and yolks are placed in different containers, and then they begin to process them. The first component is sent to the refrigerator for ¼ hour, and melted butter, baking powder and flour are added to the last. After kneading a homogeneous dough, it is divided into parts (2/3 and 1/3). The smaller one is sent to the freezer, and the larger one is sent to the refrigerator (for about 20-27 minutes).

Preparing the filling

To make the filling for such a cake, all fruits and berries are thoroughly washed. Then they are peeled from the peel, seed box and stalks. After that, they begin to grind them. Bananas are cut into thin slices, apples are cut into slices, and strawberries are cut into slices.

As for the chilled proteins, add granulated sugar to them and beat with a whisk until a lush and shiny mass is made.

How to shape?

To form such a cake, a dry, heat-resistant form is used. Most of the shortcrust pastry is laid out in it and a layer with high sides is formed. After that, apple slices, banana slices and fresh strawberry slices are placed on the base. Then all the ingredients are poured with a sweet protein mass.

At the end, the cake is covered with shortcrust pastry crumbs. To do this, take it out of the freezer and rub it on a small grater directly over the semi-finished product.

Baking process

After the birthday cake with fruits and berries is formed, it is immediately sent to the oven. At a temperature of 200 degrees, it is baked for 55-60 minutes. During this time, the product should fully grasp, become ruddy and crumbly.

How to present to the table?

Now you know what to cook with strawberries and banana. After the birthday cake is baked, take it out of the oven and cool it down. Then the product is carefully taken out of the mold and placed on the cake plate. Having cut the dessert into pieces, it is served to the table along with a cup of coffee or tea. Bon Appetit!

Let's sum up

In addition to the recipes described, there are other ways to prepare various dishes using bananas. It should be noted that this fruit makes desserts especially tasty. It will give them an unrivaled aroma and a pleasant creamy color.