Dried peach. Dried peaches: properties and benefits

28.08.2019 Grill menu

Recently, there has been a growing interest in methods of harvesting fruits and vegetables for the winter. Many are not satisfied with the quality of industrial products due to their active use of preservatives and chemical additives. Drying fruits and vegetables is one of the simplest and most reliable ways of harvesting vitamins from the garden. Thanks to modern technology - special electric dryers, this process is as easy as possible. In terms of volume, home drying of fruits is already ahead of the usual canning for me.

In principle, any berries and fruits are suitable for drying. Peach is one of my favorites. The best dried fruit is obtained from sweet and sweet and sour fruits.


Peach (an electric dryer of 5 pallets per 1 tab will take about 1.5 kg).

How to dry a peach

Whole, ripe fruits without damage or rot are suitable for drying. The fruits should be rinsed well, you can dry them so that the glass has excess water. It is optimal to cut a peach for home drying into slices 0.5 cm thick. To do this, take one peach and make an incision with a knife along the fruit to the very bone.

Then a second incision is made at a distance of 0.5 cm from the first incision, the resulting slice is removed.

Then an incision is made again and thus the peach is cut into slices, only the stone remains.

The slices are laid out on the tray of the electric fruit dryer at some distance from each other to ensure good air circulation during drying.

When choosing an electric dryer, it is better to stop at models where it is possible to regulate the temperature. For drying peaches, the optimal temperature is 60-70 degrees. I prefer to put it on drying overnight, just in the morning a significant part of the dried fruit will be ready. True, at night there is no way to rearrange the pallets, which is recommended to be done periodically in order to achieve uniform drying.

When the peach slices are dry, become hard and brittle, then you need to let them cool, and then put them in a container for storage. Experts advise using glass containers, cloth or paper bags. I use ZIP-LOCK plastic bags and keep them in the refrigerator in the fruit and vegetable compartment, where they can be safely stored until next season.

What else can you recommend? I have more than 8 years of experience in this business, I recently acquired a second electric dryer, since the first model has outlived its usefulness. I repeat once again that it is better to take equipment with a thermostat. A useful function is protection against overheating, I advise you to pay attention to this nuance. The weak point of such dryers is the pallets themselves, which over time begin to break. I noticed that this happens actively after intensive washing. After the fruit has dried, dried fruit juice remains on the pallet. You just need to fill the trays with water and detergent and wait until the juice is soaked, then gently wash them with a sponge. In this case, the lattice will remain intact.

Not everyone has the ability and desire to purchase a special dryer, but they want dried peaches. What to do? Use the oven. The temperature is set within 60-70 degrees. It is better to cover the baking sheet with parchment, it will be easier to tear off the dried peach from it than from the baking sheet itself. However, this type of drying requires attention, in the oven, fruits can quickly burn out and turn into coals, and therefore you should periodically, several times an hour, check the condition of the peach in the oven.

Dried peach is good in tea, for which you need to add several slices of it to the teapot along with the tea. Also in winter you can cook compote, jelly. A well-dried peach is used as a filling in pies. It is recommended to add this dried fruit broken into pieces at the last minute of cooking oatmeal - it will be delicious. If everything is in order with your teeth, then in winter you will be happy to gnaw this fragrant fruit dried on your own. Bon Appetit!

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Peach is a southern fruit tree belonging to the Rosaceae family. China is considered the birthplace of the peach. It is appreciated for its delicious, juicy and aromatic fruits. Preserves, compotes, jams are made from peaches, and they are also used dried.

The fruits of the peach tree are sorted, spoiled, unripe or very overripe peaches are selected. They are thoroughly washed, dried and divided into two parts. The bones are removed. A mandatory step is to blanch the prepared halves in a 2% baking soda solution. Peaches can be dried in the sun, but this method is used in southern countries where the sun is very active. You can dry the peach halves in the oven - in this case, the fruits are placed on a baking sheet covered with parchment and placed in the oven for 4-5 hours.

By its composition, dried peach is considered to be simply a unique product. It contains a large amount of vitamins: vitamin A, B2, vitamin C, vitamin E and PP, as well as organic acids such as citric, tartaric and malic acids.

Of the microelements, iron is the most abundant in dried peach. Also, the mineral composition is represented by magnesium, potassium, zinc, manganese, selenium and phosphorus.

Beneficial features

Peach is very beneficial for people with anemia and heart disease. This delicious fruit is indicated for people with weakened immune systems. It is recommended to use this fruit for intestinal diseases, constipation and heartburn. It removes harmful toxins from the body and increases appetite.

Doctors recommend eating dried peach for diseases of the kidneys, liver, urinary and gall bladder. The dried fruits of the peach tree are used in folk medicine in the treatment of gout, rheumatism, arthritis and arthrosis.


Dried peach is used in the preparation of compotes, mousses, jellies, smoothies, and various sauces. This dried fruit is added to baked goods. Dried peach muffins are especially delicious. Many housewives use it to prepare pilaf with dried fruits. Meat baked with dried peach gets an unusual aroma.

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This product allows you to enjoy the taste and aroma of peaches for a long time. Keeping them fresh is problematic. A few days - and they start to deteriorate at room temperature. That is why they are dried. At the same time, vitamins and minerals do not disappear anywhere.

Calorie content of dried peaches

The calorie content of such a product is 254 kcal. Low fat content - 0.4 g and a small proportion of protein - 3 g are complemented by 57.7 g of carbohydrates. Such a nutrient composition is typical for most dried fruits, which are high in sugar and, accordingly, high in carbohydrates.

The benefits of dried peaches

Dried peaches contain a lot of essential oils and vegetable acids. The product is rich in vitamin C, A. There are also dyes in it. Eating dried fruit prevents vomiting. The fruit can be used as a means of preventing and treating diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The harm of dried peaches

Due to the high sugar content, dried peach is not recommended for those diagnosed with obesity or diabetes mellitus - the product can be harmful and worsen the condition. Moderate consumption should be followed by people with gastrointestinal diseases. Dried peaches can also cause allergic reactions.

How a small and sad peach became jerky and very tasty


If almost everyone knows about dried apricots and prunes, then the question "Is it possible to wither a peach?" for most people either does not arise at all, or confuses ... It turns out that it is possible, and even necessary, since what it turns out is tastier than compote and better than jam. Dried peach is quite dense, elastic, smells like itself, retains the taste of fresh fruit. But dogs are different, so the process itself is slightly different each time. Therefore, let's understand the details ...

The general scheme for cooking dried peach is simple. Wash the peach thoroughly, remove the stone, sprinkle with sugar, leave for a day to extract juice. Then drain the juice and boil the peach (1-2 minutes) in sugar syrup prepared in the following proportions: 350 ml. water + 300 grams of sugar per kilogram of fruit prepared and already devoid of juice (if the peach is very sweet, then you can put less sugar).

As you can see, there is nothing special in the recipe, but that's why it is a peach, in the process of communicating with which a variety of IFs can arise, for example:


Exactly one that you smack and think: "Is it worth it to dry?" Costs. It was with these "sad" fruits that I started experimenting with peach last year. I bought the cheapest and tiniest peaches, which were scary even to photograph, but in the end it turned out very tasty and quite beautiful:

I cut these tiny peaches into 4 parts - the picture shows dried peach slices. I think it is absolutely not necessary to take beautiful and expensive nectarines for drying - "sad" peaches after the procedure look no worse, and their "garden substandard" immediately ceases to be conspicuous.


Such peaches can also be dried, although it is much more pleasant to work with fruits, from which the stone is easily separated. This year I tried to buy an inexpensive "substandard", a good half of which turned out to be rather stingy:

What can you do here? I take such a peach and cut it with a knife to the very bone so that 4 slices are obtained (if you cut it in half, it is very difficult to pull the bone out):

Then I insert the knife into one of the cuts and use it to lift the pulp of the fruit, separating it from the bone:

If it turns out badly with a knife, you can take a thin teaspoon and use it to remove each slice from the bone, cutting through the flesh with the tip of the device:

As a result, it turns out like this:

We leave for a day. After a day, drain the juice:

Boil for 1-2 minutes in syrup (350 water + 300 sazar), let cool, remove excess syrup, put on drier trays:

Dry until elastic, when no moisture is released when pressing on the fruit:

Well, who's small and sad?


It can also be dried. Of course, if the fruits are badly dented and damaged, then it is better to make an equally tasty peach marshmallow from this (more on that later). If the peach bone separates well and you manage to keep the ripe peach halves intact, then you can safely cover them with sugar and leave them in the refrigerator for a day. After a day, you need to carefully drain the juice, and put the peaches ... in the dryer. Yes, yes, I did not make a reservation, before boiling in syrup, peaches must be dried until half cooked so that the ripe fruit in syrup does not become jam:

When ripe peach halves are able to hold their shape, you can boil them in sugar syrup, allow to cool, remove the remaining syrup and put them back on the dryer. As a result, a ripe peach turns out to be especially tasty and aromatic - additional efforts are more than paid off with this result:

Step 1: Prepare the peaches.

Ripe (not rotten!) wash peaches and cut them into halves. We remove the bone. Small fruits can be dried with a stone. While you are cutting the peaches, put the oven to heat. The temperature in the oven should not exceed 65 degrees. Keep in mind that 1 kilogram of peaches makes 200 grams of dried pitted peaches and 300 grams with pits.

Step 2: Dry the peaches.

Place the baking sheet on a flat surface and place baking paper in it. Place the washed and chopped peaches on the paper. Place the baking sheet with peaches in the oven for half an hour. Stir the peaches every 10 minutes. This is the only way you can dry them evenly. After half an hour, turn off the oven and let the peaches sit for about an hour. Then preheat the oven again and put the peaches in it. Repeat this procedure until the peaches are dry.

Step 3: Serve the dried peaches.

After our peaches are dry, you can arrange them in glass jars or paper boxes. At any time of the year, you can get them and make a delicious compote or jam. Bon Appetit!

You can sun dry the peaches. To do this, spread the fruits evenly on paper and dry the peaches until the desired firmness.

Both sweet and sour sweet peaches are suitable for drying.

You can not be afraid for the figure. Dried peaches are low in calories and very healthy.