Lemon icing for cakes. DIY icing for Easter cake

30.09.2019 Grill menu

Easter cakes are given a special elegant, cheerful and festive look with the help of snow-white or colored hats, which cover the top. Of course, you can also use dough products, candied fruits, powdered sugar or other options to decorate Easter cakes. But the most festive of all coatings is obtained with the help of glaze. It not only enhances the sweetness of the cake itself, but is also an ideal base for sprinkles, sugar decorations and paintings.

Secrets of making fondants and icing for Easter cakes

A shiny, dense, non-dripping, non-sticky and non-crumbling icing is the standard for decorating this special Easter bread. Of course, the variety of glazes that are suitable for decorating cakes with only "white" options is not limited. Today, glazes are tinted with various natural or artificial colors, chocolate and other unexpected solutions are used for them. But one thing is invariable - the glaze should cover the surface of the top of the cake with a thin layer, be easy to apply and perfectly maintain its attractiveness and integrity.

Glaze or fudge?

First, let's try to figure out what is the difference between glazes and fondants. , intended for Easter cakes. We often use both names for the same recipes. In fact, they can justifiably be called almost identical coatings. But if you go into the intricacies of the confectionery business, then these are still different concepts.

Glaze- it is always a very dense and shiny coating, usually completely drying.

Fudge- always matte, it can be applied in a large layer, it does not have to dry out (and frozen can be used as a filling or an independent delicacy).

But the most significant differences are in the amount of sugar used, or rather in the ratio of ingredients. Glaze is a coating in which sugar is the basis, the remaining ingredients are no more than 10%, and most often they are added in the amount of a few drops and spoons. There are many more additional ingredients and liquid components in fondants, a significant amount of water or dairy products is added to it. The glaze is thick and dense, it spreads. The fudge is more liquid, most often it is poured onto the cake. But in terms of cooking technology, they are very similar.

Cooking features

The easiest way to make icing for cake is by purchasing special formulations. Before the holiday, along with sprinkles, various decorations and sugar products, bags with Easter glaze are also sold. This is a special composition of powdered sugar, starch, citric acid, flavorings and other ingredients, which is enough to pour into the cooled protein, stir until smooth, and then beat with a mixer or by hand until thick. Usually, 1 protein is used for 1 bag of such glaze.

The process of self-preparation of glaze and various fondants is not much more complicated. The most important thing is to prepare and choose the right ingredients.

  1. For icing or cake fondant, not sugar is used, but only powdered sugar. And first of all, you need to pay attention to its quality and texture. If you prepare the powder yourself, you can be sure of its freshness. When buying ready-made powdered sugar, pay attention to the expiration date, its friability, the absence of lumps, indicating improper storage and excessive moisture. Be sure to sift it and even more than once, if necessary. This is necessary not only to saturate with air and "fluff" the powder, but also to make your glaze much easier to mix until completely homogeneous.
  2. Eggs for glaze, or rather proteins from them, are almost always used raw. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the quality of the eggs. Use only eggs for the icing that you are not afraid to eat raw (or go for a protein-free recipe).
  3. The citric acid and lemon juice in the glaze acts as a preservative. But they also affect a very important parameter for the decorative coating of the Easter cake - its shine. Without the addition of an acidic component, it will be very difficult to achieve a shiny, glossy crust. But acid is rarely added to sweets, only when it is necessary to remove excessive cloying.
  4. The other ingredients in the fondant are determined by the specific recipe, the desired flavor combinations, and the color change. White and dark chocolate, fruit juices or purees, various natural and synthetic dyes can change the color and taste of the fondant itself. Gelatin or agar-agar is used in order to reduce the risk of cracking and shedding of the glaze from the surface of the cake, to give it density, to create a gelling effect.

The glaze preparation process is very simple:

  1. Sift the icing sugar.
  2. Prepare the kneading base, liquid ingredient. In recipes that involve whipped proteins, they are brought to standing peaks. Others simply prepare chilled protein, lemon juice, etc. so that it is convenient for you to add them.
  3. Combine the icing sugar with the protein or add a small amount of liquid to it, start kneading the icing until you achieve the perfect consistency. If the icing becomes too runny, add more icing sugar. If the problem is reversed and the glaze is too thick, continue to inject the liquid drop by drop until the correct consistency is achieved.
  4. Last of all, aromatic and flavoring additives, dyes are introduced into the glaze, which give it brightness and individuality.

The finished glaze should be uniform, shiny, smooth, easy to spread, but evenly distributed.

How to glaze a cake

After the glaze is ready, it is better to immediately apply it to the cakes. If for some reason you cannot do this, then place the icing or fondant in a hermetically sealed container, a piping bag, not allowing it to harden and air dry.

The glaze is applied only to cooled cakes, with the exception of the protein glaze, the application of which to hot baked goods will lead to faster drying. But even in this case, it is better to apply protein glaze to chilled cakes and additionally send them to the oven to dry at low temperatures, and not to apply glaze to hot baked goods. After all, it will spread and creep, the coating will be heterogeneous, it will be very difficult to achieve an ideal result.

You can spread the glaze either with a culinary brush or with a spoon or spatula, evenly distributing it over the entire surface. It is convenient to apply glazes and fondants with a special flat nozzle and a pastry bag.

And two more tips for applying:

  1. If you want to get beautiful streaks, then simply apply the glaze to the surface with a slight excess that will flow nicely from the top, or make the glaze a little more fluid (but not runny).
  2. If it is important to you perfect contour, it is better to first draw the borders with glaze, beyond which it should not go out and let the contour dry completely. And then fill the top of the cake with icing, without going beyond the impromptu framework.

Best Easter cake frosting and fondant recipes

Icing sugar for cake

Sufficiently liquid, fluid, very beautiful and impeccably glossy sugar icing is at the same time the simplest and most versatile type of decorative coatings for cakes. It is very easy to cook, it does not require any special techniques or skills, it dries up perfectly and does not stick at all. Regular icing is often referred to as basic confectionery icing.

The only difficulty is that you need to apply such glaze quickly enough if you want to additionally sprinkle the cake with colorful decorations. After all, the icing dries literally before our eyes.

Ingredients: for every 200 g of powdered sugar - about 1 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice

Cooking method:

  1. Sift the icing sugar twice into a small bowl in which you plan to mix the icing.
  2. Squeeze fresh juice out of the lemon and strain it (so that not the slightest traces of pulp, and even more seeds are left).
  3. Add lemon juice literally drop by drop to powdered sugar, rubbing it until smooth. The glaze should turn out to be thick, well-set, evenly distributed, but at the same time not too dense and not liquid, but only slightly fluid, easily covering the cake with a thin layer. After the first test application on one of the cakes, adjust the consistency of the icing with icing sugar and lemon juice until you achieve the perfect consistency.

Note to the hostesses: so that the glaze does not crumble or crumble, you can add a little gelatin to it: soak 1 tsp of gelatin in a minimum amount of water and, after it swells, melt and add to the glaze. At the same time, reduce the amount of lemon juice to a few drops.

Protein icing for cake

The most glossy, dense and snow-white glaze, pleasantly contrasting with the golden crust of the Easter cake, is always obtained on squirrels. This is the most economical of glazes, because the recipe allows you to use the proteins separated during the preparation of the cake dough and get twice the amount of icing from the same amount of powdered sugar. For additional stability and quick drying, powdered sugar is added in a larger amount than with simple whipping. If you reduce the sweetness, then the protein glaze may not dry out completely, the surface of the cake will be quite sticky. To dry the protein glaze, you can send the cakes covered with it to the oven. But properly prepared protein glaze will harden quickly enough by itself.

Ingredients: for every 2 squirrels - 1 tbsp. or 250 g icing sugar, a pinch of salt

Cooking method:

  1. Chill the whites separated from the yolks in the refrigerator until whipping.
  2. Begin whisking the whites without additives on medium mixer speed. Once they turn into a thick foam, add a pinch of salt and beat the protein mass until you see a thicker and whiter foam.
  3. Add a small pinch of powdered sugar to the whites and beat until the whites are thicker.
  4. Add another pinch of powdered sugar 3-4 times. Then add it in a teaspoon the same number of times, and then gradually add all the powdered sugar to the proteins. After each serving of the powdered sugar, beat the whites until they are evenly distributed.
  5. As soon as you get a dense, very thick, standing foam, immediately start decorating the cakes. Protein glaze should not be allowed to stand for a long time, even in a hermetically sealed container; it is applied to Easter cakes immediately after cooking. It is most convenient to spread this glaze with a culinary brush.

Colored icing for Easter cake

Bright, festive, in joyful pastel shades, icing on Easter cakes looks like a more interesting version of the usual white icing. Colored glaze is also often used for patterning, painting, creating multi-colored coatings with or without stencils. It is quite easy to create colored glaze, but special attention should be paid to the issue of color selection. Use traditional Easter motifs, pure pastel shades of green, pink, yellow that suit you. It is best to use natural ingredients for coloring, but you can color the frosting and any food coloring of your choice.

As tinting components, you can add:

  • jam syrup or fruit jam for warm pastel shades of orange, pink, red, purple;
  • evaporated thick berry or fruit puree for intense fruit shades;
  • pink and red dessert wine or fruit liqueurs and liqueurs for delicate pastel color nuances;
  • powdered dry mint for a light green hue;
  • mashed blanched spinach for pastel pale green;
  • strong coffee for a beautiful beige effect and bright aroma;
  • powdered green or black tea for a light herbaceous golden tone;
  • turmeric, saffron for golden and yellow hues.

Ingredients: for 250 g of powdered sugar - 1 egg white, 1 tbsp. lemon juice and selected natural color or 2 tbsp. lemon juice and selected food coloring

Cooking method:

  1. Chill the protein and beat lightly until the viscosity is lost.
  2. Sift the icing sugar and mix with the protein until smooth.
  3. Add lemon juice to the glaze, adjust the thickness. If you are using natural dyes, then the base of the glaze should be thicker, because this dye will make it thinner. If using commercially available color in gel or powder form, bring the glaze to a “final” consistency.
  4. Add color to the glaze. Just stir the natural one, and first dissolve the artificial one in 1 tablespoon of the mass of powdered sugar and protein, and then add to the main composition.
  5. Re-adjust the consistency of the glaze, if necessary, and immediately apply it to the cooled Easter cakes, gently spreading it with a brush or spatula.

Chocolate icing for cake

The rich, special aroma and taste of chocolate can become a spicy festive note not only in the design, but also in the taste of Easter cakes. Lovers of chocolate desserts will especially like this dark, elegant, unusual icing. Making chocolate icing is easy. The main thing is to use only high-quality ingredients for it.

Ingredients: for 2-3 tbsp. cocoa - 250 g icing sugar, 60-70 g butter, 2 tbsp. lemon juice, lemon zest to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the butter into small cubes and melt in a saucepan.
  2. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice to the butter
  3. Sift cocoa powder together with powdered sugar and stir until smooth.
  4. Gently pour the chocolate and sugar mixture into the butter base until smooth and perfect for spreading a slightly flowing icing consistency.
  5. Immediately apply the icing to the cakes, spreading gently with a brush or spoon.

Mistresses on a note: chocolate icing can be made easier. Take any recipe for protein or sugar glaze you like and, at the final stage, stir in 2-3 tablespoons of sifted cocoa. Instead of cocoa, you can use 50-60 g of melted dark or milk chocolate, which will significantly improve the taste and give it more nuances.

Milk fondant for cake

A classic fondant, matte, white, but at the same time does not lose partial transparency, beautifully flowing from the top of the cake to its sides, you can get it if you use not water, but any dairy product as a liquid ingredient. The most aromatic and delicate sweet sweets are always prepared with milk. Moreover, the cooking process is so simple that even children can do it. Such milk fudge is smooth, homogeneous, spreads well, but dries quickly and is applied only to cooled cakes.

Ingredients: for 1 tbsp. powdered sugar - from 2 tbsp. milk

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the milk to 60-70 degrees before making the fondant.
  2. Sift the icing sugar into a bowl in which it will be convenient for you to knead the thick mass.
  3. Add milk to powdered sugar literally in half a spoonful, gently rubbing it with liquid and watching the consistency. As soon as you have a thick, smooth, homogeneous, flowing mass, stop injecting milk.
  4. Apply the fondant to the cakes as soon as possible, pouring it evenly over the top and letting it spread, touching slightly with a spoon or brush. Let it freeze.

Butter fondant for cake

The rich, creamy milk taste of this fondant perfectly reveals the aroma of the cake itself. Surprisingly delicate, tender, high-calorie, this fudge melts in your mouth and turns any cake into a special delicacy. But she also has a significant drawback. The fondant cooked in butter does not completely freeze, sticks to the hands and surfaces, and the cake covered with it must be handled very carefully.

Ingredients: for 125 g of butter - 225 g of powdered sugar, a pinch of vanilla or vanilla sugar, 2 tsp. milk

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the oil in advance and let it warm up to room temperature.
  2. Cut the butter into small cubes, mash them gently in a comfortable wide bowl, then beat by hand or with a mixer until fluffy, elastic.
  3. Wait for the butter to double in volume.
  4. Gradually and slowly add the powdered sugar to the butter, while beating. If the oil mixture loses its thickness, do not be alarmed and continue beating until it recovers.
  5. Pour milk into the butter. The glaze will lose its consistency, exfoliate, but within 5-10 minutes after beating it will become surprisingly fluffy and airy.
  6. Achieve uniformity by hand-injecting the vanilla gently and apply the fondant to the cake using a cake-coating spatula.

On the eve of Easter, the hassle of preparing traditional dishes begins. Especially a lot of labor, products and funds require easter baked goods... You chose the most successful recipe, strictly followed the instructions, baked many delicious and beautiful holiday cakes ...

And now it's time to think about decorating them - appetizing white icing. This is the most delicious part of Easter baking, all kids love to eat the sweet top first!

I absolutely do not want to icing for cake let you down. But how to prepare the perfect fondant so that it does not crumble, stick, spread, be dense and snow-white?

I suggest using this recipe, which my aunt shared with me. The method works and will help you to forget about stress in the kitchen forever. No egg white is used in the recipe! Isn't it interesting?

Preparing gelatin based glaze, thanks to him, it turns out to be elastic, has a smooth texture, retains its shape and does not stick even when cutting baked goods. I prepare this frosting every year, I am very happy with the result!

Icing for Easter cake


  • 0.5 tsp gelatin
  • 3 tbsp. l. water
  • 100 g sugar


  • Dissolve gelatin in 1 tbsp. l. hot water. Stir until transparent.

  • Mix 2 tablespoons in a saucepan. l. water and 100 g of sugar.
  • Heat the syrup, stirring constantly. Bring to a boil to dissolve the sugar completely.

  • Add the dissolved gelatin to the syrup. Stirring frequently, let the mixture cool down.
  • Using a mixer, beat the gelatin syrup until firm white foam.

  • Apply fondant to the Easter cakes immediately, as it sets quickly. At the same stage, decorate with confectionery powder - a wonderful jelly glaze is ready!

  • Glaze with gelatin used for many desserts: cookies, muffins, cakes, donuts. After drying, it has a perfect shiny surface, giving baked goods a rich, solemn look. Plus, this white cream is so delicious it makes you want to eat it with spoons!

    Decorate holiday cakes with this unusual fondant! I'm sure you will appreciate it too frosting without eggs based on gelatin. This recipe is especially relevant for people with egg allergies.

    Easter cakes are prepared once a year, for the bright holiday of Easter. That is why every housewife tries to bake it delicious. After all, it has long been believed that if it turns out to be even and magnificent, then happiness will settle in the house for the whole year and all family members will be healthy. And so that the baked goods remain fresh as long as possible, and their appearance corresponds to the festive mood, glaze and decorations are used to fill them.
    Cooking is not difficult at all. The products necessary for its preparation can be found in every home. Of the ten recipes recommended for your attention, you will certainly pick up one that you can easily prepare.

    1. Icing sugar that does not crumble

    Today we are preparing a thick, snow-white icing that does not break on Easter cakes.

    We will need:
    • Gelatin - 1 tsp
    • Sugar - 1 glass
    • Water - 150 gr.

    Add 50 gr to gelatin. water (2 tablespoons) and leave for 5 minutes to swell.

    Cooking sugar syrup.

    1. Add 4 tablespoons of water to one glass of sugar, stir and put on the slowest heat. We continue to stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
    2. Add the swollen gelatin to the dissolved sugar, mix.

    3. Cool the mass slightly and beat with a mixer until it turns white.

    4. The icing is ready. It took us 2-3 minutes to prepare it.

    The frosting should now cool slightly.

    If you water the cakes with hot icing, then all the icing will float to the bottom. It is also impossible to leave the glaze for a long time. If it cools down, then the gelatin will simply thicken and you will not be able to grease your cakes.

    The main feature of this sugar glaze is that it does not crumble, that is, when you cut your cakes, the sugar glaze will not crumble.

    2. Glaze on egg whites

    We will need:

    • Egg - 2 pcs.
    • Sugar sand - 200 gr.

    1. Separate the whites from the yolks and cool them in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
    2. Drain into a deep bowl, salt and whisk vigorously with a blender with added sugar.
    3. Continue to beat until sugar is completely dissolved.
    4. Coat the cooled baked goods with glaze on egg whites and wait for it to solidify. The glazing process can be accelerated by placing the cakes for 5 minutes in an oven preheated to 100 degrees.

    If you want the glazed products not to be dull and shiny, add lemon juice to the finished composition.

    3. Snow-white icing on icing sugar

    This glaze is prepared without the use of egg white.

    We will need:

    • Powdered sugar - 200 gr.
    • Water - 60 ml.

    The glaze is prepared in a water bath.

    To do this, add a measured amount of water to the icing sugar and stir in a water bath until completely dissolved. An opaque white color indicates that the glaze is ready. Boiling is not allowed.
    2. The readiness of the glaze is determined by a water test: drop a few drops of glaze into a container with cold water, if the drops dissolve and the water becomes cloudy, then the glaze is not ready yet.

    4. Protein-free sugar fudge

    We will need:

    • Powdered sugar - 150 gr.
    • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
    • Boiled water

    Combine powdered sugar and lemon juice in a shallow container. Add boiled water in small portions and grind until a homogeneous, but not quite liquid mass is obtained. The lack of protein gives the fondant a slightly creamy color.

    Fondant is applied only to cooled cakes.

    5. Protein sugar glaze - classic

    Traditional classic icing for cakes. It cooks quickly, hardens well and has a snow-white appearance.

    We will need:

    • Protein from 1 egg
    • Powdered sugar - 100 gr.
    • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon

    1. Pour the protein into a mixer container and beat at high speed.
    2. Pour in the icing sugar as soon as the protein begins to increase in volume and turn white. We continue to beat until the entire mass doubles. After that add a spoonful of lemon juice. The glaze becomes snow-white. After another couple of minutes, the glaze gaining density becomes thick and shiny.
    We put icing on the cakes and decorate with sprinkles. After an hour, the glaze dries up and does not stick. Complete solidification will occur in 12 hours.

    Use only chilled squirrels for a fluffy lather.

    6. Multi-colored icing for Easter cake

    Bright glaze will further enhance the holiday feeling. The recipe uses only natural dyes.

    We will need:

    • Powdered sugar - 200 gr.
    • Berries (any fresh or frozen) 1 cup

    1. Squeeze 100 ml of juice from the berry. The juice can be replaced with the same amount of store-bought diluted berry syrup
    2. Combine the juice with water and heat it on the stove, but do not bring it to a boil.
    3. Pour this composition into the icing sugar and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous viscous mass is obtained.

    Using food coloring is the easiest way to color the glaze.

    7. Chocolate icing for cocoa cake

    Beautiful chocolate icing made from simple products at home, which is not at all difficult to make.

    We will need:

    • Cocoa - 4 tablespoons
    • Sugar - 8 tbsp. spoons
    • Butter - 1 tbsp. spoon
    • Water - 12 tbsp. spoons

    The baked goods will be more tender if they are pierced in several places with a fork before glazing.

    8. Wonderful rum glaze

    We will need:

    • Rum - 1/2 cup
    • Sugar - 1 glass
    • Butter - 100 gr.
    • Water - 3 tablespoons

    1. Put butter in a saucepan with water, put on medium heat and stir it constantly until it is completely dissolved.
    2. Add granulated sugar and constantly stirring the mixture, cook for 5 minutes.
    3. Set the temperature to 0 and, while stirring, pour in the prepared rum in a thin stream.
    4. Re-bring to a boil over medium heat for 1 minute.
    5. Remove the fire - the glaze is ready!

    Rum glaze becomes more flavorful when lemon juice is added to it.

    9. Chocolate icing in the microwave

    Simple chocolate icing for decorating a wide variety of cakes, pastries and muffins.

    We will need:

    • Butter - 50 gr.
    • Milk - 60 gr.
    • Cocoa powder - 60 gr.
    • Sugar - 0.5 cups
    • Chocolate - 1/3 bar

    1. Heat milk in a saucepan and pour sugar into it, stir until completely dissolved.
    2. Continuing to heat, add cocoa powder and butter.
    3. Introduce finely broken chocolate into the mass and put in the microwave.
    4. Dissolve sugar in warm milk and add cocoa mixed with butter to it.
    5. Add finely broken chocolate and microwave.

    Hello readers and blog guests! In a few days, the holiday of Bright Easter will come - the holiday of all Christians, which this year fell on April 8th. Many housewives are most likely already engaged in a variety of baking, etc.

    On this day, everyone wants the festive table to be especially beautiful and rich in a wide variety of dishes and sweets that you want to treat all guests. And to make the pastry look even more elegant, it is customary to decorate it with glaze (fondant).

    Also, everyone wants the glaze to be not only tasty and beautiful, but also so that it does not crumble or crumble when cutting. It often happens that this kind of fudge is not always obtained. And in order to get just this, we have selected some good detailed recipes for you.

    A non-sticky cake glaze

    Making fondant for cakes using this recipe is not very easy. You will need to sweat a little to get a very good glaze. But it's worth it. We will cook it by hand using a silicone spatula.

    So, temporarily put aside mixers and blenders, be patient and in a good mood. Now let's start preparing the icing that will not crumble from your Easter cakes.


    • egg - 1 pc.
    • starch - 0.5 tsp
    • lemon juice - 0.5 tsp
    • icing sugar - 200 gr. (+/- 30 gr.)


    1. We only need egg white. Therefore, carefully separate the white from the yolk. It is best if the eggs are rustic.

    By the way, the egg should be at room temperature. Therefore, it must be removed from the refrigerator well in advance of cooking.

    2. Now sift the powdered sugar into the protein in small portions, rub with a spatula after each injection. Take powder purchased, store. It is very fine and dissolves well. At home, in a blender, it is very difficult to do this.

    3. Continue adding powder and rubbing. Gradually, the mass will begin to thicken and turn white. The longer you rub the protein powder, the thicker and whiter the glaze will become.

    This process is quite long, because neither a mixer nor a whisk can be used. Therefore, you need to be patient.

    4. After the mass thickens enough, you need to add starch, also sifted through a sieve.

    5. Then we introduce half a teaspoon of lemon juice and continue to grind the mass for another 5-7 minutes.

    By the way, if you don't have lemon on hand, you can add citric acid on the tip of a knife.

    Recipe for non-crumbling gelatin glaze

    Quite often, many chefs prepare frosting without eggs. Instead, they use regular gelatin, which is also very good as a thickener. We usually make just such a fondant for cakes. It always turns out very well, and very quickly in time.

    A detailed recipe is described below. So don't waste time and get started.


    • gelatin 0.5 tsp
    • sugar 100 gr.
    • water 3 tbsp.


    1. Stir gelatin with hot water (1 tablespoon), but not boiling water. Leave aside for swelling.

    Be sure to look at the instructions on the package, as different manufacturers have different ratios of gelatin to liquid. And of course, don't forget to check the expiration date.

    2. Pour 2 tablespoons into sugar. water and stir as much as possible.

    3. Put on fire and, stirring constantly, cook until all the sugar is dissolved. The process is somewhat similar to the preparation of cockerels, which we did in childhood, except that we do not bring the syrup to thickening.

    4. Now you need to add the swollen gelatin to the dissolved sugar and stir.

    5. Slightly cool the resulting mass, and then beat with a mixer at high speed. Beat until a thick white mass is obtained. You need to start whipping at a low speed, gradually increasing it to the maximum.

    Advice! The resulting glaze should be immediately lubricated with cakes, because it turns out to be very thick and hardens very quickly.

    If you grease the baked goods with a thin layer, then the glaze hardens within a few minutes. And if the layer is thick, it will take several hours.

    This glaze is prepared very easily and very quickly. And the most important thing is that it does not crumble or crumble.

    Glaze (fondant) for Easter cake with egg and sugar

    And here's another glaze option. Here, in general, everything is very easy and simple. Anyone can handle it, even a beginner in cooking.


    • egg white - 1 pc.
    • powdered sugar - 0.5 liter jar
    • salt - a pinch


    1. Introduce the protein of one egg into a bowl and add a pinch of salt. When separating the protein, be very careful - not a single particle of the yolk should remain. Otherwise, the glaze will not thicken.

    2. Now we send half of the powdered sugar to the protein.

    3. Beat with a mixer until smooth. I advise you to take deep dishes so that the powder does not scatter throughout the kitchen.

    4. Introduce the remaining powder, mix and continue whisking.

    If you do not have a mixer, then you can do all these manipulations using a conventional submersible blender. It turns out just as well.

    5. Beat in time for about 7-10 minutes until a thick, white mass is formed.

    We grease any baked goods with the finished glaze. It turns out to be very tender and tasty. And of course, it doesn't crumble or stick. Bon Appetit!

    You can also put it in a rosette and serve it separately to dip into it with any other baked goods, such as buns or muffins.

    Video on how to make glaze that does not crumble without eggs

    And now I suggest you watch one very interesting video with three different glaze recipes. But that is not all. Plus, the author offers a recipe for Marshmallow glaze and describes the entire cooking process. Be sure to take a look. Happy viewing!

    That's all for today, dear friends. I hope you will succeed and our recommendations will be useful to you.

    Happy Easter to you! I wish you and your loved ones all the best in all your deeds and undertakings!

    Then here's an article to help you. But today we will talk about such a beautiful thing as decorating a cake with icing.

    After all, it's one thing to cook the most delicious cake and decorate it so that it would be absolutely good. Traditionally, cakes are decorated with white icing on top. So he looks more festive and elegant.

    It can be prepared according to several recipes. And of course, I will give some recipes for making fondant for cakes below. They are all very good and each has its own advantages, which I will discuss below.

    Anyone who has ever cooked Easter cakes has also made icing. Of course, the most common is protein. When we mix the egg whites with sugar and, using a mixer or blender, beat the ingredients until a white fluffy mass. And of course, after it dries, the glaze crumbled and crumbled at any touch. I suggest preparing the classic glaze a little differently.


    Gelatin half a teaspoon.
    Sugar 100 grams.
    Water 3 tablespoons.

    Cooking process.

    Pour gelatin with hot water. 1 tablespoon will suffice.

    Stir and leave it until it swells.

    Before using gelatin, be sure to check the expiration dates.

    Pour sugar into a saucepan. Add two tablespoons of water and set the pot over low heat. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
    When the sugar dissolves, you can add swollen gelatin granules to it. Mix and remove from the stove. Let the mass cool slightly and, using a mixer, beat the mass until white. It is important to use a mixer, since you cannot get this result with a hand whisk.
    This kind of glaze will not crumble and break. Of course, it is advisable to try to cook it in 1-2 days to check whether you like this icing or not. If you don't like it, see the following cooking recipes.

    Cooking at home with powdered sugar and lemon juice

    This frosting recipe can be used not only on Easter days, this fondant can be used to decorate muffins, biscuits, or delicious buns. The main advantage of this glaze is that it can be made without a mixer.


    150 g Powdered sugar.
    2-3 st. tablespoons of lemon juice.
    1-2 tablespoons of hot water.

    Cooking process.

    We start cooking by extracting fresh lemon juice. You can use both a juicer and your husband's hands, ask the men to demonstrate their strength and squeeze all the juices out of the lemon.
    Now add 2 tablespoons of the extracted lemon juice to the powdered sugar. Then we add water. Stir and look at the density, if it seems to you that it turns out too thick water can be added. But don't make it too runny.
    It remains to beat the mass with a whisk and you can start decorating the cakes. By the way, you can try using an orange instead of a lemon.

    Cover the sour cream with the remnants of gauze, put a plate and put a load on the plate in the form of a jar of water or jam. We leave the load for 2-3 hours.
    After removing the load, you will see the following picture. Something like cheese.
    Transfer the contents of the cheesecloth to a bowl and add the sugar and vanilla.
    Mix well until sugar dissolves. You should get such a beautiful decoration.

    Chocolate decoration with cocoa powder

    Oh yes, many people love chocolate, and few people even thought that the cake could be decorated with such icing. Look what kind of beauty you get in the end, but all you need is.


    200 milk.
    100 cocoa.
    100 sugar.
    50 butter.

    Cooking process.

    We make a fast-setting glaze with starch, so that it does not stick

    Sometimes you want to treat your guests to your Easter cakes. You put them in a bag, and it sticks to the glaze and so it comes off with it. If this arrangement of affairs does not suit you, then the following recipe will be for you.


    1 egg (protein)
    half a teaspoon of starch.
    200 powdered sugar.
    Lemon juice to taste. (1 tsp).

    Cooking process.

    Mix the powder with starch and sift through a sieve.

    3-4 tablespoons of rum.
    1 cup of sugar.
    100 grams of butter.
    3 tablespoons of water.

    Cooking process.

    Melt the butter and mix with water.
    Add sugar and boil until completely dissolved.
    Then remove from heat, while continuing to stir in a thin stream, pour in rum and stir.
    After adding the rum, boil again for 1 minute.
    The icing is completely ready, you can decorate baked goods.

    Video on how to beautifully decorate Easter cakes with icing

    Each hostess wants to cook delicious cakes, but she also wants them to be not only the most delicious, but also the most beautiful. Here are some tips on how to decorate Easter cakes beautifully.

    Well, that's all the secrets that I had on this topic, I think that now you can safely boast of the most beautiful Easter cakes with irresistibly tasty icing.