Pickled barrel tomatoes. Barrel tomatoes in a jar with cold brine

15.08.2019 Grill menu

Salted or pickled tomatoes have been loved since childhood. Over time, the relevance of homemade preparations in jars with the participation of these vegetables has not disappeared. However, the old recipes for pickling tomatoes in a barrel are becoming more and more popular. Tomatoes prepared according to grandmother's technology will never be compared to store-bought ones. They are also considered the most useful. The enzymes formed during fermentation and sourdough have a positive effect on the human body, especially on its gastrointestinal tract.

Tomato pickling recipes

Harvesting and preparing for the winter are an integral part of the national cuisine. Today, all preserves can be purchased in the store and on the market, but nothing beats the taste of homemade cask pickles. Tomatoes are salted, pickled, frozen and made into juice. With the onset of cold weather, all these dishes go with a bang.

Despite the variety of seaming, tomatoes salted in a barrel according to grandmother's recipes are considered classics of cooking. Particularly popular with modern housewives are such preparations from tomatoes as:

  • fermented;
  • with bay leaves;
  • with black currant leaves;
  • with garlic;
  • in its own juice;
  • with cucumbers;
  • harvesting green vegetables.

For any recipe from tomatoes, so that vegetables do not lose their shape, dense and small varieties are chosen.

Since it is not always convenient in a modern apartment to use a real 200-liter wooden barrel for winter salting, you can use it instead:

  • ceramic barrels;
  • buckets;
  • pots;
  • banks.

Cold way

Cold pickled tomatoes are easy to cook and don't take long. This recipe requires the following ingredients:

  • tomatoes;
  • Sweet pepper;
  • garlic;
  • dill (greens and umbrellas);
  • parsley;
  • celery;
  • horseradish;
  • currant and cherry leaves;
  • Bay leaf;
  • black and allspice pepper (peas);
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • water.

The brine is prepared from 1 bucket of cold water, in which 2 cups of salt and 1 cup of sugar are dissolved.

The tomato crop is sorted out and washed thoroughly. Tomatoes are selected for harvesting medium-sized, firm and intact. Sweet pepper is cleaned from the leg and seeds, which is also washed in cold water.

Onions and garlic are thoroughly peeled, after which the roots are washed under running water. The onion is harvested in rings, and the garlic cloves are cut into slices of medium thickness. The selected greens and leaves of fruit trees are moved and washed.

Prepared, washed with baking soda and thoroughly rinsed the fermentation container. In a dry container, the first layer of blanks from currant and cherry leaves is laid out on the bottom. Next are onion rings, garlic slices, bell pepper rings, the rest of the spices and herbs.

Tomatoes are laid out on a spicy green surface. They are tamped tightly but neatly.

There should be no voids between the rows.

After that, greens are again laid out on a thick layer of tomatoes. The process is repeated as in the first layout at the bottom.

A layer of tomatoes again. The last layer should not reach the neck of the container by 1-1.5 cm. Vegetables are covered with green leaves and filled with ready-made cold brine. A clean gauze is placed on top and, if this is not a barrel with a lid, oppression is installed so that the vegetables do not float.

The container with tomatoes is removed in a cold place. You can try the workpiece after 21-30 days.

When mold and fermentation traces appear on it, gauze is always changed to a new one.

Bay leaf tomatoes

A simple and tasty recipe for salting red or yellow vegetables with bay leaves. For the preparation you will need:

  • tomatoes;
  • Dill;
  • Bay leaf;
  • allspice (peas);
  • salt;
  • water.

Tomatoes (10 kg) are sorted out and washed thoroughly. Washes with cold water and a bunch of dill.

Greens can be put in whole branches or torn into smaller pieces with your hands.

A layer of greenery and bay leaves is laid at the bottom of the selected container. Tomatoes are then placed tightly on the spices. Laurel goes to the middle of the barrel on the tomatoes, and the red fruits are sprinkled with pepper. This is followed by a layer of vegetables, which is again covered with sweet peas and dill.

The workpiece is filled with brine, for the preparation of which you will need 8 liters of water and 400 g of salt. The neck of the salted container is covered with gauze and placed under oppression.

Blanks with black currant leaves

Black currant leaves give a special sourness to salted vegetables. For the recipe you will need:

  • tomatoes;
  • Dill;
  • horseradish root;
  • currant leaves;
  • hot pepper;
  • salt;
  • water.

Brine is prepared from 8 liters of cold water and 500 g of salt. Tomatoes (10 kg) and greens are washed and sorted. The horseradish root is cut into convenient strips and 2 pods of hot pepper are divided into slices.

At the bottom of the salting container are laid out black currant leaves, dill, horseradish, 1-3 strips of chopped and peeled fresh pitted hot pepper. Tomatoes come next.

The next layer of greens and peppers should be in the middle of the container. Then again the tomatoes. On top of the workpiece, the last layer of leaves, pepper and horseradish is laid out, and all this is sprinkled with dill, filled with brine and covered with gauze. Oppression is a must in this recipe.

If the blanks are made in glass jars, then herbs and spices are laid out only on the bottom and on top, on the tomatoes.

Spicy classic

Lovers of salted tomatoes will appreciate the recipe for vegetables with garlic and horseradish. For cooking you will need:

  • tomatoes;
  • garlic (heads);
  • hot pepper pod;
  • horseradish (leaves or root);
  • tarragon;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • salt;
  • water.

A brine for 10 kg of tomatoes is prepared from 8 liters of water and 400 g of salt.

Red fruits are moved and washed. Garlic (5 heads) is peeled and cut into slices. In hot peppers, the stem and seeds are removed, and the pod itself is washed and cut into strips.

The horseradish root is cleaned, washed and cut. If leaves are used, they are simply washed out of possible dirt and torn in small pieces.

A bunch of fresh dill is moved and washed under a stream of cold water. If jars are used for salting, then the grass can be torn into small branches that are convenient for laying.

At the bottom of the selected container are herbs, leaves or pieces of horseradish root and garlic. This is followed by a layer of tomatoes.

The last layer of vegetables is covered with dill stalks and filled with brine. The workpiece covered with gauze, if necessary, is put under oppression and put away in a cool place. If there is no desire to store pickled tomatoes in a barrel for a long time, then they can be transferred to jars, filled with marinade and rolled up.

Vegetables in their own juice

In order not to rack your brains over the preparation of the brine, you can prepare tomatoes in your own juice. To do this, the hostess will need:

  • tomatoes;
  • grape leaves;
  • Dill;
  • horseradish (leaves);
  • salt;
  • dry mustard.

A crop of 20 kg of tomatoes, 10 of which will be used for juicing, is sorted out and washed. Tight representatives of the Solanovy family go for salting, and soft ones for making tomato pickle.

Selected soft tomatoes are twisted in a meat grinder and 400 g of salt is added to the resulting puree. The gruel is mixed.

At the bottom of the prepared containers, washed leaves of grapes, horseradish and dill stalks are laid out. Whole tomatoes are put on them. If it is a barrel, then the layer of grape leaves is periodically repeated.

The last layer of tomatoes is followed by horseradish leaves and dill branches. The filled container is poured with prepared salted tomato brine. Sprinkle mustard powder on top and cover with gauze. Oppression is a must in this recipe.

Mustard powder helps prevent mold growth.

Harvesting of tomatoes and cucumbers

Quite often, the hostess does not have an extra container for pickling tomatoes and cucumbers separately, as well as a place for their further storage. In this case, the recipe for harvesting red and green vegetables together will help. For a recipe for the winter you will need:

  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • garlic;
  • Dill;
  • horseradish (leaves and / or root);
  • currant leaves;
  • black pepper;
  • salt;
  • water.

The brine takes 10 liters of water and 700 g of salt. Tomatoes (7 kg) and cucumbers (3 kg) are thoroughly washed. Dill greens, horseradish leaves and currants are rinsed under running water. If horseradish root is used, it is peeled and cut into convenient chunks. The skin is removed from the garlic (1 head), the rhizome is cut off and the teeth are cut into strips of medium thickness.

By an already known method, currant and horseradish leaves are laid out at the bottom of the selected container. Dill, garlic and black pepper are placed on them. The next layer is cucumbers. Next - herbs and spices.

Cucumbers are always placed on the bottom of the barrel so as not to damage the delicate skin of the tomatoes.

Tomatoes are tightly placed on the greens, which, if the salting container is large, are also periodically shifted with herbs and spices. The last layer of tomatoes is covered with horseradish and dill leaves, and the contents of the container are filled with brine. Next - mustard, gauze and oppression.

The recipe provides for finding a container with a blank in a warm room for 7 days.

After fermentation has passed, containers with cucumbers and tomatoes are removed in a cool place for salting. This takes an average of 14-21 days.

The secret of green tomatoes

In addition to ripe red or yellow fruits, you can also pickle green ones in a barrel. The classic hot tomato recipe requires:

  • tomatoes;
  • Bell pepper;
  • hot peppers;
  • garlic;
  • Dill;
  • parsley;
  • horseradish;
  • grape or cherry leaves;
  • salt;
  • water.

To prepare brine for 5 liters of water, 300 g of salt is used. Green tomatoes (5 kg) are sorted and washed. Dense, intact fruits are best suited for salting.

Sweet (5 kg) and hot (5 pcs.) Peppers are washed, peeled from the legs and core. Then the pods are cut into longitudinal strips.

Dill (2 bunches) and parsley (2 bunches) are washed and sorted out. If desired, their branches are torn by hand into smaller ones. Cherry or grape greens are also rinsed with water.

Peeled from the skin, washed with cold water and cut into slices of garlic (5 heads).

The bottom of the prepared container is laid out with leaves, garlic and herbs are placed on it. This is followed by a layer of tomatoes mixed with sweet and hot peppers. After again a layer of greenery and leaves.

After laying out the last layer of green fruits and peppers, sprinkle it with dill and fill it with brine. Put horseradish leaves on top and sprinkle them with mustard. The workpiece is covered with gauze and put under oppression. The dish will be ready in 21 days.

For a more thorough filling of the voids, the jars are shaken. Tomatoes are a great vegetable for the winter. Salting according to old recipes preserves the appearance of tomatoes and most of the vitamin composition.

This recipe is for lovers of vigorous barrel tomatoes! This recipe has been cooking tomatoes for a very long time. If you make tomatoes for the winter, then I advise you to take brown ones, they keep very well. I love making reds. They are ready in 2-4 weeks. They are eaten very quickly.

When you bite through the skin of a salted tomato, you feel a little "explosion!" in the mouth. They say this is because there is sugar in the brine. I advise you to cook!

Let's start cooking delicious vigorous salted tomatoes in jars (like barrel ones).

To cook tomatoes, we need the products listed on the list.

We sterilize the jars.

My greens and tomatoes. Put half of the herbs, spices, garlic and hot pepper on the bottom of the cans. Then - half a can of tomatoes and again herbs, spices, garlic and hot peppers. We fill the jar with tomatoes to the top.

We cook the marinade from salt, sugar and water in advance. Cool it down to room temperature.

Fill jars of tomatoes with marinade.

Cover the neck of the jar with tomatoes with gauze folded in four. Pour 2 tablespoons of mustard onto the gauze.

Cover the top with inverted nylon caps. We substitute a plate under each jar so that the marinade does not flow onto the table. We leave to ferment for 2-4 weeks.

This is what tomatoes look like after 2 weeks. The brine becomes slightly cloudy.

The brine may evaporate a little or mold may appear on top, then add water, and replace the cloth with mustard with a new one. We remove the gauze, make a test. You may like the tomatoes at this stage. If not, then they will be fully ready in 2 weeks. Now we close the tomatoes with tight lids and take them out to a cool place. We are waiting for full readiness.

Tomatoes for the winter are an indispensable and favorite type of harvesting. You can prepare tomatoes for future use in different ways - tomatoes are salted, pickled, fermented, made in their own juice, dried. Store-bought canned tomatoes never compare to aromatic homemade tomatoes harvested with love. Today I will show you a recipe for pickling tomatoes, a long-loved one in my family - pickled tomatoes in a barrel. Do not be alarmed, you do not have to buy a wooden barrel for 200 liters) I salt the tomatoes in a plastic 30-liter barrel in the cold way, you can also make these tomatoes in ordinary jars, the main thing is not to spare the seasonings, and in a month you will enjoy delicious, appetizing, natural homemade tomatoes.

We need:

  • tomatoes
  • dill sprigs (with umbrellas)
  • parsley, celery
  • garlic
  • Sweet pepper
  • black peppercorns
  • allspice peas
  • Bay leaf
  • leaves of currant, horseradish and cherry
  • boiled and chilled water
  • sugar

We take 2 cups of salt and 1 cup of sugar in a bucket (10 l) of cold water.


Wash and sort the tomatoes thoroughly. Overripe and crumpled tomatoes are set aside and can be used on. For salting, we prefer to take fine, dense, fleshy cream.

Peel the onion, wash and cut into rings. Peel and rinse the garlic. Wash the sweet pepper, remove the stalk and seeds. All greens are also thoroughly washed.

On the bottom of the barrel or bucket, lay out a layer of spices, onions, garlic, bell peppers, bay leaves, peppercorns, etc., lay out a layer of tomatoes on top and repeat all layers to the very edge.

There should be a lot of spices, the taste and aroma of our salted tomatoes will depend on this.

We make pickle for tomatoes from boiled and chilled water. We take 2 cups of salt and 1 cup of sugar in a bucket of cold water. Fill tomatoes with this brine. Cover the top with gauze - mold will collect on it, so the gauze needs to be changed periodically.

If you salt tomatoes in a bucket or in a saucepan, then a plate or a large dish in the form of a load is also laid out on top. In my barrel, the neck is small, I just fill it to the eyeballs, there is a lot of greenery on top, then cheesecloth and a lid.

The use of wooden containers began many years before the advent of glass jars. Despite this, many people still carry out salting of barrel tomatoes for the winter in them, because the resulting tomatoes have an indescribable taste. The advantages of using wooden barrels include their reliability and environmental friendliness of products.

In addition, such containers are characterized by antibacterial properties, which avoids the formation of mold, significantly extending the life. To make the dish tasty and not spoil after salting, you must carefully prepare the barrel. The first step is to fill the container with water and allow a little time (2-3 hours) to soak. If the wood product is slightly dry, then after soaking, the material will swell and block the cracks. This will make it much easier to clean the container.

The best way to clean the barrel is to use salt mixed with hot water. After completing the work, scald the container with boiling water, and if possible, put a large hot stone on the bottom, pour a little boiling water on top and close the barrel with a lid for several hours.

This will allow the container to "steam", which will remove all foreign odors and kill germs. After you have prepared the barrel, washed and cleaned it, you can start salting. We will share the most interesting and easy to prepare recipes.

Recipes for cooking tomatoes in a barrel

Cooking barrel tomatoes for the winter requires the following ingredients:

  • 25 g of dill and parsley
  • 15 g horseradish leaves
  • a few mint leaves
  • several pieces of capsicum
  • 15 g garlic
  • leaves of grapes, currants, cherries - 4 pcs.

Tomatoes should be strong and not damaged. Tomatoes must be thoroughly rinsed and the stalk removed from each. Next, put 30% of all the specified spices on the bottom of the barrel, then put the tomatoes up to half of the container. At the same time, it is advisable to put them tightly, because the taste of the dish depends on the density of the packing in the barrels. So, if the fruits are loosely laid, after salting they will be salted. Put 30% of the spices taken in the middle again and lay the fruits, placing the rest of the seasonings on top.

In parallel with this, we are preparing a special saline solution. The calculation is as follows - for green tomatoes, you need to take about 800 g of salt per bucket of water, for red ones - about 1 kg of salt. After preparation, the solution must be filtered, then it is poured into a barrel and a container with tomatoes is placed in the cellar.

A few tips for salting:

  1. If mold appears on the surface of the fruit, it must be removed periodically. To reduce the possibility of the appearance of fungus to a minimum, after you have filled in the brine, add 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the barrel.
  2. preferable in small containers up to 50 kg. The larger the barrel, the higher the likelihood that the fruit will crack during the salting process. Also, pickling tomatoes of varying degrees of maturity is recommended to be carried out in different containers.

Recipes for pickled tomatoes in their own juice and green tomatoes

Recipes for barrel tomatoes for the winter in their own juice are different, but we will share with you the most delicious and juicy. To prepare it you will need:

  • 10 kg of fruit;
  • 20 g dry mustard;
  • currant leaves;
  • 350 g of salt.

For pickling, it is best to take pink and strong tomatoes. They are washed, but you should not wipe the tomatoes - just let the water drain. At this time, put currant leaves on the bottom of the container, then lay out a layer of tomatoes and sprinkle it with a mixture of dry mustard and salt. Place a few currant leaves on top. Likewise, lay all the other tomatoes in the barrel in layers. In parallel with this, take a few tomatoes and chop them thoroughly in a meat grinder. When you put the last layer of fruit in the barrel, cover the tomatoes on top with the remaining currant leaves and pour the chopped tomatoes over the fruit. The container should be placed in a cellar or other cool place - the main thing is that the temperature does not exceed +5 ° C.

The recipe is no less simple. You also need to sort out the fruits, put them in a barrel in layers, spreading greens and currant leaves between the layers. At the same time, during laying, the container must be shaken so that the rows of tomatoes lay down as tightly as possible. In parallel with this, we are preparing a solution: dissolve no more than 800 g of salt in 10 liters of water. When the solution has cooled, pour it into the barrel and close the container with a lid, placing the weight on top. Tomatoes can be served on the table after 1.5 months.

What if there is no salting barrel?

We told you about the most famous recipes for barrel tomatoes for the winter, but what if you want delicious salted tomatoes, but there is no suitable container? In this case, you can use a regular saucepan. To prepare such fruits, you will need the following ingredients and equipment:

  • enameled saucepan with a lid;
  • small tomatoes;
  • horseradish root;
  • Dill;
  • a few pepper pods;
  • salt;
  • garlic;
  • currant leaves.

First you need to prepare the container. So, thoroughly rinse the pan and pour boiling water over it, which will kill all germs and get rid of the remaining detergent. Tomatoes are also well washed, the stalks are removed. Peel the garlic in parallel - the amount of garlic depends on the size of the pot and your personal preference. So, if you want spicy and savory tomatoes, then you can take more garlic. Put half of all the listed spices on the bottom of the container, put tomatoes on top.

If you have fruits of different sizes, then it is better to define large tomatoes at the very bottom, smaller tomatoes upwards so that the tomatoes do not turn into sauce under their own weight. After you have laid all the fruits, shake the pan to settle down. After each layer of tomatoes, put greens - dill, currant leaves and pepper. Some add basil and mint - it all depends on your taste.

Finally, cover the pot with a plate and prepare the brine. It's easy to cook. Boil the water in a separate saucepan and completely dissolve the salt - for every 5 liters of water, take 350 g of salt. After you prepare the brine, pour it into a container with tomatoes, close the container with a lid and leave to cool. Literally in a month, the pickles will be ready - tomatoes are no worse than barrel tomatoes. They can be stored in the refrigerator for six months, and for convenience, the fruits can be arranged in jars.

Tomatoes are always convenient to roll up for the winter. Firstly, tomatoes are very cheap in season. And if you compare the cost of store-bought canned tomatoes and homemade ones, you will immediately feel the difference in your wallet. At any time, you can uncork a jar or two to treat everyone at the table. Secondly, cans of canned tomatoes will always be at your fingertips. No need to waste time shopping. Thirdly, home-rolled tomatoes are always much tastier than similar store-bought ones. The taste of a tomato can be independently adjusted, add those spices that you like the most. Also, homemade tomatoes can be given a different taste: sweet, pickled or just pickled. Today I offer you my new recipe - pickled tomatoes for the winter in cans, they are obtained just like from a barrel. I used this recipe only once last year, but now I will definitely cook this way this year. You can also - it's very tasty!

For 5 liters of water:
- 1.5 tables. l. salt,
- 5 kg tomato,
- 2-3 heads of garlic,
- 10-12 pcs. peppercorns,
- 6-7 pcs. bay leaf,
- 10-12 sprigs of dill.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Prepare jars for preservation right away: steam them over a kettle or over a saucepan of boiling water. The jars must cool completely, then put all the necessary spices in them to the bottom. I used garlic, peppercorns, bay leaves, and a little dill. put the spices in the jars equally so that it is about the same everywhere.

Now fill the jars with medium-sized tomatoes, ramming them not hard so that the tomatoes and peel do not burst.

Dissolve the salt in cold water: stir at the bottom so that the grains of salt begin to melt.

Fill the jars of tomatoes with saline, fill them up to the neck.

We leave the cans in the room for a day, but we remove them from the sun's rays. Then we put the tomatoes in the cellar, where they will be stored for 2 winter months. Tomatoes are really sour, sour and with a pungent aroma. Who loves such a snack, be sure to repeat my recipe and I am waiting for your feedback!
You will certainly be interested in the recipe.