Horse sausage calorie content per 100 grams. Horse sausage kazy - a description of the product with a photo, its composition and calorie content; benefit and harm; how to cook and boil at home

04.11.2019 Grill menu

In folk medicine, horse meat is considered a healing product. And for good reason: this dietary meat contains many useful substances. Not only traditional healers, but also doctors often recommend this product to restore health and treat sick people.

The composition and calorie content of horse meat

Someone likes the aroma of horse meat, some don't - it's a matter of habit. Swedes and French, for example, eat this meat raw, generously flavored with hot sauces. In other countries, in order to rid the product of a specific smell, it is either pickled, or canned, or added to smoked sausages, mixed with other types of meat products.

Smelling meat brings great benefits to the human body. Horse meat is absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract much faster than dietary beef, despite the large amount of animal protein (25%). And all thanks to the successful, well-balanced amino acid content.

Due to the rate of assimilation (it is eight times higher than the rate of assimilation of beef meat), non-fibers do not rot in the stomach, do not disturb digestion. Moreover, the choleretic effect of horse meat restores liver function and generally has a beneficial effect on human health.

Another amazing fact. Scientists have found that the fat in horse meat is a cross between vegetable and animal fat. The total amount of fat is no more than 5%, or even less. Therefore, it is a dietary product that does not cause obesity, is not stored in fat and can be used in weight loss diets.

Horse meat contains many useful substances:

Vitamins A (retinol), E (tocopherol), C (ascorbic acid), group B;

Trace elements iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, zinc, manganese, selenium, copper;

Organic acids.

The calorie content of horse meat is very low. One hundred grams of flavored fillet contains 130 to 170 calories. It takes a long time to cook or stew horse meat, at least three hours. H has very hard fibers that soften only after prolonged heat treatment.

The benefits of horse meat for the human body

The beneficial properties of horse meat are that it perfectly regulates metabolic processes. This means that the inclusion of this meat in the therapeutic and prophylactic diet will contribute to the gradual loss of excess weight. Moreover, the high content of organic acids and a balanced vitamin and mineral set have a beneficial effect on the condition of the stomach and intestines, normalizing their activity.

Nomads, who, for obvious reasons, were the first to use horse meat, noticed its ability to give vigor, warm, give strength. They found that eating animal skins would significantly increase male potency.

The following beneficial properties of horse meat have been proven:

Improves the condition of the vascular and cardiac systems;

Reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol;

Stimulates blood circulation;

Prevents anemia and increases the level of hemoglobin with already developed anemia.

Surprisingly, horse meat is also useful because it can reduce the damage done to the body by radiation and chemotherapy. People weakened from toxic damage must definitely eat healthy red meat with an unusual taste. It will help the body recover quickly and slow down the progression of the disease.

Horse meat almost never causes allergies. There will definitely not be any harm from horse meat, and therefore it can and should be used to feed children from the first year of life. Thanks to amino acids and vitamins, babies will grow healthy and strong. The only contraindication to horse meat in this case is individual intolerance. But it is extremely rare.

The healing properties of horse meat

Many traditional healers actively use horse fat in the treatment of patients. It is purchased in a cleaned, completely ready-to-use form, or it is heated independently at home. This product really has special properties. It is used externally to relieve pain, it is used to treat frostbite, bruises, dislocations, burns, otitis media, and when used internally, it lowers cholesterol, cleanses blood vessels, and restores digestion.

Horse meat is also actively used in healing practice:

Due to its significant choleretic effect, it must be included in the diet of a person who has had jaundice in order to restore liver function;

It prevents the development of atherosclerosis due to the ability to restore the elasticity of blood vessels and remove cholesterol;

Horse meat is prescribed to improve the work of the heart;

Horse meat improves the condition of a patient with diseases of the biliary tract, reducing the likelihood of an exacerbation and an attack of pain;

Horse meat is eaten in order to stop and prevent muscle degeneration;

For those who, by virtue of their profession, are forced to work in unfavorable conditions, being exposed to radiation, it is important to eat horse meat in order to restore the immune system and prevent the development of tumor processes.

Who is not allowed to eat horse meat

And yet there are situations when we can talk about contraindications to horse meat. We are talking not only about individual intolerance, but also about certain restrictions that apply to heavy protein foods in general. You can not abuse meat, even dietary, if you have the following diagnoses:

Stroke, heart attack;




Stomach bleeding;

Bowel cancer;

Acute renal failure.

Patients with such a diagnosis should not include meat in their diet at all. They need a completely different diet. In addition, if a person has an excessive production of bile, then horse meat is harmful to him due to its choleretic effect.

This undoubtedly healthy meat has certain characteristics that must be taken into account so as not to harm your body. First of all, it is best to use young horse meat. The age of the animal should range from a few months to a maximum of three years.

Horse meat is very poorly stored, so it either needs to be eaten quickly, or immediately canned or wilted. However, there are some nuances here. The fact is that this meat very often contains such dangerous bacteria as salmonella and trichiosis. The chemical composition, in which there are practically no carbohydrates, is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microflora.

It is no coincidence that the products of horse meat suppliers at the veterinary station are checked especially strictly. If a pathogenic bacteria enters the human body, the consequences will be severe, up to bleeding and death (with improper treatment and late diagnosis of the disease). In any case, eating raw or undercooked meat is in principle very dangerous, and horse meat is doubly dangerous.

The meat of a healthy animal poses no danger. It should be eaten as soon as possible so that the product does not spoil.

Horse sausage (kazy) is a national Central Asian dish. In Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, nomadic tribes still cook horse meat sausage by hand, while the whole family is involved. Men carry out the process of slaughtering horses of 2-3 years old specially raised for these purposes, as well as butchering meat, women processing intestines and preparing kazy.

But horse meat is eaten not only by the peoples of Asia. Russians in ancient times also made sausage exclusively from horse meat. Now horse meat is considered a delicacy and is not cheap. But this meat has several advantages:

  • horse meat contains a complete and balanced amino acid composition of protein, which gives it every right to be considered dietary meat, which is perfectly absorbed by the body (8 times faster than beef);
  • horse meat is able to lower blood cholesterol levels, has a low fat content, and the fats it contains occupy an intermediate place between animal and vegetable fats;
  • a considerable content of vitamins and minerals, and especially vitamins A, E, group B and iron;
  • horse meat is hypoallergenic.

The only drawback of horse meat is the low percentage of carbohydrates, which creates a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria and the meat is poorly stored. Therefore, the veterinary services are very careful to check the meat of horses for the presence of Salmonella. But the correct storage and preparation of horse meat will only help to benefit from meat for the human body.

Horse sausage is a worthy decoration of a festive table, an environmentally friendly and very tasty dish. The filling for kazy is made from horse ribs, which are cut into strips. The meat is then seasoned with a mixture of salt, black pepper and garlic and stuffed tightly into thoroughly washed large intestines. The shape of the sausage can be varied, but the length is no more than 60-70 cm. The kazy are left in a dry place for soaking with seasoning, and then boiled, fried, dried or smoked. You need to cook raw sausage for at least two hours. Kazy is eaten both in natural form and as an additive to pilaf.

In addition to kazy, such types of horse sausage as mahan and shuzhuk are also popular.

Mahan- This is a dry-cured or "dry" sausage, very dense and quite specific. It is made from horse meat and fat with spices.

Shuzhuk it is thermally processed in the same way as kazy, but the filling is presented in the form of minced meat from any part of the carcass.

Horse meat consumption in our country is far from widespread.

Most often, horse meat is used to prepare national dishes. Horse meat can be found on store shelves in some Siberian regions, in the Volga region, in Altai. In the European part of Russia, horse meat is rarely eaten.

However, underestimating this hypoallergenic dietary meat is unfair. Horse meat is easy to digest, rich in useful microelements, suitable even for baby food, including for children in the first years of life.

Horse meat value

Horse meat is extremely low in carbohydrates and rich in valuable, easily digestible protein. Horse meat protein is ideally balanced, has a unique amino acid composition, which allows horse meat to be absorbed by the human body several times faster than, for example, beef.

This is what makes it possible to use horse meat for baby food, along with rabbit and turkey, in contrast to chicken, which often causes allergies, or pork poorly digested by children.

Horse meat is low in cholesterol. Moreover, this meat has the ability to lower blood cholesterol levels. The composition of this meat contains, including A, C, vitamins of group B. Horse meat is rich in iron, which makes it possible to use it in the diet of patients with anemia. According to doctors, horse meat also has a choleretic effect.

Nutritionists value horse meat for its relatively low calorie content and low fat content.

On average, 100 grams of horse meat contains about 140 kcal. However, the meat from the ribs of the carcass is higher in calories - up to 500 kcal per 100 grams. There is even , based on the use of horse meat for two weeks and allows you to get rid of 4-5 kilograms without harm to health.

Organic acids, contained in large quantities in horse meat, improve the functioning of the digestive system, stimulate metabolism.

Horse fat is considered an excellent remedy for restoring liver function after hepatitis. It contains a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids. According to nutritionists, horse fat occupies a place in the middle between animal and vegetable fats. Unlike pork or lamb fat, horse fat is well absorbed by the body without irritating the digestive tract.

Horse meat rarely causes allergies. This is especially beneficial for those who are allergic to chicken egg and cow's milk proteins, often with cross-allergies to beef and chicken.

It is also believed that horse meat is very useful for men - its regular use increases potency.

How to choose horse meat?

Horse meat resembles beef in appearance, but differs from it in a darker color. Fresh horse meat is firm and firm, yellow and soft fat, melts even in the hands. The surface of fresh meat is shiny and slightly damp. When pressed, the meat quickly regains its shape. If you press a napkin against a fresh cut, it should not remain wet.

If the fat on a piece of horse meat is light, almost white, it is most likely the meat of a very young animal. This horse meat is more appreciated and tastes better.

Where can I buy?

Unless you live in Altai or Bashkiria, you will hardly be able to find horse meat in a chain supermarket or on the counter of a grocery store near your home. However, large shops with a wide range of meat products or specialized butcher shops often sell this somewhat exotic product for us.

If there are shops in your city that specialize in halal products - products made according to Muslim tradition and in accordance with Islamic norms - they most likely have horse meat and horse meat products in their assortment. Often in such places you can buy such national delicacies as sausage "kazy", raw smoked fillet.

Horse meat can often be purchased on the market, but such a purchase is associated with a certain risk. Buy horse meat in the markets only if you are sure that the products have passed the necessary sanitary and epidemiological control. Do not hesitate to ask the seller for the meat documents.

How to cook horse meat?

The most tasty and healthy is the meat of shearing foals aged 9 to 12 months. They also eat the meat of young horses under the age of three years, but the older the horse, the more tough its meat will be. It can also smell unpleasant during cooking.

Horse meat has a specific taste, but it is rather unusual than unpleasant, and no more specific than the taste of, for example, lamb. Some people think that horse meat has a pronounced herbaceous flavor.

Because horse meat is tougher and denser than any other meat we know, it requires a longer heat treatment or steeping or marinating before cooking. There are dishes made from raw horse meat, for example, tartare known to many - for it, horse meat is ground into minced meat. Mixed with spices and sauces and served with a raw egg. However, eating raw meat, including horse meat, is still dangerous to health.

Horse meat should be boiled or stewed for at least two hours. Before frying or baking, the meat can be marinated, for example, in spiced vinegar. Marinating will also discourage the specific smell of horse meat that not everyone likes. You usually don't need to beat off the meat.

For the preparation of such dishes as stew, goulash or pilaf, horse meat is usually used already boiled.

Boiled horse meat:

- 1.5 kg of horse meat (hip, dorsal, shoulder blade);
- water;
- 1 medium carrot;
- 1 medium onion;
- 15 grams of white roots (parsley, celery);
- salt.

Pour horse meat cleaned of fat with water at the rate of 1.5 liters per 1 kilogram of meat. The meat should be completely covered with water. Bring the meat to a boil over high heat, remove the foam and simmer for 2-2.5 hours over low heat. Shortly before cooking, add coarsely chopped carrots and onions, add the roots. Don't forget to salt to taste.

In 100 grams of a dish - 154.12 kcal: 17.72 grams of protein, 8.93 grams of fat, 0.74 grams of carbohydrates.

Horse meat goulash:

- 500 grams of boiled horse meat;
- 20 grams of wheat flour;
- 20 grams of tomato paste;
- 20 grams of butter;
- 20 grams of sour cream;
- 1 glass of hot horse meat broth;
- 1 small carrot;
- salt, herbs.

Cut the meat into small pieces, cover with hot broth. Add sour cream, salt, if necessary, and simmer covered for half an hour over low heat. Prepare the dressing - fry the flour in butter, mix it with tomato paste. Pour the dressing over the meat, add the finely chopped carrots and simmer the goulash until the carrots are tender. Add greens a few minutes before cooking.

In 100 grams of a dish - 175 kcal: 15.58 grams of protein, 11.03 grams of fat, 3.59 grams of carbohydrates.

Potatoes in any form, boiled rice are well suited as a side dish for horse meat. For dietary meals, stewed vegetables can be used as a side dish.

For exotic lovers, national horse meat delicacies are perfect - for example, the Central Asian horse sausage "kazy", basturma, smoked ribs. Kazy is used both as a cold snack and as part of a variety of dishes - for example, pilaf.

Horse meat is very tasty when smoked. Do not forget that smoked meats are not recommended for those who want to lose weight.

Inevitable cons

Therefore - it is important! Do not buy horse meat in suspicious places and do not forget about careful heat treatment. Horse meat sold in stores is strictly controlled. But no one can guarantee the safety of meat bought on the market.

Fresh horse meat is not subject to long-term storage - if you are not going to freeze or harvest meat for future use, it must be cooked immediately after purchase.

Like other meat, horse meat, rich in protein, with prolonged and frequent use, can lead to kidney and cardiovascular diseases.

However, there are practically no contraindications to the use of horse meat.

In the event that you are going to switch to horse meat for weight loss, try to choose not high-calorie meat from the costal part, but pieces from the hip, dorsal, and shoulder parts of the carcass.

The prejudice against horse meat is common. But for many, it is enough to taste this tasty and healthy meat once or twice in order to appreciate it.

Including horse meat dishes in your diet will not only diversify your menu, but will also benefit your health.

Don't believe the myth that horse meat isn't tasty meat. This dietary product has an unusual spicy taste. If cooked correctly, it will be a delicious and healthy dish.

Horse meat is called horse meat, which is eaten. Usually they eat the meat of young horses or slightly grown foals. Whereas horse meat is not used, since it is characterized by rigidity, unpleasant taste and specific aroma. However, even the most "correct" horse meat itself is a dish for everyone's taste. This is a rather tough product with an unusual taste for the average Russian, therefore it is more often added to sausage or minced meat.

For the meat to be edible, the horse must move a lot in the pasture. Stable development is allowed for no longer than two months, which makes horse meat production difficult and costly. Therefore, the product remains a gourmet delicacy.

When cooking, the meat must be boiled for at least two hours. To add tenderness, the horse meat is pre-marinated, and during the heat treatment, herbs, spices, sauces or sour cream are added.

Horse meat is not popular in Russia due to historical peculiarities: our ancestors led a sedentary life. Today, in some republics it is a familiar product, while in other regions it is used only for beer snacks.

It is a traditional food of nomadic peoples. For a long time, horse meat has been a key component of the diet of the Mongol and Turkic tribes. Nomadic peoples boiled, stewed and roasted horse meat, prepared in dried and salted forms, made different types of sausages.

In Japan, there was no place for pastures, so there this meat was considered a delicacy for many centuries. In Germany and France, horse meat is added to sausages and sausages.

Don't eat: Indians and Brazilians, Gypsies, Americans and Irish. But here it is not so much a matter of taste as in the relation of national cultures to horses. For religious reasons, Jews and Arabs do not eat this product.

The myth that horse meat tastes disgusting is very tenacious. This is due to several reasons.

  • The meat of middle-aged horses, indeed, does not have a very pleasant taste.
  • Napoleonic soldiers starved during the retreat, and therefore ate the meat of fallen animals. It is obvious that such a product was initially flawed. In addition, gunpowder added "piquancy", which was used instead of salt and spices. It is possible that the French soldiers hated this "delicacy" so much that the myth of the inedibility of horse meat was entrenched in the mass consciousness for centuries.

Nevertheless, today in Russia they are beginning to appreciate it. This was also facilitated by the well-known Sergei Lukyanenko, who in one of the stories spoke in detail and appetizingly about the taste, benefits and rules of using this meat.

The nutritional value

100 g of boiled horse meat contains about 189 kcal, almost 20 g of protein and 10 g of fat. It contains approximately 70% water, and therefore it is easily absorbed. But when fried, it becomes very fatty, tough and high-calorie - up to 234 kcal per 100 g.

It is an excellent source of protein. Protein from horse meat is better absorbed than obtained from other types.

The real record holder for the amount of molybdenum contained in it. Also present: potassium and sodium, phosphorus and iron, sulfur and cobalt, copper and magnesium. There are many amino acids and various B vitamins, as well as thiamine and riboflavin, vitamins A, PP and E.

What benefits does

This meat is not very popular, although it has a lot of useful properties.

  • When cold, it gives a warming effect, which can be taken into service in the winter.
  • Almost never causes allergies.
  • When boiled, it is a dietary product and is perfectly digestible.
  • Saturates the human body with amino acids.
  • Improves the digestive tract.
  • Regular use has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes.
  • Gives an anti-sclerotic effect.
  • Horse fat has choleretic properties and is healthier than beef or.
  • Helps fight the harmful effects of radiation - a fact proven by scientists.
  • Doctors note the effectiveness of the product in the prevention of iron deficiency anemia.

Some scientists argue that the benefits of horse meat are superior to those of beef or pork.

With proper heat treatment, such meat can be consumed by children and the elderly.

Is it possible to lose weight

This is a dietary product that is included in the diet of debilitated patients, including those suffering from liver and gallbladder diseases. The beneficial properties of horse meat help you lose a little weight without much suffering and hunger strikes.

One of the options for the horsemeat diet:

  1. For breakfast, eat 200 g of boiled horse meat, porridge and unsweetened tea.
  2. For lunch, prepare 300 g of horse meat goulash, celery, tomatoes, carrots and onions. Drink goulash with natural juice from your favorite fruits.
  3. Have dinner with vegetable salad with the addition of 100 g of boiled meat, and wash it all down with unsweetened tea.
  4. Before going to bed, drink a glass of any fermented milk product, for example, the benefits of which we have already talked about.

For breakfast, you can cook any cereal, but without adding milk. For dinner, you can serve not only vegetable salad, but boiled or fresh vegetables. It is also advisable to drink herbal infusions and take vitamins.

To lose up to 5 kg, you need to adhere to such a diet for 10 days.

What harm can be

Horse meat harm is limited to the following cases.

  • It is better to pour the broth after cooking the meat, as it can cause indigestion.
  • When fried, it often causes nausea and heaviness in the abdominal region, so you should only eat boiled.
  • Horse meat can be contaminated with Trichinella and Salmonella. Therefore, do not buy the product from dubious sellers.

Horse meat must be thoroughly heat treated before being eaten. Then it will not cause any harm to your health.

How to choose and how to store?

Horse meat is similar to beef but has a darker color. Choose a piece that is firm and firm to the touch - these are signs of freshness. The surface should be slightly shiny and slightly damp.

But pay attention: if you attach a napkin to good meat, it should remain dry, without wet spots.

Horse meat is yellowish in color. It should be soft and melt easily even in your hands. Optimally, if the fat is almost white, it means that you have foal meat in front of you.

This product is very capricious, so it cannot be stored for a long time. It is not worth freezing, as the meat loses its taste and useful properties.

If you bought a lot of horse meat, do not put it in the refrigerator, but rather make blanks. Homemade stew made from this meat has an excellent taste, is perfectly stored and saturates the body for a long time.

Culinary reference

Horse meat is stewed, fried. Vegetable goulash, steaks, cutlets, homemade sausages and sausages, stew are made from it.

Basically, the national horse meat dishes are similar: they are pieces of meat, a large amount of broth and some vegetables.

  • You can also cook something more exotic, for example beshbarmak (or besbarmak), which is a piece of chopped boiled meat with noodles.
  • It is not difficult to reproduce the recipe with the name "Kyzdyrma" on your own. In addition to the main ingredient, it also includes potato plates, onion rings, peppers and aromatic herbs.
  • One of the most revered and delicious dishes is the Tatar azu. Consists of horse meat, chopped into small bars, a large amount of broth, fried potatoes, tomatoes, pickles and spices.

The meat must be marinated, and not in herbs and peppers, but in a more effective marinade. You can use vinegar, lots of onions, wine, mayonnaise, mustard. If you decide to boil horse meat, keep it in boiling water for at least two hours. It is also desirable to simmer for several hours. The longer, the more tender the dish will turn out.

The product is combined with:

  • onions;
  • spices;
  • herbs;
  • tomatoes;
  • carrots;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • potatoes;
  • turnip.

Connoisseurs of oriental cuisine like to serve chilled horse meat with onions and salt. It is believed that it is not so tasty when it is warm.

As you can see, preparing horse meat dishes is not that difficult, you just have to spend a little more time than usual.

There are many versions about the special temperament of southern men: the sun inspires them, and the mountain or steppe air contributes to the production of testosterone, and genetics contributes to this. However, another important component is overlooked - the nutritional system. In Central Asia, many republics of the North Caucasus, Mongolia and Turkey, the Middle East for most men - the most valuable and most preferred meat ... no, not mutton - horse meat. Nomadic peoples have been eating it for centuries (in most cases, it was the only available meat and, in general, the only food source in long hikes and nomads).

In Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, horse sausage (kazy) is still cooked by hand. Sausage prepared in this way is preferred by many Tatar families on big holidays. In Tatar villages, kazy are also made at home. As a rule, the whole family is involved in the process. Men slaughter an animal, women and children process the intestines for the casing and make sausages directly. Kazy can be cooked dry-cured, smoked or boiled, depending on preference and recipe.

There are such types of sausages as mahan, kyzylik, sudjuk. The latter is especially common in Azerbaijan and Turkey. It has a second name - tutyrma. Her recipe has many specific features.

For all types of horse sausage, there is one indispensable condition - the use of only a natural product in the preparation. Only in this case can we talk about its beneficial properties. And about them - just do not add up legends.

Not only Asians, but also Europeans knew about the benefits of this meat. So, the ancient Germanic tribes of the Teutons in the second century BC experienced the health benefits of horse meat. It is no coincidence that among the Teutons it was served during occult ceremonies. Men have long understood that horse meat allows them to remain sexually active for a long time.

In the 19th century, the Russian hygienist Grigory Arkhangelsky, who devoted his scientific works to nutrition, considered horse meat an invaluable medicine for saving the lives of patients. Traditional healers with the help of horse meat and fat treated frostbite and bruises, dislocations and otitis media. Well-cooked horse meat restores digestion, cleans blood vessels. Everyone's favorite horse sausage has the same properties as meat.

In a popular TV show about health today, presenter Elena Malysheva says that horse meat contains such useful substances and trace elements as potassium, sodium, phosphorus, copper, iron, magnesium, thiamine, riboflavin, sulfur, vitamins A, B, E, PP. Most of them are invaluable for male strength. So, iron is involved in hematopoiesis, and the rush of blood always has a beneficial effect on the potency of men.

Horse meat products contain up to 35 percent protein, as well as a huge amount of amino acids. It is the latter that are involved in the production of hormones, including male - testosterone.

Nutritionist Lyudmila Denisenko speaks about such invaluable properties of this meat as choleretic effect, restoration of liver function. Horse meat and products from it are an effective means of preventing atherosclerosis, they perfectly clean blood vessels and lower cholesterol levels.

Those who constantly feast on horse meat sausage are reliably protected from such scourge as muscle dystrophy. But obese people can also indulge in this delicacy, since, according to the doctor, a diet based on horse meat products helps to lose five kilograms in a couple of weeks, with no health risk. Few people know that horse fat, which is added in large quantities to horse sausage, occupies an intermediate position in composition between vegetable and animal fats.

Men engaged in hazardous work associated with radiation should intensively eat horse meat, as it restores the immune system and prevents the development of cancer.

It is also important that due to its unique properties, horse meat is absorbed eight times faster than, for example, beef. The latter is digested by the body for 24 hours, and horse meat is only three. Consequently, after eating horse meat, a person does not feel heaviness, as after the usual varieties of meat, he is much more cheerful and energetic, since the body does not have to spend enormous efforts during the day to digest food, Elena Malysheva is sure. For men who keep themselves in good shape, this is a very valuable quality.

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