Auspicious days shred cabbage. How and when to salt cabbage

13.10.2019 Grill menu

For a long time, sauerkraut was considered one of the most popular and widespread snacks in Russia. It was served both for ceremonial events and for everyday feasts. Nowadays, this dish is also in great demand. From year to year, housewives harvest a large amount of sauerkraut, using a traditional or their own recipe.

In order to properly prepare this dish, it is important to fulfill all the salting conditions. You should find the right forks, observe the correct proportions of all ingredients, and most importantly, choose an auspicious day for pickling. The last parameter for fermentation has long been attached great importance... There are many rules and rules to help you determine the right days to cook this dish. Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

Favorable days for salting cabbage

Lunar salting

There is no scientific basis for the influence of the lunar phase on the taste and quality of sauerkraut. Our ancestors hardly waited for the exact date of the calendar in order to prepare a delicious snack. However, observing the lunar calendar during cooking really makes this dish several times tastier.

The best time for salting is considered to be the day or the third, sixth day after the new moon cycle. For fermentation, on the contrary, it is better wait for the waning moon phase... Astrologers have calculated that the coincidence of the position of the Earth's satellite with specific signs of the zodiac: Capricorn, Leo, Aries, Sagittarius and Taurus - ensures long storage and excellent taste of the product. You need to start using sauerkraut on the days of the same position of the moon. And also there is a belief, based on which, you need to salt on the tenth day after the first frost. As a rule, these days fall on October, November and December, the starting point can be considered the holiday of the Protection of the Mother of God.

The lunar calendar also provides days on which it is not recommended to salt or ferment any foods. Unfavorable times for cooking include: full moon; days in the position of the moon under the signs of Virgo, Cancer or Pisces; the first day after frost.

Other folk omens for salting cabbage

In addition to taking into account the lunar cycle when fermenting this product, people often use other signs. According to popular beliefs, all days of the week are divided into male and female. For men include - Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, and for women - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Sunday is considered a neutral day, not belonging to any group. It is customary to do pickling and pickling of cabbage on men's days or on Sunday.

To prepare the perfect salted and sauerkraut, it's not enough just to take into account the phase of the moon and folk signs. The taste and appearance of the cooked product depends on the quality of the main ingredient and the recipe used.

How to choose the right cabbage?

When choosing cabbage for salting, you should use the following recommendations:

  • The forks should be tight, tight.
  • The head of cabbage is oval and slightly flattened
  • The best varieties are late-ripening, they are the most dense and juicy
  • Dutch and Chinese cabbage varieties are unacceptable because their leaves do not have the desired texture
  • A product from your own garden is the best option. When making a purchase in the market or in a store, you cannot be completely sure that there are no chemicals in the product. Excessive nitrate content will affect the fermentation and taste of the product.
  • Before salting, you should try the cabbage. The taste should be typical sweetish. A bitter or other taste should alert you.
  • The fork must be intact. Loose and dark leaves indicate poor quality.

Traditional sauerkraut recipe

There are a huge number of recipes for sauerkraut and salted cabbage, from traditional options with few ingredients to exotic with hot spices or lingonberries... Depending on tastes and preferences, you can choose the optimal recipe. Housewives who regularly deal with salting have their own proven recipes for this dish. But if you want to get excellent results the very first time, it is better to use a simple proven recipe.

For cooking you will need:

Prepared cabbage should be finely chopped using a special knife. Chop the peeled carrots on a coarse grater. Place all prepared vegetables in a large container: an enamel pot or bowl. A mixture of cabbage and carrots cover with salt and mix well... When stirring, it is important to mechanically act with your hands on the cabbage. Such actions provoke the release of juice, which in the future will be a brine.

Put a load on a container with a snack, for example, a three-liter jar filled with water. Place in a cool, dark place.

Observe the lunar calendar and signs for the preparation of this snack, or not, each housewife can decide for herself. But adherence to all the rules for preparing a dish affects the final result already because strength, desire and time are invested in it.

Many housewives spend a lot of time and effort preparing blanks for the winter. And, of course, it can be very annoying when such dishes fail. One has only to deviate a little from the recipe or accidentally use products of not high enough quality, as all the work goes down the drain. But in order for the blanks to be really successful, tasty and stored for a long time, it is worth not only preparing them in accordance with the recipe and from high-quality products, but also at a certain time of the month, in accordance with the lunar calendar. Let's clarify when you need to ferment cabbage according to the lunar calendar?

For a long time people have information that the moon and lunar phases have a direct impact on a person and his life. Therefore, the lunar calendar is used in solving many everyday issues, including when preparing blanks for the winter.

Housewives have long noticed that cabbage fermented on a full moon turns out to be tasteless and / or quickly deteriorates. It can become soft and too sour, and even mold.

According to the lunar calendar, you should not ferment cabbage on the days of the full moon, as well as during the passage of the moon according to such signs of the zodiac as Cancer, Pisces and Virgo.

An excellent time for fermentation will be the days of the growing moon, namely the period on and after the new moon. It is also worth doing such a preparation when the moon passes through such signs of the zodiac as Aries, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius and Capricorn. Such cabbage has a much better chance of becoming very tasty, aromatic and crispy, and also has a long shelf life.

What is the lunar date to ferment cabbage?

In November 2016, you can ferment cabbage in the first days - from the first to the eighth of November. After the moon enters the sign of Pisces, it is better not to proceed with the blanks. But already on the eleventh, the moon enters the sign of Aries, so you can ferment cabbage up to the thirteenth, inclusive.

On the twenty-ninth of November, a new phase of the moon begins, that is, the very next day you can start sourdough cabbage. The favorable period lasts until December 5 inclusive, and the next day the moon enters the sign of Pisces, that is, it is better to abstain from leaven until December 9 and continue until December 13 inclusive.

Thus, you can calculate the dates you need for home canning in any month and in any year. You just need to know that one period of complete change of the phases of the moon takes about twenty-nine to thirty days. The first lunar phase - the waxing moon - lasts fourteen days.

For example, in September 2017, it is best to do cabbage sourdough in the first days - from the first to the fourth. On September 5th, the moon enters the Pisces phase, which is considered not a very suitable time for homework. You can also ferment cabbage from September twenty-first (when the moon enters a new full phase) and until October second (until the moon enters the Pisces phase). The next favorable period for procurement begins on the twentieth of October and lasts through the twenty-ninth of October inclusive. Several favorable days will be at the beginning of November - from the first to the third, and closer to the end of this month - from the nineteenth to the twenty-fifth, and from the twenty-ninth November to the second of December inclusive. Also in 2017, you can do sauerkraut closer to the New Year - from the nineteenth to the twenty-third of December, and then from the twenty-sixth to the thirty-first.

In September 2018, it is best to ferment cabbage from the tenth to the twenty-second. In October: tenth to nineteenth, and twenty-second to twenty-fourth. Further, the optimal dates for sauerkraut will be November 8-15, and November 19-22. In December, such blanks should be dealt with from the eighth to the thirteenth, as well as from the sixteenth to the twenty-first.

Still when to ferment cabbage according to the lunar calendar?

If you look at the fall of 2020, the best dates for sourdough cabbage are September 18-28, October 17-26, November 16-21, and November 25-29. You can also practice sauerkraut in December 2020 - from the fifteenth to the nineteenth, and from the twenty-second to the twenty-eighth.

In the fall of 2025, it is worthwhile to deal with blanks from September 1 to 6, from September 22 to October 3, from October 22 to October 31, from November 21 to November 27, as well as from November 30 to December 4. Also, sauerkraut will be successful from December twenty-first to December twenty-fourth, and from December twenty-seventh to December thirty-first, inclusive.

If you look at the fall of 2030, it is best to ferment cabbage from September 1 to September 9, from September 28 to October 6, from October 27 to November 3, and from November 6 to November 9. Also, an excellent time for sauerkraut will be the period from November twenty-sixth to November thirtieth, from December third to December ninth, from December twenty-fifth to twenty-seventh.

So, every month there are several favorable days for making homemade sauerkraut. And nothing will prevent you from trusting the experience of your ancestors and the influence of the moon, and preparing a really tasty preparation.

Cabbage is one of the healthiest vegetables around. It contains a large amount of fiber, vitamins of groups A, B, E, P, and in terms of vitamin C content, it can compete with lemon! Have you noticed that as soon as autumn comes, the body immediately "requires" sauerkraut?

And all because he understands that it is simply necessary to stock up on vitamins for the winter. Interestingly, in Russia, on October 8, they celebrated the holiday of Sergei the skit.

On this day, the hostesses fermented cabbage, and told all sorts of stories. Today, no one celebrates this holiday and the sourdough process is completely different, but nevertheless, it is important to know exactly when it is worth knowing - when sauerkraut is sauteed for the winter.

Before you start fermenting cabbage for the winter, you need to choose the right head of cabbage. Since the days of Russia, hostesses have approached this occupation with special responsibility.

It is recommended to take a head of cabbage not large (medium size), white or greenish, round, firm and juicy. The vegetable must have the optimal amount of sugar for the fermentation and souring process to be successful. This condition is met by cabbage varieties that ripen late.

Never use cabbage for starter that has ripened too early - it is not crispy and spoils quickly.

Make sure that the cabbage leaves are not damaged, they are not gnawed by insects, there should be no rot either. This does not mean that if there is one hole on the head of cabbage, it is not suitable for leavening cabbage for the winter.

Simply, remove it and don't use it in your starter culture. See also what cabbage is good for - its beneficial properties and vitamins for health.

Mid-season cabbage varieties begin to ferment in September. But you need to store such a workpiece only in a cold place.
Late-ripening varieties by the end of October, as a rule, already "reach" and become completely ready for fermentation.

For this purpose, you can even use heads of cabbage, slightly tackled by the first frosts. They will not be stored, but for fermentation - that's it!

It is believed that the Moon affects the quality and shelf life of sauerkraut. There are complex calculations for the phases of the moon and the signs of the zodiac. And here the lunar calendars come to the aid of the hostesses. Let's look at the dates in two of them.

The lunar calendar from the magazine "My beautiful dacha", which we regularly subscribe, says:
In October 2017, sauerkraut is best served on October 10
But on October 15, you cannot ferment cabbage.
October 12 is a good day for picking cabbage.
October 25 is designated in the calendar as "Cabbage Day!"

The lunar calendar on the Fermilon website states that:
In October 2017, the dates from October 22 to October 27 are considered auspicious days for pickling cabbage, and October 27 is the best day!
In November, you can also ferment cabbage, and it is better to do it from November 1 to 3, from November 21 to 23 and from November 29 to 30. And the most favorable time for this is November 22!
In December, we will ferment from the 26th to the 29th.
Days of the week when to ferment cabbage:
In fermentation, you can also focus on the days of the week. It is believed that cabbage cooked on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) will amaze with its taste and will be stored for a long time.

GURI CABBAGE (Caucasian cuisine)

White cabbage - 3 kg; beets - 500 g; wine vinegar (red) - 2 tbsp l .; sugar - 3 tbsp. l .; coriander seeds - 1 tbsp l .; black peppercorns - 10 pcs.; cloves - 10 pcs.; salt - 1 tbsp. l.

Cut the cabbage into 6-8 parts without cutting the stalk.

Peel and cut the beets into thin circles.

Sterilize the 3-liter jar. Lay cabbage and beets in layers.

Put salt, sugar, vinegar, coriander, pepper and cloves in a saucepan for 1 liter of water. Bring to a boil, pour the hot marinade over the cabbage.

Keep at room temperature for 5 days.

Then store in a cool, dark place, refrigerator.

For those who like it sharper, put 1-2 hot red peppers in a jar, cut in half lengthwise.


For a 3-liter jar: cabbage - 3 kg; carrots - 2 medium; salt - 70 g; bay leaf - 10 pcs.; black peppercorns - 10 pcs.

My cabbage and carrots. Shred the cabbage, and rub the carrots on a coarse grater.

Mix cabbage and carrots, add salt. It should be slightly saltier than usual in a salad, so when you add salt, taste the cabbage.

Add bay leaves and peppercorns and stir again.

It is good to rub everything with your hands and tamp it into a jar, very tightly - with a fist or a crush (each layer), the jar should be filled to the very top.

We put the jar of cabbage in a deep plate and leave it on the table for three to four days. Cabbage wanders at a temperature of about 20 - 21 0С.

Once or twice a day, you need to pierce the cabbage in several places to the very bottom in order to release the accumulated gas (if you do not do this, the cabbage will taste bitter). You can pierce with a long knife or a wooden stick.

The jar must be covered with a lid! (but not completely closed).

After 3-4 days, close the jar of cabbage with a nylon lid and put it in the refrigerator. In the cold, the fermentation process will end.


Chop 2 kg of fresh cabbage, grate 3-4 carrots on a coarse grater, chop 4 large winter garlic cloves.

Pour a little cooled marinade: for 1 liter of water - 1/2 cup of sugar, 2 tablespoons of coarse salt with a slide, 10 pieces of peppercorns, 5 cloves, 4 pcs. bay leaf - boil for 10 minutes, add 1/2 cup vegetable oil and 1/2 cup 9% vinegar.

Press down with oppression until it cools completely, transfer to a 3-liter jar and put in the refrigerator for a day. Then the cabbage is ready to eat. In the refrigerator, it is well stored under a regular lid, but it does not need it -)


  • 2 kg of slaw white cabbage;
  • 1.5 kg of grated carrots;
  • 350 g of onions, cut into rings and half rings;
  • 150-200 g of peeled garlic;
  • 125 g sugar; 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 250 ml of 9% vinegar (or 175 ml of water + 75 ml of 70% vinegar essence;
  • 250 ml of vegetable oil; 1.5 tsp red pepper;
  • 2 tsp ground black pepper;
  • 4 tsp ground coriander;
  • If desired, you can also add spices to your taste, for example, cardamom, dried basil, turmeric, ginger, ground bay leaf.

Store all chopped vegetables in a large bowl, squeeze out the garlic, sprinkle with salt and sugar, pour over with oil and vinegar, add spices. And mix gently with handles, but do not wrinkle! Next, lay out the salad in clean jars, close with plastic lids and leave for a day at room temperature.

Do not eat the remnants of the salad right away !!! The cabbage in the jars will dry out the next day and you will need to add a little to each container.

Then put it in a cold place.


2 kg of cabbage; 400 g carrots; 4 cloves of garlic; you can add apple, beets

Marinade: 150 ml. oils; 150 ml of 9% vinegar; 100 grams of sugar; 2 tbsp salt; 3 pcs. bay leaf; 5-6 peas of black pepper; 0.5 l of water.

Chop everything, grate the carrots, cut the garlic into slices. Place tightly in a jar.

Combine all components for the marinade and boil for 5 minutes. Pour the boiling marinade over the cabbage.

Ready in the morning!


Cabbage; Bell pepper; cucumbers; tomatoes; onion; parsley - proportions "by eye and by tooth"

For filling: for 2 liters of water - 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 6 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, peppercorns, cloves, bay leaves, acetic acid for 1 can (0.7 - 1 l) - 1 / 3-1 / 2 tsp.

All vegetables are thoroughly washed. We chop the cabbage, peel the cucumbers and cut them into circles 7-8 mm thick, tomatoes - make a cross-shaped incision, pour over with boiling water and peel them. Then cut into thick circles.

Free the pepper from seeds and cut it into rings or wide strips, depending on the size of the fruit.

Cut the onion into thick circles and disassemble it into rings.

Put a sprig of parsley on the bottom of the sterilized jars, and then lay the vegetables in layers in random order, alternating colors.

Prepare the filling: dissolve sugar and salt in water, put spices (everything except vinegar), boil for 5 minutes and fill the jars.

After that, we twist the jars, after pouring in the acetic acid, turn them over on the lid and cover them with something warm (a blanket, a blanket in several folds) for additional self-sterilization.

Dozens of delicious dishes can be prepared from sauerkraut, but it is also good in itself as a snack that increases appetite and normalizes digestion. Bon Appetit!

At the beginning of the active season of pickling and pickling cabbage, I decided to discuss one very topical issue. It causes heated debate among experienced housewives. Therefore, today we will discuss when to salt cabbage in October 2017.

It is October that is the first month when I usually start to pickle it. This vitamin yummy is indispensable in autumn and winter. Crispy, fragrant, drizzled with fragrant oil! How delicious it is, you will lick your fingers!

You have probably noticed that once salting is successful for you one hundred percent. It crunches, keeps well, the brine does not stretch. And next time it disappoints you, although it is prepared according to the same recipe. It turns out soft, does not crunch, and the brine lasts. Why it happens? What is the reason, and what should be done so that the salting always succeeds? Let's turn to the old grandmother's methods. And let's try to explain them in a modern way.

When to ferment cabbage in October 2017 according to the lunar calendar

The best month for preparing a popular dish is October. What are the best days for the pickling to work well and to be crispy? For this we need a lunar calendar. You can now buy it without any problems at any kiosk or bookstore. As a last resort, the Internet will always help out :).

Our grandmothers did not use lunar calendars. But their salting was always successful. What's the secret? They just knew that salting cabbage or cucumbers in barrels for the winter can be on the growing moon. We have the opportunity to use the lunar calendar, so let's write out all the favorable October days of 2017 according to the lunar calendar.

Auspicious days in October

  • 1st, 2nd and 3rd October
  • October 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30

I am sure that these days will be enough for you to salt the crispy cabbage to your heart's content.

When to salt cabbage in November 2017 according to the lunar calendar

In November, cabbage is best salted at the end of the month.

  • From 19 to 30 November, the most favorable days for salting.

Both October and November include enough days when you can safely ferment cabbage.

How to choose cabbage for pickling

This is a very important point, because using summer varieties does not give a good result.
In other words, buy autumn mid and late cabbages. The owners of garden plots have the opportunity to plant the desired varieties in the garden. The buyers in the bazaar have to take the sellers' word for it. Watch carefully so that the vegetables are not rotten. The head of cabbage should be firm to the touch and not frozen. Loose specimens are not suitable for salting.

How to cut correctly

For proper cutting, use special knives or graters. With their help, you will finely chop the cabbage, it will ferment perfectly and will look delicious. The thinner you cut it, the better.

Tip: Carrots are best chopped thinly or grated on a Korean grater. An ordinary grater is not suitable for this purpose, the color of the finished product may turn reddish.

Pickling cabbage for the winter at home - how much salt

This important question worries every housewife. Why, you ask? Because if you put a little salt, there will be such a nuisance as the "viscousness of the brine". If you put the salt over the norm, the finished product will not want to eat. There is a rule of salt norms, remember and use!

  • For a kilogram of cabbage already chopped, you will need exactly 20 grams of ordinary rock salt. Accordingly, for 10 kg of chopped mass, 200 grams of salt will be required. Always use a kitchen scale for accuracy.

Tip: Always use regular coarse rock salt. It is better to give up iodized sea salt right away.

Delicious additives you can use

The classic recipe does not involve any additives. Many hobbyists can add the following additives for a variety of flavors.

  1. Apples - thinly sliced
  2. Cranberries
  3. Beetroot
  4. Lingonberry
  5. Prunes
  6. Red bell pepper

The main thing is not to overdo it, everything should be in moderation. I told you about the secrets of salting and cooking. You just have to use them in practice and please your homemade yummy.

On the site you will find a recipe, use it to your health. Send in the comments your recipes and secrets of successful salting. Come to new recipes, I'm always glad!

Discussion: 5 comments

  1. Interestingly, but earlier, in the old days, they also salted cabbage, focusing on the lunar calendar? It seems to me that there were some signs, dates, and not a calendar.

    To answer

Sauerkraut is a traditional dish in Russia, so the question of how and when to ferment cabbage in 2019 is of interest to many lovers of Russian cuisine. And to make the dish as tasty and healthy as possible, you can focus on the lunar calendar. After all, it has long been noted that the phases of the moon affect not only the growth and development of plants, but also their culinary properties.

Useful properties of sauerkraut

For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that sauerkraut is not a primordially Russian dish. In Russia, it appeared thanks to the neighbors from the east - the Chinese and Koreans. They were the first to notice the property of cabbage becoming much healthier after salting. It is documented that such a dish was also fed to workers at the construction of the Great Wall of China. From there, this wonderful way of harvesting this wonderful vegetable for future use came to us.

There are quite a few recipes for salting cabbage. In Russia, carrots, cranberries, apples, and cumin are traditionally used in recipes. This dish is no less popular in other European countries, for example, in Germany, where stewed sauerkraut is used as a side dish for pork legs and is a national dish.

The beneficial properties of sauerkraut have been noticed for a long time. They are primarily due to the vitamins included in its composition. There is especially a lot of vitamin C in it, only 100 g of the dish contain 70 mg of ascorbic acid, and this is the daily norm of an adult. In addition, it includes:

  • vitamins A, E, B1 and B2, P, K;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium.

Sauerkraut contains pectins, fiber, organic acids. Such a unique composition makes this dish an excellent remedy that removes intoxication, stimulates digestion and metabolic processes. At the same time, its calorie content is only 23 kcal per 100 g of product, which makes it a dietary dish.

Cabbage selection rules

In order not to get a soggy mess instead of a juicy crispy snack, you need to choose the right variety for pickling. Not all varieties are suitable for this purpose. Completely exclude early cabbage, which has a loose head of cabbage and is completely unsuitable for pickling. Choose medium-late and late varieties with a dense, well-formed head of cabbage.

The following varieties are good options for making sauerkraut:

  • Valentine.
  • Geneva.
  • Anniversary.
  • Aggressor.
  • Moscow late.
  • Kharkov winter.

The first four varieties on this list are hybrid varieties specifically designed for long-term storage. When choosing a material for pickling and pickling, you should pay attention to the hardness and elasticity of the heads.

Important! For pickling, you need to use only white cabbage.

The influence of the moon on the workpiece

The result of pickling cabbage is influenced by many factors, including the phases of the moon. It is believed that it is not worth preserving on the waning moon, the taste of the blanks will be far from ideal. You shouldn't do this during a full or minimum moon. At this time, the activity of microorganisms, due to which the cabbage is fermented, is at the minimum and maximum level. But on the 5-7th day after the new moon - the best time to make sauerkraut.

Sour cabbage according to the lunar calendar

The lunar cycle lasts 28 days, so in any month of the year there is a period of most favorable conditions for pickling cabbage. Their own harvest usually begins to be salted after the holiday of the Intercession (October 14), but gardeners do not always immediately process the entire harvest.

Late varieties of this vegetable can be well kept fresh until spring, so you can start pickling and pickling cabbage later, at any suitable time.


The first half of January 2019 falls on the waning moon and is not suitable for cooking sauerkraut. After the new moon on January 17, the moon will begin to grow, so the period from January 20 to 25 is the most suitable. Salted cabbage at this time will be crispy, appetizing and retain its beneficial properties for a long time.


At the end of winter, the body is in dire need of vitamins as never before. Lack of greenery and sunlight contributes to depression, and crispy sauerkraut will help to cope with it. It is not worth taking on its preparation in the first half of the month - the waning moon does not contribute to the creation of culinary masterpieces. But the period from 18 to 22 February in the waxing moon phase is well suited for salting this vegetable.

Pickling cabbage during this time period has another big plus. The moon at this time will be in the constellations of Aries and Taurus, which will improve the taste of the preparations. And fresh cabbage juice will be especially useful for all those who celebrate the holiday well on February 23, as it is one of the most effective means of fighting a hangover.


If there are stocks of fresh cabbage from last year left in the fall, it's time to process them now. Rising temperatures will soon cause the heads of cabbage to wilt or spoil. The new moon this month falls on March 17, so it is better to use the period from March 20 to 26 for salting. At this time, the growing moon will be in the signs of Aries and Taurus, and this contributes to the good quality of the blanks.


By April, the harvest of last year, as a rule, does not remain. Therefore, there is only one way out - to buy fresh white cabbage in a store or in the market. And salting this month is best from 19 to 25.


The new moon in May 2019 falls on the 15th. From the beginning of the month to the middle of the month, it is better not to deal with blanks. But the period from May 17 to May 22 is the most suitable for salting.


June is the time when vegetables of the new harvest begin to appear on the shelves. However, they are not suitable for salting. It is good to use early vegetables fresh, in salads, slices, however, when canning, they will simply creep into porridge. And even the most successful period of the month for this (June 16–20) is unlikely to improve the result.


Summer is not the best time to preserve vegetables. Other sources of vitamins are sufficient during this time. The best time for blanks is the period from 15 to 21 July.


In August, freshly harvested early cabbage is just beginning to appear on the shelves. It can be salted, but in small amounts for quick use. Unfortunately, it is not suitable for long-term storage and fermentation. The first decade of the month passes under the sign of the waning moon, so this period is not suitable for blanks. But from 14 to 20 August is the best time to do home canning.


Mid-season varieties that ripen in September can already be used for salting and storage. The new moon this month falls on the 9th, so it is not recommended to work on harvesting before this time. The optimal time for this is from 12 to 18 September. It is still too early to make canned cabbage for long-term storage at this time, but for quick use - just right.


The best time for pickling and pickling cabbage for future use begins in October. At this time, late varieties ripen, the most resistant to long-term storage and processing. October 10-16 is the best time for pickling cabbage, but if necessary, you can do this until the 20th. The moon at this time is in the growth phase, so the blanks will turn out to be useful, nutritious and will be well stored.


November is a great time to pickle cabbage for winter storage. At this time, many agricultural enterprises offer their products at the lowest prices, which you should definitely take advantage of when there is a shortage of your own crop. Cabbage at this time is ripe and juicy, and the amount of sugar in it is optimal for fermentation. The optimal days for salting cabbage in November is from the 9th to the 15th.


December is a good time to get busy with stockpiling. 2-3 days after the new moon on December 7, you can start processing the crop, if it still remains. You can do this until the end of the second decade of December.

And the result of the work can be fully appreciated already during the New Year holidays.

A video on how to ferment cabbage according to the lunar calendar can be viewed below.

When to cut cabbage

In the middle lane, mid-season cabbage varieties begin to be removed from the garden in September, and late ones - in mid-October. By this time, the heads of cabbage are fully ripe. It is imperative to leave the integumentary leaves and the stalk 3–5 cm long. The leaves will save the head of cabbage from damage during transportation, and it is very convenient to hang the heads of cabbage by the stump for storage.

When harvesting cabbage, you can be guided by the lunar calendar. Harvesting is best on the waning moon. It is good if, at the same time, it is in the constellations of Sagittarius, Leo or Aries, but if the Moon is in the constellation of Virgo, it is better to wait with cleaning.


By what recipe and when to ferment cabbage in 2019 - each gardener decides for himself. In this case, the lunar calendar is not a dogma, it only helps to choose the right time when the blanks will be as tasty and healthy as possible.