How to make vanilla sugar from vanillin proportions. What is vanilla sugar

03.03.2020 Buffet table

Vanilla dark brown pods with a memorable aroma, this is the fruit of a tropical liana. A bright yellow, white or cream-colored flower only takes a day to smell. If there is a pollination process, then a fruit is formed from the ovary.

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It is a 10-30 cm long pod filled with small black seeds. Essential oils, which are found only in beans, give a bright specific aroma.

How to use vanilla pods, it's a whimsical spice like a beautiful woman

The article is devoted to how to properly use vanilla pods and fully experience the divine aroma of a tropical spice. The scent of vanilla helps to relax and calm down. But the sweet scent is deceiving. In fact, the seeds taste bitter.

For this reason, the spice is used in small quantities. For one serving 200 gr. only one-twentieth of the length of the pod is used. For 1 kg of product, no more than a quarter is required. If you do not follow the recipe, the dish will turn out to be bitter.

How to use vanilla pods

  • Prepare the extract
  • Make vanilla sugar yourself
  • Add to sauce or dessert
  • Make gourmet ice cream with a romantic flavor
  • Add flavor to pudding, soufflé, compote, mousse, jam
  • Add to baked goods, cookies, biscuits, cream, dough
  • Drink with vanilla
  • Flavor milk

Cutting the vanilla pod correctly

The vanilla bean is filled with small black seeds. Ripe seeds are odorless. For this reason, vanilla is harvested when the pods are unripe and processed. Ready to use, they are brown, almost black in color.

The natural pod is cut lengthwise with a sharp knife and the seeds are scraped out. Small pods are allowed not to be scraped. To add to dough or desserts, vanilla is mixed with powdered sugar. To do this, a small amount of seeds are ground into powder in a mortar with powdered sugar. For a 200 g serving. it will take about 0.5-1 cm from the entire length of the bean.

  1. Cut the pod in half lengthwise.
  2. Use a knife to scrape off the greasy seeds you will be using for the recipe.
  3. Save leftover seeds in a container for later use.
  4. Do not discard pods without seeds.
  5. Dry them and use them for flavoring, or for making vanilla sugar.
  6. To do this, grind in a blender with sugar, grind finely.
  7. Use this sugar in any recipe, add to tea, coffee, cocoa.
  8. Instead of scraping the seeds, you can cut the pod with the peel into pieces and add to the dish.

How to add vanilla sugar to a finished dish or dough

Rich harvest of vanilla on the island of Madagascar.

The seeds pounded with sugar are introduced into the finished dish as follows:

  • Add to the dough at the very last moment before heat treatment.
  • Cold food immediately after cooking at the end of the process. Sauces, mousses, puddings.
  • In compotes, jam at the last stage of cooking, when the dish is almost ready.

Pure Vanilla Extract - Gourmet Only

High quality vanilla extract contains over 20% bean extract, free of sugar, gluten and other additives. It contains only alcohol and vanilla. Natural extract is not difficult to prepare at home. For this, the vanilla pods are split in half lengthwise. Placed in a narrow small bottle and fill with vodka so that it completely covers the pods.

The bottle is tightly closed and placed in a dark, cool place for 3 weeks. Observe the proportion: for 0.5 liters of alcohol, take from 5 to 10 beans. Store in a cool dark place and shake several times a week. The extract will be ready in at least a month. The extract is filtered before use, as a precipitate is formed during the preparation process.

Vanilla milk is a delicious treat for children and adults

Take 1 glass of milk, add 1 tsp. sugar, 3 ml. natural extract and mix in a blender. A wonderful drink is ready. Be careful with vanilla, a small amount is required for flavoring, otherwise the taste will be bitter. Vanilla extract contains alcohol, so it can be substituted with vanilla sugar.

Second way: vanilla pods are boiled in milk with added sugar. A glass of milk takes about 1 cm of a pod. Place milk and sugar in a small saucepan. Heat until sugar dissolves. Add vanilla and stir. Cool and sprinkle with cinnamon on top.

The most effective way to fully unleash the flavor of a vanilla bean is to add it to a warm dish or drink at the end of cooking.

If you ever buy the freshest vanilla pods from and make vanilla extract and vanilla sugar at home by yourself, then I assure you, these will be the best extract and sugar that you have tried. Plus it's pretty darn easy and very fast.

So, I started my journey with this little one.

Do you know where to apply it? I was also at a loss from the beginning, and now I am preparing an order for a new wholesale batch.

So vanilla is great and worth preserving. Let's make a vanilla extract first.

We need:

  • 200 ml of vodka or alcohol,

  • 5 vanilla pods

We cut the pods lengthwise and then across in pieces of 2-3 cm.Pour them into a bottle, fill them with alcohol and put them in a dark place. From time to time we come up and shake.

As a result, even from 5 pods, I got a very rich extract. Homemade extract will turn out 4-5 times cheaper and troubles for 5 minutes. If you want to make it thicker, just add more pods.

The title photo shows an extract of this recipe in a wine bottle. And by the way, if you used it, then do not hesitate, add alcohol, you can soak the pods repeatedly.

Another delicacy - vanilla sugar:

  • 300 g sugar (I take brown),

  • 1 vanilla pod

We cut the pod across to 1 cm sticks. Send the pods and sugar to the blender and grind until the pods are crushed. Then we sift. The sugar turns out to be very rich. Moreover, he 7 times cheaper than purchased!

I use it everywhere: ice cream, cereals, berries, baked goods. My little one is ready to eat everything with him!

If you don't want to waste the pod, you can just put it in a jar of sugar, it will give a flavor, but not as intense.

These pods are well worth trying! Everything is easy, fast and simple, and most importantly high quality.

Happy shopping everyone!

A cocktail or cake cream becomes softer and more sophisticated, and the unique aroma of fresh baked goods will be even richer when vanillin is added to these dishes during preparation. What is it, why are confectioners and ordinary housewives so fond of it? This issue should be well understood in order to learn how to apply all the useful properties of the product in practice.

Oh, what a fragrant vanilla!

Vanillin owes its unusually spicy aroma to the fruits of a plant native to South America. Vanilla is a relative of the orchid, grows on vines and has yellow-white flowers. After they have faded, green pods remain, on which white crystals form when they dry. This is the real natural vanilla.

The first mentions of it are associated with the Aztec tribes. The Indians added a spice to their traditional drink, hot chocolate. The first European to taste vanilla was Christopher Columbus. It happened at the beginning of the 16th century. Since then, the spice has come to Europe and has become widely used in cooking.

Vanilla sugar at home

If vanillin is obtained in a laboratory artificially, then vanilla sugar can be made independently at home. To do this, it is enough to take 1 long vanilla pod, 1 kilogram of granulated sugar, a little powder.

To prepare vanilla sugar, the vanilla pod is cut in half lengthwise, the seeds are removed, ground in a mortar to a powder state and mixed with powdered sugar. After that, the resulting mixture is combined with sugar, a vanilla pod is added there and everything is sent together to a dark place for storage for 3-4 days. After the indicated time, the food supplement is ready for consumption.

One vanilla pod will be enough to get the flavored sugar, and the seeds can be used to make some kind of dessert.

Unfortunately, the natural flavor cannot be stored for a long time due to the fact that the pleasant smell quickly disappears. To keep the aroma longer, add it to the dish at the end of cooking.

Difficult choice: vanillin or vanilla sugar

Before buying a flavoring supplement, you should know how to distinguish a natural product from one synthesized in the laboratory. After all, in fact, vanilla sugar and vanillin are one and the same, the only difference is in the way they are prepared. Of course, vanillin can be obtained from natural raw materials, but it is almost impossible to find such a product on the shelves in stores.

When buying vanillin, you should carefully read the inscription on the label. If the composition of the product contains a flavor identical to natural, or ethyl vanillin, then this product has been synthesized in a laboratory. It is usually packaged in sachets of 1 gram. It is this aromatic additive that is most often used by confectioners when baking due to its low price. One packet of vanillin costs about 3 rubles.

Vanilla sugar is sold in sachets, packaged in 8-15 grams. As part of such a food additive, sugar, as well as crushed seeds of vanilla pods or ethyl vanillin, must be indicated. The latter has the same qualities as artificial vanillin. The price for it ranges from 8-10 rubles. Vanilla sugar with a natural vanilla aroma is more expensive - about 30 rubles per bag weighing 15 grams.

When preparing a culinary masterpiece at home, it is better to give preference to a product with a natural composition, and leave artificial substitutes for mass production.

In this article, you can learn how to make your own vanilla bun from hair of different lengths. Features and recommendations for creating this hairstyle.

The content of the article:

Every day, such a subculture as vanilla is gaining more and more popularity - teenage girls who differ from their peers in their vulnerability, tenderness, sophistication and romance. To emphasize your lightness and sensuality, you can make an interesting, stylish, but at the same time very simple hairstyle, which can also be called a "vanilla bunch". You can do this hairstyle option in several ways and for different hair lengths.

Features of the vanilla bun hairstyle

At its core, such a hairstyle has practically nothing special, but there are several nuances of its execution that every girl who wants to make a vanilla bun should know to emphasize her sophistication and tenderness:
  1. High bundles are ideal for girls with a regular face shape and a beautiful long neck. Such styling will emphasize natural beauty, aristocracy and femininity.
  2. If the neck is not very long, you should not choose high bundles. But in this case, the bundle is tied at the top of the head.
  3. It is not recommended to make bouffant vanilla bunches for girls of small stature, otherwise they will ruin your image and make your appearance look rough. An excellent choice would be neat and tight bundles.
  4. Tall vanilla buns are not suitable for girls with wide cheekbones and rough features. In this case, it is better to do the styling slightly below the top of the head.
It is not enough to know the step-by-step instructions and nuances of creating a vanilla bunch, which were described above. Professional hair stylists advise you to follow a few simple rules:
  1. It is necessary to constantly monitor that your hair is well-groomed and clean, otherwise the styling will look very ugly and others will get the impression that you have a dirty head.
  2. To prevent hair from falling out of the hairstyle, it is necessary to apply a small amount of varnish, but it is not recommended to lubricate the strands with mousse or gel, otherwise they will become heavy, and the hairstyle will not look slightly sloppy, as it should be.
  3. Hair must be completely dry before styling. If you start styling with wet strands, the vanilla bunch will not work.
This hairstyle is very simple to create and many girls do it every day, just getting out of bed, practically without combing, collecting their hair with an elastic band. But the styling doesn't always work out as you'd expect.

Vanilla bun on short hair step by step

A beautiful vanilla bunch is obtained even on short hair, but in this case you need to take a large elastic band and adhere to the following scheme of actions:
  1. Comb your hair thoroughly, comb the hair slightly at the roots to add volume to the styling.
  2. Hair is collected in a tail, which is located strictly at the back of the head. If your hair is very fragile and does not stick in the ponytail, use a styling spray.
  3. A large elastic band is put on the tail so that it is strictly in the center.
  4. Carefully separate a small strand from the tail and fold over the elastic.
  5. Secure the strand on the outside of the elastic using an invisibility.
  6. Perform this procedure one by one with all the strands.
  7. Pull off the bun at the base of the tail, but do this very carefully as the tail may fall apart.
If you want to make a vanilla bun for short hair, be sure to use a large number of invisibility, but you need to select them to match your hair color so that they remain invisible.

Vanilla bun on medium to long hair

If your hair is of medium length or below the shoulder blades, then creating a vanilla bun will not cause any difficulties. In this case, just stick to the following guidelines:
  1. Comb your hair thoroughly.
  2. If you have unruly hair and constantly get tangled, use a special product additionally.
  3. Tie your hair into a ponytail around the back of your head.
  4. Avoid pulling the tail too tight, as it should look slightly sloppy. This is the most important rule that must be followed when creating a hairstyle.
  5. The hair is twisted into a tourniquet and wrapped around an elastic band.
  6. Hide the end of the tourniquet under the elastic so that it is not visible.
  7. Lightly spray your hair with varnish.
  8. Various accessories can be used - for example, a hoop, a special headband, a bow, etc.

Variants and photos of hairstyles vanilla bun

There are several variations of this hairstyle, so a vanilla bun can look different. It is simply impossible to list all the variations of this styling, because every girl can do it in her own way. But there are some of the more popular vanilla buns that can be done almost every day.

Vanilla bunch using a bagel

Many girls use such a special accessory as a donut to create their hairstyles. It can also be used to make a bunch of vanilla. To create such a hairstyle, you need to adhere to the following sequence of actions:
  1. Be sure to comb your hair thoroughly, and then tuck it into a ponytail in the area where you want to make a bun.
  2. Collect the curls in a donut, carefully fix their ends, winding them around the donut.
  3. Then turn the donut inside out and roll it so that the hair is at the base of the tail.
  4. Spread the strands evenly so they fit nicely over the bagel.
  5. To fix the strands, use bobbins, which should match the hair color, and also apply a little hairspray.

Vanilla bunch using a roller

Specialists very often use a roller to create a vanilla bun, which works on the same principle as a donut - it reliably fixes the strands, preventing them from getting out of the hair.

Using a roller for a vanilla bunch, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly, gather in a high ponytail at the back of your head.
  2. Carefully slide the roller onto the tail. Try to choose a roller shade that is as close to your hair color as possible, so that it will be almost invisible.
  3. On the roller, make a fountain of their strand, gently distributing the hair over its surface. The roller should not be visible through the hair.
  4. If necessary, use bobby pins matched to your hair color to fix the strand.
  5. At the base of the tail, the hair is fixed with an elastic band (it is important that the elastic is not too bulky).
  6. Carefully hide the ends of your hair under the elastic; you can use various accessories for this.

Vanilla bunch using a sock

A donut or roller is not always at hand, but this is not scary, because the simplest sock can be used to create a stylish and fashionable vanilla bunch. Of course, you can take a new sock or one that you have not worn for a long time, the most important thing is to keep it clean. Carefully cut the tip of the sock and roll it into a donut shape. Then follow the instructions below to create a vanilla bunch:
  1. Comb your hair well, make a ponytail at the height where you wanted to create a vanilla bun.
  2. Wrap the curls in a sock bagel according to the same principle as in a special hair bagel.
  3. If there are any sticking out hairs, carefully secure them with a second elastic band.
  4. Fix the hairstyle with varnish.
When choosing this styling option, it must be remembered that it is not suitable for too thin hair, since it will not be possible to create the desired volume, because it simply will not be possible to completely hide the sock.

Vanilla bunch with a hair clip

To create a stylish vanilla bunch, you can also use a special hair clip, which is called heagami. This is an accessory that bends easily and can take absolutely any shape.

You need to use such a hairpin only when creating a beam on the back of the head. You need to adhere to the following actions:

  1. With the help of a hair clip, curls are twisted to the back of the head.
  2. Curl the ends of your hair gently to create a vicious circle.
  3. If several hairs have fallen out, fix them with varnish or invisibility.
This styling option is just perfect for those girls who prefer the classic style of clothes or work in the office and have to adhere to the dress code.

Vanilla bunch with fleece

It is very difficult for girls with thin hair to create a beautiful bun so that it has an attractive appearance. But this is not a reason to be sad, because you can use a proven remedy - make a bouffant.

It is very simple to make a vanilla bunch using bouffant:

  1. Wash your hair and blow-dry the strands well, but at the same time they need to be constantly thrown forward. Thanks to this technique, after drying, the hair becomes more luxuriant and voluminous.
  2. There is no need to comb your hair, just immediately collect it in a ponytail and tie it, lightly sprinkling with varnish.
  3. In the tail, divide the hair into separate strands, after which each is combed with a comb.
  4. From the strands, make one tourniquet, which twist around the base of the tail.
  5. Fix the hairstyle with invisibility and varnish.

Vanilla bunch with weaving

Vanilla bunches decorated with weaves look very beautiful, gentle and feminine. To create such a hairstyle option, you must adhere to the following instructions:
  1. Make a ponytail, then divide the hair into 4 approximately equal strands.
  2. From each strand, braid a simple braid (braiding can be tight or weak, but braids that are not too tightly braided look best).
  3. Wrap the pigtail at the base of the tail and fix it in some places with the help of invisibility.
  4. After all the strands are collected, fix the hairstyle with varnish.
The vanilla bun is a fairly popular and modern hairstyle that is perfect for both a young girl and an adult woman. The most important thing is to correctly combine such styling with a wardrobe so that it looks not only stylish, but also appropriate.

10 beam options are presented in the following video: