Baking roll with fruit filling. Meringue roll with fruit and nuts

01.11.2019 Fish dishes

For the test, dry yeast is required, if you use pressed yeast, then take 10 g. Using a 250 ml glass, measure the required amount of wheat and corn flour. You can take one type, or replace the second option with starch, for example, potato. For the filling, take a ripe persimmon, preferably sweet - not astringent. You will also need an apple with a sweet and sour taste. Rinse the fruit under water and pat dry with a kitchen towel.

It is convenient to combine the ingredients in a high-walled plate. Mix the two types of flour and divide into 2 parts. Pour half into a bowl and add dry yeast in the amount of 1-1.5 tsp. If they are fresh, then it is advisable to dilute in milk or water.

The dough will turn out sweet if you add cane sugar to it. It is optional to add it, so you can replace it with regular granulated sugar or powdered sugar.

Pour one pinch of olive oil and salt into the dry mass. Mix well. At the same time, the flour will not all go away - it will remain at the edges.

Break a raw chicken egg into a base. Rub it with a spoon with the total mixture. Here you can add the protein that remains after the yolk is separated - it will be needed to lubricate the raw product.

Pour milk into a mug and microwave. Or, heat in a small saucepan over an open fire. The main thing is not to overexpose, otherwise the high temperature will negatively affect the action of the yeast. Add warm liquid to the bulk - stir. Now you can pour the other half out of the flour mixture. Knead a thick dough. Put it in a warm place for 45-60 minutes.

Cut the persimmon into two parts, remove the dry leaves. Then cut each into small cubes. If you come across seeds, separate them.

The apple must be peeled and halved. Carefully cut out the core with the seeds. Chop in medium pieces.

Add chopped persimmons, cane sugar and ground cinnamon to a bowl. Stir and pour in 10-15 ml of water.

Boil the fruit filling in a saucepan over low heat. It should be soft and juicy. Place in a plate to cool. Turn on the fire in the oven - heat up to a temperature of + 190-200 ° С.

The dough is doubled. Roll it out into a rectangle - 10-15 mm thick. If the base sticks to your hands and cutting board, dust everything with flour.

Spread the fruit mass into even layers. Do not put close to the edge so that the filling does not spill out during curling. It will also make it easier to pinch the edges.

Roll gently into a roll. Add water or milk to the yolk and cover the surface of the product with it. Baking will look very nice if you sprinkle sesame seeds, sunflower seeds or ground nuts on top of it. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet.

Approx. 45 min. a roll with a filling is baked at the specified temperature. It becomes golden in color, and grows to the sides. Cool slightly before cutting the baked goods into portioned slices. For such a roll, you can add plums, peaches, apricots, pears, oranges to the filling, as well as dried fruits - dried apricots or raisins. You can not grease it with yolk, but just any vegetable oil. Then the product will get an even ruddy color. The baking turns out to be hearty and airy, you can take it with you to work or to class. If the milk is replaced with water or a vegetable product, and the egg is not added at all, then you get a vegetarian version of baking. Bon Appetit!

In principle, it can be high in calories, but only at your request. It all depends on the ingredients that you put in the semi-finished product.

I liked this recipe for its speed of preparation, although I bake the rolls a little differently. Of course, the author of the recipe embellished the baking speed by writing: "Bake at 180 degrees for 6 minutes." Nothing like this.

Leave the temperature at 180, my friends, and the baking time will be 10-13 minutes, that is, twice as long.

Whipped fruit roll recipe


  • Flour of the 1st grade - 1st tbsp. a spoon with a slide
  • Rice flour - 1 tablespoon
  • Brown sugar (preferably) - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Baking powder - 1.5 tsp
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Fruit jam thick (any) - 5 - 6 tbsp. spoons
  • Cocoa powder - for sprinkling
  • Condensed milk (or honey), canned fruits - for decoration

My way of cooking:

1. All dry components (sift flour), except sugar, mix
2. Beat eggs with sugar until the volume increases by 3 times
3. Pour the flour into the egg mixture and quickly! beat until smooth in 5 seconds to preserve splendor

4. Put parchment greased with melted butter on a baking sheet

6. We bake in a preheated oven (temperature and time are indicated above)
7. At this time let's prepare the jam: we heat it on fire, in a heat-resistant container
8. We take out the finished cake from the oven, cool it slightly and detach it from the paper
9. Lubricate one side of the warm cake evenly (it turned out to be uneven, but this will not affect the appearance roll ) warm jam

10. We wrap the roll, decorate it with condensed milk, honey, cocoa - powder or grated bitter chocolate ... In general, there are no restrictions whatever your heart desires :)
A quick fruit roll is ready!

We let it cool down, soak a little and treat our close and long-awaited guests.

Bon Appetit!

Note: The dough for the roll can be prepared faster if you beat the eggs separately and add them to the dry mixture, stirring until smooth (as recommended by the original source). This time I did the same. Then, in this case, the roll should be left for 2 hours for impregnation (I had nowhere to rush). Only then it turns out to be light and airy. The first method, which I described and usually use, I like more. Try it, experiment.

At least in both cases, if you follow the basic technology, the baked goods are of excellent quality and taste, juicy and tender!

Good luck in your cooking! I look forward to your comments.

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Biscuit rolls- a common thing in my practice: I cook them a lot and often. Not because I love it very much, but because they help out: this is a fairly budgetary pastry that can be bungled in just half an hour of little effort and offered to home tea or to sudden guests. Well, pets also love - where without it. To be honest, biscuit dough in general is not very close to me at all, and these are the following fruit rolls in particular, but I am aware that my taste is imperfect, and if most of the family disagrees with my opinion, I tend to believe the majority. Shortly speaking, fruit roll according to GOST- it's simple. Like all old Soviet recipes, it has been verified over the years and millions of preparations, so if you do everything according to simple instructions, you will definitely get what you want, do not even doubt it.

I read that you can't eat two hours before bedtime. I couldn't go to bed.

This sponge roll option has two significant advantages. Honestly - they are both very cool. The first is the ability to dispose of the remnants of the jam. It happens that in the refrigerator there is suddenly a jar with apricot jam at the bottom, and next to it there is something that looks like apple jam, and there are still three tablespoons of orange confiture left after cooking - they did not fit into the jars. All this can be easily mixed and put on the filling for the roll, and it will be delicious. The second - in the GOST recipe, the roll is rolled hot without filling, cools down, unfolds and rolls up again with the filling. Believe me, this is a little longer, but it is much easier than in the case when I am St.


110 g sugar;

110 g flour;

1/3 tsp salt;

250 g fruit jam.

Break the eggs into the mixer bowl, add a little salt, and begin to beat at low speed.

Gradually increasing the speed of the mixer, add sugar little by little. Beat until a thick mass and an increase in its volume by 2.5-3 times.

In two or three steps we manually introduce flour, mixing the dough using the folding method.

Put the finished dough on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, distribute in an even layer.

We bake at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes.

We immediately turn into a roll - right with the paper. Leave it for 2-4 hours until it cools completely.

We unfold the cooled roll - carefully, delicately.

I was in a hurry, it broke a little at the end, but not the point at all.

Apply jam in an even layer.

We turn back.

Leave to soak for 2-4 hours, after which you can cut.

Bon Appetit!

Fruit roll is a very simple dessert. In the USSR, it was sold in all bakeries by weight and was a biscuit product impregnated with fruit syrup. It is unlikely that the people adored him, but as an everyday sweet pastry for tea, he was quite suitable.

Homemade fruit roll is, of course, tastier and always fresh. It is prepared very quickly from a minimal set of products.


Biscuit roll with jam is a classic of the genre. It will require the following products:

  • three yolks;
  • four squirrels;
  • 40 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 60 grams of wheat flour;
  • 350 grams of jam or jam;
  • powdered sugar.
  1. Beat the whites in a foam mixer on medium speed, then beat at high speed until steep peaks along with sugar (take 1/3 part), adding the latter gradually. Set aside the resulting mass.
  2. Grind the yolks in a bowl with the remaining sugar until the grains of sand disappear, then beat until white. The volume should increase two to three times.
  3. Put a third of the whipped whites into the yolks and mix very gently, moving the whisk in one direction.
  4. Sift the flour for fluffiness and mix with the remaining proteins. Stir gently from top to bottom until smooth. Put the resulting dough on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Grease the paper with butter. Smooth the dough.
  5. Heat the stove to 220 ° C. Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake at this temperature for a quarter of an hour.
  6. Remove the baking sheet from the stove and immediately transfer the dough to a towel, remove the paper from it.
  7. Spread the blank with any fruit jam and roll up the roll, helping with a towel. You can use thick jam or jam.
  8. Let the roll cool in a towel. Then put it on a cutting board, sprinkle with powdered sugar on top.

Important! The dough must be rolled hot, otherwise it will break.

Cut the fruit sponge roll into pieces, place on a plate and then serve. You can eat both warm and cold.


The fruit roll is not necessarily biscuit. It can be unusual - gelatinous.

Required Ingredients:

  • 100 g of fruit gelatin;
  • one and a half glasses of marshmallows;
  • half a glass of water.

Cooking procedure:

  1. Lightly oil the square shape.
  2. Pour gelatin into a bowl, pour water into it and mix. Dissolve in the microwave, placing a bowl in it for one minute.
  3. Put the marshmallows in a bowl of gelatin, put in the microwave for 40 seconds. By this time, the marshmallows should begin to swell. Stir the contents of the bowl immediately.
  4. Pour the mixture into a prepared container and place in the refrigerator to harden.
  5. When the jelly hardens, roll it into a roll.
  6. On a cutting board, use dental floss to cut it into pieces.

Gelatinous fruit roll is ready. It is good if it has a bright color. Children will like it and will disappear very quickly.

Puff pastry

This roll is simple and noble at the same time. It has a true harmony of taste - puff pastry, apples and cinnamon.

Required products:

  • store-bought puff pastry;
  • a kilogram of apples;
  • 50 g of any nuts;
  • 200 g icing sugar;
  • 50 g raisins;
  • ground cinnamon;
  • 20 g of crushed crackers.

Cooking procedure:

  1. Roll out the dough to 3 mm thick.
  2. Prepare the apple filling: peel and grate the apples, add powdered sugar, raisins, ground cinnamon, crushed nuts, crackers and mix everything.
  3. Place the filling on the dough and roll up.
  4. Place it in a preheated oven and bake until tender.
  5. Remove from the oven and sprinkle with icing sugar.

A little about fillings

For the layer, you can take any fruits and berries - both fresh and canned or in the form of jam. You can use ready-made syrups, jams, jam, marmalade. Fruit filling can be paired with whipped cream, sour cream, or custard.

You can also make a roll without a layer: add pieces of fruit or berries directly to the dough, then bake and roll.

A good biscuit roll is that with each new filling you will have a completely different dessert! ;-) And the biscuit roll with fruit filling and decorated with fresh fruit looks very impressive!

for the test:

  • eggs - 5 pcs.
  • sugar - 100 gr.
  • flour - 1 glass
  • baking powder for dough - 1 tablespoon


  • custard - 250 gr. ()
  • jam - 1/2 cup

for decoration:

  • NS okolad black - 50 gr. (1/2 tile), melt
  • strawberries to taste

1. Beat eggs with sugar until firm. Attention! Beat eggs gradually - from the lowest mixer speed to the highest. And for a long time, 5 - 7 minutes. The more gradual and longer you beat, the more magnificent the biscuit will be.

2. Add sifted flour with baking powder. Mix gently with a fork. Attention! Stir should not be long so that the mass does not settle down and upwards!

3. On a rectangular baking sheet covered with parchment paper and greased with butter, carefully pour the dough, spread in an even layer about 0.5 cm thick. To make the edges of the biscuit even - slide your finger along the perimeter, leveling the dough, removing "drips".

4. Put a baking sheet in the oven preheated to 180 - 200 degrees C and bake for 20 minutes, not allowing it to dry out. The biscuit is ready when the top is a little browned.
5. Immediately, without cooling, remove the baked biscuit from the baking sheet so that it remains soft.

6. Let sit for 5 minutes to cool slightly. Then apply the jam evenly, on top - the custard prepared in advance. Roll up tightly.

7. Transfer the roll to a sheet of foil. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Grease the roll on top with a silicone brush. Decorate with strawberry wedges.

8. Wrap the roll in foil (without pressing it against the chocolate) and refrigerate for 1 hour so that the chocolate hardens and the cream is absorbed.