Technique for working with confectionery mastic. How to work with pastry mastic

13.08.2019 Fish dishes

I baked the cake at night, layered it with cream, wrapped it in cling film so that it did not absorb foreign odors, and put it in the refrigerator under a press. I have a cake made of thin cakes with honey, creamy sour cream and homemade caramel. Very tasty! In principle, he does not need the press too much, because the cream is almost completely absorbed into the cakes, but I decided to play it safe. As a press, I used a weighty cutting board, on which I put a small saucepan :) Why do you need a press at all? So that later, when we wrap the cake with mastic and decorate it, the excess cream does not crawl out on the sides, turning our cake into a pot-bellied barrel or otherwise deforming it. Here's our cake!

When baking, I have scraps left. Now they will be very useful to me. If you are making a sponge cake, and the cakes are so smooth that there are no scraps left, you can use regular cookies like "Jubilee". It is possible that your cake is so smooth that you can do without any scraps at all. Read on and look at the situation.

Put the scraps (or cookies) in a blender.

And grind it into crumbs.

Mix the resulting crumb with a cream suitable for use as a "buffer" between the cake and mastic. Here it is necessary to clarify. Mastic is afraid of moisture, it melts from it, so in no case should it be put on wet creams! It is very important! No creamy, sour cream, cheese, custard will do! The base of the cream for mastic should be either butter or chocolate. In other words, you need any buttercream or chocolate ganache. The second one is even preferable, because it behaves better at room temperature: the butter cake begins to melt rather quickly, and with a long decoration and if it is still hot in the room, the cake begins to "float". But chocolate ganache is far from always combined with the taste of the cake itself, for example, in my case, the cake is very delicate, and the chocolate would have drawn attention to itself, but I didn't want that, so I used my favorite butter cream Charlotte. Here we have prepared a cream (recipe) and mixed about half with crumbs. With this mass we will level the sides to "rough". It is not advised to align with cream under the mastic right away: to cover it with mastic, the cake should be perfectly even, because it does not hide, as many mistakenly think, but on the contrary, it only emphasizes all the shortcomings! Each master has his own ways here, and with experience you will develop your own tactics, find a way that suits you more than others, but I am telling you one of the possible options. Immediately transfer the cake to a plate (plate, cake dish). In order not to stain it too much with cream, put strips of parchment under the cake around the circumference.

We collect on a large spatula (buy yourself such or a similar thing, they are sold in confectionery stores or you can replace with a construction scraper, a new one!) A little mass "crumb" and apply it to the sides. We twist the cake counterclockwise, and move the spatula towards ourselves, clockwise. If you have a spinning stand for leveling and decorating your cakes, you're in luck! It will greatly facilitate your pastry life for you. I still can't order it, I adapted without it, but I understand that such a thing is very necessary, and it is in my wish-list :)

We apply the crumb first to the sides, and then to the top of the cake. We put in the freezer for 15-20 minutes so that the crumb grabs. We take it out and continue to level it, only now - just with a cream. Also, put it on a clean spatula, put it perpendicular to the table and lead it towards you, and twist the cake counterclockwise. The turntable will be cleaner. But you can cope without it. Not perfect, yes, but not bad.

Tip: when leveling the sides with cream, try to make a "crown". Then freeze the cake, and take out - cut off the ledge with a knife. This will make the edges smoother.

Let's take care of the mastic!

When we decided that the cake is already quite even, we put it in the freezer for at least half an hour! More is possible (it depends on the filling)! At this time, we ourselves can do some mastic. But not in the sense of cooking. Homemade mastic must be done in advance and let it rest for at least a night. In the sense - knead, add dyes, if necessary, and roll out. This time I made the mastic for the covering myself (and I had a purchased one for the figures) according to the recipe of Inna Sapegina, a very talented artist, pastry chef-decorator. True, I changed the proportions a little, perhaps because of my powdered sugar or the matter in measuring spoons. It's easy to prepare: 5 tsp. pour gelatin powder 3 tbsp. l. cold water, add 125 ml of glucose to the same saucepan (I had caramel syrup, and Inna herself generally uses liquid honey most often), put it in a water bath, bring it to homogeneity. Next, sift the icing sugar into a large bowl (I have “Slavic meal”), the author advises taking 1 kg, but I put less - 600 grams, otherwise my mastic turns out to be too hard. So, I pour out the powder, make a dent in the middle, pour the liquid obtained in a water bath and knead it first with a spoon, and then with my hands, like dough. You do not need to pour out all the powder at once, but add in parts, it is important to catch the consistency: the mastic should be viscous and quite sticky. It may seem to you that there is not enough powder, but this is a deceptive feeling. Wrap it in plastic and leave it at room temperature overnight. The mastic will harden and be ready for use. If you put more powder than you need, it will be very difficult for you to roll it out, and when it is tight, it will tear. So, here's our mastic. I added just a tiny bit of yellow Americolor gel dye, taking into account the future decor.

Sprinkle the table with starch, not sparing, and roll the mastic with a rolling pin into a large layer about 3 mm thick.

The mastic plastic should be much larger than the cake! I repeat, because this is a very important point! We wind it on a rolling pin.

We take out our cake. We remove the parchment. Now he will no longer help us, but interfere.

Using a rolling pin, carefully transfer the mastic to the cake. As it were, we unwind a layer of mastic over the cake and lower it onto it.

What could be more beautiful than a cake? It is customary to give this wonderful confection for various special occasions, for example, for a wedding, anniversary, Christmas, Christening, on the day of the engagement or any other event. But it's one thing when a cake has a simple and unpresentable appearance, and quite another when it becomes a real work of art. Such a cake is not only not ashamed to show to guests, but sometimes it is even a pity to eat. How to turn your cake or pie into a masterpiece using mastic will be the topic of our conversation. But first, we will answer the most frequently asked questions of novice pastry chefs.

When working with adhesive bases, many novice craftsmen face a problem spreading mastic layers over the cakes... Also, as a result of staining, the base of the cake may shine through or the top coating will completely dissolve. To avoid this, you should not use a wet base (that is, if your confection is covered with butter, milk or butter cream). If you still use this cream, then before applying the mastic to it, you need to let it dry or additionally use a special neutral cream made from marzipan, condensed milk or ganache (you must first put it in a cold place). As a result, between the greasy oil base and the mastic, you will apply a protective layer of cream, which prevent spreading and the formation of smudges of the adhesive base (we have tested it, the mastic is simply impeccable on a cake covered with marzipan).

But do not choose overly dry cakes. On this basis sweet putty can warp and crack, and the cake itself will break and crumble. If you do not have the opportunity to make your own cake, you can always purchase ready-made biscuit cakes in stores or other retail outlets.

In order for the mastic surface of the product, which was previously placed in the refrigerator or any other cool place, to become flat, it is recommended smooth with a red-hot knife... If immediately after making the cake you did not put it in the refrigerator, you can level the mastic using ordinary butter cream, after sprinkling it with small crumbs of cookies or biscuits.

If, when modeling figures, you need to glue some parts together, then for this you can use ordinary water. The protein of a chicken egg, as well as a mixture of powdered sugar and protein, can serve as a kind of catalyst for two identical products. Wet the product a little and it will show its adhesive properties. You can add a special color and shine to the product using a special brush. To do this, apply a small layer of alcohol on top of it. You can also use a solution of honey and alcohol (in a 1: 1 ratio).

If you need to paint very small details, then for this it is better to use not a brush, but a toothpick or cotton swab. Feel free to dip your improvised brushes in food coloring and accurately paint along the visible contours. In order for the mastic layer to roll out easily, it must first be kneaded well, and then thinly rolled with an ordinary rolling pin. According to Arno Faye(the best among French chefs), it is recommended to first dip the rolling pin in starch or powdered sugar. Then the sticky mastic will not stick to it and you can quickly give the desired shape to your products.

There are times when the mastic dough literally breaks into pieces. In such situations, it is not the lubricant itself that should be blamed, but large sugar crystals, which, in contact with the dough, scratch it, thereby creating breaks. To prevent this from happening, during the preparation of the adhesive mass, it is necessary to carefully grind the icing sugar.

If your confection does not freeze for a long time as a base, on which there was mastic for the cake, then it can be taken out into the fresh air. There, the coating will harden faster and will be covered with an even crust. In order for small figures to be solid and not absorb moisture, they must be made in advance, while allowing them to dry properly. It is better not to attach large flower arrangements and individual large objects, for example, houses, dress shoes and other weighty details to finished confectionery products immediately. This will allow them to keep their shape for a long time and not lose their adhesive properties. Pre-prepared mastic, so that it does not lose its plastic properties, should be placed in an oven or microwave for a few minutes.

How to roll mastic correctly?

When rolling out the putty mass, you need to take into account its maximum thickness (the maximum layer thickness should not be less than 2-3 mm). Then she will not tear and delaminate... There are even several ways to roll a kind of sweet plasticine. The first is to roll the dough out on a table with a rolling pin. We have already mentioned this above. The second way is in rolling a layer of adhesive backing between large sheets of polyethylene... Interestingly, when using the second method, the mastic does not even need to be separated from the polyethylene or cling film. After the thickness of the dough becomes 2-3 mm, you remove the upper part of the sheet and transfer it to the confection together with polyethylene. And when the mastic layer completely covers your cake, then it will be possible to get rid of the polyethylene. And here it is worth noting that the thickness of cling film or polyethylene and their length must be calculated correctly(according to the size of the dough). Otherwise, the surface of the film will slide and form folds, which will bring you a lot of additional inconvenience.

How to mix colors correctly?

In order for your culinary masterpieces to look delicious, you need use dyes correctly... And the main thing is to learn how to mix them correctly. And, of course, we will help you. Here we will consider options for dyeing mastic products in black.

So to get neutral black you can use one part of red, two parts of blue and
one part yellow dye. To make it work bluish black, you can use a proportion of one part blue, one part red, and one part yellow. To get an unusual black-green tide you will need red, blue and yellow dyes (in a 1: 1: 2 ratio). Accordingly, in order for your black color to acquire reddish tint, the dyes should be diluted in a ratio (2: 1: 1). In doing so, use the same red, blue and yellow colors.
The second way to dye the mastic black is quite simple. You can get the shade you want by using regular burnt sugar... Can also be added to dough and chocolate mass. Then the effect of staining will be the same. But if you do not have time for experiments, then it is easier to buy a ready-made dye and use it for its intended purpose.

Summing up, we will say that all the advice that we have provided in this article is based on the personal experience of professional pastry chefs. And it's up to you to listen to them or not. The main thing is that your work in the confectionery business brings joy to you and the people around you!

You first got together decorate the cake with mastic and of course you immediately had a lot of questions?
Most importantly, arm yourself with inspiration, imagination and good mood! And about some of the subtleties and secrets when working with mastic we will tell you in this article.

So, here are some helpful tips:

What base to choose for mastic?
Always apply the correct base before covering the cake with mastic, it will help level the surface of the cake and hide all the imperfections. This could be: butter cream, hot apricot jam, ganache, boiled condensed milk, marzipan mass.

Protect the mastic from moisture otherwise it may melt. That's why, it is forbidden apply mastic to a damp base (whipped cream, soaked cakes, sour cream, etc.)

How does mastic harden?
The mastic dries when exposed to air for a long time.

How to roll mastic?
There are several options:
1. You can roll the mastic with a rolling pin on a flat surface, and so that it does not stick, sprinkle the surface with starch or powdered sugar.
2. It is convenient to roll the mastic between two large polyethylene sheets greased with vegetable oil. Once rolled out, you can simply peel off the top sheet and transfer the mastic directly onto the plastic onto the cake. When you finish covering the cake, you can peel off the second sheet.

3. You can use a special non-stick mastic mat.

How to cover the cake with mastic evenly?
First, measure the diameter of the cake and the height of the sides, add a small margin (about 5-10 cm), and roll the mastic to the desired size. When transferred to the cake, the mastic will stretch under its own weight and lie flat. After that, take a special round knife for mastic and carefully cut off the unnecessary, leaving about half a centimeter in reserve. Then gently tuck the edges of the layer under the cake. If waves and irregularities have formed on the cake, smooth them out with a spatula.

What to do to prevent the mastic layer from breaking?
If you are covering the cake with sugar mastic, you do not need to roll it out too thin, about 2-3 mm is enough.
This is due to the fact that during the coating of the cake, the thinly rolled layer of mastic may break, and all the roughness and imperfections of the base of the cake will also be visible.
When you transfer the mastic to the cake, it will additionally stretch under its own weight.

What if the layer of mastic that covered the cake still breaks?
Don't worry, it's fixable! You can correct the defect, and seams and patches can be easily removed with a wide brush moistened with water, smoothing with a brush to a flat surface. If air bubbles have formed under the coating, you can simply pierce this place with a needle and smooth it out.

How to remove traces of starch or powdered sugar from a product? Just walk with a slightly damp, wide brush and brush off any remaining starch.

How to make sugar mastic shine?
After you have finished decorating the cake, cover the mastic with a solution of honey and vodka in a 1: 1 ratio. It is convenient to do this with a silicone brush. The vodka will evaporate without leaving a scent, leaving only a pleasant shine.

How to paint the mastic?
Special food colors are best suited to achieve the desired color. They can be added directly to the mastic or applied with a brush to the surface of the product. You can use natural dyes: for green - spinach juice, for red - beet juice, for orange - carrot juice.

How to paint sugar paste black?
Mix the dyes of the following colors: red, blue and yellow. The ratio depends on the shade you want to get:
For neutral black: 1 part red: 2 parts blue: 1 part yellow
For black with a green tint: 1 part red: 1 part blue: 2 parts yellow
For purple-tinted black: 1 part red: 1 part blue: some yellow
For black with a red tint: 2 parts red: 1 part blue: 1 part yellow.

How to mold figures from mastic?
If you want to connect different parts of the figures or attach ready-made decorations to the mastic coating, you just need to slightly moisten the joint with water. You can also use protein or protein with a small addition of powdered sugar to glue different parts of mastic figures.
To make colored figures, it is not necessary to use mastics of different colors: you can mold figures from simple white mastic, dry them, and then paint the finished figures on top with food dyes.
Try to make large figures in advance so that they dry well.
Bulky shapes, such as flowers, should be attached to the cake not long before serving. Otherwise, if you attach them and put the cake in the refrigerator, they can absorb moisture from the environment and fall off.

Good luck and creative success!

Sugar mastic cakes are becoming more and more popular today. Thanks to the variety of confectionery tools and ingredients, now not only professionals, but also amateurs can try their hand at this art. But do not expect that "unearthly beauty" will come out the first time: the art of working with mastic, like any other art, must be learned. Each business has its own secrets and tricks, which can be easily reached by trial and error. So that you can quickly and efficiently learn how to work with sugar mastic, we have prepared a selection of useful tips for you.

How to roll sugar mastic correctly?

There are several ways to roll out:

  1. On a surface sprinkled with starch or powdered sugar.
  2. Between sheets of polyethylene, oiled with vegetable oil.
  3. On a rug with a non-stick surface.

The most famous method is to roll the mastic on a surface sprinkled with powder or starch. The only difficulty of the first method is that the rolled layer of sugar mastic must be constantly rotated during rolling so that it does not stick to the surface. If you choose the second option, you will need to remove the top layer of polyethylene from the rolled mastic, turn the layer over, evenly cover the cake with it, and only then separate the second layer of polyethylene. However, thin polyethylene (for example, cling film) is poorly suited for our purposes: here you need to use something thicker and more substantial, like a film for greenhouses.

What to do if the mastic tears or cracks all the time?

Sugar mastic is not designed for very fine sheeting. The thickness of the layer should be approximately 2-3 mm (thicker is also not desirable). Thinly rolled mastic has its drawbacks: firstly, it can tear during the coating of the cake, and secondly, all defects and irregularities of your culinary masterpiece will be visible under it (for example, layers of cake and pieces of cream). All errors must be corrected before you decide to cover the cake with sugar paste. The surface of the cake should be smooth, without protruding edges and creases.

It is also possible that when mixing the mastic you used “coarse” powdered sugar, in which whole sugar crystals come across. There's nothing you can do about it: such mastic will tear even when rolling.

If the layer that covered the cake nevertheless broke at the most crucial moment, do not despair. The best way to restore the cake is to remove the mastic layer and re-coat it. If the first action is not possible, then seams, patches and other shortcomings can be "ironed out" with the help of a pastry iron and vegetable fat. Apply grease to the damaged surface and flatten the cake with an iron until the surface is perfectly flat. And if air bubbles suddenly appear under a layer of mastic, try to pierce them with a needle, and then carefully smooth out the "holes".

How to properly cover the cake with sugar paste?

In order to avoid ugly folds on the sides of the cake, you need the following: roll out the sugar mastic with a small margin (about 5-10 cm) and so that this stock is kept around the entire circumference. Covering the cake, the sugar mastic will stretch under its own weight and lie flat on it. Then take a round pizza knife and carefully cut off the "excess".

What to do if the base begins to shine through from under the mastic layer?

Most likely, it's a matter of moisture: sugar mastic is very sensitive to it. Perhaps you did not comply with the storage conditions or used a lot of impregnation. It is necessary to store the finished cake in a tightly closed sealed box or in a plastic bag (and preferably no more than 2 days).

What should be the cake layers?

For the base, it is best to use dry biscuits or buttered cakes. It is advisable to use an oil cream or ganache. Soufflé, cream, sour cream can sag under the weight of the mastic or make the cakes moist and soft. After the cake is covered with cream, it must be refrigerated for several hours. Once the cream has set, the cake can be covered with sugar paste. If the cream does not have time to completely harden, ugly dents may form on the surface of the cake after coating with mastic.

How to paint the mastic?

It is best to paint sugar mastic with special gel. It is not advisable to use liquid food coloring, because they change the consistency of the mastic sugar, it will most likely become sticky and impossible to work with.

How to store ready-made mastic correctly?

For storage, it is recommended to pack sugar mastic well in polyethylene or put in an airtight container. It is not necessary to put this container in the refrigerator: the mastic just needs to be protected from moisture and air so that it does not dry out ahead of time and does not get wet. Any mastic can be stored in the freezer for up to 2 months.

How to "make" the mastic shine?

To make the sugar mastic shine, apply a layer of honey and vodka solution (honey and vodka in a 1: 1 ratio) on it with a soft brush. Don't worry: the vodka will evaporate quickly and won't affect the taste or smell of the cake in any way.

Where to buy cake mastic?

The Confectioner's House store offers a wide assortment of mastic for cake and sugar flowers from the best English manufacturers, as well as a large selection of confectionery inventory and decorative tools. We will deliver the order to any region of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan! Discounts for wholesale buyers!


The use of mastic for decorating a cake is gaining more and more popularity today. It is not enough to be able to do it correctly. You still need to apply it correctly. It is especially difficult for a novice pastry chef to lay the mastic without folds. In addition, the shape of the confectionery is of great importance. In this article, you will learn how to properly wrap a cake with sugar paste.

How to choose the right cake for mastic

Not every confection can be covered with mastic. Sponge cake, honey cake, shortbread cake are ideal for these purposes. Consider the recipes for each of them.


The base for this cake is biscuit cakes. Simple ingredients are used to prepare them. The basis is made up of chicken eggs. Any mass of your choice can be used as a cream.

To make a biscuit, you will need the following ingredients:

  • chicken eggs - 8 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - 220 grams;
  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 250 grams;
  • butter - 80 grams.

Step-by-step cooking instructions.

  1. Break the eggs into a deep bowl, add sugar and mix thoroughly.
  2. Add the sifted flour to the resulting mixture.
  3. Melt the butter and add to the dough. Mix well again.
  4. Divide the resulting mass into 2 parts and bake in the oven.
  5. We collect the cake from the baked cakes. Add a layer of cream between them. The sponge cake is ready to be coated with mastic.

Honey cake

To prepare the cakes of this type of cake, you will need the following ingredients:

  • liquid honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • soda - 2 teaspoons;
  • margarine - 100 grams;
  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 3 glasses.

For the cream you will need:

  • fat sour cream - 800 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 1 glass;
  • butter - 250-350 grams.

Cream preparation:

We start the preparation of the cream by kneading the butter with a fork. After that, add 1/4 of the required amount of sugar to the resulting mass. Mix all ingredients thoroughly again. Then add sour cream and mix everything well again.

Our cream is ready!

Preparation of cakes:

  1. Put honey in a small saucepan and slowly heat it over the fire. After boiling, add soda and mix everything thoroughly. The honey must be boiled until caramel color appears.
  2. Beat 2 chicken eggs and a glass of sugar in a separate bowl using a mixer.
  3. Pour the resulting mass into a container with honey. Then add the margarine and beat everything well again with a mixer.
  4. After that, put the saucepan on the fire and add 1/3 of the required amount of wheat flour. Beat all ingredients with a mixer.
  5. When the dough begins to thicken, remove it from the heat and continue to add flour with constant stirring.
  6. Cool the dough in a cool place or refrigerator.
  7. Then we divide it into several parts. Roll out into separate cakes and bake in the oven for 5 minutes at a temperature of 200 °.
  8. When all the cakes are baked, you need to let them cool slightly, after which you can start assembling the cake.
  9. Lubricate the cakes with sour cream.

Our cake is ready to be decorated with mastic.

Cream cake base for mastic

After making the cake, you need to think about the cream base with which it will be covered before applying the mastic. Oil creams are best suited for these purposes. We will now consider the recipe for some of them.

Boiled condensed milk base cream

To prepare this cream, you will need the following ingredients:

  • boiled condensed milk - 1 can;
  • butter - 30 grams.

Cooking steps.

  1. Soften the butter.
  2. Add boiled condensed milk to the butter and mix with a mixer.
  3. We put the resulting mass in the refrigerator.

The cream is ready, now you can cover the cake with it.

Butter cream with proteins

  • egg white - 4 pieces;
  • butter - 300 grams;
  • salt;
  • granulated sugar - 200 grams.

Cooking steps:

  1. Carefully separate the white from the yolk and place it in a deep container.
  2. Then add sugar and heat the resulting mass in a water bath.
  3. Remove from heat and let cool.
  4. Beat the butter until fluffy. Beat the whites separately, after adding a pinch of salt to them. After that, add oil to the proteins, constantly mixing them with a mixer.

Our cream is ready.

Ganache cream

To prepare the cream, you will need the following ingredients:

  • dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans - 200 grams;
  • heavy cream - 125-200 milliliters;
  • icing sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • butter - 50 grams.

Cooking steps.

  1. Grind the bitter chocolate.
  2. Pour the cream into a deep container, put on a small fire.
  3. With constant stirring, bring them to a boil, then add crushed chocolate to the hot cream. After that, fill in the icing sugar and mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Cool the mass slightly and then add butter to it with constant stirring.

Our cream is ready.

Decorating a round cake

To wrap a round cake with mastic, you need to know a few rules that will help you do it right.

Important! It is best to prepare mastic for wrapping the cake in advance a day before use.

This is necessary so that the mastic does not tear, is elastic and retains its shape better.

To create a fondant coated cake, you will need the following ingredients and tools:

  • pre-baked cake;
  • ready-made mastic;
  • plastic rolling pin for rolling out the dough;
  • any cream for mastic;
  • powdered sugar;
  • a sharp knife, stacks, and a pastry spatula.

Coating a round cake with mastic step by step:

Stage 1. We coat the finished cake with a special cream for mastic. After applying the cream, put the cake in a cold place for a short time. While the cream hardens, take a small amount of sugar mass and knead it thoroughly.

Advice! If you need a specific color, then during the mixing process, you can add any food coloring to the mastic.

Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough in a thin layer. The thickness of the mastic should not be less than 3 mm, otherwise it will tear when applied to the cake.

Stage 2. After the mastic is completely ready to be applied to the cake, it must be carefully separated from the table and placed on the cake. You can use a rolling pin to prevent the dough from breaking. To do this, carefully wrap the dough on a rolling pin from start to finish. In the same way, we roll it out on the cake.

Stage 3. Align the mastic. We begin to smooth the mastic from the top. Gradually moving to the sides. The entire procedure is best done with a spatula. When the layer of mastic is tightly attached to the cake, it is necessary to trim off the excess dough. This is best done with a sharp knife.

Important! When cutting off the excess, it must be remembered that in order for the bottom of the confection to be even and look beautiful, you need to leave a small stock of dough.

After cutting, this stock must be carefully hidden inward with a spatula. Thus, the edge will be flat and the cake will have an attractive aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Covering a square or rectangular cake with mastic

The process of wrapping baking with mastic of this geometric shape is slightly different from the method of covering a round cake with sugar mass, discussed earlier.

To work you will need the following ingredients and materials:

  • baked square or rectangular cake;
  • pre-prepared mastic;
  • cream for mastic;
  • a brush for applying cream;
  • rolling pin, preferably plastic for rolling out the sugar mass, as well as a mat for mastic;
  • confectionery spatula, preferably plastic;
  • sharp knife.

The process of wrapping a square or rectangular cake with mastic is described in detail in this video tutorial:

Covering a multi-tiered cake with mastic

The method of coating a multi-tiered confectionery product with mastic is no different from the coating of a single-tiered one.

First you need to decide on the size of the pastry and its shape. Then you need to apply a cream base under the mastic and only after that start wrapping the cake with sugar mass.

We start wrapping the confectionery from the bottom tier. Then we tighten the upper tier.

After that, we install special wooden skewer supports for the second tier. This is necessary so that the upper and lower tiers keep their shape and do not creep. The bunk cake is ready. Now you can safely decorate it with various compositions and decorative elements.