Carrot sticks recipe like at McDonald's. Carrot sticks with cheese and a little secret in the oven

04.03.2020 Fish dishes

How much does carrot sticks cost (average price per pack)?

Moscow and Moscow region

We think many people are aware of the unique beneficial properties of carrots. A vegetable such as a carrot contains in its chemical composition a fairly large amount of compounds irreplaceable for the human body. According to the biological classification, the carrot or Daúcus belongs to the umbrella plant family. In its natural habitat, a plant such as a carrot is found in New Zealand, Africa, as well as Australia and America.

Currently, all over the world actively cultivate this type of plant as sowing carrot, which is a subspecies of wild carrots. In cooking, carrots are considered one of the main root crops that people began to eat from the initial stage of development of human civilization. It should be noted that carrots are used both fresh and processed.

Moreover, due to the unique chemical composition, carrots do not lose their distinctive taste and useful characteristics, even when dried or frozen. What is remarkable, a seasoning is made from carrots, which is actively used in the process of making mixtures of spices and spices, as well as in the alcoholic beverage industry and the food industry.

Professional culinary experts claim that carrots can be classified as versatile vegetables that simply cannot ruin a culinary product. Carrots are used for making soups, as well as salads, main courses, appetizers and, moreover, desserts. In addition, carrot juice is especially popular and in demand. It should be noted that carrots are not only delicious, but also an incredibly healthy food product that must be present in the diet of people of all ages.

The chemical composition of carrots is enriched with a significant amount of such a unique natural element as carotene. In terms of carotene content, carrots are second only to sweet peppers. Regular consumption of carrots helps to normalize metabolic processes in the human body. Currently, consumers have a unique opportunity to charge their bodies with a unique complex of vitamins and minerals at any time thanks to carrot sticks.

A food product such as carrot shelves belongs to vegetable snacks, and can also act as a side dish for meat or fish dishes. In turn, snacks are understood as products that quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger. Carrot sticks are a 100% natural product made from fresh carrots, peeled and cut into strips. Carrot sticks are packed in a special vacuum package, which helps to preserve all the distinctive taste and useful properties of the snack for as long as possible.

Carrot sticks are used as an independent vitamin snack in the so-called vegetable plate, which is served with sauces. Carrot sticks, like fresh carrots, contain vitamins of groups A, B, K, E, H, as well as C and PP. In addition, carrot sticks are enriched with iron, calcium, iodine, magnesium, molybdenum, as well as selenium, fluorine, sodium and other compounds important for humans.

There are people who simply hate all vegetables except potatoes and try to exclude them from their menu. You can often hear: “Vegetables are so tasteless, I cooked carrots and I can’t bring myself to eat. What to do? How to eat healthy and tasty? "

Carrots do not have to be a soft substance that evokes unpleasant associations with public catering. The taste of this vegetable can be rich and rich. Add garlic and grated cheese to the carrot sticks, season the dish with dry parsley, and the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Carrot sticks with cheese and garlic, they are tastier than any fast food. To make the dish not only tasty, but also healthy, replace deep-fat frying with baking in the oven.

Carrots with cheese and garlic


  • 2-3 fresh carrots
  • 0.25 tbsp grated hard cheese
  • 1 tbsp. l. garlic powder
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 0.25 tbsp fresh or dry parsley

For the sauce

  • 2 tbsp. l. neutral yoghurt
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice
  • salt, pepper, garlic to taste


  • Rinse the carrots; you can remove the peels from the carrots if desired, although this is not necessary.
  • Slice the carrots into even long strips. To do this, first cut the root crop in half, and then cut each half, holding it with a fork.

  • Place the carrots in a bowl, add oil, salt, finely grated hard cheese (or parmesan powder), salt, pepper and garlic powder. Parsley can be used fresh, chopped very finely, or dried. But whole garlic will not work for the recipe - it will burn.

  • Stir the seasoned carrots to distribute the spices and oil evenly in the carrot strips.

  • Place the carrot sticks on the parchment, leaving a small space between the sticks so that the carrots are baked well.

  • Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30–35 minutes, periodically turning over and checking the readiness of the carrots. If the fork fits freely into the carrots and the pulp turns dark and the color is golden, the snack is ready.

  • For the sauce, plain yogurt is best, without sugar or additives. Add lemon juice and spices to it.
  • Leave the carrot snacks to cool for a few minutes and serve.
  • Carrot sticks in the oven- a very light snack, which is extremely difficult to break away from. And garlic sauce complements them perfectly.

    "So simple!" more than once turned to recipes for carrots. Try making an extremely tasty and figure-safe carrot cake.

    It can be served with original and healthy carrot tea. Share original carrot recipes with your friends. Bon Appetit!

    Carrot sticks will remind you of fast food, so beloved by everyone. The only difference will be that we are replacing deep-frying with oven baking. Thus, the resulting dish will delight you with its taste, but also preserve the beneficial qualities given by nature.

    Why not all vegetables are loved

    Unfortunately, no matter how much we realize the benefits of eating vegetables, we rarely use them in cooking. Most people "respect" exclusively, believing that the rest is extremely unpleasant.

    Take, for example, cabbage or carrots. And if the female sex still somehow forces itself to consume vegetables in the name of the figure, then the male part of the population is almost impossible to force them to consume in their pure form.

    The problem is stereotypes. And in the inability to properly and tasty cook this or that vegetable.

    Today we will talk about. This is one of those root vegetables that almost everyone loathes.

    It's not about when it is added to salads or soups. In particular, it seems to have an incomprehensible sweetish consistency after passing through heat treatment.

    But it's worth turning on your imagination, adding several bright ingredients to the carrots, such as, for example, cheese or garlic, and you will have an extraordinary dish. This is exactly the recipe we will share with you in this article.

    How to cook carrots with cheese and garlic

    Carrot sticks will remind you of fast food, so beloved by everyone. The only difference will be that we are replacing deep-frying with oven baking.

    Thus, the resulting dish will delight you with its taste, but also preserve the beneficial qualities given by nature.

    What do you need?

    • A few medium-sized carrots
    • 1/4 cup grated hard cheese
    • 1 tbsp. l. dry garlic powder (it is not difficult to find it, it often flashes on supermarket shelves in the spice section)
    • 1 st. l. refined oil
    • Salt pepper
    • Parsley

    Method for preparing carrot sticks

    First, rinse the carrots well under running water and peel them. If you are using fresh carrots of a new crop, this is not necessary. In this case, it is a matter of taste for everyone.

    Divide the root vegetable into several quarters lengthwise. Too thin blocks should not be made.

    Place the carrots in a container, add all other ingredients and mix thoroughly.

    Why is garlic powder used in this recipe? The problem is that fresh garlic will burn when in the oven and add unnecessary bitterness to your dish.

    Try not just to mix the food, but to achieve even distribution over the carrot bars.

    When all the manipulations are done, place the carrots on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Spread the pieces as far apart as possible. This will allow them to cook evenly.

    Carrots should be placed in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. On average, baking the sticks will take about forty minutes. But the time can vary depending on the thickness of the sliced ​​bars.

    Therefore, periodically check that the food is cooked with a fork. When the pulp ceases to be firm, and a characteristic blush appears on the surface, you can take out the orange beauty and serve.

    Carrot stick sauce

    Although carrot sticks are an original and tasty appetizer in themselves, like most snacks, they need to be supplemented.

    Yogurt is perfect here. To do this, simply add grated or crushed garlic to natural yogurt without flavors at your discretion, salt and pepper to taste and add a tablespoon of lemon juice.

    Even the most common products can be used to prepare delicious and original dishes. To diversify the menu and make it even healthier, take carrots. As a rule, this vitamin vegetable is added only as a "supplement" to soups, side dishes and salads. But there are also recipes in which carrots are the main ingredient. What to cook?

    Delicious desserts are made from carrots. Considering that the vegetable itself is sweet in taste, sugar does not have to be added to the dish, which means it can be added to the diet. Both adults and children will appreciate the carrot casserole - a low-calorie, healthy dessert. It is good both hot and cold.

    Products required: 3 large carrots, 3 tbsp. l milk, 1 tbsp. l of liquid natural honey, 50 g of raisins, 2 tbsp. l oat flour, egg. Cook using a simple technology:

    • Combine milk, flour and honey. Beat the mass with a mixer or whisk.
    • Grate the carrots. Combine with milk and honey mixture.
    • Soak the raisins in boiling water for a short time. Mix it with the carrot paste.
    • Line a deep baking dish with parchment paper or breadcrumbs on the bottom. Place the carrot dough here.
    • Cook the casserole at 180 degrees in a preheated oven for about 20-30 minutes.

    Crispy Carrot Sticks: A Healthy Snack

    You will not add unhealthy crispy snacks to your diet food - they are high in fat and flavorings. It's better to forget about such a snack! But you can use healthy vegetables to make a quick snack. It is very convenient if guests come to you very soon, and there is nothing on the table. From carrots, aromatic, crispy sticks with a spicy-sweet taste are obtained. They can also be served as a side dish for meat dishes.

    You will need the following list of ingredients: 4 carrots, 3 tbsp. l olive oil, 1/2 tsp each coriander, paprika, cumin and cardamom, a pinch of salt and hot pepper. Cook according to the recipe:

    • Wash and peel the carrots. Cut the vegetables into thin strips, like French fries.
    • Place the carrots in a deep bowl, add oil and spices. Mix everything thoroughly.
    • Place the carrot sticks on a baking sheet.
    • Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees - about 20 minutes.

    If you cook carrot sticks as a snack, they can be served with any sauce - there are a lot of recipes. The easiest option is to mix low-fat yogurt with lemon juice and finely chopped herbs (parsley, dill, or basil).

    Do you need to prepare a few jars of jam for the winter? Then prepare it from carrots - a real vitamin boost for the body during a period when immunity is reduced. And for added benefit, add lemons to the jam.

    The recipe contains a fairly large amount of sugar, so carrot jam is not very suitable for dietary nutrition, but as a rare delicacy it is quite suitable.

    Prepare the following foods: 1 kg each of carrots and lemons, 1 kg of sugar. The technology is as follows:

    • Boil water in a saucepan. Dip whole lemons here and cook for about 5 minutes.
    • Remove them from the water and cut with the peel, removing the seeds.
    • Pass the lemons and carrots through a meat grinder.
    • Put the resulting puree in a thick-walled saucepan. Add sugar.
    • Cook the mass over medium heat, stirring constantly, for about 40 minutes.
    • When the jam is ready, all that remains is to pour it into sterilized jars and roll it up.

    Cutlet recipes are varied. Even vegetarians will find their "own" cooking technology without using meat. Make carrot patties - fast and delicious!

    Products needed: 100 g of chickpeas, 400 g of carrots, an egg, an onion, 10 g of oat flour. Cook according to the recipe:

    • Boil the chickpeas until tender. After it cools down, turn it through a meat grinder.
    • Grate the carrots coarsely.
    • Finely chop the onion.
    • Combine carrot puree with chickpeas, onions, flour and egg. Season with salt and pepper.
    • Form thick patties from the resulting mass. They can be fried, cooked in an oven or double boiler.

    Carrot stew with orange

    Many vegetables are combined in fruit dishes. Carrots are no exception. Prepare an original sweet and sour stew that can serve as both a stand-alone meal and an addition to meat.

    The following ingredients are required: 500 g of carrots, 2 medium-sized oranges, 2 tbsp. l olive oil, 100 g olives, 1 tbsp. l mustard, 2 cloves of garlic, parsley and thyme. Cooking technology:

    • Peel and wash the carrots, cut into thin slices.
    • Peel one orange and cut the pulp into small cubes, and squeeze the juice from the other.
    • Now you need to prepare the filling for the dish - mix orange juice with mustard, garlic and thyme.
    • Place the carrot circles in a baking dish, and top with orange pulp and olives (you can cut them in half). Pour orange sauce over the dish.
    • Bake the stew in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.
    • Sprinkle the finished stew with chopped parsley on top.

    Cabbage rolls with vegetables and walnuts

    Not all cabbage roll recipes involve the use of meat. Replace the filling of a delicious dish with vegetables if you are on a diet now. A very tasty dish is made from carrots. And the aroma will be complemented by walnuts.

    Prepare the products: a head of cabbage, 400 g of carrots, 100 g of shelled walnuts, 1 tbsp each. l oat flour and natural tomato paste, 3 cloves of garlic, Cook according to the technology:

    • Separate whole leaves from the cabbage. Boil them in slightly salted water until soft. The toughest spots on the leaves can be cut or hit with a culinary hammer.
    • Finely grate the carrots.
    • Grind the nuts into crumbs.
    • Stew the carrot mass, add finely chopped garlic and nuts. If necessary, pepper and salt the mixture.
    • When the filling is ready, place small portions of it on separate cabbage sheets, and then wrap.
    • In a deep skillet, dilute the flour and tomato paste in about 1 to 2 tablespoons of water. Cook the sauce a little.
    • Place cabbage rolls in a skillet with sauce.
    • Cook the dish over low heat with the lid closed for about 20-30 minutes.

    Perhaps there is no more profitable vegetable than carrots. It is nowhere easier to cook it, and it is sold on the shelves all year round, and there are simply an incredible amount of recipes. Cooking carrots in a slow cooker is generally a special pleasure. After all, you can conjure over carrots in this kitchen gadget in almost any mode: "Frying", "Steaming", "Stewing", "Baking", even "Soup", "Pilaf" and "Porridge". And there is nothing strange in this, because carrots harmoniously fit into almost any dish. So let's not waste a minute and quickly master the skills of cooking amazing carrot dishes in an irreplaceable kitchen assistant!

    Rules and features of cooking carrots in a slow cooker

    Any housewife should know some points of preparation, thanks to which her dish will turn out not only appetizing and aromatic, but also very attractive in appearance.

    1. Carrots must be fresh! A sluggish vegetable can ruin the entire flavor spectrum. As a rule, dishes made from stale carrots are not so rich, they do not smell so tasty.
    2. The cooking time depends on the size of the slices you cut the carrots into. That is, if you have very little time, then it is better to chop smaller or even grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
    3. Carrots, stewed in sour cream or cream, acquire special tenderness and softness.
    4. If you want to make an incredible carrot dessert like Indian halava, for example, it is better to choose the "Stew" mode and use more butter. And if you add more sugar to this dish, then the effect of caramel is guaranteed.
    5. Carrots perfectly complement meat dishes. As a rule, it is added to chicken or pork.
    6. Some chefs prefer to cook fish and carrots. Moreover, such dishes are most successfully obtained if the belly of the fish is filled with carrot blanks and cooked in spices in the “Baking” mode.

    Simple recipe: delicious stewed carrots with onions "home-style"

    Such a meal will be harmoniously combined with vegetables and meat dishes. In truth, a more perfect side dish is hard to imagine. You will also be pleasantly surprised by the fact that cooking carrots “at home” is not just easy, but very easy.

    So let's get started! We need:

    • carrots - 1 kilogram;
    • onions - 2 pieces (medium size);
    • vegetable oil - 120 milliliters (odorless is better);
    • salt to taste;
    • spices - to taste (bay leaf, a mixture of peppers, if desired, you can add coriander, curry or Provencal herbs).
    1. The first step is to thoroughly wash and peel the carrots. Then we do the same manipulations with the bulbs. Now we turn on the multicooker and select the "Baking" mode, the cooking time is the minimum automatic. Pour vegetable oil into a bowl and leave it there to warm up. Meanwhile, grind the vegetables on a coarse grater. You can do this with a knife, as it is more convenient for anyone.
    2. Then pour the chopped onion into the already heated oil and bring it to a transparent state. Then we send the carrots there. Add salt (on average 1 heaped teaspoon), spices and select the "Stew" mode, this time the cooking time is 60 minutes. By the way, before you close the lid and leave the carrots to simmer, do not forget to mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
    3. After the final beep, transfer the dish to a separate plate. As mentioned above, you can serve the table with other vegetables, cereals or meat delicacies. Many people prefer to cool the carrots, and then put the bread on thin slices. Such carrot sandwiches are an indispensable snack: both tasty and healthy, and there are very few calories, especially if the bread is rye.

    Delicious and healthy carrot dishes prepared in a multicooker will become a real decoration of the table! You will be convinced of this by studying the step-by-step recipes with photos, which you will find below.