Raspberry compote: recipe. Raspberry compote for the winter

24.08.2019 Fish dishes

Children are especially fond of fragrant raspberries, and adults also enjoy raspberry jam with pleasure. One of the ways to harvest summer berries is to roll raspberry compote for the winter. Since the compote is subjected to less long-term heat treatment, this method allows you to preserve a maximum of vitamins. After all, raspberries are not only tasty, but also very healthy. It replenishes vitamin C reserves and is especially good for colds and flu as it relieves general symptoms, lowers body temperature and improves well-being.

Recipes for raspberry compotes for the winter are within the power of even inexperienced housewives. The process of preparing a drink is quite simple and does not take much time.

Before putting the berries in jars, they must be cleaned of the tails and washed. To do this, carefully put the raspberries in a sieve and put them in a bowl of water a couple of times, and then let the excess liquid drain.

To get rid of the raspberry bug, dip the berries in salted water for 10 minutes before washing, and then rinse well.

Quick raspberry drink

You can quickly prepare raspberry compote for the winter without sterilization. To do this, rinse raspberries in the amount of 600 g and spread them in equal parts into two cans (3 l each).

Pour 1 teaspoon of citric acid into each bottle.

Next, make a syrup for pouring:

  • Pour 600 g of granulated sugar into 6 liters of water;
  • boil for 5 minutes.

Fill the jars with syrup and close the raspberry compote for the winter.

Raspberry compote by double pouring

To prepare three cans of a drink with a volume of 2 liters, 600 g will be required (at the rate of 200 g per can). It can be made immediately in large containers and divided equally into two three-liter bottles.

Banks should be sterilized beforehand.

Arrange clean berries in containers, pour boiling water (about 6 liters) and leave for 5 minutes. Next, carefully pour the liquid into a large saucepan, leaving a little in the raspberries - this way it will not lose shape.

Add 0.6 kg of granulated sugar to the water. To make the compote less sweet, you can put 100 g less. While stirring, let the sugar completely dissolve.

Pour the boiling syrup over the berries and roll up.

Sterilized raspberry compote with powdered sugar

This drink will take a little more time and will be very concentrated. However, this is its "pluses" - by opening one liter jar of concentrate in winter, you can make at least 3 liters of delicious compote from it. This method of canning is especially relevant for city dwellers who do not have their own basement.

So, put 3 kg of picked and washed berries in a bowl in layers, sprinkling with powdered sugar. In total, you will need about 800 g of powder. Leave the sprinkled raspberries overnight to extract juice.

Powdered sugar can be made by yourself by grinding sugar in a blender with special attachments.

In the morning, carefully select the berries with a slotted spoon, arrange them equally in the jars and pour the raspberry syrup remaining in the bowl.

Put jars with the preparation of raspberry compote for the winter in a large basin, having previously laid an old towel on the bottom. Sterilize for no more than 10 minutes, roll up and wrap.

Raspberry-apple compote

To diversify the taste, when canning the drink, you can add other berries and fruits to it. So, in the compote of apples and apples, fruits with sourness will perfectly complement the taste and give it individuality, and ripe berries will create a beautiful shade.

The peculiarity of this drink is that it is prepared in a saucepan and then rolled up. To prevent the lid from swelling during storage, add lemon.

A very original drink is obtained with the addition of red dry wine (100 g per total amount of liquid). However, in the case of its use by children, it is better to miss this moment.

Step by step preparation of 3 liters of compote:

Currant and raspberry compote

A drink made from two types of berries - raspberries and currants - is very rich in color and special in taste.

To make the compote sweeter, use red currants. For a beautiful color, take black berries.

In order to roll up 3 liters of raspberry compote and:

When using red currants, the amount of sugar should be increased to 200 g, otherwise the drink will slightly sour.

Raspberry orange drink

Quite an unusual combination of traditional compote berries and exotic fruit will allow you to get a delicious refreshing drink with citrus notes.

For 4 liters of raspberry and orange compote for the winter you will need:

  • 600 g of berries;
  • 600 g granulated sugar;
  • 1 large sweet orange.

Rinse raspberries and dry slightly.

Pour over the orange with boiling water and divide into 4 parts, each cut at random.

Sterilize the jars and put the raspberries and orange in them.

Pour boiling water over the ingredients and cover with lids on top. Wait until the jars have cooled down so that you can take them with your bare hands.

When the glass has cooled, drain the present liquid into a saucepan and prepare a syrup on its basis with the addition of sugar.

Pour in hot syrup and roll up.

Raspberry compote for the winter will not only quench your thirst, but also help fight vitamin deficiency. When preparing, you can connect your imagination and combine raspberries not only with currants, apples and oranges, but also with other fruits. This will not spoil the taste of the drink, but just the opposite - it will give it individuality. The main thing is to preserve with a margin, because delicious compotes tend to end quickly. Bon Appetit!

Raspberry and blackberry compote - video

Currently, there is a huge selection of garden raspberry varieties that differ in both color and size. But one thing is clear for sure that garden raspberries are a very popular berry today. Each, even the smallest, area has a small corner for this wonderful berry. Indeed, with proper care, even from two square meters, you can collect up to three or four large buckets of raspberries. But from these berries you can cook not only jam, but also compote, the jars of which will stand out with a very rich color and excellent taste. I love raspberry compote very much also because you don't need to put a lot of sugar in it, but the taste of the compote turns out to be sweet. Yes, and my children also fell in love with him, even the berries from the jar are eaten. In this recipe, we will tell you how to close their raspberry compote for the winter.

Taste Info Compotes, juices for the winter

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar

  • 1.5 liters of raspberries
  • 2.5 liters of water
  • 1 cup of sugar

How to make raspberry compote for the winter

If you like compotes with a rich berry flavor and moderately sweet, then this recipe will suit you perfectly, but if you like very sweet compotes, then add another 0.5 cups of sugar for each three-liter jar.

Pour water into a saucepan, set it to boil. We sterilize the jars, so the compote will definitely not deteriorate, and you will also reduce the likelihood that the jar will burst when it is filled with boiling water for the first time dozens of times. While the water is boiling, we sort out the berries from the leaves, stalks, and also make sure that the berries are not tainted, since the raspberries retain their freshness for a very short time. Therefore, if you have already collected the berries on the site, then try to arrange them in a day, if it does not work out, then in the sorted state, store the raspberries exclusively in the refrigerator. We fill sterilized jars with raspberries.

Fill the berries with boiling water. Then we cover with metal lids, with which we will roll up the compote later, and set to stand for 10 minutes. This will steam the berry. If you think I've forgotten about sugar, then don't worry, it's not his turn yet.

Well, now in a saucepan with a volume of at least 3.5 liters (since the cans into which we roll the compote are three-liter), pour a glass of sugar.

Pour water from jars with berries into a saucepan with sugar. To do this, put a sieve on the pan and pour water through it.

The berries remain in the sieve, and I put them back into the jar with a slotted spoon. But the water from the jar ends up with sugar in a saucepan, which we put on the fire to boil.

Only steamed berries remain in the jar. And even if the raspberries are no longer as beautiful as they were, the compote from it is very tasty.

Pour the berries again with sweet water, tighten with a metal lid. We turn the cans with compote carefully, check if the lid is leaking, and in the upside down state we leave it wrapped in a blanket until it cools completely. It's so easy and simple to make raspberry compote for the winter.

Raspberry compote can be cooked for consumption directly in the summer, but you can also make a harvest for the winter. In addition, it should be noted that raspberries go well with other berries and fruits, and therefore often such fruits are found in blanks with it:

    black and red currants;

  • bird cherry;

  • other.

Therefore, this article will provide various recipes for raspberry compote, both multifruit and simple.

Here she is, what a beauty - our raspberries


In order not to repeat the same thing in each of the recipes, we will tell you a little about the preparation of berries before cooking. Raspberries are very delicate, therefore, they require careful attitude towards themselves. Below are the basic rules for collecting and preparing raspberry fruits.

    Raspberries should be picked in dry weather, preferably on a warm evening.

    For picking, you need to use shallow containers to prevent crushing the berries.

    Raspberries should be washed by placing in small portions in a colander or sieve, and then dipping them several times in clean water. At the same time, floating debris, dry leaves and damaged berries are removed.

    To cleanse the crop from small raspberry worms, if there is an infection, the berries are immersed in salted water, a tablespoon per liter, for 15 minutes. Emerging pests are carefully removed with a small slotted spoon, and the berries are washed with clean water.

After that, they start cooking compote.

Attention! Before preparing the blanks, do not forget to prepare glass jars: rinse them with soda and sterilize!

Harvested crop

One berry recipes

To begin with, we will give examples of recipes for raspberry compote for the winter without using additional berries. But simple raspberry drinks are prepared in different ways, which we will discuss below.

Simple recipe without sterilization

Raspberry compote for the winter without sterilization will retain more vitamins, for this it is prepared according to this recipe. This is the easiest way of cooking - pouring the prepared sugar syrup over the berries, followed by immediate sealing. At the same time, different housewives take berries and sugar in different proportions. We will give some average figures, by varying which you can make your compote more or less sweet or concentrated. So, for an ordinary three-liter jar you will need:

    raspberries - 700-900 grams;

    sugar - 200-350 grams;

    water - 1.5-2 liters.

The beauty of taste!

Berry tincture recipe

In this recipe, prepared berries are pre-infused with boiling water. Here is the layout of the products we need for this:

    raspberries - 800 grams;

    granulated sugar - 350 grams;

    water - 1.5 liters.

The process of making compote by this method looks like this

    We put the berries in a pre-sterilized three-liter jar.

    Pour boiling water over the raspberries.

    Let the berries brew and let the juice flow, it usually takes up to 10 minutes.

    After the water turns a rich light crimson color, you need to pour it into an enamel bowl.

    Put the saucepan on the fire.

    After boiling, add sugar and cook until it is completely dissolved.

    Pour the syrup into a jar and seal immediately.

Berries for dessert

This method of preparing compote is used if it is important for you to get whole raspberries for making desserts. There will be very little liquid in such a workpiece. In order to prepare such a treat, you need to take the following proportions of products, the alignment is given per liter jar:

    raspberries - 700-800 grams;

    sugar - 300 grams;

    water - 100 milliliters.

The compote is prepared as follows:

    We lay out the berries in prepared jars, sprinkling the layers with granulated sugar.

    Fill with cold water to the top, just about a hundred grams will work out.

    We put the jars in a wide container for sterilization.

    Pour water over the shoulders of the cans.

    Sterilize for three minutes after boiling water.

    We fasten, turn over, cover with a blanket or a husband's winter fishing jacket (). There were precedents.

Attention! Put on sterilization cans of only one volume and shape in order to avoid damage to the workpieces, since different vessels require different processing times.

Multifruit drinks

Raspberry compotes in combination with other fruit crops are also very popular. They are cooked both for use directly in the season, and in preparations for the winter. Let's list the most popular recipes.

Summer compote from Olga Polyakova

In the summer heat, a compote of various berries, which is based on raspberries, perfectly quenches thirst. It is the raspberry flavor that gives this drink a unique flavor. In addition to it, you can include any berries in the composition according to the season, each of them will bring its own note of taste:

    black currant will give aroma and sourness;

    bird cherry will add viscosity, useful for fixing the stomach;

    apples will be enriched with iron;

    cherry will give a delicious taste and bright color;

    plum in any compote will not be lost.

The composition of the products for a three-liter saucepan:

    raspberries - 0.5 liters;

    the rest of the berries for the season - 0.5 liters;

    sugar - 200-300 grams to taste.

The whole thing is brewed very simply.

    Berries are placed in the pan.

    Sugar is poured and water is poured.

    The liquid is brought to a boil.

    It is brewed within just one (!) Minute.

    After cooling down, you can drink and enjoy.

Vitamin compote for the winter

This recipe combines two most useful berries - raspberries and black currants, it is not for nothing that the recipe is called "vitamin". For its preparation, we need, per three liters:

    black currant-300-400 grams;

    raspberries-300-400 grams;

    syrup -200 grams of sugar per liter of water.

This vitamin miracle is prepared in this order:

    We put currant berries in a three-liter jar in such an amount that they take up a third of the volume.

    Then pour the raspberries up to half.

    Cooking sugar syrup.

    Fill the jar with it to the top.

    We seal and set to cool.

Apple compote

A very tasty raspberry and apple compote is obtained according to the recipe that we have placed at the end of the article, try it, its author vouches for the taste. To prepare this drink, you need to take products in terms of a three-liter can:

    apples - 2-3 pieces;

    raspberries - 1 glass;

    sugar - 1 glass.


Good afternoon dear friends! Summer is in full swing and hence the winter harvesting season too. Today we'll talk about recipes for making raspberry compote. There are many options for how you can make raspberry compote tasty and simple.

Raspberry compote is always tasty and very healthy. And in order to preserve all the beneficial properties of raspberries for a long time, many use recipes without sterilizing berries, and also add some natural preservatives that carefully store all the vitamins in your compote.

A 3-liter jar is the most common container for storing compotes, it is both convenient and practical.


  • 2-2.5 cups raspberries
  • 300 sugar.
  • Water.

Cooking process.

For 1 3-liter jar, 2 glasses of berries and 300 grams of sugar are enough.

And so, before preparing the compote, we sterilize the container and, accordingly, the lids in any available way. There are methods of sterilization in the oven and there are methods of sterilization over steam. Just place the jar over a boiling pot and let sit for about 5-7 minutes. And the lids must be boiled before use.

And so the raspberries are sorted out and the banks are washed and ready, you can start.

Pour raspberries into a jar and cover with water to the brim.

We cover the jar with a lid and soak the raspberries in hot water for 10 minutes.

Then drain the water, add sugar to it, boil and pour back into the jar with raspberries.

Then we cover it with a lid and tighten it with a special key.

We make jars with compote with lids down, wrap them up and stand until they cool completely. Then we transfer to a cool place for long-term storage. Raspberry compote is ready to enjoy your meal.

Video recipe on how to cook raspberry compote

Bon Appetit.

Raspberry compote for the winter recipe with mint

As you know, raspberries dilate blood vessels very well, and raspberries are also very tasty. But you can embellish its taste a little by adding a few sprigs of fragrant mint to the jar.


  • 200-250 gr. ripe berries.
  • 250 sugar.
  • 2-3 sprigs of mint.
  • 2.5 water.

Cooking process.

Wash the jars well with soda and sterilize. Rinse the raspberries.

Pour boiling water over raspberries into a jar. Soak raspberries in hot water for 10-15 minutes.

Drain the water into the pan so that the berries remain in the jar, use a special nylon lid with holes.

Add sugar and 2-3 sprigs of mint to the raspberry water. Boil for 3 minutes until sugar is completely dissolved.

Pour the berries in a jar with raspberry syrup and tighten the lids. Compote with raspberries and mint is completely ready. It remains to make up the jars and wrap them in a warm blanket. After cooling, transfer to a cool place without sunlight.

Compote with raspberries and orange recipe for 1 liter jar

No matter how tasty raspberries are, you always want to cook something tastier. I suggest you try to make raspberry and orange compote. The taste will not be transferable.


  • Raspberry 150-200 grams.
  • Orange 2-3 slices.
  • Sugar 100 gr.
  • Water.

Cooking process.

Put the sorted out and well-washed raspberries into a jar, add orange slices.

Pour boiling water over to stand for 10 minutes.

Drain the water, add sugar to the water, mix and boil for 2-3 minutes after boiling.

Pour back into the jar and tighten the lid.

Raspberry and orange compote is ready.

Compote recipe without sterilization with citric acid

Citric acid in compote acts as a natural preservative. Therefore, some housewives, in order to be on the safe side, put a pinch of lemon on a 3-liter jar. And citric acid can very well emphasize the taste of raspberries in compote.

Ingredients for a 3 liter can.

  • Fresh raspberries 200-300 grams.
  • Sugar 250 grams.
  • A pinch of citric acid.
  • Water.

Cooking process.

Arrange raspberries in sterile jars. Pour boiling water over the berry. Leave for 10 minutes then drain the water.

Pour sugar into the water and boil for 3-5 minutes.

Add a small pinch of citric acid to each jar.

Pour the syrup into the jars and tighten the lids.

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