Easy vegetable salad recipe. Vegetable salads, recipes with photos are simple and tasty

13.09.2019 Fish dishes

We all know about the benefits of vegetables since childhood. Besides, vegetables are always delicious. And therefore, recipes for vegetable salads do not lose their popularity. Vegetables will become a real decoration of any festive table, help to diversify the daily diet. And unusually decorated vegetable salads and vegetable "figures", laid out in the form of drawings, will help to persuade young children to use these useful natural vitamins more actively.

Light vegetable salads for every day are very popular in the summer. They combine any seasonal fruits harvested in the garden or bought on the market. Fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, bell peppers and cabbage, radishes and green peas, as well as greens that are essential in such salads - all this is combined in arbitrary proportions, seasoned with vegetable oil, sour cream or mayonnaise. Such salads perfectly complement any dishes and allow you to make your daily diet healthy and varied without extra cost.

Vegetable salads for weight loss are very popular, because most vegetables contain a minimum amount of calories, and therefore these dishes can be eaten almost without restrictions, even during periods of strict diets. There are even special dietary vegetable salads that allow you to diversify strictly rationed meals on "cabbage" or "vegetable" days.

Delicious and light vegetable salads for a festive table will also be a great solution. They will allow you to choose a dish to taste both vegetarians and people who are losing weight. And given the usual abundance of high-calorie snacks on holiday tables, which every hostess traditionally pleases guests with, such salads will become a real "outlet" for people who avoid overeating.

You can make mayonnaise-free vegetable salads, seasoned with olive oil, sunflower oil, or soy sauce. Or, on the contrary, collect potatoes, beans or other legumes in one salad, add croutons or mushrooms to vegetables, pick up a hearty dressing (mayonnaise, sour cream, Caesar sauce). This salad will appeal to many men and can even be used as a main course, for example, for breakfast or lunch.

Vegetables should be present on your table all year round, fresh and pickled, baked and fried, in any form and as much as possible. You can prepare salads with vegetables for every day, as well as for the holidays. Vegetable salads are very popular for the New Year or February 23rd, birthday or March 8th.

And how to prepare a vegetable salad for every day or for a holiday, you can find out in this section of the site. All recipes are sorted by topic - on each page you will find interesting salads that contain certain products. For example, if you are looking for a new recipe for a hearty vegetable salad, look at bean or potato salads. If you like spicy dishes, pay attention to a variety of salads with Korean carrots, and for connoisseurs of maximum vitamins with a minimum of calories, we offer a wide selection of salads with cabbage.

A traditional dish that is known, loved and constantly cooked in German families is potato salad. Each housewife has her own recipe, which has been passed down from generation to generation.

The delicious and vitamin-rich radichio salad that has become the hallmark of Italian cuisine is described in the recipes of famous chefs, as well as useful tips.

A great way to add an explosion of color and fresh, healthy vegetables to your table is to use boiled vegetable salads instead of a side dish.

Avocado and tomato salad will be to the liking of both delicious food lovers and adherents of healthy eating. The advantage of the dish lies in the synthesis of two basic ingredients that combine incredible taste and great benefits for the body.

Fresh cabbage salad with cucumber is a simple instant appetizer that can complement every meal. The dish turns out to be light, tasty, aromatic and absolutely universal in serving, as it will complement fish and meat snacks.

Baked vegetable salad is a delicious and easy-to-prepare universal serving dish. This appetizer can be served with meat, fish dishes and side dishes, where it will always be appropriate. The salad will perfectly complement both everyday and festive menus.

English carrots are a delicious, original and at the same time healthy dish in the recipes of the best chefs. It is prepared simply, inexpensively, it is used both as a side dish and as a dessert.

A simple green tomato salad recipe will help you answer the question of what to cook from this delicious unusual vegetable. Green tomato salads are healthier than red ones.

Tomato and Bean Salad

Tomato and Bean Salad is an easy-to-prepare summer salad that combines the freshness of the ingredients with the richness and calories. Easy to digest, but satiates half a day ahead.

Daikon salad

Daikon is becoming an increasingly popular vegetable in Russia, so a simple recipe for daikon salad will probably come in handy for you. Try it - an original and fresh alternative to boring salads.

Blue cabbage salad

Blue cabbage salad is one of my all-time favorite vegetable salads. Learn how to make blue cabbage salad and your cooking arsenal will be replenished with a very simple yet effective salad recipe!

Green salad with tomatoes and avocado

Green salad with tomatoes and avocado is a delicious salad made from fresh vegetables and herbs, which can easily replace a full meal in summer. Completely raw salad - no thermal processing.

Mint salad

Not only the drink, but the salad can be refreshing. Fresh raw mint salad is just such a dish that perfectly refreshes and invigorates in the summer heat. I recommend raw foodists and not only!

Cabbage salad with vinegar

Each of us knows the taste of cabbage salad with vinegar - it is served everywhere as a side dish to various dishes. But not everyone knows how to make a delicious cabbage salad. I tell and show.

Kohlrabi salad

If you've never eaten kohlrabi, a simple kohlrabi salad recipe will help you get to know this vegetable. And if you are already familiar with this vegetable, you yourself know how delicious the kohlrabi salad is.

Light salad

A light vegetable salad is a delicious and vitamin-filled summer dish that can become a worthy alternative to any snack during the warmer months. A simple recipe for an easy salad - your attention.

Fresh carrot and beet salad

Fresh carrot and beetroot salad is a salad of people who care about their health. Perhaps no other vegetable salad contains such an amount of vitamins and nutrients. Cooking!

Winter salad

Vegetable dietary salad. Contrary to the name, you can eat it not only in winter :) But it is in winter, when the body lacks vitamins, that such a salad is especially useful and relevant.

Beet and apple salad

Beet and apple salad is a successful variation of the popular beetroot salad with the addition of apples, which set off the specific taste of beets and make the salad tasty even for those who do not like beets.

Red cabbage salad

The red cabbage salad is my favorite salad of the kind that is prepared in no time and is perfect for a quick, light snack. In addition, red cabbage salad can be considered raw food.

Dream salad

How to replenish the supply of vitamins and strengthen the immune system? Prepare delicious and healthy meals from the young dream. Read the recipe for the salad with a photo!

Nettle salad

Nettle, the most "biting" herb, is actually incredibly tasty and healthy. If you decide to try nettle, start with a light, delicious nettle salad. You'll like it!

Radish with sour cream

Not knowing how to cook a radish with sour cream is simply a sin - this is the most popular salad in the season of fresh vegetables. You probably know the recipe for radishes with sour cream, but just in case - I'll give mine.

Jerusalem artichoke salad with carrots

Jerusalem artichoke salad with carrots is an incredibly healthy salad, which should be eaten at least for health reasons. However, and to taste it is even nothing - fresh, crispy, juicy.

Jerusalem artichoke salad

Jerusalem artichoke salad is a vitamin storm on your plate. One portion of this salad is enough to provide the body with the daily intake of most vitamins and nutrients. Cooking!

Radish salad with sour cream

Radish salad with sour cream is a salad that needs no introduction. A combination of just a few simple ingredients will bring you fantastic gastronomic pleasure.

Radish and cucumber salad

Prepare the most spring salad of fresh radishes and cucumbers, recharge your body that has weakened over the winter with a portion of delicious vitamins! A simple recipe for radish and cucumber salad - read it!

Sorrel salad

A wonderful salad of sorrel leaves - for your attention. If the sorrel is young and tender, then the salad is simply amazing taste. I share some simple instructions on how to cook it.

Cabbage and radish salad

Cabbage and radish salad - easy in terms of digestibility by the body and an easy-to-prepare salad for lunch or dinner from fresh young radishes and no less fresh white cabbage.

Radish salad

A seasonal radish salad is the first herald of the impending summer. In the month of May, you want to eat a salad of fresh radishes every day - so much the body missed ripe seasonal vegetables over the winter.

Potato salad

The recipe for potato salad in the best traditions of German cuisine. Incredibly satisfying, high-calorie and, at the same time, a budget salad - I recommend students to take note of first of all :)

Rocket salad with tomatoes

Rocket salad with tomatoes is a classic summer salad, especially common in Mediterranean cuisine. Making a salad with arugula and tomatoes means saturating yourself with vitamins for the whole day.

Chinese cabbage salad

Chinese cabbage salad is a light, fresh, summer salad that works well both as a side dish to something more satisfying, or as a separate dish. A simple Chinese cabbage salad recipe is for you!

Radish salad with carrots

Radish salad with carrots is a cheap, light and healthy vegetable salad that can be served either separately or as a side dish with meat or fish. A simple recipe for radish salad with carrots is for you!

Green radish salad

A grater and a few fresh vegetables are all you need to make a green radish salad. The salad turns out to be light, vitamin, dietary - as befits a vegetable salad.

Bell pepper salad

Tricolor Bell Pepper Salad is one of my favorite summer salads. Color, taste, aroma, usefulness - everything in this salad is perfect. I am telling you how to make a salad with bell pepper.

Caesar salad with chicken and croutons

A simple recipe for making a popular restaurant salad with chicken pieces and breadcrumbs. Preparing to madness is simple, but everyone likes it!

"Carrot" salad

An original salad with carrots and mushrooms for the festive table. Carrot salad turns out to be not only beautiful and tasty, but also healthy, because carrots contain many vitamins.

Salad "Male power"

The recipe for the "Man's Power" salad. Those people who take care of their health, especially men, will not refuse to try this healthy and tasty salad.

Beetroot salad with prunes and walnuts

Beetroot salad with prunes and walnuts, seasoned with mayonnaise, is one of the traditional salads of modern Ukrainian cuisine. If you like beets, you will love the salad.

Salad with mustard dressing and cherry tomatoes

Mustard and tomato salad is my favorite summer salad. I don't like any combination of products as much as this. Favorite vegetables, gorgeous dressing - and a great salad on your table.

Olivier salad

The classic recipe for making Olivier salad. Traditional salad on our festive tables. I am telling you how to make an Olivier salad to make everyone happy!

Tomato salad with feta and basil dressing

A simple but delicious tomato salad that does not require any heat treatment. The composition of the main ingredients is quite simple and familiar. The dressing adds a zest to this salad.

Greek salad

I bring to your attention a classic recipe for Greek salad. I think this is the most successful of the huge number of Greek salad recipes. Here's how to make a Greek salad!

Spicy salad with avocado and tomatoes

This is very easy to prepare, quite trivial in terms of ingredients, but rich in taste, spicy salad with avocado. Summer option for a light and quick snack.

Iceberg lettuce"

This light salad will be a wonderful side dish for any meat or fish dish. It contains chlorophyll, which stimulates the immune system, and folic acid, which regulates many processes in the body.

Spring salad with French dressing

Spring salad with French dressing is a salad from the category "it couldn't be easier", however, how tasty and aesthetically perfect it is - words cannot convey. This is what I call a good salad.

Beetroot salad with tangerines

Beetroot salad with tangerines is a very original salad with a bright and unusual taste. The combination may seem daunting at first, but once you try it, your opinion of the beetroot and tangerine combination will change!

Black bean salad

Black Bean Salad is a very flavorful, colorful, fresh and tasty salad common in Mexican cuisine. There it is called salsa, but we will traditionally call this dish - salad.

Japanese potato salad

Japanese potato salad is something you have never tasted for sure. The most ordinary, familiar to us vegetables give rise to a Japanese salad that is completely unexpected in taste and design.

Raw beet salad

To make beetroot salad, you don't have to boil it. Here's how to make a simple but delicious raw beetroot salad.

Tomato, avocado and shrimp salad

Tomato, Avocado and Shrimp Salad is an easy-to-prepare salad that tastes to the highest standards. Surprise your guests or family with this salad! :)

Radish and cottage cheese salad

A salad with radishes and cottage cheese is not just a delicious salad, but also a real vitamin bomb. The combination of radish and cottage cheese will not only feed, but also saturate the body with a large portion of calcium.

Broccoli salad with raisins and seeds

If you love discovering unexpectedly delicious food combinations, the broccoli salad with raisins and seeds will surely appeal to you. Easy to prepare but delicious.

Spinach and radish salad

Spinach and radish salad is a treasure trove of vitamins on your plate. The most useful vegetable salad, a small portion of which will supply your body with a daily requirement of various vitamins and nutrients.

Cauliflower, cucumber and pasta salad

Cauliflower, cucumber and pasta salad is original, isn't it? The combination of ingredients is strange and unusual, but believe me - it's really delicious! :)

Spanish red cabbage

Red cabbage in Spanish is a wonderful vegetable side dish for meat or poultry dishes and a good independent vegetable dish. The ingredients are simple - the result is amazing!

Sweet pepper salad

I bring to your attention a very simple summer raw-food salad made from sweet pepper - it is prepared in just 15 minutes, but it turns out to be very tasty and original. Perfect combination of products.

Shopska salad

Shopska salad is a popular Eastern European dish and is considered the national dish of Bulgaria. It turns out very fresh and light - just what you need in summer weather.

The vinaigrette

Vinaigrette salad is a very popular and delicious dish. Here is a classic Vinaigrette recipe that you can easily make at home.

Chinese cabbage salad

The recipe for a salad of Peking cabbage, cucumber, boiled eggs, green onions and mayonnaise.

Korean carrots (Korean carrots)

Popular light salad Korean carrot. Homemade spicy Korean carrot recipe.

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about proper nutrition about what exactly it is. Of course, fast food, fatty and carbohydrate, should be limited and, if possible, completely excluded from your diet. And what should be in the daily menu - cereals and, of course, a lot of vegetables. If you need simple and delicious recipes with photos of how to cook vegetable salads, then you are at the right place.

You need to understand that talking about the benefits of raw vegetables, without heat treatment, is not just fashion and not just what nutritionists are trying to make fashionable. Vegetables contain fiber, which the body needs in large enough quantities for the digestive tract to work smoothly and correctly. Therefore, if you have frequent constipation or, conversely, diarrhea often happens, this is the first bell that signals that you urgently need to start eating fiber, which means preparing salads from vegetables. Simple and tasty recipes with photos can be found in a wide variety on our website.

An experienced housewife may say that a special mind and recipe is not required to prepare a vegetable salad. Well, I chopped cucumbers and tomatoes, seasoned everything with vegetable oil, that's an excellent salad. In fact, a lot depends on the right combination of vegetables. And you also need to remember that salad dressing is not only vegetable oil or sour cream. Here you can use balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, mustard and many other additional ingredients.

To cook vegetable salads without mayonnaise, recipes with photos are also required. Because, there, perhaps, it will be told about a combination of simple vegetables, but the dressing can completely change the taste of a familiar dish. So, a vegetable salad must be present in the family's menu every day. Moreover, if the goal is to eat healthy and healthy, then each family member should have about a kilogram of salad - fresh vegetables, herbs.

Be sure, regardless of the season, pamper yourself and your loved ones with fresh vegetable-based salads. This is the basis of health and longevity, beauty and just a cheerful, good mood. It is best to buy vegetables for a salad according to the season, in winter it can be carrots and beets, cabbage, onions. In spring and summer, of course, the variety of vegetables allows you to turn on your culinary imagination to its fullest.


Caprese salad

Ingredients: oil, basil, tomato, mozzarella, salt, pesto, pepper, herbs, cream

Caprese salad came to us from Italy. It is not difficult to prepare it, and absolutely everyone will like the taste.


- 2 tsp olive oil,
- a bunch of basil,
- 2 tomatoes,
- 2 pcs. mozzarella,
- 2 tbsp. pesto,
- salt,
- black pepper,
- greens,
- balsamic cream.


Diet Cabbage Salad

Ingredients: chicken leg, cabbage, mustard grains, vegetable oil, vinegar

Common cabbage makes excellent salads - tasty and healthy. These recipes are popular with those who follow a diet. We suggest you make a salad of cabbage and boiled chicken - it will be more interesting and tastier this way.

- chicken leg or breast - 1 pc;
- cabbage - 1 head of cabbage;
- mustard grains - 7 gr;
- little vegetable - 1 tbsp;
- vinegar - 1 tablespoon


Avocado Diet Salad

Ingredients: avocado, tomato, lemon, garlic, olive oil, salt, pepper

Today I propose to prepare a very tasty diet salad from avocado. The recipe is very simple and quick. You can prepare such a salad both for every day and for a festive table.


- avocado - 1 pc.,
- tomatoes - 180 grams,
- lemon juice - 2-3 tablespoons,
- garlic - 2 cloves,
- olive oil - 3-4 tablespoons,
- salt,
- black pepper.


Fresh cabbage and cucumber salad

Ingredients: cucumber, cabbage, dill, green onions, sunflower oil, salt, vinegar

Fresh cabbage and cucumbers go well with each other. The easiest way is to make a light vegetable salad from them, which is ideal for both meat and fish dishes. This is the recipe we have prepared for you.
- cucumber - 1 fresh;
- cabbage - 150 gr;
- dill - 0.5 bunch;
- green onions - 0.25 bunch;
- fragrant sunflower oil - 2-3 tablespoons;
- salt - 1 pinch;
- vinegar 9% - 0.25 tsp


Cabbage salad with apple and carrot

Ingredients: carrots, cabbage, apple, salt, sugar, vinegar

Cabbage and carrots are a familiar combination for a salad. And you can also add an apple to them - in this form it will turn out even tastier, believe me! You will learn how to do this in practice from our detailed master class.
- carrots - 2 pcs;
- young cabbage - 1 \ 2 part of a head of cabbage;
- apple - 1 pc;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- vinegar to taste.


Fresh cabbage salad

Ingredients: cabbage, cucumbers, dill, green onions, olive oil, salt, pepper, powdered sugar

An excellent salad - simple but tasty - is made from fresh cabbage. It is especially good in spring and summer, when the body needs to gain vitamins. And this recipe is perfect for that.
- cabbage - 450 gr;
- fresh cucumbers - 150 gr;
- dill - a small amount;
- green onions - a small amount;
- olive oil - 2-3 tablespoons;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- icing sugar - 0.5 tsp


Radish, cucumber and egg salad

Ingredients: radish, egg, cucumber, green onions, salt, pepper, vegetable oil

The radish cucumber and egg salad is easy to make, has the ingredients available and always works. So if you want a bit of freshness and springiness in your kitchen, this recipe is just for you!
- radish - 200 gr;
- egg - 1 piece;
- fresh cucumbers - 150 gr;
- green onions - 1 small bunch;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp.


Fresh cabbage and carrot salad with vinegar

Ingredients: fresh cabbage, carrots, onions, salt, sugar, apple cider vinegar, vegetable oil, green onions, herbs

I bring to your attention a very tasty and interesting recipe for making my favorite salad from fresh cabbage and carrots with vinegar.


- 300-350 grams of cabbage;
- 1 carrot;
- half an onion;
- salt;
- sugar;
- 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar;
- 2-3 tbsp. vegetable oil;
- a bunch of greens.


Radish salad with egg and green onions

Ingredients: radish, green onions, eggs, mayonnaise

You can make this delicious salad with radishes, eggs and green onions in a very simple and quick way.


- radish - 200 grams,
- green onions - a bunch,
- eggs - 2 pcs.,
- mayonnaise or sour cream.


Winter salad of cabbage with peppers and tomatoes

Ingredients: cabbage, onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, carrots, sugar, vinegar, vegetable oil, salt,

Cabbage, tomatoes, bell peppers are a great combination of ingredients. It is precisely this that is at the heart of the preparation with which we want to introduce you. Believe me, all your household will surely like this preservation!

- 1 kg of white cabbage;
- 300 grams of onions;
- 3-4 pieces of sweet pepper;
- 300 gr of tomatoes;
- 2 large carrots;
- 1/3 cup sugar;
- 70 ml vinegar 9%;
- 1/3 cup vegetable oil;
- 1.5 tbsp. coarse salt.


Green radish salad with carrots

Ingredients: radish, apple, carrot, lemon, garlic, oil, salt

It will take you only 20 minutes to prepare this delicious, healthy, vitamin salad with green radish, carrots and apple.


- 200 grams of green radish,
- 150 grams of apple,
- 100 grams of carrots,
- 1 lemon,
- 3 cloves of garlic,
- 2 tbsp. sunflower oil,
- salt.


Beetroot salad with apple

Ingredients: boiled beets, apple, lemon juice, sour cream, yogurt, salt, walnuts, black pepper

I suggest you prepare a very tasty and healthy salad with beets and apples. We will fill it with sour cream or yogurt.


- 2 beets;
- 1 apple;
- 1 tsp lemon juice;
- 3 tbsp. sour cream or yogurt;
- salt;
- 4-5 walnuts;
- a pinch of black pepper.


Salad "Pomegranate bracelet with pumpkin"

Ingredients: pumpkin, meat, cheese, mayonnaise, egg, pomegranate, nut, pepper, salt

There are a lot of recipes for Pomegranate Bracelet salad, but today I have prepared an unusual recipe for you. We will use pumpkin as the main ingredient. Try it - it's very tasty.


- half a pumpkin,
- 300 grams of hot smoked meat,
- 250 grams of hard cheese,
- 150-200 grams of mayonnaise,
- 2 eggs,
- 1 glass of pomegranate seeds,
- half a glass of walnuts,
- pepper,
- salt.


Bulgur salad with vegetables

Ingredients: bulgur, tomato, cucumber, onion, herbs, salt, pepper, garlic, oil, lemon juice, vinegar

I really like salads with rice, they are hearty and very tasty. Today I described for you a recipe for one of my favorite salads with bulgur and vegetables.


- half a glass of bulgur,
- 1 tomato,
- 1 cucumber,
- half an onion,
- 5-6 feathers of green onions,
- parsley,
- Dill,
- spices,
- 2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
- 1-2 tsp lemon juice or vinegar.


Salad "Tabouleh"

Ingredients: bulgur, tomato, cucumber, herbs, cumin, salt, pepper, lemon juice, oil

I am sure you will like this delicious unusual Tabouleh salad. Today I have described for you a classic recipe for its preparation.


- a third of a glass of bulgur,
- 1 tomato,
- 1 cucumber,
- parsley,
- Dill,
- green onion,
- mint,
- zira,
- salt,
- pepper,
- 1.5-2 tsp lemon juice
- 1-2 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Vegetable salad is a popular dietary dish that is high in vitamins and minerals. Vegetables have a beneficial effect on the stomach by facilitating the digestion of food and the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The ancient Romans were one of the first to prepare salads, who used olive oil, onions, endives and honey for this. Garlic, parsley and peppermint were also used in the Middle Ages. Vegetable salads, due to the availability and variety of ingredients, boast almost the largest number of all kinds of recipes. For salads, you can use asparagus, tomatoes, peppers, garlic, green onions, parsley and many other vegetables in combination with vinegar, vegetable oil, sour cream, mayonnaise and salt. The finished dish is usually served cold with fried meat or as a snack.

In the section "Vegetable salads" 651 recipes

Broccoli salad with carrots and garlic

Broccoli is very popular with adherents of healthy eating and losing weight. It contains a lot of protein, and the nutritional properties of protein are close to meat protein. To get acquainted with healthy cabbage, we suggest you master a simple salad recipe from ...

Cauliflower salad with tomatoes and eggs

A simple cauliflower salad with tomatoes and hard-boiled eggs can be served as a main course for dinner or lunch. To keep the vegetable salad from being bland, season it with mustard and thick balsamic sauce. Learning is simple, tasty and ...

Cheese and lentil salad

The salad with feta cheese and lentils gives a palette of taste, including the sharpness and sweetness of Yalta onions, the salinity of feta cheese, the juiciness of tomatoes and bell peppers. Balances everything with boiled lentils. She does not have her own well-expressed taste, which is in vegetable ...

Baked pumpkin salad with beets and feta cheese

The recipe for a light salad of baked vegetables with the addition of salted feta cheese can be served as a side dish with meat or fish. For a salad dressing, combine vegetable oil (olive or sunflower) with soy sauce and balsamic vinegar. Such a sauce ...

Vegetable salad with avocado, mango and corn

The recipe for an unusual vegetable salad, which includes avocado, mango, corn and greens. It will take very little time to prepare it, and as a result, you will have a delicious, bright, juicy salad on your table that you will immediately want to eat. ...

Moroccan carrot salad with cumin

An interesting recipe for carrot salad with cumin exists in Moroccan cuisine. The set of products for the salad is minimal. A few sweet carrots, which are coarsely chopped and blanched, and a spicy butter dressing are enough. The products in the recipe are calculated ...

Sweet potato, carrot and sunflower seed salad

A salad made from raw, incredibly healthy root vegetables has a pleasant taste and an interesting, bright appearance. It can be used as a light snack or a full meal (if you're on a diet). Thanks to the sweet potato that contains ...

Celery and carrot salad

The most delicate and aromatic of all root seasonings is celery. It has a positive effect on the human body, for example, it improves tone. Root celery is commonly added to salads, broths, soups, and stews. We offer a trial ...

Watermelon salsa with feta cheese and corn

Watermelon salsa is a common recipe for watermelon salad with vegetables and the most common salad dressing. Instead of feta cheese, you can use any young brine cheese of your choice. Add a little Worcester sauce to the salad for spice, but if ...

Chinese cabbage salad with egg, sesame seeds and tomatoes

The recipe for Peking cabbage salad is light and original in design, the preparation of which does not take much time. A salad dressing with lemon and paprika will add a special piquancy to the dish. Sesame will add an extraordinary taste to the salad. If int ...

Greek salad classic

The classic Greek salad is made from fresh vegetables, seasoned with herbs. In addition to vegetables and herbs, diced brine cheese (feta, feta cheese) and olives are placed with the salad. In this salad you can add a lettuce cut with checkers, fresh ...

Spring salad with Adyghe cheese and linseed oil

The most common recipe for spring salad from vegetables and herbs can be enriched by adding Adyghe cheese to it. The dish turns out to be not only healthy and tasty, but also beautiful. Adyghe cheese can be replaced with feta cheese or Imeretian cheese. The main thing is that the cheese is s ...

Beetroot salad with sour cream and horseradish sauce

Grated table horseradish gives a piquant pungency, and sour cream softens the horseradish taste. Fresh dill gives flavor. In general, the beet salad prepared according to this recipe turned out to be very satisfying due to the cheese and eggs. By the way, cooking beets has its own little ...

Salad with sauerkraut and potatoes

Salad with sauerkraut and potatoes can be served as a side dish for meat or fish. Be sure to use fragrant sunflower oil for refueling. With it, the cabbage salad turns out to be really tasty. If sauerkraut seems too salty to you ...

Salad with celery and green peas

To maintain the strength of the body, a salad with celery and green peas will be useful. It is sometimes simply referred to as green for the rich color of the ingredients. Vegetable salad turns out to be unusually light, so it will perfectly fit into the diet of those who follow ...

Sauerkraut salad with onions

Sauerkraut salad recipe that can be served as a side dish with sausages or other meat dishes. In a salad bowl with cabbage, additionally put grated carrots and thinly chopped onions, and if the cabbage turns out to be too sour, then it must be washed before ...

Walldorf salad with celery

The salad was first served at the Walldorf-Astoria, which explains its name. The hotel itself was built. The owner of a hotel in Manhattan in New York is the descendants of immigrants from the German village of Walldorf, John Jacob Astor IV. It is not known for certain, whether with ...

Puff salad with cottage cheese, fresh vegetables and walnuts

Fresh vegetables are a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, vegetable recipes should be included in your diet every day. For example, in the form of salads and snacks. Cottage cheese goes well with cucumbers, radishes, carrots. The piquancy of such a salad is given by h ...

Everyone's favorite salad with vegetables is a regular dish on the table of any family. It is distinguished by its simple composition, light taste, and low calorie content. Eating a snack every day with an original dressing instead of a side dish can achieve an impressive slimming effect. It is extremely easy to prepare such light vegetable dishes.

How to make vegetable salad

As with any dish, cooking vegetable salads begins with the selection of recipes and ingredients. You can cook a snack from raw, boiled, canned vegetables. Mix them well with each other, season with original sauces or mayonnaise familiar to everyone (or an easy option - olive oil). Try making simple vegetable salads, which can be varied with exquisite additives - smoked meat, pine nuts, exotic fruits.

Fresh vegetables

A popular dish is raw vegetable salad. It looks great on any table (as in the photo), is rich in healthy fiber, which contributes to weight loss and rapid saturation of the body. The most popular fresh vegetable recipes are:

  • lettuce leaves, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers - you can season them with sour cream, olive oil, spices;
  • boiled chicken, cherry tomatoes, Chinese cabbage - this is how you get the original Caesar, which needs to be seasoned with white crackers and an original sauce;
  • fresh tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and basil leaves - elegant Italian caprese;
  • bell peppers, cucumber, tomato, red onion, feta and olives are a bright Greek option.

From boiled vegetables

Salads made from boiled vegetables are more nutritious, but still delicious. Here you can already turn on your imagination and combine them with canned legumes, mushrooms, boiled or fried meat. It is better to replace the usual dressing with mayonnaise with an original sauce made of olive oil, lemon juice and mustard. Here are some examples of delicious looking vegetable salads with boiled ingredients in the photo and in life:

  • Olivier - not a single holiday can do without him, it combines potatoes, carrots, green peas, meat;
  • Herring under a fur coat is a hearty New Year's delicacy that combines boiled potatoes, carrots, onions, beets, eggs and salted fish;
  • Mimosa is a delicious dish characterized by the presence of boiled potatoes, carrots, onions, eggs, cheese and canned fish;
  • Winter salad is the same Olivier, only the meat in it is replaced with smoked ham, boiled sausage or crab sticks.

Diet Salads

Recipes on how to make light vegetable salads will be useful information. They will become indispensable helpers in losing weight, making a side dish for complex meat or fish dishes. Here are some examples of low-calorie vegetable dishes:

  • Chinese cabbage, garlic, onions;
  • tomato, garlic, olive oil dressing;
  • radish, parsley, dill;
  • green beans, garlic, spices;
  • in winter - sauerkraut, carrots, cranberries.

Vegetable salad recipes

It is not difficult to find suitable recipes for vegetable salads today, because the Internet comes to the rescue. There is such a huge number of options for dishes with step-by-step instructions and photo-tutorials that they just dazzle. When choosing a delicious appetizer, you should build on the main components, the principles of combination, choose uncommon recipes for vegetable salads with original ingredients and exquisite sauces. Then all the guests and household members will be satisfied and ask for more.

Fresh cucumber salad

A light salad with fresh cucumbers, radishes and green onions has a summer taste. It invigorates the weakened body, charges it with a vitamin mood, and lifts the mood. The refreshing taste of the snack will appeal to many, because it is easy to make, has an attractive appearance and a juicy aroma. It is best to season it with vegetable oil, and add piquancy with vinegar.


  • radish - 200 g;
  • fresh cucumber - 200 g;
  • green onions - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • 9% vinegar - 5 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the radish into rings, cucumber into strips, chop the onion.
  2. Mix all the ingredients, sprinkle with vinegar, season with oil, salt and pepper.
  3. Decorating can be done with fresh herbs as desired.

From tomatoes and cucumbers

The most famous dish that delights every family is a light salad with tomatoes and cucumbers. This incredibly easy-to-prepare dish helps out when you need a quick snack, satisfy hunger or surprise guests. If you have a little more time, you can - a sophisticated version of a traditional dish that delights everyone with its Mediterranean taste.


  • cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • red onion - 1 pc.;
  • lettuce leaves - a bunch;
  • sweet red pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • pitted olives - 100 g;
  • feta or feta cheese - 100 g;
  • olive oil - 40 ml;
  • lemon juice - 40 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut cucumbers into cubes, tomatoes into slices, chop the onion into rings.
  2. Tear lettuce leaves, cut paprika into strips, diced avocado.
  3. Crumble the feta, cut the olives in half.
  4. Mix all the ingredients, season with butter sauce, lemon juice, salt, pepper.

Autumn salad - recipe

Not only can you harvest fresh fruits for the winter - there is a recipe for making a light autumn vegetable salad that will delight the whole family with its spicy taste. Its difference from winter preparations is the absence of sterilization. Vegetable components are finely chopped, filled with marinade and infused for a day. After that, they can be consumed immediately, served with meat, fish, poultry.


  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • bell peppers - 2 pcs.;
  • white cabbage - forks;
  • cauliflower - head of cabbage;
  • cucumber - 1 pc .;
  • bitter pepper - a pod;
  • vegetable oil - half a glass;
  • vinegar - ¼ glass;
  • water - liter;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • salt - 50 g;
  • dill - a bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the white cabbage, disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences, boil in salted water.
  2. Coarsely grate the carrots, cut the paprika into strips, the cucumbers in half rings, chop the dill.
  3. To make a marinade: mix oil with water, sugar, salt, chopped hot pepper. Boil, pour in vinegar.
  4. Pour the vegetable mixture with marinade, cover, marinate for 24 hours.
  5. Serve an autumn snack with warm boiled potatoes, rice, buckwheat.

Fresh tomatoes

Fresh tomato salad has a light sweetness and pleasant refreshing taste. You can prepare it with the addition of creamy soft mozzarella cheese and fresh basil leaves. Flavored with balsamic vinegar and olive oil, the dish will be an excellent Caprese appetizer, which is so loved in Italy for its pleasant taste and colors reminiscent of the colors of the flag.


  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • mozzarella - 60 g;
  • basil - 4 leaves;
  • olive oil - 30 ml;
  • balsamic vinegar - 25 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the tomatoes with cheese into circles, tear the basil into small pieces with your hands.
  2. Put on a plate, alternating tomatoes with cheese, sprinkle with basil on top.
  3. Drizzle over the vegetables and around the edges of the plate with the olive oil and vinegar mixture.

Diet Cabbage Salad

Reduced calorie content is a vegetable salad with Chinese cabbage. This healthy ingredient has only 35 calories per 100 g, which makes it stand out from all other vegetable copies. To diversify the cabbage and make it more pleasant to serve and taste, corn, sweet oranges and green onions are added to it. The dressing is a mixture of vegetable oil and soy sauce, so there is no need to salt the snack.


  • Chinese cabbage - half a kilo;
  • canned corn - 100 g;
  • green onions - 50 g;
  • oranges - 2 pcs.;
  • soy sauce - 15 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 45 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the cabbage, cut the orange into slices, chop the onion.
  2. Mix the ingredients, season with a mixture of oil and soy sauce.

Cabbage with tomatoes

A delicious dish rich in vitamins is cabbage salad with tomatoes, which serves as an excellent side dish for boiled meat, fried fish and smoked chicken. In it, the tenderness and delicacy of cabbage leaves are set off by the juiciness of tomatoes and the piquant pungency of apple cider vinegar. This dish will appeal to all family members.


  • white cabbage - 0.3 kg;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml;
  • apple cider vinegar - 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the cabbage, mix with vinegar, salt, mash with your hands, leave for 10 minutes to release the juice.
  2. Chop the onion in half rings, cut the tomatoes into slices.
  3. Mix all components, fill with oil.

With tuna

A healthy vitamin dish will be a vegetable salad with canned tuna, which is called Nicoise. By combining fresh ingredients with a pleasantly oily fish, a light yet satisfying dish is created that is ideal as a substitute for lunch or dinner. To diversify the taste of the snack, it is seasoned with basil herbs, garlic and pine nuts. You can add capers, olives or pesto sauce.


  • canned tuna - 90 g;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 100 g;
  • garlic - a slice;
  • basil - a bunch;
  • lettuce leaves - 3 pcs.;
  • pine nuts - 20 g;
  • lemon juice - 50 ml;
  • olive oil - 75 ml;
  • sugar - 3 g;
  • pepper mixture - 3 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Mash the fish with a fork in a jar, mix with oil.
  2. Cut the cucumber into cubes, the tomatoes into slices, the pepper slices, chop the herbs, crush the garlic.
  3. Mix vegetable ingredients with fish, salt, pepper, sweeten.
  4. Tear the lettuce leaves with your hands, put on a plate, lay the vegetable mixture on top with a slide, sprinkle with lemon juice, season with oil.
  5. Decorate with pine nuts and sprinkle with herbs.

With shrimps

A spectacular festive dish will be a salad with shrimp and vegetables, which will combine the delicious taste of seafood with refreshing vegetables. The secret of the preparation is to use several types of lettuce leaves - lettuce, iceberg and sorrel. It turns out a rich dish that looks appetizing, has an incredible aroma and makes you want to try it.


  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • lettuce - 2 pcs.;
  • iceberg - a bunch;
  • sorrel - a bunch;
  • red onion - ½ pc.;
  • shrimp - 200 g;
  • green onions - 2 stems;
  • dill, parsley - a bunch;
  • olive oil - 40 ml;
  • mustard seeds - 10 g;
  • white wine vinegar - 30 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Tear lettuce leaves with your hands, cut the tomato into slices, cucumber in circles, pepper strips, onion in half rings, chop the greens.
  2. Boil the shrimps, remove the shell, cool.
  3. Make a sauce from butter, mustard, vinegar, salt and pepper.
  4. Mix all the ingredients, season with sauce, put the shrimps on top.

With Chiken

A wonderful hearty dish would be a salad with chicken and vegetables, for the preparation of which it is better to use fillets or not too fatty thighs. Chicken can be boiled, fried in oil, or baked. The recipe below uses feta cheese and toasted bread to give the snack a richer flavor.


  • chicken breast - 250 g;
  • fresh cucumber - 200 g;
  • feta cheese - 100 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • loaf - 2 pieces;
  • mayonnaise - 50 ml;
  • lettuce leaves - a bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the tomatoes into slices, cucumbers into half rings, cheese into cubes, tear the leaves.
  2. Boil the breast, disassemble into fibers, lightly fry.
  3. Cut the loaf into cubes and fry in a dry frying pan for 3 minutes.
  4. Mix all the ingredients, season with mayonnaise, salt.
  5. Serve immediately so that the loaf is not soaked. Instead of chicken, you can use boiled tongue, beef, pork or turkey.

With cheese

A salad of fresh vegetables with cheese has a very pleasant creamy taste. For its preparation, you can take any kind of cheese and any greens, but a particularly tasty option would be a combination of green beans with soft goat pecorino. Flavored with lemon juice, olive oil and spices, the appetizer acquires a new soft taste, rich aroma and appetizing appearance.


  • green beans - 0.3 kg;
  • goat cheese - 100 g;
  • asparagus - 2 bunches;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Make a sauce with lemon juice, oil, salt, pepper.
  2. Boil the asparagus for 2 minutes, rinse with cold water, marinate in the sauce.
  3. Cook beans for 5 minutes, cool.
  4. Mix the ingredients with the crumbled cheese, pour over the sauce.

Vegetable salads for weight loss - cooking secrets

Ideal dishes for those who are on a diet and strive to lose weight, will be options for vegetable salads. Here are some of the secrets to making low-calorie snacks:

  1. Not every vegetable component is suitable for preparing a light weight loss snack - boiled potatoes, beets, carrots have a high glycemic index, so they cannot be used. However, remember that beets can help if you need a mild laxative effect.
  2. It is also undesirable to add salted, pickled vegetables to slimming dishes - they retain fluid in the body, whet the appetite.
  3. Beans, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, sauerkraut in winter or fresh cabbage in summer are ideal ingredients. They help to count how many calories are in a vegetable salad, because their calorie content is only 35-50 kcal per 100 grams.
  4. Cucumbers, radishes, radishes, celery and bell peppers can help those who lose weight. They go perfectly with any greenery.
  5. The best dressings for vegetable salads are half a teaspoon of vegetable oil, apple cider vinegar, lemon or pomegranate juice, and mustard. You cannot season salads for weight loss with mayonnaise, it is allowed to mix sour cream with fermented baked milk or kefir.
  6. To lose weight, you need to eat a serving of raw vegetables daily. So the body will receive fiber, which will digest for a long time, will signal the brain about saturation, which will drown out hunger for a long time.
