Chicken ham pn. How to make chicken ham at home

20.08.2019 Fish dishes

Making homemade chicken ham is easy. It turns out to be a delicious universal dish for breakfast or dinner, and you can also have a snack with them. And no preservatives, unlike similar store products.

If desired, chicken meat can be mixed with turkey meat, it turns out even tastier. But today we will cook pure chicken ham.

  • 1 chicken weighing 1.5 kg or 700-750 g fillet
  • 15 g gelatin (1.5 sachets)
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • sleeve for baking


First you need to separate all the meat from the bones. I don’t use the skin, but I don’t throw out the bones, you can cook an excellent chicken soup from them, for example, here. I never throw away chicken fat either, I freeze it and then add it to any minced meat.

In this recipe, the most laborious thing is to separate the meat from the bones, it usually takes me 25-30 minutes. If you use ready-made, then this is generally a recipe for the lazy.

However, if you cook homemade ham only from breast fillets, it will turn out completely dry. It is imperative to add meat from the legs, but cutting them into fillets is a piece of cake.

So, from a carcass weighing 1.5 kg, 730 g of pure meat was obtained. We cut it into small pieces.

Salt and pepper to taste, add garlic passed through a press and pour gelatin on top.

Mix everything well. Then we cut off the roasting sleeve approximately 35 cm long and transfer the meat into it.

We form a tight roll, trying not to leave any air inside. For reliability, you can wrap it on top with thread or tape. It is important that no water gets inside.

Sometimes, if there is no baking sleeve, I use regular plastic bags. First, I put the meat in one bag, fold it tightly and seal it with tape. Then I put it in another bag, pack it tight again, seal it with tape and wrap it with thick thread on top. This is how I cooked recently and took these photos to show how it all looks:

But back to our today's roll.We take a saucepan of a suitable diameter, put a roll in it, pour water and put it on fire.

After boiling, reduce the fire to a minimum and cook under the lid for an hour or a little more.

At the end of this time, we take out our ham on a plate and, without opening the package, cool it.

The cooled chicken ham, again in the package, is put in the refrigerator for 4 hours, or better overnight.Serve into slices.

The quality of the sausages sold in stores today leaves much to be desired. However, sometimes you really want to eat a sandwich with aromatic ham in the morning. Do not deny yourself the pleasure. Even kids can enjoy delicious ham if you make it yourself. Well, no, you say. - it's completely impossible. Don't worry, there is absolutely nothing complicated. Making chicken ham at home is quite simple, and how delicious it is! There are dozens of recipes, following which you will get excellent sausage without harmful additives and flavors.

What is required for work

You don't have to be a professional chef or have expensive equipment at home. You don't even need gut stuffing tools. Homemade chicken ham is made using the simplest tools. So, you need a kitchen scale, a cutting board and knives, kitchen towels, a bowl and baking sleeve, a deep saucepan with a lid, a spatula, and a plastic container. We will look at several recipes today, but this basic set will be needed for each of them.

Getting started cooking

Homemade chicken ham is prepared so quickly and easily that, having tried this dish once, you will definitely not give up on it. You will need to defrost the chicken (one serving is an average carcass, weighing about one and a half kilograms). Rinse it thoroughly and remove any existing hemp and feathers. If the liver, lung and heart remain inside, then they also need to be removed. Now we rinse the carcass from the inside, then dry it with paper towels. The finished chicken goes to the cutting board. Now you need to prepare a mixture from it for the future ham.

Cutting rules

Homemade chicken ham is made from pure pulp, without the addition of soy and grains, thickeners and stabilizers. Now we need to divide the carcass into parts and remove all the meat from each of them. It must be cut into small pieces, up to 1 cm in size. The skin, bones, neck and back can be useful for making broth, so put them in a bag and put them in the freezer. Pieces of fat can also be saved, but they do not go into the ham.

Spices for the best taste

What makes sausage so tasty? Of course, because of the professional set of spices, the secret of which only the technologists of large enterprises have. However, today it is no longer a secret that most of these supplements are not at all beneficial for the body, so it would be much better to do with natural flavors.

So, from one chicken we got about 800 g of pure pulp. Now you need to season it with salt. Here, each hostess has her own calculations. You can take 0.5 teaspoon as a basis. Additionally, sprinkle the meat with black pepper, add 2-3 cloves of garlic, previously passed through a garlic press. At this stage, you can add green peas, chopped carrots, red peppers, and any seasonings you like. Stir well and leave to marinate for 15 minutes.

Ham shaping

The homemade chicken ham recipe involves cooking in an artificial casing. To do this, sprinkle the marinated meat with gelatin and mix thoroughly again. Now you are faced with an important task - to form a tight roll. To do this, you need to choose a shell. This can be a baking film or a plastic bag. The roll must be folded very tightly so that no air remains in it. If you are using thin cling film, then you need to make several layers. To avoid a breakout or puncture, the future ham must be tightened in one layer of aluminum foil. For reliability, wrap the roll with thread very well. Why is so much attention paid to tightness? Because if the water seeps into the meat, it will wash away the precious juice and the ham will suffer a lot.

Heat treatment

As you can see, making chicken ham at home is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The formed roll must be lowered into a deep, wide saucepan and filled with water so that it covers it by about 4-5 fingers. After boiling, reduce the fire to a minimum. A very important point: the roll should lie flat on the bottom, without kinks. Therefore, the dishes must be of a suitable diameter.

It will take about an hour and a half to cook the ham, under a covered lid. Then drain the water and leave it to cool completely to room temperature. After that, without opening the bag, transfer the roll into a plastic container and leave it on the refrigerator shelf overnight.


Cooking chicken ham at home is almost done. Cut thin pieces with a sharp knife, spread on a flat dish and decorate with herbs, mayonnaise and ketchup. You can immediately make delicious sandwiches by adding fresh cucumber or mustard to them. Children will be happy to eat them. Optionally, you can add this ham to salads.

If you wish, you can reduce the calorie content of this dish using only chicken breasts. But in this case, the ham is too dry. It is recommended to add butter or a few raw legs to such meat. In this recipe, we considered adding a minimum amount of spices, but you can change everything as you wish. Provence or spices that are used for meat dishes, turmeric, all of this can find their use in this dish with great success.

In addition, many housewives use fresh bell peppers and carrots, cut into long strips, canned peas and corn, boiled eggs, fried mushrooms and olives, gherkins and nuts, as well as a wide variety of greens. With such additives, chicken ham at home (we will give a photo in our article) becomes even brighter and more festive.

Ham in a box

Would you like to have a real square loaf of ham on your table, elegant and delicious? Then the next recipe is just for you. Since we can already cook chicken ham at home, it remains only to work on the details. You will need the same amount of meat, dry rosemary and a bag of milk or kefir inside with foil. An empty juice bag is also great.

However, we recommend changing the recipe slightly. We cut the chicken breast into small pieces, and grind the rest of the meat into minced meat using a meat grinder or blender. Mix everything thoroughly, sprinkle with seasonings and tamp it tightly into the prepared box, cover it with foil or foil on top. Now you need to find a deep saucepan, and put an inverted saucer on the bottom. We install the box in it so that the water reaches the place where the minced meat ends. Now bring to a boil and cook for an hour and a half.

Ham in a bag

This is another option for making homemade treats that you may like. In this case, we suggest taking a ham maker of your choice, that is, a special silicone mold in the form of a cylinder with holes along the edges and special plugs. It is ideal for making a loaf of the usual shape.

If you do not have such a device, then do not worry, chicken ham will be cooked at home in a bag at home just as well. To do this, pick up a can of tomato paste or other canned food and cut both bottoms from it. Insert a baking bag into it. It is best to make it double, otherwise there is a risk that it will be damaged during the cooking process and water will get inside. And then everything is according to the same recipe. We fill the sleeve with minced meat, fix it at both ends and cook in a saucepan with water.

Cooking in the oven

And for this recipe, you need a metal mold. Homemade chicken ham in the oven is no worse than a supermarket delicacy. For a form measuring 13 by 24 centimeters, you will need 600 g of chicken breast and 300 g of thighs. Grind the fillet in a blender and cut the thighs into pieces. Add 2 tablespoons of milk powder, 1 egg and a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce, salt and your favorite seasonings.

Now line the baking dish with foil, and on top with baking paper. Tamp the minced meat thoroughly and cover it with the risers. Preheat oven to 180 degrees and bake the ham for about 40 minutes. Then wait until it has completely cooled down.

Miracle from a bottle

As you can see, there are more than enough options for preparing a delicious snack. But we will not stop there. We've got the next awesome dish next in line - homemade bottled chicken ham. The composition has been slightly modified to show you a lot of variability. Each housewife can reshape it to suit her own taste, and each time a new dish will be obtained.

You will need: two legs, 300 g of chicken liver and 250 g of hearts, as well as spices. Legs must be placed in water and boiled for 50 minutes. Do not pour out the broth, we will still need it. Boil the hearts and liver separately in a saucepan for 40 minutes. After pre-cooling, cut them and the legs into small pieces. Now pour about one and a half ladle of chicken broth into a separate container and add 5 g of gelatin to it. Heat the solution in a water bath to dissolve the gelatin. Salt the meat, add spices and pour over the resulting broth. Take a pre-prepared plastic bottle that has its neck cut off. Pour the resulting mixture into it and cover it with a lid on top that fits in diameter. Place a weight on top, such as a can of water. It will press the meat part down, it will not float, and the ham will be denser. Now put the delicacy in the refrigerator overnight, after which you can cut it into portions.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, there are many ways to make homemade ham. Each of them can become your signature recipe. Try to cook such a sausage with your own homemade. We are sure that they will no longer want to look at the grocery stores. In addition, the abundance of variations will allow you to find the most delicious recipe for your household, taking into account their preferences. By analogy, you can use other meat, such as turkey or pork. And again, on the way out, you will receive a new dish.

I had to start learning how to cook sausages and hams at home. It is not clear what in stores, but we love sausage with the whole family. And the child was taught to love (I don’t know if this is good). And if you ask your daughter what she wants more, candy or sausage, she will choose sausage.

Collecting recipes for homemade sausages, similar in taste to store-bought sausages, and in benefits to healthy ones, I discovered a recipe for chicken ham at home. Efforts are minimal: just chop the chicken meat, add spices and cook, and the next morning take a sample. The taste is excellent. My daughter did not even realize that her mother had cooked the chicken ham, she is still sure that the "sausage" was bought in a store.


  • chicken fillet 500 g
  • chicken thigh 500 g
  • food gelatin 1 tbsp. l.
  • a mixture of ground peppers 1/4 tsp.
  • nutmeg 1 pc.
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 3 cloves garlic

How to make homemade chicken ham

  1. Prepare the food you need.

  2. Chop the fillet into small cubes. Remove the skin from the chicken thighs, free the meat from the bone and cut into the same slices as the breast meat. If you find fat on the thighs, do not remove it, the fat will make the ham more juicy.

  3. Grate nutmeg or use pre-ground (0.5 tsp).

  4. Add salt, a mixture of ground peppers and minced garlic.

  5. Stir and leave for 2-3 hours at room temperature so that the meat is well salted and soaked in spices. Ideally, let it stand overnight, but in this case, it's best to place the plate in the refrigerator.

  6. Add gelatin immediately before cooking and mix well. You need to try to distribute its crystals as evenly as possible over the volume of the meat.

  7. Place the minced meat in a baking sleeve (plastic bag).

  8. Shape the sausage to the desired thickness, making sure to compact the meat well and, if possible, try to leave as little air as possible inside. Wrap the top in several layers of cling film. This will fix the shape of the ham and protect it from liquid spills.

  9. Wrap the thread evenly tightly.
  10. Dip in boiling water, the ham should be completely covered with liquid. Cook over medium heat in a slightly open saucepan for 40 minutes. Remove and leave to cool completely. Only then can the chicken ham be unrolled, sliced ​​and tasted.

On a note:

  • If you have, do it.
  • Do not cook from one fillet, the ham will turn out to be dryish. It is optimal to take white and red chicken meat in a 1: 1 ratio
  • You can use any spices, but you should not neglect the addition of nutmeg, it is thanks to him that the taste is as similar as possible to the store one.

chicken breast - 1.5 kg;

small onion - 1 pc;

ground dried garlic - to taste;

gelatin - by eye;

spices to taste

I don’t remember exactly how many pieces it turned out. Because in the process I added some more meat and spices. But in general, it took 1.5 kg of breasts

I cut them as it seemed to me not large, but I think that next time I will make them even smaller 2 times for sure!

took a small onion for taste

chopped it medium

I didn't want to bother with garlic, so I took a ready-made one, although I think fresh is perfect.

I didn't bother much with seasonings. This seasoning came as a gift with a baking sleeve, I used the sleeve, but the spices remained. And they went into action!

Now, to be honest, next time I will take another gelatin, and pour more, from the heart. Maybe, of course, this gelatin is good and I just poured a little. But in general, he participated in the preparation of yummy)

I mixed everything in an enamel saucepan, everything that was mixed.

And HERE is my queen of the fields - redmond ham maker! Finally it was time for her to work, I have been waiting for so long.

I bought the simplest baking bags in the store. You can also use the sleeve, I wanted to take it. But it was not available, I took these - also good. There are clips inside with the bags. Comfortable.

Oh yes, I skipped a couple of steps in the photo, but I will explain in the text. I collected the redmond ham in this way - I put the bottom (top and bottom are the same) and then I put in a baking bag, very plump so that I could fill it with meat more and tamp it well. Having put the blank in the redmond ham maker, I realized, yeah - I didn't do much and ran to cut all the ingredients. I took out the main part and with the second run I already reported it to the top with a piece for ham

I sealed the remaining edge of the baking bag with a special clip that went to it in the package. I made 3 holes in the bag so that the excess pressure would come out and the springs of the redmond ham maker could properly compress the product.

look at what level the springs and the top lid are, then compare with a ready-made and not open ham maker.

loading! The water must be above the level of the redmond ham, and on the bottom of my multicooker of the redmond rmc 380 pressure cooker I put parchment for baking, there are also silicone mats, I think I will buy more over time!)

The programs set the stewing-jellied pressure cooker mode for 1 hour (in the photo, just 5 minutes have already passed, I forgot to take a picture) With a pressure of 70.

The only moment. The ham is not cooked for 1 hour, but in fact the whole time is about 2 hours, why? Injection in a pressure cooker is about 15-20 minutes, and the pressure release is also about 10 minutes. Well then, not two, but one and a half. Still, it's not so long) I downloaded it and do whatever you want, but it cooks for itself there)))

An hour of cooking has passed, letting off steam.

The springs were deflated.

That's how much it settled.

Without taking it out of the bag, but taking it out of the ham, I put it on the window to cool down, and then in the refrigerator overnight, in general, 3 hours in the refrigerator will be enough until it cools completely.

In the morning it looked like this on film!

but like that without a film!

and the drum roll, I decided to cut it.

And it all fell apart! But these are pieces of heavenly taste. I treated all my friends, everyone is delighted. From all this, we draw 2 conclusions.

1st Add more gelatin

2nd try the recipe where eggs are added for viscosity.

Today I am happy and eat my own ham, personal, homemade.

I'll go and crush myself on a sandwich and eat)) Bon appetit !!

Chicken ham in a ham maker

Buy ham maker 1.5 kg

With the help of a ham maker, you can easily and simply make homemade chicken ham - tasty and healthy.

If this kitchen device is not available, we read the recipe for chicken ham in a tin can, there is also a detailed video of the process.

It turns out ham at home is much tastier and healthier than the store one.

We just take chicken meat from the carcass. We send the bones to the broth, and the meat, along with the skin, to the ham.

  • 800-850 g chicken
  • salt - 12 g
  • ground black pepper - 1.25 g
  • ground coriander - 4 g
  • turmeric - on the tip of a teaspoon
  • dried garlic - 15 g
  • gelatin - 10 g
  • starch - 15 g
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
  • water - 80 ml

Recipe for ham chicken in a ham maker

1. Cut the meat into pieces of about 2-3 cm, it is possible and smaller. Pour gelatin, starch, all the spices into a bowl of chicken, add water and oil. Mix everything thoroughly and leave to marinate for 2 hours right on the kitchen table.

2. Place a bag or baking sleeve tied at the bottom into the ham and tamp the chicken pieces into it. Tie on top.

3. Close the ham maker. The lid and bottom are tightly pulled together with springs, thereby squeezing large pieces.

4. Place the container with meat in a saucepan with low-boiling water, temperature of about 90-95 degrees Celsius, it is advisable to use a special cooking thermometer to measure it. Cover the top and cook the ham for 50 minutes.

5. Ready chicken ham in a ham maker should be cooled and put in the refrigerator overnight.

You do not need to pierce the bag, as in the recipe for Redmond ham sausage, it contains gelatin, it will glue everything together.

By the way, delicious boiled sausage in a bottle is prepared with gelatin. Try it!

Chicken ham in a ham maker

If you want to treat yourself to a natural and delicious meat delicacy, then I have a great idea for you. A simple way to cook chicken ham in a ham maker. Try it for your health!


  • Chicken 1 Kilogram
  • Salt 1 teaspoon
  • Pepper 1 Pinch
  • Spices 1 Teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Starch 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Gelatin 1 tbsp. spoon

1. First you need to take care of the chicken. Cut the flesh from the bones and cut into small pieces. I recommend using not only fillets in the recipe, but also the pulp from the legs or thighs.

2. Dissolve gelatin in a little water. Add salt, pepper and vegetable oil to a bowl of meat. Stir in the starch, add gelatin and whatever spices you want. Leave to marinate for a couple of hours.

3. Fasten the roasting sleeve tightly at one end and insert into the ham. Transfer the chicken, tamp and tie the top tightly.

4. Simultaneously bring water in a saucepan to a boil. Cover the lid and pull the edges well.

5. Place the ham in the water and cover the saucepan. The cooking temperature should be around 95 degrees. It is very convenient to control it with a thermometer.

6. Chicken ham is cooked in a ham maker at home for about an hour. After that, you need to cool it and send it to the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. That's all, this natural meat delicacy is ready to serve. Bon Appetit!

Homemade chicken ham. Cooking in a ham maker, in a bag

Every housewife wants to pamper her household with new and delicious recipes. And if their implementation does not take too much time and the most common products are needed, then this is generally an ideal option. Chicken ham belongs to such dishes. Even a novice cook can make this delicacy at home.

Home vs store

Many of us buy store-bought chicken ham, but you can cook it at home just as well. Moreover, in comparison with the GOST version, the “friendly” dish will have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • affordability (the cost of the finished product is much lower than the price of store-bought ham);
  • no preservatives (preservatives and dyes must be added to factory products to keep them longer. In the home version, such additives are not needed);
  • high-quality ingredients (the hostess herself is responsible for the freshness of the products).

Plus, homemade ham is rich in protein and other nutrients found in chicken.

Which part of a bird is better for ham?

Many chefs prefer to cook this delicacy only from breasts. But there is one caveat: chicken fillet is not a particularly juicy part, so cut strips from the meat of the legs are added to the sausage product. Thus, it turns out that you can use the entire meat layer. There are only two wishes:

  • completely remove all skin;
  • cut off excess subcutaneous fat.

Also, do not forget that the carcass should be well rinsed under running water and carefully cut the meat from the skeleton so that small bones do not get into the minced meat.

Home experiment gadgets

There are several ways to cook chicken ham, using available tools that will help squeeze air out of the minced meat and compress the meat. For these purposes, the following are used:

Delicious chicken ham at home in a box


  • 1.5 kg of chicken;
  • 1 tsp table salt;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 30 g dry gelatin;
  • 1 tsp dry rosemary;
  • black pepper (to taste).


The finished sausage product can be stored in cling film.

Chicken ham in a ham maker

If you have a ham, then you don't have to worry about the appearance of the dish: minced chicken is guaranteed to turn into an appetizing sausage.


  • 1 medium-sized chicken;
  • 100 g of pickled champignons;
  • 2 onions;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 tbsp. l. homemade sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. l. dry gelatin;
  • 1 tsp table salt;
  • greens;
  • pepper, coriander and other spices (to your taste).


  • Pour in the sour cream mixture to the meat, salt, pepper and add herbs and spices.
  • We set the level of the ham, put the sleeve in it and lay out the minced meat.
  • We close the lid and put in the oven on a medium level for 40-50 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  • After the end of the cooking time, we take out the ham and let it cool.
  • We send the semi-finished product to the refrigerator for 7 hours.
  • Carefully remove the sleeve from the device, take out a homemade delicacy and cut into thin slices.
  • Homemade chicken ham in a bag

    The tender chicken product can also be cooked in cling film. True, for reliability, it is still better to wrap the roll with foil.


    • 1 kg of chicken;
    • 3 cloves of garlic;
    • 30 g dry gelatin;
    • ½ tbsp. walnuts;
    • salt, pepper (to taste).


    1. Finely chop the chicken.
    2. Chop the garlic and nuts.
    3. We mix all the ingredients, including gelatin, which does not need to be soaked in advance: the chicken will give juice, which will be enough to dissolve the powder.
    4. We spread the mass on a film (or in a sleeve), wrap it with foil and strengthen the shape of the roll with the help of threads.
    5. We place the roll in a saucepan, pour purified water just above the level of the sausage and set it on low heat. After boiling, leave on the stove for another 1.5 hours.
    6. We take the roll out of the water with two shovels, let it cool and send it to the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.
    7. Cut the finished ham into thin slices.

    By the way, the same recipe works great in a slow cooker. Only first, in the "Stew" mode, cook the meat separately for an hour and a half, and then set it for another 1.5 hours, but after mixing all the ingredients. At the same time, bags or boxes are not needed for a multicooker: minced meat is cooked right in the bowl.

    Home-cooked chicken ham is a dish that even a beginner in cooking can easily prepare. Such meat can be eaten as slices or used for sandwiches. It is only important to carefully prepare the chicken and choose the right spices. And, of course, resist the temptation to eat the ham while it is still hot!

    Homemade sausages and sausages are not only tasty and budgetary, but also healthy, because such dishes do not contain hazardous and harmful substances. Today we want to tell you how to cook chicken ham at home, which will delight you with both its appearance and taste. And so that you choose the most suitable cooking method - we offer two options to choose from: in the oven and in a multicooker.

    • If you are going to cook the ham in a saucepan, then it is better to make it not too thick, otherwise the sausage simply will not have time to boil inside.
    • But the chicken ham, which will be baked in the oven, can be made larger and thicker - in this version it is allowed.
    • Boiled homemade sausage is made according to the same recipe that is intended for a multicooker.
    • The most important thing is not to digest the product. Therefore, it is better not to overdo chicken sausage in boiling water. Otherwise, it may be too dry or even stiff.
    • Don't use too much bee honey in your multicooker recipe. It is better not to deviate from the recipe so that the sweet aftertaste is not overly pronounced.
    • When boiling ham in a saucepan, it is worth controlling the temperature so that you get a tasty and juicy sausage.

    To do this, it will not be superfluous to purchase a special thermometer, and then use it to make sure that the water does not exceed 70 degrees.

    • If you like a more spicy and savory sausage - do not be afraid to add your favorite seasonings to the recipe.
    • So that dry chicken meat does not come out too tough - you can wrap a little lard inside the ham - it will come out not so low-calorie and healthy, but it will be much juicier. In addition, this homemade sausage looks incredibly beautiful.
    • Chilling the dish after cooking is a must. This is how homemade sausage takes on the firmness of a real ham and becomes very tender.

    Video recipe for making chicken ham

    Chicken ham with herbs at home: a recipe in the oven


    • - 1 piece + -
    • Vodka or alcohol (for rubbing meat)- 2 tsp + -
    • - 1-2 teeth + -
    • - 2 pinches + -
    • - 3 pinches + -
    • Dry herbs (e.g. basil)- 1 tsp + -

    How to make DIY chicken fillet ham

    1. First of all, we need to marinate the chicken fillet for the ham. To do this, mix spices in a bowl: salt, black pepper and dry herbs.
    2. Then we wipe the chicken fillet with alcohol, after which - immediately with honey.
    3. We rub the future ham with spices, tightly cover the dishes with meat and put it in the refrigerator for pickling for 1-2 days.
    4. After the indicated time, take out the chicken fillet from the refrigerator and wipe it a little with clean paper towels.
    5. Squeeze the garlic through a press and rub the chicken with aromatic gruel.
    6. In clean ironed cheesecloth, folded in 3-4 layers, we pack our meat on ham as follows:
    • we fold the fillet into a tight and maximally dense roll, immediately fixing it with a gauze cloth;
    • we rewind the rolled raw chicken ham with a clean cord, twine or special silicone clamps (they are sold in any culinary store);
    • we put the roll in a plastic baking bag (special heat-resistant!), pack it well so that we get a sausage tightly wrapped in a bag and without air bubbles;
    • we tie the bag so that it cannot open during the cooking process.

    7. Put a saucepan or a bowl made of heat-resistant material (or a special form) in a cold oven, pour cold water into it and lower our roll.

    8. Choose a low temperature (up to 160 degrees). We are waiting for 1 hour.

    9. After that, take the ham out of the water and simply bake it for another 20 minutes at medium temperature.

    10. When the meat is cooked - take out the sausage from the oven and immediately, together with a plastic bag, put it in ice water for 30-35 minutes.

    Feel free to experiment with this recipe. It will be very tasty if you stuff a roll with garlic from the inside and sprinkle with plenty of coarsely chopped herbs!

    That's all - homemade chicken ham is ready. Free it from the film and remove the gauze cloth. You can eat such a dish right away - the ham turns out to be tender and juicy.

    How to cook chicken breast ham in a slow cooker


    • Chicken breast meat - 2 pcs.;
    • Vodka - 2-3 tsp;
    • Bee honey - 1 tablespoon;
    • Garlic - 2 cloves;
    • Nutmeg (ground) - to taste;
    • Salt to taste.

    How to make homemade chicken ham sausage

    Rub the prepared fillet with spices

    • Wipe the surface of the chicken fillet with vodka. Then we rub the meat with spices: salt, nutmeg, if desired, you can add other spices.
    • Then add honey to the chicken: spread it over all the pieces of meat.
    • We remove the bowl with grated spices and chicken meat in the refrigerator for 2 days, having previously sealed the dishes with cling film, and making sure that the bowl is securely closed from the external environment.

    • As in the previous recipe, after the previous step, wipe the chicken with a paper towel rubbed with garlic passed through a press.

    Roll up spicy chicken meat

    • We roll the meat into a roll, packing it in clean cheesecloth in 3-4 layers.
    • We pull the sausage with laces or a silicone retainer so that it turns out to be very dense and even firm.
    • We hermetically pack our ham roll in cellophane, tie it so that no water gets inside during the cooking process.
    • Pour so much cold water into the multicooker bowl so that our roll in the bag can freely float in it.

    Simmer the ham in a slow cooker until tender

    • We lower the future ham inside, close it with a lid, and set the "Stew" mode for about 60 minutes. At the same time, we make sure that the temperature does not rise above 70 degrees.
    • After an hour, we finish cooking the homemade ham already on the "Heating" program. Here 15-18 minutes will be enough for us.

    Chill the ham in cold water

    • Rapid and rapid cooling is the most important step. We take out the finished chicken sausage from the multicooker and immediately lower it into ice water (it is more convenient to just pour cold water into a saucepan and put 5-10 ice cubes).

    • We wait at least 40-45 minutes, after which we peel the sausage from the wrappers and cut it to please the family.

    It is not too difficult to prepare such chicken ham at home, because an automatic kitchen assistant will do most of the work for you.