Calorie content of dry and boiled cereals. Lowest calorie cereals

28.09.2019 Fish dishes

There are many that are allowed to be consumed in diets, but not all of them can help in burning fat. Indeed, in this matter, it all depends on the calorie content of the product, therefore, before drawing up a diet, you need to look at the best low-calorie cereals for weight loss, indicating the calories provided in the article.

The benefits of cereals

When losing weight, even the most low-calorie cereals should not be classified as instant food. Packaged products that only need to be poured with boiling water will not bring absolutely any benefit. They contain significantly less nutrients than natural cereals.

The grains listed below are considered slow carbohydrates that keep the body feeling full for a long time. Also, fiber, vegetable protein and trace elements contained in these cereals have a beneficial effect. They help to improve bowel function and are the best aids in fat burning.

Now it's time to find out what the lowest calorie weight loss cereals are. The table will help you quickly deal with this issue and understand which porridge is best for a particular diet:

Porridge name

basic information

Caloric content per 100 g


Contains a sufficient amount of vitamins, fats, proteins and other elements necessary for the body. Nutritionists recommend using buckwheat porridge even with obesity.

Able to remove toxins and toxins from the body. It contains enzymes that help the assimilation of fats, proteins and amino acids.


It is rich in fiber, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins.

It is rich in niacin, manganese, zinc, protein and copper - elements that are often lacking in those who are losing weight.


It helps to reduce blood cholesterol and stabilize fat metabolism, and also improves the functioning of the whole body.


Quickly and effectively breaks down fat cells, lowers cholesterol and removes toxins.

Rice (brown rice)

Groats are distinguished by the content of vitamins of the entire group B. It also contains fiber, protein, starch and carbohydrates.

Pearl barley / barley

Very useful for people with constipation. Provides the body with energy due to the vitamins and minerals present in the composition.

Diet cereal is not, but it can be attributed to the list of low-calorie foods. Semolina porridge helps to lose weight with moderate use, and also cleanses the body well and improves metabolic processes.

By looking at low-calorie weight loss cereals with an indication of calories, you can easily create an ideal diet for yourself and lose weight in a short time. And for those who cannot decide on the choice of cereals, the options for effective diets are presented below.

The lowest-calorie cereals can be purchased at any grocery store, but you need to know how to choose the right product. The problem can arise if you want to lose weight with rice. After all, the least amount of calories is contained in brown rice, while white, on the contrary, is the most high-calorie. And cereals such as wheat, millet and buckwheat have one feature - it is almost impossible to recover from their regular use.

Porridge diets

The most low-calorie cereals can be used in diets or simply to cleanse the body. Any cereal diet makes it possible not only to adjust the weight, but also to get enough of the necessary vitamins and microelements, significantly improving the state of the body.

The cereals, the list of which is above, is not so difficult to cook. For cooking, you need to use only water, and it is not recommended to add sugar, salt and oil, so as not to increase the calorie content of the dish.


In order to quickly cleanse the body, you can cook with buckwheat. Rutin and iron contained in its composition make it possible to avoid anemia and replenish the lack of vitamins in the body. The groats can be prepared by boiling or steaming. If there is a desire to make the most delicious, but low-calorie dinner, then you can add boiled zucchini or carrots to buckwheat, which contain a minimum amount of calories. And if you want to go on a buckwheat diet, then you can consider the following options:

  1. Two week cycle. For a couple of weeks, you need to eat only buckwheat porridge. You can use it in unlimited quantities.
  2. Fasting day. Unlike the previous version, here you need to eat buckwheat only for one day a week. Moreover, it is allowed to fill it with kefir or yogurt.


If you need to lose up to 2 kilograms, low-calorie milk porridge is perfect. That is, steamed oatmeal can be poured with milk and eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But if you need to get rid of more weight, you will have to limit yourself in the use of other foods, because oatmeal contains a considerable amount of fat.

The ideal period for losing weight by about 5-6 kilograms will be one week. In this case, it is necessary to use steamed porridge, and only berries or fruits can be used as additives (with the exception of high-calorie bananas and grapes). After a weekly diet, it is necessary to carry out fasting days (during the day, drink only water). Thus, you can lose up to 15-20 kilograms in a couple of months.

Seven porridge

It is difficult to say which porridge is the lowest in calorie and healthy, if you do not add any additional ingredients to it. After all, when you use the same cereal for several days, it simply starts to get boring. Therefore, experienced nutritionists have developed another good diet, which includes as many as seven cereals. Unlike the others, such a diet does not harm the body, since it is saturated with all useful elements evenly.

Within one week, you need to eat porridge in the following sequence (by day):

  1. Wheat.
  2. Millet.
  3. Milk oatmeal.
  4. Rice groats.
  5. Barley.
  6. Pearl barley.
  7. A mixture of all these cereals in equal proportions.

Millet porridge

The lowest calorie is, of course, millet. In its properties, it is very similar to wheat, but there are still some differences. According to people, thanks to a diet with such cereals, it turns out to lose up to 5-6 kilograms per week.

When choosing cereals, it is recommended to pay attention to bright grains, since they contain more useful elements. It is necessary to cook porridge in water, maintaining a ratio of 1: 3. You need to eat it all day, not too large portions. The most optimal options are 5-6 meals. If desired, you can season the dish with linseed oil or mix with dried apricots, sesame seeds.

Wheat diet

Most often, wheat is found on the table in the form of pasta, although in fact it brings more benefits in the form of cereals. Wheat has an especially effective effect on the immune system, strengthening it, and also helps to lose extra pounds without feeling hungry during the day.

The wheat diet is best followed for a week. The groats are boiled in water, salt, oil and spices are prohibited. To diversify the taste, you can complement the dish with steamed vegetables or fresh fruit.

During such a diet, professionals strongly recommend that you completely eliminate bananas, grapes and potatoes in any form from the diet, since these foods contain a lot of calories. And it is best to drink green tea, which improves the functioning of the intestines and stomach and induces appetite, as well as low-fat dairy products and milk (homemade is recommended).

Slimming with barley

Pearl barley really works wonders for those people who often turn to diets. Its benefits are undeniable, it is famous for its fairly high fiber content, as well as its ability to saturate the human body for a long time. Barley has a lot of antioxidants that have tremendous benefits for skin and hair growth. A properly prepared cereal cleans the intestines well from feces.

You can lose the hated kilograms with pearl barley in just a week. It must be cooked without adding all kinds of oils or spices. The only permitted addition is lemon juice. They can be sprinkled on a dish, thereby giving it an even more attractive aroma and taste.

Corn ration

Corn grits will help you get rid of excess weight quickly and efficiently. It should be boiled in plain water in a 1: 4 ratio. The finished porridge must be divided into about 6 receptions, the time intervals between which should be the same.

Corn is boiled for quite a long time, but this time can be shortened if the cereal is pre-steamed a couple of hours before cooking. As people note, in literally three days it turns out to lose about 4-5 kilograms.

Rice Diet

Any rice cereal contains complex carbohydrates that saturate the body for a long time. A nice benefit of rice is that it doesn't have to be boiled. After all, such cereals can simply be poured with boiling water and left overnight. It is this way of cooking that reduces the number of calories.

In order to get rid of the hated kilograms, it is recommended to eat only brown or brown rice, and if necessary, simply reduce the amount of calories consumed per day, you can take white.

What is best for losing weight

The indisputable leader among cereals is millet. This cereal not only creates a barrier to the formation of new fat, but also favorably contributes to its elimination. Millet saturates the human body with important vitamins E, B and PP, as well as magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, thanks to the regular use of such porridge, you can not only lose weight, but also improve your own health.

Low calorie dinner

It is useful to eat porridge for both breakfast and dinner. One of the best options is oatmeal. It can be eaten in the form of cereals or flakes, but in any case, it must be cooked without salt and oil. And if its taste is already tired of due to prolonged use, then you can diversify and improve it by adding cinnamon, fruits or berries.

Calorie content of porridge: 100 kcal. *
* average value per 100 grams, depending on the preparation method and type of cereal

Porridge has a special place in the diet. It is no coincidence that in childhood everyone was fed porridge so that they would grow up healthy and strong. They are tasty and healthy for the body.

Porridge - the benefits of the product for the body

In addition to its nutritional properties, each porridge has a beneficial effect on the general physical condition of a person. One of the most useful is buckwheat. Together with it, the necessary substances enter the body. Buckwheat normalizes blood pressure, removes excess cholesterol.

A small amount of buckwheat porridge causes saturation, therefore it is used for weight loss.

For a low-calorie diet, rice porridge is suitable, which maintains the tone of the body for a long time. Oatmeal is a source of nutrients and a medicine for the gastrointestinal system. Fiber, which is rich in oatmeal, detoxifies the body. All cereals are useful, each in its own way.

How many calories are in buckwheat, oatmeal and other cereals

The nutritional value of all cereals is approximately the same. The most energetic is considered to be crumbly buckwheat porridge - 163 kcal. The calorie content of buckwheat porridge is not so high as to be afraid of getting fat from it. On the contrary, buckwheat porridge is used in a popular diet for weight loss; it consistently ranks first in the ranking. The energy value of oatmeal is small - only 80 kcal. The rest of the cereals are intermediate in calories.

Porridge up to 100 kcal in ascending order:

  • rice;
  • semolina;
  • corn;
  • millet;
  • pea.

Do not forget that the calorie content of raw cereals is much higher; it is important to pay attention to this when drawing up a dietary menu. read in our publication.

Choosing porridge on water and milk

Porridge has different nutritional value, depending on which cooking method is chosen. The indicators are especially low in cereals on the water. So you can cook buckwheat, rice, millet, corn, wheat and oatmeal.

The calorie content of cereals and boiled porridge is not the same: in porridge it is halved.

In cereals with milk, there are much more calories, but not as much as you might think. The difference is mostly 10-20 kcal. To properly cook the porridge, a double volume of water is poured into the dishes and allowed to boil. Pour the groats and cook over low heat. When the water should boil away, the porridge will be ready.

Calorie table of cereals per 100 g

For a healthy diet, you need to know the calorie content of foods: how many kcal are in buckwheat, what is the energy component of porridge per 100 grams.

In the daily diet, it is impossible to do without cereals. By selecting the lowest kcal values ​​according to the table, you can saturate the body with useful elements and at the same time not gain excess weight.

Groats are a valuable food product that is a source of complex carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. The calorie content of dry cereals ranges from 300 to 350 kilocalories per 100 grams. Such a high energy value has made cereals indispensable during all centuries of human history. Today, more and more people are trying to reduce the calorie content of the menu in order to lose weight. But is it necessary to give up cereals? How to keep this valuable product in your diet and not gain weight? Can you lose weight with a cereal diet? In this article, we will discuss all of these issues.

Calories in cereals

Groats are whole or crushed grains of various crops. The most widely used in agriculture are cereals and legumes. The source of calories in cereals is complex carbohydrates. These substances are considered the foundation of a healthy diet. Due to their energy, the energy value of the daily diet should be formed by more than half. If a person refuses complex carbohydrates, then adverse changes occur in his metabolism. Any low-carb restrictive diets lead to weight loss, but after stopping them, the weight quickly returns. The calorie content of cereals is not so high that a losing weight person had to completely abandon them. In addition, the calories in cereals are absorbed at a slow rate. Whole grains, which are friable when cooked, will be digested most slowly. It is necessary to eat cereal products in moderation.

Calorie content of dry cereals

The calorie content of dry cereals is indicated on the product packaging. In the tables of caloric content of food products, the energy value of cereals in dry form is usually also written. Let's look at the calorie content of some specific varieties of cereals. Buckwheat is most commonly eaten in Russia. For its preparation, either unground buckwheat is used (308 kilocalories per 100 grams), or buckwheat made (300 kilocalories per 100 grams). The calorie content of oatmeal is 342 kilocalories. The energy value of Hercules oat flakes is even higher - 352 kilocalories per 100 grams. Rice in dry form contains 303 calories per 100 grams. Pearl barley - 320 kilocalories. The higher the calorie content of semolina is 333 kilocalories per 100 grams. Split peas have a slightly lower calorie content - 299 kilocalories. The calorie content of dry cereals is convenient to use when you yourself are preparing a dish. In the event that you eat ready-made food (for example, in a cafe or if it is prepared by relatives), it is better for you to use the information on the calorie content of boiled cereals.

Caloric content of boiled cereals

In a boiled form, the calorie content of cereals is not very high. While the grain is boiling, it absorbs a large amount of water (3 times its own weight). Water does not contain calories, so the energy value of ready-made cereals is lower than that of dry ones. There are about 100 calories in 100 grams of cooked cereals. Semolina porridge on water contains 80 kilocalories per 100 grams. Oatmeal - 88 kilocalories. The calorie content of boiled buckwheat is about 95 kilocalories per 100 grams. The calorie content of cereal products, including cereals, depends on the way they are prepared. If you cook porridge in milk, add butter, honey or sugar, then the energy value of such a product will be much higher than that of simple cereals boiled in water. To minimize the calorie content of cereals and meals from them, do not add any fat during cooking. Fresh fruit or low-calorie sweeteners can be added to the ready-made porridge. Of course, such a recipe may not seem very attractive to you at first. However, porridge with fruit is not only a dietary product, it is also a truly tasty and healthy breakfast or dinner.

Calorie content of cereal flakes

For those who look after their health and weight, the modern breakfast dish - muesli is well known. If you follow the figure, then keep in mind that muesli can be very high in calories. They often contain cereals, bran, dried fruits, nuts, spices, honey. The calorie content of cereals does not fully determine the energy value of a given food, but it plays an important role in it. There are more than 320 calories in 100 grams of instant cereal flakes. The calorie content of cereal flakes depends on their chemical composition. The more fat in the flakes, the higher their energy value. The largest amount of fat is contained in oatmeal (about 7.5% of the mass). Nuts, honey, many dried fruits contain a lot of calories (more than 400 kilocalories per 100 grams). If you add fat milk, cream to muesli, then by doing so you further increase the calorie content of the dish. The calorie content of cereal flakes with spices and low fat yogurt will be minimal compared to other types of muesli.

Cereal diet

The calorie content of cereals without additives is relatively low. They contain a lot of nutrients and satisfy hunger well. On the basis of cereals, a special cereal diet has been created to reduce body weight. This is a restrictive nutritional system that can be recommended for weight loss for people who do not have significant health problems. This diet is well tolerated. But, like any food system with a sharply limited range of products on the menu, this diet is unbalanced. You shouldn't stick to it for more than 7 days. A big plus of the cereal diet can be considered its economy. The essence of this food system is that you can only eat porridge and drink plenty of water. You will have to cook cereals without salt, sugar, milk and butter. Not everyone will like this porridge to taste, but it has few calories and almost no fat. For a cereal diet, millet, buckwheat, wild rice, oats, and red lentils are suitable. Don't use white rice, semolina, or any instant cereal. All days of the diet for breakfast, lunch, dinner, eat 150 or 200 grams of any porridge. During the day, you can use 300 grams of vegetables (except for potatoes) and 250 grams of non-fat fermented milk product. Drink green or herbal tea without restrictions. You can also use clean drinking water.

For example, eat buckwheat porridge for breakfast, oatmeal and fresh tomato salad with a spoonful of yogurt and spices for lunch, lentil porridge and a glass of yogurt for dinner. Within 7 days of the cereal diet, you will lose 2 to 4 kilograms of excess weight. To increase the effectiveness of your diet and improve your well-being, add half an hour of exercise to your daily routine.

Cereals have not lost their importance in the diet of a modern person. Carbohydrates, vitamins, trace elements in their composition are useful for metabolism and health in general. The calorie content of cereals is high enough to maintain strength throughout the day. With proper use, cereals not only do not harm the figure, but, on the contrary, help to lose weight. A cereal diet is the most economical and easiest way to lose weight without harming your health in a short period of time.

Groats with delivery

Now there is a huge assortment of cereals on the market, the entire sector of goods of this category is collected in the online service instamart. Agree, it is convenient, you do not need to go to the store, just collect the basket on the website or through the mobile application and specify the desired delivery time.

Since ancient times, cereals have constituted a significant part of the human diet. This product has been popular at all times, both among ordinary people and among the powerful. Practically in every cuisine of the world there are dishes made from cereals, but in Russian cuisine, cereals occupy a particularly honorable place. Since childhood, we know that porridge made from various cereals is a very healthy dish that must be present in the diet of everyone who cares about their health.

Considering that in our time great attention is paid to proper nutrition, the calorie content of cereals worries many, since the exclusion of high-calorie foods is a direct path to weight loss. In this regard, the calorie content of cereals, as many believe, does not allow them to be used in dietary nutrition. However, nutritionists are in favor of leaving cereals in their menu and give serious arguments for this, which more than cover the rather high calorie content of cereals.

About the benefits of cereals

A lot is known about the benefits of cereals today. First of all, this food product, regardless of the type of cereal, is a rich source of slow carbohydrates that most fully satisfy the body's need for energy. What is the difference between slow carbohydrates and those found, for example, in a white bun? Fast carbohydrates provoke an immediate release of insulin into the blood, but after they are absorbed, we begin to feel hungry again. But slow carbohydrates are released gradually, and insulin levels in the blood are kept stable, as well as the energy that the body receives from carbohydrates.

You probably yourself noticed that after a plate of porridge, the feeling of hunger arises much later than after a sandwich with sausage. All this is the result of the action of slow carbohydrates. Dishes made from cereals are especially recommended for people who are engaged in vigorous physical activity that requires increased energy expenditure. From this point of view, the calorie content of cereals is a plus, since it is nothing more than the energy value of the product. And in the case of cereals, energy is almost completely used by the body.

Separately, it should be said about the composition of cereals. They contain a huge amount of vitamins and other nutrients that are so necessary for our body. Each cereal is unique in its kind and contains a special composition of nutrients.

Calorie table of cereals

It is no secret that when choosing cereals, many are guided by its calorie content. Below is a table of the calorie content of cereals, which allows you to determine the calorie content of a particular dry cereal per 100 g of product.

Name of the cereal

Caloric content per 100 g

Unpolished rice

Polished rice

Corn grits

Oat groats

Pearl barley

Peeled barley

Barley grits

According to the cereal calorie table, the most calories are in unpolished rice, and the least in refined barley. But in general, it is noticeable that most cereals have a calorie content close in value, and it cannot be called low. But, speaking of the calorie content of cereals, it is necessary to distinguish between the calorie content of dry cereals and the calorie content of boiled cereals.

During the cooking process, the calorie content of boiled cereals differs from the original value. This is because the cereal swells and becomes heavier during the cooking process. To make sure of this, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the calorie content of boiled cereals.

These are the most popular cereals and are most commonly used in the diet. It should also be noted that the calorie content of ready-made cereals depends on other factors.

What determines the calorie content of ready-made cereals?

Obviously, the calorie content of any porridge made from cereals should not be judged by the calorie content of dry cereal, since it will change significantly during the cooking process. In addition to the fact that the cereal swells during cooking, the calorie content of the finished cereal is significantly influenced by the ingredients that are added to the porridge.

For comparison, the calorie content of semolina cooked in water will be only 80 kcal per 100 grams, while the calorie content of semolina cooked in milk will already be 98 kcal, and if you add sugar and a piece of butter to it, then even more. The same can be said for any other cereal. Its calorie content will depend on what it will be cooked and served with.

Often, cereals are used as a side dish for meat, and it is obvious that if you eat buckwheat with fatty meat gravy, then its calorie content will be high enough to contribute to the appearance of excess weight. Recommendations in this case may be as follows: if you plan to use cereals for dietary nutrition in order to lose weight, they should be cooked in water and not add sugar and salt to them. Then cereals can be a great way to lose weight, an example of which is the famous buckwheat diet, which has hundreds of thousands of fans. 4.7142857142857 4.71 out of 5 (7 Votes)

This article presents you with the healthiest cereals. Thanks to the tables prepared by the Forest Fairy, you can find out what the benefits of barley, wheat, buckwheat and rice are, as well as compare the beneficial properties of cereals such as aramant, couscous, quinoa, oatmeal and many others. Scroll to the end to see the protein and carbohydrate content in cereals, what vitamins and minerals they contain, a table of calorie content and composition of boiled cereals. Keep Note!

Useful properties of cereals. Why do we need porridge in our diet?

  1. It is the ideal source of energy

In developed countries, cereals make up about 30% of the total number of calories in the diet, and in poor countries - from 70 to 80%. They are inexpensive and have a relatively low energy density, that is, in other words, they reduce the feeling of hunger due to the volume that they occupy in the stomach. Grains allow us to consume fewer other foods, including unhealthy fats and sugars.

  1. High in protein, vitamins and minerals

Protein in cereals makes up 7-14% of the total mass and is of different types, usually from the gluten group (gluten). This protein contains a decent set of essential amino acids, with the exception of lysine. Therefore, vegans should combine cereals with legumes, which are abundant in lysine.

An important useful property of cereals is the saturation of the human body with minerals (mainly magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, selenium, calcium) and vitamins of group B. However, most of the vitamins are contained in the peel of the grains and, accordingly, are lost during processing. Therefore, whole grains and their products are more useful than chopped, polished, etc.

Brown and wild rice are healthier than white

  1. Maintaining blood sugar and insulin levels

Most cereals, with the exception of white rice and corn, have a low glycemic index (GI). The GI concept suggests that the slow rate of digestion of carbohydrates may play an important role in the prevention and treatment of chronic disease. It is believed that after a meal with a low GI, the rate of glucose absorption, the growth of hormones in the gastrointestinal tract and insulin decrease. In general, the more fiber in cereals (which is responsible for reducing the rate of carbohydrate digestion), the better it helps maintain healthy blood sugar and insulin levels.

Several studies have shown that low GI diets cause more weight loss than high GI diets. Epidemiological studies have also found links between high GI diets and chronic disease, coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. In experiments, wheat and rye cereals with a high fiber content showed a 46-49% decrease in insulin after meals and a 16-19% decrease in glucose in overweight middle-aged men. The authors concluded that even in the short term, whole grains can reduce the glycemic response. ( )

Grains and whole grains can extend your life
  1. Cardiovascular health

Several large cohort studies in America, Finland and Norway have shown that people who eat a lot of whole grains are significantly less likely to have congenital heart defects and strokes. Moreover, a 2003 review of research by Hu found an inverse relationship between cereal consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease.

Scientists are looking at 2 versions of this effect of whole grains on heart health:

  • The effect of soluble fiber on cholesterol levels. A meta-analysis of 67 studies has shown that soluble fiber (2-10 g / day) helps reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in particular.
  • The effect of the glycemic index on blood lipids. Experiments have shown that a low GI diet helps maintain levels of "good" HDL cholesterol, regardless of fiber intake.
  1. Improving bowel function

The healthiest cereals are high in insoluble fiber, which absorbs fluid (thereby increasing stool weight and helping to treat constipation), promoting the growth and activity of intestinal bacteria, and improving many indicators of gut health, incl. decrease in secondary bile acids, etc.

The World Cancer Research Foundation currently lists fiber as a possible risk reduction factor for colorectal cancer, although studies have not been able to confirm this for sure.

There is also incomplete evidence that whole grains have beneficial properties in reducing the risk of pancreatic, breast, upper gastrointestinal, bladder, and kidney cancers. This may be due to the fact that grains contain lignans - plant estrogens modified by intestinal bacteria.

Cereals are very useful for the digestive tract and cardiovascular system.
  1. The ability to lower blood pressure

First of all, cereals are low in sodium, which has been linked to hypertension in the elderly and diabetics. In addition, scientists have found that the so-called. dietary approach (DASH or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) - Increasing your intake of a range of foods, including whole grains, but with a particular focus on fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products. The DASH diet has been shown to be beneficial in lowering systolic blood pressure by 11.4 mmHg. Art. and diastolic blood pressure of 5.5 mm Hg. Art. in 133 patients with essential hypertension.

Calorie content of cereals. KBZhU table, healthy fats, fiber and sugar

Absolutely all nutrition blogs strongly recommend including cereals cooked in water in the diet. And first of all, when a person wants to find out which cereals are useful for losing weight, he is invited to look at the calorie content of cereals per 100 grams of product. However, an equally important role in losing weight and maintaining the health of the body is played by such elements contained in cereals as:

  • Complex carbohydrates (including fiber, starch and sugar) - digested more slowly than simple ones, provide a longer feeling of fullness, gradually releasing energy for physical activity;
  • Fiber - detoxifies the body, acts as a natural laxative, slows down the rate of stomach emptying and helps control hunger;
  • Healthy fats - unsaturated fatty acids - help lower bad cholesterol in the blood and provide the body with nutrients that help it develop and maintain cells.
  • And for vegans - also protein (read about the difference between plant and animal proteins in our article ).

Studies have shown that the consumption of cereals and whole grains is associated with a reduced risk of serious diet-related diseases, such as coronary heart disease, certain cancers (especially of the colon), and inflammatory bowel disease ( )

The table below shows not only the calorie content of dry cereals, but also BZHU, as well as the content of useful polyunsaturated acids, fiber and sugar per 100 grams of each type.

What vitamins are contained in cereals?

Cereals practically do not contain vitamins C, D and B12, but they are excellent sources of the following:

  • B1 or thiamine(recommended daily dose * 1.2 mg) - the body needs to properly use carbohydrates and maintain the nervous system;
  • B2 or riboflavin(RDD 1.2 mg) - essential for the formation and healthy growth of various parts of the human body, including skin, hair and nails, the digestive tract, blood cells and brain function;
  • B3 or niacin(RDD 15 mg) - required for the proper absorption of fats and sugars, as well as to maintain healthy cells in the body;
  • AT 6(RDD 1.3 mg) - participates in more than 100 enzymatic reactions associated with metabolism, as well as in the development of the brain and immunity during pregnancy of the mother and infancy of the child;
  • Folic acid(RDD 400 mcg) - necessary for the proper development of the human body; plays an important role in the production of genetic material (DNA) and in many other functions of the body;
  • E(RDD 15 mg) - , boosts immunity, fights bacteria and viruses, helps dilate blood vessels and keep blood from clotting. In addition, the cells in the body use vitamin E to interact with each other and perform many important functions.

* - for the average adult. For children, pregnant and lactating, these values ​​can be very different.

In small amounts, cereals also contain vitamins such as A (RDA - 800 mcg) and K (RDA for men 120 mcg, for women - 90 mcg).

Below we have prepared a table for you and highlighted the most vitamin cereals in it. These included buckwheat, quinoa, brown and wild rice, barley, millet and amaranth.

Amaranth is one of the healthiest cereals

The benefits of cereals for the body, taking into account the minerals in their composition

Grains help saturate our body with minerals such as:

  • Calcium Ca(RDD 1100 mg) - the body needs to maintain healthy bones and teeth; helps to move muscles, and nerves - to carry messages between the brain and other parts of the body; Used by blood vessels to move blood and is involved in the release of hormones and enzymes that affect almost every function in the body
  • Iron Fe(RDD for men 8 mg, for women 18 mg) - plays an important role in the production of certain hormones and connective tissue, as well as the proteins hemoglobin, which carries oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body, and myoglobin, which delivers oxygen to the muscles;
  • Magnesium Mg(RDD for men 410 mg, for women 315 mg) - important for many processes in the body, including the regulation of muscle and nerve function, blood sugar and blood pressure, the production of proteins, bones and DNA;
  • Phosphorus P(RDD 700 mg) - Essential for bone health, muscle movement, energy production, filtering waste, and repairing tissues and cells in the body;
  • Potassium K(RDD 3500 to 4700 mg) - An electrolyte that maintains fluid balance in the body and helps transmit electrical impulses to ensure proper nerve and muscle function. regulates calcium and phosphorus levels, which means it is also necessary for strong and healthy bones;
  • SeleniumSe(RDD 55 mcg) - important for reproduction, thyroid function, DNA production, and the body's defense against damage caused by free radicals and infections;
  • Zinc Zn(RDD for men 11 mg, for women 8 mg) - helps the immune system fight bacteria and viruses, participates in the creation of proteins and DNA, is important for wound healing and the correct perception of taste and smell.

Note that all cereals are very low in sodium - a potentially dangerous mineral, the consumption rates of which are no more than 2300 mg per day for an adult and no more than 1500 mg / day for people over 50.

The following table shows how many minerals are in different cereals. From it you will see that the healthiest grains are amaranth, quinoa, oatmeal, teff and wild rice. Also, different varieties of wheat and bulgur can boast of a large amount of minerals.

Quinoa is high in minerals and vitamins

Properties and calorie content of boiled cereals (table)

Since the cereal absorbs water during cooking, 100 g of any ready-made porridge contains much more of the latter (6-8 times) and significantly less nutrients (3-5 times). For this reason, al dente porridges cooked with a little water are much healthier than boiled ones. In a 100 g serving, they contain more fiber, vitamins and minerals, albeit correspondingly more calories.

Our final table compares some pre-cooked cereals. All of these cereals are high in micronutrients such as quinoa, bulgur and wild rice. Have you already introduced them into your diet?

Bulgur groats are very useful when cooked