How to check if eggs are rotten. How to check whether a boiled egg is rotten or not

15.10.2019 Fish dishes

Have you ever experienced such a situation when you were preparing a dish, and already during the cooking process you noticed that the eggs had expired? Or are the eggs stored in a container without a production date, so you are not sure if they can be used or is it better to throw them away? Fortunately, it is not difficult to tell if an egg is spoiled. In this article, you will learn not only how to identify a spoiled egg, but also how to find out how fresh it is.


Freshness test

    Place the egg you want to test for freshness in a bowl or wide glass of cold water and see if it floats. There is a small air chamber inside the egg, which increases over time as more and more air penetrates inside the egg through the pores of the shell. The more air enters the egg, the larger the air chamber becomes, and the egg becomes buoyant.

    Bring the egg to your ear, shake it, and listen for a squelching sound. Over time, liquid and carbon dioxide evaporate from the egg shell, the yolk and white begin to dry out and shrink, the air chambers in the egg increase. Large air pockets create free space for the egg inside the shell, which creates a squelching sound.

    Crack the egg over a plate or bowl and check the condition of the white and yolk. The purity and integrity of the egg decreases over time, so an old egg will not be as complete as a fresh one. Pay attention to whether the egg is spreading over the plate or keeping it compact. A spreading or seemingly watery egg with an apparently liquid protein is already far from its original freshness.

    Identifying a bad egg

    Expiry date check

    1. Check the lead time indicated on the package. The packaging may indicate the expiration date of the eggs, for example, "Sell by", usually 30 days from the date of packaging. Eggs with intact shells stored in the refrigerator can be eaten within a month after the expiration date. In Russia, such markings are not found.

      Check the "Best before" on the packaging. On the packaging you can find such words as "Best before", "Use before". Usually it is 45 days from the date of packing. Try to consume eggs no later than 2 weeks after this expiration date.

      In the United States, eggs are marked with a 3-digit code that indicates the date the eggs are packed. Marking by date is not required by federal law (some states require it and others not), but all eggs must be marked with a packing date. The date is marked with three Julian digits. For example, an egg packaged on January 1 is labeled 001, an egg packaged on October 15 is labeled 288, and an egg packaged on December 3 is labeled 365.

      Discard eggs that were first stored in the refrigerator and then left at room temperature for more than 2 hours. If the egg has been refrigerated and cooled to a certain temperature, it is very important to maintain that temperature further. A chilled egg in a warmer environment can fog up, and this will cause bacteria to grow on the outside. Due to the fact that the egg shell has a porous structure, bacteria from the outside can penetrate inside the egg and multiply there.

Many housewives find it rather difficult to answer the question of when the eggs stored in the refrigerator were purchased. Not to mention the fact that it is not known how long they were in the store. Therefore, the question of how to check eggs for freshness often becomes very relevant. This article will cover the ins and outs of identifying "old" eggs and how to run simple yet powerful freshness tests.

Checking chicken eggs for freshness at home

Eggs are considered a valuable source of trace elements and vitamins. “Chicken caviar” is used as an independent dish or various dishes are prepared on its basis.

But if fresh this product brings only benefits to the body, then eating spoiled eggs can lead to poisoning, which entails serious health problems, including death.

You can identify a product that has been stored for a long time even in a supermarket.

So, the freshness of eggs is determined by the following criteria:

  • Surface structure. The shell of fresh eggs is dull and slightly rough to the touch. Old ones will stand out with a glossy shine and turn out to be smooth.
  • Smell. Eggshells have the ability to absorb the smells of surrounding objects, like a sponge. If fresh food smells like lime, then over time they will attract foreign aromas.
  • Shaking sound and vibration level. If you bring a raw chicken egg to your ear and shake it slightly, when it is fresh, there will be no extraneous sounds. Gurgling and vibration occurs if the product has been stored for a long time.
  • Product weight. If a fresh egg weighs from 55 to 70 g, then as a result of long-term storage, this figure will decrease.
  • View of the egg in the light. If possible, you need to bring the egg to a window or lighting fixture. When the product is fresh, it will be perfectly visible, in addition, there are no dark inclusions inside. And the "air chamber" located in the wide part of the egg will be barely noticeable. The longer the product is stored, the greater this formation.
  • Reaction to unwinding. If there is a flat horizontal surface not far from the counter, it is worth laying an egg on it and spinning it with your fingers. The fresh product will quickly stop its movement, and the one that has been stored for a long time, just like the boiled one, will turn into a "top".

With a long pursuit of troubles and failures, you need to think about outside negative influences and learn how to determine egg spoilage. This method was used by great-grandmothers in difficult moments of life. Fortunately, information has come down to our time about how they did it and what might happen.

Why is this definition of spoilage effective?

It is no coincidence that the egg was chosen as a tool for determining magical interference. With a sphere containing a chicken embryo, they not only find out whether there is damage on a person, they initially harm it with the help of a lining.

And after confirming its presence, it is precisely the evil created by envious people or enemies. How wonderful this animal product is and why it is considered so universal, any magician can explain.

Strong eggshell, which protects the bird embryo during its ripening period, personifies the energy shell of a person. In another way, it is called the aura, which protects the spiritual and physical harmful effects.

There is also an interesting fact that is not known to everyone. Turning to etymology, you can find such a word as "screw", meaning nothing more than the notorious egg, only yolkless. Zaportki float in salted water. And although such a product is not considered rotten, it is unsuitable for food, only for making paints, shampooing, adding to the ground or putty.

Agree, the curious consonance immediately crushes the ear: "spoilage", "spoil", "screw up" ...

A fertilized chicken egg will definitely make it clear why troubles are happening to a loved one. The main thing? know the principles of checking egg spoilage and interpret them correctly.

It is impossible to recognize the damage caused to the human aura by modern technologies, therefore the method with an egg is still the only universal way.

The use of egg diagnostics is also supported by the fact that with its help it is easy to understand what kind of damage we can talk about:

  • Short term or long term.
  • One or all of his family.
  • People or their homes.

Therefore, it is often used when working with young children. Surely it is already familiar, like an egg, our ancestors, dropping its contents into the water and watching what will happen.

Because nobody wants to look like an ignoramus and feel helpless in incomprehensible situations that are difficult to explain from a scientific "bell tower". Let's look at the most common instructions on how to check the evil eye on an egg, whether there is damage on a person and what type it may be.

Easy way

Take a raw egg, recently laid by a home hen, in your right palm and whisper this command:

“Roll - roll out the testicle, from right to left, from the west to the east, from the north to the south, from angel to demon. Tell me the truth, the truth about the servant of God (s) - tell me the name. "

Now roll this person out: gently, slowly, move the egg over his body in a circular motion clockwise in the following sequence:

  • head;
  • breast;
  • hands;
  • stomach;
  • back;
  • legs;
  • Feet.

After completing the process, take a saucer and break an egg into it. The content is of an ordinary color, the integrity of the yolk is not violated - there is no spoilage. The mass is dark and cloudy, the yolk has spread, there are blood particles - you will have to do a purification rite. The destructive program is activated.

Damage or evil eye

For work, you need clean water in a glass and a fresh egg. Take the filled container and hold it over the subject's head. Break the shell against the rim of the container and mix what's inside with the liquid. Hold the mixture over the head of the person being tested for 30 seconds and begin to consider:

  • The whole yolk lay on the bottom, surrounded by protein - the aura is clear.
  • Protein threads stretch up from the yolk - the spoilage is already working.
  • Examine the strings carefully. There are many of them and end in small air bubbles - the damage is obvious. One may indicate an unintentional evil eye.

The method of hereditary healers

Suitable for independent use. You will need:

  • fresh, homemade chicken egg;
  • a glass of only collected water;
  • comfortable spot.

Break the shell and carefully, without damaging the yolk, pour the contents into the water. Place a glass of liquid on your crown, first sitting comfortably on a chair and pressing your chin to your chest. Without moving, hold the vessel for about 3-4 minutes, changing hands is allowed. Remove the glass very carefully, put it on the table, trying not to shake it, and start analyzing:

  • Transparent water, not spread yolk, absence of white threads and turbidity, speaks of purity.
  • Thin filamentous processes - easy damage, amateur. Such a healthy aura repels and sends to the offender during the year, amplifying at times.
  • The yolk is intact, and the protein has taken on a semblance of a jellyfish, there is a fringe and columnar legs - you have become a victim of not too strong damage to failure, loneliness or tears. The energy of such an effect is absorbed in a period of three to seven years, if no countermeasures are taken to remove it.
  • Bubbles were seen on the columns formed from the protein - just right to speak of a strong effect made by a professional in the field of black magic. This is a spoilage for illness, career failure. Most likely, the first signs of exposure are already visible. For example, troubles have gone on in succession, conflicts arise out of the blue, a feeling of exhaustion.
  • Protein and yolk lines are partially colored red - the ritual was carried out on animal or human blood.
  • The yolk seems to have begun to boil, and the protein is bubbling - torment during life is in store.
  • Whole-cooked - the enemy wanted to limit the feeling of freedom. You will forget peace and happiness in your own home or with your family.
  • A whole bunch of bubble poles plus black blotches all over the place, including the yolk - you are the victim of damage to death. Think about who could be so annoyed before attempting to remove it.

Even worse, gray-green spots inside the yolk seen along with these signs. They predict death in torment. There is almost no time, because such damage begins to operate according to the laws of magic in 21 days, and this black plan ends earlier than a year.

It's easy to check the freshness of eggs at home. To do this, it is enough to pour about ten centimeters of cold water into a container. Dip eggs in a container for a minute.

Bad, spoiled, rotten eggs in the water will immediately float... This is due to a violation of the density inside the shells of raw eggs.

The same can occur if the storage conditions are violated: non-observance of the temperature regime, the admission of a sharp temperature drop.

Eggs that have floated to the surface, but only the tip is visible from the water, may still be quite edible, but they must be used first of all.

They tend to accumulate air between the shell and the outer shell of the protein. This is a prerequisite for gas exchange.

The interlayer, like a gateway, saturates the egg with the necessary oxygen for further development, and releases accumulated gases, including methane, through the shell. That is why such a smell goes out and depletes.

Fresh ones remain on the bottom. The amount of oxygen in them is minimal, they were demolished quite recently.

note! A fresh egg always remains at the bottom. The spoiled floats to the surface.

It is almost impossible to check the freshness of raw eggs in a store. It is important to monitor the integrity of the shell.

Bacteria can enter through the cracks and spoil the egg.... After which it will become unfit for human consumption.

How to check a boiled egg for freshness

If the egg has already been boiled, then you can check it by cleaning:

  1. Good, young hard to clean... The shell adheres very tightly to the shell, and when peeled, part of the cooked protein comes off together.
  2. If it is not the freshest, it will be very easy to clean.... It literally moves away from the protein itself along with the shell.
  3. If the egg is already rotten, then when cleaning, a sharp unpleasant odor will immediately appear., which is impossible to confuse.

Important! A fresh boiled egg is difficult to peel. And which has already been stored for some time, it is easy to clean. An egg that has deteriorated has a strong unpleasant odor after cleaning.

Customers in stores try to take chicken eggs of the first category or select ones, because they are larger. From the point of view of their benefits, this is not entirely true.

After all, the largest ones carry old chickens, which are already becoming obsolete. Young animals lay eggs more and more often, but they are noticeably smaller.

Eggs from young chickens are more useful: they have more calcium, magnesium, protein and other beneficial trace elements.

While large eggs of old layers contain more cholesterol, which is the main cause of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and also leads to obesity.

Small eggs of the second and third categories are much cheaper.

When choosing eggs in the store, please note:

  1. The shell surface must be smooth and free of cracks.
  2. Choose eggs from young hens - they are more useful.
  3. When you come home, use a glass of water to determine their freshness.

How to check the freshness of quail and other eggs?

Goose, duck, quail, chicken eggs have a limited shelf life, which largely depends on the temperature regime.

You can also check the freshness of quail eggs with water.... And also, considering the surface of the shell - it should be even, smooth, without flaws and cracks.

The freshness of the eggs depends entirely on the storage times, which must be observed. If they have been stored in stores for too long, then they are sold at a low price.

They may not be rotten or spoiled, but they already have a completely different structure.

The processes that take place in the egg do not stop, but only slow down when they are placed in the cold.

Variety Storage temperature Shelf life
Chicken raw Room temperature In fridge
Up to 14 days 30 days
Boiled chicken Room temperature In fridge
Day Up to 5 days
Ostrich Room temperature In fridge
5 days 17 days
Goose Room temperature In fridge
10 days 15 days
Quail Room temperature In fridge
Up to three weeks Up to 60 days
Duck Room temperature In fridge
7 days Two to three weeks
Turkey Room temperature In fridge
5 days Up to two weeks

Waterfowl eggs are rarely used for food. More often they are left for reproduction.

The shelf life is determined by the storage conditions of the product. The cooler and more saturated with moisture the environment, the longer the eggs retain their freshness.

Be sure to cover the top with a damp cloth or close it tightly with a lid. Opened eggs dry out quickly. The yolk in this form can be stored in the refrigerator for one to two days. Protein - up to four to five days.

We check the quality of eggs with an ovoscope

The ovoscope is a device that has been used since ancient times, and is still used today to check the quality of eggs. This simple device is a torch with a directional beam of light.

You can check eggs with an ovoscope at home. It is easy to make it at home:

  • This will require a regular flashlight or lamp.
  • Place the flashlight in a light-impenetrable box so that the light comes from above.
  • In the upper part of the box, you need to make a hole that will be smaller than the size of the egg.
  • Put the egg on this hole and examine it carefully.

A good quality young egg has a smooth surface and an even color without spots or flaws... Inside an egg that has had storage conditions, sometimes you can even see how a chick is being born.

This is noticeable by the bloody clots inside the shell and specific outlines. A rotten egg, when viewed with an ovoscope, will have an unpleasant cloudy hue.

Important! To keep eggs fresh for longer, they do not need to be washed before storage, so as not to break the protective layer of the shell.

Useful video

So far, however, these have been scattered references. Let's summarize the material in the form of an article "" and for this we offer you a fairly universal method for diagnosing and removing spoilage (using eggs).

Find out the spoilage in the eggs! Until she recognized you 🙂 Why do we stop at the egg? Because the egg is a very ancient and very versatile method of dealing with negative things. So, the egg as such is directly related to the beginning of the Universe in many mythologies of the world. For example, our modern world, as the Slavs believed, arose from the world's egg floating in the world's oceans.

Naturally, modern eggs are far from great eggs. But nevertheless, an ordinary egg is nothing more than symbol first egg. Therefore, it becomes to some extent artifact... That is, the potential of eggs compared to other things such as wax, hair, and so on is much greater. In terms of artifact and symbolic potential, only water can be compared with an egg (a symbol of the ocean in which that very egg was floating). And, oddly enough, it is water that will help us find out the damage in the eggs.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. First, let's recall the basic definitions.

The words " spoilage"Comes from the word" spoil". And the word "spoil" - you will not believe - directly related to the egg... This is probably also why it is possible to recognize spoilage by eggs, as well as to remove it most effectively with the help of an egg. How does the word "spoil" relate to eggs? The sequence reconstructed from the etymological dictionaries of Vasmer and Chernykh is as follows:

One of the forms of the word " spoil" - word " screw"- a rotten egg. This form is present in the Czech language as zaprtek(spoiled egg), and in Slovak in the form zaprtok(egg-chatter). An older form of this word, preserved in the Lithuanian language: pereti, perei meant " hatch eggs". And, in turn, this form has an even more archaic version, preserved in Latin: perio which means " give birth, carry". Ultimately, the word " spoil"(Like the word" spoilage") Through intermediate meanings associated with eggs, goes back to the Proto-Indo-European root * per- meaning to bear, to generate.

So, spoilage is really directly related to eggs. That may well justify the effectiveness of eggs in removing spoilage.

So back to our rams. That is, we will continue to recognize spoilage in the eggs. The manifestations of spoilage are diverse, but always destructive:

  • these are lingering illnesses,
  • and prolonged agonizing lack of money,
  • and troubles at work,
  • and love troubles ...

In general, damage is when everything is bad. And not by itself, but by someone's evil will. After all spoilage- it is always the result of purposeful magical actions. Damage is always induced, she herself will not fall on a person. That is why it is terrible: after all, in order to "spoil" a person, evil forces, negative energies are used, therefore people who have been spoiled feel melancholy, sadness, fear, despondency. Corruption decomposes not only the body - that would be half the trouble, but also the soul, in which case one should not expect that everything "will pass by itself." Fortunately, there are reliable ways to remove spoilage.

We figured out the damage, let's move on to the evil eye. The evil eye looks like damage, but still it is not the same thing. The fundamental difference is that evil eye- this action is involuntary. Someone looked unkindly, said rudeness, got angry at the same time, or envied ... And he did not want to do harm, maybe, but he has enough strength to think of his bad person. You can jinx it both in person and at a distance, although in the first case, the negative effect will be stronger.

Most often, beautiful and prosperous people are exposed to the evil eye, and those who, for whatever reason, are energetically weakened, are easily under the evil eye, which happens during illness or severe fatigue. In its effect, the evil eye is much weaker than damage, but it can also cause a lot of trouble.

As the name implies, this article will focus on the ways and methods by which you can determine whether there is damage to you or not. Many different ways are described in modern literature and on the Internet. But, despite the large number, all of them can be divided into two groups:

  1. External
  2. Internal

The first category includes (as I suppose it is clear from the name) all the ways in which the presence of damage is determined by external signs and signs, or with the help of any ritual methods (rituals). Well, for example, you found a bun of hair, scattered earth, an igloo, a dead animal, just a puddle of water in your house or under the threshold (there are a lot of options). Among the ritual methods, perhaps the most common are methods for determining spoilage using an egg, pin, candles, wax.

  • constant bad luck, everything falls out of hand;
  • persistent depression;
  • all tests and examination results are normal, but you are still sick;
  • an unreasonable feeling of fear and distress;
  • a high temperature rises for no apparent reason. There are no manifestations of the disease, except for a temperature above 39. After a while, the temperature also suddenly drops and does not rise again;
  • unreasonable diarrhea or vomiting, which, like fever, quickly go away on their own
  • fear - a person who has not previously suffered from any phobias begins to be afraid of darkness, heights, closed space or something else inexplicable;
  • chills or shivering without illness or fever;
  • protracted illness that does not respond to appropriate treatment, or illness following one after another;
  • a chain of bad luck, troubles, misfortunes;
  • melancholy and pendulum, nightmares, forebodings. A person experiences an insatiable mental anguish and does not know why and suffers, unable to cope with his incomprehensible illness;
  • etc.

The signs of the evil eye are not as obvious as those of damage, but they can still be detected. For example:

  1. Burning in the eyes, as if a speck had got into the eye, while there was nothing in the eye. Eyes watery, fear of bright light appears.
  2. A series of minor troubles and minor ailments are also a sign of the evil eye. If a major loss or serious illness speaks of damage, then little things, from which there seems to be little harm, but life is sickening, is the evil eye.
  3. Loss of strength, feeling of heaviness throughout the body, drowsiness and sluggishness.
  4. Small family quarrels and disagreements that happen "from scratch" are a sign that someone envied your family happiness and jinxed it.
  5. If something breaks in the house all the time, this also speaks of the evil eye.
  6. Insomnia.
  7. No appetite or, conversely, a constant feeling of hunger.
  8. Irritability, constantly in a bad mood.
  9. Infertility, impotence.

The external signs of the evil eye are much more subtle than the described internal or even external signs of spoilage. Therefore, you should not get carried away with them - they are not far from paranoia (every time you shy away from anyone who looks strangely ...).

Thus, with the help of internal signs, you may suspect that damage or the evil eye is on you. How can you confirm / disprove suspicions? It is very simple - with the help of external methods in general and ritual methods in particular. And the main one is the determination of spoilage with the help of an egg.

Ritual recognition of damage by eggs.

Of course, there are many ways to use eggs for spoilage detection. Let's list the most frequently used ones.

How to recognize spoilage in eggs - option number 1.

You need to take a raw egg, always from homemade chicken. The egg is taken in the right hand and the following words are whispered over it:

Roll a testicle, from right to left, from west to east, from north to south, from the most pure angel to the dark demon. Tell the whole truth about the servant of God (name).

Then the person begins to roll out the testicle - they roll around the body in circles, always clockwise. You need to roll it out for a long time, there is no rush here. First, they roll around the head, then circles on the chest, abdomen, back, legs, feet. As you roll everything out, you need to take a saucer and break an egg. If it is of a normal color, if the yolk has not spread, everything is in order. And if the egg is dark, cloudy, the yolk spreads - there was some damage, and treatment is needed.

Option for recognizing damage by eggs number 2.

To diagnose spoilage using a chicken egg, it is necessary to break it into a transparent vessel filled with cold water. The egg should be poured so that the yolk remains intact and the contents are not shaken. Next, you need to set a glass with an egg on the crown of the person's head for five minutes. You can also put a glass or glass jar with the contents while sleeping at the head of the bed, at night.

It is believed that if the egg has not undergone any changes, then the human biofield does not contain negative programs. If on the surface of the water there are multiple and noticeable filaments of protein, then this is the evil eye. It is also unfavorable if the egg white has lost its transparency or bubbles are visible on the protein filaments going up to the surface of the water. This is damage. Even worse, there are black spots or bloody streaks.

It should be noted that for self-diagnosis it is necessary to use the freshest egg possible, and not chlorinated water, but spring water, since chlorinated tap water is likely to become cloudy or contain bubbles.

The third option is how to identify spoilage with an egg.

Take a glass jar, pour water into it and gently break a raw egg into it so that the yolk does not spill! Hold the jar over your head, then bring it to the back of your head, to your forehead, to your chest, to your groin, to your feet. At each of these places, hold the jar for about five minutes: this is necessary for the egg to absorb all the evil that poisons you.

Close the jar and place it at the head of your bed overnight.

In the morning, take a close look at what happened to the egg and water. If there is spoilage, the egg will turn black and the water will become cloudy. If not, the water will remain clean and the egg will not change in any way.

Option for recognizing spoilage using eggs No. 4.

Pour 3/4 cup of water (this is enough), hold the egg in your hands, then quickly and carefully break the egg into a glass (without damaging the yolk). Sit on a chair or chair, press your chin to your chest and carefully place a glass of water and an egg on the crown of your head. Supporting the glass with your hand, sit still for 3 minutes. Hands can be changed if tired, but be careful not to stir up the water.

After 3 minutes, remove the glass from your head and carefully examine for unpleasant things.

As you can see, the systems are similar. The only difference is the method of bringing the egg to the diagnosed one, as well as the time for the "development of the negative" - ​​for the appearance of manifestations in the egg. How to choose a more correct way and time? Through practice, naturally 🙂

Interpretation of the types of spoilage signals from eggs.

So, the general idea of ​​all the listed methods of recognizing spoilage by eggs is that an egg poured into the water after a certain time acquires various unnatural signs. That is, it signals the presence of a particular state in a person. The following list will help you in more detail on the interpretation of signals from eggs:

  1. If the water is clear and the yolk has not changed and lies in the protein, and the protein lies in a heap, there is no spoilage on you.
  2. If the yolk is whole, but rises from the protein pillars, like the fringe of a jellyfish, there may be one such column or several, then damage is aimed at you. This is not a very serious damage, mainly for failure in family life, for loneliness, for tears. Such damage is often induced for 3-7 years. After this period, the energy of damage is absorbed in the ether.
  3. Ate these columns (we call them "candles") are more like cobwebs, then this is a very light spoilage. Such slight damage can be induced by “amateurs,” as I call them, ie. those who bought a book on black magic and practice doing nasty things to their friends, whose life seems to them better than their own. Such damage still brings a streak of slight bad luck, incomprehensible ailments, quarrels in the family, troubles at work. Light spoilage caused by "amateurs" does not last more than a year.
  4. If the protein columns have bubbles, then the damage is strong and was made not by an amateur, but by a professional. Such damage is usually done so that you are haunted by failures and debilitating minor illnesses that are difficult to treat, or even not recognized by doctors, more often this damage is induced to harm your financial success. Such damage begins to work suddenly. That is, everything is piling up at once and it is not clear why, although before everything always worked out perfectly. This damage can be ordered by a business competitor or even a neighbor or friend whose car is worse than yours, for example.
  5. If the posts have bubbles and black dots, or bubbles on the columns of protein and black dots on the yolk, then the damage is done to death or using grave soil. In this case, the one who ordered the damage hates you so much that only your death will bring him or her relief. This is usually the one who is impossibly jealous of you, or the one from whom you stand in the way, or who believes that you have taken something from him. Damage to death usually takes effect after 21 days and takes a person to the grave within a year.
  6. If on the columns of squirrel bubbles, a the yolk around the edges looks like boiled, damage is done so that you live, but suffer. The same spoilage is sometimes shown as green, gray or brown spots on the yolk in the absence of protein suppositories.
  7. If there are no protein columns, but simply the yolk is all boiled, then this is a special kind of spoilage. This is a corruption-limitation so that you never feel free anywhere, even in your own home. And there are no locks, and there are no gratings, but as if tied hand and foot, boil in your own juice, and there is no happiness, and you want to howl like a wolf. In some cases, no one deliberately puts such damage on a person, he causes it on himself ... Usually, this happens if a decent person is guilty of something, no one knows about his guilt, and his conscience does not give him rest. He longs for redemption of his guilt and punishes himself, as it were, puts himself in a "prison". And he sets the term of his "imprisonment" for himself. It is very difficult to remove such damage, because a person subconsciously opposes help, especially if he believes that he has not yet redeemed his guilt.
  8. If there are protein candles with bubbles and black spots, and the edges of the yolk sharply scalded with green or gray spots in the middle of the yolk, this is the most terrible damage - damage to death in terrible torment. Here, the customer's hatred of such damage has already reached a pathological level. The Onons not only want to get you out of the way, they want to see and enjoy your torment. This is usually a person you know very well. The most common corruptions are directed at your finances and personal happiness. Damage to death is very, very rare.

By the way, advice: if damage was found, then the glass in which there was a diagnostic egg should be thrown away.

Removal of spoilage with an egg.

Naturally, having talked about the diagnosis of spoilage with the help of an egg, one cannot but say at least a few words about removing spoilage. To remove spoilage, an egg already familiar to us is traditionally used. Moreover, the simplest way is to use the same egg with which you determined the presence of spoilage.

The procedure is very simple: pour the contents of the fortune-telling glass into the toilet and wish good and love to the one who spoiled you. Most often, of course, it is recommended to say something like “let everything come back to you a hundredfold”, but there are a couple of nuances here. First, vindictiveness is by no means the best assistant in witchcraft. Vengefulness is a low-level energy, and it can not only not remove corruption, but also strengthen it.

The second point that needs to be taken into account: what if it was you who sent damage to yourself? Or have they jinxed themselves? And did you wish yourself the same, but 3 times more? Or was it done by a loved one and close person out of ignorance - and now you are tormented with him (when he has a terrible disease of some kind)?

Therefore, you should not think about revenge when removing damage. And do not let the "professionals" do it, inciting you to do it.

By the way, after the ritual of removing spoilage in this way, you can carry out a control check with a new egg. If the results have worsened, it means that a professional is working against you and he figured out that they are digging under him. If the results are the same or less, it means that the energy of spoilage is great, and you need to repeat the procedure for draining the spoilage into the toilet. This is done until the egg says there is no damage. Or until you feel better, which is good too.

Well, the absence of diagnostic signs is an excellent indicator, you have removed everything you could. Congratulations!

So, for your own safety - find the spoilage in the eggs!

Based on the materials of 7777 best conspiracies from the best healers of Russia,