How to make fresh frozen cranberry juice. How to make cranberry juice: a classic recipe

21.08.2019 Fish dishes

The small cranberry contains a lot of vitamins, which are considered to be very powerful antioxidants. The presence of organic acids allows it to be stored for a long time and delight adults and children with its unique taste. The shell of a fresh cranberry berry has a sour-bitter taste, and various types of jam, jam and fruit drinks are prepared to remove bitterness from cranberries. Cranberry juice is used as antipyretic, vitamin and medicinal products. Cranberry juice will help to cope with pyelonephritis, vitamin deficiency, as well as inflammatory diseases. Using our recipe, you can make a delicious fruit drink from cranberries, we also added honey, ginger and lemon to the fruit drink, thanks to them our fruit drink will slightly change its classic taste, but it will become even more useful and contain even more vitamins C and B.

Taste Info Drinks


  • five hundred grams of cranberry berries;
  • three hundred grams of granulated sugar;
  • ten grams of ginger root;
  • two tablespoons of natural honey;
  • one lemon;
  • two liters of water.

Our proposed version of cranberry juice perfectly copes with thirst, due to honey and sugar, it has a pleasant non-acidic taste.

How to make cranberry juice

1. Rinse five hundred grams of cranberries in cold water, remove dry twigs, as well as black and heavily dented berries.

2. To prepare fruit drink from cranberries, you need to transfer the berries to a plate with high sides and chop with a potato grinder or fork until mushy.

3. Fold fine gauze in half, divide the cranberry mass into juice and pulp.

4. Squeeze the juice out of one lemon. If a lot of pulp gets into the juice during the squeezing process, strain it with gauze.

5. Peel the ginger root and cut it into several slices. Grate lemon zest.

6. In a prepared saucepan or deep saucepan, add cranberry pulp, ginger slices and lemon zest.

7. Fill all the ingredients for the cranberry juice with granulated sugar.

8. Put the container on the stove, pour water and cook over low heat like a regular compote.

9. Cool the finished cranberry juice, strain through cheesecloth, add cranberry and lemon juice to it.

10. To make the drink even healthier - throw two tablespoons of honey.

Cranberry juice with lemon and ginger can be consumed both hot and cold.

It is strictly forbidden to use fruit drink for people suffering from acute gastritis and peptic ulcer disease (the acids contained in it can cause an exacerbation). In order to speed up the process of detoxification of the body, consume a glass of fruit drink and a small amount of low-fat cottage cheese in the morning for one week.
We told you how to cook cranberry juice with the addition of honey, ginger and lemon. You do not need to add these ingredients, then you will get a classic cranberry juice.

Cranberry juice is considered one of the favorite drinks of most people. Due to the content of vitamin C, the berry composition strengthens the immune system, fights viral infections, and reduces fever. Morse is useful for children from three years old and pregnant women, as well as for people suffering from pyelonephritis, slow metabolism, edema. The drug is easily digested and has practically no contraindications. The exception is gastric ulcer.

Features of making cranberry fruit drink

  1. Many recipes include honey in the ingredient list. It is the strongest allergen, so the amount of the component is calculated taking into account individual characteristics. Honey is added in a cool form; it must not be heated to temperatures over 40 degrees.
  2. When cooking fruit drinks, it is important to observe the proportions of water and cranberry juice. For maximum benefits, the drink should contain at least 40% berry nectar.
  3. Protect your hands with gloves before rubbing fruit. Cranberry juice is highly irritating and stains the skin. Use glass, ceramic or plastic utensils throughout the cooking process. Metal fixtures oxidize quickly.
  4. If the fruit drink is prepared from freshly frozen fruits, remove them from the chamber in advance, rinse with water and leave at room temperature to thaw. Don't use a microwave or hot water.
  5. After preparation, the drink is stored in the refrigerator, the shelf life is 3 days. After the allotted time, the fruit drink will lose its useful qualities.
  6. The amount of sugar in the potion is adjusted according to personal preference. The more ripe the berries are, the less sweetener is required. Dieters should replace beetroot sand with reed sand or stevia (available in health food stores).
  7. In order to preserve all the vitamins and minerals of the cranberry, cooking the fruit drink should not exceed the time indicated in the instructions. People who make large quantities of the drink daily should consider purchasing a blender. The device is necessary for grinding berries, it is used instead of a sieve and pestle.
  8. If you do not have time to cook fruit drinks, do otherwise. Grind the berries with honey or granulated sugar, send in a glass container and seal. Add the mixture to tea, compote, or mix with water to get essential vitamins.

Cranberry juice: a classic recipe

  • filtered water - 2.2 liters.
  • sugar - 140-160 gr. (at the discretion of)
  • cranberries - 230 gr.
  1. For the preparation of fruit drink, ripe and undamaged berries are used. Go through all the fruits, exclude unsuitable specimens. Throw the cranberries in a colander or sieve, rinse with water. Leave for 15 minutes for the liquid to drain.
  2. Now you need to turn the berries into porridge. To do this, use a blender, juicer, meat grinder or kitchen pestle. If desired, you can pass the fruits through a sieve so that the contents fall into a separate container.
  3. When the berries are crushed, prepare a large piece of gauze. Place the puree in it, squeeze the juice, and leave the cake on the gauze. Squeeze the fruit very carefully. Now pour drinking water into the pot.
  4. Place the liquid on the stove and let it boil. As soon as this happens, add granulated sugar, cake and cranberry juice. Stir, turn the burner down to minimum. Cook for 10 minutes, turn off heat.
  5. Cover the fruit drink with a lid, leave for a third of an hour to infuse. Prepare a small sieve, line it with gauze. Strain the drink into a separate, clean pitcher. Store in the refrigerator for no longer than 3 days.

Cranberry and ginger juice

  • cane granulated sugar - 270 gr.
  • drinking water - 2.8 liters.
  • ginger (root) - optional amount
  • cranberries (fresh or frozen) - 330 gr.
  1. Pour water into a heat-resistant container and let it boil. Pour in granulated sugar, stir until the crystals dissolve. Then turn off the hotplate, cool to room temperature.
  2. Wash the cranberries if fresh. Leave in a colander to drain off the water. Rinse frozen fruits under the tap, let them thaw for half an hour.
  3. Grate ginger root or grind it in a blender, add to a saucepan with sugar. Pour washed berries here. Put the mixture on fire again, bring to the first bubbles.
  4. As soon as the composition boils, turn off the stove, cover the container with a lid. Cool for 2 hours, filter through cheesecloth. Pour into a jug, store in the refrigerator.

  • granulated sugar - 35 gr.
  • frozen cranberries - 270 gr.
  • purified water - 1.25 liters.
  1. Throw frozen fruits in a colander, rinse with cold tap water. Leave the sieve at room temperature, the berries should melt completely.
  2. When this happens, puree the cranberries. You can use a potato pestle, blender, or juicer.
  3. Cut a piece of gauze, fold it in four. Line a colander with a cloth, send the puree inside. Squeeze out the juice and leave the cake in a gauze bag.
  4. Now separate the juice and the remnants of the dry rind. Put the second component in a saucepan, add water and bring the mixture to a boil. Sweeten to taste, wait until the sugar grains dissolve.
  5. Strain the mixture from a saucepan, mix with the previously squeezed cranberry juice. Heat to a temperature of 45-50 degrees, turn off and cool. Pour into a jug with a lid.

Cranberry-blueberry juice

  • drinking water - 1.6 liters.
  • cranberries - 325-350 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 220 gr.
  • blueberries - 350 gr.
  1. Wash the cranberries and blueberries, transfer the berries to a sieve and leave to drain for 10 minutes. Mix the fruits with granulated sugar, transfer to the blender bowl. Grind into porridge, then pour in water, bring the mass until smooth.
  2. Beat the contents for about 3 minutes, then pass the composition through a sieve or cheesecloth. If the fruit drink is very viscous, dilute it with water to the desired consistency.
  3. Taste the product, add sugar if necessary. Stir until crystals dissolve, strain again. Pour the drink into a jug, send it to the cold.

Cranberry juice with rose hips

  • fresh or dried rose hips - 120 gr.
  • frozen cranberries - 570 gr.
  • sugar - 140 gr.
  • drinking water - 2.2 liters.
  1. Remove the fruits from the packaging, rinse with ice water, put in a bowl. Leave for half an hour until completely thawed. Now mash the fruits with a pestle to a gruel state. You can use a juicer or blender.
  2. Prepare cheesecloth by joining it in 3 layers. Put the puree in a cloth, separate the juice from the cake. Transfer the pulp to a saucepan, add drinking water. Pour in granulated sugar and washed rose hips.
  3. Put the contents over medium heat until boiling. When this happens, turn the burner down to minimum and cook for another 10 minutes. Now pour in the cranberry juice, stir.
  4. Remove the dishes from the heat, cover with a lid, leave for 4 hours to infuse. Filter the content, leaving only the fruit drink. Pour the cooled drink into a jug and enjoy.

  • honey - 110 gr.
  • cranberries - 420 gr.
  • water - 1.8 liters.
  1. Take good copies, remove the crumpled and rotten ones, they will not be needed. Wash the fruit and let it dry. Now grind the cranberries into porridge in any convenient way (blender, pestle).
  2. Place 3 layers of cheesecloth in a colander or use a fine sieve. Rub the berries into a separate bowl. Now squeeze out the juice, move the pulp into a saucepan, cover with water.
  3. Send the composition to the fire, add honey, wait until it boils. Stir the liquid. Pour in the squeezed juice about 7 minutes after boiling.
  4. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth, discard the cake. Cool the prepared fruit drink, pour it into a jug or jar. Cover the drink with a lid, put it in the refrigerator.

Mint cranberry juice

  • granulated sugar or honey - 145 gr.
  • ripe cranberries - 550 gr.
  • fresh lemon balm - 10-15 gr.
  • drinking water - 2.3 liters.
  1. Sort out the berries, rinse them under the tap, let the moisture drain. Now mash the fruits into porridge with a pestle or blender. Use cheesecloth to separate the pulp from the juice.
  2. Pour the cake with water, add sugar / honey. Place a heat-resistant container on the stove, bring to a boil. Simmer until the granules dissolve.
  3. Rinse the mint sprigs, mash in a mortar, add to the hot broth. Pour cranberry juice here, cover the fruit drink with a lid. Filter the content after half an hour.
  4. Discard the cake, pour the fruit drink into a storage container. Put in the refrigerator, leave for 5 hours. After this period, you can start tasting the fruit drink.

  • filtered water - 1.2 liters.
  • cranberries - 830-850 gr.
  • lemon zest - 100 gr.
  • lemon juice - 80 ml.
  • granulated sugar (preferably brown) - 160 gr.
  1. Sort out the cranberries, rinse them under the tap. Wash the lemon, peel it off. Grate citrus peel, combine with cranberries and grind into porridge with a blender.
  2. Now squeeze juice from lemon pulp, send to cranberries with zest. Pour granulated sugar here. Boil drinking water, pour the mixture with it.
  3. Put all the ingredients in a saucepan, put the contents on fire. Simmer for 10 minutes after boiling, then turn off the hotplate. Close the dishes tightly with a lid, let cool.
  4. Strain the mixture, transfer to a pitcher. Put in the cold for infusion, after about 10-12 hours you can start tasting the cranberry and lemon juice.

Fruit drink from cranberries and viburnum

  • vanilla sugar - 25 gr.
  • cranberries - 540 gr.
  • ripe viburnum - 180 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 380 gr.
  • purified water - 1.75 liters.
  1. Take 200 gr. granulated sugar, mix with washed and dried cranberries. Stir the contents with a spoon, discard on a sieve. Pass the juice into a separate bowl, set aside the pulp, you will need it later.
  2. 180 g combine sugar with cranberry juice, put in the cold. Start preparing viburnum. Go through it, separate it from the branches and rinse. Mix with vanilla, transfer to a saucepan, pour in water.
  3. Put the dishes on the stove, boil the mixture for 10 minutes. After this time, add the infused cranberry juice and berry pomace, mix.
  4. Cook the composition for another quarter of an hour. Then turn off the hotplate, pass the broth through 5 layers of cheesecloth. Discard the pulp, cool the fruit drink and pour into a decanter.

It is not difficult to make fruit drinks from frozen fruits, if you adhere to the technology. You can combine cranberries with other berries (blueberries, lingonberries, currants, viburnum, lemongrass, etc.) for a new flavor. Also lemon balm, lemon juice or zest, ground cinnamon are often added to the drink.

Video: how to quickly cook cranberry juice

K Lukva is a berry, the beneficial properties of which are very difficult to overestimate. Despite the fact that the natural environment where cranberries grow is unsightly swamps, it contains elements important for human health, such as:

  1. vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, E, P;
  2. minerals: potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron.

Cranberries taste sour, so there are many ways to use them, except in pure form. One such way is. If you decide to adhere to a healthy diet, for example, vegetarianism, cranberry juice is able not only to give your body a lot of useful substances, but also when used systematically:

  • improves blood circulation in the body;
  • prevents the formation of plaque and kills bacteria in the oral cavity;
  • is an effective support for the health of your eyes;
  • protects organs such as the colon and cervix from cancer;
  • does not allow the development of peptic ulcer, if there is a predisposition to it;
  • prevents the development of urolithiasis, and also contributes to the destruction of already formed stones;
  • supports the health of the cardiovascular system;
  • promotes the removal of cholesterol;
  • is an effective prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • significantly relieves asthma attacks;
  • is an excellent way to combat and prevent various infectious diseases;
  • cleanses the body of various harmful substances.

And besides, everyone knows the healing properties of warm cranberry juice to fight colds. In summer, a glass of cold cranberry juice will relieve you of thirst and maintain good spirits and tone throughout the body.

Below are the ways how to make cranberry juice and how to cook cranberry juice from frozen cranberries - recipes for any time of the year.

Cranberry juice: preparation

The benefits of cranberry juice are obvious to everyone! Such a drink tones up, invigorates, and increases physical performance, as well as activates the work of our brain. Among other things, cranberry juice helps to maintain a beautiful, healthy appearance, and together with proper nutrition, it returns youth, blooming appearance and harmony to the fair sex. So how to prepare fruit drink in such a way that, during heat treatment, cranberries retain all of the above miraculous properties and substances?

It's very simple: prepare a fruit drink with the addition of freshly prepared natural cranberry juice. So your body will receive everything that is useful in fresh cranberries, but at the same time your stomach will not suffer from acid, which is also very rich in cranberries.

It is worth noting that the most useful cranberry juice with the lowest sugar content, therefore, if you are not allergic to honey, replace sugar with it when preparing fruit drink.

Cranberry juice: recipe

To date, there are a lot of recipes for making cranberry juice. Let's take a look at two recipes:

  1. cranberry juice with honey - excellent prevention of colds in winter;
  2. cranberry juice with mint - thirst quencher and energy boost in summer.

So, for cranberry juice with honey, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 cups fresh cranberries;
  • 1 liter of pure spring water;
  • 2-2.5 tablespoons of honey.

First of all, you need to sort out the cranberries and discard the bad berries, if any. Use a wooden mortar to mash the berries in a deep bowl, it is best to use a non-metallic dish. Now strain the resulting mixture either through a sieve or cheesecloth. You should have gruel with seeds and cranberry juice; set the juice aside for now. Pour gruel with seeds and peel with one liter of water and put on fire. As soon as the fruit drink starts to boil, reduce the heat and let it simmer for five to seven minutes. After this time, turn off the fire, and filter the fruit drink again; now the resulting gruel can be simply thrown away. Next, pour the cranberry juice we had set aside earlier into the pan and let the fruit drink boil again. In the resulting fruit drink, while it is still hot, we add our honey and let it "disperse" there; you can help him and stir with a spoon.

To prepare cranberry juice with mint, we need the following ingredients:

  • 500 grams or 3 cups fresh cranberries;
  • 8-10 fresh mint leaves;
  • honey to taste.

As in the first case, we sort out the cranberries and remove the bad berries, then rinse them thoroughly. Knead the cranberries with a wooden mortar, squeeze out the pure cranberry juice and leave it aside for now. Transfer the resulting gruel to a saucepan. Rinse the mint leaves thoroughly and, like cranberries, cover with a wooden mortar. Now add the crushed mint to the cranberry gruel. Next, pour a mixture of mint and cranberry gruel with two liters of water and put on fire. We are waiting for the fruit drink to boil, now we turn down the heat and let this broth "sweat" for five minutes. Next, turn off the fire, wrap the pot with fruit drink with a warm blanket and wait another hour; now you can strain the fruit drink and add the previously obtained cranberry juice to it, mix thoroughly and add honey.

How to make cranberry juice from frozen cranberries

Cranberries are harvested in late autumn, when the first frosts have not yet come. Naturally, the harvested cranberries will not be able to lie for a long time, even in the refrigerator, therefore, in order to be able to prepare fruit drinks or use cranberries in baking in winter, the freshly harvested berry is frozen. Below is a very simple recipe for making cranberry juice from frozen cranberries.

Helpful hint: if you have collected or bought fresh cranberries and plan to freeze them, do not wash the berries.

So, there are frozen cranberries in the freezer of your refrigerator; why not make a delicious and healthy fruit drink?

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 3-4 cups frozen cranberries
  • 2 liters of pure spring water;
  • honey to taste.

Once you have removed the berries from the freezer, rinse them with cool water and leave until they are completely defrosted. Then, using a blender, grind the cranberries until they form a gruel. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth and put it aside for a while. Pour the resulting cake with two liters of water and boil for about ten minutes. After the fruit drink has boiled, turn off the heat and wrap the pan with a blanket or towel and let the broth brew for an hour. Then we filter the now infused fruit drink again, then add our prepared cranberry juice and honey to this fruit drink. Delicious, and most importantly healthy fruit drink is ready!

When preparing cranberry juice, you can also add your other favorite berries, for example, cherries or black currants. This fruit drink from a mixture of healthy berries is even more enriched with substances that have a beneficial effect on our body.

If you prefer the classic recipe for cranberry juice without any third-party additives, you can put the prepared drink in the refrigerator and consume it every day, two tablespoons, half an hour before meals. So you prepare your stomach for the upcoming food processing, support your immunity, and also help your body cope with daily stress and fatigue. And besides this, in this way you can maintain the health of your children, help them cope with constant stress and stressful situations at school. However, before giving your child to drink fruit drinks in large enough quantities (for example, a glass of 200 ml), start with one tablespoon and see if there are any allergic reactions.

Try to use what nature gives us; in this case we are talking about cranberry juice. You will always have time to buy a heap of medicines in the pharmacy, which, by the way, do us more harm than good. In combination with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, cranberry juice is not just a thirst quencher, pleasant to the taste, but can also serve as a remedy for many ailments, such as migraines, disturbed gastrointestinal tract function and many others.

Cranberry is a valuable berry, it surpasses other berries in the content of vitamins and microelements. Due to its qualities, this berry is used in the field of medicine and cosmetology. However, it is most widely used in cooking.

Healthy, life-giving cranberry juice

On the basis of cranberries, they make all kinds of homemade preparations, prepare jams, drinks, in the form of fresh berries or cooked they are used when preparing dishes, just put in tea. We will tell you how to cook cranberry juice correctly and tasty.

He is able to quench thirst and give vigor, cure a cold, and there are a great many ways to make fruit drink. We will show you the secrets of this refreshing, vitamin drink and suggest many ideas for making cranberry juice for all occasions!

It is not difficult to cook cranberry-based fruit drink, it is a relatively simple process and usually does not take much time.

Crushing cranberries with a crush
  1. Disassembled and washed berries are crushed
  2. Pour water into a metal, not enameled container and heat
  3. The berry is cooked in 5 minutes, then the resulting drink is strained and allowed to cool
  4. Freshly squeezed berry juice can be poured into the resulting liquid.

Skin irritation may occur upon contact with the juice of this sour berry, so the advice is - wear gloves to protect your hands.

If there is a need for daily preparation of fruit drinks, it is much more expedient to use a blender or other grinder to extract the juice, this will save time and effort.

To add sweetness, put sugar or honey. In some cases, juice or slices of citrus peel are added to the prepared drink, and spices, such as clove pods or cinnamon, are added to give the drink a tart, fragrant aroma. If you add rose hips, then the fruit drink will turn out to be not only pleasant to the taste, but also very useful, and in terms of the content of vitamin C it will surpass all other drinks.

You can decorate a glass of cranberry juice with a mint leaf, a slice of orange or lemon, whole fresh berries - in general, there are many options! Everything that your imagination tells you!

First stage. Preparing food and dishes

To make a delicious cranberry drink, you must first defrost the frozen berries, and sort out the fresh berries. Then you need to gently wash them and grind them using a pressure kitchen device, such as a crush.

Squeeze the resulting gruel until juices appear and add the released liquid to the finished fruit drink. If rose hips are added, the berries are prepared, cleaned with water and steamed. It is convenient to soak the rose hips in a thermos, the infusion time is 1 night. Cooked fruit drink is consumed chilled, poured into glasses or glasses.

Kitchen utensils you may need:

  1. metal utensils not enameled for cooking
  2. cup for squeezed liquid
  3. crush or crush
  4. modern kitchen appliances such as blender
  5. for filtering the berry mass - a sieve or a piece of clean gauze.

Frozen cranberry juice recipe

We bring to your attention a classic, easy-to-prepare recipe for fruit drink from frozen berries.

Frozen cranberries from the store


  1. frozen cranberries - 500g;
  2. sugar - 300g;
  3. boiled water - 6-7 glasses.

Cooking progress

  1. Frozen berries for one night must be moved from the freezer compartment to the refrigerator.
  2. Put the thawed berries in cheesecloth and crush with a pusher so that the mass gives juice.
  3. Squeeze out the crushed mass in cheesecloth.
  4. Pour boiled water of warm temperature and sugar to the separated juice.
  5. Stir all the ingredients until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  6. Add a few mint leaves for a sophisticated flavor.
  7. The finished drink is served chilled.

Recipe for cranberry-based fruit drink with honey


  1. water - 1 liter;
  2. cranberries - 1 glass;
  3. honey - 2 tablespoons.

Cooking progress

Pre-clean the berries from debris and rinse. Take a deep bowl and knead well with a spoon, or use a blender for this purpose. Transfer the resulting raw materials to cheesecloth and squeeze all the contents out to the end. Pour the juice into a glass container, close it tightly, put it in the refrigerator to cool.

Add 1 liter of water to the squeezed cranberries and heat on the stove, boil for about 5-7 minutes. Cool this mass and then filter it through a sieve or cheesecloth. Mix this liquid with juice from the refrigerator. Dissolve honey in the resulting solution (choose the amount based on your preferences).

Read also: What is the uniqueness of ginger tea? And does it help to lose weight?

Multicooker fruit drink recipe

An excellent example, we will prepare cranberry juice without much hassle and sorting out the dishes. The fruit drink will be prepared with all the best qualities of the cranberry preserved. This device in the proposed version is used as a thermos for infusing the berry solution.


  1. cranberries - 2 cups;
  2. water - 2 liters;
  3. sugar - 1 glass.

Cooking progress

As usual, you first need to prepare the berries, clean them of debris and rinse with water. Wipe them in a sieve over a deep cup prepared in advance, where the juices will drain.

Put sugar in a slow cooker, pour freshly squeezed juice and what is left of the berries. Boil water separately, pour boiling water over the contents of the multicooker. Mix the whole mixture thoroughly and cook for 3-4 hours. The final stage - the resulting drink must be filtered.

Fresh cranberry fruit drink recipe without cooking

In this embodiment, it is noteworthy that the juice will not need to be heat treated, i.e. heat over a fire, which significantly increases the usefulness of the product. But this method also has disadvantages, because it makes you spend a lot of time in the kitchen and spend a lot of energy.


  1. cranberries - 500g;
  2. sugar - 300-400g;
  3. water - 6-7 glasses.

Cooking progress

First you need to sort out the cranberries, then pour the berries with boiling water in one go, and rinse again, but for the second rinsing, use cold boiled water. Crush the berries and pour in 1 cup of water, mix well, and then put the mixture in cheesecloth, consisting of 2-3 layers, and squeeze out the juice.

The squeezed berries should undergo the same manipulations described above for about 2 more times, i.e. add water, stir and squeeze. After 2-3 spins, the berry cake can be thrown away.

Dilute the resulting drink with cold boiled water, sweeten it with sugar or honey, if you are a fan of honey taste, and you can treat guests or family.

Cranberry juice with rose hips

A pleasant-tasting vitamin drink with a delicate rosehip aroma will give energy, vivacity and replenish the body's reserves with useful substances for a long time. An all-natural charge of vitality.


  1. fresh cranberries - 0.5 kg;
  2. rose hips - 1 glass;
  3. sugar (to your taste);
  4. water - 2 liters.

Cooking progress

Cranberries need to be sorted out, rinsed with water. Take a deep enough cup and mash the berries, squeeze the juices out of them. Add water to the squeezed berries and heat on the stove, boil the mixture for about 5 minutes.

Strain the infusion and add the desired amount of sugar, according to your taste. At the same time, prepare the rosehip infusion, it must be cleaned, washed and insisted in a thermos in hot water.

The approximate settling time of rose hips is night. After the rosehip has steeped, strain the rosehip infusion and add the cranberry to it. Now you can enjoy this wonderful berry mix!

Cranberry juice is a storehouse of vitamins. The recipe for cranberry juice can be adopted by everyone who cares about the immunity of loved ones, keeps track of their figure and just keeps themselves in good shape. Compotes, fruit drinks, detox cocktails ... We will tell you how to prepare the most delicious drinks with cranberries, and what ingredients are useful to add.

It is better to prepare the most delicious cranberry juice from fresh berries, which are often sold on the market. There are no difficulties in technology.

But cranberries instantly lose the lion's share of nutrients in any contact with iron.

Therefore, you need to grind it only with a wooden mortar, squeeze it through a plastic colander or gauze, and cook in a ladle with an enamel, non-stick coating (or from any non-oxidizing alloy).

For 2 glasses of drink, we need:

  • cranberries - 200 g;
  • sugar - 50 g (3 tablespoons);
  • water - 700 ml.

Wash the berries, dry them slightly, grind them in a wooden or stone mortar, squeeze through cheesecloth or a colander. Fill the cake with water, put the ladle on the stove and bring to a boil. As soon as the water began to boil a little, we switch the heat to a minimum and simmer on the weakest for another 10 minutes. At this time, mix the juice with sugar to dissolve all the crystals.

Filter the morse where the cake was cooked and cool to room temperature. Now pour off the juice with sugar in a thin stream, mix thoroughly. The drink is ready! This fruit drink is the most "lively" - the processing is gentle and retains all the valuable properties of berries. Doctors say that such fruit drink quickly "kills" influenza microbes and in one or two days puts a person on their feet during a cold.

Cooking with frozen berries

Cranberry juice made from frozen berries is generally not inferior to that made from fresh fruits. Cranberries retain most of their valuable properties when frozen, especially shock freezing. If someone close to you started sneezing, immediately run to the supermarket for cranberries and prepare a healing drink.

Required Ingredients:

  • 400-500 g of cranberries;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • a glass of sugar.

If you do not like sugary drinks, reduce the amount of sugar.

Put the berries in a ladle without defrosting. Fall asleep with sugar, crush with a wooden crush until the juice appears. Fill with water. We put on the stove and heat until light bubbles appear on the surface.

You cannot bring the drink to a boil - strong heat treatment destroys the vitamins in cranberries. It is enough to warm up the compote well, and then reduce the heat to a minimum.

We simmer for 20 minutes, after which we filter the fruit drink and cool. You can serve the drink very effectively: grease the edges of the glass with a culinary brush with water, and then dip it in granulated sugar. We drink through a straw!

In a multicooker

Cranberries are adored in America - they grow there everywhere, filling the entire northern part from Chicago to Canada. Americans are very fond of making cranberry sauces, and fruit drinks are cooked mostly in a multicooker: the device allows you not to "bother" with grinding berries, but to prepare a drink in a matter of minutes.

We need: a glass of pure cranberries, half a glass of sugar, three glasses of water.

Cooking in a multicooker "American style":

  1. Place the berries at the bottom of the multi-bowl.
  2. We fill everything with sugar.
  3. Fill with water.
  4. We turn on the "cooking" mode or set the free mode for 10 minutes. This is enough for the fruit drink to be completely ready.

At the end of the process, turn off the multicooker, filter the liquid, pour into a jug and cool. In fairness, we note that the drink looks more like a compote than the usual fruit drink. Although it tastes great!

Apple drink

Apple-cranberry drink perfectly quenches thirst on a hot summer day, when it seems that nothing will save you from the scorching heat. Just a couple of sips of compote will give you the long-awaited feeling of coolness, and at the same time will give you strength.

For cooking you will need:

  • a glass of cranberries (raw or frozen);
  • 2 sweet and sour apples;
  • 2 liters of water.
  • sugar or honey to taste (we recommend adding 0.5 cups).

Grind the cranberries with sugar. Peel the apples, cut into slices, add to the berries. Fill the fruit and berry mixture with water. We put on fire, we warm up the ladle well. As soon as the drink begins to boil, we reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer for 30 minutes. Strain the berry-apple mix, pour into a jug and cool. Serve in glasses decorated with mint leaves.

Fruit drink from cranberry and ginger root

The combination of cranberry and ginger is encouraged by all supporters of trendy detox diets.: two components form a unique union with a powerful cleansing effect. Just be careful with ginger, it is very "bright" and should only delicately emphasize the natural spice of cranberries.

Let's prepare for a detox cocktail:

  • ginger root - 5 g;
  • 200 g cranberries;
  • honey - 3 tablespoons;
  • water - 1 l.

Mix the cranberries with honey and grind them to make a honey-berry gruel. Fill everything with water and warm it up a little on the stove. In a warm drink, three finely grated ginger. We cover tightly with a lid so that the spine completely "opens" in the warmth, transferring its aroma and healing properties to the drink.

We insist on the drink. We filter. Serve in tall cocktail glasses. This drink is good to drink in the morning - it energizes. Can be consumed directly with cranberry pomace - it will perfectly cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.

Healthy cranberry juice with rose hips

Cranberries and rose hips are two sources of vitamin C. A drink with a mix of red berries invigorates no worse than coffee, but does not harm the body. For cooking, you will need: a glass of cranberries, half a glass of rose hips, half a glass of sugar and one and a half liters of water.

How to prepare a drink:

  1. Pour boiling water over dry rose hips.
  2. We insist for several hours in a thermos.
  3. Grind cranberries with sugar.
  4. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth.
  5. Filter the rosehip broth.
  6. Add cranberry juice to it.
  7. We mix.

The drink is ready! You can drink it warm, cold - choose for yourself. It tastes good in any way. It is advisable to use it half an hour before meals: so vitamins are absorbed faster.

Cooking recipe with honey

Just keep in mind that honey should not be heated too much.

In the heat, all its properties are destroyed, only the characteristic sweetness remains.

Prepare a glass of cranberries, 1.5 liters of water, 2-3 tbsp. l honey.

How to make cranberry juice:

  1. Grind the cranberries with honey to make the juice stand out.
  2. Fill with warm water (35-40 degrees).
  3. Mix thoroughly.
  4. We insist 60 minutes under the lid.

Strain the fruit drink, pour it into a jug and serve in a tall glass, garnished with mint or a cinnamon stick.

Beneficial features

Morse is the direct "heir" of all the benefits that nature itself gave to cranberries. Healers call it an herbal antibiotic for its powerful antibacterial properties. The berry contains fructose, glucose, sucrose, which soften the acidity of cranberries, so if desired, it can be eaten even raw (although the dish, admittedly, is not for everybody).

Organic acids bring the maximum benefit to humans:

  • oxalic;
  • benzoic;
  • apple;
  • glycolic;
  • lemon;
  • cinchona.

In cranberries, they are balanced harmoniously and completely absorbed by the body. Berries are also a valuable source of vitamins, including rare B9, as well as iron, magnesium, potassium and silver.

Cranberry juice during pregnancy from edema

Doctors strongly recommend drinking fruit drink during pregnancy- the drink has a slight soaked effect and removes excess fluid from the body. Edema, especially in late pregnancy, provoke preeclampsia (increased pressure, dangerous premature birth).

Visible edema will be eliminated by a liter of cranberry juice per day, and for prevention, two glasses are enough - in the morning and in the evening. Before childbirth (after 37 weeks) a glass of 2-3 days will be enough.

In cranberries, the content of flavonoids, antioxidants, which strengthen the walls of the vessels of the expectant mother, improve the blood composition and regulate metabolic processes, is off scale. And this is favorable for the development of the fetus.

Use for cystitis cranberry juice for cystitis

Cranberry juice is necessarily included in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. As a natural antiseptic, it kills pathogenic bacteria, changes the structure of human urine to the best performance in a short time.

Morse is effective in the treatment of cystitis, especially in the early stages, when the disease has just made itself felt.

Running forms, cranberries, of course, will not cure, but with drug therapy, doctors always advise drinking one or two glasses of cranberry juice a day.

Can I drink fruit drink while breastfeeding?

Young mothers are often afraid to drink cranberry juice after childbirth, believing that the berry, like all red vegetables and fruits, is a potential allergen for the child. But the cranberry turns out to be a pleasant exception. This berry is considered hypoallergenic and is allowed for nursing mothers.

When breastfeeding fruit drinks:

  • enriches milk with vitamins, microelements;
  • reduces the risk of colds in a nursing mother;
  • relieves without pills from the first signs of malaise at the time of the flu;
  • improves the work of the mother's gastrointestinal tract (if you drink fruit drink without filtering, with pieces of berries).

The healthy berry is also very tasty: a light bitter note, subtle astringency and spice make the drink attractive not only for adults. Children also drink berry fruit drinks with pleasure, especially if they are full. Discover cranberries, cook compotes and fruit drinks with it. May your loved ones be healthy and happy.