How to quickly make apple jam. Apple Jam - Simple Delicious Homemade Recipes

07.05.2019 Fish dishes

Today's recipe is simpler than ever - thick apple jam, what could be tastier ?! What apples to take to make the jam thick?

Apples should be selected ripe and, what is very important, they should not be hard, in our case the apples are "loose" and ripe, which is very good. The pulp quickly boils down and gives us the density we need, and if the fruits are firm, sometimes they remain intact even after a long boil. If you want the apple jam to be preserved very well, add a little more sugar and then you will be sure of its safety! In a simple recipe, there is vanilla in the composition, it was added only for flavor, you can do without it or add your favorite flavors that go well with apples, for example, cinnamon or cardamom.

Ingredients for making delicious apple jam

  • apples (early varieties, ripe) - 1 kg,
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg,
  • vanilla - on the tip of a knife.

Making Thick Apple Jam

Even spoiled fruits can be used for jam, they still need to be cut into slices. And so, rinse the apples, cut into slices, removing the core and "legs". If the apple skin is too tough, it will be better if you cut it off, otherwise it will not be very pleasant, there is a delicacy in which hard pieces will come across. Pour the prepared fruits into a deep container and cover the apples with granulated sugar, add vanilla or vanilla sugar. Mix everything thoroughly so that each wedge is sprinkled with sugar. Leave it on for 4 to 5 hours.

During this time, the apples will give juice, and the sugar will begin to dissolve.

Place the saucepan with apples over low heat and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and leave to cool completely.

Then put the apple jam again on medium heat and cook, after boiling for another 15 minutes. Be sure to stir the mass, as it will begin to boil down and there is a risk that it will burn.

While hot, distribute all the jam into clean jars, which it is advisable to sterilize and dry. In order to prevent mold from forming on the surface of the jam in the jar, which sometimes happens, pour the jam on top with granulated sugar. And close the lids, it can be a simple plastic lid or a tin lid for a seaming machine. The apple jam can be immediately sent for storage in a cool room.

Good afternoon dear friends. Continuing the theme of summer preparations, I offer you several recipes on how to make apple jam.

There are really a lot of recipes and it is simply not possible to describe all of them in one article. Therefore, I had to go through a huge number of recipes and provide only those recipes that I liked and those that were tested and tried by me.

All recipes are designed for long-term storage. So if you have a little time and a lot of apples, then read a selection of recipes, choose the most suitable for yourself and prepare apple jam for the winter. For me, small jars, such as 0.5, 0.7, and 1 liter, are best suited for jam. In such a container it is easier from the point of view that the jam is quickly eaten without having time to spoil.

Making such a jam is not difficult. Not much time is spent. And its taste and aroma are simply incomparable. In order for the slices in the jam to turn out transparent, it is better to make it from such varieties of apples as Antonovka, Anis, Papirovka. These are late varieties with a sweet and sour taste.


  • Apples 1 kg.
  • Sugar 1 kg.

Cooking process.

Before making the jam, you need to rinse and sort the apples. It is important that you do not get spoiled apples.

After without removing the peel, we cut the apples into the most similar slices. Do not use the middle in the jam. We put the slices in a saucepan and sprinkle with granulated sugar. Next, leave the apples in sugar for 10 hours. It is more convenient to leave the apples overnight.

In the morning, you will find that the apple slices have started juicing. Now you can put the pot on the stove and cook the slices in your own juice. Bring the jam to a boil and turn off the heat.

Next, let the syrup cool slightly and cover the slices with either a lid of a smaller diameter or a plate and place a 3-liter jar of water on top. This technique will allow the slices to be soaked in sugar syrup more thoroughly, which will make the slices transparent.

The jam will need to be boiled at least two more times. But only after complete cooling. And every time after cooking, put the load on top.

After the third cooking, you can spread the jam in sterile jars and close the lids.

Apple jam five minutes the easiest recipe for cooking

Yes, indeed, jam according to this recipe can be prepared quite easily and simply. And the cooked jam will retain all the necessary vitamins and nutrients.


  • 300-350 sugar.
  • 1 kg of apples.

Cooking process.

Wash and sort the apples. Chop finely or coarsely grate.

Cover with sugar, mix and leave for 5-6 hours.

After a while, the apples will start juice. We put the pan on the stove and cook after boiling for 5-10 minutes.

After that, we lay out the finished jam in sterile jars and close the lids.

We make up the twisted jars with the lids down, wrap them up and keep them in this position until they cool completely.

How to prepare apple jam for the winter at home

Apple jam is the perfect filling for pies or pancakes. And it also needs to be prepared more than one jar. Also, if desired, you can add cinnamon, vanillin, a little lemon or orange.


  • 1 kg. Grated apples.
  • 500-600 gr. Sahara.
  • 150 ml. water.

Cooking process.

Peel the apples and put them on a coarse grater.

Mix sugar with water and cook until sugar is completely dissolved.

Pour apples with the resulting syrup and mix.

We put the pot with apples on the stove and bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat to minimum and boil the jam for 40 minutes to an hour. Do not forget to stir.

Cook the jam until the thickness you need. Then we put them in the jars and seal them with lids.

After cooling, the jam will become even thicker, do not forget about it.

Apple cinnamon jam

In order to prepare this dessert, you will need to be patient and time consuming, since it will take about 2 hours to make the jam. But the end result is certainly worth it. The jam is delicious.


  • 1.5 kg. Apples.
  • 750-800 sugar.
  • 50 ml. water.
  • 1 cinnamon stick

Cooking process.

Cut the apples into small cubes.

Sprinkle with sugar. (in the first run add 550 g of sugar) Put cinnamon in the middle between the apples. We leave the fruit overnight.

In the morning, bring the jam to a boil; reduce the heat; simmer over low heat for 6-7 minutes.

Remove from the stove and let stand for 1-2 hours.

Then add the rest of the sugar and bring to a boil again after cooking for 20-30 minutes.

Remove the cinnamon from the stove and place it in sterile jars. The jam is sweet with a cinnamon flavor. Bon Appetit.

Apple and Lemon Jam Recipe

Making such a jam is not difficult. It is prepared in two passes; it is best to choose apples with a solid body and pulp for this recipe.


  • 3 kg of apples.
  • 2 lemons.
  • 2 kg of sugar.
  • Water.

Cooking process.

The first step is to prepare the syrup. Pour sugar into a saucepan, fill it with a small amount of water. It is important that the sugar barely disappears under the water. We put the saucepan on the stove and cook the syrup over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Wash the fruits, cut into thin slices, first remove the seeds from the lemon and apples.

We put the fruits in a saucepan, lay out the lemon, fill it with syrup and put it on the stove. After boiling, we make minimal heating and simmer, stirring constantly for about 10 minutes.

In the morning, boil again for about 10-15 minutes.

After that, it will already be possible to lay out on sterile jars and cover with lids.

Amber apple jam video recipe

Bon Appetit.

Apple jam is a beloved natural homemade dessert made in combination with other fruits, sugar, aromatic herbs and other ingredients. Almost all summer and spring varieties of apples are suitable for rolling. Homemade jam or juicy apple jam is even more delicious and healthy when combined with plums, ripe wild berries, pears or citrus fruits.

Apple jam "five minutes"

Using this recipe, you can quickly and with a minimum set of ingredients cook delicious, sweet and juicy brown jam for the winter, which is added to tea, smeared on bread or used as a filling for delicious pies and other pastries. From the products you need only fresh apples (red or green, summer varieties) and granulated sugar.

First of all, the apple fruits are thoroughly washed and allowed to dry. Then cut them into several pieces and remove the core and tails. After that, they are cut into small cubes or medium-sized slices of any other shape.

Sugar is added to a bowl of apples so that it completely covers the fruit pieces, and all this is left to sugary for a day.

Then they are poured into a saucepan and boiled over low heat 2 times for 5-10 minutes, with breaks for cooling. After having cooled the second time, cook the mixture, stirring thoroughly, for another 20 minutes.

Now hot jam is poured into clean, pre-sterilized jars and the lids are sealed. The resulting blanks are turned over, wrapped in a warm cloth and sent for storage after a few hours.

Jam from apples without skin

This amber roll will suit any table. Peeled and finely chopped slices in sugar syrup after boiling acquire the most delicate and mild taste.

To make clear apple jam in this way, you need the following ingredients:

  • fresh apples - 2 kilograms;
  • water and citric acid;
  • plain and vanilla sugar (10-15 gr.).

In a deep enamel saucepan, mix 500 ml of pure water and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar plus vanilla. All this is thoroughly stirred and brought to a boil over low heat, after which it is boiled for about 10 minutes more.

At this time, the apples are sorted out, washed in cold water, carefully peeled with a sharp knife, cut into quarters or smaller slices, all seeds, tails and core are removed.

The resulting pieces are rubbed on a medium grater and the resulting composition is slightly added to boiling water with sugar.

Mix all the ingredients again and simmer over low heat for 30-40 minutes until the mixture thickens. At the end of cooking, add 1 teaspoon of citric acid or fresh lemon juice.

As soon as the necessary consistency is obtained (the jam should not drain too quickly from the tip of the knife), it is sorted into clean and sterile jars and closed or twisted with metal lids.

Harvesting apples with cinnamon

This classic homemade recipe allows you to keep the apple shape and the maximum amount of vitamins. Cooking time 15-20 minutes. Cinnamon makes the taste of such a natural dessert unique and aromatic.

This jam is served in combination with ice cream or as an addition to a fresh sponge cake.

Ingredients require ripe red or green apples of any variety, ground cinnamon and sand sugar or caramel.

The apples are washed in water, then the tails are removed, cut into several pieces, the middle is removed along with the seeds. Pour the resulting slices into a deep bowl or saucepan and completely cover with sugar and fresh cinnamon on top.

All the ingredients are mixed and the fruit is left to “marinate” in this form overnight or for a day at room temperature.

The next day, put a container with sugared apples on low heat and cook, stirring occasionally, for 15–20 minutes. The slices should acquire a characteristic caramel shade and, as it were, covered with sugar syrup like a batter.

You should not overcook fruits, as this will affect their structure and minimize the amount of vitamins and nutrients.

You can serve ready-made jam immediately hot or sort it into pre-sterilized glass jars, roll up the lids and send it to a cool cellar or closet until winter.

Juicy apple jam with lingonberries

The combination of ripe apples and juicy lingonberries or other wild berries makes this homemade dessert very juicy, aromatic and healthy. It is suitable as an additive to tea, filling for pies and pancakes, or as an addition to a cold ice cream.

The ingredients will require fresh lingonberries (can be replaced with blueberries or black currants), apples (usually more sour varieties such as "simirenko", etc. are used), sugar and pure water.

The berries are carefully sorted out and then washed in a colander or sieve under the tap. As soon as they dry a little, they are dipped in boiling water for 1-2 minutes. This procedure removes excess bitterness from lingonberries and makes the taste of fresh berries more juicy and sweet.

The apples are also washed, then cut into wedges. If desired, peel the fruit off with a special knife, but you can leave it unpeeled.

Now the syrup is being prepared. In 500 ml of water, stir 2 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar, dissolve it and, stirring with a wooden spatula, bring the liquid to a boil.

After boiling, lingonberries are poured first, then apples cut into small slices, everything is mixed and simmered over low heat (so that the mixture barely boils) for 30-40 minutes, depending on the apple variety and the ripeness of the berries.

While hot, the jam is sorted into jars, which do not forget to additionally sterilize and, having sealed the lids, send the rolls for autumn or winter storage. Bon Appetit!

Apple jam with oranges

Apples go well with various citrus fruits and especially juicy oranges. The latter give them an extraordinary taste and aroma and enhance their beneficial properties. Such a dessert is used as a filling, a sweet snack in its own form, or as an excellent means of protecting the immune system.

To prepare such a homemade product, the following ingredients are taken:

  • sweet apples - 350 gr.;
  • juicy oranges - 300 gr.;
  • ground cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • vanilla sugar and water.

The first step is to carefully prepare all the fruits. Oranges and apples are washed separately or together under running water, then wiped with napkins or a towel and allowed to dry naturally.

The seeds and cores are removed from apples, cut into quarters or finer. The oranges are also cut into four pieces, and then the thickest layer of the skin is cut with a knife, but the skin itself is not removed.

To prepare this dessert, as well as when rolling jam from other fruits, it is good to use a modern multicooker. Prepared slices of orange and apples are placed in an appropriate bowl, everything is covered with sugar mixed with cinnamon, turn on the "stewing" mode for 1 hour and start preparing the container.

Banks for seaming are washed and sterilized in boiling water, in the old way, or half an hour in the microwave. As soon as the timer goes off, the sugared fruit mixture is passed through a blender, to form a homogeneous mass - puree.

The finished composition is carefully poured into cans, the lids are screwed on and sent for storage in a refrigerator or other place protected from excess light with a comfortable temperature.

Apple jam with walnuts for the winter

Another simple and at the same time delicious recipe for harvesting ripe apples for the winter, for which a modern multicooker is suitable. An unusual and tasty dessert, which is obtained by combining juicy fruits, aromatic lavrushka and crunchy walnuts, will not leave anyone indifferent.

Of the ingredients for cooking, you need the following set:

  • ripe, red or green apples - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 400-500 gr .;
  • lemon (1 pc.) and several bay leaves;
  • walnuts - 100 gr.

For gourmets, the recipe can be supplemented with aromatic liqueur on a natural basis, for example, Amaretto, etc. It will give the dessert an even more delicate taste and contribute to a longer storage of the blanks.

First, the main fruits are washed, then cut into medium-sized slices and sent to the multicooker bowl fresh. In the presence of the "cooking" or "stewing" mode, it is activated, the cooking time ranges from 40 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the number of apples and the capabilities of the device.

But first, prepare the syrup in the same slow cooker or in a saucepan on the stove. Mix sugar, zest and freshly squeezed lemon juice and bring the liquid to a boil.

As soon as the sweetness is completely dissolved, mix the syrup with apple slices, put a few lavrushkas and boil everything for 20 minutes. Then add pre-peeled walnuts and, if desired, 1-2 tablespoons of liquor and set the timer for another half hour.

The finished aromatic jam is distributed in clean small glass jars, turned over, wrapped according to the "grandmother's" technology, and after some time, after the blanks have cooled, they are sent for storage.

The taste of the finished dessert is very rich and aromatic, especially when combined with fresh baked goods or pancakes.

Dessert from "ranetki" with tails in its own juice

This preparation will appeal to both adults and children, it is simply prepared and has a very pleasant and delicate taste. A special feature of the preparation is cooking small fruit fruits whole, without the need to remove the tails, so it is more convenient to eat them, and they retain a maximum of vitamins.

Fresh apples (red "ranetki"), regular sugar, citric acid or fresh citrus juice and water are used as ingredients. They act step by step. At the first stage, it is important to correctly select the prepared fruits so that they are all the same size, so they will reach readiness at the same time.

After sorting, the apples are thoroughly washed with cold water, rubbed with a towel or paper towels, and then pierced the bases of each fruit with a toothpick or similar sharp object.

In parallel, sugar and lemon juice are diluted in a saucepan with water, everything is mixed and brought to a boil. Whole apples are dipped in hot syrup and cooked over low heat for 15–20 minutes without stirring, so they cook better and keep their shape.

In this way, everything is cooked 2-3 times for 20 minutes, with breaks for cooling. In the last stage of cooking, the cooking time can be increased slightly.

The check for readiness is carried out according to the appearance of sweet fruits, they carefully take out one wound by the tail, and if the fruit retains its shape, then everything is ready.

Now hot jam is sorted according to previously sterilized glass containers. All containers are closed with lids and after a few hours they are sent to dark shelves until winter.

Apple compote with tangerines

Such a delicious drink contains a huge amount of vitamins. It will perfectly quench your thirst and will be a good addition to various desserts, jams and breakfasts.

Fresh tangerines and apples of any kind are used for cooking, but the “sugarier” it is, the better. The tangerines are washed, then carefully peeled and sliced.

The peel itself is passed through a grater to get the zest or cut into small pieces, remembering to remove the thick white veins.

The apples are washed, cut into several pieces and cleaned from the middle and seeds. On the stove, boil 500 ml of water in a saucepan, and after 1–2 minutes after boiling, first throw the tangerine zest (if possible, combine it with lemon shavings), and after a few minutes add tangerine and apple slices.

Stir the fruits in water, add a little sugar and other spices, such as ground cinnamon or cloves to taste. After 5-7 minutes, remove from heat, cool and serve fresh.

Or add 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice and pour the compote into three-liter jars for the winter. If desired, you can also get delicious jam from these fruits; for this, the amount of sugar and the cooking time are increased and the amount of water is reduced.


Culinary Sketch 09/18/2018

Mid September. The bottomless blue sky pleases with a dazzling blue. And the air is saturated with the delicate aroma of apples. It's time to prepare clear amber apple jam in slices for the winter. There is nothing tastier for winter teas. Only my beloved can compete with him -.

We have the best and most proven recipes for a sweet autumn treat in store. Irina Rybchanskaya, as the host of our regular column, will tell about them. We listen to Irina.

Hello dear readers of Irina Zaitseva's blog! So, how to properly cook transparent apple jam with slices?

I have underestimated the delicious apple jam for many years. It seemed to me that the lot of apples - compotes, juice, jam, freezing, etc. My grandson gnaws dried apples all winter like a mouse on a crust of bread. Frozen apples, by the way, make a wonderful one.

Dear readers, if you are interested in other culinary recipes, I invite you to our section "Culinary etude". You can go to the heading by clicking on the button below.

Delicious recipes for the whole family

And what is for the soul today? Did you know that the Great Charlie Chaplin was not only a brilliant artist, but also a talented composer? Let's listen to the great composition that was originally created for the movie "Limelight".

Charles Chaplin - Geoff Parsons and John Turner. Sarah Vaughan ~ Eternally

see also


    24 Sep 2018 at 0:18

    To answer

    22 Sep 2018 at 11:36

    To answer

    22 Sep 2018 at 1:09

For readers of the Notebook, another recipe for my mom's homemade preparations, today I will tell you how you can cook

Sliced ​​apple jam

so that they remain intact and transparent. This apple jam is very beautiful in the photo, it looks exactly the same in jars. It does not stay here for a long time, because it provokes with its beauty to be opened in winter. And what a delicious mother's apple jam pie! I will not languish for a long time, I will tell you how to cook such a delicious apple jam.

For a recipe for apple slices, we need:

  • Apples
  • and sugar

All in equal proportion, 1: 1, as in the traditional way of making any jam. If we cook apple jam in a small container, then we take 1 kg of sugar for 1 kg of apples. In this recipe for making apple jam, mom uses 5 kg of apples and 5 kg of sugar, apples in the photo are juicy, summer varieties. Any kind of apple can be used.

It is best to cook apple or any jam in an aluminum or stainless bowl, in an enamel it can burn, although according to this recipe it is unlikely, it is cooked in several stages, it costs more and is soaked in hot sugar syrup, which is why it contains such beautiful whole pieces of apples, almost transparent.

So, for apple jam with slices, apples are washed, excess moisture is not needed here. Therefore, it is better to dry apples from water drops. The apples are cut into slices and sprinkled with layers of sugar in the dishes in which the jam will be boiled. I would like to note that the wider the container for cooking the jam, the thicker it turns out due to the large surface area from which excess moisture evaporates easily.

The apples with sugar must stand for a while for the syrup to stand out. It is most convenient to cut apples in the evening, by the morning they will already be in apple-sugar syrup. Just in the morning, before leaving for work, my mother has time to boil apples in syrup for 5-10 minutes, there is very little foam, there is practically no foam with this method of making jam. Now the apple jam - five minutes should stand until it cools completely.

The second time, boil the apple slices in the same way

and let cool.

The third (final) stage of the apple jam recipe with slices: boil it in the same way for 5-10 minutes.

You can, of course, adjust the color and density of apple jam at this stage, cook it less or more. Apple jam for this recipe turns out to be thick.

Put the apple slices jam in clean sterilized jars and tighten with screw caps or a wrench.

I will say right away that according to my mother's recipe, you can make jam not only from apples alone, here are just some apple jam options for your culinary creativity:

  • Rhubarb jam with apples
  • Jam from oranges and apples
  • Apple jam with lemon
  • Pear and apple jam
  • Pumpkin jam with apples
  • Chinese apple jam
  • Quince and apple jam

If you have your own recipe for jam, send it to us at or just write in the comments.

How to make apple jam in a slow cooker

The video recipe will help you, this recipe for making jam is suitable for any multicooker, not only for Redmond or Panasonic, this is how jam is prepared on stewing mode. In this case, jam in a slow cooker resembles thick apple jam:

apple orange jam in a slow cooker

Apple jam in a slow cooker can be made from slices in the same way as my strawberry jam

and this is a photo of a pie with apple jam according to my mom's recipe: