Italian cream cake with butter cream. Italian meringue

15.03.2020 Fish dishes

But how atypical, right? Usually, when you come across articles about meringues, a detailed description of their types begins with French - according to the principle “from simple to complex”. But it doesn't work for me, because in fact, and by how often I use it, Italian is the easiest for me. I'll start with her.

Let me remind you that italian meringue - one of three types of meringues. The principle of its preparation is that sugar is introduced into the whipped whites in the form of a boiling syrup of a certain temperature... This meringue is the most stable of all species, and its scope is quite extensive. Such a meringue is safe from the point of view that the proteins in it are not raw, which means that you can enter it already there, which will not be further prepared (it is facilitated by creams, mousses, and so on). Habitual protein cream from Soviet sand baskets - this is the Italian meringue. Often, a protein cream is used where, say, a wet buttery biscuit or muffin dough is used for balance and harmony. For stability, agar is additionally added to the protein cream (for example, to deposit it with nozzles), but even without this ingredient, the cream behaves perfectly. Remember that a protein cream does not like the neighborhood with jelly layers.

If add oil to the italian meringue then it will be beautiful protein-oil cream... Running a little ahead, protein-oil cream can be prepared both in Italian and Swiss meringue, but because of my love for the first one, I use it. Protein-butter cream is good with any biscuits, it is perfect for leveling cakes under mastic, as well as for curly jigging on the surface.

There is an opinion that cooking an Italian meringue is more troublesome than the rest. I agree when compared with French, but I do not agree at all when compared with Swiss. Honestly, it's much easier for me to cook sugar syrup in a small ladle and make a meringue for it than to build a bathhouse, to continuously stir proteins and sugar in it until it disperses (and sometimes this does not happen due to large sugar), in no case do not overheat the mass, then remove everything from the bath, continuing to whisk ... In short, this is not my way, although I respect those for whom it is more convenient.

Let's proceed directly to the preparation of the Italian meringue. She's a protein cream. He's Gosha, he's Zhora, Goga, and what else was there in the famous film ...

Italian meringue (protein cream): ingredients

3 squirrels (100 gr)
1 glass of sugar (200 gr)
50 g of water

0.25 tsp citric acid
0.5 teaspoon agar (optional)

Pour sugar into a bowl with a thick bottom, pour in water. I immediately add citric acid to the syrup - it will prevent crystallization (it happened to me if I add lemon later ...)

Put the syrup on fire and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. At the time of boiling, all sugar crystals should dissolve. If you prepare the cream with agar, then soak it in a tablespoon of water in parallel.

When the syrup boils, lower the fire and cook until 120 degrees (test on a solid ball). Make sure that the syrup does not boil too much or start to take on a caramel color. Add agar to the syrup, mix thoroughly.

At the same time, beat the whites into a strong foam and, continuing to beat them, pour in the sugar syrup in a thin stream, brewing the proteins. Since my mixer is a simple manual one, it looks funny from the side: I see that the syrup will be ready soon, I hold the thermometer in it with my left hand, and with my right I hold the mixer over the bowl and beat the whites. With the introduction of syrup, proteins will greatly increase in volume, the meringue will become shiny, glossy.

When I introduce the syrup into the meringue, I turn on the first speed of the mixer so that the syrup does not splash, but is combined with the meringue, and when all the syrup is introduced, the speed of the mixer can be increased, and continue beating until then, until the cream cools.

As the cream cools down, you will see how it becomes denser, tougher. Closer to readiness, it will even begin to sound somehow special. It is difficult to describe this sound, which resembles some kind of dull crunching mixed with yeast. Visually, the cream will begin to become more torn, tough, and gather at the corollas. Whisk the protein cream until stiff peaks, and if the meringue is needed for other purposes (such as making pasta), then follow the directions in the recipe.

Protein-oil cream on Italian merengue

protein cream (for 3 proteins)
150-200 gr softened butter (medium proportion)

Depending on what density the cream you need, you can play with the proportion of oil: for a lighter one, add 100 grams, and for a dense one, even increase the amount of oil to 300 grams.

For a protein-oil cream, the meringue is whipped until it reaches room temperature. If it is colder, the cream will curdle.

Remove the butter for the cream from the refrigerator in advance - it should be soft, tender, pliable. Whisk butter until fluffy.

When both the meringue and the butter are ready to meet, you can go three ways : add a little oil to the meringue, whipping the cream; add the meringue to the butter, doing the same, or you can add a little meringue to the butter to lighten it, then add this mixture to the main meringue and beat until smooth.

If the cream has exfoliated , this may mean that the butter was not softened enough, or the meringue is colder than the butter. So, the meringue and the oil must be at the same temperature. If such a problem arises, the cream should be slightly warmed up in a water bath or in a microwave at low power, preventing it from melting, but only slightly flooding it, then whisking the cream until smooth again. If at the time of coitus (sorry) meringue and meringue oil will be warm , the oil may begin to melt and the cream will be too soft. There is nothing wrong with that. In such a situation, I just leave the cream to stand for a short time at room temperature, then gently beat it again, and, slightly cooling down, it will become denser. In the photo above, the cream will turn out to be a little thinner than what you need, but then it became the way it should be.

Another one an important thing (just in case, let me remind you) that works with all types of oil creams: if you have already prepared the cream with the expectation of smearing the cake later, then do not put it in the refrigerator. If you did, then, after taking it out, do not start work immediately, but let the cream come to room temperature. The oil in the cream will harden in the refrigerator, and when you start stirring the cream, smearing it, etc., it will simply exfoliate, giving off water.

Such a cream is very versatile (cakes, cupcakes ...), and you can safely add chocolate, cocoa (mixing it in the oil part) into it, flavor it with alcohol, and color it. Protein-butter cream - the basis for many beloved sweets and the bird's milk cake.

Confectioners are familiar with the concept of "meringue", and almost every sweet tooth ate it, perhaps without even knowing it.

If you want to cook a delicious dessert at home in the form of a cake or a pastry, you should definitely think about making a similar cream for it.

Meringue should be understood as a tender and airy protein mass with added sugar. Do not confuse meringue and meringue.

Yes, she is the basis for this dessert. Only after the composition undergoes heat treatment, it becomes a delicious treat.

A bit of history

The most common version of the appearance of the meringue is the story of the Swiss town of Meiringen, which was located near the famous Reichenbach Falls.

It was at this point that Sherlock and his enemy Moriarty clashed, as Arthur Conan Doyle himself pointed out.

Meiringen himself became famous for the fact that Gasparini, a cook from Italy, lived there. He constantly created new recipes for protein dishes.

Then one day it occurred to him to beat the whites and add sugar. This is how a surprisingly delicious airy dessert turned out.

There are other versions of the appearance of this cream. It seems like Poland and France are involved in this.

Poles are sure that the name of the cream was invented by the chef of King Stanislav the First Leszczynski, who created it personally and named it after the word “marzynka”.

When his daughter became the wife of the well-known Louis the Fifteenth, the recipe became part of the French cuisine.

Of course, the French have their own thoughts on this matter. They believe that Chef Massialo is the parent of this cream and is the first to introduce the recipe into his cookbook.

Be that as it may, sweet tooth of all countries of the world love this delicious cream.


Today there are 3 types of this cream, which vary depending on the method of whipping proteins and sugar. These are: Swiss, Italian and French.

Each of these types is in great demand among culinary specialists.

Swiss meringue is prepared by heating proteins and sugar in a steam bath. It is necessary to thoroughly dissolve the sugar crystals, and then continue to beat without stopping the heating. The result will be a lush mass.

The French version of cooking involves whipping proteins and sugar without using heat treatment.

In view of the fact that you need to introduce a sufficiently large amount of sugar, the proteins will whip well, the cream keeps its shape, and it is distinguished by its stable and dense appearance.

The Italian recipe provides for whipping proteins and pouring hot sugar syrup into them, which at a temperature of about 110 grams.

Many people like this method because heat treatment eliminates the risk of contracting salmonellosis.

Basic cooking principles

The principles for preparing any type of cream are the same. It is necessary to separate the white from the yolk well.

It is important that the mixer utensils and beaters are clean and dry. There should be no signs of fat on them, otherwise the proteins will not churn at all.

It is important to cool the proteins thoroughly before use, then they will beat faster. The cream will keep its shape perfectly.

Below will be presented different recipes for the preparation of this cream. They all have different purposes.

The French version of the cream is usually used for desserts that need to be baked, Swiss meringue and Italian can be used as decoration for cakes, as well as other pies, since the proteins will already be heat-treated.

Any treat with meringue will be light, airy and tender, and also very tasty. Turn on your imagination and personally decide where to use this unique cream.

I shared with you information about the types of cream, its preparation, and now I propose to talk in more detail about each of them so that you can choose a recipe and make a delicious treat for your family.

French version of the cream

The cream does not have a completely stable shape, and therefore after a while it is able to fall off. Its advantages are that it will not be difficult at all to prepare a meringue, even for those who first took on this task.

Components: 1 piece chickens. egg (protein); 55 gr. Sahara; 3 gr. salt; 1 tsp lemon juice (to degrease the dishes).

Cooking algorithm with photo:

  1. I degrease the dishes and beaters of the mixer with the help of lemon juice and let them dry.
  2. I separate the protein and put it in a bowl, add salt and beat at the minimum speed of the mixer.
  3. When the proteins are covered with foam, you need to turn on the medium power.
  4. Whisking the composition at medium speed, I introduce 1 tablespoon each. sugar and let it dissolve completely. When there are no crystals, you can beat the cream with a mixer at high speed, it will take another 2 minutes no more.

When the French cream is ready, even if you turn the bowl upside down, it won't move at all. Jewelry made from it is excellent both in quality and in appearance.

Swiss meringue

Protein custard from Swiss cuisine will be delicate and airy, and its surface will shine with gloss.

This is a composition that, if properly prepared, will keep its shape. With the help of a pastry bag, you can make beautiful decorations on the cake. They will be embossed and beautiful.

After a while, the cream will be covered with a thin crust, but inside it will be airy and soft. You can decorate with it muffins, cakes, muffins, and it can also be used for a layer of biscuit cakes.

And if you bake the meringue, you get a meringue or the basis for Pavlov's cake, which is very popular with those with a sweet tooth.

Such a meringue is prepared in a custard method; sugar must be immediately combined with proteins. Let's start preparing the cream right now!

Components: 2 pcs. chickens. eggs (only proteins); 120 g sah. sand.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I add sugar and proteins to the bowl. I put it on a water bath, interfering.
  2. I warm up the composition to 60 grams so that the granulated sugar dissolves altogether. There should be no grains, this is very important.
  3. Remove the mass from the heat and beat with a mixer for 5-10 minutes. The rpm should be medium. I remove the mass from the stove and beat again at the highest speed of the mixer.

That's all, I make decorations for dessert from Swiss cream, it turns out very beautiful!

Butter cream based on Swiss meringue

This composition of the cream is ideal for decorating homemade cakes and trendy cupcakes for a festive table.

It is best to make flowers, petals and other small details out of it. You can use an oily composition to flatten the cake.

Butter Swiss creamy composition is famous for the fact that it keeps its shape perfectly, does not melt, if we compare it with curd-creamy ones.

He dyes his food beautifully. dyes. And so that the composition is also fragrant, introduce your favorite flavors.

Components: 120 gr. Sahara; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs (only proteins); 110 g sl. oils.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. Sl. I take the oil out of the refrigerator 5 hours before cooking. I divide into parts of 15 gr. about. It will be soft, otherwise the oil composition will not be homogeneous.
  2. Gently separate the whites from the yolks. Even a drop of yolk can ruin the whipping process.
  3. Building a water bath. Send proteins with sugar to her. I mix it with a whisk. I bring it up to about 80 gr. by temperature. The sugar will dissolve, and to prevent the proteins from curdling, it is important to stir them all this time.
  4. I remove from the stove and beat with a mixer. First at low revs and then at the highest.
  5. I add oil to the composition. I whisk.
  6. The Swiss oil formulation can become liquid for a while, but then it becomes thick again in consistency. I beat it all the time.
  7. If desired, you can add melted chocolate, flavorings, or dye. And if the butter cream composition seems very sweet to you, feel free to add a couple of drops of lemon juice.

Italian cream meringue

In addition to sugar and proteins, you also need to take water to make the cream. After all, you will need to prepare sugar syrup.

It is customary to use this type for decorating cakes, various desserts, including when preparing the now popular pasta or berry mousse.

This type of cream will be the perfect complement to a pie with cherries, currants, lemon. To make the cream special in taste, I advise you to add coffee, lemon zest, vanilla, orange extract, lime or lemon juice to the composition.

Chop the zest larger and put it in the syrup, just do not forget to remove it before pouring it into the protein.

Each type of meringue can be dyed with food. dye. For this look, it is better to use liquid dye.

The cream will be weightless, light and airy, so be sure to try making it at home too.

Components: 40 ml of water; 2 pcs. chickens. proteins; 150 g Sahara.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I cook in a sauté pan. syrup. It is necessary to use dishes with a thick bottom for this purpose.
  2. When sakh. the syrup will begin to boil, I keep it on fire for another 5 minutes, and then I check for readiness. For these purposes, I drip the syrup into cold water, if it turns out in the form of a soft ball, then the mixture must be removed from the stove.
  3. Protein and 50 gr. I beat the sugar together. I introduce syrup into them with a thin stream, just do not get on the whisks or the walls of the bowl, since the mixture is very difficult to wash off and hardens quickly.
  4. Beat for 5-7 minutes. The cream will turn out with a dense structure and it will be quite difficult to remove from the whisk.

Merengue doesn't even need to be given time to brew. The cream is ready, now I connect my imagination and create real culinary masterpieces in a home kitchen!

Making a meringue can seem very simple. And this is true, but you should not neglect the tips that will be presented below.

In this case, you will not be able to make a high-quality meringue the first time. So, let's start!

  • The whisk of the beater and the dishes must be clean, not greasy and dry. Even one drop of fat will keep the whites from churning. To play it safe again, I advise you to wipe the bowl with lemon juice, in fact, like the whisk of the mixer.
  • The temperature of the proteins before whipping, according to most cooks, does not really matter. But I would advise on my own to cool them in advance.
  • You can take chickens to make a Swiss and Italian meringue. eggs with a weekly prescription. As for the French version of the cream, in this case you need to use the freshest chickens. eggs. This is due to the fact that the cooking method does not involve the use of heat treatment.
  • Protein cream should be prepared with fine granulated sugar. But it is possible to simplify the process if we take sah altogether. powder. In this case, do not be afraid that the crystals will not dissolve and the cream will churn more than it really needs.
  • The whites need to be whipped initially at the lowest speed, and when the composition is saturated with oxygen, you can turn on the mixer speed higher.
  • The butter cream can be stored for 2 months in a sealed package in the freezer.
  • Merengue does not need to be infused before use. You can decorate the cake immediately after cooking.

I would like to wish you more successful culinary experiments in the kitchen and a wonderful mood!

My video recipe

An airy, lightweight, almost weightless custard protein cream that is easy and hassle-free to prepare. Italian meringue is just an amazingly versatile cream that always turns out to be stable and keeps its shape perfectly, therefore it is the best suited for decorating confectionery.

You can decorate with Italian meringue cupcakes and muffins (you get such fashionable cupcakes nowadays). In addition, this custard protein cream works great as a layer for biscuit cakes, as well as for decorating them. If you wish, you can even bake the cream in the oven and thus prepare airy meringue cookies or the base for the legendary Pavlov cake.

The main difference between Italian and French meringue, for example, is that this cream is prepared by steeping egg whites with hot sugar syrup. Thanks to this, the protein is not only disinfected, but also acquires the necessary dense texture.

I must say that it is much easier for me to cook Italian meringue personally than Swiss meringue, which is initially made in a water bath. And besides, there has never been a single miss - and a consistently excellent result for me is the main indicator.


Cooking a dish step by step:

The recipe for Italian meringue includes the following ingredients: raw egg whites, granulated sugar (I immediately weighed separately the sugar for the proteins and for the syrup, so I have it in two containers), as well as plain water. Proteins can be used both fresh and frozen (just let them thaw completely) - 2 pieces equals an average of 60 grams. For sugar syrup, use 100 grams of sugar and 2 tablespoons (40 milliliters) of water. 50 grams of sugar is 2 tablespoons added to the egg whites.

So, let's get down to making sugar syrup right away, since the whites whip up pretty quickly, and we need it hot. Pour two tablespoons of water into a small saucepan or stewpan and add 100 grams of granulated sugar. If you want the finished meringue to be different colors (or flavored) instead of white, food colors and flavorings are added at this stage. Place the saucepan over medium heat and bring the mixture to a boil. From this point on, cook the sugar syrup over low heat for about 5-6 minutes. If you have a cooking thermometer (I haven’t gotten it yet, so I’m working by eye), wait until 110 degrees - the ideal temperature for sugar syrup. Or try on a soft ball - drop the syrup into a bowl of ice water, then take it between your fingers and roll. If you get a soft ball, the syrup is ready.

In the meantime, back to the egg whites. Whipping utensils must be clean and dry.

The sugar syrup is ready - it is still bubbling. It is also impossible to digest it, otherwise, when added to proteins, it will simply solidify with sugar candies, and not brew a mass. If you see that the syrup is already ready, and the whites are not yet completely beaten, just remove the saucepan from the heat - this is not a big deal.

Without stopping whipping, we begin to pour hot sugar syrup into the proteins in a thin stream. Try to pour it not on the sides of the dish, but on the whisk, as the syrup will quickly set on the sides of the dish.

When all the syrup is used up, we continue to beat the Italian meringue until the mixture cools down to room temperature. It will take another 6-7 minutes.

Separate the whites from the yolks. We need 4 proteins.

Put 225 g of sugar and 10 g of vanilla sugar in a saucepan.

Pour in 65 g of water. And let's put it on fire, you can not stand on ceremony and immediately on a fairly strong one. While stirring, bring the syrup until the sugar dissolves, then slightly reduce the heat and cook the syrup without touching it.

While the syrup is preparing, beat the whites into a fluffy foam.

Don't lose sight of the syrup! It is very important for us to cook it to a certain temperature - 117-118 degrees. Therefore, we control it with a thermometer. If you do not have one, you can do a soft ball test. Prepare ice water in advance. And then, when 3-4 minutes have passed from the moment the syrup is boiled, scoop up a little syrup with a spoon and dip this spoon into ice water. Then try to roll a soft ball out of the sugar mass. If it works, then the syrup is ready. If the syrup just dissolves, then it's too early. If the sugar mass hardens in cold water, then you have digested the syrup. But, as you can see, all this is rather inconvenient. If only because while you will, especially out of habit, carry out these tests, your syrup will be digested a hundred times. It is recommended to remove the saucepan from the heat during the test, but ... in general, this is also not very convenient. A much more interesting and entertaining way was recently shown on her Instagram by our famous confectioner Nina Tarasova, who, by the way, also noted how inconvenient it is to make samples for balls. Nina suggests twisting the loop out of the wire in advance, and then dipping it into boiling syrup and trying to blow a bubble, like a soap bubble. If the bubble is blown out, then the syrup is ready. You can see how it looks on Nina's instagram.

Well, in general - buy a thermometer, they are very inexpensive, but how many times will they come in handy!

Well, the syrup is boiled, we turn on the mixer, we begin to beat the whites again ...

... and, without stopping whipping for a second, pour the syrup into them in a thin stream.

Continue whisking and pouring in until the syrup runs out. We try not to pour syrup on the corollas! The mass quickly becomes more lush, light, voluminous.

Now we whisk our meringue. Be patient - it will take about 10 minutes (depending on the mixer, I have 450 watts). Move the mixer beaters in a circle.

Gradually, the mass cools down, thickens. Voids begin to appear on the sides of the bowl.

If you have no idea how Italian meringue is prepared, then we will describe its step-by-step recipe in the materials of this article. We will also tell you about the difference between such a dessert and what is made in Switzerland.

General information about protein cream

Solo Italian meringue is a dessert for everyone. However, the cooking process is very similar to magic. Using just two simple and affordable ingredients (sugar and egg whites), you can make unusual and delicious cakes with a crispy crust and soft, stretchy filling.

Italian meringue: recipe with sugar syrup

There are many ways to prepare such a treat. However, Italian meringue is the most popular in our country. It should be noted that it includes almost all the properties of the Swiss meringue. Although there are still differences between these desserts.

Italian meringue is more stable and dense. This dessert is the most stable. It is ideal for decorating cakes and pastries, as well as for building multi-tiered structures. Using such a mass, cooks do not have to worry that their structure will move out, float, and so on.

By the way, the preparation of Italian meringue often requires the use of various dyes and fillers. Such additives allow you to make the cream more colorful and use it to decorate various cakes and pastries.

So, in order for the Italian meringue on syrup to be as obedient and persistent as possible, it is necessary to prepare the following components:

  • egg whites - 5 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - 50 grams for each protein + one large spoon;
  • drinking water - about 12 milliliters for each protein.

Italian meringue preparation process

The whites for such a dessert should be very carefully separated from the yolks. If the last component gets to the first, then the meringue will not work.

Prepared proteins are placed in a metal dish and heated in a water bath to 20-25 degrees. Next, they begin to prepare the syrup. Sugar is poured over with ordinary drinking water, and then various colors and flavors are immediately added. Instead of drinking water, some cooks use strong brewed coffee, etc.

Stir the ingredients with a spoon and bring them to a boil. Reducing the heat, the liquid is boiled for about 5-7 minutes. During this time, the sugar syrup should reach a temperature of 120 degrees.

While the syrup is boiling, begin to beat the egg whites. This should be done at low speeds using a mixer or blender.

As soon as the proteins become cloudy, granulated sugar is added to them in parts. As you continue to whisk the ingredients, the speed of the blender will gradually increase.

After a lush and airy mass with soft and stable peaks forms in the dishes, hot syrup is gradually poured into it (in a thin stream). To prevent egg whites from curdling, beat them constantly at high speed. In this case, the mass should thicken noticeably.

If the syrup was prepared long before the whites were whipped, it must be reheated. The main thing is not to overdo it with its heat treatment. If you overexpose the syrup on fire, then it will make caramel, which will not allow the whites to beat. In this case, the cream will be damaged.

How to use meringue in cooking?

Italian cuisine is very popular in our country. Therefore, most housewives make meringue exactly according to the above recipe. By strictly observing all its requirements, you should get a very stable and fairly airy mass.

Continue beating the whites with sugar syrup until they are completely cooled. Only in this case you will get a stable protein cream for decorating various cakes and pastries.

To use such a mass to get a beautiful dessert, it is recommended to put it in a culinary syringe or cornet. Using unusual attachments, you can easily form flowers, petals and other patterns. Italian cuisine will allow you not only tasty, but also beautifully set on the festive table.

Using meringue, you can also make a dessert like meringue. To do this, squeeze the protein custard for cake and pastries onto baking paper, and then place the products in a preheated oven. At 210 degrees, the meringue should be cooked for about 7-12 minutes. During this time, the mass will set well, become crispy on the outside and stretching on the inside.

Swiss meringue

Italian meringue is very similar to the Swiss one. However, there are still differences in them. What exactly they are, we will tell in the presented article.

First, such a dessert is brewed in a water bath. In other words, the egg whites are pasteurized. Such processing allows the use of the meringue without further heat treatment (that is, for decoration, layers of cakes, etc.). Secondly, making a Swiss meringue is much easier than an Italian one.

Required ingredients for making protein cream

So, to make a fluffy and fluffy protein mass, we need:

Step cooking method

It is not very difficult to make a protein cream at home. But to get it stable and keep its shape well, you have to try hard.

First you need to make a water bath. A little water is poured into a wide saucepan, and then a bowl of proteins is set. Bringing the liquid to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum.

As soon as the proteins are warmed up, all the granulated sugar is added to them. The ingredients stir continuously until the sweet spice dissolves. Only after that they start whipping the ingredients. First, the procedure is carried out at low speeds, and as soon as the protein becomes cloudy, the speed of the blender is increased.

The final stage

Beat the Swiss meringue until smooth and shiny. As soon as the first stage of readiness is reached (that is, the raised whisk begins to form a small but gradually falling elevation), the squirrels are removed from the heat, and then immediately placed in a bowl of cold water.

Continuing to beat the ingredients until they are completely cooled (this can take you a few minutes). This completes the process of preparing Swiss meringue.

Using protein mass

How should the finished cream be used? Italian meringue is a good material for decorating cakes and pastries. As for the Swiss dessert, it is also actively used to cover various delicacies. In addition, it is often used as the main cream for cakes (cakes are greased), custard cakes, eclairs and others.

Many housewives are afraid to make Swiss meringue, as they believe that after heat treatment it will taste like boiled protein. But this is not the case. A slight smell of this ingredient is observed only during the brewing stage. However, in the future, it completely disappears.

Another option for cooking Italian meringue

Now you know how Swiss and Italian meringue is made (see recipe above). However, it should be noted that there are other ways to prepare such a dessert. They are all very similar, but there are some differences.

So, to make a light and airy cream for choux pastry cakes, we need components such as:

  • egg whites - 6 pieces;
  • medium-sized granulated sugar - 2 cups;
  • citric acid - about ½ a small spoon;
  • agar agar - 5 grams (1 dessert spoon);
  • flavors, dyes - use at your own discretion;
  • purified drinking water - ½ glass.

Step by step preparation of syrup

Before you start preparing the Italian protein cream, you need to prepare the agar agar. It is diluted in a small amount of drinking water, and then allowed to swell (10-20 minutes).

While the agar-agar is being prepared, granulated sugar is poured into a saucepan, after which half a glass of water is poured, citric acid, flavors, dyes are added, and then put on medium heat. The readiness of the syrup is controlled visually. If you are afraid that it will be too liquid or thick, then you can check it as follows: a dry object is dipped in boiling syrup and dripped into a cup of cold water. If the syrup grasps and turns into a hard ball, then it is completely ready.

To make the Italian protein cream thick and airy, after preparing the sugar syrup, remove it from the heat and immediately add an agar-agar solution. In this case, the ingredients are vigorously kneaded for about 5-10 seconds. The syrup should rise with a cap and then calm down.

We process proteins

After preparing the sugar syrup, they begin to process the proteins. They are placed in a deep bowl and beaten vigorously with a mixer until a crisp white mass is obtained (that is, until sharp peaks).

Once the egg whites are prepared, you should start adding the hot sugar syrup. It is poured in a very thin stream and at the same time is constantly interfered with with a mixer. This should be done at the highest speed. Otherwise, the proteins will settle and the cream will not turn out as lush and persistent as we would like.

Once you have an airy and stable protein mass, place it in a bowl of cold water. Whisking the ingredients with a mixer continuously, you must wait for the cream to cool completely.

How to use it in cooking?

Unlike Italian and Swiss meringue, the recipes of which were presented above, such a protein cream is very often used to serve as a full-fledged dessert. It is laid out in bowls, decorated with berries, fruits or chocolate chips, and then presented to family members along with a small spoon.

If you decide to use this dessert for greasing cakes or decorating cakes, then it must be applied within two hours after preparation. Otherwise, the protein cream will begin to bubble and will not fit well for dessert.

It should also be noted that a meringue used on time will prevent your cake or pastries from blurring for 2 or even 3 days.

Let's summarize

A protein custard made according to Italian or Swiss recipes is especially popular among culinary specialists. This is primarily due to the fact that it contains 0% fat. Thus, desserts with Italian meringue are not as high-calorie as, for example, using butter or butter cream.

It should also be noted that cakes with the use of protein mass are voluminous and lightweight than those for the preparation of which butter with condensed milk was used.

By the way, if you add more agar-agar to such a cream, then after the meringue solidifies in the refrigerator, you will get a classic