Children's birthday treats and sweets. Products by age

01.08.2019 Fish dishes

Very soon your baby will be celebrating his next birthday. He is looking forward to this momentous event. Strikes out dates in the calendar. Tries to guess what gifts she will get. He painstakingly paints invitations to his guests. And he lives in anticipation of a miracle, magic, fairy tale. So give him this fairy tale! After all, this is quite within your power. The main thing is to think over all the details in advance. And the theme of the holiday, and the design, and, of course, the menu for the birthday of the child. Turn on your imagination, activate your childhood memories, and go ahead - towards a brilliant extravaganza, created only for your one and only, little birthday boy!

The most favorite children's holiday

Birthday. The most coveted children's holiday. Why do children love him so much?

It's a pity, as Gena Crocodile correctly noted, that such a wonderful day happens only once a year. Therefore, it is your sacred duty, as parents, to make sure that your child remembers the previous one with great enthusiasm before his next birthday. And I was looking forward to when he would become one more year older. And again a fairy tale will come into his life ...

Create a festive atmosphere for the little birthday boy and his guests. Decorate the room with balloons, lights, tinsel

Solemn entourage

How does a children's birthday begin? Of course, with the decoration of the holiday. And it, in turn, depends on the theme of the celebration. There is no limit to the flight of imagination.

Start from what your little one likes. Heroes of fairy tales or cartoons, travel, pirate stories, space adventures, robots, princesses, fairies, scientific discoveries, etc.

And more balls, tinsel, lights. Caps for guests, whistles, pipes and drums are a must. What a holiday without all this? The little birthday person needs to be congratulated loudly, colorfully, solemnly. And nothing else!

Decorate the room in which the party will take place according to the chosen theme. Children notice little things and details. Forms, paints, colors. Costumes, decorations, effects. Let it all be purely symbolic, sham. But it should be.

The child's birthday menu should include simple dishes that are convenient to eat with your hands: sandwiches, tartlets, canapes, for example

Festive menu for a child's birthday

But for the festive table at the children's birthday, their requirements are put forward. Due to the fact that kids are active and playful, long gatherings at the table are unlikely to be such an interesting pastime for them. What alternative can I offer you?

Buffet. Here is the perfect option for a children's party. He does not oblige the little rascals to anything. They want - they eat, they want - they play.

And if so, then the menu for such a table should be appropriate. And the serving is interesting, bright, attractive. So that the children have a desire to interrupt their games and entertainment, and try something that looks so unusual.

Place treats on a table that is not too high. For this purpose, a coffee table is also quite suitable.

So, what to serve and how to serve your baby's guests on his birthday?

  1. The table on which you place the treats should be appropriate for the height of the guests.
  2. Serve it with brightly colored dishes, cover with a colored tablecloth.
  3. Don't beg your children to eat. This is already a holiday for them.
  4. Instead of one long feast, arrange a few short snacks between contests, entertainment, and games.
  5. Children's table is not for spicy, salty, fatty, smoked.
  6. When inviting kids to a holiday, ask their parents if the little ones are allergic to certain foods.
  7. Prepare healthy and simple meals. Which are convenient to eat.
  8. Don't come up with anything fancy. Kids are happy to eat well-known, traditional dishes.
  9. Decorate them according to the theme of the holiday. Or so as to interest children, to amaze their imagination.

Vegetables, despite the fact that many children do not particularly like them, can be served in such a way that it will be simply impossible not to taste them.

Vegetables and salads (with photo)

Vegetables in the children's menu are not the last. Therefore, their presence on the festive table is quite justified. Although some toddlers do not eat them very willingly, this problem can be solved by serving an original salad-vegetable garden of cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, herbs on the table. And it is better to refuse more complex salads at a children's party. Especially if the guests are just toddlers or preschoolers.

Cut the vegetables into neat slices so that you can easily prick them with a fork or skewer.

Photo gallery "How to serve vegetables to children?"

Cucumber snake Funny bull made of pepper Olive palms Salad in balls Swarm of cheerful bees In the meadow Mushroom glade To keep kids interested in more than just sweets, present vegetables in a fun way

Snacks: sandwiches, canapes, tartlets

The main dishes of the festive table for a child's birthday should be those that are convenient to take and convenient to eat. And this, just, all kinds of sandwiches, canapes and tartlets.

We do not allow babies to "snack" and "nibble" in everyday life. But, for some reason, this is what they like to do the most. So let them, at least during the holiday, give vent to their true addictions.

Children's sandwiches look very appetizing if you approach their design with heart


Sandwiches can be made with cheese, sausage, ham, pâté, butter, eggs. And supplement them with vegetables, herbs, olives, pineapples. Here, the choice is yours.

Try cutting out the bread with baking tins. You will get sandwiches in the form of bunnies, Christmas trees, cars, stars, ships. It will be interesting for kids. If you do not have molds, it is better to buy a baguette instead of a traditional loaf. You will get small neat children's sandwiches.

Canapes in the form of penguins will make a splash among your baby's guests

Canapes differ from sandwiches in smaller sizes and in that their ingredients are pricked onto special skewers. This is a one bite dish.

To prepare canapes, you can use meat and sausages, cheeses, vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as everything that you can find in your refrigerator and everything that your imagination tells you.

Canapes can also be made from fruits. But it will be more appropriate to serve them together with a sweet table.

Canapes with sausage and tomatoes (recipe)

To prepare such canapes, you need 1 baguette (better than black grain bread, but you can also white), 200 g of sausage (boiled), cherry tomatoes (1 sprig), processed pasty cheese (150 g), lettuce and parsley. And you also need to find something with which you can squeeze out small circles. For example, a container from a Kinder surprise, a baking dish or a small thin-walled glass.

  1. Cut the bread into thin slices, and then squeeze small circles out of them with a mold.
  2. Spread them with melted cheese and place on each lettuce leaf.
  3. Place the bread on the skewers.
  4. Then cut the sausage into very thin slices.
  5. Fold them in four, placing the parsley sprigs inside.
  6. And put the sausage on the skewers.
  7. Cut the cherry tomatoes into rings.
  8. And place them on top of the skewers.

Canapes with sausage and tomatoes are ready.

Video "How to make canapes?"


For tartlets, it is better to buy molds in the store. And you can cook the filling yourself. As mentioned above, children are not very fond of salads. But tartlets stuffed with vegetable, meat, fish or fruit salads, and originally decorated, they will surely appreciate it.

Tartlets can also be savory or sweet. Everything will depend on the filling that you put in them.

Hot dishes

For hot meals, it is better for your baby's little guests to also serve piece and unusual dishes. What is it about? Yes, at least about chicken skewers. Or about small cutlets, meatballs, meatballs. Which may look like mice, chickens, or ants.

Boiled beets and carrots, olives, green peas, a knife (curly or ordinary) and, of course, sleight of hand will help them to acquire such an appearance.

And for a side dish, you can offer a very unusual treat.

Potato mushrooms. This side dish, undoubtedly, will appeal to kids.

Potato mushrooms (recipe)

Cooking such mushrooms from potatoes is quite simple.

  1. Take as many potatoes as you expect.
  2. Wash them and boil them in a peel almost until tender.
  3. Drain the water and let cool.
  4. Then, with a knife, cut out a mushroom-shaped blank from each potato.
  5. Salt potato mushrooms and grease with sunflower oil.
  6. It remains only to send them to the oven until golden brown.
  7. Before serving, the mushroom caps can be painted with multi-colored sauces.

It is difficult to find a child who would not consider pizza one of the most ingenious inventions of mankind.

Another hot dish that children will certainly not ignore. This is, of course, pizza. Nowadays, it is difficult to find a child indifferent to this invention of Italian students.

And again, here you have an immense field for creativity. Pizza size, shape, filling. All this can be so varied that it is necessary to be guided only by the culinary preferences of each, separately taken, family.

Fruit can be served during the sweet table, or from the very beginning of the holiday. Children, having fun, will not refuse to feast on them from time to time


The children's holiday menu cannot but include this item. Fruits. They are tasty, healthy and, when properly designed, are very effective. If you cut them into pieces, you can spread the whole fruit pictures on the dishes. Fruit canapes are also very popular with kids.

And fruit salads, unlike vegetable salads, will be devoured by toddlers with great pleasure. Moreover, they are prepared very quickly and easily.

Ingredients in fruit salad may vary depending on the season or the birthday person's preference.

Fruit salad (recipe)

To make a fruit salad, you will need 1 banana, 1 orange, 1 apple, 1 kiwi, 200 g of seedless grapes (quiche-mish), 200 g of low-fat yogurt, strawberries or raspberries for decoration, you can grated chocolate or chopped nuts to taste.

  1. Rinse the fruit under running water.
  2. Peel them.
  3. Cut into cubes and stir.
  4. Spread the salad over the bowls.
  5. Pour yogurt over it.
  6. Garnish with strawberries, raspberries, nuts, grated chocolate.

And remember: fruit salad is prepared just before serving.

Sweet table - the culmination of a children's party

Sweet table

A sweet table is, in addition to fruits, sweets, cookies, cakes, ice cream, all kinds of desserts. And, of course, the main attribute of any birthday is the birthday cake. Necessarily with candles, which the hero of the occasion must blow out. This is what is considered the culmination of the holiday for children.

It is the cake, this recognized symbol of the birthday, that should be not only the most delicious, but also the most beautiful. Of course, not in your concept. And in the concept of a little birthday boy.

Therefore, it is best to ask the baby in advance how he imagines his birthday cake. And order in advance exactly the one your little one dreamed of so much.

That's where the magic is! That's where the fairy tale is! Moreover, it will not be difficult for you at all. Today, skilled confectioners will build you any miracle of culinary excellence, make any fantasy and every whim come true.

Just admire what masterpieces can be on the festive table on your child's birthday!

Photogallery "Birthday Cakes for Children"

Shaun the sheep Hello Kitty! Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Ship shaped cake for sea lovers Smeshariki cake If you are celebrating a double birthday, this cake is perfect for you. Lightning McQueen for racing fans

What drinks to prepare

As for drinks, you should stock up on them in sufficient quantities. Compote, homemade fruit drink, freshly squeezed juices, as well as cocktails prepared by you yourself will be just right. Especially if you pour them into tall glasses and decorate with colorful umbrellas and straws.

And one more secret. Before filling glasses, dip the rims in water and then in sugar. A beautiful and, moreover, delicious border is formed. Kids will love this presentation.

There should be a lot of drinks on a children's birthday. And they should be tasty, healthy and, again, well presented.

Video "Recipes for non-alcoholic cocktails"

It only seems at first glance that it is so difficult to organize a festive table on your child's birthday. The main desire. And there are always ideas. Do not be afraid to ask the hero of the occasion himself what he wants, what he dreams of. And do not try to impress the children with exquisite delicacies. Leave the delights for a more respectable audience. For kids, the main thing is that the holiday is fun, interesting, spectacular. Well, there was something to have a snack in between games. Follow this principle when composing a menu for the guests of your little birthday boy.

If you once celebrated your birthday at work, then you know how difficult it is. It is necessary, without the fairy godmother, to invent, cook, cut, and also so that there is strength for beauty, receiving gifts, listening to toasts and cleaning after. Yes, and no one canceled work duties.

How to make you want to celebrate this holiday every day, and not rest 2 weeks after? Secrets - the right organization and a well-thought-out menu!

In this Article: Birthday Menus, Ready and Proven Recipes, Menu Design Rules, Shopping ListCommunity Q&A Bookmark this article, print (or rewrite your shopping list) and start bringing it to life with easy, tasty and fun cooking!

Birthday menu rules:

1) Each organization has its own traditions of celebrating a birthday. Usually, there is an unwritten law: the smaller the person in the team, the more expectations from the hero of the occasion. If the participants of the holiday are 5-6 people, then there can be several salads, hot dishes, snacks, cake on the table; if it is 10-12, then the table can consist of cuts of sausage and cheese, fruits, vegetables and sweets, members of the team of more than 15 people celebrate with sweets. However, there can always be exceptions. We will present an option for each table.

2) Dishes that will be on the table must:

  • be prepared in advance;
  • prepare for the minimum amount of time;
  • easy to pack and be transported.

3) It is important to think over all the necessary little things (napkins, disposable dishes, corkscrew, knives, board). On the table, not ordinary disposable white plastic dishes will be especially beautiful, but colored paper dishes. If finances permit, you can purchase 1-2 sets of inexpensive glasses. It is budgetary, but it looks very different than disposable tableware, and colleagues will say “thank you” more than once.

4) The number and types of drinks (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic) should be determined taking into account the tastes and capabilities of everyone involved in the celebration.

5) Shopping list k must be drawn up and implemented at the latest 2 days before the birthday.

Considering all of the above, we offer the option


from quick, tasty and proven recipes for 5-6 people:

Active cooking time each recipe takes 10-15 minutes t, cake preparation-35 minutes. Total time active preparation of a birthday menu in the office of 5 dishes: 2 hours.

Number of products indicated in the menu, calculated for a company of 4 people(except for the cake, it is designed for 8 people). If you plan that there will be more people at the birthday party, then just multiply the number of products you need by 2, 3, 4 times.

In order for the holiday to be a joy, and you have time to do everything, you need to observe


3 days before your birthday:

Determine the number of those present at the holiday, the required amount and types of drinks, the necessary important details. Add this information to your shopping list.

2 days before the birthday:

1 day before the birthday:

In the morning: put butter and eggs out of the refrigerator and keep warm, pour over the cherries with cognac or vodka for

In the evening: boil the squid and eggs, leave to cool.

Prepare all the ingredients for the salads (cut the squid, wash the cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, herbs).

On the day of the holiday:

The cake and main course are ready. It remains only to prepare salads, cut snacks, vegetables, fruits, stuff eggs. It is convenient to use the help of colleagues, usually people are happy to respond to requests for support in such a situation.


Vegetables, fruits, herbs

Lettuce leaves - 400 gr.
Cucumbers - 2 pcs.
Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
Sweet pepper - 3 pcs. (It is better to take peppers of different colors)
Bow in feathers -1 bunch + 1 pc.
Dill -2 bunches + 3 twigs
Parsley -2 bunches + 3 sprigs
Garlic - 5 cloves
Cherries - 200 gr. (frozen can be used)

Nuts, seeds, dried fruits

Walnuts - 50 gr.

Meat, fish, eggs

Eggs - 15 pcs.
Squid - 900 g
Red caviar - for decoration


Cheese - 150 gr.
Milk - 2 tablespoons
Cottage cheese - 100 g.
Butter - 300 gr.
Sour cream - 200 gr.
Condensed milk - 0.3 cans

Grocery and others

Cocoa powder - 7 tablespoons
Flour - 1.5 tbsp.
Olive oil - 5 tablespoons
Yeast puff pastry - 1 pack (500 g). There should be 2 layers in the dough package.
Mayonnaise - 150 gr.
Mushrooms - 300 g frozen porcini. If there are no forest mushrooms, then you can substitute mushrooms.
Sugar - 255 gr.
Cognac or vodka - 100 gr.
Soda - 1/2 tsp

Spices and condiments

Vinegar - 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Black pepper - to taste


Alcoholic drinks
Carbonated drinks

Important little things:

Kitchen towels
Disposable plates

Disposable forks and spoons
Cutting board


from snacks and fruits and vegetables for 9-12 people :

The format of such a table for employees involves a large number of snacks, cheese and ham-sausage cuts and for sweets:. This menu option is simpler than the previous one, but requires more effort to decorate the festive table.


3 days before your birthday:

Determine the exact number of those present at the holiday, the required amount and types of drinks, the necessary important details. Add information to the shopping list.

2 days before the birthday:

Buy groceries, drinks, important little things according to the shopping list, the basis for which is given below.

1 day before the birthday:

On the day of the holiday:

1 hour before the start of the holiday, asking for the help of colleagues, cut cheese and sausage, fruits, vegetables, put olives and / or olives, mushrooms, decorate with herbs.


(for 12 people)

Basic snacks:

Bread (2-3 varieties): white, Borodino, etc. - 2 loaves of Borodino, 2 loaves of white bread.

Sliced ​​sausage (sausage, ham and other smoked meats) - 1, 2 kg

Cheese of 2-3 varieties. -1, 2 kg.

Olives, olives - 3 cans

Pickles, Korean salads -1.5 kg.

Pickled mushrooms-600 gr.

Greens: 2-3 bunches

Fruits (apples, kiwi, bananas, oranges) -2.5 kg.

Vegetables (tomatoes in the winter season can be replaced with cherry tomatoes, cucumbers) -1, 5 kg.

For the cake:

Oranges - 3 pcs.
Bananas - 2 pcs.
Muesli - 1 glass
Corn flakes - 1 glass
White chocolate - 250 gr.
Kefir - 500 gr.
Fat cream - 200 ml. (fat content not less than 33%, otherwise they will not beat up)
Gelatin - 40 gr.
Sugar - 250 gr.


Alcoholic drinks
Carbonated drinks

Important little things:

Kitchen towels
Disposable plates
Disposable cups (or glasses)
Disposable forks and spoons
Cutting board


Sweet table for 15 people

If you decide to celebrate your birthday at work with a sweet table, then there is also something to surprise your colleagues with. You can cook (in fact, these are 4 pies with one dough, but with different contents), the cooking technology allows you to do it quickly, different fillings will please any taste.


3 days before your birthday:

Determine the amount and types of drinks (if necessary), important details. Add information to the shopping list.

2 days before the birthday:

Buy cake products, drinks, important things according to the shopping list.

1 day before the birthday:

On the day of the holiday:

Cut the pies, announce the start of the holiday :)


For French Royal Pie:

Puff pastry - 2 kg
Chicken egg - 7 pcs
Brown sugar - 350 g
Butter - 245 g
Egg yolk (for lubrication) - 2 pieces
Flour - 3 tbsp. l.
Pistachios (unsalted, ground) - 100 g
Pineapple (fresh) - 60 g
Coconut flakes - 60 g
Almonds (ground) - 250 g
Raspberries (frozen) - 125 g
Black currant (frozen) - 125 g
Milk (for lubrication) - 4 tbsp. l.


Alcoholic drinks
Carbonated drinks

Important little things:

Disposable plates
Disposable cups (or glasses)
Disposable forks
Cutting board

Happy Birthday!

P.S. If you need to prepare your birthday at home, then the principle of organizing the holiday will be different. How to celebrate a birthday without sacrifice is possible.

How to make your child's birthday truly unforgettable? Invite his friends to visit and arrange a small home party with fun entertainment. And also - to come up with an original menu for a children's birthday.

Running on the waves

In the children's festive menu for a child's birthday, there must certainly be canapes-boats. One kind of boat can be made with half an egg, cheese filling, and nachos. Cut 5 hard-boiled eggs, remove yolks. Grind the yolks with cheese and 2 tbsp. l. sour cream. We spread the filling in halves. We fix the nachos sail from above. You can decorate such a snack with a blue napkin, then the children will definitely get the impression that small ships are being cut through the waves!

Merry swarm

Ladybugs sandwiches are a great idea for a children's birthday meal. Use unsweetened biscuits for the base of your snack. Brush with any pate, put a green salad on each cookie. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and make a shallow cut to create the appearance of wings, ladybirds can also be made from cherry tomato quarters. Cut out heads from olives, small specks on the body and eyes can be made using mayonnaise and toothpicks, decorate with dill. Cute ladybugs will not let little guests get bored.

A bag of fresh fruit

The children's birthday salad is a prime example of edible decor. We take a whole watermelon, beautifully cut off its cap (about a third). Cut out the pulp, which we later put back into the watermelon! Each 150 g of various fruits and berries is thoroughly washed, if necessary, peeled and cut into small pieces. Put all the fruits in the watermelon together with the chopped watermelon pulp. Serve long toothpicks and melted chocolate with this delicacy, and it will immediately have many little fans.

Tailed team

Prepare an egg "Myshata" snack for the children's birthday menu. They will greatly amuse the kids. Cut 6-8 boiled eggs in half, remove the yolks, mix them with 200 g of grated cream cheese. We fill the halves of the proteins with this mass and put the filling down on the lettuce leaves. We make ears from circles of radish, antennae from dill or parsley, eyes can be made from confectionery sprinkles.

Koloboks in gold

You can make a children's rice dish for a children's birthday, the composition of which will remain a mystery to everyone. Heat 300 ml of cream with 200 g of grated hard cheese. Dissolve it over low heat and add 400 g of boiled rice with chopped parsley. From this mass we form balls, roll in breadcrumbs, deep-fry and transfer to a napkin to stack excess fat. Serve hearty koloboks on a platter - and they will be snatched up right there.

Surprise scrolls

Chicken rolls with pineapple for a children's birthday - a win-win recipe. Cut 1 kg of chicken fillet into layers, beat off, salt, pepper and, if desired, add mustard. We spread on each layer 2 tbsp. l. grated cheese, pineapple and champignons, cut into cubes, roll up tightly and tie with threads or stab with toothpicks. Lubricate these cocoons with oil and spices and bake in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 ° C. Children will love the rosy fragrant rolls right away.

Boats with treasure

Feel free to include a recipe for minced potato boats with minced meat in the children's birthday menu. We bake 6-7 large potatoes in the oven, cut in half and remove the pulp, leaving a little near the rind. Fry 400 g of minced meat with onions, mix with tomato sauce and fill oiled boats with it. Sprinkle them with cheese on top and put them in the oven at 180 ° C for 10 minutes. Children will approve such a tempting dish without question.

Cake on a stick

Skewers are another great idea on the children's birthday menu. Grind 3 ready-made biscuit cakes separately into crumbs. Mix the first part with chocolate-nut spread, the second with condensed milk, and the third with jam. We sculpt the same balls, string on long skewers, dip in liquid chocolate and decorate with colored pastry sprinkles. Chill them well and treat them sweet.

Strawberries in the snow

Among children's birthday dishes with a photo, you can find a lot of variations of homemade ice cream. We offer to cook one of the eternal hits. Lightly freeze 1 kg of strawberries and punch in a blender. Add 500 g vanilla ice cream, 200 g strawberry jam and 50 g honey. Beat the mass again, lay out in tins and cool. Garnish with crushed nuts, chocolate chips, fruit pieces or marmalade before serving.

Currant delicacy

What's a delicious kids birthday menu without? Our recipe doesn't even require baking. Tamp a mixture of 300 g of cookies and 100 g of butter into a round shape, cool for 30 minutes. Beat with a blender 800 g of cottage cheese with 100 g of sour cream and stir in 200 ml of cream with 3 tbsp. l. gelatin. Beat a third of this mass with 300 g of currants. Add 200 g of yogurt to the rest. We alternate both bases with a zebra in a shape with a cookie, completing the cake with a berry layer. Decorate it with currants and cool for another hour.

Surely your collection also has a photo of a children's birthday table, a menu for themed holidays and just interesting recipes. In this case, be sure to share your valuable experience with other readers of the Eat at Home!

We cook quickly and tasty with the "Eat at Home" dough

Dough for homemade pies "Let's eat at home"

And if little guests are already on the doorstep, then the “Eat at Home” pie dough will come to your aid in preparing a simple and tasty pie. Choose the filling of your choice: berries, fruits, vegetables - or, for example, make a delicious pie with meat, chicken or fish. Your guests will definitely ask for more! Enjoy cooking!

Personal Holidays


The landlord's “make yourself at home” offer rarely applies to the refrigerator as well.

I associate the sweet table with school. In elementary school, several birthdays were celebrated at once, we were warned about this in advance and asked to take with us a plate, a cup and a spoon. The birthday people brought cakes and cookies baked by their mothers, and we all ate it with pleasure. In high school, the birthday boy brought a cake, and after school we drank tea from plastic cups in our classroom. At the same time, we never had spoons or forks, so we had to eat the cake with our hands. But will you scare the children with this?

At work, everything is built according to a similar pattern.

What to serve on a sweet table in honor of a birthday at work:


A large cake (weighing about 1 kg) can be cut into 12 large pieces or 24 small pieces. Usually, each invitee receives one large piece of cake, which means that if you invited 12 people to your birthday, you can get by with one cake, and if 20 people, you will have to buy two. At the same time, it is better to buy different cakes and cut them into small pieces, then everyone will be able to try.

An example of cutting a large cake into 24 slices: purple lines - first stage, hot pink second An example of cutting a large cake into 12 pieces

12 people = 1 large cake, 20 people = 2 large cakes.

A small cake is usually cut into 8 pieces.

An example of cutting a small cake into 8 pieces


Buy various sweets: caramels, barberries, dried fruits in chocolate, and chocolate with filling. In supermarkets, sweets can be packed into small bags according to the count: some exactly by the number of employees, and some half as many. Or you can choose candies by the color of the wrappers, for example, buy only red ones.

Cakes and biscuits

These are also very tasty things. For example, instead of one cake, you can buy cakes. Their number should coincide with the number of guests, or, if there are two types of cakes, then each type can be taken half as many as guests.

Juice, tea, coffee

If you usually celebrate your birthday standing, then it is better to treat employees with juices and soda, and if there is a place where everyone can sit, then you can drink tea or coffee.

Calculate the amount of juice by the number of invitees. In one disposable glass, about 200 ml of juice is usually poured into half a glass, which means that 1 liter of a juice package is enough for one serving for 10 employees. It is better to take 1 liter of different juice than 2 liters of the same one.

1 liter of juice pack = half a glass for 10 employees.

Tea bags - one bag for each. Although usually tea or coffee each brews his own or the same "brand".


Oranges, tangerines, bananas, apples, plums, pears, peaches, melons and others. But a special variety is not required, so in the winter there will be enough oranges and bananas, and in the summer - apples and pears. Ideally, the number is half the number of employees invited to your birthday, because both apples and pears will need to be cut into pieces, at least by 4. This means that each employee can take two pieces of pear and two pieces of apple. For tea drinking, lemon will not hurt.


If your company allows it, offer alcoholic drinks to your colleagues. Usually cognac and dry wine are offered for sweets; instead of wine, you can take brut champagne. At a sweet table, alcohol is usually drunk "symbolically", so you do not need to buy one bottle for each employee + 1 spare. A 0.5 liter bottle of wine is enough for 10 people (if you pour 50 g each). However, for example, for 10 hours it is better to take 1 bottle of wine and 1 cognac or 2 bottles of red and white wine.

Wine 0.5 l = 10 people, 50 g each.

Dried fruits and nuts

If there is a financial opportunity, then the sweet table can be diversified with nuts, dried fruits and other oriental sweets.

Important little things

Take care of large fruit plates and small cake plates, juice cups, alcohol cups, spoons, forks and napkins.

Menu for a children's birthday at home.

Many parents strive to make their baby's birthday unforgettable. That is why they are looking for interesting dishes and methods of decoration. Organization of a children's party is fundamentally different from an adult's birthday. After all, there will be many children at the holiday who need to be entertained.

In general, the menu for celebrating a children's birthday differs from an adult in the minimum content of harmful products. Therefore, it is better to season all mayonnaise salads with fresh yogurt, and smoked meats with boiled meat. In the summertime, it is easiest to organize a sweet table with a lot of fruit. It can be a variety of salads, cuts, pastries with berries and fruits.

List of sweet dishes:

  • Watermelon salad
  • Pineapple baskets
  • Open pie with apricots and jelly
  • Strawberry soufflé
  • Natural compotes
  • Ice cream with fruit

List of salads and main dishes:

  • Caesar salad"
  • Vegetable salads with boiled meat
  • Mashed potatoes with baked cutlets
  • Red fish sandwiches
  • Gefilte fish

There are not many fresh fruits and vegetables in winter. Basically, everything is imported and quite expensive. That is why, in winter, potatoes and meat, as well as pickles, become the basis of any table.

Sweet food options:

  • Milk jelly or soufflé
  • Curd casseroles or cheesecakes
  • Ice cream
  • Cakes with protein cream or condensed milk
  • Cupcakes with jam or jam

Main course and appetizer options:

  • Potatoes with mushrooms and baked meat
  • Chicken chops with cheese
  • Beetroot salad with beef
  • Cabbage salad with corn
  • Seafood salad

It is difficult enough to prepare meals for such young children. The fact is that many are allergic to citrus fruits and honey. Such children should not be given dishes from the common table. That is why you will have to cook separately for adults and kids.

Sample menu:

  • Mashed potatoes with chicken meatballs
  • Chicken chops stewed in sour cream
  • Pumpkin puree
  • Liver pate
  • Curd soufflé
  • Baked apples with cottage cheese

What to cook for a children's birthday for boys and girls from 1 - 2 years old: ideas, menus, tips

What to cook for a children's birthday for boys and girls from 1 - 2 years old: ideas, menus, tips

At this age, babies can already eat food from the common table. Still, you shouldn't put a lot of junk food on the table. Try replacing the mayonnaise salads with some kind of dressing. It can be butter or homemade yogurt, sour cream. The main task of parents is to make the holiday fun. Children of this age are very mobile, so if possible, use the services of animators. It is best to take a group of children to a children's entertainment complex, where they can jump on trampolines, run mazes and take part in interesting contests.

Sample menu:

  • Cupcakes with cartoon characters
  • Cheesecake
  • Cupcakes with cream
  • Ice cream
  • Various cakes

Although at this age you can please children with McDonald's fries and delicious McFlury. In any case, the main task of parents is to make the holiday fun or lively. Children of this age love themed birthdays. That is, you can arrange a day with fixes. In this case, all the kids put on caps with fixes, on glasses, balls and plates, too, images of the corresponding theme. You can complement the holiday with a tree stump with sweets and surprises.

What to cook for children's birthday for boys and girls from 3 to 6 years old: ideas, menus, tips

What to cook for children's birthday for boys and girls from 3 to 6 years old: ideas, menus, tips

What to cook for children's birthday for boys and girls from 3 to 6 years old: ideas, menus, tips

This is a rather difficult age, since the child has a certain circle of friends and hobbies. When organizing a holiday, you should pay attention to the child's preferences. For boys, you can take the idea of ​​Ninja Turtles, Minions, Madagascar. Girls will appreciate the princess theme or My Little Pony. Be sure to ask your child how to organize the holiday. Unlike younger children, schoolchildren can sit for a while. Accordingly, the holiday itself can be half in motion. The rest can be done at the table and be intellectual. These can be games of erudition or desire.


  • Fruit pizza
  • Yoghurt ice cream
  • Dessert with fruit and jelly
  • No baked cakes
  • Homemade sweets
  • Cupcakes
  • B-B-Q
  • Grilled vegetables
  • Vegetable salads

What to cook for a children's birthday for boys and girls from 7 to 11 years old: ideas, menus, tips

What to cook for a children's birthday for boys and girls from 7 to 11 years old: ideas, menus, tips

What to cook for a children's birthday for boys and girls from 7 to 11 years old: ideas, menus, tips

A buffet table implies a huge variety of food and a large amount of it. Moreover, most often children are not given chairs. Usually a buffet table is combined with active games and competitions. Therefore, the dishes should be as varied and interesting as possible.

Sample menu:

  • Homemade candy on sticks
  • Cupcakes
  • Cakes
  • Marshmallow
  • Lemonade
  • Smoothie
  • Various drinks
  • Cheesecake

Most often, a sweet table is organized for children. It can be a variety of soft drinks and drinks. In addition, sweets are welcome. It can be homemade cake or jelly. Homemade sweets are also appropriate.


  • Fruit jelly
  • Thor without baking
  • Cupcakes
  • Fruit kebabs
  • Fruit salads

If you plan to entertain children for a long time, then they should be thoroughly fed. A hot dish is suitable for these purposes. This can be potatoes with a meat dish. It all depends on the season. Older children will appreciate the barbecue. If your birthday is in winter, make a roast.

Roast in pots

Ingredients for 8 people:

  • 2 kg of potatoes
  • 1 kg of meat
  • 0.5 kg of mushrooms
  • 100 g cheese
  • 150 ml sour cream
  • Spices
  • Bouillon
  • 3 onions


  • Cut the meat into strips and fry them in a hot skillet
  • Add the onion and fry a little more
  • Add mushrooms and simmer for 3 minutes
  • Divide the meat mixture into the pots and place the potatoes on top
  • Pour in broth and place in oven for 40 minutes
  • Remove from oven, add salt, spices, sour cream and sprinkle with cheese
  • Keep in the oven for another 5-7 minutes

Children's hot dish for children's birthday: ideas, recipes

Children's hot dish for children's birthday: ideas, recipes

It is best to prepare salads that are seasoned with oil. Ideal if it is a mix of vegetables and meat.

Summer salad


  • 2 tomatoes
  • 3 cucumbers
  • 2 bell peppers
  • 1 pickled onion
  • 100 g of boiled chicken meat
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • Mustard
  • Butter


  • Cut vegetables into chunks and place in a large bowl
  • Cut chicken fillet and cheese into cubes
  • Mix mustard with oil and salt
  • Season the salad with the mixture and add the greens

Children's salads for children's birthday: ideas, recipes

Children's salads for children's birthday: ideas, recipes

Children's salads for children's birthday: ideas, recipes

The ideal option for appetizers is dishes in tartlets or in pita bread. Canapé sandwiches are also great.

Pita bread


  • Grated carrots
  • Canned fish
  • Yogurt
  • 5 eggs
  • 2 pita bread
  • Greens


  • Crush the sardines in oil with a fork and stir in the herbs
  • Spread the pita bread on the table and lay out the fish puree
  • Cover with another sheet of pita bread and top with grated carrots, eggs and yogurt
  • Roll everything into a roll and leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours
  • Cut into thin slices

Children's snacks for children's birthday: ideas, recipes

Children's snacks for children's birthday: ideas, recipes

Children's snacks for children's birthday: ideas, recipes

Children's pizza: ideas, recipes

It is best to cook a baby pizza with fruit. The basis can be purchased shortbread dough. For more information on how to cook pizza for children, see the video.

VIDEO: Children's pizza

A great salad serving idea is tartlets. They can be fruit or vegetable with meat.

Meat tartlets


  • 10 tartlets
  • 300 g of boiled chicken meat
  • Jar of corn
  • 3 cucumbers
  • Yogurt


  • Boil the breast until tender and cut into cubes
  • Wash and peel the cucumbers, cut into cubes
  • Mix chicken with vegetables and corn, season with yogurt
  • Put salad in tartlets and garnish with herbs

Birthday tartlets for children: ideas, recipes

Sweet tartlets


  • 10 shortcrust pastry tartlets
  • Whipped cream
  • 300 g seedless grapes
  • Handful of strawberries
  • 3 peaches


  • Cut the peaches into cubes and sort the grapes into berries.
  • Mix peaches, strawberries and grapes
  • Fill the assorted tartlets and garnish with whipped cream

Birthday tartlets for children: ideas, recipes

You can make both fruit and meat canapes.

Canapes with shrimps


  • A handful of large peeled shrimp
  • 0.5 kg cherry tomatoes
  • 200 g cheese
  • Skewers
  • Sour cream


  • Cut the tomatoes in half
  • Cut the cheese into thick slices
  • Brush each tomato half with yogurt
  • Top with one half of the cheese and shrimp
  • Cover with a second half and secure with a skewer

In terms of their composition, sandwiches can be the most common. We'll have to get confused with serving. It is best if you make decorations in the form of birds or hedgehogs. Below are interesting options for sandwiches for the children's table.

It is best to initially choose the concept of the holiday and stick to it. Purchased children's glasses, plates with images of cartoon characters are often used. This will help save time on decorating dishes. If you prepare salads, do not be lazy to arrange them in tartlets or decorate them so that the children will be interesting and fun. Below are an interesting design option for children's dishes.

To make the children's party unforgettable, do not be lazy, spend a little time organizing the fun. Invite animators or prepare several contests.

VIDEO: Children's birthday at home