Bechamel approaches what. The right béchamel sauce

02.05.2020 Fish dishes

Bechamel sauce is a classic homemade recipe mainly used for lasagna. Many people know that the classic Bechamel sauce from a simple recipe remains one of the most popular sauces for serving not only with lasagna, but also with various meat dishes, fish, veal, shrimp, squid, potatoes, mantas, vegetable dishes, spaghetti and many others.

If for an ordinary hostess Bechamel is something refined and sublime, then in the world of professional chefs it is a necessary base. The ability to cook this light white sauce is a kind of ticket to the world of haute cuisine. The priority is to learn how to cook it so that you would not be ashamed to serve this exquisite sauce with any well-prepared dish, emphasizing and enhancing its taste. Therefore, if you are serious about expanding your cooking skills, you know where to start.

Bechamel sauce - cooking basics

  • The base for the sauce is Rublon, which is often called simply "Ru" by culinary experts. It is a mixture of butter and flour, brought to a straw color. Then a liquid component is added to it. In the original recipe, this is cream, but you can use full-fat milk;
  • Some chefs add broth along with the dairy ingredients. It is not recommended to replace them with fermented milk products, otherwise they will curl at high temperatures and the sauce will be lumpy;
  • The most important rule for making a sauce cannot be violated, in which flour and butter are used in the same proportions. The amount of liquid can be added differently, thereby changing the density of the bechamel;
  • For a light aroma in the sauce, you need to season the milk. In this method, seasonings are added to a cold liquid, then heated at a low temperature, and infused for about 30 minutes. In order not to filter the sauce, herbs with spices must first be wrapped in cheesecloth and boiled milk with it;
  • Bechamel should have a light creamy shade and a light consistency. You can check it with a spoon. If the mixture slowly drains from it, then the sauce is cooked correctly.

The sauce consists of an oily flour base and a liquid. First, the flour is fried in butter for about 1 minute, so that it acquires a delicate golden hue, and then pour in the liquid - broth with milk, cream or sour cream.

You can do it a little differently. Fry the flour dry, and then, when it slightly changes color, add oil. When it melts, pour in the liquid and boil until thickened.

Prepare the sauce using the recipes below and serve with white fish, veal, poultry, potatoes, celery, cauliflower, and more.

Bechamel sauce - a classic recipe for sauce at home

First, prepare the foods you will need to create the sauce. It should be milk, butter. You will also need salt, flour. You can also add black pepper to taste, but only just a little, otherwise the taste and smell will be too harsh.


  • Milk - 1 l.;
  • Butter - 100-150 g.;
  • Flour - 100 g;
  • Ground pepper - to taste;
  • Salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, put the milk to heat. It does not need to be specially heated, boiled. You just need to put it on the table so that it stays at room temperature for about 20 minutes. By pouring in such milk, you will be able to quickly achieve a homogeneous mass, to avoid the appearance of lumps;
  2. Now heat the butter. Please note: you do not need to try to throw it directly into the mixture of flour and milk, reheat it in one pan. Be sure to prepare the oil in advance. A small piece just needs to be melted and poured into any container;
  3. Now is the time to fry the flour. You do not need to grease the pan. You just take a clean skillet, heat it up, and then pour the flour into it. It must be constantly stirred with a spatula, shaking and separating from the bottom. As soon as the flour acquires a golden hue, you can start pouring in the milk;
  4. Pour milk carefully, in a thin stream. Hold a container of milk in one hand and a spatula in the other. Be sure to stir your mixture constantly. Only in this way will you be able to prepare the sauce according to the recipe;
  5. When you have already poured the milk, you need to thoroughly mix the flour again so that the mass becomes perfectly homogeneous. The butter can be added along with the milk, but some people prefer to pour it in later, when the main mixture is ready. It doesn't really matter, so do it as it is more convenient for you;
  6. At the final stage of cooking, you need to salt and pepper your mass. If you want to make it thinner, just add more milk or water. Bon Appetit!

The main sauces are prepared according to a certain technology on a certain liquid basis with a minimum amount of products in the additional part. The concept of base sauces was developed in the 19th century by French chefs Marie-Antoine Karem and later Auguste Escoffier and is still the standard in international gastronomy today.

The main French sauces are:

  1. Bechamel- the main dairy sauce, prepared on the basis of white "ru" and milk. The basic recipe for Bechamel sauce is simple, like everything ingenious: fry an equal amount of butter and flour, pour hot milk;
  2. Velute- the main white sauce, prepared on the basis of golden "ru" and light chicken / veal or fish broth;
  3. Espanyol- the main brown sauce, made from red "ru" and strong meat broth. It differs from previous sauces in that the butter-flour mixture is fried until dark brown;
  4. Hollandaise sauce... Prepared with egg yolks and butter. Smooth, creamy sauce, reminiscent of mayonnaise, goes best with seafood and vegetable dishes;
  5. At the beginning of the 20th century, Escoffier also referred to the base sauces tomato(grated boiled tomatoes) and mayonnaise(from yolk, vegetable oil and mustard).

"Ru" is a thermally processed mixture of flour and fat, usually melted butter. Commonly used as a thickener in sauces. It is one of the main ingredients for classic French sauces, including Bechamel, Veloute, Espagnole and Hollandaise sauce. For the preparation of "ru" usually butter or vegetable oils are used.

All experiments at the stove begin with basic classic recipes. If you decide to go one step further in the culinary arts, the step-by-step recipe for Bechamel sauce for lasagna, moussaka, pasta and other popular dishes will provide a solid foundation for further development.

Bechamel sauce for lasagna - basic recipe


  • Wheat flour - 100 g;
  • Milk (at least 3.2% fat) - 1 liter;
  • Butter - 200 g.;
  • Nutmeg - a pinch;
  • Salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Add flour to the skillet. Fry it over low heat, stirring with a wooden spatula, until it acquires a pronounced creamy shade;
  2. Add butter, fry flour with it for 3-5 minutes, stirring vigorously with a spatula;
  3. Pour milk into the pan in a thin stream, whisking the sauce. There should not be a single lump in the sauce;
  4. Add salt and nutmeg, stir the sauce;
  5. Continue simmering the sauce, whisking it, for another 8-12 minutes, until thick enough.

After that, the sauce can be used. It should be applied hot. If it cools down, then before pouring the lasagna or greasing the dough, the Bechamel sauce must be warmed up.

For more than three hundred years, the cooking technology and the set of components have not changed. The basis of the classic Bechamel recipe consists of flour, milk and butter. This base is often used to prepare other sauces, adding cheese, fried onions, nuts and various spices or aromatic herbs.

Lasagna - recipe with minced meat and Bechamel sauce

Lasagna (Italian Lasagna) is a type of Italian pasta, which is a layer of durum wheat dough, which is sandwiched with various fillings and baked. Lasagna is a traditional Italian dish and there are many ways to prepare it. Today we will cook minced meat lasagna and Béchamel sauce, and follow the step-by-step recipe for the most delicious lasagna ever.


  • Lasagna sheets - 200 g (6-10 pcs.);
  • Minced beef and pork - 1 kg.;
  • Carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • Parmesan cheese - 50 g;
  • Tomatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • Hard cheese (Russian) - 300 g;
  • Garlic - 4 cloves;
  • Onions - 3 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying;
  • Salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel and finely chop the onion;
  2. We clean the cloves of garlic and press through the garlic press or finely chop;
  3. Wash carrots, peel and rub on a coarse grater;
  4. My tomatoes, peel them off and grind them in a blender or grate them;
  5. In a large frying pan, heat a little vegetable oil and lightly fry the onion and garlic in it;
  6. Add carrots to the onion and fry them for a few more minutes;
  7. Put the minced meat in the pan, salt, add spices to taste and continue to simmer for 15-20 minutes;
  8. Add tomatoes to the minced meat, mix well and let it simmer for another 5 minutes, after which we remove the pan from the heat;
  9. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, and the parmesan on a fine grater;
  10. Use ready-made lasagna sheets to prepare lasagna. Before cooking, carefully read on the packaging how the manufacturer recommends using the sheets (you need to boil them first, or not), we take dry sheets without boiling them;
  11. Put the lasagna sheets in a baking dish;
  12. Put half of the minced meat on top;
  13. Spread half of the Bechamel sauce evenly (see the classic recipe above);
  14. Sprinkle with half of the grated cheese. Put the lasagna sheets on top of the cheese again. Spread out the remaining minced meat, cover with half of the remaining Bechamel sauce;
  15. Sprinkle with the remaining half of the grated cheese, and put the lasagna sheets on top again;
  16. Cover the leaves with the remaining Bechamel sauce. We put the form in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 40-45 minutes;
  17. After the specified time has elapsed, take the lasagna out of the oven and sprinkle with grated Parmesan and put in the oven for another 5-10 minutes. Bon Appetit!

Lasagne with chicken and mushrooms with Bechamel sauce with cheese

In Italian restaurants, you can see more than 2 dozen varieties of lasagne: with mushrooms and vegetables, vegetarian and with spinach, with chicken or minced meat. We recommend making lasagna stuffed with chicken and mushrooms.


  • Sheets of finished lasagna - 5-10 pcs.;
  • Boiled chicken fillet - 500 g;
  • Mushrooms (raw champignons) - 400 g;
  • Hard cheese (Russian) - 250 g;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Greens - for decoration;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. We start by making Bechamel sauce. To do this, melt the butter in a saucepan with a thick bottom over low heat, then fry the flour on it a little, stirring constantly, so that no lumps form and so that the flour does not burn;
  2. Then you should slowly pour in all the milk, without ceasing to stir;
  3. Season with salt and pepper, add nutmeg and bring to a boil, not forgetting to stir. When the sauce reaches the desired consistency, remove it from heat;
  4. The first layer in our lasagne will be mushroom - let's start with its preparation. Cut the mushrooms into thin slices, the onions into small rings and fry the onions with mushrooms in heated vegetable oil;
  5. Cut the boiled chicken breast into thin slices, three cheese on a coarse grater;
  6. Cooking lasagna sheets. The stores sell ready-made raw sheets for lasagna, made from unleavened dough, like for pasta, mainly from durum wheat. Boil lasagna sheets in salted water so that they do not stick together, add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. This is the approximate average time for preparing sheets, which may differ depending on the manufacturer, therefore, it is advisable to look at the instructions on the package;
  7. Lay out the oiled form with lasagna sheets, put mushrooms on top of them (half of the total amount), pour with Bechamel sauce;
  8. Cover the first layer of filling with lasagna sheets. We spread half of the total amount of chicken meat on them, pour with Bechamel sauce and sprinkle with a little grated cheese;
  9. Covering a layer of meat with lasagna sheets, spread the rest of the mushroom filling on them, pouring with Bechamel sauce;
  10. Cover the top again with sheets of dough, lay the rest of the meat on them, pour over the sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese. There can be as many such layers as the height of the baking dish allows you;
  11. We cover the top layer of the filling with a sheet of lasagna and sprinkle abundantly with grated cheese so that a ruddy fragrant crust is baked;
  12. In an oven preheated to 180 ° C, we put our lasagna to bake for 30-35 minutes;
  13. Ready-made lasagne is served hot, sprinkled with finely chopped herbs on top. In conclusion, we note that the calorie content of this dish is 450 kcal per 100 g. Bon appetit!

To emphasize the taste of the dish, to give special notes, it is important to learn how to masterfully cook Bechamel. By following the recommendations below, you will learn how to cook in such a way that you will not be ashamed to serve food supplemented with it.

The sauce is prepared in several stages: first, a thickener is made. In France, it is called "roux", which sounds like "ru", and then it is combined with warm milk, sour cream or cream.

The sauce, named after Louis XIV's majordomo Louis Béchamel (although many assume that the dressing was created by one of the royal chefs, and he only appropriated the recipe for himself), begins by making the flour reddish by frying in butter.

When cooled, a crust forms on the surface of the Bechamel sauce, which we do not need at all. But if you cover the saucepan with a lid, condensation will form and there will be water in the sauce. We don't need that either.

So we do this: we take cling film and cover the sauce with it - we put it right next to it, releasing the air. In this position, we leave Bechamel until it cools completely, if you need to store it, and not use it right away. Then we just remove the film - the cream will not stick to it. Try it, it's so easy and so delicious!

There are a few basic rules that are very easy to learn, then you will have Bechamel sauce anyway:

  1. The right dishes... The pan or saucepan should have a thick bottom and a non-stick coating. To avoid damaging it, stir the sauce with a wooden spatula or silicone whisk;
  2. Temperature contrast... Hot butter-flour mixture should be combined only with cold milk. And vice versa. If the ingredients are at the same temperature, the sauce will pick up in lumps or stratify;
  3. Only milk... No other dairy products can be the basis for bechamel. True, some chefs like to experiment with cream. But they must first be diluted with vegetable or meat broth so that they do not curl up;
  4. Knowing of limits... Bechamel is primarily a milk sauce. The delicate taste and aroma of milk should dominate, so don't overdo it with spices. They should only slightly shade the sauce;
  5. Consistency... The thickness should be such that the Bechamel sauce slowly drips off the spoon, enveloping it. For lasagna or moussaka, the sauce can be thinner;
  6. Correct presentation... Before serving Bechamel, you need to warm it up. As it cools, it will begin to crust over. Pleasant aroma, piquant taste, which the additive possesses, turn the dish into an exquisite masterpiece. By experimenting with the addition of spices, you can get a new original taste.

Throughout its existence, Bechamel has become so popular that it has acquired many variations thanks to the addition of certain components (herbs, spices, vegetables). The only thing that is invariable is the base, although it is prepared in several ways: some add milk, others add cream. How to cook and what to serve "Béchamel", it is up to you to choose.

Bechamel has many variations:

  • Red or black pepper, nutmeg, bay leaves, tomato paste, horseradish root, fried onions, cheese are added to its base;
  • It can be liquid if used as a gravy, medium thick and thick if seasoned with soup, julienne, lasagne, spaghetti or baked meat, fish, vegetables. The thickness of the sauce can be varied by adding more or less flour. This will prevent Bechamel from drying out and forming a film-crust;
  • If the sauce turns out to be thinner than you expected, you should not add flour to the finished mass, it is better to hold it on the stove more than usual. This will be enough for the mass to thicken.

To make it more convenient to add milk to the sauce in a thin stream, it must be immediately poured out of the bag without pouring it into a glass. Ready-made Bechamel sauce keeps well in the refrigerator, but if you need to keep it warm, you can keep it on the steam bath for an hour.

To prevent a film from forming on the surface of the sauce, you can put thin slices of butter or baking paper or cling film on it. Bon Appetit!

Bechamel sauce - step by step video recipe at home

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If you know how to properly prepare béchamel sauce, then you are no longer a beginner in cooking, this sauce is the basis of the basics. Sauce of French origin, especially popular in European cuisine, beautiful - the color of baked milk, with a smooth silky texture, very tasty - with a pronounced creamy note. It is cooked without eggs, which means it is suitable for vegetarians who do not refuse dairy products. Ready sauce is served with meat, fish, vegetables, pasta, is included in the recipe for baking many dishes. Béchamel sauce imparts tenderness, sophistication and French charm to well-known flavor combinations. When used in different dishes, both the thickness of the sauce (with a change in the amount of milk) and the taste with the addition of all kinds of spices can change. Here I will give a recipe for a basic béchamel sauce with a minimum mandatory set of spices. It's not very difficult to prepare it, you just need to strictly follow the rules. When choosing the ingredients for a medium-thick sauce, the following proportion is used: for one part of butter, take one part of flour and ten parts of milk.


  • Butter at room temperature - 20 grams
  • Flour - 20 grams
  • Cold milk - 200 ml
  • Salt - on the tip of a knife
  • Ground white pepper - on the tip of a knife
  • Ground or grated nutmeg - 1/2 teaspoon

How to cook Bechamel sauce and dishes with it

It is better to take butter at room temperature. Put in a deep dish with a thick bottom and melt over low heat. The oil should not start to fry, only melt and not change color.

Melt the butter
Add flour

Fry the flour for 1-2 minutes, kneading and rubbing vigorously with a cooking spatula. When the butter-flour mixture acquires a golden color (it is called ru - roux, which means "red") and a pleasant aroma appears, remove from the heat.

Fry the flour

Since our ru is hot, the milk must be cold. (It happens that milk needs to be flavored in advance, for this spices, spices, roots and herbs are put in cold milk, then the milk is heated without boiling, cooled under a lid and filtered). Add milk in small portions, several tablespoons each, to the butter-flour mixture and stir vigorously until a smooth homogeneous structure, at this stage I switch to a whisk.

Add milk

After stirring the homogeneous sauce in a small amount of milk, pour the rest of the milk in a thin stream, stirring vigorously and return the sauce to the fire.

Beat until smooth

Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat, stirring constantly, until thickened for about 5 minutes. Remember that the cooled sauce will get a little thicker.

Cook until thick

Add salt, ground white pepper and grated nutmeg, remove from heat, stirring vigorously for another half minute.

The sauce is ready. Serve warm. The cooled, hermetically sealed sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days.

Classic French Bechamel sauce

Minced meat, eggplant and tomatoes, which are laid out in layers with onions, spices, tomatoes and baked with béchamel sauce and melted cheese

Puffed Greek moussaka in the oven with béchamel sauce

Spicy dish of bright green broccoli combined with Brussels sprouts, baked in the oven with béchamel sauce with added cheese

Broccoli and Brussels sprouts with béchamel sauce

A dish of a lifesaver, a very tasty type of pasta casserole with any filling

Lazy pasta lasagna

Sauce can be used to dress salads instead of sour cream and mayonnaise. - a simple salad, tenderness and sophistication to which the dressing with béchamel sauce gives

Cucumber, eggs and feta cheese salad with béchamel sauce Secrets of making béchamel sauce

Famous sauce bechamel is a masterpiece of French cuisine, its exquisite taste complements many dishes, making them even tastier and more tender. WITH béchamel sauce recipes and recipes you will find in the article

Bechamel is one of the five basic sauces of French cuisine, also called "mother" or "great". These are veloute, espagnole, hollandaise, bechamel and tomato sauces. It is not for nothing that the base sauces received such a name, because all sauces of French cuisine are prepared on their basis, and there are no less of them - more than 3 thousand.

The Bechamel sauce traces its "ancestry" to Louis Bechamel, the majordomo of the French king Louis XIV. But it is unlikely that this aristocrat invented the famous sauce on his own. Most likely, he hastened to name the brainchild of one of the royal chefs. And for good reason: the simple combination of a butter-flour mixture with cream has become a real sensation in French cooking. What is so special about it?
The base of the béchamel sauce is a ruble (roux) and milk (in the original version - cream). The ruble, or in other words, ru (from the French "roux", meaning "red") is a mixture of butter and flour, fried until golden brown.
Of the dairy component, only milk or cream is suitable for making the sauce. If you replace them, for example, with sour cream or other fermented milk product, then when heated, they can curl up, and the sauce will be spoiled. Choosing cream for making the sauce, you need to keep in mind that they cannot be overheated, otherwise they will lose their homogeneous structure. And in order to return the mixture to its original state, you will have to add various liquids to the sauce. For example, broths: vegetable, fish, meat. Therefore, often, using cream in the sauce, cooks simultaneously introduce broth into it. However, the most ideal option for making this sauce is milk with a fat content of 2.5%.
Flour and butter for cooking roux are taken in equal quantities, and the dose of milk is determined depending on what consistency the sauce wants to get: liquid, medium thick or thick.
To give the sauce a light aroma, the milk is pre-flavored. For this, spices are placed in cold milk, after which it is gradually heated and infused. The choice of spices is wide enough. These are roots (onion, parsley or dill root), herbs (thyme, oregano, rosemary, marjoram), spices (garlic, onion, pepper). At the same time, it is better to put herbs and small spices in a clothes bag - this way it will be easier to remove them from milk later. It's easier with roots and pieces of vegetables - after the milk is infused, you just need to strain it.
After flavoring, milk can be used as directed. It is introduced into the butter-flour mixture gradually - if you add all the milk at once, the flour will float to the surface and lumps will form in the sauce. When the sauce has acquired the required thickness, it is removed from the heat. That's it - the sauce is ready!
Béchamel sauce goes well with dairy veal, pork, poultry, white fish, potatoes, celery and cauliflower. However, when combining vegetables and sauce, it must be remembered that bechamel is still a sauce, not a dressing: during the heat treatment it does not evaporate and is not absorbed into the food, but remains on top.

And finally, the main secrets of Bechamel sauce:

During the sautéing process, the flour should acquire a golden hue. Do not overcook it - it will give the sauce an unpleasant aftertaste and ruin its appearance.
Pour the milk into the roux gradually, in a thin stream, so that no lumps form in it.
If clumping cannot be avoided, strain the sauce after cooking.
Stir the sauce only with a wooden spoon: metal utensils can pry off the burnt crust from the bottom of the dish and fried, dense particles will get into the consistency of the sauce.
Do not put spices in boiling milk: only gradual heating will fully reveal their aromatic qualities.
It is better to lightly fry onions and vegetables in a dry frying pan before placing them in milk - this will give them a richer taste.
If you plan to serve bechamel with fish, you don't need to fry the vegetables - the fish prefers a more delicate aroma.
It is best not to use lemon juice to flavor the sauce, as the acidic environment tends to curdle milk. Lemon juice is a good substitute for zest.
Do not overdo it with spices - they should only set off, not interrupt the main, creamy flavor of the sauce.
For stewing, it is better to make a sauce with a thinner consistency.
Meat and fish are not put raw in the sauce, but are first brought to a semi-cooked state.
As soon as the characteristic bubbles appear on the surface of the sauce, it is ready.
To prevent the sauce (as well as the ru) from burning, you need to cook it over low heat.
Bechamel is served hot, as a thin film forms on the cold sauce, which spoils its appearance. To eliminate it, pour the sauce back into a saucepan, add a little milk, heat and stir well.
The sauce can be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.
The ideal béchamel has a light creamy color, a uniform structure and a medium-thick consistency, similar to that of a liquid puree. This sauce flows down from the spoon in a uniform stream, and does not fall out of it in one piece.

Bechamel sauce
Milk 2.5% - 100 ml
Flour - 50 g
Butter - 50 g
Spices to taste
We preliminarily soften the butter and rub flour into it. Put the mixture in a preheated pan and fry over low heat until golden brown. ... Add spices to milk, heat and simmer for 3-5 minutes over low heat. Then we take out the spices, and pour the milk in a thin stream into the butter-flour mixture. Stirring constantly, bring the sauce to medium thickness and remove from heat.

Bechamel sauce (in the microwave)
Butter - 60 ml
Flour - 60 g
Milk - 750 ml
Nutmeg (grated) - to taste
Black pepper (ground) - to taste
Salt to taste
Melt the butter in the microwave at 100% power for 1-2 minutes; add flour to it and heat it at the same power for 1 minute. Pour in milk, stirring vigorously. Boil the sauce for 5-6 minutes, uncovered, at full power, stirring occasionally. Salt, pepper and add nutmeg. We filter.

Bolognese lasagna
Veal - 300 g
Onions - 150 g
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Carrots - 50 g
Vegetable oil - 75 g
Cream - 50 g
Pilati tomatoes - 50 g
Pasta - 100 g
Parmesan cheese - 20 g
Bechamel sauce - 50 g
Tomato juice - 200 g
Flour - 3 g
Butter - 3 tablespoons
Grind the veal in a meat grinder and fry in vegetable oil. Finely chop the onion (50 g), sauté and add to the meat. Cut the carrots into small cubes and put them in the same way with the meat. Add cream, chopped tomatoes, salt, pepper and simmer for 15 minutes. Dip the pasta into boiling salted water with the addition of vegetable oil and boil until tender. Then we put the paste in a colander and let the excess water drain. Put a layer of pasta in the mold, put a layer of minced meat on it. Sprinkle portions of lasagna with grated cheese and bake until golden brown.
For the sauce, finely chop the onion (100 g) and fry it in butter (2 tablespoons). Add tomato juice to it, salt and pepper. Saute the flour in butter (1 tablespoon) and put in the sauce. Bring it to a boil and simmer over low heat until it thickens. Then cool the sauce, add Bechamel to it and beat in a blender. Pour the sauce over the finished lasagne and serve.

Pancakes "Omonier"
Boiled tongue - 50 g
Bacon - 25 g
Ham - 30 g
Butter - 15 g
Onions - 10 g
Gherkins - 15 g
Mushroom sauce - 50 ml
Bechamel sauce - 40 ml
Flour - 3 tablespoons
Eggs - 1 pc
Milk - 200 ml
Vegetable oil - 25 ml
Green onions - 5 g
Salt to taste
Tongue, bacon, ham, gherkins, onions cut into small cubes and lightly fry in butter, then add sauces (mushroom and bechamel) and simmer until tender. From the prepared dough (milk, egg, flour, salt, whipped until smooth), fry the pancakes and put the minced meat in them. Then we form bags from pancakes. We use green onion feathers as a culinary string.
Serve pancakes with sour cream.

The subtleties of cooking pancakes
If you pour a few tablespoons of fat into the pancake dough and stir well, then the pan will not need to be greased every time.

Sturgeon with béchamel sauce
Sturgeon - 350 g
Butter - 25 g
White wine - 30 ml
Champignons - 50 g
Pepper to taste
Salt to taste
Milk - 110 ml
Oil - 10 g
Flour - 10 g
Cut the fish fillet without skin and cartilage into portioned pieces, salt, sprinkle with black pepper and simmer for 10 minutes in wine and butter. Wipe raw fresh mushrooms, simmer them in oil and prepare mashed potatoes. Prepare the béchamel sauce from milk, butter and flour, add mushroom puree and juice, in which the fish was stewed, to it. Pour a little sauce into the pan so that the fish is completely covered with it, and bake in a highly heated oven. We serve in the same dish.

Bechamel - one of the five main French sauces once again confirms to us the truth “everything ingenious is simple”.

The first mention of this sauce appeared in Le Cuisinier François , a book published in 1651 and written by the chef of Louis 14th, François Pierre de La Farenne (1615-1678). This book was reprinted 30 times over the next 75 years and it is believed that it was she who defined and founded French cuisine. The sauce got its name in order to flatter the nobleman of the court, the Marquis Louis de Bechamel, Marquis of Nuatel (1603-1703), once the former head of the French province of Brittany. Often and unfairly, the Marquis is indicated as the inventor of this sauce, while the name of the simple chef, to whom we really owe the appearance of Bechamel, remains unknown.
They say that this sauce was born by accident. It's just that the chef decided to add some cream to the usual thick white Veloute sauce ("veloute" or "parisienne"). Since then, for several centuries, Bechamel sauce has been popular all over the world. It is easy to prepare and versatile to use, as it goes equally well with hot meat, fish and vegetable dishes. In addition, it is easy to modify and supplement. Various additives can be added to this sauce, each time getting a new shade of taste. For example, in Holland and Belgium, they like to add ground nutmeg to Bechamel, and in France - bay leaves and very finely chopped onions. Bechamel sauce can be used as a dressing for low-calorie salads, or used as a dressing in many soups and pureed soups. Bechamel is a must-have for Bolognese lasagna. And due to the fact that when baked, the sauce is covered with a beautiful ruddy crust, it is with it that such a dish as julienne is prepared.
There is no one single correct recipe for making Bechamel sauce. But there are indispensable components and technological rules.
First of all, it is an oil and flour base. It is she who "binds" the sauce, giving it the necessary thickness. This base is called “Ru” (“Les roux”), and according to the degree of roasting of flour it is divided into brown “Roux” (“Roux brun”) and light brown “Roux” (“Roux blond”). Ru is characterized by the predominance of oil over flour. For 100 grams of butter - 1 tablespoon (top) of wheat flour.
The second component is broth. The amount of broth depends on the basis on which you are preparing the Bechamel. If it is thick sour cream, or thick rustic cream, then more broth can be used. If this is ordinary liquid cream or milk, then the broth should be as concentrated as possible, and added literally in the volume of a few spoons.
What exactly to use as a third, dairy component, cream, milk or sour cream - you decide for yourself. They are equally well suited for making Bechamel.
Here are three easy recipes for making sauce in precise proportions.
Bechamel with cream (classic)
You will need:
100 grams of butter
1 tablespoon flour, heaped
3-4 tablespoons of concentrated broth
250 grams of cream 20%
Salt - 1/3 teaspoon
Spices to taste (pepper, nutmeg)

In a skillet or skillet with high sides, melt the butter over low heat.

Add flour and stir with a spatula so that no lumps remain. The flour should only be slightly "dissolved" in oil, but in no case should it be overcooked.

As soon as the flour dissolves in oil, foams, but has not yet changed color to light brown, pour cold broth into a saucepan and stir.

While stirring, pour in the cold cream in a thin stream. Add salt and spices.

Bring to a boil. Almost immediately, the sauce will thicken to the desired consistency. Stir the finished Béchamel well again until smooth.

If you are not going to use the sauce right away, pour it into any suitable container with a tight lid. Melt a small piece of butter separately, and gently pour a thin layer onto the surface of the sauce. A layer of butter will keep the sauce from drying out and keep it for several days.

Bechamel with milk (light)
Simplified sauce recipe, no broth.
You will need:
100 grams of butter
1 tablespoon flour (top)
250 ml milk
1/3 teaspoon salt
Spices (such as white pepper) on the tip of a knife

Melt the butter over low heat in a skillet or saucepan, add flour and stir well.

Heat the flour in oil (about half a minute). Then, while stirring constantly, pour in the cold milk in a thin stream. Season with salt and pepper. Bring the sauce to a boil and simmer, stirring in the same way, for about a minute. Until the sauce thickens.

Remove the prepared sauce from the stove. If you are not going to use it right away, pour it into a suitable container with a lid, fill it with a thin layer of butter, as described in the previous recipe, and store in the refrigerator.

Bechamel with sour cream (public catering option)
You will need:
100 grams of butter
1 heaped tablespoon flour
1 cup (250 ml) any meat broth
2 tablespoons sour cream (25% fat)
Salt, 1/3 teaspoon if stock is unsalted
Spices of your choice

Melt the butter

and lightly fry the flour in it.

Pour in the cold broth in small portions, stirring well so that no lumps form. Then add sour cream, stir well and bring to a boil. Add salt (if unsalted broth) and spices.

Let the sauce simmer for about a minute, exactly until it begins to thicken. At the same time, do not forget to constantly stir the Bechamel with a wooden spatula or a whisk. Remove the prepared sauce from the stove. Store in the refrigerator.

You can adjust the thickness of the sauce you make to your liking. Depending on in what capacity you are going to use Bechamel. Slightly thinner if it serves as a gravy for the main course, and slightly thicker if you intend to bake vegetables, meat, pasta or julienne with this sauce. You should not change the proportions to achieve greater density. It is enough just to hold the sauce on the stove a little longer than usual.
Bon Appetit!

Bechamel sauce. The zest of European cuisine is also a full-fledged sauce, and at the same time is used as a basis for creating others. It has long become indispensable in the preparation of lasagna and soufflé, various casseroles.

Sauce history

How the sauce appeared is not known. But there are several versions. The first claims that the sauce was invented by the royal chef François Pierre de la Varene (the founder of haute cuisine in Versailles), because it was in his book that his recipe was first published.

According to another legend, the sauce was invented by Louis de Béchamelet, Marquis de Nointel, chamberlain at the court of Louis XIV.

How to make the sauce

  • Bechamel sauce is quite easy to prepare. And to make it perfect, you don't have to be a chef. It is prepared using milk and ru (a mixture of wheat flour and butter - ed.). By the way, before creating this mixture, the sauce was thickened with bread.
  • An ideal duet can be made with béchamel sauce with fish, vegetables, pasta and omelettes.
  • By the way, it is customary to keep the sauce in a water bath until it is served from the table. At the same time, a piece of butter is placed on top so that a crust does not form on the sauce.

And today we offer you to make a classic béchamel sauce.


  • Butter - 50 g
  • Flour - 50 g
  • Milk - 500 ml
  • Salt to taste
  • White pepper (ground) - to taste

Cooking method

Melt the butter over low heat. Make sure that the oil is not fried, in which case the sauce will turn out not white, but yellow or brown.

Add flour to the melted butter and begin to quickly rub it with butter with a wooden spatula and beat with a whisk.

In a thin stream and in small portions (literally on a spoon), start introducing cold milk, stirring and whipping the sauce each time until smooth. Fire is the minimum possible, or even remove the pan from the stove.

Introduce less milk. When it becomes clear that there are no lumps in the sauce, add the remaining milk, increase the heat to medium, bring to a boil and simmer the sauce over medium heat for 5-7 minutes.

Season the prepared sauce with salt and pepper.

Read how to make vegetable moussaka with béchamel sauce.