Argan is an amazing Moroccan tree - galyagorshenina. Iron tree argan prickly - argan oil

09.08.2019 Fish dishes

The amazing properties of argan oil became known not so long ago, almost at the end of the last century. Meanwhile, the Berbers have used it for centuries in facial and body skin care, as well as in the treatment of various skin diseases and other ailments. Today, this product with a mass of useful and medicinal properties is widely used in medicine, cooking, as well as in the field of cosmetology and dermatocosmetology.

Useful properties and uses of argan oil.
This herbal product is included in the list of the most expensive, rarest and most valuable oils in the world. It is not for nothing that it is considered the “Liquid Gold of Morocco”. Thanks to its unique composition, this natural product has a variety of beneficial properties. It is obtained from the seeds of the fruit of the Argan tree, also known as the Iron Tree or Argania Spinosa. Basically, the place of its distribution is the south-west of Morocco, the Atlas Mountains region. The fruits of this tree are harvested and dried, and then manually peeled of fibers and shells. Edible or culinary argan oil is obtained by pressing the pre-fried pits of the argan tree. It has a pleasant nutty scent. Cosmetic argan oil is produced in the same way, only in the process of pressing the bones are not fried, due to which vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances are preserved in the product to the maximum. It is practically odorless, therefore it is widely used in the treatment of various diseases, not only of the skin, but also in the care of the skin, nails and hair. By the way, it is recommended to use it for owners of damaged, brittle and split ends. It perfectly restores damaged hair structure, restores shine, health and silkiness. This product is used in the complex treatment of oily dandruff, alopecia and seborrhea.

The specific composition of this unique product determines its popularity and widespread use in the field of cosmetology. In particular, it is used by well-known cosmetic companies in the production of natural cosmetics (for example, "Galenic", "Yves Rocher", "Dr. Hauschka"), in beauty salons as a component of effective face and body skin care products, as well as food and medical purposes. Argan oil has exceptional skin benefits, especially for dry skin types. It has a nourishing, moisturizing effect, preventing dehydration, chapping, excessive dryness, flaking and tightness.

Such popularity and effectiveness of the oil is due to its composition, namely, the content of unsaturated fatty acids (mega-6, omega-9), including linoleic acid (by the way, our body can get it only from the outside, it does not synthesize it itself). These acids inhibit the aging process of the skin at the cellular level, lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, and also reduce the likelihood of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system and significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment of this group of diseases. Due to the huge number of vitamins (especially vitamin E), polyphenols, tocopherols and stearins, argan oil has pronounced antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and protective properties (UV protection).

It is impossible not to mention the remarkable restorative, tonic, regenerating and rejuvenating properties of argan oil, which have a beneficial effect on fading, wrinkled and flabby skin, increasing its elasticity and firmness, smoothing the relief, "erasing" shallow wrinkles, age spots and slowing down further aging processes. In addition, the light composition of this oil makes it possible to use it in the care of especially sensitive skin of the eyelids and décolleté area. It also gives a positive effect when systematically used as a treatment for acne and acne, and in general when caring for problem skin, which is due to its anti-inflammatory effect, as well as the ability to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. With the systematic use of this unique herbal product, the lipid balance of the skin is restored, as well as the natural production of collagen and elastin by the body is stimulated.

Among other things, argan oil is able to soothe, repair and heal wounds, therefore it is often recommended for the treatment of various kinds of diseases and skin lesions (abrasions, dry eczema, psoriasis, cuts, fungal dermatoses, neurodermatitis, acne, urticaria, neurodermatitis, burns, etc.) etc.), as well as their consequences (scars and scars). In addition, it is an excellent prophylactic agent for postpartum stretch marks.

When used externally, this medicinal product helps to accelerate blood circulation, rapid healing and restoration of the epithelium, perfectly relieves pain in muscles and joints, providing an analgesic effect. Experts often recommend it as a massage agent in the treatment of gout, osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, and cellulite.

When consumed systematically, argan oil brings blood pressure and heart rate to normal, restores the rheological properties of blood, and prevents inflammation in the vessels. As a rule, this type of oil is recommended as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for hypertension, varicose veins, thrombosis, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, etc. Also, just a couple of tablespoons of it during the day prevents the development of infections of a bacterial and fungal nature. It should also be noted that systematic use of argan oil several times reduces the likelihood of the occurrence and development of malignant tumors, increases the body's defenses, and also stimulates the elimination of harmful substances accumulated in it from the body. Eating this oil significantly eases the condition of women in menopause, helps obese patients and those suffering from type I diabetes.

Not everyone knows about the ability of this oil to favorably affect the state of the female and male genitourinary system (including the synthesis of sex hormones and spermatogenesis), improve the functioning of the visual apparatus, preventing the development of diseases of the organs of vision (glaucoma, cataracts, "night blindness", etc.). NS.). In addition, one cannot fail to note the beneficial effect of argan oil on the functioning of the liver, the digestive system (in particular, it increases the production of insulin by the pancreas).

In addition to medicinal and cosmetic purposes, argan oil is quite popular in cooking, it is used as a product for frying, dressing salads, and an additional component in the preparation of delicious and nutritious breakfasts.

Ways to use argan oil for skin.
By the way, argan oil is considered universal, so it can be used by owners of any skin type. It can be used as a standalone product, as an additional component to various cosmetic formulations (day, night creams, balms, masks, makeup remover milk, sunscreens, hygiene products, etc.), as well as in combination with essential oils. In addition, it is very popular in aromatherapy. It can also be used as a base vegetable oil in various oil masks and homemade creams.

This oil in its pure form or in composition with other cosmetic plant and essential oils should be applied with a cosmetic cotton swab to the skin, including the eyelids, and then gently patted (preferably in combination with massage) into the skin for several minutes. After thirty minutes, remove the remnants of the product, slightly blotting it with a paper napkin.

In the treatment of problem skin, argan oil is mixed in equal proportion with black cumin oil and this mixture is used twice a day, lubricating problem areas.

In case of existing external skin lesions, to accelerate healing and relieve inflammation, argan oil is applied pointwise to the affected areas.

Homemade Argan Oil Recipes.

For body.
With a decrease in tone, elasticity of the skin of the body, massage with argan oil should be done. The oil is rubbed in until it is completely absorbed.

For a toning effect while taking a bath or shower, it is recommended to add eight drops of argan oil to the gel or foam.

If you mix this oil (a tablespoon) with an essential component (for example, neroli or tangerine five drops), you get an excellent remedy for stretch marks. Massage the problem areas with the mixture until it is completely absorbed. For the same purposes, you can use another composition: mix 50 ml of the base with lemon and tangerine oil, taken in three drops.

This unique vegetable extract is good for protecting the skin of the face and body from harmful ultraviolet radiation. It is recommended to apply argan oil to the skin before and after going to the tanning booth.

Hair masks.
The following mask has a nourishing and regenerating effect for dry and damaged hair: beat an egg yolk with a teaspoon of argan oil, then add two teaspoons of olive oil and five drops of lavender and sage essential oils to the mixture. Distribute the composition through the hair and massage into the scalp forty minutes before washing, wrap it in a plastic bag and a towel.

To nourish and moisturize the scalp and hair, make a mask with a mixture of castor oil (teaspoon), argan oil (two teaspoons), ten drops of lavender oil and five drops of sage oil. Spread the mixture on the scalp and let stand for half an hour.

The following mask recipe can strengthen weakened and brittle hair: combine a teaspoon of argan oil with the same amount of burdock oil. After application, let it stand for half an hour, then rinse with shampoo.

To give elasticity and shine to the hair, mix two teaspoons of argan oil and an essential component (this can be karite, macadamia, hazelnuts). Stir the composition thoroughly and distribute through the hair. Withstand the mask for forty minutes, then rinse.

Face masks.
You can moisturize and nourish dry skin with the help of this mask: grind the proteins from two chicken eggs with two tablespoons of chopped oatmeal, add half a teaspoon of argan oil, 30 g of liquid honey (otherwise melt in a water bath). Mix everything thoroughly and apply on a previously cleansed face, excluding the area around the eyes. After twenty minutes, wash off with warm and then cool water.

Masks based on argan oil and cosmetic clay help to improve the complexion. Dilute a tablespoon of clay powder suitable for your skin type with warm water until it becomes a non-liquid sour cream and enrich with five drops of argan oil. Spread the mass on the face and stand for fifteen minutes, rinse with warm water.

For hands and nails.
To eliminate brittleness and delamination of nails, a massage oil mixture is recommended: mix five drops of argan oil with the same amount of lemon juice. Rub the mixture into the nail plate overnight.

Massage mixture for beautiful hand skin. To prepare it, mix in equal proportions argan, chamomile and hazelnut oils. It is advisable to heat the mixture in a water bath until warm. Massage the skin of the hands, paying attention to the nail plate and

Proponents of natural cosmetics and alternative medicine know what unrivaled results can be obtained from various plants and products based on them. One of the extremely rare representatives of the flora used for such purposes is the argan tree. You may have seen on drugstore shelves the oil obtained from the amazing fruits of this plant. If its price is too high, then this is the very vitamin product that can significantly transform the epidermis and increase the defenses of the human body. There are good reasons why it is so expensive and considered so valuable. They will be discussed below.

General information about the plant

Argan is a long-lived plant, it can be found only in some parts of our planet. In nature, there are specimens whose age is counted in centuries (the oldest is 400 years old). Where does the argan tree grow? Its distribution area is Algeria, Morocco, some parts of the Sahara Desert. In the wild, it can be found in Mexico.

Belongs to the sopot family, is a monotypic genus - Argania prickly. The plant has another name - "iron tree", it got it thanks to twisted strong trunks. Their height reaches 6 meters.

A rare specimen has thorny shoots and a fairly deep root system, extending 30 meters into the soil. A photo of an argan tree perfectly illustrates the power and luxury of this plant. The leaf plates are medium-sized, oval in shape and about 3 cm long. The flowers consist of five petals of a pale green or yellow hue. Fruits are small, similar to plums, slightly larger than olive in size, their skin is yellow. Inside the fleshy pulp is a strong bone, which, in turn, has three almond-shaped kernels.

The tree blooms in April, has an interesting aroma, with pronounced accents of spices and walnut.

It is quite problematic to cultivate a plant as a cultural one. It is propagated by seeds that germinate very poorly. Currently, biologists have managed to grow a small argan plantation from the shoots. The exotic garden is located in the Negev Desert.

Although the oil is exported to many countries, according to Moroccan law, it is not allowed to export the fruits of this rare plant outside the state. Eminent cosmetics companies in Europe offered the government of the country to formalize a deal to buy out plantations with trees. However, he defended his interests by protecting state property. Now the plantations are still at the disposal of the local authorities and presented as a biosphere reserve.


Oil is highly valued even in its homeland, where it has its own name - “liquid gold”. The scope of the argan tree is so wide that superstitious Africans consider it sacred. The oil obtained from its seeds is used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. In addition, local residents use wood as building materials and fuel. Lamps and icon lamps are filled with liquid. Charcoal is harvested from the solid stem of the plant. Fruits and branches are used for animal feed, goats and camels feed on shoots.

The purpose for which the oil of the plant is used depends on the degree of processing or cleaning of the fruit. The main product is obtained from the nucleoli extracted from the bone. It can serve as an auxiliary component in various types of industries, as well as as an independent tool.

The collection of valuable fruits is carried out by cooperatives specializing in the supply of raw materials, the main workers in which are Berber women (representatives of the Moroccan tribe).

Time-consuming process of procurement of raw materials

The process of obtaining oil has basically not changed since antiquity, until now this technology is carried out mainly by hand. It is divided into two types - culinary and cosmetic. The first is characterized by a richer taste, color and aroma.

For the production of one liter of the product, from 80 to 100 kg of fruits are processed. This amount of raw materials can be obtained from 13 argan trees. Since the peel of the seeds is very strong, and you need to get the kernels out of them, the work requires a lot of physical effort and a lot of time. As a result, women receive 3-5 kg ​​of seeds. This takes them almost two working days.

To produce an edible oil, the kernels are lightly fried. Then they are placed under a press and the oil is mechanically squeezed out. The product goes through a filtration process. For this purpose, special paper is used. Before embarking on this laborious process, the fruits of the argan tree are pre-dried in the sun, and the fibers are removed from them.

An exclusively manual method of obtaining a useful component allows you to preserve all its substances as much as possible. Recently, a new method has become known - a chemical one, it is considered sterile, but the oil obtained in this way is only suitable for scientific research and industrial purposes.

In Morocco, you can observe an unimaginably interesting picture, which is not possible to see in any other part of the world - goats freely walk along the thorny branches of an exotic plant. The argan tree serves as a source of their favorite food. It is noteworthy that animals eat only the skin of the fruit, throwing the rest of them on the ground. So they, without realizing it, take part in the preparation of raw materials for a valuable product. Having passed the first stage of extraordinary cleaning, the fruits fall into the hands of a person for their further processing.


The argan product contains fatty acids: ferulonic, palmitic, stearic. The oil contains squalene (antioxidant), triterpene alcohols, phytosterols, polyphenols, vitamin E.

Due to its rich composition, the product has many useful properties, which allows it to be used in various production areas.

Healing properties

First of all, the oil of the rarest tree has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. In the course of scientific research, it has been proven that the remedy strengthens blood vessels, heart, normalizes blood pressure and glucose levels. If you consume two tablespoons of the product every morning, you can lower cholesterol.

The oil is a natural fungicide and antibiotic. Applications with the use of a medicinal product prevent tissue destructive processes in rheumatism and arthritis.


The traditional food of the Moroccans in the old days was a sauce in which they dipped bread. This dressing consisted of two ingredients: honey and oil.

Workers of restaurants and elite establishments around the world know firsthand about the argan tree. The first courses of vegetables and legumes, meat, poultry are seasoned with oil. It is added to salads in pure or mixed form. It even goes well with fruits and nuts. To soften the flavor of the ingredient, it is diluted with other oils, such as olive or grape seed.

To create a spicy taste, it is enough to add 5 drops of oil to any dish - and it will pleasantly surprise you.


Although a rare plant is not included in the pharmacology of Russia, in our country oil made from medicinal fruits is known as a product of alternative medicine. It is recommended for burns, cracks in the skin, neurodermatitis.

In dietetics, the argan tree product is only gaining popularity. It has been noted to improve appetite and at the same time help shed those extra pounds. This is due to its composition, in which 85% falls on unsaturated fatty acids. These are those that are not synthesized on their own and must enter the human body together in food or through the epidermis. Acids are responsible for lipid metabolism, maintain the natural moisture of the skin at the proper level.


And in cosmetology, argan oil is used for the production of soaps, creams, masks and other caring products. It is added to products for strengthening nails and hair. The component has a colossal effect on the epidermis. Thanks to its soothing and antiseptic action, it quickly removes irritation of the skin, making it velvety and smooth. The oil has high protective properties, well nourishes and restores the skin. Due to the presence in its composition of unsaturated fatty acids and a complex of vitamins, it is used in the elimination of sunburn, prevents premature aging of the skin. In the summer, it is good to use the remedy as protection against ultraviolet radiation.

If you use shampoos and masks on a regular basis, you can significantly improve the condition of the hair, its structure. Products that contain oil help fight dandruff, give curls a shine and silkiness. Eliminating unwanted shine, they make strands of elasticity, obedient.

There are bath oils and massage oils on sale. There is a useful component in the composition of cosmetics from French manufacturers. They are the ones who buy raw materials in large quantities for the development of their products.

Using oil at home

If you have already purchased a healthy oil in a pharmacy, then discover all the secrets of beauty and health that the argan tree is fraught with. At home, you can make creams and masks that are no worse than production tools. You can add it to absolutely any cosmetic formulations that you are used to using. The main thing is that a high quality product is chosen.

You can prepare a face mask. To do this, you only need a teaspoon of a healthy product. It will need to be mixed with a pre-prepared mixture. We take: 2 tbsp. l. oat flour, 2 proteins, one tablespoon of honey. The resulting gruel is thoroughly mixed with argan oil and applied to the face. After 20 minutes, we wash off and carry out a contrasting wash - first with slightly hot, and then with cool water.

To restore too dry skin on your hands, you need to mix several types of oils: hazelnut, chamomile and argan. Heat the mixture in a water bath. The product can be massaged into the skin or used as a hand bath.

For the treatment of nail plates, the oil can be applied in its pure form.

To strengthen the hair, you need to apply the product undiluted for half an hour, and then rinse with water. For the best effect, you can mix it with burdock oil.

It is good to use compresses from argan oil for people suffering from joint diseases, sciatica.

The Argan tree (Argania Spinosa or Argania prickly) is a truly unique natural phenomenon for many reasons. From its fruits, a very valuable argan oil is made, which is still produced only by hand. Argan oil has unique properties that no other cosmetic product in the world has. Actually, I will tell and show you today a lot of interesting things on this topic;)

Firstly, Argan (a) grows only naturally and only in a few regions of Morocco in the southern part of the Atlas Mountains. And, despite all the achievements of modern technology, these trees have not yet learned to cultivate artificially. An incredible number of attempts at transplanting mature trees and growing seedlings in other countries and regions have been unsuccessful - the trees do not bear fruit anywhere. Therefore, there are not so many of them in the world and they are very valuable. UNESCO and the UN are actively involved in the conservation of this unique plant.

Thirdly, the bark of the tree and the wood itself are incredibly dense, for which the people got their name "iron tree". Its branches are covered with thorns. The life span of a tree is on average about a hundred years, but many live for 150-200 years. Berber wood is used as fuel and building material. Leaves feed on nomadic Moroccan goats, and fruit pulp is used as food for horses and other domesticated animals.

The fruits of the argan tree ripen for about a year. Outwardly, they look like green olives. In June-July, when they ripen and their skin dries up and darkens, the fruits fall from the tree and are manually harvested for further processing.

The fruit is characterized by a layered structure: the outer layer is the skin and pulp, the middle layer is the nut shell, the inner layer is the kernel of the nut. It is the nucleoli (seeds) extracted from the fruits that are subsequently used to obtain a very rare and valuable argan oil used in cosmetology and cooking. I found a visual picture, but only argan seeds are white, and brown on top is their peel :) Raw argan seeds are similar to pumpkin seeds, only with a more bitter and pungent flavor.

Until now, the production of butter is an exclusively manual labor, similar to a ritual. The oil is squeezed out of the seeds by cold pressing. Only women do all the work. First, the fruits are cleaned of the skin and pulp (basket on the left - with whole fruits, on the right - only nuts):

Then the women cleverly split the walnut shells with cobblestones on a huge stone and extract the seeds. Cracking a nut without crumbling a seed takes years of hard training. It is not as easy as it seems, and everyone who tries to do it fails - either on their fingers, or the nut together with the seed crumble into dust ...

After that, the seeds fall under the antediluvian stone press, which is twisted clockwise, grinding the seeds until the raw crude primary oil is squeezed out of them ...

The oil is scrolled again, cleaning it (this is a photo from the Internet):

Such delicious cakes are made from dirty cake, which smell very tasty and resemble rolls. But they are completely inedible and are used for the production of hair products and soaps :) Waste-free production!

Argan factories are rather small. Manual labor is used for two reasons. The first reason - no machine can give such a yield of whole seeds (namely, whole seeds retain the greatest percentage of oil, crumbled ones are useless) and taste. And the second, most important, work has been passed down from generation to generation through the female line for centuries, this is experience and guaranteed jobs in poor regions, which good-natured Moroccans will never deprive their women of.

Around the factories, there are always mountains of cleanings from argan nuts, which are used for flooring in a stable for livestock, for laying floors and for decorative crafts:

Prehistoric spinning mills are used as a leisure and hobby from almost round-the-clock work in factories. I'll tell you about shells next time, this topic deserves a separate post.

Argan oil is considered one of the rarest and most expensive vegetable oils in the world. It has a golden yellow color of varying saturation and a pronounced sweetish nutty smell, with a touch of (sort of) spices. Since ancient times, it has found its application for medicinal, food and cosmetic purposes, and is widely used to this day. It is distinguished by a high content of vitamin E and vitamin F (unsaturated fatty acids), contains a rich composition of trace elements, is good for the skin and hair, for the nervous, immune and digestive systems ... It is produced in two separate forms - for food and for cosmetic needs.

The main cosmetic properties of argan oil are nutrition, hydration and rejuvenation of the skin. With regular use, it eliminates flaking and a feeling of tightness, moisturizes well, and nourishes the skin with essential nutrients. It has tonic, regenerating and rejuvenating properties. The oil has strong anti-inflammatory properties, soothing, regenerating and wound healing properties, and is widely used in the treatment of burns, abrasions and skin lesions. It can be used both as a pure product (directly as a cosmetic oil), as well as for adding to face and body creams, for preparing oil mixtures for massage, and as an aromatic oil.

In the food version, it can be eaten in its natural form (dipping pieces of bread cake in butter), it can be used to add to ready-made dishes and for dressing salads.

In Morocco, a national sweet called Amlou is very common - this is argan oil mixed with grated nuts, most often and tastiest of all - with almonds, but slightly cheaper and more common - with peanuts. In stores, it is sold in beautiful small jars for a high price (100-300 dirhams for 100-250 grams), but huge blue plastic jars of 20-25 liters with "corporate" price illustrations of nuts and a price of 25-30 are noticeable in the markets from afar. -40 dirham per pound. Amlu never spoils and is stored without a refrigerator. Its taste differs depending on the proportions of the nut mass and the amount of argan and / or olive oil. The cheaper option will be more liquid and with a distinct taste of olive oil, which is naturally poured more than argan oil :) A more expensive option is thick and argan amlyushechka. A big plus of the market is that you can try any amla before buying and buy the one whose taste you like best. Regarding sanitary conditions - do not worry, as you already understood, they are equally tame throughout Morocco;)

Even in Morocco, there are local traditional pharmacies everywhere, where you can buy not only argan oil, but also scales of the bald devil))) Seriously, the number of jars of spices, medicines, powders, ointments, creams, perfumes and more, boh-knows -that exceeds all conceivable limits ... Here you can find a remedy for anything and for anything.

But do not be fooled by their imaginary "civilization", it is in decent pharmacies that you will be divorced for money for nonsense. And in small inconspicuous "non-tourist" pharmacies, you can just buy amazing healing medicines and useful and pleasant things like natural dry mineral spirits with a mind-blowing ferromonic scent called Ambergris ...

Another national pride of Morocco is Saffron. You can buy it almost everywhere. But the highest quality saffron is sold in "civilized" pharmacies, where the conditions for its storage are better than in any small shop or on the market.

They say that argan oil is mandatory in the diet of all members of the royal family in Morocco, and that is why they retain their youth and beauty despite their age. The queen is somewhat similar to me, by the way :) In general, I brought home a whole liter of argan oil, a pound of amlu and a few cubes of wonderful aphrodisiac amber ... Oh, you need to take a picture of it and add it here :)

I hope you found it interesting and useful to spend your time on this post :) To be continued!

ARGANIA - an amazing tree in Morocco January 23rd, 2013

In the southwest of Morocco, in the valley of the Draa River on the outskirts of the Sahara, an amazing tree grows - Argania spinosa, which provides the life of the two million population of Moroccan Berbers.

For the Berbers, from time immemorial, Argania has been and remains a tree of life, since for them it is everything: it provides material for construction, fuel, food for people and animal feed, oil and medicine: from the branches of the tree, the Berbers build frames for their adobe huts, from the trunks make furniture, wood is used as firewood, leaves are fed to goats.
Argan oil is squeezed out of the nucleoli of the fruit - it is rich in vitamins and, depending on the degree of purification, is used for different purposes. It is added to cosmetics - it is believed to moisturize and rejuvenate the skin. Doctors treat them with atherosclerosis, chickenpox and rheumatism. A couple of drops of oil, added to a salad or tagine, gives food a delicate aroma and taste, it is used to fill lamps and lamps.

Argan seed oil is one of the most expensive herbal products in the world, comparable in price to truffles, oysters or black caviar. About 30 kilograms of fruit can be harvested from one tree. These fruits appear on the tree only once every two years.

Argan fruits are larger in size than olives, inside the fruit contains a hard core with 2-3 seeds rich in fats.

This is what the dried fruits of Argania look like:

For thousands of years, the technology for the production of argan oil has not changed - all the same manual harvesting, cleaning of pulp (and often Berbers collect goat droppings, in which these seeds undigested in the stomach have already been cleared of it),

they still split the fruits with stones, grind them in the same stone mills.

In this physically difficult process, female labor is used. It takes more than 1.5 days to get one liter of oil.
No matter how much Ivan and Sergey tried to turn the stone mill, they failed to squeeze out a drop of precious oil!

Argania is an evergreen deciduous tree, whose torturedly twisted trunks reach 8-10 meters in height, and the crown circumference is 14-15 meters. In search of water, the roots of the tree penetrate the sand to a depth of 30 meters. Thousands of sharp thorns protect the tree from being eaten by animals, but thorns are not an obstacle for camels - they willingly feed on the leaves and fruits of Argania. Goats have also adapted to the thorns, calmly galloping along the branches of the tree.

I had heard of Morocco's amazing tree-climbing goats before, but I was very skeptical about it. Until the moment I saw the following pictures on the way from Essaouira to Marrakech:





In a particularly severe drought, the tree sheds its leaves and stops growing, sometimes for several years.

According to experts, the Berbers annually harvest about 350 thousand tons of arganian fruits and receive 12 million liters of oil from them. This is very little: the world produces nearly 9 billion liters of sunflower oil annually, and about 3 billion liters of olive oil.

Depending on the type of processing, oil is divided into food and cosmetic. For the production of edible oil, the fruits are pre-fried, then they are cold pressed. Cosmetic oil is cold pressed from unroasted arganian fruits.

Edible Argan Oil:
Studies carried out in French and Moroccan laboratories and clinics have confirmed the positive effects of argan oil on the cardiovascular system. When consumed, 1-2 tablespoons on an empty stomach are observed: a decrease in blood cholesterol levels, blood pressure stabilizes, blood sugar stabilizes, appetite normalizes, and the body's immune system is strengthened. Argan oil is widely used in dietetics as it normalizes appetite and promotes weight loss.
It is an excellent remedy for the prevention of prostate cancer, obesity, miscarriages and premature birth. Is the strongest aphrodosiac - enhances libido.
The vitamin E content is twice that of olive oil. The oil contains plant sterols (phytosterols), which have anti-inflammatory properties and helps with arthritis.

Cosmetic Argan Oil:
Argan oil is a sensation in foreign cosmetology! It is unmatched for use in cosmetology:
Due to the content of unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants, the oil prevents skin dehydration, premature aging, restores the natural brightness of the skin;
Vitamin E also protects the skin from dehydration, nourishes, regenerates and enhances its healthy glow;
Argan oil reduces wrinkles, stretch marks, treats skin irritations: acne, psoriasis, eczema, eliminates the effects of chickenpox, burns, scars;
Argan oil is recommended for strengthening dry and damaged hair;
Argan oil is used to strengthen cracked and broken nails, protects them from external aggressions;
There are no fragrances, dyes, preservatives in the oil that can cause irritation.

Botanists estimate that an area in southwestern Morocco, recently declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO, has about two million trees in an area of ​​8,000 square kilometers.

I read about an interesting fact found when trying to propagate a tree: only a small part of the seeds germinate. There are suspicions that only those seeds germinate that have passed through the intestines of a camel or goat! (!)

I am very sorry that I learned such interesting information about argan oil only after returning home. Otherwise, all my luggage would have consisted of jars and bottles with cosmetic and edible oil of the amazing Moroccan tree - ARGANIA!

The following sources were used in the preparation of the materials.

In recent years, natural oils have been actively replacing "chemical" cosmetics. The trend is quite understandable, because "grandmother's" recipes offer a ready-made (and most importantly, safe) solution to many problems with appearance. Surely, and on your bathroom shelves there is one for skin or burdock for hair. And what do you know about such a product as?

Where does argania grow

The "iron" (argan) tree is one of the rarest plants on the planet. His plantations are located in the southwestern part of Morocco. The Berber tribes inhabiting this part of Africa call the Argan “the tree of life”, and this title is fully justified. Argan groves not only protect the soil from erosion and dehydration, but also fully provide local residents. The wood is used as a building material and fuel, and the fruit is used to produce expensive oil and pet food.

The bone of a small fleshy fruit (slightly smaller than a plum) contains 2-3 nucleoli, similar to an almond. From them, by cold pressing, vegetable oil, the most valuable in its properties (and also in cost), is obtained.

The argan tree bears fruit only once every two years. After harvesting, the fruits are dried in the sun, cleaned of fibers and the seeds are manually extracted from them. The shell of the stone is 16 times stronger than the shell of hazel or hazelnuts, so processing of raw materials requires considerable physical effort. To obtain one liter of argan oil, about 50 kg of "cream" (1.5 kg of nucleoli) and 12 hours of continuous labor are required. No wonder the product is so expensive.

Types of Moroccan "gold"

Three types of argan oil can be found on store shelves:

  • Cold pressed from roasted seeds. Used in cooking.
  • Cold pressed from unroasted seeds. Suitable for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.
  • Light. It is also made from unprocessed seeds to preserve all the beneficial properties.

The argan oil scent resembles that of almonds, and the color ranges from deep red to deep yellow. The culinary "version" tastes like pumpkin seed oil with a light spice and nut aftertaste.

Beneficial features

The Berber gift contains many useful trace elements and vitamins:

  • Oligo-linoleic acids. They enter our body only from the outside. They are responsible for the youthfulness of the skin at the cellular level.
  • takes part in the healing of wounds and injuries.
  • Saponins and Alpha-Tocopherols. Natural antioxidants prevent the formation of wrinkles and remove harmful substances from the body.
  • Polyphenols fight inflammation.

Argan oil contains no toxic and potentially hazardous components, which makes it an ideal cosmetic product.

Effects on facial skin

A natural question arises: what are the magical properties of argan oil, that the beauties of the whole world are ready to pay a lot of money for it?

Argan oil is found in many cosmetics

Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Softening, nourishing and skin. For this, let's say thanks to the Omega-6 and Omega-9 acids, as well as squalene.
  • Restoring lipid balance and, as a result, improving the protective functions of the skin.
  • Increase of firmness and elasticity, relief restoration. It is due to phytosterols and carotenoids, which stimulate the synthesis of elastin and.
  • Acceleration of natural regeneration (especially important in case of damage and problem skin).
  • Protection against inflammation and irritation. Argan normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands and improves the condition of oily and combination skin.
  • UV barrier. Antioxidants protect against harmful sun rays, reduce the likelihood of pigmentation and early wrinkles.

Argan oil can be used in its pure form, diluted with creams and shampoos, added to various:

  • ... Mix equal parts of the base with black seed oil and wipe down the problem areas daily.
  • For dry skin. In a spoonful of the base, add a spoonful of oatmeal, honey and egg yolk. Keep it on for 20 minutes.
  • Argan oil . Apply a spoonful of foundation and a couple of drops of rose oil to your face.
  • For oily skin. Mix the whipped protein with a spoonful of butter, apply for 15 minutes.
  • With combination skin. You will need a spoonful of base, almond oil, blue clay and some water. Leave the mask on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.
  • Universal mask. 2 tablespoons of base, a spoonful of fresh yogurt without additives, a spoonful of chopped avocado pulp and a spoonful of honey. Keep the mixture on your face for no more than 10 minutes.

If you don't have time to prepare masks, you can simply enrich your regular cream with argan. Do not overdo it: one teaspoon in a standard 50 ml jar will be enough.

Use for the body

Perhaps the main charm of argan oil is that it copes well with stretch marks and cellulite. The only contraindication for procedures is breastfeeding.

  • Argan oil body masks:
    Against fresh stretch marks. Mix 6 tablespoons of oil with 25 drops of aloe vera essential oil, apply to problem areas and massage well. Unabsorbed residues can be blotted with a napkin.
  • Against old stretch marks. Mix 50 ml of argan oil, 15 drops of coriander oil and 20 drops of grapefruit oil. Use a massage product.
  • Prevention of stretch marks (including during pregnancy). Lubricate the "risk zones" with a composition of a spoonful of argan oil and 7 drops of neroli. The second version of the mixture is 50 ml of the base plus 3 drops of lemon and tangerine oil.
  • ... Warm argan in a water bath to body temperature and rub into problem areas. Massage the body for a few minutes, then wrap the treated areas with parchment paper and wrap with a terry towel. Keep the compress for 15-20 minutes.
  • Anti-cellulite plus scrub. Rub a mixture of olive oil and sea salt (1: 1) in a circular motion into the cellulite areas. After 5 minutes of massage, wash off the scrub with warm water and rub the skin with lemon wedges. Rinse off again with water and apply argan oil according to the scheme from the previous recipe.
  • Stretch marks on the chest (the recipe cannot be used if you are breastfeeding). You will need 10 ml of argan, 30 ml of rosehip oil, a couple of drops each of geranium, myrtle, rosewood, immortelle and incense gum. The mixture should be applied in the morning and evening for several weeks. Argan oil can be used as a lip balm - just mix it with liquid honey and apply for 20-25 minutes. To strengthen nails, massage the cuticles and nail holes with a little oil. Unabsorbed residues can be spread evenly over the skin of the hands.

Winter is the time to pamper your hands with a healthy bath. You will need a spoonful of argan, chamomile and hazelnut oil each. Heat this mixture to 37-38 degrees and dip your hands into it. The effect of the procedure will be enhanced if supplemented with massage.

For hair

Nourishing oil is often used to treat damaged and brittle hair. It moisturizes the scalp, saturates the hair follicles with vitamins, improves blood circulation and normalizes sebum production. Argan can be used in its pure form. To do this, spread a couple of tablespoons of the oil over your palms and massage it into your scalp and hair. Wrap your hair with a plastic cap and warm with a towel. Leave the mask on for an hour and then wash your hair thoroughly. For maximum results, leave the compress overnight.

To enhance the growth of hair and prevent alopecia, you can use the following recipes:

  • Apply a mixture of burdock oil and argan to your hair according to the previous scheme. The course of treatment is 10 masks.
  • In a spoonful of base, add egg yolk, 2 teaspoons of olive oil, 10 drops each of lavender and sage. Keep the mask for 15 minutes.

The benefits of "liquid gold" in Morocco have been proven for millennia. However, before you try argan oil products, make sure that you do not have an individual intolerance. Apply a few drops to the elbow and wait a few hours. If redness or swelling appears, the oil should not be used.